mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 20:32:05 +00:00
Changed Zaero and 3ZB2 game DLLs to use WORLD_SIZE for various calculations instead of 8192. Cleaned up string handling in 3ZB2 game DLL. Added func_plat2, func_door_secret2, and func_force_wall from Rogue to 3ZB2 game DLL. Added alternate attack contact explode for grenade launcher in 3ZB2 game DLL. Added awakening2 game DLL source.
795 lines
19 KiB
795 lines
19 KiB
#include "g_local.h"
#include "bot.h"
// monster weapons
//FIXME mosnters should call these with a totally accurate direction
// and we can mess it up based on skill. Spread should be for normal
// and we can tighten or loosen based on skill. We could muck with
// the damages too, but I'm not sure that's such a good idea.
/*void monster_fire_bullet (edict_t *self, vec3_t start, vec3_t dir, int damage, int kick, int hspread, int vspread, int flashtype)
fire_bullet (self, start, dir, damage, kick, hspread, vspread, MOD_UNKNOWN);
gi.WriteByte (svc_muzzleflash2);
gi.WriteShort (self - g_edicts);
gi.WriteByte (flashtype);
gi.multicast (start, MULTICAST_PVS);
void monster_fire_shotgun (edict_t *self, vec3_t start, vec3_t aimdir, int damage, int kick, int hspread, int vspread, int count, int flashtype)
fire_shotgun (self, start, aimdir, damage, kick, hspread, vspread, count, MOD_UNKNOWN);
gi.WriteByte (svc_muzzleflash2);
gi.WriteShort (self - g_edicts);
gi.WriteByte (flashtype);
gi.multicast (start, MULTICAST_PVS);
void monster_fire_blaster (edict_t *self, vec3_t start, vec3_t dir, int damage, int speed, int flashtype, int effect)
fire_blaster (self, start, dir, damage, speed, effect, false);
gi.WriteByte (svc_muzzleflash2);
gi.WriteShort (self - g_edicts);
gi.WriteByte (flashtype);
gi.multicast (start, MULTICAST_PVS);
void monster_fire_grenade (edict_t *self, vec3_t start, vec3_t aimdir, int damage, int speed, int flashtype)
fire_grenade (self, start, aimdir, damage, speed, 2.5, damage+40, false);
gi.WriteByte (svc_muzzleflash2);
gi.WriteShort (self - g_edicts);
gi.WriteByte (flashtype);
gi.multicast (start, MULTICAST_PVS);
void monster_fire_rocket (edict_t *self, vec3_t start, vec3_t dir, int damage, int speed, int flashtype)
fire_rocket (self, start, dir, damage, speed, damage+20, damage);
gi.WriteByte (svc_muzzleflash2);
gi.WriteShort (self - g_edicts);
gi.WriteByte (flashtype);
gi.multicast (start, MULTICAST_PVS);
void monster_fire_railgun (edict_t *self, vec3_t start, vec3_t aimdir, int damage, int kick, int flashtype)
fire_rail (self, start, aimdir, damage, kick);
gi.WriteByte (svc_muzzleflash2);
gi.WriteShort (self - g_edicts);
gi.WriteByte (flashtype);
gi.multicast (start, MULTICAST_PVS);
void monster_fire_bfg (edict_t *self, vec3_t start, vec3_t aimdir, int damage, int speed, int kick, float damage_radius, int flashtype)
fire_bfg (self, start, aimdir, damage, speed, damage_radius);
gi.WriteByte (svc_muzzleflash2);
gi.WriteShort (self - g_edicts);
gi.WriteByte (flashtype);
gi.multicast (start, MULTICAST_PVS);
// Monster utility functions
static void M_FliesOff (edict_t *self)
self->s.effects &= ~EF_FLIES;
self->s.sound = 0;
static void M_FliesOn (edict_t *self)
self->s.effects |= EF_FLIES;
self->s.sound = gi.soundindex ("infantry/inflies1.wav");
self->think = M_FliesOff;
self->nextthink = level.time + 60;
void M_FlyCheck (edict_t *self)
if (self->waterlevel)
if (random() > 0.5)
self->think = M_FliesOn;
self->nextthink = level.time + 5 + 10 * random();
void AttackFinished (edict_t *self, float time)
self->monsterinfo.attack_finished = level.time + time;
void M_CheckGround (edict_t *ent)
vec3_t point;
trace_t trace;
if (ent->flags & (FL_SWIM|FL_FLY))
if (ent->velocity[2] > 100)
ent->groundentity = NULL;
// if the hull point one-quarter unit down is solid the entity is on ground
point[0] = ent->s.origin[0];
point[1] = ent->s.origin[1];
point[2] = ent->s.origin[2] - 0.25;
if(!deathmatch->value) trace = gi.trace (ent->s.origin, ent->mins, ent->maxs, point, ent, MASK_MONSTERSOLID);
else trace = gi.trace (ent->s.origin, ent->mins, ent->maxs, point, ent, MASK_PLAYERSOLID);
// check steepness
if ( trace.plane.normal[2] < 0.7 && !trace.startsolid)
ent->groundentity = NULL;
ent->groundentity = trace.ent;
ent->groundentity_linkcount = trace.ent->linkcount;
if(ent->client) ent->client->zc.ground_contents = trace.contents;
// if (!trace.startsolid && !trace.allsolid)
// VectorCopy (trace.endpos, ent->s.origin);
if (!trace.startsolid && !trace.allsolid)
VectorCopy (trace.endpos, ent->s.origin);
ent->groundentity = trace.ent;
ent->groundentity_linkcount = trace.ent->linkcount;
ent->velocity[2] = 0;
void M_CheckGround (edict_t *ent)
vec3_t point,stp,v1,v2;
trace_t trace,tracep;
if (ent->flags & (FL_SWIM|FL_FLY))
ent->client->zc.ground_slope = 1.0;
/* if( ent->client->ctf_grapple && ent->client->ctf_grapplestate == CTF_GRAPPLE_STATE_PULL)
if(ent->velocity[2] > 0)
ent->groundentity = NULL;
//ent->groundentity = NULL;
if (ent->velocity[2] > 100)
ent->groundentity = NULL;
// if the hull point one-quarter unit down is solid the entity is on ground
point[0] = ent->s.origin[0];
point[1] = ent->s.origin[1];
point[2] = ent->s.origin[2] - 0.25;
trace = gi.trace (ent->s.origin, ent->mins, ent->maxs, point, ent,MASK_BOTSOLID/*CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_WINDOW|CONTENTS_MONSTER*/);
// check steepness
if ( trace.fraction == 1.0/*trace.plane.normal[2] < 0.7*/
&& (!trace.startsolid && !trace.allsolid))
ent->groundentity = NULL;
// ent->groundentity_linkcount = trace.ent->linkcount;
if(/*trace.ent &&*/ (/*trace.startsolid ||*/ trace.allsolid))
if(1/*trace.ent->classname[0] == 'f' && trace.ent->classname[5] == 'r'*/)
// gi.bprintf(PRINT_HIGH,"ogeeY\n");
stp[2] += 24;
tracep = gi.trace (stp, v1, v2, point, ent, MASK_BOTSOLID /*MASK_PLAYERSOLID*/);
if(tracep.ent && !tracep.allsolid /*&& !tracep.startsolid*/)
if (tracep.ent->classname[0] == 'f' /*&& tracep.ent->classname[5] == 'r'*/)
// gi.bprintf(PRINT_HIGH,"ogee done\n");
ent->groundentity = tracep.ent;
/*if(tracep.ent->classname[5] == 'r')*/ ent->groundentity_linkcount = tracep.ent->linkcount;
//ent->velocity[2] = 0;
// ent->groundentity = trace.ent;
// ent->groundentity_linkcount = trace.ent->linkcount;
// if (!trace.startsolid && !trace.allsolid)
// VectorCopy (trace.endpos, ent->s.origin);
if (/*!trace.startsolid &&*/ !trace.allsolid)
ent->client->zc.ground_contents = trace.contents;
ent->client->zc.ground_slope = trace.plane.normal[2];
VectorCopy (trace.endpos, ent->s.origin);
ent->groundentity = trace.ent;
ent->groundentity_linkcount = trace.ent->linkcount;
// ent->velocity[2] = 0;
// VectorCopy(trace.endpos,ent->s.origin);
// else gi.bprintf(PRINT_HIGH,"mopmop! %x %f\n",trace.contents,ent->velocity[2]);
void M_CatagorizePosition (edict_t *ent)
vec3_t point;
int cont;
// get waterlevel
point[0] = ent->s.origin[0];
point[1] = ent->s.origin[1];
point[2] = ent->s.origin[2] + ent->mins[2] + 1;
cont = gi.pointcontents (point);
if (!(cont & MASK_WATER))
ent->waterlevel = 0;
ent->watertype = 0;
ent->watertype = cont;
ent->waterlevel = 1;
point[2] += 26;
cont = gi.pointcontents (point);
if (!(cont & MASK_WATER))
ent->waterlevel = 2;
point[2] += 22;
cont = gi.pointcontents (point);
if (cont & MASK_WATER)
ent->waterlevel = 3;
void M_WorldEffects (edict_t *ent)
int dmg;
if (ent->health > 0)
if (!(ent->flags & FL_SWIM))
if (ent->waterlevel < 3)
ent->air_finished = level.time + 12;
else if (ent->air_finished < level.time)
{ // drown!
if (ent->pain_debounce_time < level.time)
dmg = 2 + 2 * floor(level.time - ent->air_finished);
if (dmg > 15)
dmg = 15;
T_Damage (ent, world, world, vec3_origin, ent->s.origin, vec3_origin, dmg, 0, DAMAGE_NO_ARMOR, MOD_WATER);
ent->pain_debounce_time = level.time + 1;
if (ent->waterlevel > 0)
ent->air_finished = level.time + 9;
else if (ent->air_finished < level.time)
{ // suffocate!
if (ent->pain_debounce_time < level.time)
dmg = 2 + 2 * floor(level.time - ent->air_finished);
if (dmg > 15)
dmg = 15;
T_Damage (ent, world, world, vec3_origin, ent->s.origin, vec3_origin, dmg, 0, DAMAGE_NO_ARMOR, MOD_WATER);
ent->pain_debounce_time = level.time + 1;
if (ent->waterlevel == 0)
if (ent->flags & FL_INWATER)
gi.sound (ent, CHAN_BODY, gi.soundindex("player/watr_out.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
ent->flags &= ~FL_INWATER;
if ((ent->watertype & CONTENTS_LAVA) && !(ent->flags & FL_IMMUNE_LAVA))
if (ent->damage_debounce_time < level.time)
ent->damage_debounce_time = level.time + 0.2;
T_Damage (ent, world, world, vec3_origin, ent->s.origin, vec3_origin, 10*ent->waterlevel, 0, 0, MOD_LAVA);
if ((ent->watertype & CONTENTS_SLIME) && !(ent->flags & FL_IMMUNE_SLIME))
if (ent->damage_debounce_time < level.time)
ent->damage_debounce_time = level.time + 1;
T_Damage (ent, world, world, vec3_origin, ent->s.origin, vec3_origin, 4*ent->waterlevel, 0, 0, MOD_SLIME);
if ( !(ent->flags & FL_INWATER) )
if (ent->watertype & CONTENTS_LAVA)
if (random() <= 0.5)
gi.sound (ent, CHAN_BODY, gi.soundindex("player/lava1.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
gi.sound (ent, CHAN_BODY, gi.soundindex("player/lava2.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
else if (ent->watertype & CONTENTS_SLIME)
gi.sound (ent, CHAN_BODY, gi.soundindex("player/watr_in.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
else if (ent->watertype & CONTENTS_WATER)
gi.sound (ent, CHAN_BODY, gi.soundindex("player/watr_in.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
ent->flags |= FL_INWATER;
ent->damage_debounce_time = 0;
void M_droptofloor (edict_t *ent)
vec3_t end;
trace_t trace;
ent->s.origin[2] += 1;
VectorCopy (ent->s.origin, end);
end[2] -= 256;
trace = gi.trace (ent->s.origin, ent->mins, ent->maxs, end, ent, MASK_MONSTERSOLID);
if (trace.fraction == 1 || trace.allsolid)
VectorCopy (trace.endpos, ent->s.origin);
gi.linkentity (ent);
M_CheckGround (ent);
M_CatagorizePosition (ent);
void M_SetEffects (edict_t *ent)
ent->s.effects &= ~(EF_COLOR_SHELL|EF_POWERSCREEN);
if (ent->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_RESURRECTING)
ent->s.effects |= EF_COLOR_SHELL;
ent->s.renderfx |= RF_SHELL_RED;
if (ent->health <= 0)
if (ent->powerarmor_time > level.time)
if (ent->monsterinfo.power_armor_type == POWER_ARMOR_SCREEN)
ent->s.effects |= EF_POWERSCREEN;
else if (ent->monsterinfo.power_armor_type == POWER_ARMOR_SHIELD)
ent->s.effects |= EF_COLOR_SHELL;
ent->s.renderfx |= RF_SHELL_GREEN;
void M_MoveFrame (edict_t *self)
mmove_t *move;
int index;
move = self->monsterinfo.currentmove;
self->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME;
if ((self->monsterinfo.nextframe) && (self->monsterinfo.nextframe >= move->firstframe) && (self->monsterinfo.nextframe <= move->lastframe))
self->s.frame = self->monsterinfo.nextframe;
self->monsterinfo.nextframe = 0;
if (self->s.frame == move->lastframe)
if (move->endfunc)
move->endfunc (self);
// regrab move, endfunc is very likely to change it
move = self->monsterinfo.currentmove;
// check for death
if (self->svflags & SVF_DEADMONSTER)
if (self->s.frame < move->firstframe || self->s.frame > move->lastframe)
self->monsterinfo.aiflags &= ~AI_HOLD_FRAME;
self->s.frame = move->firstframe;
if (!(self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_HOLD_FRAME))
if (self->s.frame > move->lastframe)
self->s.frame = move->firstframe;
index = self->s.frame - move->firstframe;
if (move->frame[index].aifunc)
if (!(self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_HOLD_FRAME))
move->frame[index].aifunc (self, move->frame[index].dist * self->monsterinfo.scale);
move->frame[index].aifunc (self, 0);
if (move->frame[index].thinkfunc)
move->frame[index].thinkfunc (self);
void monster_think (edict_t *self)
M_MoveFrame (self);
if (self->linkcount != self->monsterinfo.linkcount)
self->monsterinfo.linkcount = self->linkcount;
M_CheckGround (self);
M_CatagorizePosition (self);
M_WorldEffects (self);
M_SetEffects (self);
void monster_start_go (edict_t *self);
void monster_triggered_spawn (edict_t *self)
self->s.origin[2] += 1;
KillBox (self);
self->solid = SOLID_BBOX;
self->movetype = MOVETYPE_STEP;
self->svflags &= ~SVF_NOCLIENT;
self->air_finished = level.time + 12;
gi.linkentity (self);
monster_start_go (self);
if (self->enemy && !(self->spawnflags & 1) && !(self->enemy->flags & FL_NOTARGET))
FoundTarget (self);
self->enemy = NULL;
void monster_triggered_spawn_use (edict_t *self, edict_t *other, edict_t *activator)
// we have a one frame delay here so we don't telefrag the guy who activated us
self->think = monster_triggered_spawn;
self->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME;
if (activator->client)
self->enemy = activator;
self->use = monster_use;
void monster_triggered_start (edict_t *self)
self->solid = SOLID_NOT;
self->movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
self->svflags |= SVF_NOCLIENT;
self->nextthink = 0;
self->use = monster_triggered_spawn_use;
When a monster dies, it fires all of its targets with the current
enemy as activator.
/*void monster_death_use (edict_t *self)
self->flags &= ~(FL_FLY|FL_SWIM);
self->monsterinfo.aiflags &= AI_GOOD_GUY;
if (self->item)
Drop_Item (self, self->item);
self->item = NULL;
if (self->deathtarget)
self->target = self->deathtarget;
if (!self->target)
G_UseTargets (self, self->enemy);
qboolean monster_start (edict_t *self)
if (deathmatch->value )
G_FreeEdict (self);
return false;
if ((self->spawnflags & 4) && !(self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_GOOD_GUY))
self->spawnflags &= ~4;
self->spawnflags |= 1;
// gi.dprintf("fixed spawnflags on %s at %s\n", self->classname, vtos(self->s.origin));
if (!(self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_GOOD_GUY))
self->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME;
self->svflags |= SVF_MONSTER;
self->s.renderfx |= RF_FRAMELERP;
self->takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM;
self->air_finished = level.time + 12;
self->use = monster_use;
self->max_health = self->health;
self->clipmask = MASK_MONSTERSOLID;
self->s.skinnum = 0;
self->deadflag = DEAD_NO;
self->svflags &= ~SVF_DEADMONSTER;
if (!self->monsterinfo.checkattack)
self->monsterinfo.checkattack = M_CheckAttack;
VectorCopy (self->s.origin, self->s.old_origin);
if (st.item)
self->item = FindItemByClassname (st.item);
if (!self->item)
gi.dprintf("%s at %s has bad item: %s\n", self->classname, vtos(self->s.origin), st.item);
// randomize what frame they start on
if (self->monsterinfo.currentmove)
self->s.frame = self->monsterinfo.currentmove->firstframe + (rand() % (self->monsterinfo.currentmove->lastframe - self->monsterinfo.currentmove->firstframe + 1));
return true;
void monster_start_go (edict_t *self)
vec3_t v;
if (self->health <= 0)
// check for target to combat_point and change to combattarget
if (self->target)
qboolean notcombat;
qboolean fixup;
edict_t *target;
target = NULL;
notcombat = false;
fixup = false;
while ((target = G_Find (target, FOFS(targetname), self->target)) != NULL)
if (strcmp(target->classname, "point_combat") == 0)
self->combattarget = self->target;
fixup = true;
notcombat = true;
if (notcombat && self->combattarget)
gi.dprintf("%s at %s has target with mixed types\n", self->classname, vtos(self->s.origin));
if (fixup)
self->target = NULL;
// validate combattarget
if (self->combattarget)
edict_t *target;
target = NULL;
while ((target = G_Find (target, FOFS(targetname), self->combattarget)) != NULL)
if (strcmp(target->classname, "point_combat") != 0)
gi.dprintf("%s at (%i %i %i) has a bad combattarget %s : %s at (%i %i %i)\n",
self->classname, (int)self->s.origin[0], (int)self->s.origin[1], (int)self->s.origin[2],
self->combattarget, target->classname, (int)target->s.origin[0], (int)target->s.origin[1],
if (self->target)
self->goalentity = self->movetarget = G_PickTarget(self->target);
if (!self->movetarget)
gi.dprintf ("%s can't find target %s at %s\n", self->classname, self->target, vtos(self->s.origin));
self->target = NULL;
self->monsterinfo.pausetime = 100000000;
self->monsterinfo.stand (self);
else if (strcmp (self->movetarget->classname, "path_corner") == 0)
VectorSubtract (self->goalentity->s.origin, self->s.origin, v);
self->ideal_yaw = self->s.angles[YAW] = vectoyaw(v);
self->monsterinfo.walk (self);
self->target = NULL;
self->goalentity = self->movetarget = NULL;
self->monsterinfo.pausetime = 100000000;
self->monsterinfo.stand (self);
self->monsterinfo.pausetime = 100000000;
self->monsterinfo.stand (self);
self->think = monster_think;
self->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME;
void walkmonster_start_go (edict_t *self)
if (!(self->spawnflags & 2) && level.time < 1)
M_droptofloor (self);
if (self->groundentity)
if (!M_walkmove (self, 0, 0))
gi.dprintf ("%s in solid at %s\n", self->classname, vtos(self->s.origin));
if (!self->yaw_speed)
self->yaw_speed = 20;
self->viewheight = 25;
monster_start_go (self);
if (self->spawnflags & 2)
monster_triggered_start (self);
void walkmonster_start (edict_t *self)
self->think = walkmonster_start_go;
monster_start (self);
void flymonster_start_go (edict_t *self)
if (!M_walkmove (self, 0, 0))
gi.dprintf ("%s in solid at %s\n", self->classname, vtos(self->s.origin));
if (!self->yaw_speed)
self->yaw_speed = 10;
self->viewheight = 25;
monster_start_go (self);
if (self->spawnflags & 2)
monster_triggered_start (self);
void flymonster_start (edict_t *self)
self->flags |= FL_FLY;
self->think = flymonster_start_go;
monster_start (self);
void swimmonster_start_go (edict_t *self)
if (!self->yaw_speed)
self->yaw_speed = 10;
self->viewheight = 10;
monster_start_go (self);
if (self->spawnflags & 2)
monster_triggered_start (self);
void swimmonster_start (edict_t *self)
self->flags |= FL_SWIM;
self->think = swimmonster_start_go;
monster_start (self);
*/ |