# Thirty Flights of Loving ## About This is the source code to [Thirty Flights of Loving (2012)](http://blendogames.com/thirtyflightsofloving). Thirty Flights of Loving uses idTech2, otherwise known as the Quake 2 engine. ## License This source code is licensed under the [GNU General Public License](https://github.com/blendogames/thirtyflightsofloving/blob/master/LICENSE). Please note this license only applies to Thirty Flights of Loving's source code. Thirty Flights of Loving's game assets (art, models, textures, audio, etc.) are not open-source. ## Credits - by [Brendon Chung](http://blendogames.com) - [Idle Thumbs](https://www.idlethumbs.net) - music by [Chris Remo](https://chrisremo.bandcamp.com) - additional audio by [Jared Emerson-Johnson](http://www.jaredemersonjohnson.com) and [AJ Locascio](https://twitter.com/ajlocascio) - Quake II engine by [id Software](https://www.idsoftware.com) - KMQuake II by [Knightmare](http://www.markshan.com/knightmare) - Lazarus by David Hyde and Mad Dog