mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 16:01:23 +00:00
Added dynamic updating of Anisotropic filtering. Added Cvar_IsModified() function. Refactored screen and HUD scaling functions. Added text size to string drawing functions. Added textSize field to menu items for submenu headers. Fixed compiling on MSVC6.
893 lines
26 KiB
893 lines
26 KiB
Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// ui_playersetup.c -- the player setup menu
#include <ctype.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <io.h>
#include "../client/client.h"
#include "ui_local.h"
extern menuframework_s s_multiplayer_menu;
static menuframework_s s_player_config_menu;
static menufield_s s_player_name_field;
static menulist_s s_player_model_box;
static menulist_s s_player_skin_box;
static menulist_s s_player_handedness_box;
static menulist_s s_player_rate_box;
static menuseparator_s s_player_skin_title;
static menuseparator_s s_player_model_title;
static menuseparator_s s_player_hand_title;
static menuseparator_s s_player_rate_title;
//static menuaction_s s_player_download_action;
static menuaction_s s_player_back_action;
// save skins and models here so as to not have to re-register every frame
struct model_s *playermodel;
struct model_s *weaponmodel;
struct image_s *playerskin;
char *currentweaponmodel;
typedef struct
int nskins;
char **skindisplaynames;
char displayname[MAX_DISPLAYNAME];
char directory[MAX_QPATH];
} playermodelinfo_s;
static playermodelinfo_s s_pmi[MAX_PLAYERMODELS];
static char *s_pmnames[MAX_PLAYERMODELS];
static int s_numplayermodels;
static int rate_tbl[] = { 2500, 3200, 5000, 10000, 15000, 25000, 0 };
static const char *rate_names[] = { "28.8 Modem", "33.6 Modem", "56K/Single ISDN",
"Dual ISDN", "Cable/DSL", "T1/LAN", "User defined", 0 };
static void HandednessCallback (void *unused)
Cvar_SetValue ("hand", s_player_handedness_box.curvalue);
static void RateCallback (void *unused)
if (s_player_rate_box.curvalue != sizeof(rate_tbl) / sizeof(*rate_tbl) - 1)
Cvar_SetValue ("rate", rate_tbl[s_player_rate_box.curvalue]);
static void ModelCallback (void *unused)
char scratch[MAX_QPATH];
s_player_skin_box.itemnames = s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].skindisplaynames;
s_player_skin_box.curvalue = 0;
// only register model and skin on starup or when changed
Com_sprintf( scratch, sizeof(scratch), "players/%s/tris.md2", s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].directory );
playermodel = R_RegisterModel (scratch);
Com_sprintf( scratch, sizeof(scratch), "players/%s/%s.pcx", s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].directory, s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].skindisplaynames[s_player_skin_box.curvalue] );
playerskin = R_RegisterSkin (scratch);
// show current weapon model (if any)
if (currentweaponmodel && strlen(currentweaponmodel)) {
Com_sprintf (scratch, sizeof(scratch), "players/%s/%s", s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].directory, currentweaponmodel);
weaponmodel = R_RegisterModel(scratch);
if (!weaponmodel) {
Com_sprintf (scratch, sizeof(scratch), "players/%s/weapon.md2", s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].directory);
weaponmodel = R_RegisterModel (scratch);
else {
Com_sprintf (scratch, sizeof(scratch), "players/%s/weapon.md2", s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].directory);
weaponmodel = R_RegisterModel (scratch);
// only register skin on starup and when changed
static void SkinCallback (void *unused)
char scratch[MAX_QPATH];
Com_sprintf(scratch, sizeof(scratch), "players/%s/%s.pcx", s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].directory, s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].skindisplaynames[s_player_skin_box.curvalue]);
playerskin = R_RegisterSkin(scratch);
static qboolean IconOfSkinExists (char *skin, char **files, int nfiles, char *suffix)
int i;
char scratch[1024];
// strncpy(scratch, skin);
Q_strncpyz(scratch, skin, sizeof(scratch));
*strrchr(scratch, '.') = 0;
// strncat(scratch, suffix);
Q_strncatz(scratch, suffix, sizeof(scratch));
//strncat(scratch, "_i.pcx");
for (i = 0; i < nfiles; i++)
if ( strcmp(files[i], scratch) == 0 )
return true;
return false;
// adds menu support for TGA and JPG skins
static qboolean IsValidSkin (char **filelist, int numFiles, int index)
int len = strlen(filelist[index]);
if ( !strcmp (filelist[index]+max(len-4,0), ".pcx")
|| !strcmp (filelist[index]+max(len-4,0), ".tga")
|| !strcmp (filelist[index]+max(len-4,0), ".png")
#endif // PNG_SUPPORT
|| !strcmp (filelist[index]+max(len-4,0), ".jpg") )
if ( strcmp (filelist[index]+max(len-6,0), "_i.pcx")
&& strcmp (filelist[index]+max(len-6,0), "_i.tga")
&& strcmp (filelist[index]+max(len-6,0), "_i.png")
#endif // PNG_SUPPORT
&& strcmp (filelist[index]+max(len-6,0), "_i.jpg") )
if ( IconOfSkinExists (filelist[index], filelist, numFiles-1 , "_i.pcx")
|| IconOfSkinExists (filelist[index], filelist, numFiles-1 , "_i.tga")
|| IconOfSkinExists (filelist[index], filelist, numFiles-1 , "_i.png")
#endif // PNG_SUPPORT
|| IconOfSkinExists (filelist[index], filelist, numFiles-1 , "_i.jpg"))
return true;
return false;
static qboolean PlayerConfig_ScanDirectories (void)
char findname[1024];
char scratch[1024];
int ndirs = 0, npms = 0;
char **dirnames;
char *path = NULL;
int i;
//extern char **FS_ListFiles (char *, int *, unsigned, unsigned);
s_numplayermodels = 0;
// loop back to here if there were no valid player models found in the selected path
// get a list of directories
path = FS_NextPath(path);
Com_sprintf( findname, sizeof(findname), "%s/players/*.*", path );
if ( (dirnames = FS_ListFiles(findname, &ndirs, SFF_SUBDIR, 0)) != 0 )
} while (path);
if (!dirnames)
return false;
// go through the subdirectories
npms = ndirs;
if ( (s_numplayermodels + npms) > MAX_PLAYERMODELS )
npms = MAX_PLAYERMODELS - s_numplayermodels;
for (i = 0; i < npms; i++)
int k, s;
char *a, *b, *c;
char **skinnames;
char **imagenames;
int nimagefiles;
int nskins = 0;
qboolean already_added = false;
if (dirnames[i] == 0)
// check if dirnames[i] is already added to the s_pmi[i].directory list
a = strrchr(dirnames[i], '/');
b = strrchr(dirnames[i], '\\');
c = (a > b) ? a : b;
for (k=0; k < s_numplayermodels; k++)
if (!strcmp(s_pmi[k].directory, c+1))
{ already_added = true; break; }
if (already_added)
{ // todo: add any skins for this model not already listed to skindisplaynames
// verify the existence of tris.md2
// strncpy(scratch, dirnames[i]);
// strncat(scratch, "/tris.md2");
Q_strncpyz(scratch, dirnames[i], sizeof(scratch));
Q_strncatz(scratch, "/tris.md2", sizeof(scratch));
if ( !Sys_FindFirst(scratch, 0, SFF_SUBDIR | SFF_HIDDEN | SFF_SYSTEM) )
dirnames[i] = 0;
// verify the existence of at least one skin
// strncpy(scratch, va("%s%s", dirnames[i], "/*.*")); // was "/*.pcx"
Q_strncpyz(scratch, va("%s%s", dirnames[i], "/*.*"), sizeof(scratch)); // was "/*.pcx"
imagenames = FS_ListFiles (scratch, &nimagefiles, 0, SFF_SUBDIR | SFF_HIDDEN | SFF_SYSTEM);
if (!imagenames)
dirnames[i] = 0;
// count valid skins, which consist of a skin with a matching "_i" icon
for (k = 0; k < nimagefiles-1; k++)
if ( IsValidSkin(imagenames, nimagefiles, k) )
if (!nskins)
skinnames = malloc(sizeof(char *) * (nskins+1));
memset(skinnames, 0, sizeof(char *) * (nskins+1));
// copy the valid skins
if (nimagefiles)
for (s = 0, k = 0; k < nimagefiles-1; k++)
char *a, *b, *c;
if ( IsValidSkin(imagenames, nimagefiles, k) )
a = strrchr(imagenames[k], '/');
b = strrchr(imagenames[k], '\\');
c = (a > b) ? a : b;
// strncpy(scratch, c+1);
Q_strncpyz(scratch, c+1, sizeof(scratch));
if ( strrchr(scratch, '.') )
*strrchr(scratch, '.') = 0;
skinnames[s] = strdup(scratch);
// at this point we have a valid player model
s_pmi[s_numplayermodels].nskins = nskins;
s_pmi[s_numplayermodels].skindisplaynames = skinnames;
// make short name for the model
a = strrchr(dirnames[i], '/');
b = strrchr(dirnames[i], '\\');
c = (a > b) ? a : b;
strncpy(s_pmi[s_numplayermodels].displayname, c+1, MAX_DISPLAYNAME-1);
// strncpy(s_pmi[s_numplayermodels].directory, c+1);
Q_strncpyz(s_pmi[s_numplayermodels].directory, c+1, sizeof(s_pmi[s_numplayermodels].directory));
FS_FreeFileList (imagenames, nimagefiles);
if (dirnames)
FS_FreeFileList (dirnames, ndirs);
// if no valid player models found in path,
// try next path, if there is one
} while (path); // (s_numplayermodels == 0 && path);
return true; //** DMP warning fix
static int pmicmpfnc (const void *_a, const void *_b)
const playermodelinfo_s *a = (const playermodelinfo_s *) _a;
const playermodelinfo_s *b = (const playermodelinfo_s *) _b;
// sort by male, female, then alphabetical
if ( strcmp(a->directory, "male") == 0 )
return -1;
else if (strcmp( b->directory, "male") == 0 )
return 1;
if ( strcmp(a->directory, "female") == 0 )
return -1;
else if (strcmp( b->directory, "female") == 0 )
return 1;
return strcmp(a->directory, b->directory);
qboolean PlayerConfig_MenuInit (void)
extern cvar_t *name;
extern cvar_t *team;
extern cvar_t *skin;
char currentdirectory[1024];
char currentskin[1024];
char scratch[MAX_QPATH];
int i = 0;
int y = 0;
int currentdirectoryindex = 0;
int currentskinindex = 0;
cvar_t *hand = Cvar_Get( "hand", "0", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE );
static const char *handedness[] = { "right", "left", "center", 0 };
PlayerConfig_ScanDirectories ();
if (s_numplayermodels == 0)
return false;
if ( hand->value < 0 || hand->value > 2 )
Cvar_SetValue( "hand", 0 );
// strncpy( currentdirectory, skin->string );
Q_strncpyz( currentdirectory, skin->string, sizeof(currentdirectory) );
if ( strchr( currentdirectory, '/' ) )
// strncpy( currentskin, strchr( currentdirectory, '/' ) + 1 );
Q_strncpyz( currentskin, strchr( currentdirectory, '/' ) + 1, sizeof(currentskin) );
*strchr( currentdirectory, '/' ) = 0;
else if ( strchr( currentdirectory, '\\' ) )
// strncpy( currentskin, strchr( currentdirectory, '\\' ) + 1 );
Q_strncpyz( currentskin, strchr( currentdirectory, '\\' ) + 1, sizeof(currentskin) );
*strchr( currentdirectory, '\\' ) = 0;
// strncpy( currentdirectory, "male" );
// strncpy( currentskin, "grunt" );
Q_strncpyz( currentdirectory, "male", sizeof(currentdirectory) );
Q_strncpyz( currentskin, "grunt", sizeof(currentskin) );
qsort( s_pmi, s_numplayermodels, sizeof( s_pmi[0] ), pmicmpfnc );
memset( s_pmnames, 0, sizeof( s_pmnames ) );
for ( i = 0; i < s_numplayermodels; i++ )
s_pmnames[i] = s_pmi[i].displayname;
if ( Q_stricmp( s_pmi[i].directory, currentdirectory ) == 0 )
int j;
currentdirectoryindex = i;
for ( j = 0; j < s_pmi[i].nskins; j++ )
if ( Q_stricmp( s_pmi[i].skindisplaynames[j], currentskin ) == 0 )
currentskinindex = j;
s_player_config_menu.x = SCREEN_WIDTH*0.5 - 210;
s_player_config_menu.y = SCREEN_HEIGHT*0.5 - 70;
s_player_config_menu.nitems = 0;
s_player_name_field.generic.type = MTYPE_FIELD;
s_player_name_field.generic.textSize = MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_player_name_field.generic.flags = QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY;
s_player_name_field.generic.name = "name";
s_player_name_field.generic.callback = 0;
s_player_name_field.generic.x = -MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_player_name_field.generic.y = y;
s_player_name_field.length = 20;
s_player_name_field.visible_length = 20;
Q_strncpyz( s_player_name_field.buffer, name->string, sizeof(s_player_name_field.buffer) );
s_player_name_field.cursor = strlen( name->string );
s_player_model_title.generic.type = MTYPE_SEPARATOR;
s_player_model_title.generic.textSize = MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_player_model_title.generic.flags = QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY;
s_player_model_title.generic.name = "model";
s_player_model_title.generic.x = -MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_player_model_title.generic.y = y += 3*MENU_LINE_SIZE;
s_player_model_box.generic.type = MTYPE_SPINCONTROL;
s_player_model_box.generic.textSize = MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_player_model_box.generic.x = -7*MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_player_model_box.generic.y = y += MENU_LINE_SIZE;
s_player_model_box.generic.callback = ModelCallback;
s_player_model_box.generic.cursor_offset = -6*MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_player_model_box.curvalue = currentdirectoryindex;
s_player_model_box.itemnames = s_pmnames;
s_player_skin_title.generic.type = MTYPE_SEPARATOR;
s_player_skin_title.generic.textSize = MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_player_skin_title.generic.flags = QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY;
s_player_skin_title.generic.name = "skin";
s_player_skin_title.generic.x = -2*MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_player_skin_title.generic.y = y += 2*MENU_LINE_SIZE;
s_player_skin_box.generic.type = MTYPE_SPINCONTROL;
s_player_skin_box.generic.textSize = MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_player_skin_box.generic.x = -7*MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_player_skin_box.generic.y = y += MENU_LINE_SIZE;
s_player_skin_box.generic.name = 0;
s_player_skin_box.generic.callback = SkinCallback; // Knightmare added, was 0
s_player_skin_box.generic.cursor_offset = -6*MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_player_skin_box.curvalue = currentskinindex;
s_player_skin_box.itemnames = s_pmi[currentdirectoryindex].skindisplaynames;
s_player_skin_box.generic.flags |= QMF_SKINLIST;
s_player_hand_title.generic.type = MTYPE_SEPARATOR;
s_player_hand_title.generic.textSize = MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_player_hand_title.generic.flags = QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY;
s_player_hand_title.generic.name = "handedness";
s_player_hand_title.generic.x = 4*MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_player_hand_title.generic.y = y += 2*MENU_LINE_SIZE;
s_player_handedness_box.generic.type = MTYPE_SPINCONTROL;
s_player_handedness_box.generic.textSize = MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_player_handedness_box.generic.x = -7*MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_player_handedness_box.generic.y = y += MENU_LINE_SIZE;
s_player_handedness_box.generic.name = 0;
s_player_handedness_box.generic.cursor_offset = -6*MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_player_handedness_box.generic.callback = HandednessCallback;
s_player_handedness_box.curvalue = Cvar_VariableValue( "hand" );
s_player_handedness_box.itemnames = handedness;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(rate_tbl) / sizeof(*rate_tbl) - 1; i++)
if (Cvar_VariableValue("rate") == rate_tbl[i])
s_player_rate_title.generic.type = MTYPE_SEPARATOR;
s_player_rate_title.generic.textSize = MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_player_rate_title.generic.flags = QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY;
s_player_rate_title.generic.name = "connect speed";
s_player_rate_title.generic.x = 7*MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_player_rate_title.generic.y = y += 2*MENU_LINE_SIZE;
s_player_rate_box.generic.type = MTYPE_SPINCONTROL;
s_player_rate_box.generic.textSize = MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_player_rate_box.generic.x = -7*MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_player_rate_box.generic.y = y += MENU_LINE_SIZE;
s_player_rate_box.generic.name = 0;
s_player_rate_box.generic.cursor_offset = -6*MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_player_rate_box.generic.callback = RateCallback;
s_player_rate_box.curvalue = i;
s_player_rate_box.itemnames = rate_names;
s_player_back_action.generic.type = MTYPE_ACTION;
s_player_back_action.generic.textSize = MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_player_back_action.generic.name = "back to multiplayer";
s_player_back_action.generic.flags = QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY;
s_player_back_action.generic.x = -5*MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_player_back_action.generic.y = y += 2*MENU_LINE_SIZE;
s_player_back_action.generic.statusbar = NULL;
s_player_back_action.generic.callback = UI_BackMenu;
// only register model and skin on starup or when changed
Com_sprintf( scratch, sizeof( scratch ), "players/%s/tris.md2", s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].directory );
playermodel = R_RegisterModel( scratch );
Com_sprintf( scratch, sizeof( scratch ), "players/%s/%s.pcx", s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].directory, s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].skindisplaynames[s_player_skin_box.curvalue] );
playerskin = R_RegisterSkin( scratch );
// show current weapon model (if any)
if (currentweaponmodel && strlen(currentweaponmodel)) {
Com_sprintf( scratch, sizeof( scratch ), "players/%s/%s", s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].directory, currentweaponmodel );
weaponmodel = R_RegisterModel( scratch );
if (!weaponmodel) {
Com_sprintf( scratch, sizeof( scratch ), "players/%s/weapon.md2", s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].directory );
weaponmodel = R_RegisterModel( scratch );
Com_sprintf( scratch, sizeof( scratch ), "players/%s/weapon.md2", s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].directory );
weaponmodel = R_RegisterModel( scratch );
Menu_AddItem( &s_player_config_menu, &s_player_name_field );
Menu_AddItem( &s_player_config_menu, &s_player_model_title );
Menu_AddItem( &s_player_config_menu, &s_player_model_box );
if ( s_player_skin_box.itemnames )
Menu_AddItem( &s_player_config_menu, &s_player_skin_title );
Menu_AddItem( &s_player_config_menu, &s_player_skin_box );
Menu_AddItem( &s_player_config_menu, &s_player_hand_title );
Menu_AddItem( &s_player_config_menu, &s_player_handedness_box );
Menu_AddItem( &s_player_config_menu, &s_player_rate_title );
Menu_AddItem( &s_player_config_menu, &s_player_rate_box );
Menu_AddItem( &s_player_config_menu, &s_player_back_action );
return true;
qboolean PlayerConfig_CheckIncerement (int dir, float x, float y, float w, float h)
float min[2], max[2], x1, y1, w1, h1;
char *sound = NULL;
x1 = x; y1 = y; w1 = w; h1 = h;
SCR_AdjustFrom640 (&x1, &y1, &w1, &h1, ALIGN_CENTER);
min[0] = x1; max[0] = x1 + w1;
min[1] = y1; max[1] = y1 + h1;
if (cursor.x>=min[0] && cursor.x<=max[0] &&
cursor.y>=min[1] && cursor.y<=max[1] &&
!cursor.buttonused[MOUSEBUTTON1] &&
if (dir) // dir==1 is left
if (s_player_skin_box.curvalue>0)
if (s_player_skin_box.curvalue<s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].nskins)
sound = menu_move_sound;
cursor.buttonused[MOUSEBUTTON1] = true;
cursor.buttonclicks[MOUSEBUTTON1] = 0;
if ( sound )
S_StartLocalSound( sound );
SkinCallback (NULL);
return true;
return false;
void PlayerConfig_MouseClick (void)
float icon_x = SCREEN_WIDTH*0.5 - 5, //width - 325
icon_y = SCREEN_HEIGHT - 108,
icon_offset = 0;
int i, count;
char *sound = NULL;
buttonmenuobject_t buttons[NUM_SKINBOX_ITEMS];
for (i=0; i<NUM_SKINBOX_ITEMS; i++)
buttons[i].index =- 1;
if (s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].nskins < NUM_SKINBOX_ITEMS || s_player_skin_box.curvalue < 4)
else if (s_player_skin_box.curvalue > s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].nskins-4)
if (i > 0)
if (PlayerConfig_CheckIncerement (1, icon_x-39, icon_y, 32, 32))
for (count=0; count<NUM_SKINBOX_ITEMS; i++,count++)
if (i<0 || i>=s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].nskins)
UI_AddButton (&buttons[count], i, icon_x+icon_offset, icon_y, 32, 32);
icon_offset += 34;
icon_offset = NUM_SKINBOX_ITEMS*34;
if (s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].nskins-i > 0)
if (PlayerConfig_CheckIncerement (0, icon_x+icon_offset+5, icon_y, 32, 32))
for (i=0; i<NUM_SKINBOX_ITEMS; i++)
if (buttons[i].index == -1)
if (cursor.x>=buttons[i].min[0] && cursor.x<=buttons[i].max[0] &&
cursor.y>=buttons[i].min[1] && cursor.y<=buttons[i].max[1])
if (!cursor.buttonused[MOUSEBUTTON1] && cursor.buttonclicks[MOUSEBUTTON1]==1)
s_player_skin_box.curvalue = buttons[i].index;
sound = menu_move_sound;
cursor.buttonused[MOUSEBUTTON1] = true;
cursor.buttonclicks[MOUSEBUTTON1] = 0;
if (sound)
S_StartLocalSound (sound);
SkinCallback (NULL);
void PlayerConfig_DrawSkinSelection (void)
char scratch[MAX_QPATH];
float icon_x = SCREEN_WIDTH*0.5 - 5; //width - 325
float icon_y = SCREEN_HEIGHT - 108;
float icon_offset = 0;
float x, y, w, h;
int i, count, color[3];
CL_TextColor ((int)Cvar_VariableValue("alt_text_color"), &color[0], &color[1], &color[2]);
if (s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].nskins<NUM_SKINBOX_ITEMS || s_player_skin_box.curvalue<4)
else if (s_player_skin_box.curvalue > s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].nskins-4)
// left arrow
if (i>0)
Com_sprintf (scratch, sizeof(scratch), "/gfx/ui/arrows/arrow_left.pcx");
Com_sprintf (scratch, sizeof(scratch), "/gfx/ui/arrows/arrow_left_d.pcx");
SCR_DrawPic (icon_x-39, icon_y+2, 32, 32, ALIGN_CENTER, scratch, 1.0);
// background
SCR_DrawFill (icon_x-3, icon_y-3, NUM_SKINBOX_ITEMS*34+4, 38, ALIGN_CENTER, 0,0,0,255);
if (R_DrawFindPic("/gfx/ui/listbox_background.pcx")) {
x = icon_x-2; y = icon_y-2; w = NUM_SKINBOX_ITEMS*34+2; h = 36;
SCR_AdjustFrom640 (&x, &y, &w, &h, ALIGN_CENTER);
R_DrawTileClear ((int)x, (int)y, (int)w, (int)h, "/gfx/ui/listbox_background.pcx");
SCR_DrawFill (icon_x-2, icon_y-2, NUM_SKINBOX_ITEMS*34+2, 36, ALIGN_CENTER, 60,60,60,255);
for (count=0; count<NUM_SKINBOX_ITEMS; i++,count++)
if (i<0 || i>=s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].nskins)
Com_sprintf (scratch, sizeof(scratch), "/players/%s/%s_i.pcx",
s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].skindisplaynames[i] );
if (i==s_player_skin_box.curvalue)
SCR_DrawFill (icon_x + icon_offset-1, icon_y-1, 34, 34, ALIGN_CENTER, color[0],color[1],color[2],255);
SCR_DrawPic (icon_x + icon_offset, icon_y, 32, 32, ALIGN_CENTER, scratch, 1.0);
icon_offset += 34;
// right arrow
icon_offset = NUM_SKINBOX_ITEMS*34;
if (s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].nskins-i>0)
Com_sprintf (scratch, sizeof(scratch), "/gfx/ui/arrows/arrow_right.pcx");
Com_sprintf (scratch, sizeof(scratch), "/gfx/ui/arrows/arrow_right_d.pcx");
SCR_DrawPic (icon_x+icon_offset+5, icon_y+2, 32, 32, ALIGN_CENTER, scratch, 1.0);
void PlayerConfig_MenuDraw (void)
refdef_t refdef;
float rx, ry, rw, rh;
Menu_DrawBanner ("m_banner_plauer_setup"); // typo for image name is id's fault
memset(&refdef, 0, sizeof(refdef));
rx = 0; ry = 0;
SCR_AdjustFrom640 (&rx, &ry, &rw, &rh, ALIGN_CENTER);
refdef.x = rx; refdef.y = ry;
refdef.width = rw; refdef.height = rh;
refdef.fov_x = 50;
refdef.fov_y = CalcFov (refdef.fov_x, refdef.width, refdef.height);
refdef.time = cls.realtime*0.001;
if ( s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].skindisplaynames )
int yaw;
int maxframe = 29;
vec3_t modelOrg;
// Psychopspaz's support for showing weapon model
entity_t entity[2], *ent;
refdef.num_entities = 0;
refdef.entities = entity;
yaw = anglemod(cl.time/10);
VectorSet (modelOrg, 150, (hand->value==1)?25:-25, 0); // was 80, 0, 0
// Setup player model
ent = &entity[0];
memset (&entity[0], 0, sizeof(entity[0]));
// moved registration code to init and change only
ent->model = playermodel;
ent->skin = playerskin;
if (hand->value == 1)
ent->flags |= RF_MIRRORMODEL;
ent->origin[0] = modelOrg[0];
ent->origin[1] = modelOrg[1];
ent->origin[2] = modelOrg[2];
VectorCopy( ent->origin, ent->oldorigin );
ent->frame = 0;
ent->oldframe = 0;
ent->backlerp = 0.0;
ent->angles[1] = yaw;
//if ( ++yaw > 360 )
// yaw -= 360;
if (hand->value == 1)
ent->angles[1] = 360 - ent->angles[1];
// Setup weapon model
ent = &entity[1];
memset (&entity[1], 0, sizeof(entity[1]));
// moved registration code to init and change only
ent->model = weaponmodel;
if (ent->model)
ent->skinnum = 0;
if (hand->value == 1)
ent->flags |= RF_MIRRORMODEL;
ent->origin[0] = modelOrg[0];
ent->origin[1] = modelOrg[1];
ent->origin[2] = modelOrg[2];
VectorCopy( ent->origin, ent->oldorigin );
ent->frame = 0;
ent->oldframe = 0;
ent->backlerp = 0.0;
ent->angles[1] = yaw;
if (hand->value == 1)
ent->angles[1] = 360 - ent->angles[1];
refdef.areabits = 0;
refdef.lightstyles = 0;
refdef.rdflags = RDF_NOWORLDMODEL;
Menu_Draw( &s_player_config_menu );
// skin selection preview
PlayerConfig_DrawSkinSelection ();
R_RenderFrame( &refdef );
void PConfigAccept (void)
int i;
char scratch[1024];
Cvar_Set( "name", s_player_name_field.buffer );
Com_sprintf( scratch, sizeof( scratch ), "%s/%s",
s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].skindisplaynames[s_player_skin_box.curvalue] );
Cvar_Set( "skin", scratch );
for ( i = 0; i < s_numplayermodels; i++ )
int j;
for ( j = 0; j < s_pmi[i].nskins; j++ )
if ( s_pmi[i].skindisplaynames[j] )
free( s_pmi[i].skindisplaynames[j] );
s_pmi[i].skindisplaynames[j] = 0;
free( s_pmi[i].skindisplaynames );
s_pmi[i].skindisplaynames = 0;
s_pmi[i].nskins = 0;
const char *PlayerConfig_MenuKey (int key)
if ( key == K_ESCAPE )
return Default_MenuKey( &s_player_config_menu, key );
void M_Menu_PlayerConfig_f (void)
if (!PlayerConfig_MenuInit())
Menu_SetStatusBar( &s_multiplayer_menu, "No valid player models found" );
Menu_SetStatusBar( &s_multiplayer_menu, NULL );
UI_PushMenu( PlayerConfig_MenuDraw, PlayerConfig_MenuKey );