mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 03:11:29 +00:00
Changed stats.log to save to savegamedir instead of the Quake2 root folder. Renamed cvars menu_sensitivity, menu_rotate, and menu_alpha to ui_sensitivity, ui_item_rotate, and ui_background_alpha. Removed some unused cvars. Added CVAR_SAVE_IGNORE flag to "game" and "gamedir" cvars. Added descriptions for most cvars. Added dumpcvars command to output a list of cvars with their descriptions to cvarlist.txt.
1019 lines
27 KiB
1019 lines
27 KiB
Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc.
This file is part of Quake 2 source code.
Quake 2 source code is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
Quake 2 source code is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Quake 2 source code; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifdef _WIN32
# include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <GL/glu.h>
#include "glext.h" //Knightmare- MrG's shader waterwarp support
#include <math.h>
#ifndef __linux__
#include "../client/ref.h"
#include "qgl.h"
// up / down
#define PITCH 0
// left / right
#define YAW 1
// fall over
#define ROLL 2
#ifndef __VIDDEF_T
#define __VIDDEF_T
typedef struct
unsigned width, height; // coordinates from main game
} viddef_t;
extern viddef_t vid;
skins will be outline flood filled and mip mapped
pics and sprites with alpha will be outline flood filled
pic won't be mip mapped
model skin
sprite frame
wall texture
typedef enum
it_part // Knightmare added
} imagetype_t;
typedef struct image_s
char name[MAX_QPATH]; // game path, including extension
long hash; // to speed up searching
imagetype_t type;
int width, height; // source image
int upload_width, upload_height; // after power of two and picmip
int registration_sequence; // 0 = free
struct msurface_s *texturechain; // for sort-by-texture world drawing
struct msurface_s *warp_texturechain; // same as above, for warp surfaces
int texnum; // gl texture binding
float sl, tl, sh, th; // 0,0 - 1,1 unless part of the scrap
qboolean scrap;
qboolean has_alpha;
qboolean paletted;
qboolean is_cin; // Heffo - To identify a cin texture's image_t
float replace_scale_w; // Knightmare- for scaling hi-res replacement images
float replace_scale_h; // Knightmare- for scaling hi-res replacement images
} image_t;
#define MAX_LIGHTMAPS 256 // change by Brendon Chung, was 128
//#define TEXNUM_SCRAPS 1152
//#define TEXNUM_IMAGES 1153
#define MAX_GLTEXTURES 16384 // 4096 // Knightmare increased, was 1024
//Harven MD3 ++
#include "r_alias.h" // needs image_t struct
//Harven MD3 --
typedef enum
} rserr_t;
#include "r_model.h"
void GL_BeginRendering (int *x, int *y, int *width, int *height);
void GL_EndRendering (void);
void GL_UpdateSwapInterval( void );
extern float gldepthmin, gldepthmax;
typedef struct
float x, y, z;
float s, t;
float r, g, b;
} glvert_t;
#define MAX_LBM_HEIGHT 480
extern image_t gltextures[MAX_GLTEXTURES];
extern int numgltextures;
#define PARTICLE_TYPES 256
typedef enum {
} displaylist_t;
typedef struct glmedia_s {
image_t *notexture; // used for bad textures
image_t *whitetexture; // used for solid colors
image_t *distTextureARB; // used for warp distortion
image_t *rawtexture; // used for cinematics
image_t *envmappic;
image_t *spheremappic;
image_t *shelltexture;
image_t *celshadetexture;
image_t *causticwaterpic;
image_t *causticslimepic;
image_t *causticlavapic;
image_t *particlebeam;
image_t *particletextures[PARTICLE_TYPES];
unsigned displayLists[NUM_DISPLAY_LISTS];
} glmedia_t;
extern glmedia_t glMedia;
extern entity_t *currententity;
extern int r_worldframe; // Knightmare added for trans animations
extern model_t *currentmodel;
extern int r_visframecount;
extern int r_framecount;
extern cplane_t frustum[4];
extern int c_brush_calls, c_brush_surfs, c_brush_polys, c_alias_polys, c_part_polys;
// Knightmare- saveshot buffer
extern byte *saveshotdata;
extern int gl_filter_min, gl_filter_max;
// view origin
extern vec3_t vup;
extern vec3_t vpn;
extern vec3_t vright;
extern vec3_t r_origin;
extern GLdouble r_farz; // Knightmare- variable sky range, made this a global var
// screen size info
extern refdef_t r_newrefdef;
extern int r_viewcluster, r_viewcluster2, r_oldviewcluster, r_oldviewcluster2;
extern cvar_t *gl_clear;
extern cvar_t *gl_driver;
extern cvar_t *r_norefresh;
extern cvar_t *r_lefthand;
extern cvar_t *r_drawentities;
extern cvar_t *r_drawworld;
extern cvar_t *r_speeds;
extern cvar_t *r_fullbright;
extern cvar_t *r_novis;
extern cvar_t *r_nocull;
extern cvar_t *r_lerpmodels;
extern cvar_t *r_ignorehwgamma; // Knightmare- hardware gamma
extern cvar_t *r_displayrefresh; // Knightmare- refresh rate control
extern cvar_t *r_waterwave; // Knightmare- water waves
extern cvar_t *r_caustics; // Barnes water caustics
extern cvar_t *r_glows; // texture glows
extern cvar_t *r_saveshotsize;// Knightmare- save shot size option
// Knightmare- lerped dlights on models
extern cvar_t *r_dlights_normal;
extern cvar_t *r_model_shading;
extern cvar_t *r_model_dlights;
extern cvar_t *r_model_minlight;
extern cvar_t *r_lightlevel; // FIXME: This is a HACK to get the client's light level
// Knightmare- added Vic's RGB brightening
extern cvar_t *r_rgbscale;
// Knightmare- added Psychospaz's console font size option
extern cvar_t *con_font;
extern cvar_t *con_font_size;
//extern cvar_t *r_vertex_arrays; // unused
//extern cvar_t *gl_ext_palettedtexture;
//extern cvar_t *gl_ext_pointparameters;
//extern cvar_t *r_ext_swapinterval; // unused
extern cvar_t *r_ext_multitexture;
extern cvar_t *r_ext_draw_range_elements;
extern cvar_t *r_ext_compiled_vertex_array;
extern cvar_t *r_arb_texturenonpoweroftwo;
extern cvar_t *r_nonpoweroftwo_mipmaps;
extern cvar_t *r_sgis_generatemipmap; // Knightmare- whether to use GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap
extern cvar_t *r_newlightmapformat; // Knightmare- whether to use new lightmap format
extern cvar_t *r_ext_mtexcombine; // Vic's RGB brightening
extern cvar_t *r_stencilTwoSide; // Echon's two-sided stenciling
extern cvar_t *r_arb_vertex_buffer_object;
extern cvar_t *r_pixel_shader_warp; // allow disabling the nVidia water warp
extern cvar_t *r_trans_lighting; // allow disabling of lighting on trans surfaces
extern cvar_t *r_warp_lighting; // allow disabling of lighting on warp surfaces
extern cvar_t *r_warp_lighting_sample_offset; // allow adjustment of lighting sampling offset
extern cvar_t *r_solidalpha; // allow disabling of trans33+trans66 surface flag combining
extern cvar_t *r_entity_fliproll; // allow disabling of backwards alias model roll
extern cvar_t *r_old_nullmodel; // allow selection of nullmodel
extern cvar_t *r_glass_envmaps; // Psychospaz's envmapping
//extern cvar_t *r_trans_surf_sorting; // trans bmodel sorting
extern cvar_t *r_shelltype; // entity shells: 0 = solid, 1 = warp, 2 = spheremap
extern cvar_t *r_ext_texture_compression; // Heffo - ARB Texture Compression
extern cvar_t *r_lightcutoff; //** DMP - allow dynamic light cutoff to be user-settable
extern cvar_t *r_screenshot_format; // determines screenshot format
//extern cvar_t *r_screenshot_jpeg; // Heffo - JPEG Screenshots
extern cvar_t *r_screenshot_jpeg_quality; // Heffo - JPEG Screenshots
extern cvar_t *r_screenshot_gamma_correct; // gamma correction for screenshots
//extern cvar_t *r_nosubimage; // unused
extern cvar_t *r_bitdepth;
extern cvar_t *r_mode;
extern cvar_t *r_log;
extern cvar_t *r_lightmap;
extern cvar_t *r_shadows;
extern cvar_t *r_shadowalpha;
extern cvar_t *r_shadowrange;
extern cvar_t *r_shadowvolumes;
extern cvar_t *r_shadow_self;
extern cvar_t *r_shadow_zfail;
extern cvar_t *r_stencil; // stenciling for color shells
extern cvar_t *r_transrendersort; // correct trasparent sorting
extern cvar_t *r_particle_lighting; // particle lighting
extern cvar_t *r_particle_min;
extern cvar_t *r_particle_max;
extern cvar_t *r_particledistance;
extern cvar_t *r_dynamic;
extern cvar_t *r_monolightmap;
extern cvar_t *r_nobind;
//extern cvar_t *r_round_down; // unused
extern cvar_t *r_picmip;
extern cvar_t *r_skymip;
//extern cvar_t *r_playermip; // unused
extern cvar_t *r_showtris;
extern cvar_t *r_showbbox; // Knightmare- show model bounding box
extern cvar_t *r_finish;
extern cvar_t *r_ztrick;
extern cvar_t *r_cull;
extern cvar_t *r_polyblend;
extern cvar_t *r_flashblend;
extern cvar_t *r_lightmaptype;
extern cvar_t *r_modulate;
extern cvar_t *r_drawbuffer;
extern cvar_t *r_3dlabs_broken;
extern cvar_t *r_swapinterval;
extern cvar_t *r_anisotropic;
extern cvar_t *r_anisotropic_avail;
extern cvar_t *r_font_upscale;
extern cvar_t *r_nvfog_dist;
extern cvar_t *r_nvfog_dist_mode;
extern cvar_t *r_texturemode;
//extern cvar_t *r_texturealphamode;
//extern cvar_t *r_texturesolidmode;
extern cvar_t *r_saturatelighting;
extern cvar_t *r_lockpvs;
extern cvar_t *r_intensity;
extern cvar_t *r_skydistance; // variable sky range
extern cvar_t *r_fog_skyratio; // variable sky fog ratio
//extern cvar_t *r_saturation; //** DMP
// Changable color for r_clearcolor (enabled by gl_clar)
extern cvar_t *r_clearcolor_r;
extern cvar_t *r_clearcolor_g;
extern cvar_t *r_clearcolor_b;
extern cvar_t *r_bloom;
// Discoloda's cel shading
extern cvar_t *r_celshading;
extern cvar_t *r_celshading_width;
extern cvar_t *vid_fullscreen;
extern cvar_t *vid_gamma;
extern int gl_lightmap_format;
extern int gl_solid_format;
extern int gl_alpha_format;
extern int gl_tex_solid_format;
extern int gl_tex_alpha_format;
extern int c_visible_lightmaps;
extern int c_visible_textures;
extern float r_world_matrix[16];
extern vec4_t r_clearColor; // for gl_clear
// entity sorting struct
typedef struct sortedelement_s sortedelement_t;
typedef struct sortedelement_s
void *data;
vec_t len;
vec3_t org;
sortedelement_t *left, *right;
// r_image.c
void R_TranslatePlayerSkin (int playernum);
// Knightmare- added some of Psychospaz's shortcuts
void ElementAddNode (sortedelement_t *base, sortedelement_t *thisElement);
int transCompare (const void *arg1, const void *arg2);
void R_MaxColorVec (vec3_t color);
// r_entity.c
extern sortedelement_t *ents_trans;
extern sortedelement_t *ents_viewweaps;
extern sortedelement_t *ents_viewweaps_trans;
void R_DrawEntitiesOnList (sortedelement_t *list);
void R_DrawAllEntities (qboolean addViewWeaps);
void R_DrawAllEntityShadows (void);
void R_DrawSolidEntities ();
// r_particle.c
extern sortedelement_t *parts_prerender;
void R_BuildParticleList (void);
void R_SortParticlesOnList (void);
void R_DrawParticles (sortedelement_t *list);
void R_DrawAllParticles (void);
void R_DrawDecals (void);
void R_DrawAllDecals (void);
// r_light.c
#define LM_BLOCK_WIDTH 128
#define LM_BLOCK_HEIGHT 128
//#define MAX_LIGHTMAPS 128 // moved this up above to keeep TEXNUM_* values aligned
typedef struct
unsigned int left;
unsigned int right;
unsigned int top;
unsigned int bottom;
} rect_t;
typedef struct
int internal_format;
int format;
int type;
int current_lightmap_texture;
msurface_t *lightmap_surfaces[MAX_LIGHTMAPS];
int allocated[LM_BLOCK_WIDTH];
// the lightmap texture data needs to be kept in
// main memory so texsubimage can update properly
unsigned lightmap_buffer[LM_BLOCK_WIDTH*LM_BLOCK_HEIGHT];
#ifdef BATCH_LM_UPDATES // Knightmare added
unsigned *lightmap_update[MAX_LIGHTMAPS];
rect_t lightrect[MAX_LIGHTMAPS];
qboolean modified[MAX_LIGHTMAPS];
} gllightmapstate_t;
extern gllightmapstate_t gl_lms;
//void R_LightPoint (vec3_t p, vec3_t color);
void R_LightPoint (vec3_t p, vec3_t color, qboolean isEnt);
void R_LightPointDynamics (vec3_t p, vec3_t color, m_dlight_t *list, int *amount, int max);
void R_PushDlights (void);
void R_ShadowLight (vec3_t pos, vec3_t lightAdd);
void R_MarkLights (dlight_t *light, int bit, mnode_t *node);
extern model_t *r_worldmodel;
extern unsigned d_8to24table[256];
extern float d_8to24tablef[256][3]; //Knightmare added
extern int registration_sequence;
void V_AddBlend (float r, float g, float b, float a, float *v_blend);
// r_main.c
qboolean R_Init ( void *hinstance, void *hWnd, char *reason );
void R_ClearState (void);
void R_Shutdown (void);
void R_RenderView (refdef_t *fd);
void R_BeginFrame( float camera_separation );
void R_SwapBuffers( int );
void R_SetPalette ( const unsigned char *palette);
// r_misc.c
void R_CreateDisplayLists (void);
void R_ClearDisplayLists (void);
void R_InitMedia (void);
void R_ShutdownMedia (void);
void R_ScreenShot_f (void);
void R_ScreenShot_Silent_f (void);
void R_ScreenShot_TGA_f (void);
void R_ScreenShot_JPG_f (void);
void R_ScreenShot_PNG_f (void);
// r_model.c
void R_DrawAliasMD2Model (entity_t *e);
void R_DrawAliasMD2ModelShadow (entity_t *e);
//Harven++ MD3
void R_DrawAliasModel (entity_t *e);
void R_DrawAliasModelShadow (entity_t *e);
//Harven-- MD3
void R_DrawBrushModel (entity_t *e);
void R_DrawSpriteModel (entity_t *e);
void R_DrawBeam( entity_t *e );
void R_DrawWorld (void);
void R_RenderDlights (void);
void R_DrawAlphaSurfaces (void);
void R_RenderBrushPoly (msurface_t *fa);
void R_InitMedia (void);
void R_DrawInitLocal (void);
void R_SubdivideSurface (msurface_t *fa);
qboolean R_CullBox (vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs);
void R_RotateForEntity (entity_t *e, qboolean full);
int R_RollMult (void);
void R_MarkLeaves (void);
// r_alias_misc.c
extern float r_avertexnormals[NUMVERTEXNORMALS][3];
// precalculated dot products for quantized angles
extern float r_avertexnormal_dots[SHADEDOT_QUANT][256];
extern float *shadedots;
extern m_dlight_t model_dlights[MAX_MODEL_DLIGHTS];
extern int model_dlights_num;
extern vec3_t shadelight;
extern vec3_t lightspot;
extern float shellFlowH, shellFlowV;
void R_ShadowLight (vec3_t pos, vec3_t lightAdd);
void R_SetShellBlend (qboolean toggle);
void R_SetVertexRGBScale (qboolean toggle);
qboolean FlowingShell (void);
float R_CalcEntAlpha (float alpha, vec3_t point);
float R_CalcShadowAlpha (entity_t *e);
void R_ShadowBlend (float alpha);
void R_FlipModel (qboolean on, qboolean cullOnly);
void R_SetBlendModeOn (image_t *skin);
void R_SetBlendModeOff (void);
void R_SetShadeLight (void);
void R_DrawAliasModelBBox (vec3_t bbox[8], entity_t *e, float red, float green, float blue, float alpha);
// r_backend.c
// MrG's Vertex array stuff
#define MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS 4 // was 2
#define MAX_VERTICES 16384
#define VA_SetElem2(v,a,b) ((v)[0]=(a),(v)[1]=(b))
#define VA_SetElem3(v,a,b,c) ((v)[0]=(a),(v)[1]=(b),(v)[2]=(c))
#define VA_SetElem4(v,a,b,c,d) ((v)[0]=(a),(v)[1]=(b),(v)[2]=(c),(v)[3]=(d))
#define VA_SetElem2v(v,a) ((v)[0]=(a)[0],(v)[1]=(a)[1])
#define VA_SetElem3v(v,a) ((v)[0]=(a)[0],(v)[1]=(a)[1],(v)[2]=(a)[2])
#define VA_SetElem4v(v,a) ((v)[0]=(a)[0],(v)[1]=(a)[1],(v)[2]=(a)[2],(v)[3]=(a)[3])
extern unsigned indexArray[MAX_INDICES];
extern float texCoordArray[MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS][MAX_VERTICES][2];
extern float vertexArray[MAX_VERTICES][3];
extern float colorArray[MAX_VERTICES][4];
extern float inTexCoordArray[MAX_VERTICES][2];
extern float celTexCoordArray[MAX_VERTICES][2]; // for cel shading
extern unsigned rb_vertex, rb_index;
// end vertex array stuff
void RB_InitBackend (void);
float RB_CalcGlowColor (renderparms_t *parms);
void RB_ModifyTextureCoords (float *inArray, float *inVerts, int numVerts, renderparms_t *parms);
qboolean RB_CheckArrayOverflow (int numVerts, int numIndex);
void RB_RenderMeshGeneric (qboolean drawTris);
void RB_DrawArrays (void);
void RB_DrawMeshTris (void);
// r_arb_program.c
void R_Compile_ARB_Programs ();
typedef enum
} fr_progs;
typedef enum
} vrt_progs;
extern GLuint fragment_programs[NUM_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM];
extern GLuint vertex_programs[NUM_VERTEX_PROGRAM];
// r_warp.c
//glpoly_t *WaterWarpPolyVerts (glpoly_t *p);
void R_InitDSTTex (void);
void R_DrawWarpSurface (msurface_t *fa, float alpha, qboolean render);
// r_sky.c
void R_AddSkySurface (msurface_t *fa);
void R_ClearSkyBox (void);
void R_DrawSkyBox (void);
// r_surf.c
// r_bloom.c
void R_BloomBlend( refdef_t *fd );
void R_InitBloomTextures( void );
#if 0
short LittleShort (short l);
short BigShort (short l);
int LittleLong (int l);
float LittleFloat (float f);
char *va(char *format, ...);
// does a varargs printf into a temp buffer
//void COM_StripExtension (char *in, char *out, size_t outSize);
// r_draw.c
void R_DrawGetPicSize (int *w, int *h, char *name);
void R_DrawPic (int x, int y, char *name);
// added alpha for Psychospaz's transparent console
void R_DrawStretchPic (int x, int y, int w, int h, char *name, float alpha);
// Psychospaz's scaled crosshair support
void R_DrawScaledPic (int x, int y, float scale, float alpha, char *pic);
void R_InitChars (void);
void R_FlushChars (void);
void R_DrawChar (float x, float y, int num, float scale,
int red, int green, int blue, int alpha, qboolean italic, qboolean last);
void R_DrawTileClear (int x, int y, int w, int h, char *name);
void R_DrawFill (int x, int y, int w, int h, int red, int green, int blue, int alpha);
float R_CharMapScale (void);
void R_DrawStretchRaw (int x, int y, int w, int h, const byte *raw, int rawWidth, int rawHeight);
#else // old 8-bit, 256x256 version
void r_DrawStretchRaw (int x, int y, int w, int h, int cols, int rows, byte *data);
#endif // ROQ_SUPPORT
// r_image.c
int Draw_GetPalette (void);
//void GL_ResampleTexture (unsigned *in, int inwidth, int inheight, unsigned *out, int outwidth, int outheight);
void GL_ResampleTexture (void *indata, int inwidth, int inheight, void *outdata, int outwidth, int outheight);
struct image_s *R_RegisterSkin (char *name);
void LoadPCX (char *filename, byte **pic, byte **palette, int *width, int *height);
// Knightmare added
void LoadTGA (char *name, byte **pic, int *width, int *height);
void LoadJPG (char *filename, byte **pic, int *width, int *height);
image_t *R_LoadPic (char *name, byte *pic, int width, int height, imagetype_t type, int bits);
image_t *R_FindImage (char *name, imagetype_t type);
void GL_UpdateAnisoMode (void);
void GL_TextureMode( char *string );
void R_ImageList_f (void);
//void GL_SetTexturePalette( unsigned palette[256] );
void R_InitFailedImgList (void);
void R_InitImages (void);
void R_ShutdownImages (void);
void R_FreeUnusedImages (void);
//void GL_TextureAlphaMode( char *string );
//void GL_TextureSolidMode( char *string );
// r_upscale.c
void R_Upscale2x_Render (unsigned int *output, const unsigned int *input, int width, int height);
void R_Upscale4x_Render (unsigned int *output, const unsigned int *input, int width, int height);
void R_Upscale_Init (void);
** GL extension emulation functions
void GL_DrawParticles( int num_particles );
// r_fog.c
void R_SetFog (void);
void R_SetFog2D (void);
void R_SetSkyFog (qboolean setSkyFog);
void R_SuspendFog (void);
void R_ResumeFog (void);
void R_InitFogVars (void);
void R_SetFogVars (qboolean enable, int model, int density,
int start, int end, int red, int green, int blue);
** GL config stuff
/*#define GL_RENDERER_VOODOO 0x00000001
#define GL_RENDERER_VOODOO2 0x00000002
#define GL_RENDERER_VOODOO_RUSH 0x00000004
#define GL_RENDERER_BANSHEE 0x00000008
#define GL_RENDERER_3DFX 0x0000000F
#define GL_RENDERER_PCX1 0x00000010
#define GL_RENDERER_PCX2 0x00000020
#define GL_RENDERER_PMX 0x00000040
#define GL_RENDERER_POWERVR 0x00000070
#define GL_RENDERER_PERMEDIA2 0x00000100
#define GL_RENDERER_GLINT_MX 0x00000200
#define GL_RENDERER_GLINT_TX 0x00000400
#define GL_RENDERER_3DLABS_MISC 0x00000800
#define GL_RENDERER_3DLABS 0x00000F00
#define GL_RENDERER_REALIZM 0x00001000
#define GL_RENDERER_REALIZM2 0x00002000
#define GL_RENDERER_INTERGRAPH 0x00003000
#define GL_RENDERER_3DPRO 0x00004000
#define GL_RENDERER_REAL3D 0x00008000
#define GL_RENDERER_RIVA128 0x00010000
#define GL_RENDERER_DYPIC 0x00020000
#define GL_RENDERER_V1000 0x00040000
#define GL_RENDERER_V2100 0x00080000
#define GL_RENDERER_V2200 0x00100000
#define GL_RENDERER_RENDITION 0x001C0000
#define GL_RENDERER_O2 0x00100000
#define GL_RENDERER_IMPACT 0x00200000
#define GL_RENDERER_RE 0x00400000
#define GL_RENDERER_IR 0x00800000
#define GL_RENDERER_SGI 0x00F00000
#define GL_RENDERER_MCD 0x01000000
#define GL_RENDERER_OTHER 0x80000000*/
enum {
GLREND_MCD = 1 << 1,
GLREND_3DLABS = 1 << 2,
GLREND_PCX1 = 1 << 4,
GLREND_PCX2 = 1 << 5,
GLREND_PMX = 1 << 7,
GLREND_SGI = 1 << 11,
GLREND_SIS = 1 << 12,
GLREND_VOODOO = 1 << 13,
GLREND_NVIDIA = 1 << 14,
GLREND_ATI = 1 << 16,
GLREND_RADEON = 1 << 17,
GLREND_MATROX = 1 << 18,
GLREND_INTEL = 1 << 19
typedef struct
int rendType;
const char *renderer_string;
const char *vendor_string;
const char *version_string;
const char *extensions_string;
// for parsing newer OpenGL versions
int version_major;
int version_minor;
int version_release;
qboolean allowCDS;
// max texture size
int max_texsize;
int max_texunits;
// non-power of two texture support
qboolean arbTextureNonPowerOfTwo;
qboolean vertexBufferObject;
qboolean multitexture;
qboolean mtexcombine; // added Vic's RGB brightening
qboolean have_stencil;
qboolean extStencilWrap;
qboolean atiSeparateStencil;
qboolean extStencilTwoSide;
qboolean extCompiledVertArray;
qboolean drawRangeElements;
// texture shader support
qboolean arb_fragment_program;
qboolean arb_vertex_program;
qboolean NV_texshaders;
// anisotropic filtering
qboolean anisotropic;
float max_anisotropy;
// nVidia fog support
qboolean nvFogAvailable;
int nvFogMode;
qboolean newLMFormat; // whether to use GL_BGRA lightmaps
} glconfig_t;
// Knightmare- OpenGL state manager
typedef struct
float inverse_intensity;
qboolean fullscreen;
int prev_mode;
unsigned char *d_16to8table;
int lightmap_textures;
int currenttextures[MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
unsigned int currenttmu;
qboolean activetmu[MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
float camera_separation;
qboolean stereo_enabled;
// advanced state manager - MrG
qboolean texgen;
qboolean regCombiners;
qboolean sgis_mipmap;
unsigned int dst_texture;
qboolean envAdd;
qboolean stencilEnabled;
qboolean gammaRamp;
qboolean cullFace;
qboolean polygonOffsetFill; // Knightmare added
qboolean TexShaderNV;
qboolean vertexProgram;
qboolean fragmentProgram;
qboolean alphaTest;
qboolean blend;
qboolean stencilTest;
qboolean depthTest;
qboolean scissorTest;
qboolean texRectangle;
qboolean in2d;
qboolean arraysLocked;
// End - MrG
GLenum cullMode;
GLenum shadeModelMode;
GLfloat depthMin;
GLfloat depthMax;
GLfloat offsetFactor;
GLfloat offsetUnits;
GLenum alphaFunc;
GLclampf alphaRef;
GLenum blendSrc;
GLenum blendDst;
GLenum depthFunc;
GLboolean depthMask;
qboolean texture_compression; // Heffo - ARB Texture Compression
unsigned char originalRedGammaTable[256];
unsigned char originalGreenGammaTable[256];
unsigned char originalBlueGammaTable[256];
} glstate_t;
extern glconfig_t glConfig;
extern glstate_t glState;
// r_glstate.c
void GL_Stencil (qboolean enable, qboolean shell);
void R_ParticleStencil (int passnum);
qboolean GL_HasStencil (void);
void GL_Enable (GLenum cap);
void GL_Disable (GLenum cap);
void GL_ShadeModel (GLenum mode);
void GL_TexEnv (GLenum value);
void GL_CullFace (GLenum mode);
void GL_PolygonOffset (GLfloat factor, GLfloat units);
void GL_AlphaFunc (GLenum func, GLclampf ref);
void GL_BlendFunc (GLenum src, GLenum dst);
void GL_DepthFunc (GLenum func);
void GL_DepthMask (GLboolean mask);
void GL_DepthRange (GLfloat rMin, GLfloat rMax);
void GL_LockArrays (int numVerts);
void GL_UnlockArrays (void);
void GL_EnableTexture (unsigned tmu);
void GL_DisableTexture (unsigned tmu);
void GL_EnableMultitexture(qboolean enable);
void GL_SelectTexture (unsigned tmu);
void GL_Bind (int texnum);
void GL_MBind (unsigned tmu, int texnum);
void GL_SetDefaultState (void);
void VID_Error (int err_level, char *str, ...);
void CL_SetParticleImages (void);
void Cmd_AddCommand (char *name, void(*cmd)(void));
void Cmd_RemoveCommand (char *name);
int Cmd_Argc (void);
char *Cmd_Argv (int i);
void Cbuf_ExecuteText (int exec_when, char *text);
void VID_Printf (int print_level, char *str, ...);
// files will be memory mapped read only
// the returned buffer may be part of a larger pak file,
// or a discrete file from anywhere in the quake search path
// a -1 return means the file does not exist
// NULL can be passed for buf to just determine existance
char **FS_GetFileList (const char *path, const char *extension, int *num);
int FS_LoadFile (char *name, void **buf);
void FS_FreeFile (void *buf);
// gamedir will be the current directory that generated
// files should be stored to, ie: "f:\quake\id1"
char *FS_Gamedir (void);
char *FS_Savegamedir (void);
cvar_t *Cvar_Get (char *name, char *value, int flags);
cvar_t *Cvar_Set (char *name, char *value );
void Cvar_SetValue (char *name, float value);
qboolean VID_GetModeInfo (int *width, int *height, int mode);
void VID_NewWindow (int width, int height);
// Knightmare- added import of text color for renderer
void CL_TextColor (int colornum, int *red, int *green, int *blue);
void GLimp_BeginFrame( float camera_separation );
void GLimp_EndFrame( void );
int GLimp_Init( void *hinstance, void *hWnd );
void GLimp_Shutdown( void );
int GLimp_SetMode( int *pwidth, int *pheight, int mode, qboolean fullscreen );
void GLimp_AppActivate( qboolean active );
void GLimp_EnableLogging( qboolean enable );
void GLimp_LogNewFrame( void );