/* Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // cl_download.c -- client autodownload code // moved from cl_main.c and cl_parse.c #include "client.h" extern cvar_t *allow_download; extern cvar_t *allow_download_players; extern cvar_t *allow_download_models; extern cvar_t *allow_download_sounds; extern cvar_t *allow_download_maps; // Knightmare- whether to allow downloading 24-bit textures extern cvar_t *allow_download_textures_24bit; int precache_check; // for autodownload of precache items int precache_spawncount; int precache_tex; int precache_model_skin; int precache_pak; // Knightmare added byte *precache_model; // used for skin checking in alias models #define PLAYER_MULT 5 // ENV_CNT is map load, ENV_CNT+1 is first env map #define ENV_CNT (CS_PLAYERSKINS + MAX_CLIENTS * PLAYER_MULT) #define TEXTURE_CNT (ENV_CNT+13) // Knightmare- old configstrings for version 34 client compatibility #define OLD_ENV_CNT (OLD_CS_PLAYERSKINS + MAX_CLIENTS * PLAYER_MULT) #define OLD_TEXTURE_CNT (OLD_ENV_CNT+13) static const char *env_suf[6] = {"rt", "bk", "lf", "ft", "up", "dn"}; void CL_InitFailedDownloadList (void); /* ================= CL_RequestNextDownload ================= */ void CL_RequestNextDownload (void) { unsigned map_checksum; // for detecting cheater maps char fn[MAX_OSPATH]; dmdl_t *md2header; dmd3_t *md3header; dmd3mesh_t *md3mesh; dsprite_t *spriteheader; char *skinname; int cs_sounds, cs_playerskins, cs_images; int max_models, max_sounds, max_images; int env_cnt, texture_cnt; if (cls.state != ca_connected) return; // clear failed download list if (precache_check == CS_MODELS) CL_InitFailedDownloadList (); // Knightmare- hack for connected to server using old protocol // Changed config strings require different parsing if ( LegacyProtocol() ) { cs_sounds = OLD_CS_SOUNDS; cs_playerskins = OLD_CS_PLAYERSKINS; cs_images = OLD_CS_IMAGES; max_models = OLD_MAX_MODELS; max_sounds = OLD_MAX_SOUNDS; max_images = OLD_MAX_IMAGES; env_cnt = OLD_ENV_CNT; texture_cnt = OLD_TEXTURE_CNT; } else { cs_sounds = CS_SOUNDS; cs_playerskins = CS_PLAYERSKINS; cs_images = CS_IMAGES; max_models = MAX_MODELS; max_sounds = MAX_SOUNDS; max_images = MAX_IMAGES; env_cnt = ENV_CNT; texture_cnt = TEXTURE_CNT; } // Skip to loading map if downloading disabled or on local server if ( (Com_ServerState() || !allow_download->value) && precache_check < env_cnt) precache_check = env_cnt; // Try downloading pk3 file for current map from server, hack by Jay Dolan if ( !LegacyProtocol() && precache_check == CS_MODELS && precache_pak == 0 ) { precache_pak++; if (strlen(cl.configstrings[CS_PAKFILE])) { if (!CL_CheckOrDownloadFile(cl.configstrings[CS_PAKFILE])) return; // started a download } } // ZOID if (precache_check == CS_MODELS) { // confirm map precache_check = CS_MODELS+2; // 0 isn't used if (allow_download_maps->value) if (!CL_CheckOrDownloadFile(cl.configstrings[CS_MODELS+1])) return; // started a download } if (precache_check >= CS_MODELS && precache_check < CS_MODELS+max_models) { if (allow_download_models->value) { while (precache_check < CS_MODELS+max_models && cl.configstrings[precache_check][0]) { if (cl.configstrings[precache_check][0] == '*' || cl.configstrings[precache_check][0] == '#') { precache_check++; continue; } if (precache_model_skin == 0) { if (!CL_CheckOrDownloadFile(cl.configstrings[precache_check])) { precache_model_skin = 1; return; // started a download } precache_model_skin = 1; } #ifdef USE_CURL // HTTP downloading from R1Q2 // pending downloads (models), let's wait here before we can check skins. if ( CL_PendingHTTPDownloads() ) return; #endif // USE_CURL // checking for skins in the model if (!precache_model) { FS_LoadFile (cl.configstrings[precache_check], (void **)&precache_model); if (!precache_model) { precache_model_skin = 0; precache_check++; continue; // couldn't load it } if (LittleLong(*(unsigned *)precache_model) != IDALIASHEADER) { // is it an md3? if (LittleLong(*(unsigned *)precache_model) != IDMD3HEADER) { // is it a sprite? if (LittleLong(*(unsigned *)precache_model) != IDSPRITEHEADER) { // not a recognized model FS_FreeFile(precache_model); precache_model = 0; precache_model_skin = 0; precache_check++; continue; } else { // get sprite header spriteheader = (dsprite_t *)precache_model; if (LittleLong (spriteheader->version) != SPRITE_VERSION) { // not a recognized sprite FS_FreeFile(precache_model); precache_model = 0; precache_check++; precache_model_skin = 0; continue; // couldn't load it } } } else { // get md3 header md3header = (dmd3_t *)precache_model; if (LittleLong (md3header->version) != MD3_ALIAS_VERSION) { // not a recognized md3 FS_FreeFile(precache_model); precache_model = 0; precache_check++; precache_model_skin = 0; continue; // couldn't load it } } } else { // get md2 header md2header = (dmdl_t *)precache_model; if (LittleLong (md2header->version) != ALIAS_VERSION) { // not a recognized md2 FS_FreeFile(precache_model); precache_model = 0; precache_check++; precache_model_skin = 0; continue; // couldn't load it } } } if (LittleLong(*(unsigned *)precache_model) == IDALIASHEADER) // md2 { md2header = (dmdl_t *)precache_model; while (precache_model_skin - 1 < LittleLong(md2header->num_skins)) { skinname = (char *)precache_model + LittleLong(md2header->ofs_skins) + (precache_model_skin - 1)*MAX_SKINNAME; // r1ch: spam warning for models that are broken if (strchr (skinname, '\\')) Com_Printf ("Warning, model %s with incorrectly linked skin: %s\n", cl.configstrings[precache_check], skinname); else if (strlen(skinname) > MAX_SKINNAME-1) Com_Error (ERR_DROP, "Model %s has too long a skin path: %s", cl.configstrings[precache_check], skinname); if (!CL_CheckOrDownloadFile(skinname)) { precache_model_skin++; return; // started a download } precache_model_skin++; } } else if (LittleLong(*(unsigned *)precache_model) == IDMD3HEADER) // md3 { md3header = (dmd3_t *)precache_model; while (precache_model_skin - 1 < LittleLong(md3header->num_skins)) { int i; md3mesh = (dmd3mesh_t *)((byte *)md3header + LittleLong(md3header->ofs_meshes)); for ( i = 0; i < md3header->num_meshes; i++) { if (precache_model_skin - 1 >= LittleLong(md3header->num_skins)) break; skinname = (char *)precache_model + LittleLong(md3mesh->ofs_skins) + (precache_model_skin - 1)*MD3_MAX_PATH; // r1ch: spam warning for models that are broken if (strchr (skinname, '\\')) Com_Printf ("Warning, model %s with incorrectly linked skin: %s\n", cl.configstrings[precache_check], skinname); else if (strlen(skinname) > MD3_MAX_PATH-1) Com_Error (ERR_DROP, "Model %s has too long a skin path: %s", cl.configstrings[precache_check], skinname); if (!CL_CheckOrDownloadFile(skinname)) { precache_model_skin++; return; // started a download } precache_model_skin++; md3mesh = (dmd3mesh_t *)((byte *)md3mesh + LittleLong (md3mesh->meshsize)); } } } else // sprite { spriteheader = (dsprite_t *)precache_model; while (precache_model_skin - 1 < LittleLong(spriteheader->numframes)) { skinname = spriteheader->frames[(precache_model_skin - 1)].name; // r1ch: spam warning for models that are broken if (strchr (skinname, '\\')) Com_Printf ("Warning, sprite %s with incorrectly linked skin: %s\n", cl.configstrings[precache_check], skinname); else if (strlen(skinname) > MAX_SKINNAME-1) Com_Error (ERR_DROP, "Sprite %s has too long a skin path: %s", cl.configstrings[precache_check], skinname); if (!CL_CheckOrDownloadFile(skinname)) { precache_model_skin++; return; // started a download } precache_model_skin++; } } if (precache_model) { FS_FreeFile(precache_model); precache_model = 0; } precache_model_skin = 0; precache_check++; } } precache_check = cs_sounds; } if (precache_check >= cs_sounds && precache_check < cs_sounds+max_sounds) { if (allow_download_sounds->value) { if (precache_check == cs_sounds) precache_check++; // zero is blank while (precache_check < cs_sounds+max_sounds && cl.configstrings[precache_check][0]) { if (cl.configstrings[precache_check][0] == '*') { precache_check++; continue; } Com_sprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "sound/%s", cl.configstrings[precache_check++]); if (!CL_CheckOrDownloadFile(fn)) return; // started a download } } precache_check = cs_images; } if (precache_check >= cs_images && precache_check < cs_images+max_images) { if (precache_check == cs_images) precache_check++; // zero is blank while (precache_check < cs_images+max_images && cl.configstrings[precache_check][0]) { Com_sprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "pics/%s.pcx", cl.configstrings[precache_check++]); if (!CL_CheckOrDownloadFile(fn)) return; // started a download } precache_check = cs_playerskins; } // skins are special, since a player has three things to download: // model, weapon model and skin // so precache_check is now *3 if (precache_check >= cs_playerskins && precache_check < cs_playerskins + MAX_CLIENTS * PLAYER_MULT) { if (allow_download_players->value) { while (precache_check < cs_playerskins + MAX_CLIENTS * PLAYER_MULT) { int i, n; char model[MAX_QPATH], skin[MAX_QPATH], *p; i = (precache_check - cs_playerskins)/PLAYER_MULT; n = (precache_check - cs_playerskins)%PLAYER_MULT; // from R1Q2- skip invalid player skins data if (i >= cl.maxclients) { precache_check = env_cnt; continue; } if (!cl.configstrings[cs_playerskins+i][0]) { precache_check = cs_playerskins + (i + 1) * PLAYER_MULT; continue; } if ((p = strchr(cl.configstrings[cs_playerskins+i], '\\')) != NULL) p++; else p = cl.configstrings[cs_playerskins+i]; // strncpy(model, p); Q_strncpyz(model, p, sizeof(model)); p = strchr(model, '/'); if (!p) p = strchr(model, '\\'); if (p) { *p++ = 0; // strncpy(skin, p); Q_strncpyz(skin, p, sizeof(skin)); } else *skin = 0; switch (n) { case 0: // model Com_sprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "players/%s/tris.md2", model); if (!CL_CheckOrDownloadFile(fn)) { precache_check = cs_playerskins + i * PLAYER_MULT + 1; return; // started a download } n++; /*FALL THROUGH*/ case 1: // weapon model Com_sprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "players/%s/weapon.md2", model); if (!CL_CheckOrDownloadFile(fn)) { precache_check = cs_playerskins + i * PLAYER_MULT + 2; return; // started a download } n++; /*FALL THROUGH*/ case 2: // weapon skin Com_sprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "players/%s/weapon.pcx", model); if (!CL_CheckOrDownloadFile(fn)) { precache_check = cs_playerskins + i * PLAYER_MULT + 3; return; // started a download } n++; /*FALL THROUGH*/ case 3: // skin Com_sprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "players/%s/%s.pcx", model, skin); if (!CL_CheckOrDownloadFile(fn)) { precache_check = cs_playerskins + i * PLAYER_MULT + 4; return; // started a download } n++; /*FALL THROUGH*/ case 4: // skin_i Com_sprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "players/%s/%s_i.pcx", model, skin); if (!CL_CheckOrDownloadFile(fn)) { precache_check = cs_playerskins + i * PLAYER_MULT + 5; return; // started a download } // move on to next model precache_check = cs_playerskins + (i + 1) * PLAYER_MULT; } } } // precache phase completed precache_check = env_cnt; } #ifdef USE_CURL // HTTP downloading from R1Q2 // pending downloads (possibly the map), let's wait here. if ( CL_PendingHTTPDownloads() ) return; #endif // USE_CURL if (precache_check == env_cnt) { if ( Com_ServerState() ) // if on local server, skip checking textures precache_check = texture_cnt+999; else precache_check = env_cnt + 1; CM_LoadMap (cl.configstrings[CS_MODELS+1], true, &map_checksum); if (map_checksum != atoi(cl.configstrings[CS_MAPCHECKSUM])) { Com_Error (ERR_DROP, "Local map version differs from server: %i != '%s'\n", map_checksum, cl.configstrings[CS_MAPCHECKSUM]); return; } } if (precache_check > env_cnt && precache_check < texture_cnt) { if (allow_download->value && allow_download_maps->value) { while (precache_check < texture_cnt) { int n = precache_check++ - env_cnt - 1; if (n & 1) Com_sprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "env/%s%s.pcx", cl.configstrings[CS_SKY], env_suf[n/2]); else Com_sprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "env/%s%s.tga", cl.configstrings[CS_SKY], env_suf[n/2]); if (!CL_CheckOrDownloadFile(fn)) return; // started a download } } precache_check = texture_cnt; } if (precache_check == texture_cnt) { precache_check = texture_cnt+1; precache_tex = 0; } // confirm existance of .wal textures, download any that don't exist if (precache_check == texture_cnt+1) { // from qcommon/cmodel.c extern int numtexinfo; extern mapsurface_t map_surfaces[]; if (allow_download->value && allow_download_maps->value) { while (precache_tex < numtexinfo) { char fn[MAX_OSPATH]; Com_sprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "textures/%s.wal", map_surfaces[precache_tex++].rname); if (!CL_CheckOrDownloadFile(fn)) return; // started a download } } //precache_check = texture_cnt+999; precache_check = texture_cnt+2; precache_tex = 0; } // confirm existance of .tga textures, try to download any that don't exist if (precache_check == texture_cnt+2) { // from qcommon/cmodel.c extern int numtexinfo; extern mapsurface_t map_surfaces[]; if (allow_download->value && allow_download_maps->value && allow_download_textures_24bit->value) { while (precache_tex < numtexinfo) { char fn[MAX_OSPATH]; Com_sprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "textures/%s.tga", map_surfaces[precache_tex++].rname); if (!CL_CheckOrDownloadFile(fn)) return; // started a download } } precache_check = texture_cnt+3; precache_tex = 0; } #ifdef PNG_SUPPORT // confirm existance of .png textures, try to download any that don't exist if (precache_check == texture_cnt+3) { // from qcommon/cmodel.c extern int numtexinfo; extern mapsurface_t map_surfaces[]; if (allow_download->value && allow_download_maps->value && allow_download_textures_24bit->value) { while (precache_tex < numtexinfo) { char fn[MAX_OSPATH]; Com_sprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "textures/%s.png", map_surfaces[precache_tex++].rname); if (!CL_CheckOrDownloadFile(fn)) return; // started a download } } precache_check = texture_cnt+4; precache_tex = 0; } // confirm existance of .jpg textures, try to download any that don't exist if (precache_check == texture_cnt+4) #else // PNG_SUPPORT // confirm existance of .jpg textures, try to download any that don't exist if (precache_check == texture_cnt+3) #endif // PNG_SUPPORT { // from qcommon/cmodel.c extern int numtexinfo; extern mapsurface_t map_surfaces[]; if (allow_download->value && allow_download_maps->value && allow_download_textures_24bit->value) { while (precache_tex < numtexinfo) { char fn[MAX_OSPATH]; Com_sprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "textures/%s.jpg", map_surfaces[precache_tex++].rname); if (!CL_CheckOrDownloadFile(fn)) return; // started a download } } precache_check = texture_cnt+999; } //ZOID #ifdef USE_CURL // HTTP downloading from R1Q2 // pending downloads (possibly textures), let's wait here. if ( CL_PendingHTTPDownloads() ) return; #endif // USE_CURL CL_RegisterSounds (); CL_PrepRefresh (); MSG_WriteByte (&cls.netchan.message, clc_stringcmd); MSG_WriteString (&cls.netchan.message, va("begin %i\n", precache_spawncount) ); cls.forcePacket = true; } //============================================================================= void CL_DownloadFileName(char *dest, int destlen, char *fn) { if (strncmp(fn, "players", 7) == 0) Com_sprintf (dest, destlen, "%s/%s", BASEDIRNAME, fn); else Com_sprintf (dest, destlen, "%s/%s", FS_Gamedir(), fn); } // Knightmare- store the names of last downloads that failed #define NUM_FAIL_DLDS 64 char lastfaileddownload[NUM_FAIL_DLDS][MAX_OSPATH]; static unsigned failedDlListIndex; /* =============== CL_InitFailedDownloadList =============== */ void CL_InitFailedDownloadList (void) { int i; for (i=0; i= NUM_FAIL_DLDS) failedDlListIndex = 0; } } /* =============== CL_CheckOrDownloadFile Returns true if the file exists, otherwise it attempts to start a download from the server. =============== */ qboolean CL_CheckOrDownloadFile (char *filename) { FILE *fp; char name[MAX_OSPATH]; int len; // Knightmare added char s[128]; //int i; if (strstr (filename, "..")) { Com_Printf ("Refusing to download a path with ..\n"); return true; } if (FS_LoadFile (filename, NULL) != -1) { // it exists, no need to download return true; } // don't try again to download a file that just failed if (CL_CheckDownloadFailed(filename)) return true; #ifdef PNG_SUPPORT // don't download a .png texture which already has a .tga counterpart len = strlen(filename); // strncpy(s, filename); Q_strncpyz(s, filename, sizeof(s)); if (strstr(s, "textures/") && !strcmp(s+len-4, ".png")) // look if we have a .png texture { s[len-3]='t'; s[len-2]='g'; s[len-1]='a'; // replace extension if (FS_LoadFile (s, NULL) != -1) // check for .tga counterpart return true; } #endif // PNG_SUPPORT // don't download a .jpg texture which already has a .tga counterpart len = strlen(filename); // strncpy(s,filename); Q_strncpyz(s, filename, sizeof(s)); if (strstr(s, "textures/") && !strcmp(s+len-4, ".jpg")) // look if we have a .jpg texture { s[len-3]='t'; s[len-2]='g'; s[len-1]='a'; // replace extension if (FS_LoadFile (s, NULL) != -1) // check for .tga counterpart return true; #ifdef PNG_SUPPORT s[len-3]='p'; s[len-2]='n'; s[len-1]='g'; // replace extension if (FS_LoadFile (s, NULL) != -1) // check for .png counterpart return true; #endif // PNG_SUPPORT } #ifdef USE_CURL // HTTP downloading from R1Q2 if ( CL_QueueHTTPDownload(filename) ) { // We return true so that the precache check keeps feeding us more files. // Since we have multiple HTTP connections we want to minimize latency // and be constantly sending requests, not one at a time. return true; } else { #endif // USE_CURL // strncpy (cls.downloadname, filename); Q_strncpyz (cls.downloadname, filename, sizeof(cls.downloadname)); // download to a temp name, and only rename // to the real name when done, so if interrupted // a runt file wont be left COM_StripExtension (cls.downloadname, cls.downloadtempname, sizeof(cls.downloadtempname)); // strncat (cls.downloadtempname, ".tmp"); Q_strncatz (cls.downloadtempname, ".tmp", sizeof(cls.downloadtempname)); //ZOID // check to see if we already have a tmp for this file, if so, try to resume // open the file if not opened yet CL_DownloadFileName(name, sizeof(name), cls.downloadtempname); // FS_CreatePath (name); fp = fopen (name, "r+b"); if (fp) { // it exists int len; fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); len = ftell(fp); cls.download = fp; // give the server an offset to start the download Com_Printf ("Resuming %s\n", cls.downloadname); MSG_WriteByte (&cls.netchan.message, clc_stringcmd); MSG_WriteString (&cls.netchan.message, va("download %s %i", cls.downloadname, len)); } else { Com_Printf ("Downloading %s\n", cls.downloadname); MSG_WriteByte (&cls.netchan.message, clc_stringcmd); MSG_WriteString (&cls.netchan.message, va("download %s", cls.downloadname)); } cls.downloadnumber++; cls.forcePacket = true; return false; #ifdef USE_CURL // HTTP downloading from R1Q2 } #endif // USE_CURL } /* =============== CL_Download_f Request a download from the server =============== */ void CL_Download_f (void) { char filename[MAX_OSPATH]; if (Cmd_Argc() != 2) { Com_Printf("Usage: download \n"); return; } Com_sprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s", Cmd_Argv(1)); if (strstr (filename, "..")) { Com_Printf ("Refusing to download a path with ..\n"); return; } if (FS_LoadFile (filename, NULL) != -1) { // it exists, no need to download Com_Printf("File already exists.\n"); return; } // strncpy (cls.downloadname, filename); Q_strncpyz (cls.downloadname, filename, sizeof(cls.downloadname)); Com_Printf ("Downloading %s\n", cls.downloadname); // download to a temp name, and only rename // to the real name when done, so if interrupted // a runt file wont be left COM_StripExtension (cls.downloadname, cls.downloadtempname, sizeof(cls.downloadtempname)); // strncat (cls.downloadtempname, ".tmp"); Q_strncatz (cls.downloadtempname, ".tmp", sizeof(cls.downloadtempname)); MSG_WriteByte (&cls.netchan.message, clc_stringcmd); MSG_WriteString (&cls.netchan.message, va("download %s", cls.downloadname)); cls.downloadnumber++; } //============================================================================= /* ===================== CL_ParseDownload A download message has been received from the server ===================== */ void CL_ParseDownload (void) { int size, percent; char name[MAX_OSPATH]; int r;//, i; // read the data size = MSG_ReadShort (&net_message); percent = MSG_ReadByte (&net_message); if (size == -1) { Com_Printf ("Server does not have this file.\n"); if (cls.downloadname) // Knightmare- save name of failed download CL_AddToFailedDownloadList (cls.downloadname); if (cls.download) { // if here, we tried to resume a file but the server said no fclose (cls.download); cls.download = NULL; } CL_RequestNextDownload (); return; } // open the file if not opened yet if (!cls.download) { CL_Download_Reset_KBps_counter (); // Knightmare- for KB/s counter CL_DownloadFileName(name, sizeof(name), cls.downloadtempname); FS_CreatePath (name); cls.download = fopen (name, "wb"); if (!cls.download) { net_message.readcount += size; Com_Printf ("Failed to open %s\n", cls.downloadtempname); CL_RequestNextDownload (); return; } } fwrite (net_message.data + net_message.readcount, 1, size, cls.download); net_message.readcount += size; if (percent != 100) { // request next block // change display routines by zoid #if 0 Com_Printf ("."); if (10*(percent/10) != cls.downloadpercent) { cls.downloadpercent = 10*(percent/10); Com_Printf ("%i%%", cls.downloadpercent); } #endif CL_Download_Calculate_KBps (size, 0); // Knightmare- for KB/s counter cls.downloadpercent = percent; MSG_WriteByte (&cls.netchan.message, clc_stringcmd); SZ_Print (&cls.netchan.message, "nextdl"); cls.forcePacket = true; } else { char oldn[MAX_OSPATH]; char newn[MAX_OSPATH]; // Com_Printf ("100%%\n"); fclose (cls.download); // rename the temp file to it's final name CL_DownloadFileName(oldn, sizeof(oldn), cls.downloadtempname); CL_DownloadFileName(newn, sizeof(newn), cls.downloadname); r = rename (oldn, newn); if (r) Com_Printf ("failed to rename.\n"); cls.download = NULL; cls.downloadpercent = 0; // add new pk3s to search paths, hack by Jay Dolan if (strstr(newn, ".pk3")) FS_AddPK3File (newn); // get another file if needed CL_RequestNextDownload (); } } //============================================================================= // Download speed counter typedef struct { int prevTime; int bytesRead; int byteCount; float timeCount; float prevTimeCount; float startTime; } dlSpeedInfo_t; dlSpeedInfo_t dlSpeedInfo; /* ===================== CL_Download_Reset_KBps_counter ===================== */ void CL_Download_Reset_KBps_counter (void) { dlSpeedInfo.timeCount = dlSpeedInfo.prevTime = dlSpeedInfo.prevTimeCount = dlSpeedInfo.bytesRead = dlSpeedInfo.byteCount = 0; dlSpeedInfo.startTime = (float)cls.realtime; cls.downloadrate = 0; } /* ===================== CL_Download_Calculate_KBps ===================== */ void CL_Download_Calculate_KBps (int byteDistance, int totalSize) { float timeDistance = (float)(cls.realtime - dlSpeedInfo.prevTime); float totalTime = (dlSpeedInfo.timeCount - dlSpeedInfo.startTime) / 1000.0f; dlSpeedInfo.timeCount += timeDistance; dlSpeedInfo.byteCount += byteDistance; dlSpeedInfo.bytesRead += byteDistance; if (totalTime >= 1.0f) { cls.downloadrate = (float)dlSpeedInfo.byteCount / 1024.0f; Com_DPrintf ("Rate: %4.2fKB/s, Downloaded %4.2fKB of %4.2fKB\n", cls.downloadrate, (float)dlSpeedInfo.bytesRead/1024.0, (float)totalSize/1024.0); dlSpeedInfo.byteCount = 0; dlSpeedInfo.startTime = (float)cls.realtime; } dlSpeedInfo.prevTime = cls.realtime; }