mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 16:01:23 +00:00
Added dynamic updating of Anisotropic filtering. Added Cvar_IsModified() function. Refactored screen and HUD scaling functions. Added text size to string drawing functions. Added textSize field to menu items for submenu headers. Fixed compiling on MSVC6.
587 lines
19 KiB
587 lines
19 KiB
Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// ui_options_screen.c -- the screen options menu
#include <ctype.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <io.h>
#include "../client/client.h"
#include "ui_local.h"
static menuframework_s s_options_screen_menu;
static menuseparator_s s_options_screen_header;
static menulist_s s_options_screen_crosshair_box;
static menuslider_s s_options_screen_crosshairscale_slider;
static menuslider_s s_options_screen_crosshairalpha_slider;
static menuslider_s s_options_screen_crosshairpulse_slider;
static menuslider_s s_options_screen_hudscale_slider;
static menuslider_s s_options_screen_hudalpha_slider;
static menulist_s s_options_screen_hudsqueezedigits_box;
static menulist_s s_options_screen_fps_box;
static menuaction_s s_options_screen_defaults_action;
static menuaction_s s_options_screen_back_action;
// Psychospaz's changeable size crosshair
static void CrosshairSizeFunc( void *unused )
Cvar_SetValue( "crosshair_scale", s_options_screen_crosshairscale_slider.curvalue*0.25);
static void CrosshairAlphaFunc( void *unused )
Cvar_SetValue( "crosshair_alpha", s_options_screen_crosshairalpha_slider.curvalue*0.05);
static void CrosshairPulseFunc( void *unused )
Cvar_SetValue( "crosshair_pulse", s_options_screen_crosshairpulse_slider.curvalue*0.05);
// hud scaling option
static void HudScaleFunc( void *unused )
Cvar_SetValue( "hud_scale", s_options_screen_hudscale_slider.curvalue);
// hud trans option
static void HudAlphaFunc( void *unused )
Cvar_SetValue( "hud_alpha", (s_options_screen_hudalpha_slider.curvalue-1)/10);
// hud squeeze digits option
static void HudSqueezeDigitsFunc( void *unused )
Cvar_SetValue( "hud_squeezedigits", s_options_screen_hudsqueezedigits_box.curvalue);
// FPS counter option
static void FPSFunc( void *unused )
Cvar_SetValue( "cl_drawfps", s_options_screen_fps_box.curvalue);
Crosshair loading
#define MAX_CROSSHAIRS 100
char **crosshair_names = NULL;
int numcrosshairs = 0;
/*static void OldCrosshairFunc( void *unused )
Cvar_SetValue( "crosshair", s_options_crosshair_box.curvalue );
static void CrosshairFunc( void *unused )
if (s_options_screen_crosshair_box.curvalue == 0) {
Cvar_SetValue( "crosshair", 0); return; }
Cvar_SetValue( "crosshair", atoi(strdup(crosshair_names[s_options_screen_crosshair_box.curvalue]+2)) );
void SetCrosshairCursor (void)
int i;
s_options_screen_crosshair_box.curvalue = 0;
if (numcrosshairs > 1)
for (i=0; crosshair_names[i]; i++)
if (!Q_strcasecmp(va("ch%i", (int)Cvar_VariableValue("crosshair")), crosshair_names[i]))
s_options_screen_crosshair_box.curvalue = i;
void sortCrosshairs (char **list, int len)
int i, j;
char *temp;
qboolean moved;
if (!list || len < 2)
for (i=(len-1); i>0; i--)
moved = false;
for (j=0; j<i; j++)
if (!list[j]) break;
if ( atoi(strdup(list[j]+2)) > atoi(strdup(list[j+1]+2)) )
temp = list[j];
list[j] = list[j+1];
list[j+1] = temp;
moved = true;
if (!moved) break; // done sorting
char **SetCrosshairNames (void)
char *curCrosshair;
char **list = 0, *p;
// char findname[1024];
int ncrosshairs = 0, ncrosshairnames;
char **crosshairfiles;
char *path = NULL;
int i;
list = malloc( sizeof( char * ) * MAX_CROSSHAIRS+1 );
memset( list, 0, sizeof( char * ) * MAX_CROSSHAIRS+1 );
list[0] = strdup("none"); // was default
ncrosshairnames = 1;
#if 1
crosshairfiles = FS_GetFileList("pics/ch*.*", NULL, &ncrosshairs);
for (i=0; i<ncrosshairs && ncrosshairnames < MAX_CROSSHAIRS; i++)
int num, namelen;
if ( !crosshairfiles || !crosshairfiles[i] )
if ( !IsValidImageFilename(crosshairfiles[i]) )
p = strrchr(crosshairfiles[i], '/'); p++;
// filename must be chxxx
if (strncmp(p, "ch", 2))
namelen = strlen(strdup(p));
if (namelen < 7 || namelen > 9)
if (!isNumeric(p[2]))
if (namelen >= 8 && !isNumeric(p[3]))
// ch100 is only valid 5-char name
if (namelen == 9 && (p[2] != '1' || p[3] != '0' || p[4] != '0'))
num = strlen(p)-4;
p[num] = 0; //NULL;
curCrosshair = p;
if (!FS_ItemInList(curCrosshair, ncrosshairnames, list))
FS_InsertInList(list, strdup(curCrosshair), ncrosshairnames, 1); // i=1 so none stays first!
//set back so whole string get deleted.
p[num] = '.';
path = FS_NextPath( path );
while (path)
Com_sprintf( findname, sizeof(findname), "%s/pics/ch*.*", path );
crosshairfiles = FS_ListFiles( findname, &ncrosshairs, 0, SFF_SUBDIR | SFF_HIDDEN | SFF_SYSTEM );
for (i=0; i < ncrosshairs && ncrosshairnames < MAX_CROSSHAIRS; i++)
int num, namelen;
if (!crosshairfiles || !crosshairfiles[i])
if ( !IsValidImageFilename(crosshairfiles[i]) )
p = strrchr(crosshairfiles[i], '/'); p++;
// filename must be chxxx
if (strncmp(p, "ch", 2))
namelen = strlen(strdup(p));
if (namelen < 7 || namelen > 9)
if (!isNumeric(p[2]))
if (namelen >= 8 && !isNumeric(p[3]))
// ch100 is only valid 5-char name
if (namelen == 9 && (p[2] != '1' || p[3] != '0' || p[4] != '0'))
num = strlen(p)-4;
p[num] = 0; //NULL;
curCrosshair = p;
if (!FS_ItemInList(curCrosshair, ncrosshairnames, list))
FS_InsertInList(list, strdup(curCrosshair), ncrosshairnames, 1); //i=1 so none stays first!
//set back so whole string get deleted.
p[num] = '.';
if (ncrosshairs)
FS_FreeFileList( crosshairfiles, ncrosshairs );
path = FS_NextPath( path );
// check pak after
if (crosshairfiles = FS_ListPak("pics/", &ncrosshairs))
for (i=0; i<ncrosshairs && ncrosshairnames < MAX_CROSSHAIRS; i++)
int num, namelen;
if (!crosshairfiles || !crosshairfiles[i])
if ( !IsValidImageFilename(crosshairfiles[i]) )
p = strrchr(crosshairfiles[i], '/'); p++;
// filename must be chxxx
if (strncmp(p, "ch", 2))
namelen = strlen(strdup(p));
if (namelen < 7 || namelen > 9)
if (!isNumeric(p[2]))
if (namelen >= 8 && !isNumeric(p[3]))
// ch100 is only valid 5-char name
if (namelen == 9 && (p[2] != '1' || p[3] != '0' || p[4] != '0'))
num = strlen(p)-4;
p[num] = 0; //NULL;
curCrosshair = p;
if (!FS_ItemInList(curCrosshair, ncrosshairnames, list))
FS_InsertInList(list, strdup(curCrosshair), ncrosshairnames, 1); //i=1 so none stays first!
//set back so whole string get deleted.
p[num] = '.';
// sort the list
sortCrosshairs (list, ncrosshairnames);
if (ncrosshairs)
FS_FreeFileList( crosshairfiles, ncrosshairs );
numcrosshairs = ncrosshairnames;
return list;
static void ScreenSetMenuItemValues( void )
Cvar_SetValue( "crosshair", ClampCvar( 0, 100, Cvar_VariableValue("crosshair") ) );
//s_options_crosshair_box.curvalue = Cvar_VariableValue("crosshair");
Cvar_SetValue( "crosshair_scale", ClampCvar( 0.25, 5, Cvar_VariableValue("crosshair_scale") ) );
s_options_screen_crosshairscale_slider.curvalue = Cvar_VariableValue("crosshair_scale")*4;
Cvar_SetValue( "crosshair_alpha", ClampCvar( 0.05, 1, Cvar_VariableValue("crosshair_alpha") ) );
s_options_screen_crosshairalpha_slider.curvalue = Cvar_VariableValue("crosshair_alpha")*20;
Cvar_SetValue( "crosshair_pulse", ClampCvar( 0, 0.5, Cvar_VariableValue("crosshair_pulse") ) );
s_options_screen_crosshairpulse_slider.curvalue = Cvar_VariableValue("crosshair_pulse")*20;
Cvar_SetValue( "hud_scale", ClampCvar( 0, 8, Cvar_VariableValue("hud_scale") ) );
s_options_screen_hudscale_slider.curvalue = Cvar_VariableValue("hud_scale");
Cvar_SetValue( "hud_alpha", ClampCvar( 0, 1, Cvar_VariableValue("hud_alpha") ) );
s_options_screen_hudalpha_slider.curvalue = Cvar_VariableValue("hud_alpha")*10 + 1;
Cvar_SetValue( "hud_squeezedigits", ClampCvar( 0, 1, Cvar_VariableValue("hud_squeezedigits") ) );
s_options_screen_hudsqueezedigits_box.curvalue = Cvar_VariableValue("hud_squeezedigits");
Cvar_SetValue( "cl_drawfps", ClampCvar( 0, 1, Cvar_VariableValue("cl_drawfps") ) );
s_options_screen_fps_box.curvalue = Cvar_VariableValue("cl_drawfps");
static void ScreenResetDefaultsFunc ( void *unused )
Cvar_SetToDefault ("crosshair");
Cvar_SetToDefault ("crosshair_scale");
Cvar_SetToDefault ("crosshair_alpha");
Cvar_SetToDefault ("crosshair_pulse");
Cvar_SetToDefault ("hud_scale");
Cvar_SetToDefault ("hud_alpha");
Cvar_SetToDefault ("hud_squeezedigits");
Cvar_SetToDefault ("cl_drawfps");
void Options_Screen_MenuInit ( void )
static const char *yesno_names[] =
int y = 3*MENU_LINE_SIZE;
s_options_screen_menu.x = SCREEN_WIDTH*0.5;
s_options_screen_menu.y = SCREEN_HEIGHT*0.5 - 58;
s_options_screen_menu.nitems = 0;
s_options_screen_header.generic.type = MTYPE_SEPARATOR;
s_options_screen_header.generic.textSize = MENU_HEADER_FONT_SIZE;
s_options_screen_header.generic.name = "Screen";
s_options_screen_header.generic.x = MENU_HEADER_FONT_SIZE/2 * strlen(s_options_screen_header.generic.name);
s_options_screen_header.generic.y = -2*MENU_LINE_SIZE; // 0
// free any loaded crosshairs to prevent memory leak
if (numcrosshairs > 0) {
FS_FreeFileList (crosshair_names, numcrosshairs);
numcrosshairs = 0;
crosshair_names = SetCrosshairNames ();
s_options_screen_crosshair_box.generic.type = MTYPE_SPINCONTROL;
s_options_screen_crosshair_box.generic.textSize = MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_options_screen_crosshair_box.generic.x = 0;
s_options_screen_crosshair_box.generic.y = y;
s_options_screen_crosshair_box.generic.name = "crosshair";
s_options_screen_crosshair_box.generic.callback = CrosshairFunc;
s_options_screen_crosshair_box.itemnames = crosshair_names;
s_options_screen_crosshair_box.generic.statusbar = "changes crosshair";
// Psychospaz's changeable size crosshair
s_options_screen_crosshairscale_slider.generic.type = MTYPE_SLIDER;
s_options_screen_crosshairscale_slider.generic.textSize = MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_options_screen_crosshairscale_slider.generic.x = 0;
s_options_screen_crosshairscale_slider.generic.y = y += 5*MENU_LINE_SIZE;
s_options_screen_crosshairscale_slider.generic.name = "crosshair scale";
s_options_screen_crosshairscale_slider.generic.callback = CrosshairSizeFunc;
s_options_screen_crosshairscale_slider.minvalue = 1;
s_options_screen_crosshairscale_slider.maxvalue = 20;
s_options_screen_crosshairscale_slider.generic.statusbar = "changes size of crosshair";
s_options_screen_crosshairalpha_slider.generic.type = MTYPE_SLIDER;
s_options_screen_crosshairalpha_slider.generic.textSize = MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_options_screen_crosshairalpha_slider.generic.x = 0;
s_options_screen_crosshairalpha_slider.generic.y = y += MENU_LINE_SIZE;
s_options_screen_crosshairalpha_slider.generic.name = "crosshair alpha";
s_options_screen_crosshairalpha_slider.generic.callback = CrosshairAlphaFunc;
s_options_screen_crosshairalpha_slider.minvalue = 1;
s_options_screen_crosshairalpha_slider.maxvalue = 20;
s_options_screen_crosshairalpha_slider.generic.statusbar = "changes opacity of crosshair";
s_options_screen_crosshairpulse_slider.generic.type = MTYPE_SLIDER;
s_options_screen_crosshairpulse_slider.generic.textSize = MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_options_screen_crosshairpulse_slider.generic.x = 0;
s_options_screen_crosshairpulse_slider.generic.y = y += MENU_LINE_SIZE;
s_options_screen_crosshairpulse_slider.generic.name = "crosshair pulse";
s_options_screen_crosshairpulse_slider.generic.callback = CrosshairPulseFunc;
s_options_screen_crosshairpulse_slider.minvalue = 0;
s_options_screen_crosshairpulse_slider.maxvalue = 10;
s_options_screen_crosshairpulse_slider.generic.statusbar = "changes pulse amplitude of crosshair";
// hud scaling option
s_options_screen_hudscale_slider.generic.type = MTYPE_SLIDER;
s_options_screen_hudscale_slider.generic.textSize = MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_options_screen_hudscale_slider.generic.x = 0;
s_options_screen_hudscale_slider.generic.y = y += 2*MENU_LINE_SIZE;
s_options_screen_hudscale_slider.generic.name = "status bar scale";
s_options_screen_hudscale_slider.generic.callback = HudScaleFunc;
s_options_screen_hudscale_slider.minvalue = 0;
s_options_screen_hudscale_slider.maxvalue = 8;
s_options_screen_hudscale_slider.generic.statusbar = "changes size of HUD elements";
// hud trans option
s_options_screen_hudalpha_slider.generic.type = MTYPE_SLIDER;
s_options_screen_hudalpha_slider.generic.textSize = MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_options_screen_hudalpha_slider.generic.x = 0;
s_options_screen_hudalpha_slider.generic.y = y += MENU_LINE_SIZE;
s_options_screen_hudalpha_slider.generic.name = "status bar transparency";
s_options_screen_hudalpha_slider.generic.callback = HudAlphaFunc;
s_options_screen_hudalpha_slider.minvalue = 1;
s_options_screen_hudalpha_slider.maxvalue = 11;
s_options_screen_hudalpha_slider.generic.statusbar = "changes opacity of HUD elements";
// hud squeeze digits option
s_options_screen_hudsqueezedigits_box.generic.type = MTYPE_SPINCONTROL;
s_options_screen_hudsqueezedigits_box.generic.textSize = MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_options_screen_hudsqueezedigits_box.generic.x = 0;
s_options_screen_hudsqueezedigits_box.generic.y = y += MENU_LINE_SIZE;
s_options_screen_hudsqueezedigits_box.generic.name = "status bar digit squeezing";
s_options_screen_hudsqueezedigits_box.generic.callback = HudSqueezeDigitsFunc;
s_options_screen_hudsqueezedigits_box.itemnames = yesno_names;
s_options_screen_hudsqueezedigits_box.generic.statusbar = "enables showing of longer numbers on HUD";
s_options_screen_fps_box.generic.type = MTYPE_SPINCONTROL;
s_options_screen_fps_box.generic.textSize = MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_options_screen_fps_box.generic.x = 0;
s_options_screen_fps_box.generic.y = y += 2*MENU_LINE_SIZE;
s_options_screen_fps_box.generic.name = "FPS counter";
s_options_screen_fps_box.generic.callback = FPSFunc;
s_options_screen_fps_box.itemnames = yesno_names;
s_options_screen_fps_box.generic.statusbar = "enables FPS counter";
s_options_screen_defaults_action.generic.type = MTYPE_ACTION;
s_options_screen_defaults_action.generic.textSize = MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_options_screen_defaults_action.generic.x = MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_options_screen_defaults_action.generic.y = y+=2*MENU_LINE_SIZE;
s_options_screen_defaults_action.generic.name = "reset defaults";
s_options_screen_defaults_action.generic.callback = ScreenResetDefaultsFunc;
s_options_screen_defaults_action.generic.statusbar = "resets all screen settings to internal defaults";
s_options_screen_back_action.generic.type = MTYPE_ACTION;
s_options_screen_back_action.generic.textSize = MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_options_screen_back_action.generic.x = MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_options_screen_back_action.generic.y = y+=2*MENU_LINE_SIZE;
s_options_screen_back_action.generic.name = "back to options";
s_options_screen_back_action.generic.callback = UI_BackMenu;
Menu_AddItem( &s_options_screen_menu, ( void * ) &s_options_screen_header );
Menu_AddItem( &s_options_screen_menu, ( void * ) &s_options_screen_crosshair_box );
Menu_AddItem( &s_options_screen_menu, ( void * ) &s_options_screen_crosshairscale_slider );
Menu_AddItem( &s_options_screen_menu, ( void * ) &s_options_screen_crosshairalpha_slider );
Menu_AddItem( &s_options_screen_menu, ( void * ) &s_options_screen_crosshairpulse_slider );
Menu_AddItem( &s_options_screen_menu, ( void * ) &s_options_screen_hudscale_slider );
Menu_AddItem( &s_options_screen_menu, ( void * ) &s_options_screen_hudalpha_slider );
Menu_AddItem( &s_options_screen_menu, ( void * ) &s_options_screen_hudsqueezedigits_box );
Menu_AddItem( &s_options_screen_menu, ( void * ) &s_options_screen_fps_box );
Menu_AddItem( &s_options_screen_menu, ( void * ) &s_options_screen_defaults_action );
Menu_AddItem( &s_options_screen_menu, ( void * ) &s_options_screen_back_action );
void MenuCrosshair_MouseClick ( void )
char *sound = NULL;
buttonmenuobject_t crosshairbutton;
int button_x, button_y;
int button_size;
button_size = 36;
button_x = SCREEN_WIDTH*0.5 - 14;
button_y = s_options_screen_menu.y + 42;
UI_AddButton (&crosshairbutton, 0, button_x, button_y, button_size, button_size);
if (cursor.x>=crosshairbutton.min[0] && cursor.x<=crosshairbutton.max[0] &&
cursor.y>=crosshairbutton.min[1] && cursor.y<=crosshairbutton.max[1])
if (!cursor.buttonused[MOUSEBUTTON1] && (cursor.buttonclicks[MOUSEBUTTON1] == 1) )
if (s_options_screen_crosshair_box.curvalue > numcrosshairs-1)
s_options_screen_crosshair_box.curvalue = 0; // wrap around
CrosshairFunc (NULL);
cursor.buttonused[MOUSEBUTTON1] = true;
cursor.buttonclicks[MOUSEBUTTON1] = 0;
sound = menu_move_sound;
if ( sound )
S_StartLocalSound( sound );
if (!cursor.buttonused[MOUSEBUTTON2] && (cursor.buttonclicks[MOUSEBUTTON2] == 1) )
if (s_options_screen_crosshair_box.curvalue < 0)
s_options_screen_crosshair_box.curvalue = numcrosshairs-1; // wrap around
CrosshairFunc (NULL);
cursor.buttonused[MOUSEBUTTON2] = true;
cursor.buttonclicks[MOUSEBUTTON2] = 0;
sound = menu_move_sound;
if ( sound )
S_StartLocalSound( sound );
void DrawMenuCrosshair (void)
SCR_DrawFill (SCREEN_WIDTH*0.5 - 18, s_options_screen_menu.y + 42,
36, 36, ALIGN_CENTER, 60,60,60,255);
SCR_DrawFill (SCREEN_WIDTH*0.5 - 17, s_options_screen_menu.y + 43,
34, 34, ALIGN_CENTER, 0,0,0,255);
if (s_options_screen_crosshair_box.curvalue < 1)
SCR_DrawPic (SCREEN_WIDTH*0.5-16, s_options_screen_menu.y + 44,
32, 32, ALIGN_CENTER, crosshair_names[s_options_screen_crosshair_box.curvalue], 1.0);
void Options_Screen_MenuDraw (void)
Menu_DrawBanner( "m_banner_options" );
Menu_AdjustCursor( &s_options_screen_menu, 1 );
Menu_Draw( &s_options_screen_menu );
const char *Options_Screen_MenuKey( int key )
return Default_MenuKey( &s_options_screen_menu, key );
void M_Menu_Options_Screen_f (void)
UI_PushMenu ( Options_Screen_MenuDraw, Options_Screen_MenuKey );