mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 20:32:05 +00:00
3090 lines
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3090 lines
78 KiB
Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc.
This file is part of Quake 2 source code.
Quake 2 source code is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
Quake 2 source code is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Quake 2 source code; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// Copyright (C) 2001-2003 pat@aftermoon.net for modif flanked by <serverping>
// cl_main.c -- client main loop
#include "client.h"
#include "../ui/ui_local.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "../win32/winquake.h"
cvar_t *freelook;
cvar_t *adr0;
cvar_t *adr1;
cvar_t *adr2;
cvar_t *adr3;
cvar_t *adr4;
cvar_t *adr5;
cvar_t *adr6;
cvar_t *adr7;
cvar_t *adr8;
cvar_t *adr9;
cvar_t *adr10;
cvar_t *adr11;
cvar_t *cl_stereo_separation;
cvar_t *cl_stereo;
cvar_t *rcon_client_password;
cvar_t *rcon_address;
cvar_t *cl_noskins;
//cvar_t *cl_autoskins; // unused
cvar_t *cl_footsteps;
cvar_t *cl_timeout;
cvar_t *cl_predict;
//cvar_t *cl_minfps;
cvar_t *cl_maxfps;
cvar_t *cl_async;
cvar_t *net_maxfps;
cvar_t *r_maxfps;
cvar_t *r_maxfps_autoset;
cvar_t *cl_sleep;
// whether to trick version 34 servers that this is a version 34 client
cvar_t *cl_servertrick;
cvar_t *cl_gun;
cvar_t *cl_weapon_shells;
// reduction factor for particle effects
cvar_t *cl_particle_scale;
// whether to adjust fov for wide aspect rattio
cvar_t *cl_widescreen_fov;
// hook to simplify Lazarus zoom feature
cvar_t *cl_zoommode;
// Psychospaz's chasecam
cvar_t *cg_thirdperson;
cvar_t *cg_thirdperson_angle;
cvar_t *cg_thirdperson_chase;
cvar_t *cg_thirdperson_dist;
cvar_t *cg_thirdperson_offset;
cvar_t *cg_thirdperson_alpha;
cvar_t *cg_thirdperson_adjust;
cvar_t *cg_thirdperson_indemo;
cvar_t *cg_thirdperson_overhead;
cvar_t *cg_thirdperson_overhead_dist;
cvar_t *cl_blood;
cvar_t *cl_old_explosions; // Option for old explosions
cvar_t *cl_plasma_explo_sound; // Option for unique plasma explosion sound
cvar_t *cl_item_bobbing; // Option for bobbing items
// Psychospaz's rail code
cvar_t *cl_railred;
cvar_t *cl_railgreen;
cvar_t *cl_railblue;
cvar_t *cl_railtype;
cvar_t *cl_rail_length;
cvar_t *cl_rail_space;
// whether to use texsurfs.txt footstep sounds
cvar_t *cl_footstep_override;
cvar_t *r_decals; // decal quantity
cvar_t *r_decal_life; // decal duration in seconds
cvar_t *con_font_size;
cvar_t *alt_text_color;
// whether to try to play OGGs instead of CD tracks
cvar_t *cl_ogg_music;
cvar_t *cl_rogue_music; // whether to play Rogue tracks
cvar_t *cl_xatrix_music; // whether to play Xatrix tracks
cvar_t *cl_add_particles;
cvar_t *cl_add_lights;
cvar_t *cl_add_entities;
cvar_t *cl_add_blend;
cvar_t *cl_shownet;
cvar_t *cl_showmiss;
cvar_t *cl_showclamp;
cvar_t *cl_paused;
cvar_t *cl_timedemo;
cvar_t *lookspring;
cvar_t *lookstrafe;
cvar_t *sensitivity;
//cvar_t *menu_sensitivity;
//cvar_t *menu_rotate;
//cvar_t *menu_alpha;
cvar_t *m_pitch;
cvar_t *m_yaw;
cvar_t *m_forward;
cvar_t *m_side;
cvar_t *cl_lightlevel;
// userinfo
cvar_t *info_password;
cvar_t *info_spectator;
cvar_t *name;
cvar_t *skin;
cvar_t *rate;
cvar_t *fov;
cvar_t *msg;
cvar_t *hand;
cvar_t *gender;
cvar_t *gender_auto;
// custom client colors
cvar_t *color1;
//cvar_t *color2;
cvar_t *cl_vwep;
// for the server to tell which version the client is
cvar_t *cl_engine;
cvar_t *cl_engine_version;
#ifdef USE_CURL // HTTP downloading from R1Q2
cvar_t *cl_http_downloads;
cvar_t *cl_http_filelists;
cvar_t *cl_http_proxy;
cvar_t *cl_http_max_connections;
cvar_t *cl_http_fallback;
#endif // USE_CURL
#ifdef LOC_SUPPORT // Xile/NiceAss LOC
cvar_t *cl_drawlocs;
cvar_t *loc_here;
cvar_t *loc_there;
#endif // LOC_SUPPORT
// Chat Ignore from R1Q2/Q2Pro
chatIgnore_t cl_chatNickIgnores;
chatIgnore_t cl_chatTextIgnores;
// end R1Q2/Q2Pro Chat Ignore
client_static_t cls;
client_state_t cl;
centity_t cl_entities[MAX_EDICTS];
entity_state_t cl_parse_entities[MAX_PARSE_ENTITIES];
qboolean local_initialized = false;
Dumps the current net message, prefixed by the length
void CL_WriteDemoMessage (void)
int len, swlen;
// the first eight bytes are just packet sequencing stuff
len = net_message.cursize-8;
swlen = LittleLong(len);
fwrite (&swlen, 4, 1, cls.demofile);
fwrite (net_message.data+8, len, 1, cls.demofile);
stop recording a demo
void CL_Stop_f (void)
int len;
if (!cls.demorecording)
Com_Printf ("Not recording a demo.\n");
// finish up
len = -1;
fwrite (&len, 4, 1, cls.demofile);
fclose (cls.demofile);
cls.demofile = NULL;
cls.demorecording = false;
Com_Printf ("Stopped demo.\n");
record <demoname>
Begins recording a demo from the current position
void CL_Record_f (void)
char name[MAX_OSPATH];
char buf_data[MAX_MSGLEN];
sizebuf_t buf;
int i;
int len;
entity_state_t *ent;
entity_state_t nullstate;
if (Cmd_Argc() != 2)
Com_Printf ("record <demoname>\n");
if (cls.demorecording)
Com_Printf ("Already recording.\n");
if (cls.state != ca_active)
Com_Printf ("You must be in a level to record.\n");
// open the demo file
Com_sprintf (name, sizeof(name), "%s/demos/%s.dm2", FS_Savegamedir(), Cmd_Argv(1)); // was FS_Gamedir()
Com_Printf ("recording to %s.\n", name);
FS_CreatePath (name);
cls.demofile = fopen (name, "wb");
if (!cls.demofile)
Com_Printf ("ERROR: couldn't open.\n");
cls.demorecording = true;
// don't start saving messages until a non-delta compressed message is received
cls.demowaiting = true;
// write out messages to hold the startup information
SZ_Init (&buf, buf_data, sizeof(buf_data));
// send the serverdata
MSG_WriteByte (&buf, svc_serverdata);
MSG_WriteLong (&buf, 0x10000 + cl.servercount);
MSG_WriteByte (&buf, 1); // demos are always attract loops
MSG_WriteString (&buf, cl.gamedir);
MSG_WriteShort (&buf, cl.playernum);
MSG_WriteString (&buf, cl.configstrings[CS_NAME]);
// configstrings
for (i=0 ; i<MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS ; i++)
if (cl.configstrings[i][0])
if (buf.cursize + strlen (cl.configstrings[i]) + 32 > buf.maxsize)
{ // write it out
len = LittleLong (buf.cursize);
fwrite (&len, 4, 1, cls.demofile);
fwrite (buf.data, buf.cursize, 1, cls.demofile);
buf.cursize = 0;
MSG_WriteByte (&buf, svc_configstring);
MSG_WriteShort (&buf, i);
MSG_WriteString (&buf, cl.configstrings[i]);
// baselines
memset (&nullstate, 0, sizeof(nullstate));
for (i=0; i<MAX_EDICTS ; i++)
ent = &cl_entities[i].baseline;
if (!ent->modelindex)
if (buf.cursize + 64 > buf.maxsize)
{ // write it out
len = LittleLong (buf.cursize);
fwrite (&len, 4, 1, cls.demofile);
fwrite (buf.data, buf.cursize, 1, cls.demofile);
buf.cursize = 0;
MSG_WriteByte (&buf, svc_spawnbaseline);
MSG_WriteDeltaEntity (&nullstate, &cl_entities[i].baseline, &buf, true, true);
MSG_WriteByte (&buf, svc_stufftext);
MSG_WriteString (&buf, "precache\n");
// write it to the demo file
len = LittleLong (buf.cursize);
fwrite (&len, 4, 1, cls.demofile);
fwrite (buf.data, buf.cursize, 1, cls.demofile);
// the rest of the demo file will be individual frames
// Chat Ignore from R1Q2/Q2Pro
chatIgnore_t *CL_FindChatIgnore (chatIgnore_t *ignoreList, const char *match)
chatIgnore_t *cur=NULL;
if (!ignoreList || !ignoreList->next) // no list to search
return NULL;
if ( !match || (strlen(match) < 1) ) // no search string
return NULL;
for (cur = ignoreList->next; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next)
if ( !cur->text || (strlen(cur->text) < 1) )
if (!strcmp(cur->text, match))
return cur;
return NULL;
qboolean CL_AddChatIgnore (chatIgnore_t *ignoreList, const char *add)
chatIgnore_t *next=NULL, *newEntry=NULL;
size_t textLen;
if (!ignoreList) // nothing to remove
return false;
if ( !add || (strlen(add) < 1) ) // no string to add
return false;
// Don't add the same ignore twice
if ( CL_FindChatIgnore (ignoreList, add) ) {
Com_Printf ("%s is already in ignore list.\n", add);
return false;
next = ignoreList->next; // should be NULL for first entry
textLen = strlen(Cmd_Argv(1))+1;
newEntry = Z_Malloc (sizeof(chatIgnore_t));
newEntry->numHits = 0;
newEntry->text = Z_Malloc (textLen);
Q_strncpyz (newEntry->text, textLen, Cmd_Argv(1));
newEntry->next = next;
ignoreList->next = newEntry;
return true;
qboolean CL_RemoveChatIgnore (chatIgnore_t *ignoreList, const char *match)
chatIgnore_t *cur=NULL, *last=NULL, *next=NULL;
if (!ignoreList || !ignoreList->next) // nothing to remove
return false;
if ( !match || (strlen(match) < 1) ) // no search string
return false;
for (last = ignoreList, cur = ignoreList->next; cur != NULL; last = cur, cur = cur->next)
if ( !cur->text || (strlen(cur->text) < 1) )
if ( !strcmp(match, cur->text) )
next = cur->next;
last->next = next;
Z_Free (cur->text);
cur->text = NULL;
Z_Free (cur);
return true;
Com_Printf ("Can't find ignore filter \"%s\"\n", match);
return false;
void CL_RemoveAllChatIgnores (chatIgnore_t *ignoreList)
chatIgnore_t *cur=NULL, *next=NULL;
int count = 0;
if (!ignoreList || !ignoreList->next) // nothing to remove
cur = ignoreList->next;
next = cur->next;
if (cur->text != NULL) {
Z_Free (cur->text);
cur->text = NULL;
next = cur->next;
Z_Free (cur);
cur = next;
} while (cur != NULL);
ignoreList->next = NULL;
Com_Printf ("Removed %i ignore filter(s).\n", count);
void CL_ListChatIgnores (chatIgnore_t *ignoreList)
chatIgnore_t *cur=NULL;
if (!ignoreList || !ignoreList->next) // no list to output
Com_Printf ("Current ignore filters:\n");
for (cur = ignoreList->next; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next)
if ( !cur->text || (strlen(cur->text) < 1) )
Com_Printf ("\"%s\" (%i hits)\n", cur->text, cur->numHits);
void CL_IgnoreChatNick_f (void)
qboolean added;
if (Cmd_Argc() < 2) {
Com_Printf ("Usage: ignorenick <nick>\n");
CL_ListChatIgnores (&cl_chatNickIgnores); // output list if no param
added = CL_AddChatIgnore (&cl_chatNickIgnores, Cmd_Argv(1));
if (added)
Com_Printf ("%s added to nick ignore list.\n", Cmd_Argv(1));
void CL_UnIgnoreChatNick_f (void)
qboolean removed;
if (Cmd_Argc() < 2) {
Com_Printf ("Usage: unignorenick <nick>\n");
CL_ListChatIgnores (&cl_chatNickIgnores); // output list if no param
if ( (Cmd_Argc() == 2) && !strcmp(Cmd_Argv(1), "all") ) {
CL_RemoveAllChatIgnores (&cl_chatNickIgnores);
removed = CL_RemoveChatIgnore (&cl_chatNickIgnores, Cmd_Argv(1));
if (removed)
Com_Printf ("%s removed from nick ignore list.\n", Cmd_Argv(1));
void CL_IgnoreChatText_f (void)
qboolean added;
if (Cmd_Argc() < 2) {
Com_Printf ("Usage: ignoretext <text>\n");
CL_ListChatIgnores (&cl_chatTextIgnores); // output list if no param
added = CL_AddChatIgnore (&cl_chatTextIgnores, Cmd_Argv(1));
if (added)
Com_Printf ("%s added to text ignore list.\n", Cmd_Argv(1));
void CL_UnIgnoreChatText_f (void)
qboolean removed;
if (Cmd_Argc() < 2) {
Com_Printf ("Usage: unignoretext <text>\n");
CL_ListChatIgnores (&cl_chatTextIgnores); // output list if no param
if ( (Cmd_Argc() == 2) && !strcmp(Cmd_Argv(1), "all") ) {
CL_RemoveAllChatIgnores (&cl_chatTextIgnores);
removed = CL_RemoveChatIgnore (&cl_chatTextIgnores, Cmd_Argv(1));
if (removed)
Com_Printf ("%s removed from text ignore list.\n", Cmd_Argv(1));
qboolean CL_ChatMatchIgnoreNick (const char *buf, size_t bufSize, const char *nick)
size_t nickLen = strlen(nick);
char *string = (char *)buf, *p = NULL;
int idx = 0;
qboolean clanTag;
// Com_Printf ("CL_ChatMatchIgnoreNick: Searching for nick %s in chat message %s\n", nick, buf);
clanTag = false;
// catch nick with ": " following
if ( !strncmp(string, nick, nickLen) && !strncmp(string + nickLen, ": ", 2) )
return true;
if (*string == '(') // catch nick in parenthesis
if (!strncmp(string + 1, nick, nickLen) && !strncmp(string + 1 + nickLen, "): ", 3) )
return true;
// skip over clan tag in []
if (*string == '[') {
p = strstr(string + 1, "] ");
if (p) {
// Com_Printf ("CL_ChatMatchIgnoreNick: skipping over clan tag\n");
clanTag = true;
string = p + 2;
while ( clanTag && (idx < 2) && (string < (buf + bufSize)) );
return false;
qboolean CL_CheckForChatIgnore (const char *string)
char chatBuf[MSG_STRING_SIZE];
chatIgnore_t *compare=NULL;
if (!cl_chatNickIgnores.next && !cl_chatTextIgnores.next) // nothing in lists to compare
return false;
Q_strncpyz (chatBuf, sizeof(chatBuf), unformattedString(string));
// Com_Printf ("CL_CheckForChatIgnore: scanning chat message \"%s\" for ignore nicks and text\n", chatBuf);
if (cl_chatNickIgnores.next != NULL)
for (compare = cl_chatNickIgnores.next; compare != NULL; compare = compare->next)
if ( (compare->text != NULL) && (strlen(compare->text) > 0) ) {
if ( CL_ChatMatchIgnoreNick(chatBuf, sizeof(chatBuf), compare->text) ) {
// Com_Printf ("CL_CheckForChatIgnore: filtered nick %s in chat message\n", compare->text);
return true;
if (cl_chatTextIgnores.next != NULL)
for (compare = cl_chatTextIgnores.next; compare != NULL; compare = compare->next)
if ( (compare->text != NULL) && (strlen(compare->text) > 0) ) {
if ( Q_StrScanToken (chatBuf, compare->text, false) ) {
// Com_Printf ("CL_CheckForChatIgnore: filtered text %s in chat message\n", compare->text);
return true;
return false;
// end R1Q2/Q2Pro Chat Ignore
adds the current command line as a clc_stringcmd to the client message.
things like godmode, noclip, etc, are commands directed to the server,
so when they are typed in at the console, they will need to be forwarded.
void Cmd_ForwardToServer (void)
char *cmd;
cmd = Cmd_Argv(0);
if (cls.state <= ca_connected || *cmd == '-' || *cmd == '+')
Com_Printf ("Unknown command \"%s\"\n", cmd);
MSG_WriteByte (&cls.netchan.message, clc_stringcmd);
SZ_Print (&cls.netchan.message, cmd);
if (Cmd_Argc() > 1)
SZ_Print (&cls.netchan.message, " ");
SZ_Print (&cls.netchan.message, Cmd_Args());
cls.forcePacket = true;
void CL_Setenv_f( void )
int argc = Cmd_Argc();
if ( argc > 2 )
char buffer[1000];
int i;
// strncpy(buffer, Cmd_Argv(1));
// strncat(buffer, "=");
Q_strncpyz (buffer, sizeof(buffer), Cmd_Argv(1));
Q_strncatz (buffer, sizeof(buffer), "=");
for ( i = 2; i < argc; i++ )
// strncat(buffer, Cmd_Argv( i ));
// strncat(buffer, " ");
Q_strncatz (buffer, sizeof(buffer), Cmd_Argv( i ));
Q_strncatz (buffer, sizeof(buffer), " ");
putenv( buffer );
else if ( argc == 2 )
char *env = getenv( Cmd_Argv(1) );
if ( env )
Com_Printf( "%s=%s\n", Cmd_Argv(1), env );
Com_Printf( "%s undefined\n", Cmd_Argv(1), env );
void CL_ForwardToServer_f (void)
if (cls.state != ca_connected && cls.state != ca_active)
Com_Printf ("Can't \"%s\", not connected\n", Cmd_Argv(0));
// don't forward the first argument
if (Cmd_Argc() > 1)
MSG_WriteByte (&cls.netchan.message, clc_stringcmd);
SZ_Print (&cls.netchan.message, Cmd_Args());
cls.forcePacket = true;
void CL_Pause_f (void)
// never pause in multiplayer
if (Cvar_VariableValue ("maxclients") > 1 || !Com_ServerState ())
Cvar_SetValue ("paused", 0);
// Cvar_SetValue ("paused", !cl_paused->value);
Cvar_SetValue ("paused", !cl_paused->integer);
void CL_Quit_f (void)
CL_Disconnect ();
Com_Quit ();
Called after an ERR_DROP was thrown
void CL_Drop (void)
if (cls.state == ca_uninitialized)
// if an error occurs during initial load
// or during game start, drop loading plaque
if ( (cls.disable_servercount != -1) || (cls.key_dest == key_game) )
SCR_EndLoadingPlaque (); // get rid of loading plaque
if (cls.state == ca_disconnected)
CL_Disconnect ();
We have gotten a challenge from the server, so try and
void CL_SendConnectPacket (void)
netadr_t adr;
int port, sendProtocolVersion;
if (!NET_StringToAdr (cls.servername, &adr))
Com_Printf ("Bad server address\n");
cls.connect_time = 0;
if (adr.port == 0)
adr.port = BigShort (PORT_SERVER);
port = Cvar_VariableValue ("qport");
userinfo_modified = false;
// if in compatibility mode, lie to server about this
// client's protocol, but exclude localhost for this.
sendProtocolVersion = ((cl_servertrick->integer != 0) && (strcmp(cls.servername, "localhost") != 0)) ? OLD_PROTOCOL_VERSION : PROTOCOL_VERSION;
Netchan_OutOfBandPrint (NS_CLIENT, adr, "connect %i %i %i \"%s\"\n", sendProtocolVersion, port, cls.challenge, Cvar_Userinfo() );
void CL_ForcePacket (void)
cls.forcePacket = true;
Resend a connect message if the last one has timed out
void CL_CheckForResend (void)
netadr_t adr;
// if the local server is running and we aren't
// then connect
if (cls.state == ca_disconnected && Com_ServerState() )
cls.state = ca_connecting;
strncpy (cls.servername, "localhost", sizeof(cls.servername)-1);
// we don't need a challenge on the localhost
CL_SendConnectPacket ();
// cls.connect_time = -99999; // CL_CheckForResend() will fire immediately
// resend if we haven't gotten a reply yet
if (cls.state != ca_connecting)
if (cls.realtime - cls.connect_time < 3000)
if (!NET_StringToAdr (cls.servername, &adr))
Com_Printf ("Bad server address\n");
cls.state = ca_disconnected;
if (adr.port == 0)
adr.port = BigShort (PORT_SERVER);
cls.connect_time = cls.realtime; // for retransmit requests
Com_Printf ("Connecting to %s...\n", cls.servername);
Netchan_OutOfBandPrint (NS_CLIENT, adr, "getchallenge\n");
void CL_Connect_f (void)
char *server, *p;
netadr_t serverAdr;
if (Cmd_Argc() != 2)
Com_Printf ("usage: connect <server>\n");
if (Com_ServerState ())
{ // if running a local server, kill it and reissue
// SV_Shutdown (va("Server quit\n", msg), false);
SV_Shutdown ("Server quit.\n", false);
CL_Disconnect ();
server = Cmd_Argv (1);
// start quake2:// support
if (!strncmp (server, "quake2://", 9))
server += 9;
p = strchr (server, '/'); // remove trailing slash
if (p)
p[0] = '\0';
// end quake2:// support
NET_Config (true); // allow remote
// validate server address
if (!NET_StringToAdr (server, &serverAdr))
Com_Printf ("Bad server address: %s\n", server);
CL_Disconnect ();
cls.state = ca_connecting;
strncpy (cls.servername, server, sizeof(cls.servername)-1);
cls.connect_time = -99999; // CL_CheckForResend() will fire immediately
Send the rest of the command line over as
an unconnected command.
void CL_Rcon_f (void)
char message[1024];
int i;
netadr_t to;
if (!rcon_client_password->string)
Com_Printf ("You must set 'rcon_password' before\n"
"issuing an rcon command.\n");
message[0] = (char)255;
message[1] = (char)255;
message[2] = (char)255;
message[3] = (char)255;
message[4] = 0;
NET_Config (true); // allow remote
// strncat (message, "rcon ");
// strncat (message, rcon_client_password->string);
// strncat (message, " ");
Q_strncatz (message, sizeof(message), "rcon ");
Q_strncatz (message, sizeof(message), rcon_client_password->string);
Q_strncatz (message, sizeof(message), " ");
for (i=1 ; i<Cmd_Argc() ; i++)
// strncat (message, Cmd_Argv(i));
// strncat (message, " ");
Q_strncatz (message, sizeof(message), Cmd_Argv(i));
Q_strncatz (message, sizeof(message), " ");
if (cls.state >= ca_connected)
to = cls.netchan.remote_address;
if (!strlen(rcon_address->string))
Com_Printf ("You must either be connected,\n"
"or set the 'rcon_address' cvar\n"
"to issue rcon commands\n");
NET_StringToAdr (rcon_address->string, &to);
if (to.port == 0)
to.port = BigShort (PORT_SERVER);
NET_SendPacket (NS_CLIENT, (int)strlen(message)+1, message, to);
void CL_ClearState (void)
S_StopAllSounds ();
CL_ClearEffects ();
CL_ClearTEnts ();
V_ClearFogInfo ();
R_ClearState ();
// wipe the entire cl structure
memset (&cl, 0, sizeof(cl));
memset (&cl_entities, 0, sizeof(cl_entities));
cl.maxclients = MAX_CLIENTS; // from R1Q2
SZ_Clear (&cls.netchan.message);
Goes from a connected state to full screen console state
Sends a disconnect message to the server
This is also called on Com_Error, so it shouldn't cause any errors
extern char *ui_currentweaponmodel;
void CL_Disconnect (void)
byte final[32];
if (cls.state == ca_disconnected)
// if (cl_timedemo && cl_timedemo->value)
if (cl_timedemo && cl_timedemo->integer)
int time;
time = Sys_Milliseconds () - cl.timedemo_start;
if (time > 0)
Com_Printf ("%i frames, %3.1f seconds: %3.1f fps\n", cl.timedemo_frames,
time/1000.0, cl.timedemo_frames*1000.0 / time);
VectorClear (cl.refdef.blend);
UI_ForceMenuOff ();
cls.connect_time = 0;
SCR_StopCinematic ();
if (cls.demorecording)
CL_Stop_f ();
// send a disconnect message to the server
final[0] = clc_stringcmd;
// strncpy ((char *)final+1, "disconnect");
Q_strncpyz ((char *)final+1, sizeof(final)-1, "disconnect");
Netchan_Transmit (&cls.netchan, (int)strlen(final), final);
Netchan_Transmit (&cls.netchan, (int)strlen(final), final);
Netchan_Transmit (&cls.netchan, (int)strlen(final), final);
CL_ClearState ();
// stop download
if (cls.download) {
cls.download = NULL;
#ifdef USE_CURL // HTTP downloading from R1Q2
CL_CancelHTTPDownloads (true);
cls.downloadReferer[0] = 0;
cls.downloadname[0] = 0;
cls.downloadposition = 0;
#endif // USE_CURL
cls.state = ca_disconnected;
// reset current weapon model
ui_currentweaponmodel = NULL;
void CL_Disconnect_f (void)
Com_Error (ERR_DROP, "Disconnected from server");
packet <destination> <contents>
Contents allows \n escape character
void CL_Packet_f (void)
char send[2048];
int i, l;
char *in, *out;
netadr_t adr;
if (Cmd_Argc() != 3)
Com_Printf ("packet <destination> <contents>\n");
NET_Config (true); // allow remote
if (!NET_StringToAdr (Cmd_Argv(1), &adr))
Com_Printf ("Bad address\n");
if (!adr.port)
adr.port = BigShort (PORT_SERVER);
in = Cmd_Argv(2);
out = send+4;
send[0] = send[1] = send[2] = send[3] = (char)0xff;
l = (int)strlen (in);
for (i=0 ; i<l ; i++)
if (in[i] == '\\' && in[i+1] == 'n')
*out++ = '\n';
*out++ = in[i];
*out = 0;
NET_SendPacket (NS_CLIENT, out-send, send, adr);
Just sent as a hint to the client that they should
drop to full console
void CL_Changing_f (void)
//if we are downloading, we don't change! This so we don't suddenly stop downloading a map
SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque (); // Knightmare moved here
if (cls.download)
//SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque ();
cls.state = ca_connected; // not active anymore, but not disconnected
Com_Printf ("\nChanging map...\n");
#ifdef USE_CURL
// FS: Added because Whale's Weapons HTTP server rejects you after a lot of 404s. Then you lose HTTP until a hard reconnect.
if (cls.downloadServerRetry[0] != 0) {
The server is changing levels
void CL_Reconnect_f (void)
//if we are downloading, we don't change! This so we don't suddenly stop downloading a map
if (cls.download)
S_StopAllSounds ();
if (cls.state == ca_connected)
Com_Printf ("reconnecting...\n");
cls.state = ca_connected;
MSG_WriteChar (&cls.netchan.message, clc_stringcmd);
MSG_WriteString (&cls.netchan.message, "new");
cls.forcePacket = true;
if (*cls.servername)
if (cls.state >= ca_connected)
cls.connect_time = cls.realtime - 1500;
} else
cls.connect_time = -99999; // fire immediately
cls.state = ca_connecting;
Com_Printf ("reconnecting...\n");
Handle a reply from a ping
void CL_ParseStatusMessage (void)
char *s;
s = MSG_ReadString(&net_message);
// Catch wrong version reply from server
if (s && strstr(s, "wrong version")) {
// The "wrong version" reply has been removed from most Q2 servers
// due to exploitability. So we can just ignore it if we get one,
// as we're sending both stock Q2 and KMQ2 protocol versions at once.
Com_Printf ("%s\n", s);
UI_AddToServerList (net_from, s);
#if 1
//<serverping> Added code for compute ping time of server broadcasted
extern int global_udp_server_time;
extern int global_ipx_server_time;
extern int global_adr_server_time[16];
extern netadr_t global_adr_server_netadr[16];
void CL_PingServers_f (void)
int i;
netadr_t adr;
char name[32];
char *adrstring;
cvar_t *noudp;
cvar_t *noipx;
NET_Config (true); // allow remote
// send a broadcast packet
Com_Printf ("pinging broadcast...\n");
// send a packet to each address book entry
for (i=0 ; i<16 ; i++)
memset(&global_adr_server_netadr[i], 0, sizeof(global_adr_server_netadr[0]));
global_adr_server_time[i] = Sys_Milliseconds() ;
Com_sprintf (name, sizeof(name), "adr%i", i);
adrstring = Cvar_VariableString (name);
if (!adrstring || !adrstring[0])
Com_Printf ("pinging %s...\n", adrstring);
if (!NET_StringToAdr (adrstring, &adr))
Com_Printf ("Bad address: %s\n", adrstring);
if (!adr.port)
adr.port = BigShort(PORT_SERVER);
memcpy(&global_adr_server_netadr[i], &adr, sizeof(global_adr_server_netadr));
// Send both protocol versions, we'll get a reply from one or the other
Netchan_OutOfBandPrint (NS_CLIENT, adr, va("info %i", OLD_PROTOCOL_VERSION));
Netchan_OutOfBandPrint (NS_CLIENT, adr, va("info %i", PROTOCOL_VERSION));
noudp = Cvar_Get ("noudp", "0", CVAR_NOSET);
if (!noudp->integer)
global_udp_server_time = Sys_Milliseconds() ;
adr.type = NA_BROADCAST;
adr.port = BigShort(PORT_SERVER);
// Send both protocol versions, we'll get a reply from one or the other
Netchan_OutOfBandPrint (NS_CLIENT, adr, va("info %i", OLD_PROTOCOL_VERSION));
Netchan_OutOfBandPrint (NS_CLIENT, adr, va("info %i", PROTOCOL_VERSION));
noipx = Cvar_Get ("noipx", "0", CVAR_NOSET);
if (!noipx->integer)
global_ipx_server_time = Sys_Milliseconds() ;
adr.type = NA_BROADCAST_IPX;
adr.port = BigShort(PORT_SERVER);
// Send both protocol versions, we'll get a reply from one or the other
Netchan_OutOfBandPrint (NS_CLIENT, adr, va("info %i", OLD_PROTOCOL_VERSION));
Netchan_OutOfBandPrint (NS_CLIENT, adr, va("info %i", PROTOCOL_VERSION));
void CL_PingServers_f (void)
int i;
netadr_t adr;
char name[32];
char *adrstring;
cvar_t *noudp;
cvar_t *noipx;
NET_Config (true); // allow remote
// send a broadcast packet
Com_Printf ("pinging broadcast...\n");
noudp = Cvar_Get ("noudp", "0", CVAR_NOSET);
if (!noudp->integer)
adr.type = NA_BROADCAST;
adr.port = BigShort(PORT_SERVER);
// Send both protocol versions, we'll get a reply from one or the other
Netchan_OutOfBandPrint (NS_CLIENT, adr, va("info %i", OLD_PROTOCOL_VERSION));
Netchan_OutOfBandPrint (NS_CLIENT, adr, va("info %i", PROTOCOL_VERSION));
noipx = Cvar_Get ("noipx", "0", CVAR_NOSET);
if (!noipx->integer)
adr.type = NA_BROADCAST_IPX;
adr.port = BigShort(PORT_SERVER);
// Send both protocol versions, we'll get a reply from one or the other
Netchan_OutOfBandPrint (NS_CLIENT, adr, va("info %i", OLD_PROTOCOL_VERSION));
Netchan_OutOfBandPrint (NS_CLIENT, adr, va("info %i", PROTOCOL_VERSION));
// send a packet to each address book entry
for (i=0; i<16; i++)
Com_sprintf (name, sizeof(name), "adr%i", i);
adrstring = Cvar_VariableString (name);
if (!adrstring || !adrstring[0])
Com_Printf ("pinging %s...\n", adrstring);
if (!NET_StringToAdr (adrstring, &adr))
Com_Printf ("Bad address: %s\n", adrstring);
if (!adr.port)
adr.port = BigShort(PORT_SERVER);
// Send both protocol versions, we'll get a reply from one or the other
Netchan_OutOfBandPrint (NS_CLIENT, adr, va("info %i", OLD_PROTOCOL_VERSION));
Netchan_OutOfBandPrint (NS_CLIENT, adr, va("info %i", PROTOCOL_VERSION));
Load or download any custom player skins and models
void CL_Skins_f (void)
int i;
for (i=0 ; i<MAX_CLIENTS ; i++)
// BIG UGLY HACK for old connected to server using old protocol
// Changed config strings require different parsing
if ( LegacyProtocol() )
if (!cl.configstrings[OLD_CS_PLAYERSKINS+i][0])
Com_Printf ("client %i: %s\n", i, cl.configstrings[OLD_CS_PLAYERSKINS+i]);
} else {
if (!cl.configstrings[CS_PLAYERSKINS+i][0])
Com_Printf ("client %i: %s\n", i, cl.configstrings[CS_PLAYERSKINS+i]);
SCR_UpdateScreen ();
Sys_SendKeyEvents (); // pump message loop
CL_ParseClientinfo (i);
void CL_AACSkey_f (void)
Com_Printf ("AACS processing keys: 09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0\n");
Com_Printf (" 45 5F E1 04 22 CA 29 C4 93 3F 95 05 2B 79 2A B2\n");
Responses to broadcasts, etc
void CL_ConnectionlessPacket (void)
char *s, *c;
// HTTP downloading from R1Q2
char *buff, *p;
int i;
// end HTTP downloading from R1Q2
MSG_BeginReading (&net_message);
MSG_ReadLong (&net_message); // skip the -1
s = MSG_ReadStringLine (&net_message);
Cmd_TokenizeString (s, false);
c = Cmd_Argv(0);
Com_Printf ("%s: %s\n", NET_AdrToString (net_from), c);
// server connection
if ( !strcmp(c, "client_connect") )
if (cls.state == ca_connected)
Com_Printf ("Dup connect received. Ignored.\n");
Netchan_Setup (NS_CLIENT, &cls.netchan, net_from, cls.quakePort);
// HTTP downloading from R1Q2
buff = NET_AdrToString(cls.netchan.remote_address);
for (i = 1; i < Cmd_Argc(); i++)
p = Cmd_Argv(i);
if ( !strncmp (p, "dlserver=", 9) )
#ifdef USE_CURL
p += 9;
Com_sprintf (cls.downloadReferer, sizeof(cls.downloadReferer), "quake2://%s", buff);
CL_SetHTTPServer (p);
if ( cls.downloadServer[0] )
Com_Printf ("HTTP downloading enabled, URL: %s\n", cls.downloadServer);
Com_Printf ("HTTP downloading supported by server but this client was built without USE_CURL, too bad.\n");
#endif // USE_CURL
// end HTTP downloading from R1Q2
MSG_WriteChar (&cls.netchan.message, clc_stringcmd);
MSG_WriteString (&cls.netchan.message, "new");
cls.forcePacket = true;
cls.state = ca_connected;
// server responding to a status broadcast
if ( !strcmp(c, "info") )
CL_ParseStatusMessage ();
// remote command from gui front end
if ( !strcmp(c, "cmd") )
if (!NET_IsLocalAddress(net_from))
Com_Printf ("Command packet from remote host. Ignored.\n");
Sys_AppActivate ();
s = MSG_ReadString (&net_message);
Cbuf_AddText (s);
Cbuf_AddText ("\n");
// print command from somewhere
if ( !strcmp(c, "print") )
char thisVersionRejMsg[128], thisVersionRejMsg2[128];
s = MSG_ReadString (&net_message);
Com_Printf ("%s", s);
// catch wrong version reply from server here
Com_sprintf (thisVersionRejMsg, sizeof(thisVersionRejMsg), "You need KMQuake2 version %4.2f to play on this server.", VERSION);
Com_sprintf (thisVersionRejMsg2, sizeof(thisVersionRejMsg2), "Server is version %4.2f.", VERSION);
if ( strstr(s, thisVersionRejMsg) || strstr(s, thisVersionRejMsg2) ) // Same version of KMQ2
Com_DPrintf ("Wrong version reply received from KMQ2 server. Reconnecting as protocol version %i.\n", PROTOCOL_VERSION);
Cvar_SetInteger ("cl_servertrick", 0);
CL_Reconnect_f ();
else if ( strstr(s, "Server is version 3.19") || strstr(s, "Server is version 3.2") // stock Q2 3.19 / 3.2x rejection messages
|| strstr(s, "You need Quake II 3.19 or higher to play on this server.") // R1Q2
|| strstr(s, "Unsupported protocol version") || strstr(s, "You need Quake 2 version 3.19 or higher.") ) // Q2Pro
Com_DPrintf ("Known wrong version reply received from server. Reconnecting as protocol version %i.\n", OLD_PROTOCOL_VERSION);
Cvar_SetInteger ("cl_servertrick", 1);
CL_Reconnect_f ();
else if ( strstr(s, "Server is version") )
Com_DPrintf ("Unknown wrong version reply received from server. Reconnecting as protocol version %i.\n", OLD_PROTOCOL_VERSION);
Cvar_SetInteger ("cl_servertrick", 1);
CL_Reconnect_f ();
else if ( strstr(s, "You need KMQuake2 version") )
Com_DPrintf ("Wrong version reply received from different-protocol KMQ2 server. Disconnecting.\n");
SCR_EndLoadingPlaque ();
CL_Disconnect ();
// ping from somewhere
if ( !strcmp(c, "ping") )
Netchan_OutOfBandPrint (NS_CLIENT, net_from, "ack");
// challenge from the server we are connecting to
if ( !strcmp(c, "challenge") )
int j, v;
char *sc;
qboolean hasCurProtcol = false, hasLegacyProtocol = false;
cls.challenge = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1));
// R1Q2 and Q2Pro put supported protocol versions in challenge.
// Parse for those here, and change cl_servertrick if needed.
if ( strcmp(cls.servername, "localhost") != 0 )
for (j = 2; j < Cmd_Argc(); j++)
sc = Cmd_Argv(j);
if ( !strncmp(sc, "p=", 2) )
sc += 2;
if (!sc[0]) {
for (;;)
v = atoi(sc);
hasCurProtcol = true;
else if (v == OLD_PROTOCOL_VERSION) {
hasLegacyProtocol = true;
sc = strchr(sc, ',');
if (!sc) {
if (!sc[0]) {
if (hasCurProtcol) {
Com_DPrintf ("Setting current protocol (%i) from server challenge.\n", PROTOCOL_VERSION);
Cvar_SetInteger ("cl_servertrick", 0);
else if (hasLegacyProtocol) {
Com_DPrintf ("Setting legacy protocol (%i) from server challenge.\n", OLD_PROTOCOL_VERSION);
Cvar_SetInteger ("cl_servertrick", 1);
CL_SendConnectPacket ();
// echo request from server
if ( !strcmp(c, "echo") )
Netchan_OutOfBandPrint (NS_CLIENT, net_from, "%s", Cmd_Argv(1) );
Com_Printf ("Unknown command.\n");
A vain attempt to help bad TCP stacks that cause problems
when they overflow
void CL_DumpPackets (void)
while (NET_GetPacket (NS_CLIENT, &net_from, &net_message))
Com_Printf ("dumnping a packet\n");
void CL_ReadPackets (void)
while (NET_GetPacket (NS_CLIENT, &net_from, &net_message))
// Com_Printf ("packet\n");
// remote command packet
if (*(int *)net_message.data == -1)
CL_ConnectionlessPacket ();
if (cls.state == ca_disconnected || cls.state == ca_connecting)
continue; // dump it if not connected
if (net_message.cursize < 8)
Com_Printf ("%s: Runt packet\n",NET_AdrToString(net_from));
// packet from server
if (!NET_CompareAdr (net_from, cls.netchan.remote_address))
Com_DPrintf ("%s:sequenced packet without connection\n"
if (!Netchan_Process(&cls.netchan, &net_message))
continue; // wasn't accepted for some reason
CL_ParseServerMessage ();
// check timeout
if (cls.state >= ca_connected
&& cls.realtime - cls.netchan.last_received > cl_timeout->value*1000)
if (++cl.timeoutcount > 5) // timeoutcount saves debugger
Com_Printf ("\nServer connection timed out.\n");
CL_Disconnect ();
cl.timeoutcount = 0;
void CL_FixUpGender(void)
char *p;
char sk[80];
// if (gender_auto->value)
if (gender_auto->integer)
if (gender->modified)
// was set directly, don't override the user
gender->modified = false;
strncpy(sk, skin->string, sizeof(sk) - 1);
if ((p = strchr(sk, '/')) != NULL)
*p = 0;
if (Q_stricmp(sk, "male") == 0 || Q_stricmp(sk, "cyborg") == 0)
Cvar_Set ("gender", "male");
else if (Q_stricmp(sk, "female") == 0 || Q_stricmp(sk, "crackhor") == 0)
Cvar_Set ("gender", "female");
Cvar_Set ("gender", "none");
gender->modified = false;
void CL_Userinfo_f (void)
Com_Printf ("User info settings:\n");
Info_Print (Cvar_Userinfo());
Restart the sound subsystem so it can pick up
new parameters and flush all sounds
void CL_Snd_Restart_f (void)
S_Shutdown ();
S_Init ();
CL_RegisterSounds ();
extern int precache_check; // for autodownload of precache items
extern int precache_spawncount;
//extern int precache_tex;
extern int precache_model_skin;
extern byte *precache_model; // used for skin checking in alias models
extern int precache_pak; // Knightmare added
void CL_ResetPrecacheCheck (void)
// precache_start_time = Sys_Milliseconds();
precache_check = CS_MODELS;
// precache_spawncount = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1));
precache_model = 0;
precache_model_skin = 0;
precache_pak = 0; // Knightmare added
The server will send this command right
before allowing the client into the server
void CL_Precache_f (void)
// Yet another hack to let old demos work
// the old precache sequence
if (Cmd_Argc() < 2)
unsigned map_checksum; // for detecting cheater maps
CM_LoadMap (cl.configstrings[CS_MODELS+1], true, &map_checksum);
CL_RegisterSounds ();
CL_PrepRefresh ();
precache_check = CS_MODELS;
precache_spawncount = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1));
precache_model = 0;
precache_model_skin = 0;
precache_pak = 0; // Knightmare added
#ifdef USE_CURL // HTTP downloading from R1Q2
CL_HTTP_ResetMapAbort (); // Knightmare- reset the map abort flag
#endif // USE_CURL
#ifdef LOC_SUPPORT // Xile/NiceAss LOC
void CL_AddLoc_f (void)
if (Cmd_Argc() != 2)
Com_Printf("Usage: loc_add <label/description>\n");
CL_LocAdd (Cmd_Argv(1));
void CL_DeleteLoc_f (void)
CL_LocDelete ();
void CL_SaveLoc_f (void)
CL_LocWrite ();
#endif // LOC_SUPPORT
void CL_InitLocal (void)
cls.state = ca_disconnected;
cls.realtime = Sys_Milliseconds ();
cls.refreshPlayerModels = false; // Knightmare- clear this flag
CL_InitInput ();
adr0 = Cvar_Get( "adr0", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
adr1 = Cvar_Get( "adr1", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
adr2 = Cvar_Get( "adr2", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
adr3 = Cvar_Get( "adr3", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
adr4 = Cvar_Get( "adr4", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
adr5 = Cvar_Get( "adr5", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
adr6 = Cvar_Get( "adr6", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
adr7 = Cvar_Get( "adr7", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
adr8 = Cvar_Get( "adr8", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
adr9 = Cvar_Get( "adr9", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
adr10 = Cvar_Get( "adr10", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
adr11 = Cvar_Get( "adr11", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
Cvar_SetDescription ("adr0", "Address book entry for Join Server menu.");
Cvar_SetDescription ("adr1", "Address book entry for Join Server menu.");
Cvar_SetDescription ("adr2", "Address book entry for Join Server menu.");
Cvar_SetDescription ("adr3", "Address book entry for Join Server menu.");
Cvar_SetDescription ("adr4", "Address book entry for Join Server menu.");
Cvar_SetDescription ("adr5", "Address book entry for Join Server menu.");
Cvar_SetDescription ("adr6", "Address book entry for Join Server menu.");
Cvar_SetDescription ("adr7", "Address book entry for Join Server menu.");
Cvar_SetDescription ("adr8", "Address book entry for Join Server menu.");
Cvar_SetDescription ("adr9", "Address book entry for Join Server menu.");
Cvar_SetDescription ("adr10", "Address book entry for Join Server menu.");
Cvar_SetDescription ("adr11", "Address book entry for Join Server menu.");
// register our variables
cl_stereo_separation = Cvar_Get( "cl_stereo_separation", "0.4", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_stereo_separation", "Stereo separation used when cl_stereo is enabled.");
cl_stereo = Cvar_Get( "cl_stereo", "0", 0 );
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_stereo", "Enables stereo mode for 3D glasses.");
cl_add_blend = Cvar_Get ("cl_blend", "1", 0);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_blend", "Enables screen blend effects.");
cl_add_lights = Cvar_Get ("cl_lights", "1", 0);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_lights", "Enables drawing of dynamic light effects.");
cl_add_particles = Cvar_Get ("cl_particles", "1", 0);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_particles", "Enables drawing of particles.");
cl_add_entities = Cvar_Get ("cl_entities", "1", 0);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_entities", "Enables drawing of entities.");
cl_gun = Cvar_Get ("cl_gun", "1", 0);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_gun", "Enables drawing of first-person gun model. Set to 0 when taking screenshots.");
cl_weapon_shells = Cvar_Get ("cl_weapon_shells", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_weapon_shells", "Enables drawing of powerup shells on first-person gun model.");
cl_footsteps = Cvar_Get ("cl_footsteps", "1", 0);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_footsteps", "Enables player footstep sounds.");
// reduction factor for particle effects
cl_particle_scale = Cvar_Get ("cl_particle_scale", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_particle_scale", "Scales down particle effects for better performance. Higher value = fewer particles.");
// whether to adjust fov for wide aspect rattio
cl_widescreen_fov = Cvar_Get ("cl_widescreen_fov", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_widescreen_fov", "Enables automatic scaling of FOV for widescreen video modes.");
// hook to simplify Lazarus zoom feature
cl_zoommode = Cvar_Get ("cl_zoommode", "0", 0);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_zoommode", "Disables gun model and crosshair for Lazarus zoom feature.");
cl_noskins = Cvar_Get ("cl_noskins", "0", 0);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_noskins", "Forces all skins to male/grunt when enabled.");
// cl_autoskins = Cvar_Get ("cl_autoskins", "0", 0); // unused
cl_predict = Cvar_Get ("cl_predict", "1", 0);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_predict", "Enables client-side movement prediction. Recommended to leave enabled.");
// cl_minfps = Cvar_Get ("cl_minfps", "5", 0); // unused
cl_maxfps = Cvar_Get ("cl_maxfps", "90", 0);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_maxfps", "Shared framerate cap when when cl_async (asynchronous frames) is set to 0.");
cl_async = Cvar_Get ("cl_async", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_async", "Enables asynchronous frame rendering. Network frames and renderer frames are separated. Uses r_maxfps and net_maxfps cvars.");
net_maxfps = Cvar_Get ("net_maxfps", "60", 0);
Cvar_SetDescription ("net_maxfps", "Framerate cap for network frames when cl_async (asynchronous frames) is set to 1.");
r_maxfps = Cvar_Get ("r_maxfps", "125", 0);
Cvar_SetDescription ("r_maxfps", "Framerate cap for video frames when cl_async (asynchronous frames) is set to 1.");
r_maxfps_autoset = Cvar_Get ("r_maxfps_autoset", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("r_maxfps_autoset", "Enables automatic setting of framerate cap (r_maxfps) based on refresh rate. Does nothing when refresh rate is left at default.");
cl_sleep = Cvar_Get ("cl_sleep", "1", 0);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_sleep", "Enables application sleep between render and network frames. Reduces CPU usage when enabled.");
// whether to trick version 34 servers that this is a version 34 client
cl_servertrick = Cvar_Get ("cl_servertrick", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_servertrick", "Enables sending of Vanilla Q2 protocol version to servers. Set to 1 to connect to non-KMQ2 servers.");
// Psychospaz's chasecam
cg_thirdperson = Cvar_Get ("cg_thirdperson", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cg_thirdperson", "Enables third-person mode.");
cg_thirdperson_angle = Cvar_Get ("cg_thirdperson_angle", "10", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cg_thirdperson_angle", "Sets angle for third-person camera.");
cg_thirdperson_dist = Cvar_Get ("cg_thirdperson_dist", "50", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cg_thirdperson_dist", "Sets distance for third-person camera.");
cg_thirdperson_offset = Cvar_Get ("cg_thirdperson_offset", "16", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cg_thirdperson_offset", "Sets horizontal offset for third-person camera.");
cg_thirdperson_alpha = Cvar_Get ("cg_thirdperson_alpha", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cg_thirdperson_alpha", "Enables close-distance alpha fade of player model for third-person camera.");
cg_thirdperson_chase = Cvar_Get ("cg_thirdperson_chase", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cg_thirdperson_chase", "Enables chasecam-type third-person camera.");
cg_thirdperson_adjust = Cvar_Get ("cg_thirdperson_adjust", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cg_thirdperson_adjust", "Enables view angle adjustment for third-person camera.");
cg_thirdperson_indemo = Cvar_Get ("cg_thirdperson_indemo", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cg_thirdperson_indemo", "Enables third-person camera in demos.");
cg_thirdperson_overhead = Cvar_Get ("cg_thirdperson_overhead", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cg_thirdperson_overhead", "Enables overhead third-person camera mode. EXPERIMENTAL!");
cg_thirdperson_overhead_dist = Cvar_Get ("cg_thirdperson_overhead_dist", "192", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cg_thirdperson_overhead_dist", "Sets camera distance for overhead third-person camera mode.");
cl_blood = Cvar_Get ("cl_blood", "2", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_blood", "Sets blood effect type. 0 = none, 1 = puff, 2 = splat, 3 = bleed, 4 = gore.");
// Option for old explosions
cl_old_explosions = Cvar_Get ("cl_old_explosions", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_old_explosions", "Enables old model explosions.");
// Option for unique plasma explosion sound
cl_plasma_explo_sound = Cvar_Get ("cl_plasma_explo_sound", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_plasma_explo_sound", "Enables unique explosion sound for Phalanx Cannon.");
cl_item_bobbing = Cvar_Get ("cl_item_bobbing", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_item_bobbing", "Enables Quake3-style item bobbing.");
// Psychospaz's changeable rail code
cl_railred = Cvar_Get ("cl_railred", "20", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_railred", "Sets red color component of railgun trail. Values range 0-255.");
cl_railgreen = Cvar_Get ("cl_railgreen", "48", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_railgreen", "Sets green color component of railgun trail. Values range 0-255.");
cl_railblue = Cvar_Get ("cl_railblue", "176", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_railblue", "Sets blue color component of railgun trail. Values range 0-255.");
cl_railtype = Cvar_Get ("cl_railtype", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_railtype", "Sets type of railgun trail. 0 = original spiral, 1 = solid beam, 2 = devrail.");
cl_rail_length = Cvar_Get ("cl_rail_length", va("%i", DEFAULT_RAIL_LENGTH), CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_rail_length", "Sets maximum length of railgun trails.");
cl_rail_space = Cvar_Get ("cl_rail_space", va("%i", DEFAULT_RAIL_SPACE), CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_rail_space", "Sets space between railgun particles.");
// whether to use texsurfs.txt footstep sounds
cl_footstep_override = Cvar_Get ("cl_footstep_override", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_footstep_override", "Enables use of texsurfs.txt file for texture-based footstep definitions.");
// decal control
r_decals = Cvar_Get ("r_decals", "500", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("r_decals", "Sets maximum number of decals.");
r_decal_life = Cvar_Get ("r_decal_life", "1000", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("r_decal_life", "Sets duration in seconds of decals.");
con_font_size = Cvar_Get ("con_font_size", "8", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("con_font_size", "Sets size of console font. Values > 8 are larger than default, while values < 8 are smaller.");
alt_text_color = Cvar_Get ("alt_text_color", "2", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("alt_text_color", "Sets color of high-bit highlighted text.");
// whether to try to play OGGs instead of CD tracks
cl_ogg_music = Cvar_Get ("cl_ogg_music", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_ogg_music", "Enables playing of Ogg Vorbis files instead of CD audio tracks.");
cl_rogue_music = Cvar_Get ("cl_rogue_music", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_rogue_music", "Forces remapping of Ogg Vorbs tracks for Ground Zero mission pack.");
cl_xatrix_music = Cvar_Get ("cl_xatrix_music", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_xatrix_music", "Forces remapping of Ogg Vorbs tracks for The Reckoning mission pack.");
cl_upspeed = Cvar_Get ("cl_upspeed", "200", 0);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_upspeed", "Scalar adjustment for jumping/upward swimming sensitiviy.");
cl_forwardspeed = Cvar_Get ("cl_forwardspeed", "200", 0);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_forwardspeed", "Scalar adjustment for forward movement sensitiviy.");
cl_sidespeed = Cvar_Get ("cl_sidespeed", "200", 0);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_sidespeed", "Scalar adjustment for sideways movement sensitiviy.");
cl_yawspeed = Cvar_Get ("cl_yawspeed", "140", 0);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_yawspeed", "Scalar adjustment for view yaw speed.");
cl_pitchspeed = Cvar_Get ("cl_pitchspeed", "150", 0);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_pitchspeed", "Scalar adjustment for view pitch speed.");
cl_anglespeedkey = Cvar_Get ("cl_anglespeedkey", "1.5", 0);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_anglespeedkey", "Scalar adjustment for keyboard-based camera control.");
cl_run = Cvar_Get ("cl_run", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_run", "Enables always-run movement.");
freelook = Cvar_Get( "freelook", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE ); // Knightmare changed, was 0
Cvar_SetDescription ("freelook", "Enables use of mouse for looking around instead of player movement.");
lookspring = Cvar_Get ("lookspring", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("lookspring", "Enables automatic centering of view when freelook is disabled.");
lookstrafe = Cvar_Get ("lookstrafe", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("lookstrafe", "Enables lookstrafe mode (horizontal mouse movement as strafing).");
sensitivity = Cvar_Get ("sensitivity", "3", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("sensitivity", "Sets in-game mouse sensitivity.");
m_pitch = Cvar_Get ("m_pitch", "0.022", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("m_pitch", "Vertical sensitvity of mouse input for freelook. Is negative for inverted mode.");
m_yaw = Cvar_Get ("m_yaw", "0.022", 0);
Cvar_SetDescription ("m_yaw", "Horizontal sensitvity of mouse input for freelook.");
m_forward = Cvar_Get ("m_forward", "1", 0);
Cvar_SetDescription ("m_forward", "Forward mouse movement value when freelook is disabled.");
m_side = Cvar_Get ("m_side", "1", 0);
Cvar_SetDescription ("m_side", "Sideways mouse movement value when freelook is disabled.");
cl_shownet = Cvar_Get ("cl_shownet", "0", 0);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_shownet", "Shows verbose output about server packets. 1 will show current message sizes. 2 will show svc_xxx packets as they are parsed. 3 will show verbose information about delta encoding from packet entities.");
cl_showmiss = Cvar_Get ("cl_showmiss", "0", 0);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_showmiss", "Shows misses on movement prediction.");
cl_showclamp = Cvar_Get ("showclamp", "0", 0);
Cvar_SetDescription ("showclamp", "Shows time skews from clients timer versus the servers timer.");
cl_timeout = Cvar_Get ("cl_timeout", "120", 0);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_timeout", "Timeout (in seconds) for connecting to servers.");
cl_paused = Cvar_Get ("paused", "0", CVAR_CHEAT);
Cvar_SetDescription ("paused", "Value that determines if the game is paused. Considered a client cheat in multiplayer.");
cl_timedemo = Cvar_Get ("timedemo", "0", CVAR_CHEAT);
Cvar_SetDescription ("timedemo", "Set to 1 for timing playback of demos. Useful for old-school bencmarking.");
rcon_client_password = Cvar_Get ("rcon_password", "", 0);
Cvar_SetDescription ("rcon_password", "Sets password for rcon commands.");
rcon_address = Cvar_Get ("rcon_address", "", 0);
Cvar_SetDescription ("rcon_address", "Sets server address for rcon commands.");
cl_lightlevel = Cvar_Get ("r_lightlevel", "0", 0);
// userinfo
info_password = Cvar_Get ("password", "", CVAR_USERINFO);
Cvar_SetDescription ("password", "Sets password for multiplayer games.");
info_spectator = Cvar_Get ("spectator", "0", CVAR_USERINFO);
Cvar_SetDescription ("spectator", "Sets spectator mode for multiplayer games.");
name = Cvar_Get ("name", "unnamed", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("name", "Sets player name.");
skin = Cvar_Get ("skin", "male/grunt", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("skin", "Sets player model and skin, e.g. \"male/grunt\".");
rate = Cvar_Get ("rate", "25000", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE); // FIXME
Cvar_SetDescription ("rate", "Sets network connect rate. Higher values are recommended for faster connections.");
msg = Cvar_Get ("msg", "1", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE);
hand = Cvar_Get ("hand", "0", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("hand", "Sets handedness of player. 0 = right, 1 = left, 2 = center.");
fov = Cvar_Get ("fov", "90", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("fov", "Field of view of player. Will be automatically scaled up for widescreen when cl_widescreen_fov is set to 1.");
gender = Cvar_Get ("gender", "male", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("gender", "Sex of player model.");
gender_auto = Cvar_Get ("gender_auto", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("gender_auto", "Enables automatic setting of gender based on player model.");
gender->modified = false; // clear this so we know when user sets it manually
// custom client colors
color1 = Cvar_Get ("color1", "1430B0", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("color1", "Sets color for player's railgun effect. Format is RRGGBB hexadecimal.");
// color2 = Cvar_Get ("color2", "FFFFFF", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE);
// Cvar_SetDescription ("color2", "Sets player's secondary color. Format is RRGGBB hexadecimal.");
cl_vwep = Cvar_Get ("cl_vwep", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_vwep", "Enables visible player weapons.");
// for the server to tell which version the client is
cl_engine = Cvar_Get ("cl_engine", "KMQuake2", /*CVAR_USERINFO |*/ CVAR_NOSET | CVAR_LATCH);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_engine", "Identifies the client engine.");
cl_engine_version = Cvar_Get ("cl_engine_version", va("%4.2f",VERSION), /*CVAR_USERINFO |*/ CVAR_NOSET | CVAR_LATCH);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_engine_version", "Identifies the client engine version.");
#ifdef LOC_SUPPORT // Xile/NiceAss LOC
cl_drawlocs = Cvar_Get("cl_drawlocs", "0", 0);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_drawlocs", "Enables drawing of null models for location points.");
loc_here = Cvar_Get("loc_here", "", CVAR_NOSET);
Cvar_SetDescription ("loc_here", "Internal value for loc-based chat. This is a NOSET value.");
loc_there = Cvar_Get("loc_there", "", CVAR_NOSET);
Cvar_SetDescription ("loc_there", "Internal value for loc-based chat. This is a NOSET value.");
#endif // LOC_SUPPORT
#ifdef USE_CURL // HTTP downloading from R1Q2
cl_http_downloads = Cvar_Get ("cl_http_downloads", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_http_downloads", "Enables HTTP-based downloading.");
cl_http_filelists = Cvar_Get ("cl_http_filelists", "1", 0);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_http_filelists", "Enables use of filelists for HTTP downloading.");
cl_http_proxy = Cvar_Get ("cl_http_proxy", "", 0);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_http_proxy", "Sets proxy server for HTTP downloading.");
cl_http_max_connections = Cvar_Get ("cl_http_max_connections", "4", 0);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_http_max_connections", "Sets max connections for HTTP downloading.");
// cl_http_max_connections->changed = _cl_http_max_connections_changed;
cl_http_fallback = Cvar_Get ("cl_http_fallback", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
Cvar_SetDescription ("cl_http_fallback", "Enables fallback to Q2Pro paths and UDP for HTTP downloading.");
#endif // USE_CURL
// register our commands
Cmd_AddCommand ("cmd", CL_ForwardToServer_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("pause", CL_Pause_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("pingservers", CL_PingServers_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("skins", CL_Skins_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("userinfo", CL_Userinfo_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("snd_restart", CL_Snd_Restart_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("changing", CL_Changing_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("disconnect", CL_Disconnect_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("record", CL_Record_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("stop", CL_Stop_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("quit", CL_Quit_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("connect", CL_Connect_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("reconnect", CL_Reconnect_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("rcon", CL_Rcon_f);
// Cmd_AddCommand ("packet", CL_Packet_f); // this is dangerous to leave in
Cmd_AddCommand ("setenv", CL_Setenv_f );
Cmd_AddCommand ("precache", CL_Precache_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("download", CL_Download_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("writeconfig", CL_WriteConfig_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("aacskey", CL_AACSkey_f);
// Chat Ignore from R1Q2/Q2Pro
Cmd_AddCommand ("ignorenick", CL_IgnoreChatNick_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("unignorenick", CL_UnIgnoreChatNick_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("ignoretext", CL_IgnoreChatText_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("unignoretext", CL_UnIgnoreChatText_f);
// end R1Q2/Q2Pro Chat Ignore
#ifdef LOC_SUPPORT // Xile/NiceAss LOC
Cmd_AddCommand ("loc_add", CL_AddLoc_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("loc_del", CL_DeleteLoc_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("loc_save", CL_SaveLoc_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("loc_help", CL_LocHelp_f);
#endif // LOC_SUPPORT
// forward to server commands
// the only thing this does is allow command completion
// to work -- all unknown commands are automatically
// forwarded to the server
Cmd_AddCommand ("wave", NULL);
Cmd_AddCommand ("inven", NULL);
Cmd_AddCommand ("kill", NULL);
Cmd_AddCommand ("use", NULL);
Cmd_AddCommand ("drop", NULL);
Cmd_AddCommand ("say", NULL);
Cmd_AddCommand ("say_team", NULL);
Cmd_AddCommand ("info", NULL);
Cmd_AddCommand ("prog", NULL);
Cmd_AddCommand ("give", NULL);
Cmd_AddCommand ("god", NULL);
Cmd_AddCommand ("notarget", NULL);
Cmd_AddCommand ("noclip", NULL);
Cmd_AddCommand ("invuse", NULL);
Cmd_AddCommand ("invprev", NULL);
Cmd_AddCommand ("invnext", NULL);
Cmd_AddCommand ("invdrop", NULL);
Cmd_AddCommand ("weapnext", NULL);
Cmd_AddCommand ("weapprev", NULL);
// Chat Ignore from R1Q2/Q2Pro
// Init list pointers
cl_chatNickIgnores.next = NULL;
cl_chatNickIgnores.text = NULL;
cl_chatTextIgnores.next = NULL;
cl_chatTextIgnores.text = NULL;
// end R1Q2/Q2Pro Chat Ignore
local_initialized = true;
void CL_ShutdownLocal (void)
if (!local_initialized)
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("cmd");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("pause");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("pingservers");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("skins");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("userinfo");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("snd_restart");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("changing");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("disconnect");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("record");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("stop");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("quit");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("connect");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("reconnect");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("rcon");
// Cmd_RemoveCommand ("packet"); // this is dangerous to leave in
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("setenv");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("precache");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("download");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("writeconfig");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("aacskey");
// Chat Ignore from R1Q2/Q2Pro
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("ignorenick");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("unignorenick");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("ignoretext");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("unignoretext");
// end R1Q2/Q2Pro Chat Ignore
#ifdef LOC_SUPPORT // Xile/NiceAss LOC
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("loc_add");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("loc_del");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("loc_save");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("loc_help");
#endif // LOC_SUPPORT
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("wave");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("inven");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("kill");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("use");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("drop");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("say");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("say_team");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("info");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("prog");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("give");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("god");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("notarget");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("noclip");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("invuse");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("invprev");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("invnext");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("invdrop");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("weapnext");
Cmd_RemoveCommand ("weapprev");
// Chat Ignore from R1Q2/Q2Pro
CL_RemoveAllChatIgnores (&cl_chatNickIgnores);
CL_RemoveAllChatIgnores (&cl_chatTextIgnores);
// end R1Q2/Q2Pro Chat Ignore
local_initialized = false;
Writes key bindings and archived cvars to config.cfg
qboolean CL_WriteConfiguration (char *cfgName)
FILE *f;
char path[MAX_OSPATH];
if (!cfgName)
return false;
if (cls.state == ca_uninitialized)
return false;
// Knightmare changed- use separate config for better cohabitation
// Com_sprintf (path, sizeof(path),"%s/kmq2config.cfg", FS_Savegamedir());
Com_sprintf (path, sizeof(path),"%s/%s.cfg", FS_Savegamedir(), cfgName); // was FS_Gamedir()
f = fopen (path, "w");
if (!f)
{ // Knightmare changed- use separate config for better cohabitation
//Com_Printf ("Couldn't write config.cfg.\n");
// Com_Printf ("Couldn't write kmq2config.cfg.\n");
Com_Printf ("Couldn't write %s.cfg.\n", cfgName);
return false;
fprintf (f, "// This file is generated by KMQuake2, do not modify.\n");
fprintf (f, "// Use autoexec.cfg for adding custom settings.\n");
Key_WriteBindings (f);
fclose (f);
Cvar_WriteVariables (path);
return true;
void CL_WriteConfig_f (void)
char cfgName[MAX_QPATH];
if (Cmd_Argc() == 1 || Cmd_Argc() == 2)
if (Cmd_Argc() == 1)
Com_sprintf (cfgName, sizeof(cfgName), "kmq2config");
else // if (Cmd_Argc() == 2)
strncpy (cfgName, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof(cfgName));
if (CL_WriteConfiguration (cfgName))
Com_Printf ("Wrote config file %s/%s.cfg.\n", FS_Savegamedir(), cfgName); // was FS_Gamedir()
Com_Printf ("Usage: writeconfig <name>\n");
void CL_FixCvarCheats (void)
if ( !cl.configstrings[CS_MAXCLIENTS][0]
|| !strcmp(cl.configstrings[CS_MAXCLIENTS], "1") )
{ // single player can cheat
Cvar_FixCheatVars (true);
// don't allow cheats in multiplayer
Cvar_FixCheatVars (false);
Adapted from R1Q2
void CL_AdvertiseVersion (void)
char adBuf[128];
Com_sprintf (adBuf, sizeof(adBuf), "say \"KMQuake2 %4.2fu%d %s %s %s %s [www.markshan.com/knightmare]\"\n",
Cbuf_AddText (adBuf);
cls.lastAdvertiseTime = cls.realtime;
cls.advertiseTime = 0;
Auto-sets r_maxfps based on r_displayrefresh.
Does nothing if r_displayrefresh is not set.
void CL_SetFramerateCap (void)
int displayFreq = Cvar_VariableInteger("r_displayrefresh");
cvar_t *autoSet = Cvar_Get ("r_maxfps_autoset", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
if (!autoSet->integer)
// if no refresh set, leave framerate cap at default
if (displayFreq <= 0) {
// Cvar_SetInteger ("r_maxfps", 125); // 8ms frame interval
// surely refresh rates will never go over 500Hz, right?
if (displayFreq > 334)
Cvar_SetInteger ("r_maxfps", 500); // 2ms frame interval
else if (displayFreq > 250)
Cvar_SetInteger ("r_maxfps", 334); // 3ms frame interval
else if (displayFreq > 200)
Cvar_SetInteger ("r_maxfps", 250); // 4ms frame interval
else if (displayFreq > 167)
Cvar_SetInteger ("r_maxfps", 200); // 5ms frame interval
else if (displayFreq > 125)
Cvar_SetInteger ("r_maxfps", 167); // 6ms frame interval
else // 125 fps is default cap
Cvar_SetInteger ("r_maxfps", 125); // 8ms frame interval
static void CL_RefreshInputs (void)
// fetch results from server
CL_ReadPackets ();
// get new key events
Sys_SendKeyEvents ();
// allow mice or other external controllers to add commands
IN_Commands ();
// process console commands
Cbuf_Execute ();
// fix any cheating cvars
CL_FixCvarCheats ();
// fetch results from server
// CL_ReadPackets ();
// Update usercmd state
if (cls.state > ca_connecting)
CL_RefreshCmd ();
CL_RefreshMove ();
static void CL_SendCommand_Async (void)
// send intentions now
CL_SendCmd_Async ();
// resend a connection request if necessary
CL_CheckForResend ();
#define FRAMETIME_MAX 0.5 // was 0.2
void CL_Frame_Async (int msec)
static int packetDelta = 0;
static int renderDelta = 0;
static int miscDelta = 0;
static int lasttimecalled;
qboolean packetFrame = true;
qboolean renderFrame = true;
qboolean miscFrame = true;
// Don't allow setting maxfps too low or too high
if (net_maxfps->integer < 10)
Cvar_SetInteger ("net_maxfps", 10);
if (net_maxfps->integer > 100)
Cvar_SetInteger ("net_maxfps", 100);
if (r_maxfps->integer < 10)
Cvar_SetInteger ("r_maxfps", 10);
if (r_maxfps->integer > 1000)
Cvar_SetInteger ("r_maxfps", 1000);
packetDelta += msec;
renderDelta += msec;
miscDelta += msec;
// decide the simulation time
cls.netFrameTime = packetDelta * 0.001f;
cls.renderFrameTime = renderDelta * 0.001f;
cl.time += msec;
cls.realtime = curtime;
// Don't extrapolate too far ahead
if (cls.netFrameTime > FRAMETIME_MAX)
cls.netFrameTime = FRAMETIME_MAX;
if (cls.renderFrameTime > FRAMETIME_MAX)
cls.renderFrameTime = FRAMETIME_MAX;
// If in the debugger last frame, don't timeout
if (msec > 5000)
cls.netchan.last_received = Sys_Milliseconds ();
// if (!cl_timedemo->value)
if (!cl_timedemo->integer)
{ // Don't flood packets out while connecting
if (cls.state == ca_connected && packetDelta < 100)
packetFrame = false;
if (packetDelta < 1000.0 / net_maxfps->value)
packetFrame = false;
else if (cls.netFrameTime == cls.renderFrameTime)
packetFrame = false;
if (renderDelta < 1000.0 / r_maxfps->value)
renderFrame = false;
// Stuff that only needs to run at 10FPS
if (miscDelta < 1000.0 / 10)
miscFrame = false;
if (!packetFrame && !renderFrame && !cls.forcePacket && !userinfo_modified)
{ // Pooy's CPU usage fix
// if (cl_sleep->value)
if (cl_sleep->integer)
int temptime = min( (1000.0 / net_maxfps->value - packetDelta), (1000.0 / r_maxfps->value - renderDelta) );
if (temptime > 1)
Sys_Sleep (1);
} // end CPU usage fix
else if (msec < 1) // don't exceed 1000 fps in timedemo mode (fixes hang)
#ifdef USE_CURL // HTTP downloading from R1Q2
if (cls.state == ca_connected) {
// downloads run full speed when connecting
CL_RunHTTPDownloads ();
#endif // USE_CURL
// Update the inputs (keyboard, mouse, console)
if (packetFrame || renderFrame)
CL_RefreshInputs ();
if (cls.forcePacket || userinfo_modified)
packetFrame = true;
cls.forcePacket = false;
// Send a new command message to the server
if (packetFrame)
packetDelta = 0;
CL_SendCommand_Async ();
#ifdef USE_CURL // HTTP downloading from R1Q2
// downloads run less often in game
CL_RunHTTPDownloads ();
#endif // USE_CURL
if (renderFrame)
renderDelta = 0;
if (miscFrame)
miscDelta = 0;
// Let the mouse activate or deactivate
IN_Frame ();
// Allow rendering DLL change
VID_CheckChanges ();
// Predict all unacknowledged movements
CL_PredictMovement ();
if (!cl.refresh_prepped && cls.state == ca_active)
CL_PrepRefresh ();
// Predict all unacknowledged movements
// CL_PredictMovement ();
// update the screen
// if (host_speeds->value)
if (host_speeds->integer)
time_before_ref = Sys_Milliseconds ();
SCR_UpdateScreen ();
// if (host_speeds->value)
if (host_speeds->integer)
time_after_ref = Sys_Milliseconds ();
// Update audio
S_Update (cl.refdef.vieworg, cl.v_forward, cl.v_right, cl.v_up);
if (miscFrame)
// Advertise engine version, from R1Q2
if ( (cls.advertiseTime != 0) && (cls.advertiseTime < cls.realtime) )
CL_AdvertiseVersion ();
// Advance local effects for next frame
CL_RunDLights ();
CL_RunLightStyles ();
SCR_RunCinematic ();
SCR_RunConsole ();
SCR_RunLetterbox ();
// if (log_stats->value)
if (log_stats->integer)
if (cls.state == ca_active)
if (!lasttimecalled)
lasttimecalled = Sys_Milliseconds();
if (log_stats_file)
fprintf( log_stats_file, "0\n" );
int now = Sys_Milliseconds();
if (log_stats_file)
fprintf( log_stats_file, "%d\n", now - lasttimecalled );
lasttimecalled = now;
void CL_SendCommand (void)
// get new key events
Sys_SendKeyEvents ();
// allow mice or other external controllers to add commands
IN_Commands ();
// process console commands
Cbuf_Execute ();
// fix any cheating cvars
CL_FixCvarCheats ();
// send intentions now
CL_SendCmd ();
// resend a connection request if necessary
CL_CheckForResend ();
void CL_Frame (int msec)
static int extratime;
static int lasttimecalled;
// if (dedicated->value)
if (dedicated->integer)
// if (cl_async->value && !cl_timedemo->value)
if (cl_async->integer && !cl_timedemo->value)
CL_Frame_Async (msec);
extratime += msec;
// don't allow setting maxfps too low (or game could stop responding)
// don't allow too high, either
if (cl_maxfps->integer < 10)
Cvar_SetInteger ("cl_maxfps", 10);
if (cl_maxfps->integer > 500)
Cvar_SetInteger ("cl_maxfps", 500);
// if (!cl_timedemo->value)
if (!cl_timedemo->integer)
if (cls.state == ca_connected && extratime < 100)
return; // don't flood packets out while connecting
if (extratime < 1000.0 / cl_maxfps->value)
// Pooy's CPU usage fix
// if (cl_sleep->value)
if (cl_sleep->integer)
int temptime = 1000 / cl_maxfps->value - extratime;
if (temptime > 1)
Sys_Sleep (1);
} // end CPU usage fix
return; // framerate is too high
else if (extratime < 1) // don't exceed 1000 fps in timedemo mode (fixes hang)
// let the mouse activate or deactivate
IN_Frame ();
// decide the simulation time
cls.netFrameTime = extratime/1000.0;
cl.time += extratime;
cls.realtime = curtime;
extratime = 0;
#if 0
if (cls.netFrameTime > (1.0 / cl_minfps->value))
cls.netFrameTime = (1.0 / cl_minfps->value);
if (cls.netFrameTime > (1.0 / 5))
cls.netFrameTime = (1.0 / 5);
cls.renderFrameTime = cls.netFrameTime;
// clamp this to acceptable values (don't allow infinite particles)
if (cl_particle_scale->value < 1.0f)
Cvar_SetValue ("cl_particle_scale", 1);
// clamp this to acceptable minimum length
if (cl_rail_length->value < MIN_RAIL_LENGTH)
Cvar_SetValue ("cl_rail_length", MIN_RAIL_LENGTH);
// clamp this to acceptable minimum duration
if (r_decal_life->value < MIN_DECAL_LIFE)
Cvar_SetValue ("r_decal_life", MIN_DECAL_LIFE);
// if in the debugger last frame, don't timeout
if (msec > 5000)
cls.netchan.last_received = Sys_Milliseconds ();
#ifdef USE_CURL // HTTP downloading from R1Q2
CL_RunHTTPDownloads ();
#endif // USE_CURL
// fetch results from server
CL_ReadPackets ();
// send a new command message to the server
CL_SendCommand ();
// predict all unacknowledged movements
CL_PredictMovement ();
// allow rendering DLL change
VID_CheckChanges ();
if (!cl.refresh_prepped && cls.state == ca_active)
CL_PrepRefresh ();
// update the screen
// if (host_speeds->value)
if (host_speeds->integer)
time_before_ref = Sys_Milliseconds ();
SCR_UpdateScreen ();
// if (host_speeds->value)
if (host_speeds->integer)
time_after_ref = Sys_Milliseconds ();
// update audio
S_Update (cl.refdef.vieworg, cl.v_forward, cl.v_right, cl.v_up);
// Advertise engine version, from R1Q2
if ( (cls.advertiseTime != 0) && (cls.advertiseTime < cls.realtime) )
CL_AdvertiseVersion ();
// advance local effects for next frame
CL_RunDLights ();
CL_RunLightStyles ();
SCR_RunCinematic ();
SCR_RunConsole ();
SCR_RunLetterbox ();
// if ( log_stats->value )
if ( log_stats->integer )
if ( cls.state == ca_active )
if ( !lasttimecalled )
lasttimecalled = Sys_Milliseconds();
if ( log_stats_file )
fprintf( log_stats_file, "0\n" );
int now = Sys_Milliseconds();
if ( log_stats_file )
fprintf( log_stats_file, "%d\n", now - lasttimecalled );
lasttimecalled = now;
void CL_Init (void)
// if (dedicated->value)
if (dedicated->integer)
return; // nothing running on the client
// all archived variables will now be loaded
Con_Init ();
#if defined __linux__ || defined __sgi
S_Init ();
VID_Init ();
VID_Init ();
S_Init (); // sound must be initialized after window is created
V_Init ();
net_message.data = net_message_buffer;
net_message.maxsize = sizeof(net_message_buffer);
UI_Init ();
SCR_Init ();
cls.disable_screen = true; // don't draw yet
CDAudio_Init ();
CL_InitLocal ();
IN_Init ();
#ifdef USE_CURL // HTTP downloading from R1Q2
CL_InitHTTPDownloads ();
#endif // USE_CURL
//Cbuf_AddText ("exec autoexec.cfg\n");
FS_ExecAutoexec ();
Cbuf_Execute ();
FIXME: this is a callback from Sys_Quit and Com_Error. It would be better
to run quit through here before the final handoff to the sys code.
void CL_Shutdown (void)
static qboolean isdown = false;
int sec, base; // zaphster's delay variables
if (isdown)
printf ("recursive shutdown\n");
isdown = true;
#ifdef USE_CURL // HTTP downloading from R1Q2
CL_HTTP_Cleanup (true);
#endif // USE_CURL
CL_WriteConfiguration ("kmq2config");
CDAudio_Shutdown ();
// added delay
sec = base = Sys_Milliseconds();
while ((sec - base) < 200)
sec = Sys_Milliseconds();
// end delay
S_Shutdown ();
// added delay
sec = base = Sys_Milliseconds();
while ((sec - base) < 200)
sec = Sys_Milliseconds();
// end delay
V_Shutdown ();
CL_ShutdownLocal (); // added Local shutdown
IN_Shutdown ();
SCR_Shutdown (); // added SCR shutdown
UI_Shutdown (); // added UI shutdown
Con_Shutdown (); // added Con shutdown
Called during a gamedir change
void CL_ChangeGameRefresh (void)
if (dedicated->integer)
return; // nothing running on the client
UI_RefreshData (); // refresh UI data