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synced 2025-03-12 11:52:12 +00:00
Cleaned up strig handling functions in game DLLs. Refactored ThrowGib(), ThrowHead() and ThrowDebris() functions in missionpack DLL.
228 lines
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228 lines
7.8 KiB
#include "g_local.h"
/*we get silly velocity-effects when we are on ground and try to
accelerate, so lift us a little bit if possible*/
qboolean Jet_AvoidGround( edict_t *ent )
vec3_t new_origin;
trace_t trace;
qboolean success;
/*Check if there is enough room above us before we change origin[2]*/
new_origin[0] = ent->s.origin[0];
new_origin[1] = ent->s.origin[1];
new_origin[2] = ent->s.origin[2] + 0.5;
trace = gi.trace( ent->s.origin, ent->mins, ent->maxs, new_origin, ent, MASK_PLAYERSOLID );
if ( success=(trace.plane.normal[2]==0) )
/*no ceiling?*/
ent->s.origin[2] += 0.5;
/*then make sure off ground*/
return success;
/*If a player dies with activated jetpack this function will be called
and produces a little explosion*/
void Jet_BecomeExplosion( edict_t *ent, int damage )
gi.WriteByte( svc_temp_entity );
gi.WriteByte( TE_EXPLOSION1 );
/*TE_EXPLOSION2 is possible too*/
gi.WritePosition( ent->s.origin );
gi.multicast( ent->s.origin, MULTICAST_PVS );
gi.sound( ent, CHAN_BODY, gi.soundindex("misc/udeath.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0 );
if (level.num_reflectors)
ReflectExplosion (TE_EXPLOSION1, ent->s.origin);
// Lazarus: NO! This is taken care of already in player_die
/*throw some gib*/
/* for ( n=0; n<4; n++ )
ThrowGib( ent, "models/objects/gibs/sm_meat/tris.md2", 0, 0, damage, GIB_ORGANIC );
ThrowClientHead (ent, damage); */
ent->takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
/*The lifting effect is done through changing the origin, it
gives the best results. Of course its a little dangerous because
if we dont take care, we can move into solid*/
void Jet_ApplyLifting( edict_t *ent )
float delta;
vec3_t new_origin;
trace_t trace;
int time = 24;
/*must be >0, time/10 = time in sec for a complete cycle (up/down)*/
float amplitude = 2.0;
/*calculate the z-distance to lift in this step*/
delta = sin( (float)((level.framenum%time)*(360/time))/180*M_PI ) * amplitude;
delta = (float)((int)(delta*8))/8; /*round to multiples of 0.125*/
VectorCopy( ent->s.origin, new_origin );
new_origin[2] += delta;
if( VectorLength(ent->velocity) == 0 )
/*i dont know the reason yet, but there is some floating so we
have to compensate that here (only if there is no velocity left)*/
new_origin[0] -= 0.125;
new_origin[1] -= 0.125;
new_origin[2] -= 0.125;
/*before we change origin, its important to check that we dont go
into solid*/
trace = gi.trace( ent->s.origin, ent->mins, ent->maxs, new_origin, ent, MASK_MONSTERSOLID );
if ( trace.plane.normal[2] == 0 )
VectorCopy( new_origin, ent->s.origin );
/*This function applys some sparks to your jetpack*/
void Jet_ApplySparks ( edict_t *ent )
vec3_t forward, right;
vec3_t pack_pos, jet_vector;
AngleVectors(ent->client->v_angle, forward, right, NULL);
VectorScale (forward, -8, pack_pos);
VectorAdd (pack_pos, ent->s.origin, pack_pos);
pack_pos[2] += 6;
VectorScale (forward, -50, jet_vector);
gi.WriteByte (svc_temp_entity);
gi.WriteByte (TE_SPARKS);
gi.WritePosition (pack_pos);
gi.WriteDir (jet_vector);
gi.multicast (pack_pos, MULTICAST_PVS);
if (level.num_reflectors)
/*Now for the main movement code. The steering is a lot like in water, that
means your viewing direction is your moving direction. You have three
direction Boosters: the big Main Booster and the smaller up-down and
left-right Boosters.
There are only 2 adds to the code of the first tutorial: the jetpack_nextthink
and the rolling.
The other modifications results in the use of the built-in quake functions,
there is no change in moving behavior (reinventing the wheel is a lot of
"fun" and a BIG waste of time ;-))*/
void Jet_ApplyJet( edict_t *ent, usercmd_t *ucmd )
float direction;
float scale;
vec3_t acc;
vec3_t forward, right;
/*clear gravity so we dont have to compensate it with the Boosters*/
ent->client->ps.pmove.gravity = 0;
/*calculate the direction vectors dependent on viewing direction
(length of the vectors forward/right is always 1, the coordinates of
the vectors are values of how much youre looking in a specific direction
[if youre looking up to the top, the x/y values are nearly 0 the
z value is nearly 1])*/
AngleVectors( ent->client->v_angle, forward, right, NULL );
/*Run jet only 10 times a second so movement doesn't depend on fps
because ClientThink is called as often as possible
(fps<10 still is a problem ?)*/
if ( ent->client->jetpack_nextthink <= level.framenum )
ent->client->jetpack_nextthink = level.framenum + 1;
/*clear acceleration-vector*/
VectorClear( acc );
/*if we are moving forward or backward add MainBooster acceleration
if ( ucmd->forwardmove )
/*are we accelerating backward or forward?*/
direction = (ucmd->forwardmove<0) ? -1.0 : 1.0;
/*add the acceleration for each direction*/
acc[0] += forward[0] * direction * 60;
acc[1] += forward[1] * direction * 60;
acc[2] += forward[2] * direction * 60;
acc[0] += forward[0] * direction * 120;
acc[1] += forward[1] * direction * 120;
/*if we sidestep add Left-Right-Booster acceleration (40)*/
if ( ucmd->sidemove )
{ /*are we accelerating left or right*/
direction = (ucmd->sidemove<0) ? -1.0 : 1.0;
/*add only to x and y acceleration*/
scale = direction * 40;
scale = direction * 80;
acc[0] += right[0] * scale;
acc[1] += right[1] * scale;
/*if we crouch or jump add Up-Down-Booster acceleration (30)*/
if ( ucmd->upmove )
scale = 30;
scale = 45;
acc[2] += ucmd->upmove > 0 ? scale : -scale;
/*now apply some friction dependent on velocity (higher velocity results
in higher friction), without acceleration this will reduce the velocity
to 0 in a few steps*/
ent->velocity[0] *= 0.83;
ent->velocity[1] *= 0.83;
ent->velocity[2] *= 0.86;
/*then accelerate with the calculated values. If the new acceleration for
a direction is smaller than an earlier, the friction will reduce the speed
in that direction to the new value in a few steps, so if youre flying
curves or around corners youre floating a little bit in the old direction*/
VectorAdd( ent->velocity, acc, ent->velocity );
/*round velocitys (is this necessary?)*/
ent->velocity[0] = (float)((int)(ent->velocity[0]*8))/8;
ent->velocity[1] = (float)((int)(ent->velocity[1]*8))/8;
ent->velocity[2] = (float)((int)(ent->velocity[2]*8))/8;
/*Bound X and Y velocity so that friction and acceleration dont need to be
synced on maxvelocitys*/
if(ent->velocity[0] > 300) ent->velocity[0] = 300;
if(ent->velocity[0] < -300) ent->velocity[0] = -300;
if(ent->velocity[1] > 300) ent->velocity[1] = 300;
if(ent->velocity[1] < -300) ent->velocity[1] = -300;
if(ent->velocity[0] > 1000) ent->velocity[0] = 1000;
if(ent->velocity[0] < -1000) ent->velocity[0] = -1000;
if(ent->velocity[1] > 1000) ent->velocity[1] = 1000;
if(ent->velocity[1] < -1000) ent->velocity[1] = -1000;
/*add some gentle up and down when idle (not accelerating)*/
if( (VectorLength(acc) == 0) && (!ent->groundentity))
Jet_ApplyLifting( ent );
} //if ( ent->client->jetpack_nextthink...
/*add rolling when we fly curves or boost left/right*/
if((bob_roll->value > 0) && (jetpack_weenie->value || !ent->groundentity))
ent->client->kick_angles[ROLL] = -DotProduct( ent->velocity, right ) * ent->client->jetpack_roll;
ent->client->jetpack_roll = min(0.02,ent->client->jetpack_roll + 0.002);
ent->client->jetpack_roll = max(0.00,ent->client->jetpack_roll - 0.002);
ent->client->jetpack_roll = 0;
/*last but not least add some smoke*/
Jet_ApplySparks( ent );
// gi.dprintf("%5g %5g %5g\n",ent->velocity[0],ent->velocity[1],ent->velocity[2]);