mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 20:32:05 +00:00
Added R_EndFrame() to remove direct calls to GLimp_EndFrame() from client and UI. Removed GL_LockArrays()/GL_UnlockArrays() calls in shadow volume rendering. Changed parameters to UI_DrawMenuString(), UI_DrawString(), and variants. Added UI_DrawPopupMessage() to simplify popup text drawing.
1178 lines
34 KiB
1178 lines
34 KiB
Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc.
This file is part of Quake 2 source code.
Quake 2 source code is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
Quake 2 source code is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Quake 2 source code; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// client.h -- primary header for client
//define PARANOID // speed sapping error checking
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "ref.h"
#include "vid.h"
#include "screen.h"
#include "sound.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "keys.h"
#include "console.h"
#include "cdaudio.h"
#include "cinematic.h"
// HTTP downloading from R1Q2
#ifdef USE_CURL
#ifdef _WIN32
//#if defined (_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER <= 1200) // use older version of libcurl for MSVC6
//#include "../include/curl_old/curl.h"
//#define CURL_ERROR(x) va("%i",(x))
#if defined (_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER <= 1200) // use older version of libcurl for MSVC6
#include "../include/curl_vc6/curl.h"
#include "../include/curl/curl.h"
#define CURL_ERROR(x) curl_easy_strerror(x)
#endif // USE_CURL
// end HTTP downloading from R1Q2
//Knightmare added
#include "../game/game.h"
trace_t SV_Trace (vec3_t start, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t end, edict_t *passedict, int contentmask);
//end Knightmare
#define random() ((rand () & 0x7fff) / ((float)0x7fff))
#define crandom() (2.0 * (random() - 0.5))
// added for Psychospaz's chasecam
extern vec3_t clientOrg; //lerped org of client for server->client side effects
typedef struct
qboolean valid; // cleared if delta parsing was invalid
int serverframe;
int servertime; // server time the message is valid for (in msec)
int deltaframe;
byte areabits[MAX_MAP_AREAS/8]; // portalarea visibility bits
player_state_t playerstate;
int num_entities;
int parse_entities; // non-masked index into cl_parse_entities array
} frame_t;
typedef struct
entity_state_t baseline; // delta from this if not from a previous frame
entity_state_t current;
entity_state_t prev; // will always be valid, but might just be a copy of current
int serverframe; // if not current, this ent isn't in the frame
int trailcount; // for diminishing grenade trails
vec3_t lerp_origin; // for trails (variable hz)
int fly_stoptime;
} centity_t;
// Knightmare 12/23/2001- increased this from 20
#define MAX_CLIENTWEAPONMODELS 256 // PGM -- upped from 16 to fit the chainfist vwep
typedef struct
char name[MAX_QPATH];
char cinfo[MAX_QPATH];
struct image_s *skin;
struct image_s *icon;
char iconname[MAX_QPATH];
struct model_s *model;
struct model_s *weaponmodel[MAX_CLIENTWEAPONMODELS];
} clientinfo_t;
extern char cl_weaponmodels[MAX_CLIENTWEAPONMODELS][MAX_QPATH];
extern int num_cl_weaponmodels;
#define CMD_BACKUP 64 // allow a lot of command backups for very fast systems
#ifdef USE_CURL // HTTP downloading from R1Q2
void CL_CancelHTTPDownloads (qboolean permKill);
void CL_InitHTTPDownloads (void);
qboolean CL_QueueHTTPDownload (const char *quakePath, qboolean filelistUseGamedir); // YQ2 Q2pro download addition
void CL_RunHTTPDownloads (void);
qboolean CL_PendingHTTPDownloads (void);
void CL_SetHTTPServer (const char *URL);
void CL_HTTP_Cleanup (qboolean fullShutdown);
void CL_HTTP_ResetMapAbort (void); // Knightmare added
qboolean CL_CheckHTTPError (void); // YQ2 UDP fallback addition
void CL_HTTP_EnableGenericFilelist (void); // YQ2 UDP fallback addition
void CL_HTTP_SetDownloadGamedir (const char *gamedir); // YQ2 Q2pro download addition
typedef enum
} dlq_state;
typedef struct dlqueue_s
struct dlqueue_s *next;
char quakePath[MAX_QPATH];
qboolean isPak; // Knightmare added
dlq_state state;
} dlqueue_t;
typedef struct dlhandle_s
CURL *curl;
char filePath[MAX_OSPATH];
FILE *file;
dlqueue_t *queueEntry;
size_t fileSize;
size_t position;
double speed;
char URL[576];
char *tempBuffer;
} dlhandle_t;
#endif // USE_CURL
// Chat Ignore from R1Q2/Q2Pro
typedef struct chatIgnore_s
struct chatIgnore_s *next;
char *text;
int numHits;
} chatIgnore_t;
extern chatIgnore_t cl_chatNickIgnores;
extern chatIgnore_t cl_chatTextIgnores;
qboolean CL_CheckForChatIgnore (const char *string);
// end R1Q2/Q2Pro Chat Ignore
// the client_state_t structure is wiped completely at every
// server map change
typedef struct
int timeoutcount;
int timedemo_frames;
int timedemo_start;
qboolean refresh_prepped; // false if on new level or new ref dll
qboolean sound_prepped; // ambient sounds can start
qboolean force_refdef; // vid has changed, so we can't use a paused refdef
int parse_entities; // index (not anded off) into cl_parse_entities[]
usercmd_t cmd;
usercmd_t cmds[CMD_BACKUP]; // each mesage will send several old cmds
int cmd_time[CMD_BACKUP]; // time sent, for calculating pings
#ifdef LARGE_MAP_SIZE // larger precision needed
int predicted_origins[CMD_BACKUP][3]; // for debug comparing against server
short predicted_origins[CMD_BACKUP][3]; // for debug comparing against server
float predicted_step; // for stair up smoothing
unsigned predicted_step_time;
vec3_t predicted_origin; // generated by CL_PredictMovement
vec3_t predicted_angles;
vec3_t prediction_error;
frame_t frame; // received from server
int surpressCount; // number of messages rate supressed
frame_t frames[UPDATE_BACKUP];
// the client maintains its own idea of view angles, which are
// sent to the server each frame. It is cleared to 0 upon entering each level.
// the server sends a delta each frame which is added to the locally
// tracked view angles to account for standing on rotating objects,
// and teleport direction changes
vec3_t viewangles;
int time; // this is the time value that the client
// is rendering at. always <= cls.realtime
float lerpfrac; // between oldframe and frame
float base_fov; // the fov set by the game code, unaltered by
// widescreen scaling or other effects
refdef_t refdef;
vec3_t v_forward, v_right, v_up; // set when refdef.angles is set
// transient data from server
char layout[1024]; // general 2D overlay
int inventory[MAX_ITEMS];
// non-gameserver infornamtion
// FIXME: move this cinematic stuff into the cin_t structure
fileHandle_t cinematic_file;
int cinematictime; // cls.realtime for first cinematic frame
int cinematicframe;
char cinematicpalette[768];
qboolean cinematicpalette_active;
// server state information
qboolean attractloop; // running the attract loop, any key will menu
int servercount; // server identification for prespawns
char gamedir[MAX_QPATH];
int playernum;
int maxclients; // from R1Q2
char configstrings[MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS][MAX_QPATH];
// locally derived information from server state
struct model_s *model_draw[MAX_MODELS];
struct cmodel_s *model_clip[MAX_MODELS];
struct sfx_s *sound_precache[MAX_SOUNDS];
struct image_s *image_precache[MAX_IMAGES];
clientinfo_t clientinfo[MAX_CLIENTS];
clientinfo_t baseclientinfo;
} client_state_t;
extern client_state_t cl;
the client_static_t structure is persistant through an arbitrary number
of server connections
typedef enum {
ca_disconnected, // not talking to a server
ca_connecting, // sending request packets to the server
ca_connected, // netchan_t established, waiting for svc_serverdata
ca_active // game views should be displayed
} connstate_t;
typedef enum {
} dltype_t; // download type
typedef enum {key_game, key_console, key_message, key_menu} keydest_t;
typedef struct
connstate_t state;
keydest_t key_dest;
qboolean consoleActive;
int framecount;
unsigned int realtime; // always increasing, no clamping, etc // Knightmare- was int
float netFrameTime; // seconds since last packet frame
float renderFrameTime; // seconds since last refresh frame
unsigned int advertiseTime; // for advertising version number
unsigned int lastAdvertiseTime; // seconds since last version advertisement
// screen rendering information
float disable_screen; // showing loading plaque between levels
// or changing rendering dlls
// if time gets > 30 seconds ahead, break it
int disable_servercount; // when we receive a frame and cl.servercount
// > cls.disable_servercount, clear disable_screen
qboolean loadingMessage; // whether load message should appear
char loadingMessages[96];
float loadingPercent;
// connection information
char servername[MAX_OSPATH]; // name of server from original connect
float connect_time; // for connection retransmits
int quakePort; // a 16 bit value that allows quake servers
// to work around address translating routers
netchan_t netchan;
int serverProtocol; // in case we are doing some kind of version hack
int challenge; // from the server to use for connecting
qboolean forcePacket; // forces a packet to be sent the next frame
FILE *download; // file transfer from server
char downloadtempname[MAX_OSPATH];
char downloadname[MAX_OSPATH];
int downloadnumber;
dltype_t downloadtype;
size_t downloadposition; // added for HTTP downloads
int downloadpercent;
float downloadrate; // Knightmare- to display KB/s
qboolean refreshPlayerModels; // Knightmare- to force reloading of player models after download
// demo recording info must be here, so it isn't cleared on level change
qboolean demorecording;
qboolean demowaiting; // don't record until a non-delta message is received
FILE *demofile;
// Cinematic information
cinHandle_t cinematicHandle;
#endif // ROQ_SUPPORT
#ifdef USE_CURL // HTTP downloading from R1Q2
dlqueue_t downloadQueue; //queue of paths we need
dlhandle_t HTTPHandles[4]; //actual download handles
//don't raise this!
//i use a hardcoded maximum of 4 simultaneous connections to avoid
//overloading the server. i'm all too familiar with assholes who set
//their IE or Firefox max connections to 16 and rape my Apache processes
//every time they load a page... i'd rather not have my q2 client also
//have the ability to do so - especially since we're possibly downloading
//large files.
char downloadServer[512]; //base url prefix to download from
// FS: Added because Whale's Weapons HTTP server rejects you after a lot of 404s. Then you lose HTTP until a hard reconnect.
char downloadServerRetry[512];
char downloadReferer[32]; //libcurl requires a static string :(
#endif // USE_CURL
} client_static_t;
extern client_static_t cls;
// cvars
extern cvar_t *cl_stereo_separation;
extern cvar_t *cl_stereo;
extern cvar_t *cl_gun;
extern cvar_t *cl_weapon_shells;
extern cvar_t *cl_add_blend;
extern cvar_t *cl_add_lights;
extern cvar_t *cl_add_particles;
extern cvar_t *cl_add_entities;
extern cvar_t *cl_predict;
extern cvar_t *cl_footsteps;
extern cvar_t *cl_noskins;
//extern cvar_t *cl_autoskins; // unused
// reduction factor for particle effects
extern cvar_t *cl_particle_scale;
// whether to adjust fov for wide aspect rattio
extern cvar_t *cl_widescreen_fov;
// hook to simplify Lazarus zoom feature
extern cvar_t *cl_zoommode;
extern cvar_t *scr_conalpha; // Psychospaz's transparent console
extern cvar_t *scr_newconback; // whether to use new console background
extern cvar_t *scr_oldconbar; // whether to draw bottom bar on old console
//extern cvar_t *scr_conheight; // how far the console drops down
// Psychospaz's chasecam
extern cvar_t *cg_thirdperson;
extern cvar_t *cg_thirdperson_angle;
extern cvar_t *cg_thirdperson_chase;
extern cvar_t *cg_thirdperson_dist;
extern cvar_t *cg_thirdperson_offset;
extern cvar_t *cg_thirdperson_alpha;
extern cvar_t *cg_thirdperson_adjust;
extern cvar_t *cg_thirdperson_indemo;
extern cvar_t *cg_thirdperson_overhead;
extern cvar_t *cg_thirdperson_overhead_dist;
extern cvar_t *cl_blood;
extern cvar_t *cl_old_explosions; // Option for old explosions
extern cvar_t *cl_plasma_explo_sound; // Option for unique plasma explosion sound
extern cvar_t *cl_item_bobbing; // Option for bobbing items
// Psychospaz's changeable rail code
extern cvar_t *cl_railred;
extern cvar_t *cl_railgreen;
extern cvar_t *cl_railblue;
extern cvar_t *cl_railtype;
extern cvar_t *cl_rail_length;
extern cvar_t *cl_rail_space;
// whether to use texsurfs.txt footstep sounds
extern cvar_t *cl_footstep_override;
extern cvar_t *r_decals; // decal control
extern cvar_t *r_decal_life; // decal duration in seconds
extern cvar_t *con_font_size;
extern cvar_t *alt_text_color;
//Knightmare 12/28/2001- BramBo's FPS counter
extern cvar_t *cl_drawfps;
// whether to try to play OGGs instead of CD tracks
extern cvar_t *cl_ogg_music;
extern cvar_t *cl_rogue_music; // whether to play Rogue tracks
extern cvar_t *cl_xatrix_music; // whether to play Xatrix tracks
// end Knightmare
extern cvar_t *cl_servertrick;
extern cvar_t *cl_upspeed;
extern cvar_t *cl_forwardspeed;
extern cvar_t *cl_sidespeed;
extern cvar_t *cl_yawspeed;
extern cvar_t *cl_pitchspeed;
extern cvar_t *cl_run;
extern cvar_t *cl_anglespeedkey;
extern cvar_t *cl_shownet;
extern cvar_t *cl_showmiss;
extern cvar_t *cl_showclamp;
extern cvar_t *lookspring;
extern cvar_t *lookstrafe;
extern cvar_t *sensitivity;
extern cvar_t *scr_hudsize;
extern cvar_t *scr_hudalpha;
extern cvar_t *scr_hudsqueezedigits;
extern cvar_t *m_pitch;
extern cvar_t *m_yaw;
extern cvar_t *m_forward;
extern cvar_t *m_side;
extern cvar_t *freelook;
extern cvar_t *cl_lightlevel; // FIXME HACK
extern cvar_t *cl_paused;
extern cvar_t *cl_timedemo;
extern cvar_t *cl_async;
extern cvar_t *info_password;
extern cvar_t *info_spectator;
extern cvar_t *name;
extern cvar_t *skin;
extern cvar_t *rate;
extern cvar_t *fov;
extern cvar_t *msg;
extern cvar_t *hand;
extern cvar_t *gender;
extern cvar_t *gender_auto;
// custom client colors
extern cvar_t *color1;
//extern cvar_t *color2;
extern cvar_t *cl_vwep;
// for the server to tell which version the client is
extern cvar_t *cl_engine;
extern cvar_t *cl_engine_version;
#ifdef LOC_SUPPORT // Xile/NiceAss LOC
extern cvar_t *cl_drawlocs;
extern cvar_t *loc_here;
extern cvar_t *loc_there;
#endif // LOC_SUPPORT
#ifdef USE_CURL // HTTP downloading from R1Q2
extern cvar_t *cl_http_downloads;
extern cvar_t *cl_http_filelists;
extern cvar_t *cl_http_proxy;
extern cvar_t *cl_http_max_connections;
extern cvar_t *cl_http_fallback;
#endif // USE_CURL
typedef struct
int key; // so entities can reuse same entry
vec3_t color;
vec3_t origin;
float radius;
float die; // stop lighting after this time
float decay; // drop this each second
float minlight; // don't add when contributing less
} cdlight_t;
extern centity_t cl_entities[MAX_EDICTS];
extern cdlight_t cl_dlights[MAX_DLIGHTS];
// the cl_parse_entities must be large enough to hold UPDATE_BACKUP frames of
// entities, so that when a delta compressed message arives from the server
// it can be un-deltad from the original
#define MAX_PARSE_ENTITIES 4096 //was 16384
//#define MAX_PARSE_ENTITIES 1024
extern entity_state_t cl_parse_entities[MAX_PARSE_ENTITIES];
extern netadr_t net_from;
extern sizebuf_t net_message;
qboolean CL_StringSetParams (char modifier, int *red, int *green, int *blue, int *bold, int *shadow, int *italic, int *reset);
void Con_DrawString (int x, int y, char *s, fontslot_t font, int alpha);
void CL_DrawStringGeneric (int x, int y, const char *string, fontslot_t font, int alpha, int fontSize, textscaletype_t scaleType, qboolean altBit);
void CL_DrawStringFromCharsPic (float x, float y, float w, float h, vec2_t offset, float width, char *string, color_t color, char *pic, int flags);
// cl_scrn.c
typedef struct
float x;
float y;
float min;
} hudscale_t;
//hudscale_t hudScale;
float SCR_ScaledHud (float param);
float SCR_GetHudScale (void);
void SCR_InitHudScale (void);
void CL_AddNetgraph (void); // here!!
typedef struct cl_sustain
int id;
int type;
int endtime;
int nextthink;
int thinkinterval;
vec3_t org;
vec3_t dir;
int color;
int count;
int magnitude;
void (*think)(struct cl_sustain *self);
} cl_sustain_t;
#define MAX_SUSTAINS 32
void CL_ParticleSteamEffect2(cl_sustain_t *self);
void CL_TeleporterParticles (entity_state_t *ent);
void CL_ParticleEffect (vec3_t org, vec3_t dir, int color, int count);
void CL_ParticleEffect2 (vec3_t org, vec3_t dir, int color, int count);
void CL_ParticleEffect3 (vec3_t org, vec3_t dir, int color, int count);
void CL_ParticleEffectSplash (vec3_t org, vec3_t dir, int color, int count);
void CL_ElectricParticles (vec3_t org, vec3_t dir, int count);
// utility function for protocol version
qboolean LegacyProtocol (void);
// Psychospaz's enhanced particle code
typedef struct
qboolean isactive;
vec3_t lightcol;
float light;
float lightvel;
} cplight_t;
#define P_LIGHTS_MAX 8
typedef struct particle_s
struct particle_s *next;
cplight_t lights[P_LIGHTS_MAX];
float start;
float time;
vec3_t org;
vec3_t vel;
vec3_t accel;
vec3_t color;
vec3_t colorvel;
int blendfunc_src;
int blendfunc_dst;
float alpha;
float alphavel;
float size;
float sizevel;
vec3_t angle;
int image;
int flags;
vec3_t oldorg;
float temp;
int src_ent;
int dst_ent;
int decalnum;
decalpolys_t *decal;
struct particle_s *link;
// void (*think)(struct cparticle_t *p, vec3_t org, vec3_t angle, float *alpha, float *size, int *image, float *time);
void (*think)(struct particle_s *p, vec3_t org, vec3_t angle, float *alpha, float *size, int *image, float *time);
qboolean thinknext;
} cparticle_t;
// PMM
#define INSTANT_PARTICLE -10000.0
#define MIN_RAIL_LENGTH 1024
#define MIN_DECAL_LIFE 5
void CL_ClearTEnts (void);
int CL_ParseEntityBits (unsigned *bits);
void CL_ParseDelta (entity_state_t *from, entity_state_t *to, int number, int bits);
void CL_ParseFrame (void);
void CL_ParseTEnt (void);
void CL_ParseConfigString (void);
void CL_PlayBackgroundTrack (void); // Knightmare added
void CL_ParseMuzzleFlash (void);
void CL_ParseMuzzleFlash2 (void);
void SmokeAndFlash(vec3_t origin);
void CL_SetLightstyle (int i);
void CL_RunParticles (void);
void CL_RunDLights (void);
void CL_RunLightStyles (void);
void CL_AddEntities (void);
void CL_AddDLights (void);
void CL_AddTEnts (void);
void CL_AddLightStyles (void);
void CL_PrepRefresh (void);
void CL_RegisterSounds (void);
void CL_Quit_f (void);
void IN_Accumulate (void);
void CL_ParseLayout (void);
// called when the renderer is loaded
qboolean R_Init ( void *hinstance, void *wndproc, char *reason );
// called to clear rendering state (error recovery, etc.)
void R_ClearState (void);
// called before the renderer is unloaded
void R_Shutdown (void);
// All data that will be used in a level should be
// registered before rendering any frames to prevent disk hits,
// but they can still be registered at a later time
// if necessary.
// EndRegistration will free any remaining data that wasn't registered.
// Any model_s or skin_s pointers from before the BeginRegistration
// are no longer valid after EndRegistration.
// Skins and images need to be differentiated, because skins
// are flood filled to eliminate mip map edge errors, and pics have
// an implicit "pics/" prepended to the name. (a pic name that starts with a
// slash will not use the "pics/" prefix or the ".pcx" postfix)
void R_BeginRegistration (char *map);
struct model_s *R_RegisterModel (char *name);
struct image_s *R_RegisterSkin (char *name);
struct image_s *R_DrawFindPic (char *name);
void R_FreePic (char *name); // Knightmare added
void R_SetSky (char *name, float rotate, vec3_t axis);
void R_EndRegistration (void);
void R_RenderFrame (refdef_t *fd);
void R_SetParticlePicture (int num, char *name); // Knightmare added
void R_DrawChar (float x, float y, int c, fontslot_t font, float scale,
int red, int green, int blue, int alpha, qboolean italic, qboolean last);
void R_DrawString (float x, float y, const char *string, fontslot_t font, float scale,
int red, int green, int blue, int alpha, qboolean italic, qboolean shadow);
void R_DrawGetPicSize (int *w, int *h, char *name); // will return 0 0 if not found
void R_DrawPic (drawStruct_t ds);
//void R_DrawPic (int x, int y, char *name);
// added alpha for Psychospaz's transparent console
//void R_DrawStretchPic (int x, int y, int w, int h, char *name, float alpha);
//void R_DrawScaledPic (int x, int y, float scale, float alpha, char *name);
//void R_DrawTileClear (int x, int y, int w, int h, char *name);
void R_DrawFill (int x, int y, int w, int h, int red, int green, int blue, int alpha);
void R_DrawCameraEffect (void);
void R_GrabScreen (void); // screenshots for savegames
void R_ScaledScreenshot (char *name); // screenshots for savegames
int R_MarkFragments (const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t axis[3], float radius, int maxPoints, vec3_t *points, int maxFragments, markFragment_t *fragments);
float R_CharMapScale (void); // Knightmare added char scaling from Quake2Max
// Draw images for cinematic rendering (which can have a different palette). Note that calls
void R_DrawStretchRaw (int x, int y, int w, int h, const byte *raw, int rawWidth, int rawHeight);
void R_DrawStretchRaw (int x, int y, int w, int h, int cols, int rows, byte *data);
#endif // ROQ_SUPPORT
** video mode and refresh state management entry points
void R_SetPalette (const unsigned char *palette); // NULL = game palette
void R_BeginFrame (float camera_separation);
void R_EndFrame (void);
void GLimp_AppActivate (qboolean activate);
// cl_main
void CL_Init (void);
void CL_FixUpGender(void);
void CL_Disconnect (void);
void CL_Disconnect_f (void);
void CL_GetChallengePacket (void);
void CL_PingServers_f (void);
void CL_Snd_Restart_f (void);
void CL_WriteConfig_f (void);
void CL_SetFramerateCap (void);
// cl_input
typedef struct
int down[2]; // key nums holding it down
unsigned downtime; // msec timestamp
unsigned msec; // msec down this frame
int state;
} kbutton_t;
extern kbutton_t in_mlook, in_klook;
extern kbutton_t in_strafe;
extern kbutton_t in_speed;
void CL_InitInput (void);
void CL_SendCmd (void);
void CL_SendCmd_Async (void);
void CL_RefreshCmd (void);
void CL_RefreshMove (void);
void CL_SendMove (usercmd_t *cmd);
void CL_ClearState (void);
void CL_ReadPackets (void);
int CL_ReadFromServer (void);
void CL_WriteToServer (usercmd_t *cmd);
void CL_BaseMove (usercmd_t *cmd);
void IN_CenterView (void);
float CL_KeyState (kbutton_t *key);
char *Key_KeynumToString (int keynum);
// cl_demo.c
void CL_WriteDemoMessage (void);
void CL_Stop_f (void);
void CL_Record_f (void);
// cl_parse.c
extern char *svc_strings[256];
void CL_ParseServerMessage (void);
void CL_LoadClientinfo (clientinfo_t *ci, char *s);
void SHOWNET(char *s);
void CL_ParseClientinfo (int player);
// cl_download.c
void CL_ResetPrecacheCheck (void);
void CL_RequestNextDownload (void);
qboolean CL_CheckOrDownloadFile (const char *filename);
void CL_Download_f (void);
void CL_ParseDownload (void);
void CL_Download_Reset_KBps_counter (void);
void CL_Download_Calculate_KBps (int byteDistance, int totalSize);
// cl_view.c
extern int gun_frame;
extern struct model_s *gun_model;
extern foginfo_t r_foginfo; // Knightmare added
float CalcFov (float fov_x, float width, float height);
void V_RenderView( float stereo_separation );
void V_ClipCam (vec3_t start, vec3_t end, vec3_t newpos);
void V_CalcViewerCamTrans (float dist);
void V_AddEntity (entity_t *ent);
void V_Init (void);
void V_Shutdown (void);
// Psychospaz's enhanced particle code
void V_AddParticle (vec3_t org, vec3_t angle, vec3_t color, float alpha,
int alpha_src, int alpha_dst, float size, int image, int flags);
void V_AddDecal (vec3_t org, vec3_t angle, vec3_t color, float alpha,
int alpha_src, int alpha_dst, float size, int image, int flags, decalpolys_t *decal);
void V_AddLight (vec3_t org, float intensity, float r, float g, float b);
void V_AddLightStyle (int style, float r, float g, float b);
void V_ClearFogInfo (void);
void V_SetFogInfo (qboolean enable, int model, int density,
int start, int end, int red, int green, int blue);
// cl_tempent.c
typedef struct {
struct sfx_s *sfx_ric[3];
struct sfx_s *sfx_lashit;
struct sfx_s *sfx_spark[3];
struct sfx_s *sfx_railg;
struct sfx_s *sfx_rockexp;
struct sfx_s *sfx_grenexp;
struct sfx_s *sfx_watrexp;
struct sfx_s *sfx_plasexp;
struct sfx_s *sfx_lightning;
struct sfx_s *sfx_disrexp;
struct sfx_s *sfx_shockhit;
struct sfx_s *sfx_footsteps[4];
struct sfx_s *sfx_metal_footsteps[4];
struct sfx_s *sfx_dirt_footsteps[4];
struct sfx_s *sfx_vent_footsteps[4];
struct sfx_s *sfx_grate_footsteps[4];
struct sfx_s *sfx_tile_footsteps[4];
struct sfx_s *sfx_grass_footsteps[4];
struct sfx_s *sfx_snow_footsteps[4];
struct sfx_s *sfx_carpet_footsteps[4];
struct sfx_s *sfx_force_footsteps[4];
struct sfx_s *sfx_gravel_footsteps[4];
struct sfx_s *sfx_ice_footsteps[4];
struct sfx_s *sfx_sand_footsteps[4];
struct sfx_s *sfx_wood_footsteps[4];
struct sfx_s *sfx_slosh[4];
struct sfx_s *sfx_wade[4];
struct sfx_s *sfx_mud_wade[2];
struct sfx_s *sfx_ladder[4];
struct sfx_s *sfx_player_land;
struct sfx_s *sfx_player_teleport;
struct sfx_s *sfx_player_teleport2[5];
struct sfx_s *sfx_item_respawn;
struct model_s *mod_explode;
struct model_s *mod_smoke;
struct model_s *mod_flash;
struct model_s *mod_parasite_segment;
struct model_s *mod_grapple_cable;
struct model_s *mod_parasite_tip;
struct model_s *mod_explo;
struct model_s *mod_bfg_explo;
struct model_s *mod_powerscreen;
struct model_s *mod_plasmaexplo;
struct model_s *mod_lightning;
struct model_s *mod_heatbeam;
struct model_s *mod_monster_heatbeam;
struct model_s *mod_explo_big;
struct model_s *mod_shocksplash;
} clientMedia_t;
extern clientMedia_t clMedia;
void CL_RegisterTEntSounds (void);
void CL_RegisterTEntModels (void);
void CL_SmokeAndFlash(vec3_t origin);
// cl_pred.c
void CL_InitPrediction (void);
void CL_PredictMove (void);
void CL_CheckPredictionError (void);
//Knightmare added
trace_t CL_Trace (vec3_t start, vec3_t end, float size, int contentmask);
trace_t CL_BrushTrace (vec3_t start, vec3_t end, float size, int contentmask);
trace_t CL_PMTrace (vec3_t start, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t end);
trace_t CL_PMSurfaceTrace (int playernum, vec3_t start, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t end, int contentmask);
// cl_lights.c
cdlight_t *CL_AllocDlight (int key);
void CL_ClearDlights (void);
void CL_ClearLightStyles (void);
// cl_particle.c
extern cparticle_t *active_particles, *free_particles;
extern cparticle_t particles[MAX_PARTICLES];
extern int cl_numparticles;
void CL_FixParticleCvars (void);
int CL_GetRandomBloodParticle (void);
void CL_ClipDecal (cparticle_t *part, float radius, float orient, vec3_t origin, vec3_t dir);
float CL_NewParticleTime (void);
cparticle_t *CL_SetupParticle (
float angle0, float angle1, float angle2,
float org0, float org1, float org2,
float vel0, float vel1, float vel2,
float accel0, float accel1, float accel2,
float color0, float color1, float color2,
float colorvel0, float colorvel1, float colorvel2,
float alpha, float alphavel,
int blendfunc_src, int blendfunc_dst,
float size, float sizevel,
int image,
int flags,
void (*think)(cparticle_t *p, vec3_t org, vec3_t angle, float *alpha, float *size, int *image, float *time),
qboolean thinknext);
void CL_AddParticleLight (cparticle_t *p,
float light, float lightvel,
float lcol0, float lcol1, float lcol2);
void CL_CalcPartVelocity (cparticle_t *p, float scale, float *time, vec3_t velocity);
void CL_ParticleBounceThink (cparticle_t *p, vec3_t org, vec3_t angle, float *alpha, float *size, int *image, float *time);
void CL_ParticleRotateThink (cparticle_t *p, vec3_t org, vec3_t angle, float *alpha, float *size, int *image, float *time);
void CL_ParticleRotateThink (cparticle_t *p, vec3_t org, vec3_t angle, float *alpha, float *size, int *image, float *time);
void CL_DecalAlphaThink (cparticle_t *p, vec3_t org, vec3_t angle, float *alpha, float *size, int *image, float *time);
void CL_AddParticles (void);
void CL_ClearEffects (void);
void CL_UnclipDecals (void);
void CL_ReclipDecals (void);
// cl_effects.c
void CL_BigTeleportParticles (vec3_t org);
void CL_RocketTrail (vec3_t start, vec3_t end, centity_t *old);
void CL_DiminishingTrail (vec3_t start, vec3_t end, centity_t *old, int flags);
void CL_FlyEffect (centity_t *ent, vec3_t origin);
void CL_BfgParticles (entity_t *ent);
void CL_EntityEvent (entity_state_t *ent);
void CL_TrapParticles (entity_t *ent); // RAFAEL
void CL_BlasterTrail (vec3_t start, vec3_t end, int red, int green, int blue,
int reddelta, int greendelta, int bluedelta);
void CL_HyperBlasterEffect (vec3_t start, vec3_t end, vec3_t angle, int red, int green, int blue,
int reddelta, int greendelta, int bluedelta, float len, float size);
void CL_HyperBlasterTrail (vec3_t start, vec3_t end, int red, int green, int blue, int reddelta, int greendelta, int bluedelta);
void CL_BlasterTracer (vec3_t origin, vec3_t angle, int red, int green, int blue, float len, float size);
void CL_BlasterParticles (vec3_t org, vec3_t dir, int count, float size,
int red, int green, int blue, int reddelta, int greendelta, int bluedelta);
void CL_QuadTrail (vec3_t start, vec3_t end);
void CL_RailTrail (vec3_t start, vec3_t end, int red, int green, int blue);
void CL_BubbleTrail (vec3_t start, vec3_t end);
void CL_FlagTrail (vec3_t start, vec3_t end, qboolean isred, qboolean isgreen);
void CL_IonripperTrail (vec3_t start, vec3_t end); // RAFAEL
// ========
// PGM
void CL_DebugTrail (vec3_t start, vec3_t end);
void CL_Flashlight (int ent, vec3_t pos);
void CL_ForceWall (vec3_t start, vec3_t end, int color);
void CL_BubbleTrail2 (vec3_t start, vec3_t end, int dist);
void CL_HeatbeamParticles (vec3_t start, vec3_t end);
void CL_ParticleSteamEffect (vec3_t org, vec3_t dir, int red, int green, int blue,
int reddelta, int greendelta, int bluedelta, int count, int magnitude);
void CL_TrackerTrail (vec3_t start, vec3_t end);
void CL_Tracker_Explode(vec3_t origin);
void CL_TagTrail (vec3_t start, vec3_t end, int color8);
void CL_ColorFlash (vec3_t pos, int ent, int intensity, float r, float g, float b);
void CL_Tracker_Shell(vec3_t origin);
void CL_MonsterPlasma_Shell(vec3_t origin);
void CL_ColorExplosionParticles (vec3_t org, int color, int run);
void CL_ParticleSmokeEffect (vec3_t org, vec3_t dir, float size);
void CL_Widowbeamout (cl_sustain_t *self);
void CL_Nukeblast (cl_sustain_t *self);
void CL_WidowSplash (vec3_t org);
// PGM
// ========
// cl_utils.c
int color8red (int color8);
int color8green (int color8);
int color8blue (int color8);
void CL_TextColor (int colornum, int *red, int *green, int *blue); // for use with the alt_text_color cvar
void CL_EffectColor (int colornum, int *red, int *green, int *blue);
float ClampCvar (float min, float max, float value);
int stringLen (const char *string);
int stringLengthExtra (const char *string);
char *unformattedString (const char *string);
int listSize (char *list[][2]);
qboolean isNumeric (char ch);
void vectoangles (vec3_t value1, vec3_t angles);
void vectoangles2 (vec3_t value1, vec3_t angles);
qboolean FartherPoint (vec3_t pt1, vec3_t pt2);
qboolean LegacyProtocol (void);
qboolean R1Q2Protocol (void);
qboolean IsRunningDemo (void);
qboolean IsThirdPerson (void);
int CL_EntityCmpFnc (const entity_t *a, const entity_t *b);
#ifdef LOC_SUPPORT // Xile/NiceAss LOC
// cl_loc.c
void CL_LoadLoc (void);
void CL_LocPlace (void);
void CL_AddViewLocs (void);
void CL_LocDelete (void);
void CL_LocAdd (char *name);
void CL_LocWrite (void);
void CL_LocHelp_f (void);
#endif // LOC_SUPPORT
// menus
void UI_Init (void);
void UI_Shutdown (void);
void UI_Keydown (int key);
void UI_Draw (void);
void UI_ForceMenuOff (void);
void UI_AddToServerList (netadr_t adr, char *info);
void UI_RootMenu (void);
// cl_hud.c
void CL_ParseInventory (void);
// cl_pred.c
void CL_PredictMovement (void);
#if id386
void x86_TimerStart( void );
void x86_TimerStop( void );
void x86_TimerInit( unsigned long smallest, unsigned longest );
unsigned long *x86_TimerGetHistogram( void );