// g_bot.c //Maj/Pon++ #include "g_local.h" #include "m_player.h" // Special thanks to Ponpoko for his brilliant work upon // which this work is based. #define MaxOf(x,y) ((x)>(y)?(x):(y)) //CW++ vec3_t VEC_TMINS4 = {-4.0F, -4.0F, -4.0F}; vec3_t VEC_TMAXS4 = { 4.0F, 4.0F, 4.0F}; //CW-- qboolean Bot_Fall(edict_t *ent, vec3_t pos, float dist); //===================================================== //===================================================== botinfo_t Bot[MAXBOTS+1]; int NumBotsInGame = 0; // [1..MAXBOTS] route_t Route[MAXNODES]; int TotalRouteNodes = 0; int CurrentIndex = 0; qboolean pickup_priority = false; int trace_priority = 0; float JumpMax = 0.0F; vec3_t zvec = {0, 0, 0}; float myrandom = 0.5f; int SkillLevel[10] = { //skill 0 FIRE_REFUGE | FIRE_PRESTAYFIRE | FIRE_STAYFIRE, //CW... //skill 1 FIRE_REFUGE | FIRE_PRESTAYFIRE, //skill 2 FIRE_REFUGE, //skill 3 FIRE_REFUGE | FIRE_IGNORE, //skill 4 FIRE_REFUGE | FIRE_IGNORE | FIRE_AVOIDINVULN, //skill 5 FIRE_REFUGE | FIRE_IGNORE | FIRE_AVOIDINVULN | FIRE_AVOIDEXPLO, //skill 6 FIRE_JUMPROC | FIRE_IGNORE | FIRE_AVOIDINVULN | FIRE_AVOIDEXPLO, //skill 7 FIRE_JUMPROC | FIRE_IGNORE | FIRE_AVOIDINVULN | FIRE_AVOIDEXPLO | FIRE_C4USE, //skill 8 FIRE_JUMPROC | FIRE_IGNORE | FIRE_AVOIDINVULN | FIRE_AVOIDEXPLO | FIRE_C4USE | FIRE_DODGE, //skill 9 FIRE_JUMPROC | FIRE_IGNORE | FIRE_AVOIDINVULN | FIRE_AVOIDEXPLO | FIRE_C4USE | FIRE_DODGE | FIRE_QUADUSE }; typedef char cfg[64]; typedef cfg cfg_t[2]; cfg_t gbot[] = { // ENTRIES MUST == MAXBOTS, else kabooom! { "Tyr574[BOT]", "cyborg/tyr574" }, { "Razor[BOT]", "male/razor" }, { "Cobalt[BOT]", "female/cobalt" }, { "Scout[BOT]", "male/scout" }, { "PS9000[BOT]", "cyborg/ps9000" }, { "Brianna[BOT]", "female/brianna" }, { "Recon[BOT]", "male/recon" }, { "Viper[BOT]", "male/viper" }, { "Oni911[BOT]", "cyborg/oni911" }, { "Flak[BOT]", "male/flak" }, { "Venus[BOT]", "female/venus" }, { "Pointman[BOT]", "male/pointman" }, { "Stiletto[BOT]", "female/stiletto" }, { "Claymore[BOT]", "male/claymore" }, { "Jezebel[BOT]", "female/jezebel" }, { "Cypher[BOT]", "male/cypher" }, { "Athena[BOT]", "female/athena" }, { "Major[BOT]", "male/major" }, { "Jungle[BOT]", "female/jungle" }, { "Howitzer[BOT]", "male/howitzer" }, { "Ensign[BOT]", "female/ensign" }, { "NightOps[BOT]", "male/nightops" }, { "Psycho[BOT]", "male/psycho" }, { "Voodoo[BOT]", "female/voodoo" }, { "Rampage[BOT]", "male/rampage" }, { "Brazen[BOT]", "cyborg/tyr574" }, { "Zeroid[BOT]", "male/razor" }, { "Lotus[BOT]", "female/lotus" }, { "Grunt[BOT]", "male/grunt" }, //CW++ { "Mu[BOT]", "male/psycho" }, { "Wiz[BOT]", "male/rampage" }, { "Monstra[BOT]", "cyborg/ps9000" }, { "Sn33k[BOT]", "female/jezebel" }, { "Sherm[BOT]", "male/cypher" }, { "Bassy[BOT]", "male/claymore" }, { "Mis[BOT]", "female/lotus" }, { "QUIET![BOT]", "male/major" }, { "C.G.[BOT]", "cyborg/tyr574" }, { "Wyld[BOT]", "male/howitzer" }, { "Webdude[BOT]", "male/claymore" }, { "Leadhed[BOT]", "male/pointman" }, { "Yestah[BOT]", "male/viper" }, { "Panzi[BOT]", "male/nightops" }, { "Buzzi[BOT]", "male/claymore" }, { "Sarkastor[BOT]", "male/viper" }, { "Deth[BOT]", "male/grunt" }, { "Flashy[BOT]", "male/flak" }, { "Ripley[BOT]", "female/brianna" }, { "Kryten[BOT]", "cyborg/ps9000" }, { "Zakalwe[BOT]", "cyborg/oni911" }, // Count = 50 //CW-- { "Killer[BOT]", "male/grunt" }, // 1 extra for safety }; //=================================== //=================================== //====================================================== //========== BASIC BOT UTILITY FUNCTIONS =============== //====================================================== //====================================================== qboolean G_EntExists(edict_t *ent) { return (ent && ent->client && ent->inuse); } //====================================================== qboolean G_ClientNotDead(edict_t *ent) { qboolean b1 = (ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_type != PM_DEAD); qboolean b2 = (ent->deadflag == DEAD_NO); qboolean b3 = (ent->health > 0); return (b1 || b2 || b3); //CW } //====================================================== qboolean G_ClientInGame(edict_t *ent) { if (!G_EntExists(ent)) return false; if (!G_ClientNotDead(ent)) return false; if (ent->client->spectator) //CW return false; return (ent->client->respawn_time + 5.0 < level.time); } //============================================== float Get_yaw(vec3_t vec) { vec3_t out; double yaw; VectorCopy(vec, out); out[2] = 0.0; VectorNormalize(out); yaw = (double)(RAD2DEG(acos((double)out[0]))); //CW if (asin((double)out[1]) < 0) yaw *= -1.0; return (float)yaw; } //============================================== float Get_pitch(vec3_t vec) { vec3_t out; float pitch; VectorCopy(vec, out); VectorNormalize(out); pitch = (float)(RAD2DEG(acos((double)out[2]))) - 90.0; //CW return (float)((pitch < -180.0) ? (pitch + 360.0) : pitch); } //============================================== float Get_vec_yaw(vec3_t vec, float yaw) { float vecsyaw; vecsyaw = Get_yaw(vec); if (vecsyaw > yaw) vecsyaw -= yaw; else vecsyaw = yaw - vecsyaw; if (vecsyaw > 180) vecsyaw = 360 - vecsyaw; return vecsyaw; } //====================================================== void AdjustAngle(edict_t *ent, vec3_t targaim, float aim, float angle_gap) //CW { VectorSet(ent->s.angles, (Get_pitch(targaim)), (Get_yaw(targaim)), 0.0F); ent->s.angles[YAW] += aim * angle_gap * (myrandom - 0.5); if (ent->s.angles[YAW] > 180.0) ent->s.angles[YAW] -= 360.0; else if (ent->s.angles[YAW] < -180.0) ent->s.angles[YAW] += 360.0; ent->s.angles[PITCH] += aim * angle_gap * (myrandom - 0.5); if (ent->s.angles[PITCH] > 90.0) ent->s.angles[PITCH] = 90.0; else if (ent->s.angles[PITCH] < -90.0) ent->s.angles[PITCH] = -90.0; } //============================================= qboolean BankCheck(edict_t *ent, vec3_t pos) { trace_t tr; vec3_t end; VectorCopy(pos, end); end[2] = -4096.0; //CW tr = gi.trace(pos, ent->mins, ent->maxs, end, ent, MASK_BOTSOLIDX); return !(tr.startsolid || tr.allsolid || (tr.plane.normal[2] < 0.8)); } //============================================= qboolean HazardCheck(edict_t *ent, vec3_t pos) { trace_t tr; vec3_t end; int contents; VectorCopy(pos, end); end[2] = -4096.0; //CW contents = (ent->client->enviro_framenum > level.framenum)?CONTENTS_LAVA:(CONTENTS_LAVA|CONTENTS_SLIME); tr = gi.trace(pos, ent->mins, ent->maxs, end, ent, MASK_OPAQUE); return !(tr.contents & contents); // true = no hazard detected; false = hazard detected } //============================================= //CW++ qboolean TriggerHurtCheck(edict_t *ent) { edict_t *trighurt = NULL; qboolean danger_willrobinson = false; trace_t tr; vec3_t end; end[0] = ent->s.origin[0]; end[1] = ent->s.origin[1]; while ((trighurt = G_Find(trighurt, FOFS(classname), "trigger_hurt")) != NULL) { if ((ent->s.origin[0] > trighurt->mins[0]) && (ent->s.origin[0] < trighurt->maxs[0]) && (ent->s.origin[1] > trighurt->mins[1]) && (ent->s.origin[1] < trighurt->maxs[1]) && (ent->s.origin[2] - ent->mins[2] > trighurt->maxs[2])) { end[2] = trighurt->maxs[2]; tr = gi.trace(ent->s.origin, ent->mins, ent->maxs, end, ent, MASK_SOLID); if (tr.fraction == 1.0) { danger_willrobinson = true; break; } } } return danger_willrobinson; // true = trigger_hurt detected below; false = no trigger_hurt detected } //CW-- //============================================== void SetBotAnim(edict_t *ent) { gi.sound(ent, CHAN_VOICE, gi.soundindex("*jump1.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); PlayerNoise(ent, ent->s.origin, PNOISE_SELF); //CW++ if (ent->client->anim_priority >= ANIM_JUMP) return; ent->s.frame = FRAME_jump1 - 1; ent->client->anim_end = FRAME_jump6; } //============================================================ qboolean Get_FlyingSpeed(float bottom, float block, float dist, float *speed) { float tdist; if (bottom >= 40) { if (block > 4) return false; tdist = (dist * block) * 0.250; } else if (bottom >= 35) { if (block > 5) return false; tdist = (dist * block) * 0.200; } else if (bottom >= 30) { if (block > 6) return false; tdist = (dist * block) * 0.167; } else if (bottom >= 20) { if (block > 7) return false; tdist = (dist * block) * 0.143; } else if (bottom >= -5) { if (block > 8) return false; tdist = (dist * block) * 0.125; } else if (bottom >= -20) { if (block > 9) return false; tdist = (dist * block) * 0.143; } else if (bottom >= -35) { if (block > 10) return false; tdist = (dist * block) * 0.167; } else if (bottom >= -52) { if (block > 11) return false; tdist = (dist * block) * 0.200; } else if (bottom >= -75) { if (block > 12) return false; tdist = (dist * block) * 0.250; } else if (bottom >= -95) { if (block > 13) return false; tdist = (dist * block) * 0.333; } else if (bottom >=-125) { if (block > 14) return false; tdist = (dist * block) * 0.500; } else { if (block > 15) return false; tdist = (dist * block) * 0.500; } *speed = tdist / 30.0; return true; } //========================================== float SetBotXYSpeed(edict_t *ent, float *xyspeed) { if (!ent->isabot) return *xyspeed; //CW++ if (ent->tractored) return *xyspeed; if (ent->client->held_by_agm || ent->client->flung_by_agm || ent->client->thrown_by_agm) return *xyspeed; //CW-- if (ent->groundentity && (ent->client->movestate & STS_WAITS)) { *xyspeed = (VectorLength(ent->groundentity->velocity) < 1) ? 300 : 0; if (*xyspeed) ent->client->movestate |= STS_W_DONT; // don't wait } else *xyspeed = (ent->client->camptime > level.time) ? 0 : 300; return *xyspeed; } //========================================== void SetBotThink(edict_t *ent) { if (!ent->isabot) return; ent->client->chattime = level.time + (10.0 * (rand() % 7)); ent->client->ping = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(ent->client->pers.userinfo, "ping")); ent->think = Bot_Think; ent->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME; } //========================================== void ForceRouteReset (edict_t *other) { if (!other->isabot) return; if (!other->client->routetrace) return; if (other->client->pers.routeindex < TotalRouteNodes) { if (Route[other->client->pers.routeindex].state == GRS_TELEPORT) other->client->pers.routeindex++; if (other->client->pers.routeindex < TotalRouteNodes) { if (Route[other->client->pers.routeindex].state == GRS_GRAPRELEASE) other->client->pers.routeindex++; } } } //========================================== void G_FindTrainTeam (void) //CW (various bugfixes) { static edict_t *teamlist[MAX_EDICTS + 1]; // Knightmare- made static due to stack size edict_t *e; edict_t *t; edict_t *p; static char *targethist[MAX_EDICTS]; // Knightmare- made static due to stack size char *currtarget; char *currtargetname; qboolean findteam = false; int loopindex; int lc; int i; int j; int k; e = &g_edicts[(int)maxclients->value+1]; for (i = (int)maxclients->value + 1; i < globals.num_edicts; i++, e++) { if (e->inuse && e->classname) { if ((e->touch == path_corner_touch) && e->targetname && e->target) { currtarget = e->target; currtargetname = e->targetname; memset(&teamlist, 0, sizeof(teamlist)); memset(&targethist, 0, sizeof(targethist)); targethist[0] = e->targetname; lc = 0; loopindex = 0; while (lc < MAX_EDICTS) { t = &g_edicts[(int)maxclients->value+1]; for (j = (int)maxclients->value + 1; j < globals.num_edicts; j++, t++) { if (t->inuse && t->classname) { if ((t->use == train_use) && !Q_stricmp(t->target, currtargetname) && (t->trainteam == NULL)) { for (k = 0; k < lc; k++) { if (teamlist[k] == t) break; } if (k == lc) { teamlist[lc] = t; lc++; } } } } p = G_PickTarget(currtarget); if (!p) break; currtarget = p->target; currtargetname = p->targetname; if (!p->target) break; for (k = 0; k < loopindex; k++) { if (!Q_stricmp(targethist[k], currtargetname)) break; } if (k < loopindex) { findteam = true; break; } targethist[loopindex] = currtargetname; loopindex++; } if (findteam && (lc > 0)) { gi.dprintf("%i train chainings found.\n", lc); for (k = 0; k < lc; k++) { if (teamlist[k+1] == NULL) { teamlist[k]->trainteam = teamlist[0]; break; } teamlist[k]->trainteam = teamlist[k+1]; } } } } } } //============================================== void droptofloor2(edict_t *ent) { trace_t tr; vec3_t trmin; vec3_t trmax; vec3_t min; vec3_t mins; vec3_t maxs; vec3_t dest; vec3_t v; float i; float j = 0; float yaw; VectorSet(ent->mins, -15, -15, -15); VectorSet(ent->maxs, 8, 8, 15); if (ent->union_ent && !(ent->item == item_navi2)) //CW { dest[0] = (ent->union_ent->s.origin[0] + ent->union_ent->mins[0] + ent->union_ent->s.origin[0] + ent->union_ent->maxs[0]) * 0.5; dest[1] = (ent->union_ent->s.origin[1] + ent->union_ent->mins[1] + ent->union_ent->s.origin[1] + ent->union_ent->maxs[1]) * 0.5; for (i = ent->union_ent->s.origin[2] + ent->union_ent->mins[2]; i <= ent->union_ent->s.origin[2] + ent->union_ent->maxs[2] + 16; i++) { dest[2] = i; tr = gi.trace(dest, ent->mins, ent->maxs, dest, ent, MASK_SOLID); if (!tr.startsolid && !tr.allsolid && (j == 1)) { j = 2; break; } else if ((tr.startsolid || tr.allsolid) && !j && (tr.ent == ent->union_ent)) //CW j = 1; } VectorCopy(dest, ent->s.origin); VectorSubtract(ent->s.origin, ent->union_ent->s.origin, ent->moveinfo.dir); } ent->s.modelindex = 0; ent->solid = (ent->item == item_navi3) ? SOLID_NOT : SOLID_TRIGGER; ent->movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; ent->touch = Touch_Item; ent->use = NULL; VectorSet(v, 0, 0, -128); VectorAdd(ent->s.origin, v, dest); tr = gi.trace(ent->s.origin, ent->mins, ent->maxs, dest, ent, MASK_SOLID); if (tr.startsolid && (ent->classname[0] != 'R' && ent->classname[6] != '1')) //CW { gi.dprintf("droptofloor2: %s startsolid at %s.\n", (ent->classname)?ent->classname:"unknown", vtosf(ent->s.origin)); G_FreeEdict(ent); return; } VectorCopy(tr.endpos, ent->s.origin); if (ent->team) { ent->flags &= ~FL_TEAMSLAVE; ent->chain = ent->teamchain; ent->teamchain = NULL; ent->svflags |= SVF_NOCLIENT; ent->solid = SOLID_NOT; if (ent == ent->teammaster) { ent->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME; ent->think = DoRespawn; } } if (ent->spawnflags & 2) // NO_TOUCH { ent->solid = SOLID_BBOX; ent->touch = NULL; ent->s.effects &= ~EF_ROTATE; ent->s.renderfx &= ~RF_GLOW; } if (ent->spawnflags & 1) // TRIGGER_SPAWN { ent->svflags |= SVF_NOCLIENT; ent->solid = SOLID_NOT; ent->use = Use_Item; } gi.linkentity(ent); VectorCopy(ent->s.origin, min); VectorSet(mins, -15, -15, -15); VectorSet(maxs, 8, 8, 0); min[2] -= 128; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (i < 4) { yaw = DEG2RAD((90 * i) - 180); for (j = 32; j < 80; j += 2) { trmin[0] = ent->s.origin[0] + cos(yaw) * j; trmin[1] = ent->s.origin[1] + sin(yaw) * j; trmin[2] = ent->s.origin[2]; VectorCopy(trmin, trmax); trmax[2] -= 128; tr = gi.trace(trmin, mins, maxs, trmax, ent, MASK_PLAYERSOLID); if ((tr.endpos[2] < ent->s.origin[2] - 16) && (tr.endpos[2] > min[2])) { if (!tr.allsolid && !tr.startsolid) { min[2] = tr.endpos[2]; min[0] = ent->s.origin[0] + cos(yaw) * (j + 16); min[1] = ent->s.origin[1] + sin(yaw) * (j + 16); break; } } } } else { yaw = DEG2RAD((90 * (i - 4)) - 135); for (j = 32; j < 80; j += 2) { trmin[0] = ent->s.origin[0] + cos(yaw) * 46; trmin[1] = ent->s.origin[1] + sin(yaw) * 46; trmin[2] = ent->s.origin[2]; VectorCopy(trmin, trmax); trmax[2] -= 128; tr = gi.trace(trmin, NULL, NULL, trmax, ent, MASK_PLAYERSOLID); if ((tr.endpos[2] < ent->s.origin[2] - 16) && (tr.endpos[2] > min[2])) { if (!tr.allsolid && !tr.startsolid) { VectorCopy(tr.endpos, min); break; } } } } } VectorCopy(min, ent->moveinfo.start_origin); } //============================================== void TraceAllSolid(edict_t *ent, vec3_t point, trace_t tr) { if (tr.allsolid) { trace_t tracep; vec3_t stp; vec3_t v1; vec3_t v2; VectorSet(v1, -16, -16, -24); VectorSet(v2, 16, 16, 4); VectorCopy(ent->s.origin, stp); stp[2] += 24; tracep = gi.trace(stp, v1, v2, point, ent, MASK_BOTSOLID); if (tracep.ent && !tracep.allsolid) { if (tracep.ent->classname[0] == 'f') { VectorCopy(tracep.endpos, ent->s.origin); ent->groundentity = tracep.ent; ent->groundentity_linkcount = tracep.ent->linkcount; gi.linkentity(ent); return; } } } else { if (ent->client) { ent->client->ground_contents = tr.contents; ent->client->ground_slope = tr.plane.normal[2]; } VectorCopy(tr.endpos, ent->s.origin); ent->groundentity = tr.ent; ent->groundentity_linkcount = tr.ent->linkcount; } gi.linkentity(ent); } //============================================== void ResetGroundSlope(edict_t *ent) { if (!ent->isabot) return; ent->client->ground_slope = 1.0; } //============================================== void SpawnItem3(edict_t *it_ent, gitem_t *item) { it_ent->item = item; it_ent->s.effects = 0; it_ent->s.renderfx = 0; it_ent->s.modelindex = 0; it_ent->nextthink = level.time + 0.2; it_ent->think = droptofloor2; } //=============================================== void bFuncTrain(edict_t *self) { gitem_t *it = item_navi1; edict_t *it_ent = G_Spawn(); VectorAdd(self->s.origin, self->mins, self->monsterinfo.last_sighting); it_ent->classname = it->classname; it_ent->union_ent = self; self->union_ent = it_ent; SpawnItem3(it_ent, it); } //=============================================== void bFuncDoor(edict_t *ent) { VectorAdd(ent->s.origin, ent->mins, ent->monsterinfo.last_sighting); if (fabs(ent->moveinfo.start_origin[2] - ent->moveinfo.end_origin[2]) > 20.0) { gitem_t *it = item_navi3; edict_t *it_ent = G_Spawn(); it_ent->classname = it->classname; it_ent->union_ent = ent; ent->union_ent = it_ent; SpawnItem3(it_ent, it); } } //=============================================== void bDoorBlocked(edict_t *self) { edict_t *ent; //CW int i; for (i = 1; i <= maxclients->value; i++) { ent = &g_edicts[i]; //CW if (!ent->isabot) continue; if (ent->client->waiting_obj != self) continue; if (!ent->client->movestate) continue; ent->client->movestate |= STS_W_DONT; } } //=============================================== void bFuncButton(edict_t *ent) { edict_t *it_ent = G_Spawn(); gitem_t *it = item_navi2; vec3_t tdir; vec3_t tdir2; vec3_t abs_movedir; float dist = 1.0; it_ent->classname = it->classname; VectorAdd(ent->s.origin, ent->mins, ent->monsterinfo.last_sighting); VectorCopy(ent->s.origin, it_ent->s.origin); it_ent->s.origin[0] = (ent->absmin[0] + ent->absmax[0]) * 0.5; it_ent->s.origin[1] = (ent->absmin[1] + ent->absmax[1]) * 0.5; it_ent->s.origin[2] = (ent->absmin[2] + ent->absmax[2]) * 0.5; it_ent->union_ent = ent; ent->union_ent = it_ent; VectorSubtract(ent->moveinfo.start_origin, ent->moveinfo.end_origin, abs_movedir); VectorNormalize(abs_movedir); while (dist < 500.0) { VectorScale(abs_movedir, dist, tdir); VectorAdd(it_ent->s.origin, tdir, tdir2); if (!(gi.pointcontents(tdir2) & CONTENTS_SOLID)) break; dist++; } VectorScale(abs_movedir, (dist + 20), tdir); VectorAdd(it_ent->s.origin, tdir, tdir2); VectorCopy(tdir2,it_ent->s.origin); it_ent->item = it; it_ent->s.effects = 0; it_ent->s.renderfx = 0; it_ent->s.modelindex = 0; it_ent->solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; it_ent->movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; it_ent->touch = Touch_Item; gi.linkentity(it_ent); } //=============================================== void bFuncPlat(edict_t *ent) { edict_t *it_ent = G_Spawn(); gitem_t *it = item_navi1; VectorAdd(ent->s.origin, ent->mins, ent->monsterinfo.last_sighting); it_ent->classname = it->classname; it_ent->union_ent = ent; ent->union_ent = it_ent; SpawnItem3(it_ent, it); } //=============================================== void CheckBotCrushed(edict_t *targ,edict_t *inflictor, int mod) { if (!targ->isabot || (mod != MOD_CRUSH)) return; if (((targ->client->waiting_obj == inflictor) && targ->client->movestate) || (targ->groundentity == inflictor)) targ->client->movestate |= STS_W_DONT; } //=============================================== void CheckPrimaryWeapon(edict_t *ent, edict_t *other) { if (!other->isabot) return; if (ent->item->use) { // switch weapon if picked up primary int wepnum = GetKindWeapon(ent->item); if (wepnum != MOD_CHAINSAW) //CW { if (Bot[other->client->pers.botindex].skill[PRIMARYWEAP] == wepnum) //CW ent->item->use(other, ent->item); } } } //=============================================== void Bot_CheckEnemy(gclient_t *client, edict_t *attacker, edict_t *targ, int mod) { if (client && targ->isabot && attacker) { if (client->battlemode & FIRE_CHICKEN) //CW client->battlemode &= ~FIRE_CHICKEN; //CW++ // If tractored, target the trap. if (mod == MOD_TRAP) { edict_t *echeck; int i; for (i = 0; i < globals.num_edicts; ++i) { echeck = &g_edicts[i]; if (!echeck->inuse) continue; if (echeck->client) continue; if (!echeck->die) continue; if ((echeck->die == Trap_DieFromDamage) && (echeck->enemy == targ)) { client->current_enemy = echeck; break; } } } // If in lava/slime/hurt zone and have a Personal Teleporter, use it. else if ((mod == MOD_LAVA) || (mod == MOD_SLIME) || (mod == MOD_TRIGGER_HURT)) { if (targ->client->pers.inventory[ITEM_INDEX(item_teleporter)]) Use_Teleporter(targ, item_teleporter); } else if (attacker->client && !(attacker->flags & FL_NOTARGET)) { qboolean switch_enemy; switch_enemy = ((mod == MOD_SR_HOMING) || (mod == MOD_SR_DISINT_WAVE) || (mod == MOD_RAILGUN) || (mod == MOD_ROCKET) || (mod == MOD_GAUSS_BLASTER) || (mod == MOD_GAUSS_BEAM) || (mod == MOD_FLAMETHROWER) || (mod == MOD_CHAINSAW) || (mod == MOD_AGM_DISRUPT) || (mod == MOD_AGM_LAVA_HELD) || (mod == MOD_AGM_SLIME_HELD) || (mod == MOD_AGM_WATER_HELD) || (mod == MOD_AGM_TRIG_HURT) || (mod == MOD_AGM_TARG_LASER)); switch_enemy = switch_enemy && (client->current_enemy != attacker); if (!client->current_enemy || (client->current_enemy && switch_enemy && (client->current_enemy->health > 25))) { if (!CheckTeamDamage(targ, attacker)) client->current_enemy = attacker; } } //CW-- } } //=============================================== void CheckCampSite(edict_t *ent, edict_t *other) { if (!other->isabot) return; //CW++ if (!(int)sv_bots_camp->value) return; if (!Bot[other->client->pers.botindex].camper) return; if (other->client->camping) return; //CW-- if ((ent->item != item_health_mega) && (ent->item != item_railgun) && (ent->item != item_bodyarmor) && (ent->item != item_powershield)) //CW return; if (other->client->quad_framenum > level.framenum) return; if (other->client->camptime >= level.time) return; if (random() > BOT_CAMP_PROB) //CW return; other->client->camptime = level.time + 20.0 + (rand() % 11); // 20..30 other->client->chattime = level.time + (rand() % 16); // 0..15 other->client->taunttime = other->client->camptime + 10.0; // turn taunting off whilst camping VectorCopy(ent->s.origin, other->client->lastorigin); other->client->lastorigin[2] += 16.0; other->client->campitem = ent->item; //camping near this item other->client->camping = true; //CW++ } //====================================================== //======== ROUTE FILE AND BOT CONFIGURATION ============ //====================================================== void LoadBotConfig(void) { FILE *filestream; char name[512]; char skin[512]; int fnum; int num_bots = 0; int combat_skill = 0; int accuracy = 0; int aggression = 0; int weapon = 1; int h_view = 90; int v_view = 90; int camper = 1; qboolean finished = false; if ((filestream = OpenBotConfigFile(true, true)) != NULL) { memset(&name, 0, sizeof(name)); memset(&skin, 0, sizeof(skin)); while (!finished && ((fnum = fscanf(filestream, "%s %s %d %d %d %d %d %d %d", name, skin, &combat_skill, &accuracy, &aggression, &weapon, &h_view, &v_view, &camper)) != EOF)) { if (strlen(name) >= MAX_NAMELEN) { gi.dprintf("** Bot name in line %d is too long.\n", num_bots + 1); name[MAX_NAMELEN-1] = 0; } if (strlen(skin) >= MAX_SKINLEN) { gi.dprintf("** Bot skin in line %d is too long.\n", num_bots + 1); skin[MAX_SKINLEN-1] = 0; } memset(&Bot[num_bots], 0, sizeof(botinfo_t)); strncpy(Bot[num_bots].netname, name, MAX_NAMELEN); //r1,CW strncpy(Bot[num_bots].skin, skin, MAX_SKINLEN); //r1,CW //combat skill [0..9] if (combat_skill < 0) combat_skill = 0; else if (combat_skill > 9) combat_skill = 9; Bot[num_bots].skill[COMBATSKILL] = combat_skill; //aiming accuracy [0..9] if (accuracy < 0) accuracy = 0; else if (accuracy > 9) accuracy = 9; Bot[num_bots].skill[AIMACCURACY] = accuracy; //aggression [0..9] if (aggression < 0) aggression = 0; else if (aggression > 9) aggression = 9; Bot[num_bots].skill[AGGRESSION] = aggression; //primary weapon [1..14] if (weapon < 1) weapon = 1; else if (weapon > 14) weapon = 14; Bot[num_bots].skill[PRIMARYWEAP] = weapon; //horizontal view range [0..180] if (h_view < 0) h_view = 0; else if (h_view > 180) h_view = 180; Bot[num_bots].skill[HRANGEVIEW] = h_view; //vertical view range [0..180] if (v_view < 0) v_view = 0; else if (v_view > 180) v_view = 180; Bot[num_bots].skill[VRANGEVIEW] = v_view; //camping tendency [0 or 1] if (camper < 0) camper = 0; else if (camper > 1) camper = 1; Bot[num_bots].camper = (qboolean)camper; gi.dprintf("Loaded bot: %s\n", Bot[num_bots].netname); if (++num_bots == MAXBOTS) { gi.dprintf("** Maximum number of bots loaded!\n"); finished = true; } memset(&name, 0, sizeof(name)); memset(&skin, 0, sizeof(skin)); } fclose(filestream); if (num_bots == 0) gi.dprintf("** Bot config file has no valid entries\n"); gi.dprintf("\n"); } } //=============================================== void RandomizeParameters(int i) { //CW++ (rewritten) int primary_weapon; Bot[i].skill[AIMACCURACY] = rand() % 10; // [0..9] Bot[i].skill[AGGRESSION] = rand() % 10; // [0..9] Bot[i].skill[COMBATSKILL] = rand() % 10; // [0..9] Bot[i].skill[VRANGEVIEW] = 60 + (10 * (rand() % 7)); // [60..120] Bot[i].skill[HRANGEVIEW] = 60 + (10 * (rand() % 7)); // [60..120] Bot[i].camper = rand() % 2; // [0 or 1] do { primary_weapon = 2 + (rand() % 13); // [2..14] } while (primary_weapon == WEAP_TRAP); // traps should never be a primary weapon (unless you're Bass[MaN] ;-) Bot[i].skill[PRIMARYWEAP] = primary_weapon; } //CW-- //============================================== void LoadBotNames(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAXBOTS; i++) { memset(&Bot[i], 0, sizeof(botinfo_t)); Com_sprintf(Bot[i].netname, sizeof(Bot[i].netname), "%s", gbot[i][0]); Com_sprintf(Bot[i].skin, sizeof(Bot[i].skin), "%s", gbot[i][1]); RandomizeParameters(i); } } //CW++ void LoadBots(void) { LoadBotNames(); if ((int)sv_bots_use_file->value) LoadBotConfig(); } //CW-- //================================================== qboolean RTJump_Chk(vec3_t apos, vec3_t tpos) { float x; float l; float vel; float yori; vec3_t v; vec3_t vv; int mf = 0; vel = VEL_BOT_JUMP; yori = apos[2]; VectorSubtract(tpos, apos, v); for (x = 1; x <= BOT_FALLCHK_LOOPMAX * 2; ++x) { vel -= sv_gravity->value * FRAMETIME; yori += vel * 0.1; if (vel > 0) { if (mf == 0) { if (tpos[2] < yori) mf = 2; } } else if (x > 1) { if (mf == 0) { if (tpos[2] < yori) mf = 2; } else if (mf == 2) { if (tpos[2] >= yori) { mf = 1; break; } } } } VectorCopy(v, vv); vv[2] = 0; l = VectorLength(vv); if (x > 1) l /= (x - 1); return ((l < MOVE_SPD_RUN) && (mf == 1)); } //============================================== void G_FindRouteLink(edict_t *ent) { trace_t rs_trace; vec3_t v; float x; qboolean tpbool; int i; int j; int k; int l; int total = 0; gi.dprintf("Linking routes..."); // get JumpMax if (JumpMax == 0) { x = VEL_BOT_JUMP - (ent->gravity * sv_gravity->value * FRAMETIME); JumpMax = 0; while (1) { JumpMax += x * FRAMETIME; x -= ent->gravity * sv_gravity->value * FRAMETIME; if (x < 0) break; } } // search for (i = 0; i < CurrentIndex; i++) { if (Route[i].state == GRS_NORMAL) { for (j = 0; j < CurrentIndex; j++) { if ((abs(i - j) <= 50) || (j == i) || (Route[j].state != GRS_NORMAL)) continue; VectorSubtract(Route[j].Pt, Route[i].Pt, v); if ((v[2] > JumpMax) || (v[2] < -500)) continue; v[2] = 0; if (VectorLength(v) > 200) continue; if ((fabs(v[2]) > 20) || (VectorLength(v) > 64)) { if (!RTJump_Chk(Route[i].Pt, Route[j].Pt)) continue; } tpbool = false; for (l = -5; l < 6; l++) { if ((i + l < 0) || (i + l >= CurrentIndex)) continue; for (k = 0; k < MAXLINKPOD; k++) //CW { //search blanked index if (!Route[i + l].linkpod[k]) break; if (abs(Route[i + l].linkpod[k] - j) < 50) { tpbool = true; break; } } if (tpbool) break; } if (tpbool) continue; rs_trace = gi.trace(Route[j].Pt, NULL, NULL, Route[i].Pt, ent, MASK_SOLID); // found! if (!rs_trace.startsolid && !rs_trace.allsolid && (rs_trace.fraction == 1.0)) { for (k = 0; k < MAXLINKPOD; k++) //CW { //search blanked index if (!Route[i].linkpod[k]) { Route[i].linkpod[k] = j; total++; break; } } } } } } gi.dprintf("done!\n"); //CW G_FreeEdict(ent); } //================================================== void ReadRouteFile(void) { edict_t *e; FILE *fp; char name[MAX_OSPATH]; //CW vec3_t v; int i; int j; //CW++ cvar_t *game; game = gi.cvar("game", "", 0); if (!*game->string) Com_sprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s/botroutes/%s.chn", GAMEVERSION, level.mapname); else Com_sprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s/botroutes/%s.chn", game->string, level.mapname); //CW-- TotalRouteNodes = 0; if ((fp = fopen(name, "rb")) != NULL) //CW { char code[8]; unsigned int size; CurrentIndex = 0; memset(Route, 0, sizeof(Route)); //CW memset(code, 0, 8); fread(code, sizeof(char), 8, fp); fread(&CurrentIndex, sizeof(int), 1, fp); size = (unsigned int)CurrentIndex * sizeof(route_t); fread(Route, size, 1, fp); fclose(fp); TotalRouteNodes = CurrentIndex; gi.dprintf("AwakenBots: %d route nodes for map\n", TotalRouteNodes); } if (TotalRouteNodes == 0) { gi.dprintf("AwakenBots: No route file loaded\n"); //CW return; } for (i = 0; i < TotalRouteNodes; i++) { if (((Route[i].state > GRS_TELEPORT) && (Route[i].state <= GRS_PUSHBUTTON)) || (Route[i].state == GRS_REDFLAG) || (Route[i].state ==GRS_BLUEFLAG)) { edict_t *other = &g_edicts[(int)maxclients->value+1]; for (j = maxclients->value+1; j < globals.num_edicts; j++, other++) { if (other && other->inuse) { if ((Route[i].state == GRS_ONPLAT) || (Route[i].state == GRS_ONTRAIN) || (Route[i].state == GRS_ONDOOR) || (Route[i].state == GRS_PUSHBUTTON)) { VectorAdd(other->s.origin, other->mins, v); if (VectorCompare(Route[i].Pt, v)) { if ((Route[i].state == GRS_ONPLAT) && (!Q_stricmp(other->classname, "func_plat") || !Q_stricmp(other->classname, "func_plat2")) ) { Route[i].ent = other; break; } else if ((Route[i].state == GRS_ONTRAIN) && !Q_stricmp(other->classname, "func_train")) { Route[i].ent = other; break; } else if ((Route[i].state == GRS_ONDOOR) && !Q_stricmp(other->classname, "func_door")) { Route[i].ent = other; break; } else if ((Route[i].state == GRS_PUSHBUTTON) && !Q_stricmp(other->classname, "func_button")) { Route[i].ent = other; break; } } } else if ((Route[i].state == GRS_ITEMS) || (Route[i].state == GRS_REDFLAG) || (Route[i].state == GRS_BLUEFLAG)) { if (VectorCompare(Route[i].Pt, other->monsterinfo.last_sighting)) { Route[i].ent = other; break; } } } } if (j >= globals.num_edicts) Route[i].state = GRS_NORMAL; } } e = G_Spawn(); e->think = G_FindRouteLink; e->nextthink = level.time + (FRAMETIME * 2.0); e->svflags |= SVF_NOCLIENT; //CW } void Move_LastRouteIndex(void) { int i; for (i = CurrentIndex - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (Route[i].state) break; else if (!Route[i].index) break; } if (!CurrentIndex || !Route[i].index) CurrentIndex = i; else CurrentIndex = i + 1; if (CurrentIndex < MAXNODES) { memset(&Route[CurrentIndex], 0, sizeof(route_t)); if (CurrentIndex > 0) Route[CurrentIndex].index = Route[CurrentIndex - 1].index + 1; } } //====================================================== //============= SPAWNING BOTS INTO THE GAME ============ //====================================================== //====================================================== char *Random_IP(void) { static char ipstr[16]; int ip1; do { ip1 = 128 + (rand() % 128); } while ((ip1 == 192) || (ip1 == 172)); Com_sprintf(ipstr, sizeof(ipstr), "%d.%d.%d.%d", ip1, (int)(rand()%256), (int)(rand()%256), (int)(rand()%256)); return ipstr; } //============================================= int GetFreeEdict(void) { //CW++ edict_t *ent; //CW-- int i; for (i = (int)(game.maxclients-1); i >= 0; i--) { ent = g_edicts + i + 1; //CW if (!ent->inuse) { G_InitEdict(ent); return i; } } return -1; // refuse connection } //====================================================== void G_MuzzleFlash(short rec_no, vec3_t origin, int flashnum) { gi.WriteByte(svc_muzzleflash); gi.WriteShort(rec_no); gi.WriteByte(flashnum); gi.multicast(origin, MULTICAST_PVS); } //============================================= qboolean SpawnBot(int botindex) //CW... { edict_t *ent; char userinfo[512]; int clientnum; if ((botindex < 0) || (botindex > MAXBOTS - 1)) return false; //CW++ // Add bot to a public slot. if ((int)sv_reserved->value > 0) { if (g_public_used < (int)maxclients->value - (int)sv_reserved->value) { // public slot clientnum = GetFreeEdict(); if (clientnum < 0) { gi.dprintf("AddBots: server is full.\n"); return false; } ent = g_edicts + clientnum + 1; ent->client = &game.clients[clientnum]; ent->isabot = true; g_slots[(int)sv_reserved->value + g_public_used] = ent; ++g_public_used; } else { // no free slots gi.dprintf("AddBots: all player slots are taken.\n"); return false; } } else { if (g_public_used < (int)maxclients->value) { // public slot clientnum = GetFreeEdict(); if (clientnum < 0) { gi.dprintf("AddBots: server is full.\n"); return false; } ent = g_edicts + clientnum + 1; ent->client = &game.clients[clientnum]; ent->isabot = true; g_slots[g_public_used] = ent; ++g_public_used; } else { // no free slots gi.dprintf("AddBots: all player slots are taken.\n"); return false; } } //CW-- InitClientResp(ent->client); InitClientPersistant(ent->client); ent->client->pers.botindex = botindex; ent->client->pers.routeindex = 0; //CW++ ent->client->pers.connected = true; ent->client->normal_rockets = true; ent->client->agm_disrupt = true; if (teamgame.match > MATCH_NONE) ent->client->resp.ready = true; //CW-- Com_sprintf(userinfo, sizeof(userinfo), "\\name\\%s\\skin\\%s\\fov\\90\\hand\\2\\ip\\%s\\ping\\%3d", Bot[botindex].netname, Bot[botindex].skin, Random_IP(), (int)(100+(rand()%128))); // Maj++ - We store ping in userinfo string. hehe ClientUserinfoChanged(ent, userinfo); //CW++ PutClientInServer(ent); gi_bprintf(PRINT_HIGH, "%s was added to the game\n", Bot[botindex].netname); //CW if (!(int)chedit->value) G_MuzzleFlash((short)(ent-g_edicts), ent->s.origin, (int)(MZ_LOGIN)); ClientEndServerFrame(ent); return true; } //============================================= // Temp edict to re-insert active bots into game //============================================= void PutNextBotInGame(edict_t *ent) { if (ent->count >= MAXBOTS) { G_FreeEdict(ent); return; } while (ent->count < MAXBOTS) { if (Bot[ent->count].ingame) { SpawnBot(ent->count++); break; } ent->count++; } ent->nextthink = level.time + 0.5; } void RespawnAllBots(void) { edict_t *ent; ent = G_Spawn(); ent->svflags |= SVF_NOCLIENT; ent->solid = SOLID_NOT; ent->count = 0; ent->nextthink = level.time + 1.0; ent->think = PutNextBotInGame; ent->classname = "bot_respawner"; //CW++ } //CW++ //================================================== qboolean RemoveBot(edict_t *ent) { if (!ent || !ent->isabot) return false; Bot[ent->client->pers.botindex].ingame = 0; ClientDisconnect(ent); ent->isabot = false; --NumBotsInGame; return true; } //============================================= // Temp edict to remove bots from the game // without causing overflows. //============================================= void BotRemover_Think(edict_t *self) { edict_t *ent; int i; if (self->count < 1) { G_FreeEdict(self); return; } if (NumBotsInGame == 0) { G_FreeEdict(self); return; } for (i = 1; i <= game.maxclients; i++) { ent = &g_edicts[i]; if (RemoveBot(ent)) break; } --self->count; self->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME; } void RemoveNumBots_Safe(int numbots) { edict_t *ent; edict_t *current_remover = NULL; if (numbots < 1) return; if (NumBotsInGame <= 0) { gi.cprintf(NULL, PRINT_HIGH, "There are no bots spawned!\n"); return; } if ((current_remover = G_Find(NULL, FOFS(classname), "bot_remover")) == NULL) { ent = G_Spawn(); ent->svflags |= SVF_NOCLIENT; ent->solid = SOLID_NOT; ent->classname = "bot_remover"; ent->count = numbots; ent->think = BotRemover_Think; ent->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME; } else { current_remover->count += numbots; if (current_remover->count > MAXBOTS) current_remover->count = MAXBOTS; } } //============================================= // Temp edict to spawn bots into the game // without causing overflows. //============================================= void BotSpawner_Think(edict_t *self) { int n; if (self->count < 1) { G_FreeEdict(self); return; } if (NumBotsInGame >= MAXBOTS) { gi.cprintf(NULL, PRINT_HIGH, "Maximum bots spawned!\n"); G_FreeEdict(self); return; } if ((int)sv_bots_random->value) { do { n = (int)(rand() % MAXBOTS); } while (Bot[n].ingame); } else n = NumBotsInGame; if (!SpawnBot(n)) { G_FreeEdict(self); return; } Bot[n].ingame = 1; NumBotsInGame++; --self->count; self->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME; } void SpawnNumBots_Safe(int numbots) { edict_t *ent; edict_t *current_spawner = NULL; if (numbots < 1) return; if (NumBotsInGame >= MAXBOTS) { gi.cprintf(NULL, PRINT_HIGH, "Maximum bots spawned!\n"); return; } if ((current_spawner = G_Find(NULL, FOFS(classname), "bot_spawner")) == NULL) { ent = G_Spawn(); ent->svflags |= SVF_NOCLIENT; ent->solid = SOLID_NOT; ent->classname = "bot_spawner"; ent->count = numbots; ent->think = BotSpawner_Think; ent->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME; } else { current_spawner->count += numbots; if (current_spawner->count > MAXBOTS) current_spawner->count = MAXBOTS; } } //======================================================= //============ TAUNTING/CHATTING/INSULTING ============== //======================================================= //============================================== void InsultVictim(edict_t *ent, edict_t *victim) { if (!ent->isabot) return; if (!victim || !victim->client) return; if (ent->client->insulttime > level.time) return; if (victim == ent) // bot killed self { if (myrandom < 0.2) { switch (rand() % 8) { case 0: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: OUCH!!!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 1: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: I hate that!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 2: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Shit!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 3: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Not again!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 4: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Ugghhhh!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 5: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: WTF!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 6: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Ohhhhh!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 7: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: DOH!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; //CW++ } } } else // insults to other players { if (myrandom < 0.75) { switch (rand() % 20) { case 0: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: You REALLY suck!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 1: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: YOU SUCK!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 2: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Suck THIS!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 3: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: This sucks!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 4: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Eat Me!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 5: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: You ALL suck!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 6: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Suck THAT!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 7: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Muhhhhaahhhaaa\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 8: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Muhaaaaaaaaa!!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 9: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Huuuhhhaaaaaa!!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 10: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Muhhhhhhaaaaa!!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 11: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Whoooooaaaaa!!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 12: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Your sister!!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 13: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Your daughter!!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 14: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Your mama!!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 15: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Arggggghhhh!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 16: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Your daddy!!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 17: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Bite Me!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 18: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Haaa Haaaaa!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 19: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Just testing!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; //CW++ } } } ent->client->insulttime = level.time + 60.0 + (10.0 * (rand() % 7)); } //============================================== void TauntVictim(edict_t *ent, edict_t *victim) { vec3_t vtmp; if (!ent->isabot || (ent == victim)) return; if (!victim || !victim->client) return; if (ent->client->taunttime > level.time) return; // Only taunt if near the victim (don't reset timer). VectorSubtract(ent->s.origin, victim->s.origin, vtmp); if (VectorLength(vtmp) > BOT_MAX_TAUNT_DIST) //CW return; switch (rand() % 3) { case 0: ent->s.frame = FRAME_flip01 - 1; ent->client->anim_end = FRAME_flip12; break; case 1: ent->s.frame = FRAME_salute01 - 1; ent->client->anim_end = FRAME_salute11; break; case 2: ent->s.frame = FRAME_taunt01 - 1; ent->client->anim_end = FRAME_taunt17; break; } ent->client->taunttime = level.time + 30.0 + (10.0 * (rand() % 7)); } //============================================== void RandomChat(edict_t *ent) { if (ent->client->chattime > level.time) return; if (ent->client->camptime > level.time) { if (random() < 0.50) // camp and chat 50% of the time { if (ent->client->campitem == item_railgun) { switch (rand() % 6) { case 0: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Bring firewood next time!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 1: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Want a roasted weener?\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 2: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Want a beer with that?\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 3: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Don't ya just love it?\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 4: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Get the camper at the Railgun!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 5: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: There's a camper at the Railgun!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; } } else if (ent->client->campitem == item_health_mega) { switch (rand() % 6) { case 0: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Kill the MegaHealth camper!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 1: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Want marshmallows?\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 2: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Got hotdogs?\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 3: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Damn campers!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 4: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Get the camper by the MegaHealth!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 5: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Camper at the MegaHealth!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; } } //CW++ else if (ent->client->campitem == item_bodyarmor) { switch (rand() % 6) { case 0: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Kill the RA camper!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 1: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Want marshmallows?\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 2: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Got hotdogs?\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 3: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Damn campers!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 4: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Get the camper by RA!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 5: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Camper at RA!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; } } else if (ent->client->campitem == item_powershield) { switch (rand() % 6) { case 0: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Kill the PowerShield camper!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 1: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Want marshmallows?\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 2: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Got hotdogs?\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 3: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Damn campers!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 4: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Get the camper by the PowerShield!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 5: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Camper at the PowerShield!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; } } //CW-- } ent->client->chattime = level.time + 5.0 + (rand() % 6); } else { if (random() < 0.25) { switch (rand() % 6) { case 0: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Bunch of chickenshits!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 1: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Come and get it!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 2: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Who wants a piece of me?\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 3: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Where'd everybody go?\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 4: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: This server sucks!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; case 5: gi_bprintf(3, "%s: Only pussies on this server!\n", ent->client->pers.netname); break; } } ent->client->chattime = level.time + 60.0 + (10.0 * (rand() % 7)); } } //===================================================== //=========== BASIC TRACING ALGORITHMS ================ //===================================================== //============================================== qboolean InSight(edict_t *ent, edict_t *other) { vec3_t start; vec3_t end; trace_t tr; if (other->client && !G_ClientInGame(other)) return false; VectorCopy(ent->s.origin, start); start[2] += ent->viewheight - 8.0; VectorCopy(other->s.origin, end); end[2] += other->viewheight - 8.0; if (gi.pointcontents(start) & CONTENTS_WATER) //CW { if (!other->waterlevel) { tr = gi.trace(end, NULL, NULL, start, ent, CONTENTS_WINDOW | MASK_OPAQUE | CONTENTS_WATER); if (tr.surface && (tr.surface->flags & SURF_WARP)) return false; tr = gi.trace(start, NULL, NULL, end, ent, CONTENTS_WINDOW | MASK_OPAQUE); return (tr.fraction == 1.0); } else { VectorCopy(other->s.origin, end); end[2] -= 16.0; tr = gi.trace(start, NULL, NULL, end, ent, CONTENTS_SOLID | CONTENTS_WINDOW); return (tr.fraction == 1.0); } } if (other->waterlevel) { VectorCopy(other->s.origin, end); end[2] += 32.0; tr = gi.trace(start, NULL, NULL, end, ent, CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_WINDOW|CONTENTS_WATER); if (tr.surface && (tr.surface->flags & SURF_WARP)) return false; } return (gi.trace(start, NULL, NULL, end, ent, CONTENTS_WINDOW | MASK_OPAQUE).fraction == 1.0); } //============================================== qboolean Bot_trace(edict_t *ent, edict_t *other) { trace_t tr; vec3_t ttx; vec3_t tty; //CW++ if (!other) return false; //CW-- VectorCopy(ent->s.origin, ttx); VectorCopy(other->s.origin, tty); if (ent->maxs[2] >= 32) { if (tty[2] > ttx[2]) tty[2] += 16; ttx[2] += 30; } else ttx[2] -= 12; tr = gi.trace(ttx, NULL, NULL, tty, ent, CONTENTS_WINDOW | MASK_OPAQUE); if ((tr.fraction == 1.0) && !tr.allsolid && !tr.startsolid) return true; if (ent->maxs[2] < 32) return false; if (tr.ent && (tr.ent->use == door_use)) { if (!tr.ent->targetname) return true; } if ((ent->s.origin[2] < other->s.origin[2]) || (ent->s.origin[2] - 24 > other->s.origin[2])) return false; ttx[2] -= 36; tr = gi.trace(ttx, NULL, NULL, other->s.origin, ent, CONTENTS_WINDOW | MASK_OPAQUE); return ((tr.fraction == 1.0) && !tr.allsolid && !tr.startsolid); } //============================================== qboolean Bot_trace2(edict_t *ent, vec3_t ttz) { vec3_t ttx; VectorCopy(ent->s.origin, ttx); ttx[2] += (ent->maxs[2] >= 32) ? 24 : -12; return (gi.trace(ttx, NULL, NULL, ttz ,ent, MASK_OPAQUE).fraction == 1.0); } //================================================== qboolean TraceX(edict_t *ent, vec3_t p2) { trace_t tr; vec3_t v1; vec3_t v2; int contents = (CONTENTS_SOLID | CONTENTS_WINDOW); if (ent->svflags & ~SVF_MONSTER) { if (ent->client->waterstate) { VectorCopy(ent->mins, v1); VectorCopy(ent->maxs, v2); } else { if (ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags & ~PMF_DUCKED) { VectorSet(v1, -16, -16, -4); VectorSet(v2, 16, 16, 32); } else { VectorSet(v1, -4, -4, -4); VectorSet(v2, 4, 4, 4); } } } else { VectorClear(v1); VectorClear(v2); contents |= (CONTENTS_LAVA | CONTENTS_SLIME); } tr = gi.trace(ent->s.origin, v1, v2, p2, ent, contents); if ((tr.fraction == 1.0) && !tr.allsolid && !tr.startsolid) return true; if (ent->client->routetrace) { if (ent->svflags & SVF_MONSTER) { if (tr.ent && (tr.ent->use == door_use)) return (tr.ent->moveinfo.state == PSTATE_UP); } } return false; } //============================================================ void Get_RouteOrigin(int index, vec3_t pos) { edict_t *e; // when normal or items if ((Route[index].state <= GRS_ITEMS) || (Route[index].state >= GRS_GRAPSHOT)) { if (Route[index].state == GRS_ITEMS) { VectorCopy(Route[index].ent->s.origin, pos); pos[2] += 8; } else VectorCopy(Route[index].Pt, pos); } switch (Route[index].state) { // when plat case GRS_ONPLAT: VectorCopy(Route[index].ent->union_ent->s.origin, pos); pos[2] += 8; return; // when train case GRS_ONTRAIN: if (!Route[index].ent->trainteam) { VectorCopy(Route[index].ent->union_ent->s.origin,pos); pos[2] += 8; return; } if (Route[index].ent->target_ent) { if (VectorCompare(Route[index].Tcorner, Route[index].ent->target_ent->s.origin)) { VectorCopy(Route[index].ent->union_ent->s.origin, pos); pos[2] += 8; return; } } e = Route[index].ent->trainteam; while (1) { if (e == Route[index].ent) break; if (e->target_ent) { if (VectorCompare(Route[index].Tcorner, e->target_ent->s.origin)) { VectorCopy(e->union_ent->s.origin, pos); pos[2] += 8; Route[index].ent = e; return; } } e = e->trainteam; } VectorCopy(Route[index].ent->union_ent->s.origin,pos); pos[2] += 8; return; case GRS_ONDOOR: if (Route[index].ent->union_ent) { VectorCopy(Route[index].ent->union_ent->s.origin, pos); pos[2] += 8; } else if (index + 1 < TotalRouteNodes) { if (Route[index+1].state <= GRS_ITEMS) { VectorCopy(Route[index+1].Pt, pos); pos[2] += 8; } else if (Route[index+1].state <= GRS_ONTRAIN) { //when plat or train VectorCopy(Route[index+1].ent->union_ent->s.origin, pos); pos[2] += 8; } else if (Route[index+1].state == GRS_PUSHBUTTON) { VectorCopy(Route[index+1].ent->union_ent->s.origin, pos); pos[2] += 8; } else VectorCopy(Route[index+1].Pt,pos); } else { pos[0] = (Route[index].ent->absmin[0] + Route[index].ent->absmax[0]) * 0.5; pos[1] = (Route[index].ent->absmin[1] + Route[index].ent->absmax[1]) * 0.5; pos[2] = Route[index].ent->absmax[2]; } return; case GRS_PUSHBUTTON: VectorCopy(Route[index].ent->union_ent->s.origin, pos); } } //============================================== void GetAimAngle(edict_t *ent, float aim, float dist) { vec3_t targaim; trace_t tr; int weapon; weapon = GetKindWeapon(ent->client->pers.weapon); switch (weapon) { case WEAP_CHAINSAW: case WEAP_DESERTEAGLE: //CW... case WEAP_GAUSSPISTOL: case WEAP_JACKHAMMER: case WEAP_MAC10: case WEAP_RAILGUN: case WEAP_AGM: if (ent->client->current_enemy != ent->client->prev_enemy) { if (ent->client->current_enemy->isabot) VectorSubtract(ent->client->current_enemy->s.old_origin, ent->client->current_enemy->s.origin, targaim); else { VectorCopy(ent->client->current_enemy->velocity, targaim); VectorInverse(targaim); } VectorNormalize(targaim); VectorMA(ent->client->current_enemy->s.origin, AIM_SFPOS * aim * myrandom, targaim, targaim); } else { VectorSubtract(ent->client->targ_old_origin, ent->client->current_enemy->s.origin, targaim); VectorMA(ent->client->current_enemy->s.origin, aim * myrandom, targaim, targaim); } VectorSubtract(targaim, ent->s.origin, targaim); AdjustAngle(ent, targaim, aim, AIM_SFANG_HITSCAN); break; case WEAP_C4: //CW... case WEAP_SHOCKRIFLE: case WEAP_ROCKETLAUNCHER: case WEAP_DISCLAUNCHER: case WEAP_ESG: case WEAP_FLAMETHROWER: if (ent->client->current_enemy != ent->client->prev_enemy) { if (ent->client->current_enemy->isabot) VectorSubtract(ent->client->current_enemy->s.origin, ent->client->current_enemy->s.old_origin, targaim); else { VectorCopy(ent->client->current_enemy->velocity, targaim); VectorScale(targaim, 32.0, targaim); } VectorNormalize(targaim); VectorMA(ent->client->current_enemy->s.origin, (11 - aim) * (dist / 25), targaim, targaim); } else { VectorSubtract(ent->client->current_enemy->s.origin, ent->client->targ_old_origin, targaim); targaim[2] *= 0.5; VectorMA(ent->client->current_enemy->s.origin, (-aim * myrandom) + (dist / 75), targaim, targaim); } tr = gi.trace(ent->client->current_enemy->s.origin, NULL, NULL, targaim, ent->client->current_enemy, MASK_SHOT); VectorCopy(tr.endpos, targaim); if (weapon == WEAP_ROCKETLAUNCHER) //CW { if (targaim[2] < (ent->s.origin[2] + JumpMax)) { vec3_t vtmp; targaim[2] -= 24; VectorCopy(ent->s.origin, vtmp); vtmp[2] += ent->viewheight - 8; tr = gi.trace(vtmp, NULL, NULL, targaim, ent, MASK_SHOT); if (tr.fraction != 1.0) targaim[2] += 24; } else { if (targaim[2] > ent->s.origin[2] + JumpMax) targaim[2] += 5; } } VectorSubtract(targaim, ent->s.origin, targaim); AdjustAngle(ent, targaim, aim, AIM_SFANG_PROJ); break; case WEAP_TRAP: //CW VectorCopy(ent->client->vtemp, targaim); VectorSubtract(targaim, ent->s.origin, targaim); VectorSet(ent->s.angles, (Get_pitch(targaim)), (Get_yaw(targaim)), 0.0F); break; default: break; } } //================================================= qboolean HasAmmoForWeapon(edict_t *self, gitem_t *weapon) { if (weapon == item_chainsaw) //CW return true; if ((int)dmflags->value & DF_INFINITE_AMMO) return true; return (self->client->pers.inventory[ITEM_INDEX(FindItem(weapon->ammo))] >= weapon->quantity); } //======================================================== gitem_t *GetWeaponType(int weapnum) { switch (weapnum) { case WEAP_CHAINSAW: return item_chainsaw; //CW... case WEAP_DESERTEAGLE: return item_deserteagle; case WEAP_GAUSSPISTOL: return item_gausspistol; case WEAP_JACKHAMMER: return item_jackhammer; case WEAP_MAC10: return item_mac10; case WEAP_ESG: return item_esg; case WEAP_C4: return item_c4; case WEAP_TRAP: return item_trap; case WEAP_ROCKETLAUNCHER: return item_rocketlauncher; case WEAP_FLAMETHROWER: return item_flamethrower; case WEAP_RAILGUN: return item_railgun; case WEAP_SHOCKRIFLE: return item_shockrifle; case WEAP_DISCLAUNCHER: return item_disclauncher; case WEAP_AGM: return item_agm; case WEAP_GRAPPLE: return item_grapple; } return item_chainsaw; } //============================================== qboolean CanUseWeapon(edict_t *ent, int weapnum) { gitem_t *weapon; //CW++ if ((weapnum == WEAP_FLAMETHROWER) && (ent->waterlevel > 1)) return false; //CW-- weapon = GetWeaponType(weapnum); if (ent->client->pers.inventory[ITEM_INDEX(weapon)]) { if (HasAmmoForWeapon(ent, weapon)) { if ((ent->client->weaponstate == WEAPON_READY) || (ent->client->weaponstate == WEAPON_FIRING)) //CW { if (ent->client->pers.weapon != weapon) { ent->client->newweapon = weapon; ChangeWeapon(ent); } return true; // true whether switched or not } } } return false; } //CW++ void UsePrimaryWeapon(edict_t *ent) { int my_weapon = GetKindWeapon(ent->client->pers.weapon); int primary_weapon = Bot[ent->client->pers.botindex].skill[PRIMARYWEAP]; if (my_weapon != primary_weapon) CanUseWeapon(ent, primary_weapon); } //CW-- //============================================== qboolean Pickup_Navi(edict_t *ent, edict_t *other) { int i; if (!(ent->spawnflags & DROPPED_ITEM)) { if (ent->item->quantity) SetRespawn(ent, ent->item->quantity); } // on door (up & down) if ((ent->item == item_navi3) && ent->union_ent) { qboolean flg = false; int j; int k; if (ent->target_ent == other) { other->client->movestate &= ~STS_WAITS; other->client->waiting_obj = ent->union_ent; if (ent->union_ent->spawnflags & PDOOR_TOGGLE) { if ((ent->union_ent->moveinfo.state == PSTATE_DOWN) || (ent->union_ent->moveinfo.state == PSTATE_BOTTOM)) other->client->movestate |= STS_W_ONDOORDWN; else other->client->movestate |= STS_W_ONDOORUP; } else { if ((ent->union_ent->moveinfo.state == PSTATE_DOWN) || (ent->union_ent->moveinfo.state == PSTATE_TOP)) other->client->movestate |= STS_W_ONDOORDWN; else if ((ent->union_ent->moveinfo.state == PSTATE_UP) || (ent->union_ent->moveinfo.state == PSTATE_BOTTOM)) other->client->movestate |= STS_W_ONDOORUP; } for (i =- MAX_DOORSEARCH; i < MAX_DOORSEARCH; i++) { if (i <= 0) j = other->client->pers.routeindex - (MAX_DOORSEARCH - i); else j = other->client->pers.routeindex+i; if (j < 0) continue; if (j >= TotalRouteNodes) continue; if (((Route[j].state == GRS_ONDOOR) && (Route[j].ent == ent->union_ent)) || (Route[j].state == GRS_PUSHBUTTON)) { vec3_t v; k = 1; flg = false; while (1) { if (j + k >= TotalRouteNodes) // overflow break; if (j + k >= other->client->pers.routeindex) { Get_RouteOrigin(j+k, v); if (fabs(v[2] - other->s.origin[2]) > JumpMax) { flg = true; break; } } k++; } if ((j + k < TotalRouteNodes) && flg) { other->client->pers.routeindex = j + k; // set! break; } } } if (!flg) other->client->movestate |= STS_W_DONT; // failed ent->target_ent = NULL; } // not target SetRespawn(ent, 1000000); ent->solid = SOLID_NOT; } else if (ent->item == item_navi2) { for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if ((other->client->pers.routeindex+i) >= TotalRouteNodes) break; if (!Route[other->client->pers.routeindex+i].index) break; if (Route[other->client->pers.routeindex+i].state != GRS_PUSHBUTTON) continue; if (Route[other->client->pers.routeindex+i].ent == ent->union_ent) { other->client->pers.routeindex += i + 1; break; } } } return true; } //============================================== qboolean B_UseWeapon(edict_t *ent, float aim, float distance, int my_weapon) //CW... { //(heavily modifed) qboolean see_enemy = false; edict_t *target = ent->client->current_enemy; vec3_t vdir; int enemy_weapon = 0; int skill; if (!CanUseWeapon(ent, my_weapon)) return false; GetAimAngle(ent, aim, distance); if (trace_priority < TRP_ANGLEKEEP) trace_priority = TRP_ANGLEKEEP; if (target->client) enemy_weapon = GetKindWeapon(target->client->pers.weapon); skill = Bot[ent->client->pers.botindex].skill[COMBATSKILL]; // Special weapon handling code: Rocket Launcher. if (my_weapon == WEAP_ROCKETLAUNCHER) { see_enemy = InSight(ent, target); if (SkillLevel[skill] & FIRE_PRESTAYFIRE) { if (((distance > 500) && (random() < 0.25)) || (fabs(ent->s.angles[PITCH]) > 45)) { if ((enemy_weapon < WEAP_ROCKETLAUNCHER) && (ent->groundentity || ent->client->waterstate) && see_enemy) { ent->client->battlemode |= FIRE_PRESTAYFIRE; ent->client->battlecount = 2 + (int)(6 * random()); trace_priority = TRP_ALLKEEP; return true; } } } // Check for jumping-when-firing-rockets and explosion-avoidance skill use. if ((SkillLevel[skill] & FIRE_JUMPROC) && (random() < 0.3) && ((target->s.origin[2] - ent->s.origin[2]) < JumpMax) && !(ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags && PMF_DUCKED)) { if (ent->groundentity && (ent->waterlevel < 2)) { if (ent->client->routetrace) { if (Bot_Fall(ent, ent->s.origin, 0)) { trace_priority = TRP_ALLKEEP; if (see_enemy) ent->client->buttons |= BUTTON_ATTACK; return true; } } else { ent->moveinfo.speed = 0; ent->velocity[2] = VEL_BOT_JUMP; SetBotAnim(ent); trace_priority = TRP_ALLKEEP; if (see_enemy) ent->client->buttons |= BUTTON_ATTACK; return true; } } } else if ((SkillLevel[skill] & FIRE_AVOIDEXPLO) && see_enemy && (distance < 120) && (random() < 0.5)) { if (ent->groundentity || ent->client->waterstate) { ent->client->battlemode |= FIRE_AVOIDEXPLO; ent->client->battlecount = 4 + (int)(6 * random()); trace_priority = TRP_ALLKEEP; return true; } } if (see_enemy) ent->client->buttons |= BUTTON_ATTACK; return true; } // Special weapon handling code: Shock Rifle and Disc Launcher. else if ((my_weapon == WEAP_SHOCKRIFLE) || (my_weapon == WEAP_DISCLAUNCHER)) { see_enemy = InSight(ent, target); if (see_enemy) VectorCopy(target->s.origin, ent->client->vtemp); if (SkillLevel[skill] & FIRE_STAYFIRE) { if (see_enemy) { ent->client->battlemode |= FIRE_STAYFIRE; ent->client->battlecount = 8 + (int)(10 * random()); trace_priority = TRP_ALLKEEP; return true; } } // Check for explosion avoidance (SR). else if (my_weapon == WEAP_SHOCKRIFLE) { if ((SkillLevel[skill] & FIRE_AVOIDEXPLO) && see_enemy && (distance < 150)) { if (ent->groundentity || ent->client->waterstate) { ent->client->battlemode |= FIRE_AVOIDEXPLO; ent->client->battlecount = 6 + (int)(6 * random()); trace_priority = TRP_ALLKEEP; return true; } } } } // Special weapon handling code: C4. else if (my_weapon == WEAP_C4) { ent->client->battlemode |= FIRE_C4; ent->client->battlecount = 4 + (int)(8 * random()); trace_priority = TRP_ALLKEEP; if (ent->client->weaponstate == WEAPON_READY) ent->client->buttons |= BUTTON_ATTACK; return true; } // Special weapon handling code: Traps. else if (my_weapon == WEAP_TRAP) { see_enemy = InSight(ent, target); if (see_enemy) VectorCopy(target->s.origin, ent->client->vtemp); else { AngleVectors(ent->client->v_angle, vdir, NULL, NULL); VectorMA(ent->s.origin, 500.0, vdir, ent->client->vtemp); } } ent->client->buttons |= BUTTON_ATTACK; return true; } //====================================================== //=========== BOT FIGHTING/COMBAT FUNCTIONS ============ //====================================================== //============================================== void Combat_LevelX(edict_t *ent, float distance) { vec3_t vdir; qboolean use_weapon = false; //CW++ if (ent->client->battlemode & FIRE_ESTIMATE) { float aim = 10.0 - Bot[ent->client->pers.botindex].skill[AIMACCURACY]; //CW++ //only use speculative fire for certain weapons switch (GetKindWeapon(ent->client->pers.weapon)) { case WEAP_DESERTEAGLE: if ((distance < 1200) && B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_DESERTEAGLE)) use_weapon = true; break; case WEAP_JACKHAMMER: if ((distance < 700) && B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_JACKHAMMER)) use_weapon = true; break; case WEAP_MAC10: if ((distance < 400) && B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_MAC10)) use_weapon = true; break; case WEAP_ESG: if ((distance < 1200) && B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_ESG)) use_weapon = true; break; case WEAP_C4: if ((distance < 800) && B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_C4)) use_weapon = true; break; case WEAP_TRAP: if ((distance < 800) && B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_TRAP)) use_weapon = true; break; case WEAP_ROCKETLAUNCHER: if ((distance > 100) && (distance < 1200) && B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_ROCKETLAUNCHER)) use_weapon = true; break; case WEAP_FLAMETHROWER: if ((distance > 100) && (distance < 1000) && B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_FLAMETHROWER)) { use_weapon = true; ent->client->ft_firebomb = true; } break; case WEAP_SHOCKRIFLE: if ((distance > 100) && (distance < 1200) && B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_SHOCKRIFLE)) { use_weapon = true; ent->client->homing_plasma = true; } break; case WEAP_DISCLAUNCHER: if ((distance < 1200) && B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_DISCLAUNCHER)) use_weapon = true; break; } //CW-- VectorSubtract(ent->client->vtemp, ent->s.origin, vdir); ent->s.angles[YAW] = Get_yaw(vdir); ent->s.angles[PITCH] = Get_pitch(vdir); trace_priority = (use_weapon) ? TRP_ALLKEEP : TRP_ANGLEKEEP; //CW return; } VectorSubtract(ent->client->current_enemy->s.origin, ent->s.origin, vdir); ent->s.angles[YAW] = Get_yaw(vdir); ent->s.angles[PITCH] = Get_pitch(vdir); trace_priority = TRP_ANGLEKEEP; // use this angle //CW } //============================================== void Combat_Normal(edict_t *ent, float distance) { edict_t *target; trace_t tr; vec3_t v; vec3_t vv; float aim; float f; qboolean danger; qboolean shift; int i; //CW++ vec3_t vdir; qboolean quad_weapon = false; int my_weapon; int enemy_weapon = 0; int skill; //CW-- // Set-up useful variables. aim = 10.0 - Bot[ent->client->pers.botindex].skill[AIMACCURACY]; target = ent->client->current_enemy; my_weapon = GetKindWeapon(ent->client->pers.weapon); //CW //CW++ if (target->client) enemy_weapon = GetKindWeapon(target->client->pers.weapon); skill = Bot[ent->client->pers.botindex].skill[COMBATSKILL]; //CW-- // Modify aiming for chicken-shooting. if (ent->client->battlemode == FIRE_CHICKEN) aim *= BOT_CHICKENAIM_FACTOR; //CW // Battlemode handling: strafing movement. if (ent->client->battlemode & FIRE_SHIFT) //CW... { GetAimAngle(ent, aim, distance); if (--ent->client->battlesubcnt > 0) { if (ent->groundentity) { if (ent->client->battlemode & FIRE_SHIFT_R) { ent->client->moveyaw = ent->s.angles[YAW] + 90; if (ent->client->moveyaw > 180) ent->client->moveyaw -= 360; } else { ent->client->moveyaw = ent->s.angles[YAW] - 90; if (ent->client->moveyaw < -180) ent->client->moveyaw += 360; } trace_priority = TRP_MOVEKEEP; } } else ent->client->battlemode &= ~FIRE_SHIFT; } // Try to dodge (duck or jump) if we have that combat skill. if (SkillLevel[skill] & FIRE_DODGE) //CW { if (ent->groundentity && !ent->waterlevel && target->client) { AngleVectors(target->client->v_angle, v, NULL, NULL); VectorScale(v, BOT_DODGE_ENEMYRANGE, v); //CW VectorSet(vv, 0, 0, target->viewheight - 8); VectorAdd(target->s.origin, vv, vv); VectorAdd(vv, v, v); tr = gi.trace(vv, VEC_TMINS4, VEC_TMAXS4, v, target, MASK_SHOT); //CW if (tr.ent == ent) { if (tr.endpos[2] > ent->s.origin[2] + 4) { if (random() < 0.4) { ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags |= PMF_DUCKED; ent->client->battleduckcnt = 2 + (8 * random()); } } else if (tr.endpos[2] < ent->s.origin[2] + JumpMax - 24) { if (ent->client->routetrace) { if (Bot_Fall(ent, ent->s.origin, 0)) trace_priority = TRP_MOVEKEEP; } else { ent->moveinfo.speed = 0.5; ent->velocity[2] = VEL_BOT_JUMP; ent->client->anim_priority = ANIM_JUMP; //CW++ gi.sound(ent, CHAN_VOICE, gi.soundindex("*jump1.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); PlayerNoise(ent, ent->s.origin, PNOISE_SELF); //CW-- } } } } } // Battlemode handling: ignore current enemy. if (ent->client->battlemode & FIRE_IGNORE) //CW... { if (--ent->client->battlecount > 0) { if (ent->client->current_enemy == ent->client->prev_enemy) return; } ent->client->battlemode = FIRE_NULL; } // Battlemode handling: pre hold-and-fire state. if (ent->client->battlemode & FIRE_PRESTAYFIRE) //CW... { if (--ent->client->battlecount > 0) { GetAimAngle(ent, aim, distance); if (ent->groundentity) { if (target->client && (target->client->weaponstate == WEAPON_FIRING)) { if ((enemy_weapon != WEAP_DESERTEAGLE) && (enemy_weapon != WEAP_RAILGUN) && (enemy_weapon != WEAP_CHAINSAW)) ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags |= PMF_DUCKED; } } trace_priority = TRP_ALLKEEP; return; } if (!(ent->client->battlemode & FIRE_SHIFT)) ent->client->battlemode = FIRE_STAYFIRE; ent->client->battlecount = 5 + (int)(20 * random()); } // Battlemode handling: hold-and-fire state. if (ent->client->battlemode & FIRE_STAYFIRE) //CW... { if (--ent->client->battlecount > 0) { aim *= 0.95; GetAimAngle(ent, aim, distance); if (ent->groundentity && target->client && (target->client->weaponstate == WEAPON_FIRING)) { if ((enemy_weapon != WEAP_DESERTEAGLE) && (enemy_weapon != WEAP_RAILGUN) && (enemy_weapon != WEAP_CHAINSAW)) ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags |= PMF_DUCKED; } if (!(ent->client->battlemode & FIRE_SHIFT)) trace_priority = TRP_ALLKEEP; my_weapon = GetKindWeapon(ent->client->pers.weapon); if (my_weapon == WEAP_SHOCKRIFLE) ent->client->homing_plasma = (distance > 600) ? true : false; ent->client->buttons |= BUTTON_ATTACK; return; } ent->client->battlemode = FIRE_NULL; } // Battlemode handling: charge the enemy (we'll be Quadded). if (ent->client->battlemode & FIRE_RUSH) //CW... { if (--ent->client->battlecount > 0) { aim *= 0.95; GetAimAngle(ent, aim, distance); my_weapon = GetKindWeapon(ent->client->pers.weapon); if (ent->groundentity && target->client && (target->client->weaponstate == WEAPON_FIRING)) { if ((enemy_weapon != WEAP_DESERTEAGLE) && (enemy_weapon != WEAP_RAILGUN) && (enemy_weapon != WEAP_CHAINSAW)) ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags |= PMF_DUCKED; } trace_priority = TRP_MOVEKEEP; ent->client->moveyaw = ent->s.angles[YAW]; if ((my_weapon == WEAP_DISCLAUNCHER) || InSight(ent, target)) ent->client->buttons |= BUTTON_ATTACK; return; } ent->client->battlemode = FIRE_NULL; } // Battlemode handling: avoid our own weapon explosions. if (ent->client->battlemode & FIRE_AVOIDEXPLO) //CW... { if (--ent->client->battlecount > 0) { GetAimAngle(ent, aim, distance); my_weapon = GetKindWeapon(ent->client->pers.weapon); if (ent->groundentity && (target->client->weaponstate == WEAPON_FIRING)) { if ((enemy_weapon != WEAP_DESERTEAGLE) && (enemy_weapon != WEAP_RAILGUN) && (enemy_weapon != WEAP_CHAINSAW)) ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags |= PMF_DUCKED; } trace_priority = TRP_MOVEKEEP; ent->client->moveyaw = ent->s.angles[YAW] + 180; if (ent->client->moveyaw > 180) ent->client->moveyaw -= 360; if (InSight(ent, target)) ent->client->buttons |= BUTTON_ATTACK; return; } ent->client->battlemode = FIRE_NULL; } //CW++ // Battlemode handling: throwing C4. if (ent->client->battlemode & FIRE_C4) { if (--ent->client->battlecount > 0) { GetAimAngle(ent, aim, distance); if (ent->groundentity && target->client && (target->client->weaponstate == WEAPON_FIRING)) { if ((enemy_weapon != WEAP_DESERTEAGLE) && (enemy_weapon != WEAP_RAILGUN) && (enemy_weapon != WEAP_CHAINSAW)) ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags |= PMF_DUCKED; } trace_priority = TRP_ANGLEKEEP; ent->client->buttons |= BUTTON_ATTACK; return; } ent->client->buttons &= ~BUTTON_ATTACK; ent->client->battlemode = FIRE_NULL; } //CW-- // Battlemode handling: back-tracking with defensive fire. if (ent->client->battlemode & FIRE_REFUGE) //CW... { if (--ent->client->battlecount > 0) { aim *= 0.95; GetAimAngle(ent, aim, distance); my_weapon = GetKindWeapon(ent->client->pers.weapon); if (ent->groundentity && target->client && (target->client->weaponstate == WEAPON_FIRING)) { if ((enemy_weapon != WEAP_DESERTEAGLE) && (enemy_weapon != WEAP_RAILGUN) && (enemy_weapon != WEAP_CHAINSAW)) ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags |= PMF_DUCKED; } trace_priority = TRP_ANGLEKEEP; if ((my_weapon == WEAP_DISCLAUNCHER) || InSight(ent, target)) ent->client->buttons |= BUTTON_ATTACK; return; } ent->client->battlemode = FIRE_NULL; ent->client->pers.routeindex -= 2; } // We can see the enemy far below us, and we're on a moving door/plat/train, so fire splash-damage weapons. if (!(ent->client->combatstate & CTS_ENEM_NSEE) && (ent->client->movestate & STS_WAITSMASK2)) //CW... { if (target->s.origin[2] - ent->s.origin[2] < -300) //CW { //CW++ //SR if (CanUseWeapon(ent, WEAP_SHOCKRIFLE)) { GetAimAngle(ent, aim, distance); ent->client->homing_plasma = false; trace_priority = TRP_ANGLEKEEP; ent->client->buttons |= BUTTON_ATTACK; return; } //RL if (CanUseWeapon(ent, WEAP_ROCKETLAUNCHER)) { GetAimAngle(ent, aim, distance); trace_priority = TRP_ANGLEKEEP; ent->client->buttons |= BUTTON_ATTACK; return; } //FT if (CanUseWeapon(ent, WEAP_FLAMETHROWER)) { GetAimAngle(ent, aim, distance); ent->client->ft_firebomb = true; trace_priority = TRP_ANGLEKEEP; ent->client->buttons |= BUTTON_ATTACK; return; } //C4 if (CanUseWeapon(ent, WEAP_C4)) { GetAimAngle(ent, aim, distance); ent->client->battlemode |= FIRE_C4; ent->client->battlecount = 4 + (int)(8 * random()); trace_priority = TRP_ANGLEKEEP; if (ent->client->weaponstate == WEAPON_READY) ent->client->buttons |= BUTTON_ATTACK; return; } //CW-- } } // Initiate further dodging (left/right strafing) if we have that combat skill. if (!(ent->client->battlemode & FIRE_SHIFT) && (SkillLevel[skill] & FIRE_DODGE)) //CW... { shift = true; if (ent->client->routetrace && (enemy_weapon != WEAP_RAILGUN)) { for (i = ent->client->pers.routeindex; i < (ent->client->pers.routeindex + 10); i++) { if (i >= TotalRouteNodes) break; if (Route[i].state == GRS_ITEMS) { if (Route[i].ent->solid == SOLID_TRIGGER) { shift = false; break; } } } } if (shift) { GetAimAngle(ent, aim, distance); f = target->s.angles[YAW] - ent->s.angles[YAW]; if (f > 180) f = -(360 - f); else if (f < -180) f = -(f + 360); if (f <= -160) { ent->client->battlemode |= FIRE_SHIFT_L; ent->client->battlesubcnt = 5 + (int)(15 * random()); } else if (f >= 160) { ent->client->battlemode |= FIRE_SHIFT_R; ent->client->battlesubcnt = 5 + (int)(15 * random()); } } } //================================================ // Avoid an invincible enemy if we have that combat skill. if (target->client && (target->client->invincible_framenum > level.framenum)) //CW... { if (SkillLevel[skill] & FIRE_AVOIDINVULN) { GetAimAngle(ent, aim, distance); trace_priority = TRP_MOVEKEEP; ent->client->moveyaw = ent->s.angles[YAW] + 180; // turn around! if (ent->client->moveyaw > 180) ent->client->moveyaw -= 360; return; } } //================================================ // Choose a good weapon to use with the Quad if we have that combat skill. if ((ent->client->quad_framenum > level.framenum) && (SkillLevel[skill] & FIRE_QUADUSE)) //CW... { //CW++ if (CanUseWeapon(ent, WEAP_AGM)) { quad_weapon = true; ent->client->agm_disrupt = true; my_weapon = WEAP_AGM; } else if (CanUseWeapon(ent, WEAP_MAC10)) { quad_weapon = true; my_weapon = WEAP_MAC10; } else if (CanUseWeapon(ent, WEAP_JACKHAMMER)) { quad_weapon = true; my_weapon = WEAP_JACKHAMMER; } else if (CanUseWeapon(ent, WEAP_SHOCKRIFLE)) { quad_weapon = true; ent->client->homing_plasma = (distance < BOT_RUSH_ENEMYRANGE) ? false : true; my_weapon = WEAP_SHOCKRIFLE; } else if (CanUseWeapon(ent, WEAP_FLAMETHROWER)) { quad_weapon = true; ent->client->ft_firebomb = (distance < BOT_RUSH_ENEMYRANGE) ? false : true; my_weapon = WEAP_FLAMETHROWER; } else if (CanUseWeapon(ent, WEAP_DESERTEAGLE)) { quad_weapon = true; my_weapon = WEAP_DESERTEAGLE; } //CW-- if (quad_weapon) { GetAimAngle(ent, aim, distance); ent->client->buttons |= BUTTON_ATTACK; trace_priority = TRP_ANGLEKEEP; // If close to the enemy and they're carrying a weaker weapon, rush them! if ((distance < BOT_RUSH_ENEMYRANGE) && ((enemy_weapon == WEAP_CHAINSAW) || (enemy_weapon == WEAP_C4) || (enemy_weapon == WEAP_TRAP))) { //CW++ // Don't rush in if we know to avoid our own weapon explosions. if (SkillLevel[skill] & FIRE_AVOIDEXPLO) { if ((my_weapon == WEAP_ROCKETLAUNCHER) || (my_weapon == WEAP_SHOCKRIFLE)) return; } //CW-- ent->client->battlemode |= FIRE_RUSH; ent->client->battlecount = 10 + (int)(10 * random()); } return; } } //================================================ // Back-track with defensive fire if we have that skill. if (SkillLevel[skill] & FIRE_REFUGE) //CW... { if ((ent->client->battlemode == FIRE_NULL) && ent->client->routetrace && (ent->client->pers.routeindex > 1)) { danger = ((enemy_weapon != WEAP_CHAINSAW) && (enemy_weapon != WEAP_C4) && (enemy_weapon != WEAP_TRAP) && (enemy_weapon != WEAP_GRAPPLE) && (enemy_weapon != WEAP_DESERTEAGLE)) ? 1 : 0; Get_RouteOrigin(ent->client->pers.routeindex - 2, v); if ((fabs(v[2] - ent->s.origin[2]) < JumpMax) && danger) { my_weapon = GetKindWeapon(ent->client->pers.weapon); if ((my_weapon == WEAP_ROCKETLAUNCHER) || (my_weapon == WEAP_SHOCKRIFLE)) { ent->client->battlemode |= FIRE_REFUGE; ent->client->battlecount = 10 + (int)(10 * random()); trace_priority = TRP_ALLKEEP; return; } } } } if (!ent->client->routetrace && (distance < 100)) { ent->client->battlecount = 4 + (int)(8 * random()); trace_priority = TRP_ALLKEEP; } //CW++ // If we're being held by a trap, the sensible weapon priority list for destroying it is different. if (ent->client->current_enemy && ent->client->current_enemy->die && (ent->client->current_enemy->die == Trap_DieFromDamage)) { if (B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_MAC10)) goto FIRED; if (B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_JACKHAMMER)) goto FIRED; if ((ent->waterlevel < 2) && B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_FLAMETHROWER)) { ent->client->ft_firebomb = false; goto FIRED; } if (B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_DESERTEAGLE)) goto FIRED; if (B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_CHAINSAW)) goto FIRED; } // Try to select our primary weapon first. switch (Bot[ent->client->pers.botindex].skill[PRIMARYWEAP]) { case WEAP_CHAINSAW: if ((distance < 300) && B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_CHAINSAW)) goto FIRED; break; case WEAP_DESERTEAGLE: if ((distance < 1000) && B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_DESERTEAGLE)) goto FIRED; break; case WEAP_GAUSSPISTOL: if ((distance < 1500) && B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_GAUSSPISTOL)) goto FIRED; break; case WEAP_JACKHAMMER: if ((distance < 700) && B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_JACKHAMMER)) goto FIRED; break; case WEAP_MAC10: if ((distance < 500) && B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_MAC10)) goto FIRED; break; case WEAP_ESG: if ((distance < 1000) && B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_ESG)) goto FIRED; break; case WEAP_C4: if ((distance < 600) && B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_C4)) goto FIRED; break; case WEAP_ROCKETLAUNCHER: if ((distance < 1200) && B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_ROCKETLAUNCHER)) { ent->client->normal_rockets = true; goto FIRED; } break; case WEAP_FLAMETHROWER: if ((ent->waterlevel < 2) && (distance < 1000) && B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_FLAMETHROWER)) { ent->client->ft_firebomb = (distance > 500) ? true : false; goto FIRED; } break; case WEAP_RAILGUN: if ((distance < 1500) && B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_RAILGUN)) goto FIRED; break; case WEAP_SHOCKRIFLE: if ((distance < 1600) && B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_SHOCKRIFLE)) { ent->client->homing_plasma = (distance > 700) ? true : false; goto FIRED; } break; case WEAP_DISCLAUNCHER: if ((distance < 1000) && B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_DISCLAUNCHER)) goto FIRED; break; case WEAP_AGM: if ((distance < 1200) && B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_AGM)) { ent->client->agm_disrupt = true; goto FIRED; } break; } // If we don't have our primary weapon, select the best one from our inventory. //Mac-10 if (distance < 500) { if (B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_MAC10)) goto FIRED; } //Shock Rifle if (distance < 1600) { if (B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_SHOCKRIFLE)) { ent->client->homing_plasma = (distance > 700) ? true : false; goto FIRED; } } //Jackhammer if (distance < 700) { if (B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_JACKHAMMER)) goto FIRED; } //Flamethrower - normal if ((distance < 500) && (ent->waterlevel < 2)) { if (B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_FLAMETHROWER)) { ent->client->ft_firebomb = false; goto FIRED; } } //Gauss Pistol if (distance < 1500) { if (B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_GAUSSPISTOL)) goto FIRED; } //Railgun if (distance < 1500) { if (B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_RAILGUN)) goto FIRED; } // AGM - Cellular Disruptor if (distance < 1200) { if (B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_AGM)) { ent->client->agm_disrupt = true; goto FIRED; } } //Rocket Launcher if (distance < 1200) { if (B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_ROCKETLAUNCHER)) { ent->client->normal_rockets = true; goto FIRED; } } //E.S.G. if (distance < 1000) { if (B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_ESG)) goto FIRED; } //Disc Launcher if (distance < 1000) { if (B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_DISCLAUNCHER)) goto FIRED; } //Flamethrower - firebomb if ((distance < 1000) && (ent->waterlevel < 2)) { if (B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_FLAMETHROWER)) { ent->client->ft_firebomb = true; goto FIRED; } } //C4 if (distance < 600) { if (B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_C4)) goto FIRED; } //Desert Eagle if (distance < 1000) { if (B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_DESERTEAGLE)) goto FIRED; } // Should be firing? if (ent->groundentity && (distance > 400) && (SkillLevel[skill] & FIRE_IGNORE)) //CW { if (!(ent->client->movestate & STS_WAITSMASK)) { ent->client->battlemode = FIRE_IGNORE; ent->client->battlecount = 5 + (int)(10 * random()); } } //Traps if (distance > 150) { if (B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_TRAP)) goto FIRED; } //Chainsaw if (distance < 300) { if (B_UseWeapon(ent, aim, distance, WEAP_CHAINSAW)) goto FIRED; } VectorSubtract(ent->client->vtemp, ent->s.origin, vdir); ent->s.angles[YAW] = Get_yaw(vdir); ent->s.angles[PITCH] = Get_pitch(vdir); trace_priority = TRP_ANGLEKEEP; //CW-- return; FIRED: // shoot the weapon //CW++ my_weapon = GetKindWeapon(ent->client->pers.weapon); // If we're using the AGM and it's charging, release the fire button. if ((my_weapon == WEAP_AGM) && ent->client->agm_tripped) ent->client->buttons &= ~BUTTON_ATTACK; //CW-- if (ent->client->battlemode == FIRE_CHICKEN) { if ((--ent->client->battlesubcnt > 0) && ent->groundentity && (ent->waterlevel < 2)) { f = target->s.angles[YAW] - ent->s.angles[YAW]; if (f > 180) f = -(360 - f); if (f < -180) f = -(f + 360); if (fabs(f) >= 150) ent->client->battlemode = FIRE_NULL; else { trace_priority = TRP_ALLKEEP; if ((ent->client->weaponstate != WEAPON_READY) && (target->s.origin[2] < ent->s.origin[2])) { if ((my_weapon == WEAP_ROCKETLAUNCHER) || (my_weapon == WEAP_RAILGUN) || (my_weapon == WEAP_ESG)) ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags |= PMF_DUCKED; else if (skill >= 7) //CW { if ((my_weapon == WEAP_GAUSSPISTOL) || (my_weapon == WEAP_DESERTEAGLE)) //CW ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags |= PMF_DUCKED; } } } return; } else ent->client->battlemode = FIRE_NULL; } else if ((ent->client->battlemode == FIRE_NULL) && (distance > 200) && ent->groundentity && (ent->waterlevel < 2)) { if (9 * random() > Bot[ent->client->pers.botindex].skill[AGGRESSION]) { if ((my_weapon > WEAP_CHAINSAW) && (my_weapon != WEAP_GRAPPLE) && target->client && (target->client->current_enemy != ent)) //CW { f = target->s.angles[YAW] - ent->s.angles[YAW]; if (f > 180) f = -(360 - f); if (f < -180) f = -(f + 360); if (fabs(f) < 150) { ent->client->battlemode = FIRE_CHICKEN; ent->client->battlesubcnt = 5 + (int)(random() * 8); trace_priority = TRP_ALLKEEP; } } } } } //============================================================ void Set_Combatstate(edict_t *ent) { edict_t *enemy; //CW++ vec3_t vtmp; float distance; if (ent->client->movestate & STS_LADDERUP) return; //CW++ enemy = ent->client->current_enemy; if (!(enemy && enemy->die && (enemy->die == Trap_DieFromDamage))) { if (!enemy) { ent->client->combatstate &= ~CTS_COMBS; //clear status return; } //target is dead if (!enemy->inuse || enemy->deadflag || (enemy->solid != SOLID_BBOX)) { ent->client->battleduckcnt = 0; ent->client->current_enemy = NULL; ent->client->combatstate &= ~CTS_COMBS; // clear status if ((9 * random()) < Bot[ent->client->pers.botindex].skill[COMBATSKILL]) UsePrimaryWeapon(ent); return; } } if (!enemy) { ent->client->combatstate &= ~CTS_COMBS; //clear status return; } //CW-- if (!Bot_trace(ent, ent->client->current_enemy)) { if (ent->client->targetlock <= level.time) { ent->client->current_enemy = NULL; return; } ent->client->combatstate |= CTS_ENEM_NSEE; //can't see enemy } else { ent->client->combatstate &= ~CTS_ENEM_NSEE; //can see enemy ent->client->targetlock = level.time + 1.2; ent->client->battlemode &= ~FIRE_ESTIMATE; } VectorSubtract(ent->client->current_enemy->s.origin, ent->s.origin, vtmp); distance = VectorLength(vtmp); if (!(ent->client->combatstate & CTS_ENEM_NSEE)) Combat_Normal(ent, distance); else if (ent->client->battlemode & FIRE_REFUGE) //CW: was combatstate Combat_Normal(ent, distance); else Combat_LevelX(ent, distance); if (ent->client->current_enemy) { ent->client->prev_enemy = ent->client->current_enemy; VectorCopy(ent->client->current_enemy->s.origin, ent->client->targ_old_origin); } } //==================================================== //============ BOT ENEMY SEARCHING ROUTINES ========== //==================================================== //==================================================== void Bot_SearchEnemy(edict_t *ent) { qboolean tmpflg = false; edict_t *target = NULL; edict_t *trent; vec3_t vdir; vec3_t end; //CW++ int i; int j; if (ent->client->current_enemy) { if (Bot_trace(ent, ent->client->current_enemy)) tmpflg = true; } j = (random() < 0.5) ? 0 : -1; for (i = 1; (i <= maxclients->value) && (target == NULL); i++) //CW { if (j) trent = &g_edicts[i]; else trent = &g_edicts[(int)(maxclients->value)-i+1]; if (!trent->inuse || (ent == trent) || trent->deadflag) continue; if (ent->client->current_enemy == trent) continue; if (ent->client->current_enemy && (ent->client->current_enemy->health < 1)) continue; // raven - added deadflag check //CW++ if (CheckTeamDamage(trent, ent)) // don't target team members in TDM continue; if (trent->flags & FL_NOTARGET) continue; //CW-- if (trent->movetype != MOVETYPE_NOCLIP) { if (InSight(ent, trent)) { VectorSubtract(trent->s.origin, ent->s.origin, vdir); if (!tmpflg && (target == NULL)) { float vr = (float)Bot[ent->client->pers.botindex].skill[VRANGEVIEW]; float hr = (float)Bot[ent->client->pers.botindex].skill[HRANGEVIEW]; float pitch = fabs(Get_pitch(vdir) - ent->s.angles[PITCH]); if (pitch > 180) pitch = 360 - pitch; if (pitch <= vr) { float yaw = Get_yaw(vdir); yaw = fabs(yaw - ent->s.angles[YAW]); if (yaw > 180) yaw = 360 - yaw; if ((yaw <= hr) || (ent->client->movestate & STS_WAITS)) target = trent; } } if (!tmpflg && (target == NULL) && trent->mynoise && trent->mynoise2) { if (trent->mynoise->teleport_time >= level.time - FRAMETIME) { VectorSubtract(trent->mynoise->s.origin, ent->s.origin, vdir); if (VectorLength(vdir) < BOT_PNOISE_SELF_DIST) //CW target = trent; } if ((target == NULL) && (trent->mynoise2->teleport_time >= level.time - FRAMETIME)) { VectorSubtract(trent->mynoise2->s.origin, ent->s.origin, vdir); //CW if (VectorLength(vdir) < BOT_PNOISE_IMPACT_DIST) //CW target = trent; } } } else if (!tmpflg && trent->mynoise && trent->mynoise2) //CW... { if ((target == NULL) && (trent->mynoise->teleport_time >= level.time - FRAMETIME)) { trace_t tr; AngleVectors(trent->client->v_angle, vdir, NULL, NULL); VectorScale(vdir, BOT_PNOISE_RADIUS, vdir); VectorAdd(trent->s.origin, vdir, end); tr = gi.trace(trent->s.origin, NULL, NULL, end, trent, MASK_SHOT); VectorSubtract(ent->s.origin, tr.endpos, vdir); if (VectorLength(vdir) < BOT_PNOISE_SELF_DIST) { VectorCopy(tr.endpos, end); tr = gi.trace(ent->s.origin, NULL, NULL, end, ent, MASK_SHOT); if (tr.fraction == 1.0) { target = trent; ent->client->battlemode |= FIRE_ESTIMATE; VectorCopy(end, ent->client->vtemp); } } } //CW++ if ((target == NULL) && (trent->mynoise2->teleport_time >= level.time - FRAMETIME)) { VectorSubtract(trent->mynoise2->s.origin, ent->s.origin, vdir); if (VectorLength(vdir) < BOT_PNOISE_IMPACT_DIST) { target = trent; ent->client->battlemode |= FIRE_ESTIMATE; VectorCopy(trent->mynoise2->s.origin, ent->client->vtemp); } } //CW-- } } } if (target && !tmpflg) { ent->client->current_enemy = target; ent->client->targetlock = level.time + 2.0; //CW++ } else if (target && ent->client->current_enemy) { if (target->client && GetKindWeapon(target->client->pers.weapon) > GetKindWeapon(ent->client->current_enemy->client->pers.weapon)) //CW { ent->client->current_enemy = target; ent->client->targetlock = level.time + 2.0; //CW++ } } } //============================================== //============ ITEM HANDLING ROUTINES ========== //============================================== //============================================== void InitAllItems(void) { // set IT_ARMOR lookups item_jacketarmor = FindItem("Jacket Armor"); item_combatarmor = FindItem("Combat Armor"); item_bodyarmor = FindItem("Body Armor"); item_armorshard = FindItem("Armor Shard"); item_powerscreen = FindItem("Power Screen"); item_powershield = FindItem("Power Shield"); // set IT_AMMO lookups item_shells = FindItem("shells"); item_cells = FindItem("cells"); item_bullets = FindItem("bullets"); item_rockets = FindItem("rockets"); item_slugs = FindItem("slugs"); //CW++ // set IT_WEAPON lookups item_chainsaw = FindItem("chainsaw"); item_deserteagle = FindItem("desert eagle"); item_gausspistol = FindItem("gauss pistol"); item_jackhammer = FindItem("jackhammer"); item_c4 = FindItem("c4"); item_mac10 = FindItem("mac-10"); item_esg = FindItem("e.s.g."); item_trap = FindItem("traps"); item_rocketlauncher = FindItem("rocket launcher"); item_railgun = FindItem("railgun"); item_flamethrower = FindItem("flamethrower"); item_shockrifle = FindItem("shock rifle"); item_disclauncher = FindItem("disc launcher"); item_agm = FindItem("ag manipulator"); item_grapple = FindItem("grapple"); //CW-- // set IT_HEALTH lookups item_adrenaline = FindItem("Adrenaline"); item_health = FindItem("Health"); item_stimpak = FindItem("Health"); item_health_large = FindItem("Health"); item_health_mega = FindItem("Health"); // set IT_POWERUP lookups item_quad = FindItem("Quad Damage"); item_invulnerability = FindItem("Invulnerability"); item_silencer = FindItem("Silencer"); item_breather = FindItem("Rebreather"); item_enviro = FindItem("Environment Suit"); //CW++ item_teleporter = FindItem("Teleporter"); //CW-- // set IT_PACK lookups item_pack = FindItem("Ammo Pack"); item_bandolier = FindItem("Bandolier"); // set IT_NODE lookups item_navi1 = FindItem("Roam Navi1"); item_navi2 = FindItem("Roam Navi2"); item_navi3 = FindItem("Roam Navi3"); } //============================================== int GetKindWeapon(gitem_t *it) { //CW++ if (!it) return 0; //CW-- if (it->weaponthink == Weapon_DesertEagle) return WEAP_DESERTEAGLE; //CW... if (it->weaponthink == Weapon_GaussPistol) return WEAP_GAUSSPISTOL; if (it->weaponthink == Weapon_Jackhammer) return WEAP_JACKHAMMER; if (it->weaponthink == Weapon_Mac10) return WEAP_MAC10; if (it->weaponthink == Weapon_ESG) return WEAP_ESG; if (it->weaponthink == Weapon_C4) return WEAP_C4; if (it->weaponthink == Weapon_Trap) return WEAP_TRAP; if (it->weaponthink == Weapon_RocketLauncher) return WEAP_ROCKETLAUNCHER; if (it->weaponthink == Weapon_Flamethrower) return WEAP_FLAMETHROWER; if (it->weaponthink == Weapon_Railgun) return WEAP_RAILGUN; if (it->weaponthink == Weapon_ShockRifle) return WEAP_SHOCKRIFLE; if (it->weaponthink == Weapon_DiscLauncher) return WEAP_DISCLAUNCHER; if (it->weaponthink == Weapon_AGM) return WEAP_AGM; if (it->weaponthink == CTFWeapon_Grapple) return WEAP_GRAPPLE; return WEAP_CHAINSAW; } //==================================================== //============ BOT MOVEMENT TESTING ROUTINES ========= //==================================================== //============================================================ int Bot_TestMove(edict_t *ent, float ryaw, vec3_t pos, float dist, float *bottom) { vec3_t trstart; vec3_t trend; vec3_t trmin; vec3_t trmax; vec3_t v; vec3_t vv; trace_t tr; float tracelimit; float yaw; int contents; if (ent->waterlevel >= 1) tracelimit = 75; else { if (ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED) tracelimit = 26; else tracelimit = JumpMax + 5; } VectorSet(trmin, -16, -16, -24); VectorSet(trmax, 16, 16, 3); if (ent->client->routetrace) VectorSet(vv, 16, 16, 0); else VectorSet(vv, 16, 16, 3); if (ent->client->routetrace) { if (ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED) { if (ent->waterlevel < 2) { Get_RouteOrigin(ent->client->pers.routeindex, v); if ((v[2] - ent->s.origin[2]) > 20) trmax[2] = 31; } } } yaw = DEG2RAD(ryaw); trend[0] = cos(yaw) * dist; trend[1] = sin(yaw) * dist; trend[2] = 0; VectorAdd(trend, ent->s.origin, trstart); VectorCopy(trstart, trend); trend[2] += 1; tr = gi.trace(trstart, trmin, trmax, trend, ent, MASK_BOTSOLIDX); trmax[2] += 1; if (tr.allsolid || tr.startsolid || (tr.fraction != 1.0)) { float i; qboolean moveok = false; VectorCopy(trstart, trend); for (i = 4; i < tracelimit + 4; i += 4) { trstart[2] = ent->s.origin[2] + i; tr = gi.trace(trstart, trmin, vv, trend, ent, MASK_BOTSOLIDX); if (!tr.allsolid && !tr.startsolid && (tr.fraction > 0.0)) { moveok = true; break; } } if (!moveok) return 0; *bottom = tr.endpos[2] - ent->s.origin[2]; if (!ent->client->routetrace) { if ((tr.plane.normal[2] < 0.7) && !ent->client->waterstate && ent->groundentity) return 0; } else { Get_RouteOrigin(ent->client->pers.routeindex, v); if ((tr.plane.normal[2] < 0.7) && (v[2] < ent->s.origin[2])) return 0; } if (*bottom > tracelimit - 5) return 0; VectorCopy(tr.endpos, pos); if (trmax[2] == 32) return 1; VectorCopy(pos, trend); trend[2] += 28; tr = gi.trace(pos, trmin, trmax, trend, ent, MASK_BOTSOLIDX); return (!tr.allsolid && !tr.startsolid && (tr.fraction == 1.0))?1:2; } else { VectorCopy(trstart, pos); VectorCopy(trstart, trend); trstart[2] = trend[2] - 8190; tr = gi.trace(trend, trmin, trmax, trstart, ent, MASK_BOTSOLIDX|MASK_OPAQUE); *bottom = tr.endpos[2] - ent->s.origin[2]; contents = 0; if (!ent->waterlevel) { if (ent->client->enviro_framenum > level.framenum) contents = CONTENTS_LAVA; else contents = (CONTENTS_LAVA | CONTENTS_SLIME); } if (tr.contents & contents) *bottom = -9999; else if (tr.surface->flags & SURF_SKY) *bottom = -9999; if (!ent->waterlevel && !ent->groundentity) { if (ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED) { if ((ent->velocity[2] > 10) && (trmax[2] == 4)) return 2; } } if (trmax[2] == 32) return 1; VectorCopy(pos, trend); trend[2] += 28; tr = gi.trace(pos, trmin, trmax, trend, ent, MASK_BOTSOLIDX); return (!tr.allsolid && !tr.startsolid && (tr.fraction == 1.0))?1:2; } } //============================================================ qboolean Bot_Watermove(edict_t *ent, vec3_t pos, float dist, float upd) { trace_t tr; vec3_t trmin; vec3_t trmax; vec3_t touchmin; float max; float vec; float i; float j; VectorCopy(ent->s.origin, trmax); trmax[2] += upd; tr = gi.trace(ent->s.origin, ent->mins, ent->maxs, trmax, ent, MASK_BOTSOLIDX); if (!tr.allsolid && !tr.startsolid && (tr.fraction > 0)) { VectorCopy(tr.endpos, pos); return true; } VectorCopy(ent->s.origin, trmin); trmin[2] += upd; vec = -1; max = 0; for (i = 0; i < 360; i += 10) { if (i && (upd > -13) && (upd < 0)) break; if ((i > 60) && (i < 300)) continue; j = ent->client->moveyaw + i; if (j > 180) j -= 360; else if (j < -180) j += 360; else j = i; touchmin[0] = cos(j) * 24; touchmin[1] = sin(j) * 24; touchmin[2] = 0; VectorAdd(trmin, touchmin, trmax); tr = gi.trace(trmax, ent->mins, ent->maxs, trmin, ent, MASK_BOTSOLIDX); if (!tr.allsolid && !tr.startsolid) { VectorAdd(tr.endpos, touchmin, trmax); tr = gi.trace(trmax, ent->mins, ent->maxs, trmax, ent, MASK_BOTSOLIDX); if (!tr.allsolid && !tr.startsolid) { vec = i; break; } } } if (vec == -1) return false; VectorCopy(trmax, pos); if (upd < 0) ent->velocity[2] = 0; return true; } //============================================================ qboolean Bot_moveW(edict_t *ent, float ryaw, vec3_t pos, float dist, float *bottom) { vec3_t trstart; vec3_t trend; trace_t tr; float yaw; int contents; if (ent->client->enviro_framenum > level.framenum) contents = CONTENTS_LAVA; else contents = (CONTENTS_LAVA|CONTENTS_SLIME); yaw = DEG2RAD(ryaw); trend[0] = cos(yaw) * dist; trend[1] = sin(yaw) * dist; trend[2] = 0; VectorAdd(trend, ent->s.origin, trstart); VectorCopy(trstart, pos); VectorCopy(trstart, trend); trstart[2] = trend[2] - 8190; tr = gi.trace(trend, ent->mins, ent->maxs, trstart, ent, MASK_BOTSOLIDX|CONTENTS_WATER); if ((trend[2] - tr.endpos[2]) >= 95) return false; if (tr.contents & contents) return false; if (!(tr.contents & CONTENTS_WATER)) return false; *bottom = tr.endpos[2] - ent->s.origin[2]; return true; } //============================================================ qboolean Bot_Jump(edict_t *ent, vec3_t pos, float dist) { vec3_t temppos; float yaw; float tdist; float bottom; float speed; float x; yaw = ent->client->moveyaw; Bot_TestMove(ent, yaw, temppos, dist, &bottom); if (bottom > -JumpMax) return false; for (x = 2; x <= 16; x++) { tdist = dist * x; if (Bot_TestMove(ent, yaw, temppos, tdist, &bottom)) { if ((bottom <= JumpMax) && (bottom > -JumpMax)) { if (Get_FlyingSpeed(bottom, x, dist, &speed)) { speed *= 1.5; if (speed > 1.2) speed = 1.2; ent->moveinfo.speed = speed; ent->velocity[2] = VEL_BOT_JUMP; SetBotAnim(ent); return true; } } continue; } else return false; } return false; } //============================================================ qboolean Bot_Fall(edict_t *ent, vec3_t pos, float dist) { vec3_t vdir; vec3_t vv; float speed; float vel; float z_org; float ypos; float x; float n; int mf = 0; int mode = 0; if (ent->client->routetrace) { mode = 2; Get_RouteOrigin(ent->client->pers.routeindex, vv); ypos = vv[2]; if (!HazardCheck(ent, vv)) { if (++ent->client->pers.routeindex >= TotalRouteNodes) ent->client->pers.routeindex = 0; return false; } z_org = pos[2]; VectorSubtract(vv, pos, vdir); if (vdir[2] >= 0) goto JUMPCATCH; n = 1.0; vel = ent->velocity[2]; for (x = 1; x <= BOT_FALLCHK_LOOPMAX; ++x, n += x) { vel -= (ent->gravity * sv_gravity->value * FRAMETIME); z_org += vel * FRAMETIME; if (ypos >= z_org) { mf = 1; break; } } VectorCopy(vdir, vv); vv[2] = 0; if (Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].state == GRS_ONTRAIN) { vv[0] += FRAMETIME * Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].ent->velocity[0] * x; vv[1] += FRAMETIME * Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].ent->velocity[1] * x; } speed = VectorLength(vv) / x; if ((speed <= MOVE_SPD_RUN) && mf) //CW... { ent->moveinfo.speed = speed / MOVE_SPD_RUN; VectorCopy(pos, ent->s.origin); return true; } goto JUMPCATCH; } goto JMPCHK; JUMPCATCH: vel = VEL_BOT_JUMP; z_org = pos[2]; mf = 0; for (x = 1; x <= BOT_FALLCHK_LOOPMAX; ++x) { vel -= (ent->gravity * sv_gravity->value * FRAMETIME); z_org += vel * FRAMETIME; if (vel > 0) { if (mf == 0) { if (ypos < z_org) mf = 2; } } else if (x > 1) { if (mf == 0) { if (ypos < z_org) mf = 2; } else if (mf == 2) { if (ypos >= z_org) { mf = 1; break; } } } } VectorCopy(vdir, vv); vv[2] = 0; if (mode == 2) { if (Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].state == GRS_ONTRAIN) { vv[0] += FRAMETIME * Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].ent->velocity[0] * x; vv[1] += FRAMETIME * Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].ent->velocity[1] * x; } } n = VectorLength(vv); if (x > 1) n /= (x - 1); if ((n < MOVE_SPD_RUN) && (mf == 1)) //CW... { ent->moveinfo.speed = n / MOVE_SPD_RUN; VectorCopy(pos, ent->s.origin); ent->velocity[2] = VEL_BOT_JUMP; SetBotAnim(ent); return true; } JMPCHK: if (Bot_Jump(ent, pos, dist)) return true; return false; } //============================================================ qboolean TargetJump(edict_t *ent, vec3_t tpos) { vec3_t vdir; float vel; float z_org; float x; float n; int mf = 0; vel = VEL_BOT_JUMP; z_org = ent->s.origin[2]; //if on hazard object, cause error if (!HazardCheck(ent, tpos)) return false; VectorSubtract(tpos, ent->s.origin, vdir); for (x = 1; x <= BOT_FALLCHK_LOOPMAX * 2; ++x) { vel -= (ent->gravity * sv_gravity->value * FRAMETIME); z_org += vel * FRAMETIME; if (vel > 0) { if (mf == 0) { if (tpos[2] < z_org) mf = 2; } } else if (x > 1) { if (mf == 0) { if (tpos[2] < z_org) mf = 2; } else if (mf == 2) { if (tpos[2] >= z_org) { mf = 1; break; } } } } vdir[2] = 0; n = VectorLength(vdir); if (x > 1) n /= (x - 1); if ((n < MOVE_SPD_RUN) && (mf == 1)) //CW { ent->moveinfo.speed = n / MOVE_SPD_RUN; ent->velocity[2] = VEL_BOT_JUMP; //CW SetBotAnim(ent); return true; } return false; } //============================================================ qboolean TargetJump_Chk(edict_t *ent, vec3_t tpos, float defvel) { vec3_t vdir; float vel; float z_org; float x; float n; int mf = 0; vel = defvel + VEL_BOT_JUMP; z_org = ent->s.origin[2]; //if on hazard object, cause error if (!HazardCheck(ent, tpos)) return false; VectorSubtract(tpos, ent->s.origin, vdir); for (x = 1; x <= BOT_FALLCHK_LOOPMAX * 2; ++x) { vel -= (ent->gravity * sv_gravity->value * FRAMETIME); z_org += vel * FRAMETIME; if (vel > 0) { if (mf == 0) { if (tpos[2] < z_org) mf = 2; } } else if (x > 1) { if (mf == 0) { if (tpos[2] < z_org) mf = 2; } else if (mf == 2) { if (tpos[2] >= z_org) { mf = 1; break; } } } } vdir[2] = 0; n = VectorLength(vdir); if (x > 1) n /= (x - 1); return ((n < MOVE_SPD_RUN) && (mf == 1)); //CW } //============================================================ void Get_WaterState(edict_t *ent) { //CW++ // Previous waterlevel code meant bots would never drown or be extinguished if on fire. M_CatagorizePosition(ent); //CW-- if (ent->waterlevel) { trace_t tr; vec3_t trmin; vec3_t trmax; float x; VectorCopy(ent->s.origin, trmax); VectorCopy(ent->s.origin, trmin); trmax[2] -= 24; trmin[2] += 8; tr = gi.trace(trmin, NULL, NULL, trmax, ent, MASK_WATER); x = trmin[2] - tr.endpos[2]; if (tr.allsolid || tr.startsolid || (x < 4.0)) ent->client->waterstate = WAS_IN; else ent->client->waterstate = ((x >= 4.0) && (x <= 12.0))?WAS_FLOAT:WAS_NONE; } else ent->client->waterstate = WAS_NONE; } //============================================================ void Search_NearbyPod(edict_t *ent) { if (Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].state >= 3) return; if ((ent->client->pers.routeindex+1) < TotalRouteNodes) { if (Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex+1].state < 3) { vec3_t v; Get_RouteOrigin(ent->client->pers.routeindex+1, v); if (TraceX(ent, v)) { vec3_t v1; vec3_t v2; float x; VectorSubtract(v, ent->s.origin, v1); Get_RouteOrigin(ent->client->pers.routeindex, v); VectorSubtract(v, ent->s.origin, v2); x = fabs(v1[2]); if ((VectorLength(v1) < VectorLength(v2)) && (x <= JumpMax) && (Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].state <= 1)) ent->client->pers.routeindex++; else { if (ent->client->waterstate == WAS_NONE) { if ((v2[2] > JumpMax) && (fabs(v1[2]) < JumpMax)) ent->client->pers.routeindex++; } } } } } } //======================================================== void Bot_AI(edict_t *ent) { gitem_t *it; edict_t *it_ent = NULL; //CW edict_t *touch[1024]; edict_t *trent; edict_t *front; edict_t *left; edict_t *right; edict_t *e; trace_t tr; cplane_t plane; char *str; vec3_t touchmin; vec3_t touchmax; vec3_t v; vec3_t vv; vec3_t temppos; vec3_t trmin; vec3_t trmax; vec3_t tmp_org; //CW vec3_t tmp_vel; //CW float tmp_yaw; //CW float dist; float x; float yaw = 0.0F; //CW float iyaw = 0.0F; //CW float f1; float f2; float f3; float bottom; int tempflag; int contents; //CW++ int i; int j = 0; //CW int k; qboolean ladderdrop; qboolean canrocj; qboolean waterjumped; myrandom = random(); trace_priority = TRP_NORMAL; ent->client->objshot = false; ent->client->buttons &= ~BUTTON_ATTACK; //CW++ if (ent->client->agm_enemy) ent->client->movestate |= STS_AGMMOVE; else ent->client->movestate &= ~STS_AGMMOVE; // Detonate C4 if one is near our current enemy. if (SkillLevel[Bot[ent->client->pers.botindex].skill[COMBATSKILL]] & FIRE_C4USE) { if (ent->client->current_enemy && ent->next_node) { edict_t *check; edict_t *index; qboolean finished = false; index = ent->next_node; while (index && !finished) { check = index; if (index->next_node) index = index->next_node; else finished = true; if (VecRange(ent->client->current_enemy->s.origin, check->s.origin) < 100) { Cmd_Detonate_C4_f(ent); break; } } } } // Solid checks. contents = gi.pointcontents(ent->s.origin); if (contents & CONTENTS_SOLID) T_Damage(ent, ent, ent, ent->s.origin, ent->s.origin, ent->s.origin, 100, 1, 0, MOD_CRUSH); //CW-- if (VectorCompare(ent->s.origin, ent->s.old_origin)) { if (!ent->groundentity && !ent->waterlevel) { VectorCopy(ent->s.origin, v); v[2] -= 1.0; tr = gi.trace(ent->s.origin, ent->mins, ent->maxs, v, ent, MASK_BOTSOLIDX); if (!tr.allsolid && !tr.startsolid) ent->groundentity = tr.ent; } } //CW++ // Frozen bots can't move! if (ent->client->frozen_framenum > level.framenum) { int n; for (n = 0; n < 3; ++n) { ent->s.old_origin[n] = ent->s.origin[n]; ent->velocity[n] = 0.0; } return; } //CW-- VectorCopy(ent->s.origin, tmp_org); VectorCopy(ent->velocity, tmp_vel); tmp_yaw = ent->s.angles[YAW]; // Check chaining mode. if ((int)chedit->value) { qboolean tracefail = false; if (!ent->client->routetrace) tracefail = true; // route off else if (ent->client->routeindex >= CurrentIndex) tracefail = true; // index overflow else if ((Route[ent->client->routeindex].index == 0) && (ent->client->routeindex > 0)) tracefail = true; // index end if (tracefail) { gi.dprintf("Tracing failed for %s.\n", ent->client->pers.netname); RemoveBot(ent); return; } } // Get JumpMax. if (JumpMax == 0) { x = VEL_BOT_JUMP - (ent->gravity * sv_gravity->value * FRAMETIME); while (1) { JumpMax += x * FRAMETIME; x -= ent->gravity * sv_gravity->value * FRAMETIME; if (x < 0) break; } } // Set target. if (!ent->client->havetarget && ent->client->routetrace) { int it_num; //CW++ j = Bot[ent->client->pers.botindex].skill[PRIMARYWEAP]; it_num = ITEM_INDEX(GetWeaponType(j)); //CW++ if (j && !ent->client->pers.inventory[it_num]) //CW { it = &itemlist[it_num]; //CW if ((ent->client->enemy_routeindex < ent->client->pers.routeindex) || (ent->client->enemy_routeindex >= TotalRouteNodes)) ent->client->enemy_routeindex = ent->client->pers.routeindex; for (i = ent->client->enemy_routeindex + 1; i < ent->client->enemy_routeindex + 50; i++) { if (i > TotalRouteNodes) break; if (Route[i].state == GRS_ITEMS) { if (Route[i].ent->item == it) { ent->client->havetarget = true; break; } else if (Route[i].ent->solid == SOLID_TRIGGER) { if (Route[i].ent->item == &itemlist[it_num]) //CW { ent->client->havetarget = true; break; } } } } ent->client->enemy_routeindex = i; } else { if ((it_num = ITEM_INDEX(item_quad)) > 0) //CW { it = &itemlist[it_num]; if ((ent->client->enemy_routeindex < ent->client->pers.routeindex) || (ent->client->enemy_routeindex >= TotalRouteNodes)) ent->client->enemy_routeindex = ent->client->pers.routeindex; for (i = ent->client->enemy_routeindex + 1; i < ent->client->enemy_routeindex + 25; i++) { if (i > TotalRouteNodes) break; if ((Route[i].state == GRS_ITEMS) && (Route[i].ent->item == it)) { if (Route[i].ent->solid == SOLID_TRIGGER) { ent->client->havetarget = true; break; } } } ent->client->enemy_routeindex = i; } } } else if (ent->client->havetarget) { if (ent->client->enemy_routeindex < ent->client->pers.routeindex) { ent->client->havetarget = false; ent->client->enemy_routeindex = ent->client->pers.routeindex; } } // Bot can rocket jump? canrocj = (ent->client->pers.inventory[ITEM_INDEX(item_rocketlauncher)] && (ent->client->pers.inventory[ITEM_INDEX(item_rockets)] > 0)); // Ducking check. if (ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED) { if ((ent->client->battleduckcnt > 0) && ent->groundentity) goto DCHCANC; VectorCopy(ent->s.origin, v); v[2] += 28; tr = gi.trace(ent->s.origin, ent->mins, ent->maxs, v, ent, MASK_BOTSOLIDX); if (!tr.startsolid && !tr.allsolid && (tr.fraction == 1.0)) { ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags &= ~PMF_DUCKED; ent->maxs[2] = 32; } } else if ((ent->velocity[2] > 10) && (ent->groundentity == NULL)) //CW { if (!(ent->client->movestate & STS_SJMASK)) { VectorSet(v, 16, 16, 40); tr = gi.trace(ent->s.origin, ent->mins, v, ent->s.origin, ent, MASK_BOTSOLIDX); if (tr.startsolid || tr.allsolid) { ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags |= PMF_DUCKED; ent->maxs[2] = 4; } } } DCHCANC: // Set moving speed. if (ent->groundentity || ent->waterlevel) { if (ent->waterlevel) { if (!(ent->client->movestate & STS_WATERJ)) ent->client->movestate &= ~STS_SJMASK; } else ent->client->movestate &= ~STS_SJMASK; if (ent->groundentity && !ent->waterlevel) ent->moveinfo.speed = 1.0; else if (ent->waterlevel && (ent->velocity[2] <= 1)) ent->moveinfo.speed = 1.0; } if ((ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED) && ent->groundentity) dist = MOVE_SPD_DUCK * ent->moveinfo.speed; else { if (!ent->waterlevel) //CW... dist = MOVE_SPD_RUN * ent->moveinfo.speed; else { if (ent->groundentity && (ent->waterlevel < 2)) dist = MOVE_SPD_RUN * ent->moveinfo.speed; else dist = MOVE_SPD_WATER * ent->moveinfo.speed; } if (ent->groundentity) dist *= ent->client->ground_slope; } // Get water depth state of bot. Get_WaterState(ent); // Search for enemy. ent->client->enemysearchcnt += 2; if (ent->client->enemysearchcnt >= 10) { Bot_SearchEnemy(ent); ent->client->enemysearchcnt = 1 + (rand() % 10); //CW if (ent->client->enemysearchcnt > 10) ent->client->enemysearchcnt = 10; else if (ent->client->enemysearchcnt < 0) ent->client->enemysearchcnt = 0; } // Set bot's combat status. Set_Combatstate(ent); if (trace_priority == TRP_ALLKEEP) goto VCHCANSEL; // Browse target status. if (ent->client->routetrace) { if (Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].state >= GRS_NORMAL) Search_NearbyPod(ent); Get_RouteOrigin(ent->client->pers.routeindex, v); if (ent->client->movestate & STS_WAITSMASK) ent->client->routelocktime = level.time + 1.5; else if ((Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].state <= GRS_ITEMS) && (v[2] - ent->s.origin[2] > JumpMax) && !ent->client->waterstate && !(ent->client->movestate & STS_LADDERUP)) { if (ent->client->routelocktime <= level.time) { ent->client->routetrace = false; ent->client->routereleasetime = level.time + 2.0; } } else if (!TraceX(ent, v)) { k = 0; if (ent->groundentity) { if (ent->groundentity->use == train_use) { ent->client->routelocktime = level.time + 1.5; k = 1; } } if ((ent->client->routelocktime <= level.time) && !k) { ent->client->routetrace = false; ent->client->routereleasetime = level.time + 2.0; } } else ent->client->routelocktime = level.time + 1.5; } if (trace_priority == TRP_ALLKEEP) goto VCHCANSEL; // Climbing a ladder. if (ent->client->movestate & STS_LADDERUP) { ent->velocity[2] = VEL_BOT_LADDERUP; VectorCopy(ent->mins, trmin); trmin[2] += 20; yaw = DEG2RAD(ent->client->moveyaw); touchmin[0] = cos(yaw) * 32; touchmin[1] = sin(yaw) * 32; touchmin[2] = 0; VectorAdd(ent->s.origin, touchmin, touchmax); tr = gi.trace(ent->s.origin, trmin, ent->maxs, touchmax, ent, MASK_BOTSOLID); plane = tr.plane; if (!(tr.contents & CONTENTS_LADDER) && !tr.allsolid) // off ladder { if ((ent->velocity[2] <= VEL_BOT_LADDERUP) && !ent->waterlevel) ent->velocity[2] = VEL_BOT_LADDERUP; ent->client->movestate &= ~STS_LADDERUP; ent->moveinfo.speed = 0.25; if (ent->client->routetrace) { Get_RouteOrigin(ent->client->pers.routeindex, v); if (VectorLength(v) > 32) { VectorSubtract(v, ent->s.origin, v); ent->client->moveyaw = Get_yaw(v); if (trace_priority < 2) ent->s.angles[YAW] = ent->client->moveyaw; } else ent->client->pers.routeindex++; } } else { if (!tr.allsolid) VectorCopy(tr.endpos, ent->s.origin); VectorCopy(ent->s.origin, touchmin); touchmin[2] += 8; tr = gi.trace(ent->s.origin, ent->mins, ent->maxs, touchmin, ent, MASK_BOTSOLID); x = tr.endpos[2] - ent->s.origin[2]; ent->s.origin[2] += x; e = tr.ent; if (x == 0) { x = Get_yaw(plane.normal); //right VectorCopy(ent->s.origin, v); yaw = x + 90; if (yaw > 180) yaw -= 360; yaw = DEG2RAD(yaw); touchmin[0] = cos(yaw) * 48; touchmin[1] = sin(yaw) * 48; touchmin[2] = 0; VectorAdd(ent->s.origin, touchmin, trmin); VectorCopy(trmin, trmax); trmin[2] += 32; trmax[2] += 64; tr = gi.trace(trmin, NULL,NULL, trmax, ent, MASK_BOTSOLID); f1 = tr.fraction; //left VectorCopy(ent->s.origin, v); iyaw = x - 90; if (iyaw < 180) iyaw += 360; iyaw = DEG2RAD(iyaw); touchmin[0] = cos(iyaw) * 48; touchmin[1] = sin(iyaw) * 48; touchmin[2] = 0; VectorAdd(ent->s.origin, touchmin, trmin); VectorCopy(trmin, trmax); trmin[2] += 32; trmax[2] += 64; tr = gi.trace(trmin, NULL, NULL, trmax, ent, MASK_BOTSOLID); f2 = tr.fraction; x = 0.0; if ((f1 == 1.0) && (f2 != 1.0)) x = yaw; else if ((f1 != 1.0) && (f2 == 1.0)) x = iyaw; if (x != 0.0) { touchmin[0] = cos(x) * 4; touchmin[1] = sin(x) * 4; touchmin[2] = 0; VectorAdd(ent->s.origin, touchmin, trmin); tr = gi.trace(ent->s.origin, ent->mins, ent->maxs, trmin, ent, MASK_BOTSOLID); if (tr.startsolid || tr.allsolid) x = 0; else VectorCopy(tr.endpos, ent->s.origin); } if (x == 0.0) // off ladder { k = 0; if (e) { if (e->use == door_use) { if (e->moveinfo.state == PSTATE_UP) k = 1; } } if (!k) { ent->client->moveyaw += 180; if (ent->client->moveyaw > 180) ent->client->moveyaw -= 360; ent->client->movestate &= ~STS_LADDERUP; ent->moveinfo.speed = 0.25; } } } } if (ent->client->movestate & STS_LADDERUP) { if (ent->client->routetrace) { Get_RouteOrigin(ent->client->pers.routeindex,v); if (v[2] < ent->s.origin[2]) { VectorSubtract(ent->s.origin, v, vv); vv[2] = 0; if (VectorLength(vv) < 32) ent->client->pers.routeindex++; } } ent->velocity[0] = 0; ent->velocity[1] = 0; goto VCHCANSEL_L; } } // Bot's true moving yaw, yaw pitch set (j is used ground entity check section). if (ent->groundentity && (ent->waterlevel <= 1) && (trace_priority < TRP_ANGLEKEEP)) ent->s.angles[PITCH] = 0; if (ent->groundentity && !ent->client->routetrace) { if (trace_priority < TRP_MOVEKEEP) ent->client->moveyaw = ent->s.angles[YAW]; } else if (trace_priority < TRP_ANGLEKEEP) ent->s.angles[YAW] = ent->client->moveyaw; if (!ent->client->routetrace && (ent->client->routereleasetime <= level.time)) { if (ent->client->pers.routeindex >= TotalRouteNodes) ent->client->pers.routeindex = 0; for (i = 0; (i < TotalRouteNodes) && (i < MAX_SEARCH); i++) { if (Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].state == GRS_GRAPHOOK) { while (1) { ++ent->client->pers.routeindex; if (ent->client->pers.routeindex >= TotalRouteNodes) { i = TotalRouteNodes; break; } if (Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].state == GRS_GRAPRELEASE) { ++ent->client->pers.routeindex; break; } } continue; } else if (Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].state == GRS_GRAPRELEASE) { ++ent->client->pers.routeindex; continue; } Get_RouteOrigin(ent->client->pers.routeindex, v); if ((Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].state <= GRS_ITEMS) && TraceX(ent, v)) { if ((fabs(v[2] - ent->s.origin[2]) <= JumpMax) || (ent->client->waterstate == WAS_IN)) { ent->client->routetrace = true; ent->client->routelocktime = level.time + 1.5; break; } } if (++ent->client->pers.routeindex >= TotalRouteNodes) ent->client->pers.routeindex = 0; } } else if (ent->client->routetrace) { if (Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].state == GRS_ONDOOR) { it_ent = Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].ent; if (ent->client->pers.routeindex + 1 < TotalRouteNodes) { Get_RouteOrigin(ent->client->pers.routeindex+1, v); ent->client->routetrace = false; j = TraceX(ent,v); ent->client->routetrace = true; if ((!j || (v[2] - ent->s.origin[2] > JumpMax)) && it_ent->union_ent) { k = ((it_ent->union_ent->s.origin[2] - ent->s.origin[2]) > JumpMax)?1:0; VectorSubtract(it_ent->union_ent->s.origin, ent->s.origin, temppos); yaw = Get_yaw(temppos); if (trace_priority < TRP_ANGLEKEEP) { ent->s.angles[PITCH] = Get_pitch(temppos); ent->s.angles[YAW] = yaw; } temppos[2] = 0; x = VectorLength(temppos); if ((x == 0) || k) { if (it_ent->nextthink >= level.time) ent->client->routelocktime = level.time + 1.5; goto VCHCANSEL; } if (x < dist) dist = x; if (it_ent->nextthink > level.time) ent->client->routelocktime = it_ent->nextthink + 1.5; else ent->client->routelocktime = level.time + 1.5; if (trace_priority < TRP_MOVEKEEP) ent->client->moveyaw = yaw; goto GOMOVE; } } ent->client->pers.routeindex++; } if (ent->client->pers.routeindex < TotalRouteNodes) { Get_RouteOrigin(ent->client->pers.routeindex, v); k = 0; if (Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].state == GRS_PUSHBUTTON) { it_ent = Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].ent; if (it_ent->health && (it_ent->takedamage || (it_ent->moveinfo.state != PSTATE_TOP))) k = 2; else if (it_ent->health) { ent->client->pers.routeindex++; if (ent->client->pers.routeindex < TotalRouteNodes) Get_RouteOrigin(ent->client->pers.routeindex, v); } } else { VectorSet(touchmax, 16, 16, 4); VectorSet(touchmin, -16, -16, 0); tr = gi.trace(ent->s.origin, touchmin, touchmax, v, ent, MASK_SHOT); if ((tr.fraction != 1.0) && tr.ent) { if (tr.ent->health || tr.ent->takedamage) { if ((tr.ent->classname[0] != 'p') && (tr.ent->classname[0] != 'b')) { ent->client->routelocktime = level.time + 1.5; it_ent = tr.ent; k = 1; } } } } if (k && !(ent->client->buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK)) { trmin[0] = (it_ent->absmin[0] + it_ent->absmax[0]) * 0.5; trmin[1] = (it_ent->absmin[1] + it_ent->absmax[1]) * 0.5; trmin[2] = (it_ent->absmin[2] + it_ent->absmax[2]) * 0.5; if (k == 2) // if button { VectorSet(touchmin, 0, 0, ent->viewheight-8); VectorAdd(ent->s.origin, touchmin, touchmin); tr = gi.trace(it_ent->union_ent->s.origin, NULL, NULL, trmin, it_ent->union_ent, MASK_SHOT); VectorSubtract(tr.endpos, ent->s.origin, trmax); } else VectorSubtract(v, ent->s.origin, trmax); if (!ent->client->current_enemy && it_ent->takedamage) // shoot! { ent->client->newweapon = item_deserteagle; //CW... ChangeWeapon(ent); ent->client->pers.weapon->use(ent, item_deserteagle); } if (!ent->client->current_enemy || it_ent->takedamage) { ent->s.angles[YAW] = Get_yaw(trmax); ent->s.angles[PITCH] = Get_pitch(trmax); } if (it_ent->takedamage) ent->client->buttons |= BUTTON_ATTACK; if (k == 2) { if (it_ent->moveinfo.state != PSTATE_TOP) goto VCHCANSEL; } else { if (!TraceX(ent,v)) goto VCHCANSEL; } } if ((Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].state == GRS_ONTRAIN) && !ent->client->waterstate) { Get_RouteOrigin(ent->client->pers.routeindex-1, trmin); if ((trmin[2] - ent->s.origin[2] > JumpMax) && (v[2] - ent->s.origin[2] > JumpMax) && (ent->waterlevel < 3)) ent->client->routetrace = false; } f2 = (ent->client->waterstate == WAS_IN)?20:((ent->groundentity)?-8:0); if (ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED) f1 = -16; else { if (ent->client->waterstate == WAS_IN) f1 = 24; else if (ent->waterlevel && (ent->waterlevel < 3)) f1 = (((v[0] == ent->s.origin[0]) && (v[1] == ent->s.origin[1]))?-300:(-(JumpMax + 64))); else f1 = -(JumpMax + 64); } yaw = (Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].state == GRS_ONROTATE) ? -48 : 12; if ((v[0] <= ent->absmax[0] - yaw) && (v[0] >= ent->absmin[0] + yaw)) { if ((v[1] <= ent->absmax[1] - yaw) && (v[1] >= ent->absmin[1] + yaw)) { if (((v[2] <= ent->absmax[2] - f1) && (v[2] >= ent->absmin[2] + f2)) || (Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].state == GRS_ONROTATE)) { if (ent->client->pers.routeindex < TotalRouteNodes) { if (Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].state <= GRS_ITEMS) { if (ent->client->havetarget) { for (i = 0; i < MAXLINKPOD; i++) { if (!(k = Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].linkpod[i])) break; // try to change index if ((k > ent->client->pers.routeindex) && (k < ent->client->enemy_routeindex)) { ent->client->pers.routeindex = k; break; } } } else if (random() < 0.2) { for (i = 0; i < MAXLINKPOD; i++) { if (!(k = Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].linkpod[i])) break; // try to change index if ((k > ent->client->pers.routeindex) && (k < ent->client->enemy_routeindex)) { if (random() < 0.5) { ent->client->pers.routeindex = k; break; } } } } } ent->client->pers.routeindex++; // not a normal pod if (!(ent->client->pers.routeindex < TotalRouteNodes)) ent->client->pers.routeindex = 0; } } } } if ((ent->client->pers.routeindex < TotalRouteNodes) && trace_priority) { Get_RouteOrigin(ent->client->pers.routeindex, v); VectorSubtract(v, ent->s.origin, temppos); if (trace_priority < TRP_ANGLEKEEP) ent->s.angles[PITCH] = Get_pitch(temppos); k = 0; if (ent->groundentity || ent->waterlevel) { yaw = temppos[2]; temppos[2] = 0; x = VectorLength(temppos); //CW if (trace_priority < TRP_MOVEKEEP) ent->client->moveyaw = Get_yaw(temppos); // set the moving yaw if ((ent->groundentity || ent->waterlevel) && (trace_priority < TRP_ANGLEKEEP)) { ent->s.angles[YAW] = ent->client->moveyaw; k = 1; } if ((x < dist) && (fabs(yaw) < 20) && k) { iyaw = Get_yaw(temppos); i = Bot_TestMove(ent, iyaw, temppos, x, &bottom); tr = gi.trace(v, ent->mins, ent->maxs, v, ent, MASK_BOTSOLIDX); if ((Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].state == GRS_ITEMS) && !i) { if (x < 30) ent->client->pers.routeindex++; } else if (((Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].state == GRS_ITEMS) || (Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].state == GRS_NORMAL)) && !tr.allsolid && !tr.startsolid && HazardCheck(ent, v) && (fabs(bottom) < 20) && i && !ent->waterlevel) { if (((v[2] < ent->s.origin[2]) && (bottom < 0)) || ((v[2] >= ent->s.origin[2]) && (bottom >= 0))) { VectorCopy(temppos, ent->s.origin); VectorCopy(v, trmin); dist -= x; if (Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].state <= GRS_ITEMS) { if (ent->client->havetarget) { for (i = 0; i < MAXLINKPOD; i++) { if (!(j = Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].linkpod[i])) break; if ((j > ent->client->pers.routeindex) && (j < ent->client->enemy_routeindex)) { ent->client->pers.routeindex = j; break; } } } } ent->client->pers.routeindex++; if (i == 2) ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags |= PMF_DUCKED; Get_RouteOrigin(ent->client->pers.routeindex, v); VectorSubtract(v, ent->s.origin, temppos); if (trace_priority < TRP_ANGLEKEEP) ent->s.angles[PITCH] = Get_pitch(temppos); if (trace_priority < TRP_MOVEKEEP) ent->client->moveyaw = Get_yaw(temppos); if (k && trace_priority < TRP_ANGLEKEEP) ent->s.angles[YAW] = ent->client->moveyaw; } } else if (((Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].state == GRS_ITEMS) || (Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].state == GRS_NORMAL)) && (fabs(bottom) < 20) && ent->waterlevel) { if (((v[2] < ent->s.origin[2]) && (bottom < 0)) || ((v[2] >= ent->s.origin[2]) && (bottom >= 0))) { VectorCopy(temppos, ent->s.origin); VectorCopy(v, trmin); dist -= x; ent->client->pers.routeindex++; Get_RouteOrigin(ent->client->pers.routeindex, v); VectorSubtract(v, ent->s.origin, temppos); if (trace_priority < TRP_ANGLEKEEP) ent->s.angles[PITCH] = Get_pitch(temppos); if (trace_priority < TRP_MOVEKEEP) ent->client->moveyaw = Get_yaw(temppos); if (k && trace_priority < TRP_ANGLEKEEP) ent->s.angles[YAW] = ent->client->moveyaw; } else dist = x; } else dist = x; } else if (x < dist) dist = x; k = 0; if ((ent->client->pers.routeindex - 1 >= 0) && ((Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].state == GRS_ONPLAT) || (Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].state == GRS_ONTRAIN))) { Get_RouteOrigin(ent->client->pers.routeindex-1, v); if (fabs(v[2] - ent->s.origin[2]) <= JumpMax) { if ((ent->client->waterstate < WAS_IN) && (Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].ent->nextthink > level.time)) k = 1; } } if (k && !(ent->client->movestate & STS_WAITS)) { if (ent->client->pers.routeindex + 1 < TotalRouteNodes) { Get_RouteOrigin(ent->client->pers.routeindex+1, v); if (v[2] - ent->s.origin[2] > JumpMax) { if (Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].ent->union_ent->s.origin[2] - ent->s.origin[2] > JumpMax) { ent->client->waiting_obj = Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].ent; ent->client->movestate |= STS_W_COMEPLAT; k = 0; for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { if (ent->client->pers.routeindex - i >= 0) { Get_RouteOrigin(ent->client->pers.routeindex-i, v); if (ent->client->waiting_obj->absmax[0] < v[0] + ent->mins[0]) k = 1; else if (ent->client->waiting_obj->absmax[1] < v[1] + ent->mins[1]) k = 1; else if (ent->client->waiting_obj->absmin[0] > v[0] + ent->maxs[0]) k = 1; else if (ent->client->waiting_obj->absmin[1] > v[1] + ent->maxs[1]) k = 1; if (k) break; } } if (k) VectorCopy(v, ent->client->movtarget_pt); else Get_RouteOrigin(ent->client->pers.routeindex-1, ent->client->movtarget_pt); goto VCHCANSEL; } } } } } } else if (ent->client->pers.routeindex >= TotalRouteNodes) { ent->client->pers.routeindex = 0; ent->client->routetrace = false; } } else { ent->client->pers.routeindex = 0; ent->client->routetrace = false; } } // Ground entity check. if (!(ent->client->movestate & STS_W_DOOROPEN) && (!ent->groundentity || (ent->groundentity != ent->client->waiting_obj))) { if (!(ent->client->waiting_obj && (ent->client->waiting_obj->use == door_use))) { ent->client->movestate &= ~STS_WAITS; ent->client->waiting_obj = NULL; } } if (ent->groundentity && !(ent->client->movestate & STS_WAITS)) { it_ent = ent->groundentity; if (it_ent->classname[0] == 'f') { // on platform if (it_ent->use == Use_Plat) { if ((it_ent->pos1[2] > it_ent->pos2[2]) && (((it_ent->moveinfo.state == PSTATE_UP) && (it_ent->velocity[2] > 0)) || (it_ent->moveinfo.state == PSTATE_BOTTOM))) { ent->client->waiting_obj = it_ent; ent->client->movestate |= STS_W_ONPLAT; if (ent->client->routetrace) { if (Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].ent == ent->client->waiting_obj) { if (Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].state == GRS_ONPLAT) { if (ent->client->waiting_obj->union_ent->s.origin[2] > ent->s.origin[2] + 32) { ent->client->movestate &= ~STS_W_ONPLAT; ent->client->movestate |= STS_W_COMEPLAT; } else ent->client->pers.routeindex++; } } } } } // on train else if ((it_ent->use == train_use) && (it_ent->nextthink >= level.time) && ((it_ent->s.origin[2] - it_ent->s.old_origin[2] > 0) || ent->client->routetrace)) { if (ent->client->routetrace && (ent->client->pers.routeindex > 0)) { j = 0; k = ent->client->pers.routeindex - 1; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (k + i < TotalRouteNodes) { if (Route[k+i].state == GRS_ONTRAIN) { if (Route[k+i].ent == it_ent) j = 1; else if (it_ent->trainteam) { e = it_ent->trainteam; while (1) { if (e == it_ent) break; if (e == Route[k+i].ent) { j = 1; it_ent = e; Route[k+i].ent = e; break; } e = e->trainteam; } } else if (it_ent->target_ent) { if (VectorCompare(Route[k+i].Tcorner, it_ent->target_ent->s.origin)) { j = 1; break; } } if (j) break; } } else break; } if (j) // on train { ent->client->movestate |= STS_W_ONTRAIN; ent->client->waiting_obj = it_ent; ent->client->pers.routeindex = k + i + 1; } } else { if (it_ent->s.origin[2] - it_ent->s.old_origin[2] > 0) { ent->client->movestate |= STS_W_ONTRAIN; ent->client->waiting_obj = it_ent; } else if ((it_ent->s.origin[2] - it_ent->s.old_origin[2] > -2) && trace_priority) { ent->client->movestate |= STS_W_ONTRAIN; ent->client->waiting_obj = it_ent; } else ent->client->movestate |= STS_W_DONT; } } } } // clear waiting state if flagged if ((ent->client->movestate & STS_W_DONT) && ent->groundentity) { if (ent->client->movestate & STS_W_ONPLAT) { if (ent->groundentity->use == Use_Plat) { ent->client->movestate &= ~STS_WAITS; ent->client->waiting_obj = NULL; } } else if (ent->client->movestate & STS_W_ONTRAIN) { if (ent->groundentity->use == train_use) { ent->client->movestate &= ~STS_WAITS; ent->client->waiting_obj = NULL; } } else if (ent->client->movestate & (STS_W_ONDOORUP | STS_W_ONDOORDWN)) { if (ent->groundentity->use == door_use) { ent->client->movestate &= ~STS_WAITS; ent->client->waiting_obj = NULL; } } else { ent->client->movestate &= ~STS_WAITS; ent->client->waiting_obj = NULL; } } // on plat else if ((ent->client->movestate & (STS_W_ONPLAT | STS_W_COMEPLAT | STS_W_ONDOORUP | STS_W_ONDOORDWN)) && !(ent->client->movestate & STS_W_DONT)) { k = 0; //if door if (ent->client->movestate & (STS_W_ONDOORUP | STS_W_ONDOORDWN)) { if (ent->client->movestate & STS_W_ONDOORUP) // going up { if ((ent->client->waiting_obj->moveinfo.state == PSTATE_UP) || (ent->client->waiting_obj->moveinfo.state == PSTATE_BOTTOM)) k = 1; } else // going down { if ((ent->client->waiting_obj->moveinfo.state == PSTATE_TOP) || (ent->client->waiting_obj->moveinfo.state == PSTATE_DOWN)) k = 1; } } else if (ent->client->movestate & STS_W_COMEPLAT) { if (Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].state == GRS_ONTRAIN) { if (!TraceX(ent, Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].ent->union_ent->s.origin)) k = 1; if (Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].ent->union_ent->s.origin[2] + 8 - ent->s.origin[2] > JumpMax) k = 1; } else { if (ent->client->waiting_obj->union_ent->s.origin[2] - ent->s.origin[2] > JumpMax) k = 1; } if ((ent->client->pers.routeindex - 1 > 0) && (ent->client->waterstate < WAS_IN)) { Get_RouteOrigin(ent->client->pers.routeindex-1, trmin); if ((trmin[2] - ent->s.origin[2] > JumpMax) && (v[2] - ent->s.origin[2] > JumpMax)) k = 0; } } else { if ((ent->client->waiting_obj->moveinfo.state == PSTATE_UP) || (ent->client->waiting_obj->moveinfo.state == PSTATE_BOTTOM)) k = 1; if (ent->client->waiting_obj->moveinfo.state == PSTATE_BOTTOM) plat_go_up(ent->client->waiting_obj); if (ent->client->routetrace) { Get_RouteOrigin(ent->client->pers.routeindex, v); if (ent->s.origin[2] > v[2]) k = 2; } } // have target if (k != 1) { if (k == 2) ent->client->movestate |= STS_W_DONT; else { ent->client->movestate &= ~STS_WAITS; ent->client->waiting_obj = NULL; } } else { if (ent->client->movestate & STS_W_COMEPLAT) { k = 0; if (ent->client->pers.routeindex - 1 > 0) { VectorCopy(ent->client->movtarget_pt, trmax); trmax[2] = 0; k = 1; } if (!k) goto VCHCANSEL; } else { trmax[0] = (ent->client->waiting_obj->absmin[0] + ent->client->waiting_obj->absmax[0]) * 0.5; trmax[1] = (ent->client->waiting_obj->absmin[1] + ent->client->waiting_obj->absmax[1]) * 0.5; trmax[2] = 0; } VectorSubtract(trmax, ent->s.origin, temppos); yaw = temppos[2]; temppos[2] = 0; x = VectorLength(temppos); if (x == 0) goto VCHCANSEL; // if center position move cancel if (x < dist) dist = x; if (trace_priority < TRP_MOVEKEEP) ent->client->moveyaw = Get_yaw(temppos); } } // on train else if (ent->client->movestate & STS_W_ONTRAIN) { i = 0; if (ent->client->routetrace) { Get_RouteOrigin(ent->client->pers.routeindex, v); if (ent->client->pers.routeindex - 1 >= 0) { if (Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex-1].state != GRS_ONTRAIN) i = 1; } else i = 1; if (TraceX(ent, v)) { if (v[2] - ent->s.origin[2] <= JumpMax) i = 1; else ent->client->routelocktime = level.time + 1.5; } else ent->client->routelocktime = level.time + 1.5; } else if (j || (ent->client->waiting_obj->s.origin[2] - ent->client->waiting_obj->s.old_origin[2] <= 0)) i = 1; //CW if (i) //CW... { ent->client->movestate |= STS_W_DONT; ent->client->movestate &= ~STS_WAITS; } else { k = 0; if (ent->client->routetrace) { tr = gi.trace(ent->s.origin, NULL, NULL, v, ent, MASK_BOTSOLIDX); if (tr.ent == ent->client->waiting_obj) { tr = gi.trace(v, NULL, NULL, ent->s.origin, ent, MASK_BOTSOLIDX); if (tr.ent == ent->client->waiting_obj) { VectorSubtract(v, ent->s.origin, temppos); k = 1; } } } if (!k) { VectorCopy(ent->client->waiting_obj->union_ent->s.origin, trmax); trmax[2] += 8; VectorSubtract(trmax, ent->s.origin, temppos); yaw = temppos[2]; temppos[2] = 0; x = VectorLength(temppos); if (x < dist) dist = x; } if (trace_priority < TRP_MOVEKEEP) ent->client->moveyaw = Get_yaw(temppos); } goto GOMOVE; } //wait for door open else if (ent->client->movestate & STS_W_DOOROPEN) { if (!trace_priority || (ent->client->waiting_obj->moveinfo.state == PSTATE_TOP)) { ent->client->movestate &= ~STS_WAITS; ent->client->waiting_obj = NULL; } else if ((ent->client->waiting_obj->moveinfo.state == PSTATE_BOTTOM) || (ent->client->waiting_obj->moveinfo.state == PSTATE_UP)) { VectorSubtract(ent->client->movtarget_pt, ent->s.origin, temppos); temppos[2] = 0; dist *= 0.25; if ((VectorLength(temppos) < 10) || VectorCompare(ent->s.origin, ent->client->movtarget_pt)) { if (!ent->client->waiting_obj->union_ent) { trmin[0] = (ent->client->waiting_obj->absmin[0] + ent->client->waiting_obj->absmax[0]) * 0.5; trmin[1] = (ent->client->waiting_obj->absmin[1] + ent->client->waiting_obj->absmax[1]) * 0.5; trmin[2] = (ent->client->waiting_obj->absmin[2] + ent->client->waiting_obj->absmax[2]) * 0.5; } else VectorCopy(ent->client->waiting_obj->union_ent->s.origin, trmin); trmin[2] += 8; VectorSubtract(trmin, ent->s.origin, temppos); if (trace_priority < TRP_MOVEKEEP) ent->client->moveyaw = Get_yaw(temppos); if (trace_priority < TRP_ANGLEKEEP) { ent->s.angles[YAW] = ent->client->moveyaw; ent->s.angles[PITCH] = Get_pitch(temppos); } goto VCHCANSEL; } else { if (trace_priority < TRP_MOVEKEEP) ent->client->moveyaw = Get_yaw(temppos); if (!ent->client->waiting_obj->union_ent) { trmin[0] = (ent->client->waiting_obj->absmin[0] + ent->client->waiting_obj->absmax[0]) * 0.5; trmin[1] = (ent->client->waiting_obj->absmin[1] + ent->client->waiting_obj->absmax[1]) * 0.5; trmin[2] = (ent->client->waiting_obj->absmin[2] + ent->client->waiting_obj->absmax[2]) * 0.5; } else VectorCopy(ent->client->waiting_obj->union_ent->s.origin, trmin); trmin[2] += 8; VectorSubtract(trmin,ent->s.origin, temppos); if (trace_priority < TRP_ANGLEKEEP) { ent->s.angles[YAW] = Get_yaw(temppos); ent->s.angles[PITCH] = Get_pitch(temppos); } } } } //bot move to moveyaw GOMOVE: //jumping if (!ent->groundentity && !ent->waterlevel) { if ((ent->velocity[2] > VEL_BOT_JUMP) && !(ent->client->movestate & STS_SJMASKEXW)) //CW ent->velocity[2] = VEL_BOT_JUMP; k = (ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED)?1:0; for (x = 0; x < 90; x += 10) { dist = MOVE_SPD_RUN * ent->moveinfo.speed; //CW yaw = ent->client->moveyaw + x; if (yaw > 180) yaw -= 360; i = Bot_TestMove(ent, yaw, temppos, dist, &bottom); //CW if (i) { if ((bottom <= 24) && (bottom > 0)) { if (ent->velocity[2] <= 10) { VectorCopy(temppos, ent->s.origin); break; } } if (!ent->waterlevel && (ent->s.origin[2] > ent->s.old_origin[2]) && ent->client->routetrace && !(ent->client->movestate & STS_LADDERUP) && !(ent->client->movestate & STS_SJMASK) //CW && (ent->client->pers.routeindex + 1 < TotalRouteNodes) && (ent->velocity[2] >= 100) && (ent->velocity[2] < 100 + (ent->gravity * sv_gravity->value * 0.1))) { Get_RouteOrigin(ent->client->pers.routeindex, v); Get_RouteOrigin(ent->client->pers.routeindex+1, vv); k = 0; j = Bot_TestMove(ent, yaw, trmin, 16, &f1); VectorSubtract(v, ent->s.origin, trmin); if (vv[2] - v[2] > JumpMax) k = 1; else if (v[2] - ent->s.origin[2] > JumpMax) k = 2; else if (!TargetJump_Chk(ent, vv, 0) && (VectorLength(trmin) < 64)) { if (TargetJump_Chk(ent, vv, ent->velocity[2])) k = 1; } if (!j) k = 0; else { if ((f1 > 10) && (f1 < -10)) k = 0; } if (k) { if (k == 2) VectorCopy(v, vv); if (TargetJump(ent, vv)) { VectorSubtract(vv, ent->s.origin, v); ent->client->moveyaw = Get_yaw(v); if (ent->velocity[2] > VEL_BOT_JUMP) //CW ent->client->movestate |= STS_TURBOJ; //CW if (k == 1) ent->client->pers.routeindex++; break; } } } if (bottom <= 0) { VectorCopy(temppos, ent->s.origin); if (i == 2) ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags |= PMF_DUCKED; else ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags &= ~PMF_DUCKED; break; } else ent->moveinfo.speed = 0.3; } else ent->moveinfo.speed = 0.3; if (x == 0) continue; // left trace yaw = ent->client->moveyaw - x; if (yaw < -180) yaw += 360; i = Bot_TestMove(ent, yaw, temppos, dist, &bottom); if (i) { if ((bottom <= 24) && (bottom > 0) && (ent->velocity[2] <= 10)) { VectorCopy(temppos, ent->s.origin); break; } // turbo if (!ent->waterlevel && (ent->s.origin[2] > ent->s.old_origin[2]) && ent->client->routetrace && !(ent->client->movestate & STS_LADDERUP) && !(ent->client->movestate & STS_SJMASK) //CW && (ent->client->pers.routeindex + 1 < TotalRouteNodes) && (ent->velocity[2] >= 100) && (ent->velocity[2] < 100 + (ent->gravity * sv_gravity->value * 0.1))) { Get_RouteOrigin(ent->client->pers.routeindex, v); Get_RouteOrigin(ent->client->pers.routeindex+1, vv); k = 0; j = Bot_TestMove(ent, yaw, trmin, 16, &f1); VectorSubtract(v, ent->s.origin, trmin); if (vv[2] - v[2] > JumpMax) k = 1; else if (v[2] - ent->s.origin[2] > JumpMax) k = 2; else if (!TargetJump_Chk(ent, vv, 0) && (VectorLength(trmin) < 64)) { if (TargetJump_Chk(ent, vv, ent->velocity[2])) k = 1; } if (!j) k = 0; else if ((f1 > 10) && (f1 < -10)) k = 0; if (k) { if (k == 2) VectorCopy(v, vv); if (TargetJump(ent, vv)) { VectorSubtract(vv, ent->s.origin, v); ent->client->moveyaw = Get_yaw(v); if (ent->velocity[2] > VEL_BOT_JUMP) //CW ent->client->movestate |= STS_TURBOJ; //CW if (k == 1) ent->client->pers.routeindex++; break; } } } if (bottom <= 0) { VectorCopy(temppos, ent->s.origin); if (i == 2) ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags |= PMF_DUCKED; else ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags &= ~PMF_DUCKED; break; } else ent->moveinfo.speed = 0.3; } else ent->moveinfo.speed = 0.3; } if (x >= 90) { // jump fail! if (trace_priority < TRP_ANGLEKEEP) ent->s.angles[YAW] += ((random() - 0.5) * 360); if (ent->s.angles[YAW] > 180) ent->s.angles[YAW] -= 360; else if (ent->s.angles[YAW] < -180) ent->s.angles[YAW] += 360; } goto VCHCANSEL; } // on ground or in water waterjumped = false; if (ent->groundentity || ent->waterlevel) { if (ent->groundentity && (ent->waterlevel <= 0)) k = 1; else if (ent->waterlevel) { k = 2; if (ent->client->routetrace) { Get_RouteOrigin(ent->client->pers.routeindex, v); VectorSubtract(v, ent->s.origin, vv); vv[2] = 0; if ((v[2] < ent->s.origin[2]) && (VectorLength(vv) < 24)) k = 0; } if (ent->waterlevel == 3) k = 0; } else if (ent->waterlevel) k = 0; else k = 1; if (k) { if (ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED) k = 0; } f1 = (ent->client->waterstate) ? BOTTOM_LIMIT_WATER : -JumpMax; if (ent->client->nextcheck < level.time + 1.0) { VectorSubtract(ent->client->my_old_origin, ent->s.origin, temppos); if (VectorLength(temppos) < 64) { if (ent->client->routetrace) { if (!(int)chedit->value) { ent->client->routetrace = false; ent->client->pers.routeindex++; } } else f1 = BOTTOM_LIMITM; } if (ent->client->nextcheck < level.time) { VectorCopy(ent->s.origin, ent->client->my_old_origin); ent->client->nextcheck = level.time + 4.0; } } f3 = 20; //movablegap //this v not modify till do special if (ent->client->routetrace) Get_RouteOrigin(ent->client->pers.routeindex, v); if (ent->waterlevel && ent->client->routetrace) { if (v[2] + 20 <= ent->s.origin[2]) { f2 = 20; f3 = 0; } else f2 = JumpMax; } else f2 = JumpMax; ladderdrop = true; for (x = 0; (x <= 180) && (dist != 0); x += 10) { // right trace yaw = ent->client->moveyaw + x; if (yaw > 180) yaw -= 360; if ((j = Bot_TestMove(ent, yaw, temppos, dist, &bottom)) > 0) //CW { if ((x == 0) && !ent->waterlevel && !(ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED)) { if (ent->client->routetrace) { if ((v[2] - (ent->s.origin[2] + bottom) > f2) || ((bottom > 20) && (v[2] > ent->s.origin[2]))) { ladderdrop = false; if (Bot_Fall(ent, temppos, dist) && !ent->client->waterstate) { ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags &= ~PMF_DUCKED; break; } if (v[2] - ent->s.origin[2] <= JumpMax) { if ((Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].state == GRS_ONTRAIN) && (ent->client->waterstate < WAS_IN)) break; if (ent->client->pers.routeindex > 0) { if ((Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex-1].state == GRS_ONTRAIN) && (Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex-1].ent == ent->groundentity)) break; } } } else if (ent->groundentity) { if (ent->groundentity->use == rotating_use) { if (Bot_Fall(ent, temppos, dist)) { ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags &= ~PMF_DUCKED; break; } } else if (Route[ent->client->pers.routeindex].state == GRS_ONROTATE) { if (!TraceX(ent, v)) break; if (!HazardCheck(ent, v)) break; if (!BankCheck(ent, v)) break; if (Bot_Fall(ent, temppos, dist)) { ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags &= ~PMF_DUCKED; break; } } } } } // jumpable 1 if ((bottom > 20) && (bottom <= f2) && (j == 1) && k && !(ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED)) { ent->moveinfo.speed = 0.15; if (k == 1) ent->velocity[2] = VEL_BOT_JUMP; //CW else { ent->moveinfo.speed = 0.1; // waterjumped if ((ent->velocity[2] < VEL_BOT_WJUMP) || VectorCompare(ent->s.origin, ent->s.old_origin)) { ent->velocity[2] = VEL_BOT_WJUMP; ent->client->movestate |= STS_WATERJ; } goto VCHCANSEL; } SetBotAnim(ent); ent->client->moveyaw = yaw; ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags &= ~PMF_DUCKED; break; } //dropable1 else if ((bottom <= f3) && ((bottom >= f1) || ent->waterlevel)) { if ((bottom < 0) && !ent->client->waterstate) { f2 = FRAMETIME * (ent->velocity[2] - (ent->gravity * sv_gravity->value * FRAMETIME)); if ((bottom >= f2) && (ent->velocity[2] < 0)) temppos[2] += bottom; else temppos[2] += f2; } if (!ent->tractored) //CW++ VectorCopy(temppos, ent->s.origin); if (f1 > BOTTOM_LIMIT) ent->moveinfo.speed = 0.25; if (j != 1) ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags |= PMF_DUCKED; else ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags &= ~PMF_DUCKED; if ((x > 30) || !ent->client->routetrace) { f2 = ent->client->moveyaw; ent->client->moveyaw = yaw; if ((f2 == ent->s.angles[YAW]) && (trace_priority < TRP_ANGLEKEEP)) ent->s.angles[YAW] = yaw; } break; } // dropable?1 else if ((bottom < f1) && !ent->client->waterstate && (x <= 30)) { if (ladderdrop && (bottom != -9999) && (ent->client->ground_contents & CONTENTS_LADDER)) { VectorCopy(temppos, ent->s.origin); ent->client->moveyaw = yaw; ent->moveinfo.speed = 0.2; goto VCHCANSEL; } if (ladderdrop && (bottom < 0) && !ent->client->waterstate) { if (Bot_moveW(ent, yaw, temppos, dist, &bottom)) { iyaw = -41; if ((bottom > -20) && (iyaw < -40)) { VectorCopy(temppos, ent->s.origin); break; } } } // fall! if (Bot_Fall(ent, temppos, dist)) break; } } if ((x == 0) && (ent->client->battlemode & FIRE_SHIFT)) ent->client->battlemode &= ~FIRE_SHIFT; if ((x == 0) || (x == 180)) continue; yaw = ent->client->moveyaw - x; if (yaw < -180) yaw += 360; if ((j = Bot_TestMove(ent, yaw, temppos, dist, &bottom)) > 0) //CW { f2 = (ent->client->waterstate == WAS_FLOAT)?TOP_LIMIT_WATER:JumpMax; if ((bottom > 20) && (bottom <= f2) && (j == 1) && k && !(ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED)) { ent->moveinfo.speed = 0.15; if (k == 1) ent->velocity[2] = VEL_BOT_JUMP; else { ent->moveinfo.speed = 0.1; // waterjumped if ((ent->velocity[2] < VEL_BOT_WJUMP) || VectorCompare(ent->s.origin, ent->s.old_origin)) { ent->velocity[2] = VEL_BOT_WJUMP; ent->client->movestate |= STS_WATERJ; } goto VCHCANSEL; } SetBotAnim(ent); ent->client->moveyaw = yaw; ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags &= ~PMF_DUCKED; break; } // dropable2 else if ((bottom <= f3) && ((bottom >= f1) || ent->waterlevel)) { if ((bottom < 0) && !ent->client->waterstate) { f2 = FRAMETIME * (ent->velocity[2] - (ent->gravity * sv_gravity->value * FRAMETIME)); if ((bottom >= f2) && (ent->velocity[2] < 0)) temppos[2] += bottom; else temppos[2] += f2; } VectorCopy(temppos, ent->s.origin); if (f1 > BOTTOM_LIMIT) ent->moveinfo.speed = 0.25; if (j != 1) ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags |= PMF_DUCKED; else ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags &= ~PMF_DUCKED; if ((x > 30) || !ent->client->routetrace) { f2 = ent->client->moveyaw; ent->client->moveyaw = yaw; if ((f2 == ent->s.angles[YAW]) && (trace_priority < TRP_ANGLEKEEP)) ent->s.angles[YAW] = yaw; } break; } // dropable?2 else if ((bottom < f1) && !ent->client->waterstate && (x <= 30)) { if (ladderdrop && (ent->client->ground_contents & CONTENTS_LADDER) && (bottom != -9999)) { VectorCopy(temppos, ent->s.origin); ent->client->moveyaw = yaw; ent->moveinfo.speed = 0.2; goto VCHCANSEL; } if (ladderdrop && (bottom < 0) && !ent->client->waterstate) { if (Bot_moveW(ent, yaw, temppos, dist, &bottom)) { iyaw = -41; if ((bottom > -54) && (iyaw < -40)) { VectorCopy(temppos, ent->s.origin); break; } } } // fall2 if (Bot_Fall(ent, temppos, dist)) break; } } } if (!ent->client->routetrace && !ent->client->current_enemy) { if (trace_priority < TRP_ANGLEKEEP) ent->s.angles[YAW] = yaw; } if (x >= 70) { if (!ent->client->routetrace && (ent->client->current_enemy == NULL)) { if (trace_priority < TRP_ANGLEKEEP) ent->s.angles[YAW] = yaw; } else if (ent->client->routetrace) { k = 0; if ((x > 90) && ent->groundentity) { if (ent->groundentity->use == train_use) //CW k = 1; } else if ((x > 90) && (Route[ent->client->routeindex].state == GRS_ONTRAIN)) k = 1; if (k && (trace_priority < TRP_ANGLEKEEP)) { VectorCopy(tmp_org, ent->s.origin); VectorCopy(tmp_vel, ent->velocity); ent->s.angles[YAW] = tmp_yaw; goto VCHCANSEL; } if (!k) { ent->velocity[2] += VEL_BOT_JUMP_NUDGE; //CW if (++ent->client->routeindex >= CurrentIndex) ent->client->routeindex = 0; ent->client->routetrace = false; } } } if (ent->waterlevel && !waterjumped) { k = 0; VectorCopy(ent->s.origin, temppos); if (ent->client->routetrace) { Get_RouteOrigin(ent->client->pers.routeindex, v); k = 2; x = v[2] - ent->s.origin[2]; if (x > 13) x = 13; else if (x < -13) x = -13; if (x < 0) { if (Bot_Watermove(ent, temppos, dist, x)) { // down VectorCopy(temppos, ent->s.origin); k = 1; } } else if ((x > 0) && (ent->client->waterstate == WAS_IN) && !(ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED)) { // up if (ent->velocity[2] < -10) ent->velocity[2] = 0; if (Bot_Watermove(ent, temppos, dist, x)) { VectorCopy(temppos, ent->s.origin); k = 1; } } } else if ((ent->air_finished - 2.0 < level.time) && (ent->client->waterstate == WAS_IN)) { if (Bot_Watermove(ent, temppos, dist, 13)) { VectorCopy(temppos, ent->s.origin); k = 1; } else k = 2; } if (k == 1) Get_WaterState(ent); if (ent->client->routetrace && (v[2] == ent->s.origin[2])) k = 3; if ((!ent->groundentity && !ent->client->waterstate && k && (ent->velocity[2] < 1)) || ((ent->client->waterstate == WAS_IN) && (ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED))) { if (Bot_Watermove(ent, temppos, dist, -7) && (k != 3)) VectorCopy(temppos, ent->s.origin); } if (ent->client->waterstate == WAS_IN) ent->moveinfo.decel = level.time; else if (!k) { if ((level.time - ent->moveinfo.decel > 4.0) && !ent->client->routetrace) { ent->velocity[2] = -200; ent->moveinfo.decel = level.time; } } if (ent->groundentity && (ent->waterlevel == 1)) { VectorSubtract(ent->s.origin, ent->s.old_origin, temppos); if (!temppos[0] && !temppos[1] && !temppos[2]) ent->velocity[2] += 80; } } // not in water else if (ent->client->routetrace && !dist) { Get_RouteOrigin(ent->client->pers.routeindex, v); if (v[2] < ent->s.origin[2] - 20) { if (Bot_Watermove(ent, temppos, dist, -20)) VectorCopy(temppos, ent->s.origin); } } } // player check door and corner if (!ent->client->routetrace && trace_priority && (random() < 0.2)) { VectorCopy(ent->s.origin, v); VectorCopy(ent->mins, touchmin); touchmin[2] += 16; VectorCopy(ent->maxs,touchmax); if (ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED) touchmax[2] = 0; else v[2] += 20; //right if (random() < 0.5) { f1 = ent->client->moveyaw + 90; if (f1 > 180) iyaw -= 360; f2 = ent->client->moveyaw + 135; if (f2 > 180) iyaw -= 360; } // left else { f1 = ent->client->moveyaw - 90; if (f1 < 180) iyaw += 360; f2 = ent->client->moveyaw - 135; if (f2 < 180) iyaw += 360; } yaw = DEG2RAD(f1); trmin[0] = cos(yaw) * 128; trmin[1] = sin(yaw) * 128; trmin[2] = 0; VectorAdd(v, trmin, trmax); tr = gi.trace(v, NULL, NULL, trmax, ent, MASK_BOTSOLIDX); x = tr.fraction; yaw = DEG2RAD(f2); trmin[0] = cos(yaw) * 128; trmin[1] = sin(yaw) * 128; trmin[2] = 0; VectorAdd(v, trmin, trmax); tr = gi.trace(v, NULL, NULL, trmax, ent, MASK_BOTSOLIDX); if ((x > tr.fraction) && (x > 0.5)) ent->client->moveyaw = f1; } // push button it_ent = NULL; k = 0; VectorCopy(ent->absmin, touchmin); VectorCopy(ent->absmax, touchmax); touchmin[0] -= 48; touchmin[1] -= 48; touchmin[2] -= 5; touchmax[0] += 48; touchmax[1] += 48; if ((i = gi.BoxEdicts(touchmin, touchmax, touch, MAX_EDICTS, AREA_SOLID)) > 0) //CW { for (j = i-1; j >= 0; j--) { trent = touch[j]; if (trent->classname) { if (trent->use == button_use) { k = 1; it_ent = trent; break; } else if ((trent->use == door_use) || (trent->use == rotating_use)) { if (!trent->targetname && !trent->takedamage) { if (ent->groundentity != trent) { k = 2; it_ent = trent; break; } } } } } } // when touch the button if ((it_ent != NULL) && (k == 1)) //CW { if (it_ent->use && (it_ent->moveinfo.state == PSTATE_BOTTOM) && !it_ent->health) { k = 0; if (ent->client->routetrace && (ent->client->pers.routeindex - 1 > 0)) { k = 1; i = ent->client->pers.routeindex; if (Route[i].state == GRS_PUSHBUTTON) k = 0; else if (Route[--i].state == GRS_PUSHBUTTON) k = 0; if (!k && (Route[i].ent == it_ent)) ent->client->pers.routeindex = i + 1; else k = 1; } if (!k && it_ent->target) { str = it_ent->target; e = &g_edicts[(int)maxclients->value+1]; for (i = maxclients->value+1; i < globals.num_edicts; i++, e++) { if (!e->inuse || !e->targetname) continue; if (!stricmp(str, e->targetname)) { if (e->classname[0] == 't') { if (e->use == trigger_relay_use) { if (e->target) { str = e->target; e = &g_edicts[(int)maxclients->value]; i = maxclients->value; continue; } } } else if (e->classname[0] == 'f') { it_ent->use(it_ent, ent, it_ent); if ((e->use == door_use) || (e->use == rotating_use)) { k = 0; if (!ent->client->routetrace) { v[0] = (it_ent->absmin[0] + it_ent->absmax[0]) * 0.5; v[1] = (it_ent->absmin[1] + it_ent->absmax[1]) * 0.5; v[2] = (it_ent->absmin[2] + it_ent->absmax[2]) * 0.5; VectorSubtract(it_ent->union_ent->s.origin, v, temppos); VectorScale(temppos, 3, v); VectorAdd(ent->s.origin, v, ent->client->movtarget_pt); } else VectorCopy(ent->s.origin, ent->client->movtarget_pt); if (fabs(e->moveinfo.start_origin[2] - e->moveinfo.end_origin[2]) > JumpMax) { if (e->union_ent == NULL) //CW { it = item_navi3; trent = G_Spawn(); trent->classname = it->classname; trent->s.origin[0] = (e->absmin[0] + e->absmax[0]) * 0.5; trent->s.origin[1] = (e->absmin[1] + e->absmax[1]) * 0.5; trent->s.origin[2] = e->absmax[2] + 16; trent->union_ent = e; e->union_ent = trent; SpawnItem3(trent, it); } else { trent = e->union_ent; trent->solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; trent->svflags &= ~SVF_NOCLIENT; } trent->target_ent = ent; if (e->spawnflags & PDOOR_TOGGLE) { f1 = e->moveinfo.start_origin[2] - e->moveinfo.end_origin[2]; k = 1; } else { f1 = e->moveinfo.start_origin[2] - e->moveinfo.end_origin[2]; if (f1 > 0) { if ((e->moveinfo.state == PSTATE_BOTTOM) || (e->moveinfo.state == PSTATE_UP)) { if (fabs(trent->s.origin[2] - ent->s.origin[2]) < JumpMax) k = 1; } } else { if ((e->moveinfo.state == PSTATE_BOTTOM) || (e->moveinfo.state == PSTATE_UP)) { if (fabs(trent->s.origin[2] - ent->s.origin[2]) < JumpMax) k = 1; } } } } if (!k) { ent->client->waiting_obj = e; ent->client->movestate &= ~STS_WAITS; ent->client->movestate |= STS_W_DOOROPEN; } else { if (e->union_ent->s.origin[2] + 8 - ent->s.origin[2] > JumpMax) { ent->client->routetrace = false; ent->client->movestate &= ~STS_WAITS; } } break; } } } } } else if (!k) it_ent->use(it_ent, ent, it_ent); } } // when touch the door else if ((it_ent != NULL) && (k == 2)) //CW { if (it_ent->moveinfo.state == PSTATE_BOTTOM) { if (it_ent->flags & FL_TEAMSLAVE) it_ent->teammaster->use(it_ent->teammaster, ent, it_ent->teammaster); else it_ent->use(it_ent, ent, it_ent); } if (it_ent->moveinfo.state == PSTATE_BOTTOM) { VectorCopy(ent->s.origin, ent->client->movtarget_pt); ent->client->waiting_obj = it_ent; ent->client->movestate &= ~STS_WAITS; ent->client->movestate |= STS_W_DOOROPEN; if (it_ent->flags & FL_TEAMSLAVE) { trmin[0] = (it_ent->teammaster->absmin[0] + it_ent->teammaster->absmax[0]) * 0.5; trmin[1] = (it_ent->teammaster->absmin[1] + it_ent->teammaster->absmax[1]) * 0.5; trmax[0] = (it_ent->absmin[0] + it_ent->absmax[0]) * 0.5; trmax[1] = (it_ent->absmin[1] + it_ent->absmax[1]) * 0.5; temppos[0] = (trmin[0] + trmax[0]) * 0.5; temppos[1] = (trmin[1] + trmax[1]) * 0.5; if (trace_priority < TRP_ANGLEKEEP) ent->s.angles[YAW] = Get_yaw(temppos); } else { trmax[0] = (it_ent->absmin[0] + it_ent->absmax[0]) * 0.5; trmax[1] = (it_ent->absmin[1] + it_ent->absmax[1]) * 0.5; VectorSubtract(trmax, ent->s.origin, temppos); if (trace_priority < TRP_ANGLEKEEP) ent->s.angles[YAW] = Get_yaw(temppos); } } else if (it_ent->moveinfo.state == PSTATE_UP) { VectorCopy(ent->s.origin, ent->client->movtarget_pt); ent->client->waiting_obj = it_ent; ent->client->movestate &= ~STS_WAITS; ent->client->movestate |= STS_W_DOOROPEN; } } VCHCANSEL: // ladder check front = left = right = NULL; k = 0; if (ent->client->routetrace && (ent->client->pers.routeindex + 1 < TotalRouteNodes)) { Get_RouteOrigin(ent->client->pers.routeindex+1, v); if (v[2] - ent->s.origin[2] >= 32) k = 1; } if (k && trace_priority && !(ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED)) { tempflag = 0; VectorCopy(ent->mins, trmin); VectorCopy(ent->maxs, trmax); trmin[2] += 20; // front iyaw = ent->client->moveyaw; yaw = DEG2RAD(iyaw); touchmin[0] = cos(yaw) * 32; touchmin[1] = sin(yaw) * 32; touchmin[2] = 0; VectorAdd(ent->s.origin, touchmin, touchmax); tr = gi.trace(ent->s.origin, trmin, ent->maxs, touchmax, ent, MASK_BOTSOLID); front = tr.ent; if (tr.contents & CONTENTS_LADDER) tempflag = 1; // upper if (!tempflag && !ent->client->waterstate) { trmax[2] += 32; tr = gi.trace(ent->s.origin, trmin,trmax, touchmax,ent, MASK_BOTSOLID); if (tr.contents & CONTENTS_LADDER) tempflag = 2; } if (!tempflag && ent->groundentity) { Get_RouteOrigin(ent->client->pers.routeindex, v); v[2] = ent->s.origin[2]; tr = gi.trace(ent->s.origin, trmin, ent->maxs, v, ent, MASK_BOTSOLID); if (tr.contents & CONTENTS_LADDER) tempflag = 3; } // right if (tempflag == 0) { iyaw = ent->client->moveyaw + 90; if (iyaw > 180) iyaw -= 360; yaw = DEG2RAD(iyaw); touchmin[0] = cos(yaw) * 32; touchmin[1] = sin(yaw) * 32; touchmin[2] = 0; VectorAdd(ent->s.origin, touchmin, touchmax); tr = gi.trace(ent->s.origin, trmin, ent->maxs, touchmax, ent, MASK_BOTSOLID); right = tr.ent; if (tr.contents & CONTENTS_LADDER) tempflag = 1; } // if (tempflag == 0) { iyaw = ent->client->moveyaw - 90; if (iyaw < -180) iyaw += 360; yaw = DEG2RAD(iyaw); touchmin[0] = cos(yaw) * 32; touchmin[1] = sin(yaw) * 32; touchmin[2] = 0; VectorAdd(ent->s.origin, touchmin, touchmax); tr = gi.trace(ent->s.origin, trmin, ent->maxs, touchmax, ent, MASK_BOTSOLID); left = tr.ent; if (tr.contents & CONTENTS_LADDER) tempflag = 1; } // found ladder if (tempflag) { VectorCopy(tr.endpos, trmax); VectorCopy(trmax, touchmax); touchmax[2] += WORLD_SIZE; // was 8192 tr = gi.trace(trmax, trmin, ent->maxs, touchmax, ent, MASK_SOLID); e = tr.ent; k = 0; VectorCopy(tr.endpos, temppos); VectorAdd(tr.endpos, touchmin, touchmax); tr = gi.trace(temppos, trmin,ent->maxs, touchmax, ent, MASK_BOTSOLID); if (e && (e->use == door_use)) k = 1; if ((!(tr.contents & CONTENTS_LADDER) || k)) { if (!ent->tractored) //CW { ent->velocity[0] = 0; ent->velocity[1] = 0; } if ((ent->client->moveyaw == iyaw) || ent->client->routetrace) { // on ladder if (ent->client->moveyaw != iyaw) ent->client->moveyaw = iyaw; ent->s.angles[YAW] = ent->client->moveyaw; if (tempflag != 3) VectorCopy(trmax, ent->s.origin); ent->client->movestate |= STS_LADDERUP; ent->s.angles[YAW] = ent->client->moveyaw; ent->s.angles[PITCH] = -29; if (tempflag == 2) { ent->velocity[2] = VEL_BOT_JUMP; SetBotAnim(ent); ent->client->movestate |= STS_SJMASK; ent->moveinfo.speed = 0; } else if (tempflag == 3) { ent->velocity[2] = VEL_BOT_JUMP; SetBotAnim(ent); ent->client->movestate |= STS_SJMASK; ent->moveinfo.speed = MOVE_SPD_JUMP; } //CW++ else if(ent->waterlevel > 1) ent->velocity[2] = VEL_BOT_WLADDERUP; else //CW-- ent->velocity[2] = VEL_BOT_LADDERUP; } else { ent->client->moveyaw = iyaw; ent->s.angles[YAW] = ent->client->moveyaw; } } } } VCHCANSEL_L: // player sizebox and special duck set if ((ent->client->battleduckcnt > 0) && ent->groundentity && (ent->velocity[2] < 10)) { ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags |= PMF_DUCKED; ent->client->battleduckcnt--; } if (ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED) { // ducked ent->client->duckedtime = 0; ent->maxs[2] = 4; ent->viewheight = -2; } else { // not ducked if (ent->client->duckedtime < 1) ent->client->duckedtime += FRAMETIME; ent->maxs[2] = 32; ent->viewheight = 22; } VectorCopy(ent->s.angles, ent->client->v_angle); if (ent->s.angles[PITCH] < -29) ent->s.angles[PITCH] = -29; else if (ent->s.angles[PITCH] > 29) ent->s.angles[PITCH] = 29; } //============================================== void Bot_Camp(edict_t *ent) { //CW++ // Reset camping flag once we've had time to move on from the last site. if (level.time > ent->client->camptime + 5.0) ent->client->camping = false; //CW-- if (ent->client->camptime < level.time) return; VectorCopy(ent->client->lastorigin, ent->s.origin); if (random() < 0.2) //CW ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags |= PMF_DUCKED; // Don't camp if we're using Traps or C4. if ((ent->client->pers.weapon == item_trap) || (ent->client->pers.weapon == item_c4)) //CW ent->client->camptime = level.time; } //============================================== void Bot_Think(edict_t *ent) { // Reset the bot's enemy info if the enemy has died. if (ent->client->current_enemy) { if (!(ent->client->current_enemy->die && (ent->client->current_enemy->die == Trap_DieFromDamage))) //CW++ { if (!G_ClientInGame(ent->client->current_enemy)) { ent->client->battleduckcnt = 0; ent->client->current_enemy = NULL; ent->client->combatstate &= ~CTS_ENEM_NSEE; ent->client->battlemode = FIRE_NULL; } } } // If the bot is dead, put it back into the game. if (!G_ClientNotDead(ent)) { ent->s.modelindex2 = 0; ent->s.modelindex3 = 0; //CW++ ent->s.modelindex4 = 0; //CW++ ent->client->routetrace = false; if (ent->client->respawn_time <= level.time) { ent->client->respawn_time = level.time; PutClientInServer(ent); } ent->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME; return; } // Perform general AI routines for the bot (movement, combat, chatting, camping, etc). Bot_AI(ent); if (ent->health < 25) //CW ent->client->camptime = level.time; //CW++ else if (ent->client->held_by_agm || ent->client->flung_by_agm || ent->client->thrown_by_agm) ent->client->camptime = level.time; else if ((int)sv_bots_camp->value && Bot[ent->client->pers.botindex].camper) Bot_Camp(ent); if ((int)sv_bots_chat->value && !ent->client->pers.muted) RandomChat(ent); gi.linkentity(ent); G_TouchTriggers(ent); // If the bot has a Personal Teleporter and is in trouble, use it to escape. if (ent->client->pers.inventory[ITEM_INDEX(item_teleporter)]) { if (ent->health < BOT_TELE_MINHEALTH) { if (ent->client->current_enemy && InSight(ent, ent->client->current_enemy)) { vec3_t v; float range; VectorSubtract(ent->client->current_enemy->s.origin, ent->s.origin, v); if ((range = VectorLength(v)) < BOT_TELE_ENEMYRANGE) Use_Teleporter(ent, item_teleporter); } } if (ent->velocity[2] < BOT_TELE_FALLSPEED) { if (TriggerHurtCheck(ent)) Use_Teleporter(ent, item_teleporter); } } //CW-- ent->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME; } //Maj/Pon--