mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 07:00:46 +00:00
Added new SCR_DrawPic() variants in cl_screen.c. Added new graphics for text fields and sliders in menus. Improved mouse interaction for menu sliders. Added resettargets developer command to default Lazarus and missionpack DLLs. Added hint_test developer command to missionpack DLL. Fixed freeze developer command in default Lazarus and missionpack DLLs so it can be used more than once. More tweaks to Tactician Gunner prox mine safety checks in misssionpack DLL.
1207 lines
34 KiB
1207 lines
34 KiB
Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Mr. Hyde and Mad Dog
This file is part of Lazarus Quake 2 Mod source code.
Lazarus Quake 2 Mod source code is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
Lazarus Quake 2 Mod source code is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Lazarus Quake 2 Mod source code; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// g_combat.c
#include "g_local.h"
void HuntTarget (edict_t *);
void M_SetEffects (edict_t *ent);
clean up heal targets for medic
void cleanupHealTarget (edict_t *self)
self->monsterinfo.healer = NULL;
self->takedamage = DAMAGE_YES;
self->monsterinfo.aiflags &= ~AI_RESURRECTING;
M_SetEffects (self);
Returns true if the inflictor can directly damage the target. Used for
explosions and melee attacks.
qboolean CanDamage (edict_t *targ, edict_t *inflictor)
vec3_t dest;
trace_t trace;
// bmodels need special checking because their origin is 0,0,0
if (targ->movetype == MOVETYPE_PUSH)
VectorAdd (targ->absmin, targ->absmax, dest);
VectorScale (dest, 0.5, dest);
trace = gi.trace (inflictor->s.origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, dest, inflictor, MASK_SOLID);
if (trace.fraction == 1.0)
return true;
if (trace.ent == targ)
return true;
return false;
trace = gi.trace (inflictor->s.origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, targ->s.origin, inflictor, MASK_SOLID);
if (trace.fraction == 1.0 || trace.ent == targ)
return true;
// Lazarus: This is kinda cheesy, but avoids doing goofy things in a map to make this work. If a LOS
// from inflictor to targ is blocked by a func_tracktrain, AND the targ is riding/driving
// the tracktrain, go ahead and hurt him.
if (trace.ent && (trace.ent->flags & FL_TRACKTRAIN) && ((trace.ent->owner == targ) || (targ->groundentity == trace.ent)) )
return true;
VectorCopy (targ->s.origin, dest);
dest[0] += 15.0;
dest[1] += 15.0;
trace = gi.trace (inflictor->s.origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, dest, inflictor, MASK_SOLID);
if (trace.fraction == 1.0 || trace.ent == targ)
return true;
VectorCopy (targ->s.origin, dest);
dest[0] += 15.0;
dest[1] -= 15.0;
trace = gi.trace (inflictor->s.origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, dest, inflictor, MASK_SOLID);
if (trace.fraction == 1.0 || trace.ent == targ)
return true;
VectorCopy (targ->s.origin, dest);
dest[0] -= 15.0;
dest[1] += 15.0;
trace = gi.trace (inflictor->s.origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, dest, inflictor, MASK_SOLID);
if (trace.fraction == 1.0 || trace.ent == targ)
return true;
VectorCopy (targ->s.origin, dest);
dest[0] -= 15.0;
dest[1] -= 15.0;
trace = gi.trace (inflictor->s.origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, dest, inflictor, MASK_SOLID);
if (trace.fraction == 1.0 || trace.ent == targ)
return true;
return false;
void misc_deadsoldier_die (edict_t *self, edict_t *inflictor, edict_t *attacker, int damage, vec3_t point);
void Killed (edict_t *targ, edict_t *inflictor, edict_t *attacker, int damage, vec3_t point)
if (targ->health < -999)
targ->health = -999;
if (targ->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_MEDIC)
if (targ->enemy) // god, I hope so
cleanupHealTarget (targ->enemy);
// clean up self
targ->monsterinfo.aiflags &= ~AI_MEDIC;
targ->enemy = attacker;
targ->enemy = attacker;
if ((targ->svflags & SVF_MONSTER) && (targ->deadflag != DEAD_DEAD))
if (!(targ->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_GOOD_GUY) )
if (coop->value && attacker->client)
// medics won't heal monsters that they kill themselves
if (strcmp(attacker->classname, "monster_medic") == 0)
targ->owner = attacker;
if (targ->movetype == MOVETYPE_PUSH || targ->movetype == MOVETYPE_STOP || targ->movetype == MOVETYPE_NONE)
{ // doors, triggers, etc
if (targ->die)
targ->die (targ, inflictor, attacker, damage, point);
if ((targ->svflags & SVF_MONSTER) && (targ->deadflag != DEAD_DEAD))
targ->touch = NULL;
monster_death_use (targ);
if (inflictor->movetype == MOVETYPE_PUSH)
// Lazarus - Die function won't gib NO_GIB monsters... blow 'em up
if ((targ->die != misc_deadsoldier_die) && (targ->spawnflags & SF_MONSTER_NOGIB))
// Lazarus: disengage from tracktrain
if (targ->vehicle && (targ->vehicle->flags & FL_TRACKTRAIN))
if (targ->die)
targ->die (targ, inflictor, attacker, damage, point);
modified for Lazarus:
damage removed since it isn't used
added color for monster blood
void SpawnDamage (int type, vec3_t origin, vec3_t normal)
gi.WriteByte (svc_temp_entity);
gi.WriteByte (type);
gi.WritePosition (origin);
gi.WriteDir (normal);
gi.multicast (origin, MULTICAST_PVS);
if (level.num_reflectors)
int BloodType (int index)
switch (index) {
case 1:
case 2:
return TE_SPARKS;
return TE_BLOOD;
targ entity that is being damaged
inflictor entity that is causing the damage
attacker entity that caused the inflictor to damage targ
example: targ=monster, inflictor=rocket, attacker=player
dir direction of the attack
point point at which the damage is being inflicted
normal normal vector from that point
damage amount of damage being inflicted
knockback force to be applied against targ as a result of the damage
dflags these flags are used to control how T_Damage works
DAMAGE_RADIUS damage was indirect (from a nearby explosion)
DAMAGE_NO_ARMOR armor does not protect from this damage
DAMAGE_ENERGY damage is from an energy based weapon
DAMAGE_NO_KNOCKBACK do not affect velocity, just view angles
DAMAGE_BULLET damage is from a bullet (used for ricochets)
DAMAGE_NO_PROTECTION kills godmode, armor, everything
static int CheckPowerArmor (edict_t *ent, vec3_t point, vec3_t normal, int damage, int dflags)
gclient_t *client;
int save;
int power_armor_type;
int index;
int damagePerCell;
int pa_te_type;
int power=0;
int power_used;
if (!damage)
return 0;
client = ent->client;
if (dflags & DAMAGE_NO_ARMOR)
return 0;
if (client)
power_armor_type = PowerArmorType (ent);
if (power_armor_type != POWER_ARMOR_NONE)
index = cells_index;
power = client->pers.inventory[index];
else if (ent->svflags & SVF_MONSTER)
power_armor_type = ent->monsterinfo.power_armor_type;
power = ent->monsterinfo.power_armor_power;
return 0;
if (power_armor_type == POWER_ARMOR_NONE)
return 0;
if (!power)
return 0;
if (power_armor_type == POWER_ARMOR_SCREEN)
vec3_t vec;
float dot;
vec3_t forward;
// only works if damage point is in front
AngleVectors (ent->s.angles, forward, NULL, NULL);
VectorSubtract (point, ent->s.origin, vec);
VectorNormalize (vec);
dot = DotProduct (vec, forward);
if (dot <= 0.3)
return 0;
damagePerCell = 1;
pa_te_type = TE_SCREEN_SPARKS;
damage = damage / 3;
damagePerCell = 2;
pa_te_type = TE_SHIELD_SPARKS;
damage = (2 * damage) / 3;
save = power * damagePerCell;
if (!save)
return 0;
if (save > damage)
save = damage;
SpawnDamage (pa_te_type, point, normal);
ent->powerarmor_time = level.time + 0.2;
power_used = save / damagePerCell;
if (client)
client->pers.inventory[index] -= power_used;
ent->monsterinfo.power_armor_power -= power_used;
return save;
static int CheckArmor (edict_t *ent, vec3_t point, vec3_t normal, int damage, int te_sparks, int dflags)
gclient_t *client;
int save;
int index;
gitem_t *armor;
if (!damage)
return 0;
client = ent->client;
if (!client)
return 0;
if (dflags & DAMAGE_NO_ARMOR)
return 0;
index = ArmorIndex (ent);
if (!index)
return 0;
armor = GetItemByIndex (index);
if (dflags & DAMAGE_ENERGY)
save = ceil(((gitem_armor_t *)armor->info)->energy_protection*damage);
save = ceil(((gitem_armor_t *)armor->info)->normal_protection*damage);
if (save >= client->pers.inventory[index])
save = client->pers.inventory[index];
if (!save)
return 0;
client->pers.inventory[index] -= save;
SpawnDamage (te_sparks, point, normal);
return save;
void monster_start_go (edict_t *self);
void target_animate(edict_t *);
void DefendMyFriend (edict_t *self, edict_t *enemy)
self->spawnflags &= ~(SF_MONSTER_AMBUSH | SF_MONSTER_SIGHT);
self->enemy = enemy;
self->monsterinfo.aiflags |= AI_TARGET_ANGER;
FoundTarget (self);
void CallMyFriends (edict_t *targ, edict_t *attacker)
edict_t *teammate;
if (!targ || !attacker)
// Knightmare- insanes ignore damage- fix crash on fact2?
if (!strcmp(targ->classname, "misc_insane"))
// Lazarus dmgteam stuff
if ( (attacker->client && !(attacker->flags & FL_NOTARGET)) || (attacker->svflags & SVF_MONSTER))
{ // the attacker is a player or a monster
if ( (targ->svflags & SVF_MONSTER) && (targ->dmgteam) && (targ->health > 0) )
{ // the target is a live monster on a dmgteam
if ( !attacker->dmgteam || strcmp(targ->dmgteam,attacker->dmgteam) )
{ // attacker is not on same dmgteam as target
if ( !Q_stricmp(targ->dmgteam,"player") && attacker->client )
{ // Target is a GOOD_GUY, attacked by the player. Allow self-defense,
// but don't get other dmgteam teammates involved.
// Special case for misc_actors - if ACTOR_BAD_GUY isn't set,
// actor stays on the same team and only taunts player
if (!(targ->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_ACTOR) || (targ->spawnflags & SF_ACTOR_BAD_GUY))
targ->enemy = targ->movetarget = targ->goalentity = attacker;
targ->monsterinfo.aiflags &= ~AI_FOLLOW_LEADER;
if (visible(targ, targ->enemy))
FoundTarget (targ);
HuntTarget (targ);
else if ( !(targ->svflags & SVF_MONSTER) || !(attacker->svflags & SVF_MONSTER) ||
(targ->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_FREEFORALL) ||
((targ->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_GOOD_GUY) != (attacker->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_GOOD_GUY)) )
// Either target is not a monster, or attacker is not a monster, or
// they're both monsters but one is AI_GOOD_GUY and the other is not,
// or we've turned the game into a free-for-all with a target_monsterbattle
teammate = G_Find(NULL, FOFS(dmgteam), targ->dmgteam);
while (teammate)
if (teammate != targ)
if (teammate->svflags & SVF_MONSTER)
if (teammate->health > 0 && (teammate->enemy != attacker) && !(teammate->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_CHASE_THING))
if (!teammate->enemy || !teammate->enemy->dmgteam || !attacker->dmgteam )
// If either 1) this teammate doesn't currently have an enemy,
// or 2) the teammate's enemy is not a member of a dmgteam
// or 3) the attacker is not a member of a dmgteam
// then set the attacker as the enemy of this teammate
else if (strcmp(teammate->enemy->dmgteam, attacker->dmgteam))
// attacker is a member of a team different than the
// current enemy
DefendMyFriend (teammate, attacker);
else if (!(teammate->svflags & SVF_DEADMONSTER))
G_UseTargets (teammate, attacker);
teammate = G_Find(teammate, FOFS(dmgteam), targ->dmgteam);
if ( targ->client && (attacker->svflags & SVF_MONSTER) )
// target is player; attacker is monster... alert "good guys", if any
// trace_t tr;
edict_t *teammate = NULL;
teammate = G_Find(NULL, FOFS(dmgteam), "player");
while (teammate)
if ((teammate->health > 0) && !(teammate->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_CHASE_THING) && (teammate != attacker))
// Can teammate see player?
// tr = gi.trace(teammate->s.origin,vec3_origin,vec3_origin,targ->s.origin,teammate,MASK_OPAQUE);
// if (tr.fraction == 1.0)
if (gi.inPVS(teammate->s.origin,targ->s.origin))
teammate->enemy = attacker;
if (teammate->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_ACTOR)
teammate->monsterinfo.aiflags |= AI_FOLLOW_LEADER;
teammate->monsterinfo.old_leader = NULL;
teammate->monsterinfo.leader = targ;
teammate = G_Find(teammate, FOFS(dmgteam), "player");
// If player attacks a GOODGUY, turn GOODGUY stuff off
if (attacker->client && (targ->svflags & SVF_MONSTER)
&& UseRegularGoodGuyFlag(targ) && (targ->spawnflags & SF_MONSTER_GOODGUY))
if ( !(targ->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_ACTOR) || (targ->spawnflags & SF_ACTOR_BAD_GUY) )
targ->spawnflags &= ~SF_MONSTER_GOODGUY;
targ->monsterinfo.aiflags &= ~(AI_GOOD_GUY + AI_FOLLOW_LEADER);
if (targ->dmgteam && !Q_stricmp(targ->dmgteam, "player"))
targ->dmgteam = NULL;
// change - one chance and one chance only to call friends
/* if (targ->dmgteam)
if (Q_stricmp(targ->dmgteam,"player"))
targ->dmgteam = NULL; */
void M_ReactToDamage (edict_t *targ, edict_t *attacker)
qboolean is_turret;
if ( targ->health <= 0 )
// If targ is currently chasing a "thing" or we're running a hint_path test, he
// doesn't really care what else is happening
if (targ->monsterinfo.aiflags & (AI_CHASE_THING | AI_HINT_TEST))
// Knightmare- insanes ignore damage- fixes crash on fact2
if (!strcmp(targ->classname, "misc_insane"))
// If targ is a robot camera, ignore damage
if (targ->flags & FL_ROBOT)
is_turret = (attacker->classname && !Q_stricmp(attacker->classname, "turret_breach"));
targ->spawnflags &= ~(SF_MONSTER_AMBUSH | SF_MONSTER_SIGHT); //
// Lazarus - monsters will get mad at and attack turrets.
// For environmental effects (lava, lasers, etc.) - evade
if (!(attacker->client) && !(attacker->svflags & SVF_MONSTER) && !is_turret &&
!(targ->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_DUCKED) )
if (!targ->movetarget || (targ->movetarget && Q_stricmp(targ->movetarget->classname,"thing")) )
int i;
edict_t *thing;
vec3_t atk, dir, best_dir, end, forward;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
vec_t dist, run;
vec_t best_dist=0;
trace_t trace1, trace2;
mins[2] += 16; // max step height? not sure about this
if (mins[2] > 0) mins[2] = 0;
if ((attacker == world) ||
(!Q_stricmp(attacker->classname,"func_door") ) ||
(!Q_stricmp(attacker->classname,"func_water")) ||
(!Q_stricmp(attacker->classname,"func_pushable")) )
// Just send the monster straight ahead and hope for the best.
thing = SpawnThing();
for (i=0; i<5; i++)
dir[2] = 0.1*i;
VectorMA(targ->s.origin, WORLD_SIZE, dir, end); // was 8192
trace1 = gi.trace(targ->s.origin,mins,maxs,end,targ,MASK_MONSTERSOLID);
dist = trace1.fraction * WORLD_SIZE; // was 8192
if (dist > best_dist) {
best_dist = dist;
else if (!Q_stricmp(attacker->classname,"target_laser"))
// Send the monster in a direction perpendicular to laser
// path, whichever direction is closest to current angles
thing = SpawnThing();
if (attacker->movedir[2] > 0.7)
// Just move straight ahead and hope for the best
best_dir[2] = best_dir[0];
best_dir[0] = -best_dir[1];
best_dir[1] = best_dir[2];
best_dir[2] = 0;
if (DotProduct(best_dir,dir) < 0)
// Attacked by a point entity or moving brush model
// not covered above. Find a vector that will hide the
// monster from the attacker.
if (!VectorLength(attacker->size)) {
// point entity
else {
// brush model... can't rely on origin
for (i=0; i<32 && best_dist == 0; i++)
// Weight escape route tests in favor of forward-facing direction
if (random() > 0.5) {
dir[0] = forward[0] + 0.5*crandom();
dir[1] = forward[1] + 0.5*crandom();
dir[2] = forward[2];
else {
dir[0] = crandom();
dir[1] = crandom();
dir[2] = 0;
VectorMA(targ->s.origin, WORLD_SIZE, dir, end); // was 8192
trace1 = gi.trace(targ->s.origin,mins,maxs,end,targ,MASK_MONSTERSOLID);
trace2 = gi.trace(trace1.endpos,NULL,NULL,atk,targ,MASK_SOLID);
if (trace2.fraction == 1.0) continue;
dist = trace1.fraction * WORLD_SIZE; // was 8192
if (dist > best_dist) {
best_dist = dist;
if (best_dist == 0.)
thing = SpawnThing();
if ( (!Q_stricmp(attacker->classname,"func_door")) ||
(!Q_stricmp(attacker->classname,"func_pushable")) )
run = 256;
run = WORLD_SIZE; // was 8192
trace1 = gi.trace(targ->s.origin,mins,maxs,end,targ,MASK_MONSTERSOLID);
dist = trace1.fraction * run;
VectorMA(targ->s.origin, dist, best_dir, thing->s.origin);
// If monster already has an enemy, use a short lifespan for thing
if (targ->enemy)
thing->touch_debounce_time = level.time + 2.0;
thing->touch_debounce_time = level.time + max(5.0,dist/50.);
thing->target_ent = targ;
targ->movetarget = targ->goalentity = thing;
targ->monsterinfo.aiflags &= ~AI_SOUND_TARGET;
targ->monsterinfo.aiflags |= AI_CHASE_THING;
// Lazarus: If in a no-win situation, actors run away
if (targ->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_ACTOR)
if (targ->health < targ->max_health/3)
if (attacker->health > attacker->max_health/2)
if (attacker->health > targ->health)
if (ai_chicken(targ,attacker))
if (attacker == targ || attacker == targ->enemy)
// apanteleev- dead monsters, like misc_deadsoldier, don't have AI
// functions, but M_ReactToDamage might still be called on them
if (targ->svflags & SVF_DEADMONSTER)
// if we are a good guy monster and our attacker is a player
// or another good guy, do not get mad at them
if (targ->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_GOOD_GUY)
if (attacker->client || (attacker->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_GOOD_GUY))
// if PO'ed at something caused by target_anger, ignore other attackers
if ((targ->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_TARGET_ANGER) && (targ->enemy)) {
// ensure that the subject of our wrath is still present & we're not too beat up
if (targ->enemy->inuse) {
float health_ratio = (float)(targ->health) / (float)(targ->max_health);
if ((health_ratio > 0.333) && (targ->enemy->inuse)) return;
targ->monsterinfo.aiflags &= ~AI_TARGET_ANGER;
// If this monster is a medic, try to focus on healing the patient!
if ((targ->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_MEDIC) && (targ->enemy)) {
float health_ratio = (float)(targ->health) / (float)(targ->max_health);
// keep healing unless we're almost dead
if ((health_ratio > 0.25f) && (targ->enemy->inuse)) return;
// remove the medic flag
targ->monsterinfo.aiflags &= ~AI_MEDIC;
cleanupHealTarget (targ->enemy);
// we now know that we are not both good guys
// if attacker is a client, get mad at them because he's good and we're not
if (attacker->client || is_turret)
targ->monsterinfo.aiflags &= ~AI_SOUND_TARGET;
// this can only happen in coop (both new and old enemies are clients)
// only switch if can't see the current enemy
if (targ->enemy && targ->enemy->client)
if (visible(targ, targ->enemy))
targ->oldenemy = attacker;
targ->oldenemy = targ->enemy;
targ->enemy = attacker;
if (visible(targ,targ->enemy))
FoundTarget (targ);
HuntTarget (targ);
// it's the same base (walk/swim/fly) type and a different classname and it's not a tank
// (they spray too much), get mad at them
if (((targ->flags & (FL_FLY|FL_SWIM)) == (attacker->flags & (FL_FLY|FL_SWIM))) &&
(strcmp (targ->classname, attacker->classname) != 0) &&
(strcmp(attacker->classname, "monster_tank") != 0) &&
(strcmp(attacker->classname, "monster_supertank") != 0) &&
(strcmp(attacker->classname, "monster_makron") != 0) &&
(strcmp(attacker->classname, "monster_jorg") != 0) )
// Lazarus: Check IGNORE_SHOTS spawnflag for attacker. If set AND
// targ and attacker have same GOODGUY setting, don't respond
// to attacks.
if ( ( (targ->spawnflags & SF_MONSTER_GOODGUY) != (attacker->spawnflags & SF_MONSTER_GOODGUY) ) ||
!(attacker->spawnflags & SF_MONSTER_IGNORESHOTS) )
if (targ->enemy && targ->enemy->client)
targ->oldenemy = targ->enemy;
targ->enemy = attacker;
if (visible(targ,targ->enemy))
FoundTarget (targ);
HuntTarget (targ);
// if they *meant* to shoot us, then shoot back
else if (attacker->enemy == targ)
if (targ->enemy && targ->enemy->client)
targ->oldenemy = targ->enemy;
targ->enemy = attacker;
if (visible(targ,targ->enemy))
FoundTarget (targ);
HuntTarget (targ);
// otherwise get mad at whoever they are mad at (help our buddy) unless it is us!
else if (attacker->enemy && attacker->enemy != targ)
if (targ->enemy && targ->enemy->client)
targ->oldenemy = targ->enemy;
targ->enemy = attacker->enemy;
if (visible(targ,targ->enemy))
FoundTarget (targ);
HuntTarget (targ);
qboolean CheckTeamDamage (edict_t *targ, edict_t *attacker)
if (ctf->value && targ->client && attacker->client)
if (targ->client->resp.ctf_team == attacker->client->resp.ctf_team &&
targ != attacker)
return true;
//FIXME make the next line real and uncomment this block
// if ((ability to damage a teammate == OFF) && (targ's team == attacker's team))
return false;
void T_Damage (edict_t *in_targ, edict_t *inflictor, edict_t *in_attacker, vec3_t dir, vec3_t point, vec3_t normal, int damage, int knockback, int dflags, int mod)
gclient_t *client;
int take;
int save;
int asave;
int psave;
int te_sparks;
edict_t *attacker;
edict_t *targ;
targ = in_targ;
if (!targ || !targ->inuse)
if (!targ->takedamage)
// Lazarus: If monster/actor is currently being forced to use
// specific animations due to target_animation, release that
// control over it.
if ((targ->think == target_animate) && (targ->svflags & SVF_MONSTER))
targ->think = monster_think;
targ->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME;
if (!in_attacker)
attacker = world;
attacker = in_attacker;
// If targ is a fake player for the real player viewing camera, get that player
// out of the camera and do the damage to him
if (!Q_stricmp(targ->classname, "camplayer"))
if (targ->target_ent && targ->target_ent->client && targ->target_ent->client->spycam)
if (attacker->enemy == targ)
attacker->enemy = targ->target_ent;
attacker->goalentity = NULL;
attacker->movetarget = NULL;
targ = targ->target_ent;
if (attacker->svflags & SVF_MONSTER)
if ( UseRegularGoodGuyFlag(attacker) && (attacker->spawnflags & SF_MONSTER_GOODGUY) )
if (attacker->enemy == targ)
attacker->enemy = NULL;
attacker->monsterinfo.aiflags &= ~AI_FOLLOW_LEADER;
attacker->monsterinfo.attack_finished = 0;
attacker->monsterinfo.pausetime = level.time + 100000000;
if (attacker->monsterinfo.stand)
if (attacker->enemy == targ)
return; // don't damage target_monitor camplayer
// If targ is a remote turret_driver and attacker is a player, replace turret_driver
// with normal infantry dude and turn TRACK off on corresponding turret_breach
if ( targ->classname && !Q_stricmp(targ->classname,"turret_driver") &&
(targ->spawnflags & 1) && (attacker->client) )
edict_t *monster;
monster = targ->child;
if (monster)
monster->health = targ->health;
if (targ->target_ent)
targ->target_ent->spawnflags &= ~4;
targ->target_ent->move_angles[0] = 0;
targ->target_ent->owner = NULL;
monster->solid = SOLID_BBOX;
monster->movetype = MOVETYPE_STEP;
monster->svflags &= ~SVF_NOCLIENT;
monster_start_go (monster);
gi.linkentity (monster);
monster->enemy = attacker;
targ = monster;
// friendly fire avoidance
// if enabled you can't hurt teammates (but you can hurt yourself)
// knockback still occurs
if ((targ != attacker) && ((deathmatch->value && ((int)(dmflags->value) & (DF_MODELTEAMS | DF_SKINTEAMS))) || coop->value))
if (OnSameTeam (targ, attacker))
if ((int)(dmflags->value) & DF_NO_FRIENDLY_FIRE)
damage = 0;
meansOfDeath = mod;
// easy mode takes half damage
if (skill->value == 0 && deathmatch->value == 0 && targ->client)
damage *= 0.5;
if (!damage)
damage = 1;
client = targ->client;
if (dflags & DAMAGE_BULLET)
te_sparks = TE_BULLET_SPARKS;
te_sparks = TE_SPARKS;
// bonus damage for suprising a monster
if (!(dflags & DAMAGE_RADIUS) && (targ->svflags & SVF_MONSTER) && (attacker->client) && (!targ->enemy) && (targ->health > 0))
damage *= 2;
//strength tech
damage = CTFApplyStrength(attacker, damage);
if (!OnSameTeam(targ, attacker))
CTFApplyVampire(attacker, damage);
if (targ->flags & FL_NO_KNOCKBACK)
knockback = 0;
// Lazarus: If monster is currently chasing a "thing" and mod is a laser,
// ignore knockback to give poor guy a chance to vamoose.
if (targ->movetarget && !Q_stricmp(targ->movetarget->classname,"thing") && (mod == MOD_TARGET_LASER))
knockback = 0;
// figure momentum add
if (!(dflags & DAMAGE_NO_KNOCKBACK))
// Lazarus: Added MOVETYPE_TOSS to no knockback (pickup items and dead bodies)
if ((knockback) && (targ->movetype != MOVETYPE_NONE) && (targ->movetype != MOVETYPE_BOUNCE) && (targ->movetype != MOVETYPE_PUSH) && (targ->movetype != MOVETYPE_STOP) && (targ->movetype != MOVETYPE_TOSS))
vec3_t kvel;
float mass;
if (targ->mass < 50)
mass = 50;
mass = targ->mass;
if (targ->client && attacker == targ)
VectorScale (dir, 1600.0 * (float)knockback / mass, kvel); // the rocket jump hack...
VectorScale (dir, 500.0 * (float)knockback / mass, kvel);
VectorAdd (targ->velocity, kvel, targ->velocity);
take = damage;
save = 0;
// check for godmode
if ( (targ->flags & FL_GODMODE) && !(dflags & DAMAGE_NO_PROTECTION) )
take = 0;
save = damage;
SpawnDamage (te_sparks, point, normal);
// check for invincibility
if ((client && client->invincible_framenum > level.framenum ) && !(dflags & DAMAGE_NO_PROTECTION))
if (targ->pain_debounce_time < level.time)
gi.sound(targ, CHAN_ITEM, gi.soundindex("items/protect4.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
targ->pain_debounce_time = level.time + 2;
take = 0;
save = damage;
//resistance tech
take = CTFApplyResistance(targ, take);
//team armor protect
if (ctf->value && targ->client && attacker->client &&
targ->client->resp.ctf_team == attacker->client->resp.ctf_team &&
targ != attacker && ((int)dmflags->value & DF_ARMOR_PROTECT)) {
psave = asave = 0;
// Knightmare- falling doesn't damage armor
else if (mod == MOD_FALLING && !falling_armor_damage->value)
psave = 0;
asave = 0;
psave = CheckPowerArmor (targ, point, normal, take, dflags);
take -= psave;
asave = CheckArmor (targ, point, normal, take, te_sparks, dflags);
take -= asave;
//treat cheat/powerup savings the same as armor
asave += save;
// team damage avoidance
if (!(dflags & DAMAGE_NO_PROTECTION) && CheckTeamDamage (targ, attacker))
if (ctf->value) // only run in CTF mode
CTFCheckHurtCarrier(targ, attacker);
// do the damage
if (take)
// Lazarus: dmgteam stuff
// Lazarus: Sparks rather than blood for NOGIB dead monsters
if ((targ->svflags & SVF_MONSTER) && (targ->spawnflags & SF_MONSTER_NOGIB) && (targ->health <= 0)) {
SpawnDamage (TE_SPARKS, point, normal);
if ((targ->svflags & SVF_MONSTER) || (client))
// Knightmare- added support for sparks and blood
// SpawnDamage ( BloodType(targ->blood_type), point, normal );
if (targ->blood_type == 1) {
SpawnDamage (TE_GREENBLOOD, point, normal);
else if (targ->blood_type == 2) {
SpawnDamage (TE_SPARKS, point, normal);
SpawnDamage (TE_SPARKS, point, normal);
else if (targ->blood_type == 3) {
SpawnDamage (TE_SPARKS, point, normal);
SpawnDamage (TE_SPARKS, point, normal);
SpawnDamage (TE_BLOOD, point, normal);
else if (targ->blood_type == 4) {
SpawnDamage (TE_ELECTRIC_SPARKS, point, normal);
else {
SpawnDamage (TE_BLOOD, point, normal);
else {
SpawnDamage (te_sparks, point, normal);
if (targ->client)
if (in_targ != targ)
// Then player has taken the place of whatever was originally
// damaged, as in switching from func_monitor usage. Limit
// damage so that player isn't killed, and make him temporarily
// invincible
targ->health = max(2,targ->health - take);
targ->client->invincible_framenum = level.framenum+2;
targ->pain_debounce_time = max(targ->pain_debounce_time,level.time+0.3);
else if (level.framenum - targ->client->startframe > 30)
targ->health = targ->health - take;
else if (targ->health > 10)
targ->health = max(10,targ->health - take);
// Lazarus: For func_explosive target, check spawnflags and, if needed,
// damage type
if (targ->classname && !Q_stricmp(targ->classname,"func_explosive"))
qboolean good_damage = true;
// Knightmare- changed spawnflag
if (targ->spawnflags & 16) // explosion only
good_damage = false;
if (mod == MOD_GRENADE) good_damage = true;
if (mod == MOD_G_SPLASH) good_damage = true;
if (mod == MOD_ROCKET) good_damage = true;
if (mod == MOD_R_SPLASH) good_damage = true;
if (mod == MOD_BFG_BLAST) good_damage = true;
if (mod == MOD_HANDGRENADE) good_damage = true;
if (mod == MOD_HG_SPLASH) good_damage = true;
if (mod == MOD_EXPLOSIVE) good_damage = true;
if (mod == MOD_BARREL) good_damage = true;
if (mod == MOD_BOMB) good_damage = true;
if (!good_damage) return;
targ->health = targ->health - take;
if (targ->health <= 0)
if ((targ->svflags & SVF_MONSTER) || (client))
targ->flags |= FL_NO_KNOCKBACK;
Killed (targ, inflictor, attacker, take, point);
if (targ->svflags & SVF_MONSTER)
M_ReactToDamage (targ, attacker);
if (!(targ->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_DUCKED) && (take))
if (targ->pain)
targ->pain (targ, attacker, knockback, take);
// nightmare mode monsters don't go into pain frames often
if (skill->value == 3)
targ->pain_debounce_time = level.time + 5;
else if (client)
if (!(targ->flags & FL_GODMODE) && (take)) {
if (targ->pain)
targ->pain (targ, attacker, knockback, take);
else if (take)
if (targ->pain)
targ->pain (targ, attacker, knockback, take);
// add to the damage inflicted on a player this frame
// the total will be turned into screen blends and view angle kicks
// at the end of the frame
if (client)
client->damage_parmor += psave;
client->damage_armor += asave;
client->damage_blood += take;
client->damage_knockback += knockback;
VectorCopy (point, client->damage_from);
Lazarus adds dmg_slope to alter the radius damage equation. (Standard Q2 = -0.5)
void T_RadiusDamage (edict_t *inflictor, edict_t *attacker, float damage, edict_t *ignore, float radius, int mod, double dmg_slope)
float points;
edict_t *ent = NULL;
vec3_t v;
vec3_t dir;
while ((ent = findradius(ent, inflictor->s.origin, radius)) != NULL)
if (ent == ignore)
if (!ent->takedamage)
VectorAdd (ent->mins, ent->maxs, v);
VectorMA (ent->s.origin, 0.5, v, v);
VectorSubtract (inflictor->s.origin, v, v);
points = damage + dmg_slope * VectorLength (v);
if (ent == attacker)
points = points * 0.5;
if (points > 0)
if (CanDamage (ent, inflictor))
VectorSubtract (ent->s.origin, inflictor->s.origin, dir);
T_Damage (ent, inflictor, attacker, dir, inflictor->s.origin, vec3_origin, (int)points, (int)points, DAMAGE_RADIUS, mod);