/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc. This file is part of Quake 2 source code. Quake 2 source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Quake 2 source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Quake 2 source code; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =========================================================================== */ /* NoCheat LOC support by NiceAss Edited and Fixed by Xile and FourthX */ #include "client.h" #ifdef LOC_SUPPORT typedef struct { vec3_t origin; char name[64]; qboolean used; } loc_t; #define MAX_LOCATIONS 768 loc_t locations[MAX_LOCATIONS]; /* ================= CL_FreeLoc ================= */ int CL_FreeLoc (void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_LOCATIONS; i++) { if (locations[i].used == false) return i; } // just keep overwriting the last one.... return MAX_LOCATIONS - 1; } /* ================= CL_LoadLoc ================= */ void CL_LoadLoc (void) { char mapname[MAX_QPATH]; char filename[MAX_OSPATH]; char *buf, *line, *nl, *cr, *tok; char *token1, *token2, *token3, *token4; int fSize, nLines, index; qboolean isCommentLine, fpFormat = false; // FILE *f; memset(locations, 0, sizeof(loc_t) * MAX_LOCATIONS); // format map pathname Q_strncpyz(mapname, cl.configstrings[CS_MODELS + 1] + 5, sizeof(mapname)); // skip "maps/" mapname[strlen(mapname) - 4] = 0; // remove ".bsp" Com_sprintf (filename, sizeof(filename), "locs/%s.loc", mapname); // load file and check buffer and size fSize = FS_LoadFile (filename, &buf); if (!buf) { Com_DPrintf("CL_LoadLoc: Couldn't load %s\n", filename); return; } if (fSize < 7) { Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW"CL_LoadLoc: Loc file %s is too small: %d\n", filename, fSize); FS_FreeFile (buf); return; } // check if it's in floating-point format if ( strstr(buf, ".000") || strstr(buf, ".125") || strstr(buf, ".250") || strstr(buf, ".375") || strstr(buf, ".500") || strstr(buf, ".625") || strstr(buf, ".750") || strstr(buf, ".875") ) { // Com_DPrintf("CL_LoadLoc: %s is in floating-point format.\n", filename); fpFormat = true; } line = buf; nLines = 0; while ( *line && (line < buf + fSize) ) { // overwrite new line characters with null nl = strchr(line, '\n'); if (nl) *nl = '\0'; // nullify the carriage return too! cr = strchr(line, '\r'); if (cr) *cr = '\0'; nLines++; // skip comments isCommentLine = (line[0] == ':' || line[0] == ';' || line[0] == '/'); if (!isCommentLine) { // break the line up into 4 tokens token1 = line; token2 = strchr(token1, ' '); if (token2 == NULL) { Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW"CL_LoadLoc: Line %d is incomplete in %s\n", nLines, filename); continue; } *token2 = '\0'; token2++; token3 = strchr(token2, ' '); if (token3 == NULL) { Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW"CL_LoadLoc: Line %d is incomplete in %s\n", nLines, filename); continue; } *token3 = '\0'; token3++; token4 = strchr(token3, ' '); if (token4 == NULL) { Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW"CL_LoadLoc: Line %d is incomplete in %s\n", nLines, filename); continue; } *token4 = '\0'; token4++; // floating-point format has a ':' between coords and label if (fpFormat) { tok = token4; token4 = strchr(tok, ' '); if (token4 == NULL) { Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW"CL_LoadLoc: Line %d is incomplete in %s\n", nLines, filename); continue; } *token4 = '\0'; token4++; } // Com_DPrintf("%s %s %s %s\n", token1, token2, token3, token4); // copy the data to the struct index = CL_FreeLoc(); if (fpFormat) { locations[index].origin[0] = atof(token1); locations[index].origin[1] = atof(token2); locations[index].origin[2] = atof(token3); } else { locations[index].origin[0] = atof(token1) * 0.125f; locations[index].origin[1] = atof(token2) * 0.125f; locations[index].origin[2] = atof(token3) * 0.125f; } Q_strncpyz(locations[index].name, token4, sizeof(locations[index].name)); locations[index].used = true; // Com_DPrintf("%.3f %.3f %.3f\n", locations[index].origin[0], locations[index].origin[1], locations[index].origin[2]); } if (!nl) break; line = nl + 1; } FS_FreeFile (buf); Com_Printf("CL_LoadLoc: Loaded %d locations from %s.\n", nLines, filename); /* Com_sprintf (filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/locs/%s.loc", FS_Savegamedir(), mapname); // was FS_Gamedir() if (!(f = fopen(filename, "r"))) { Com_DPrintf("CL_LoadLoc: Couldn't load locs/%s.loc\n", mapname); return; } while (!feof(f)) { char *token1, *token2, *token3, *token4; char line[128], *nl; int index; // read a line fgets(line, sizeof(line), f); // skip comments if (line[0] == ':' || line[0] == ';' || line[0] == '/') continue; // overwrite new line characters with null nl = strchr(line, '\n'); if (nl) *nl = '\0'; // break the line up into 4 tokens token1 = line; token2 = strchr(token1, ' '); if (token2 == NULL) continue; *token2 = '\0'; token2++; token3 = strchr(token2, ' '); if (token3 == NULL) continue; *token3 = '\0'; token3++; token4 = strchr(token3, ' '); if (token4 == NULL) continue; *token4 = '\0'; token4++; // copy the data to the structure index = CL_FreeLoc(); locations[index].origin[0] = atof(token1) * 0.125f; locations[index].origin[1] = atof(token2) * 0.125f; locations[index].origin[2] = atof(token3) * 0.125f; Q_strncpyz(locations[index].name, token4, sizeof(locations[index].name)); locations[index].used = true; } fclose(f); Com_Printf("Loaded location data from locs/%s.loc.\n", mapname); */ } /* ================= CL_LocIndex ================= */ int CL_LocIndex (vec3_t origin) { vec3_t diff; // FourthX fix float minDist = -1; int locIndex = -1; int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_LOCATIONS; i++) { float dist; if (!locations[i].used) continue; VectorSubtract(origin, locations[i].origin, diff); //dist = sqrt(diff[0]*diff[0] + diff[1]*diff[1] + diff[2]*diff[2]); // FourthX fix, wtf was this other guy thinking?!? dist = diff[0]*diff[0] + diff[1]*diff[1] + diff[2]*diff[2]; // jit - small optimization // (sqrt unnecessary w/relative distances: if dist1 < dist2 then dist1^2 < dist2^2) if (dist < minDist || minDist == -1) { minDist = dist; locIndex = i; } } return locIndex; } /* ================= CL_LocDelete ================= */ void CL_LocDelete (void) { vec3_t point; int index; point[0] = cl.frame.playerstate.pmove.origin[0] * 0.125f; point[1] = cl.frame.playerstate.pmove.origin[1] * 0.125f; point[2] = cl.frame.playerstate.pmove.origin[2] * 0.125f; index = CL_LocIndex(point); if (index != -1) { locations[index].used = false; Com_Printf("Location '%s' deleted.\n", locations[index].name); // Xile reworked. } else { Com_Printf("Warning: No location to delete!\n"); } } /* ================= CL_LocAdd ================= */ void CL_LocAdd (char *name) { int index = CL_FreeLoc(); locations[index].origin[0] = cl.frame.playerstate.pmove.origin[0] * 0.125f; locations[index].origin[1] = cl.frame.playerstate.pmove.origin[1] * 0.125f; locations[index].origin[2] = cl.frame.playerstate.pmove.origin[2] * 0.125f; Q_strncpyz(locations[index].name, name, sizeof(locations[index].name)); locations[index].used = true; Com_Printf("Location '%s' added at (%.3f %.3f %.3f). Loc #%d.\n", locations[index].name, locations[index].origin[0], locations[index].origin[1], locations[index].origin[2], index); } /* ================= CL_LocWrite ================= */ void CL_LocWrite (void) { char mapname[MAX_QPATH]; char filename[MAX_OSPATH]; int i; FILE *f; // format map pathname // strncpy(mapname, cl.configstrings[CS_MODELS + 1] + 5); // Xile; lets just keep saving em to one file mmmkay? Q_strncpyz(mapname, cl.configstrings[CS_MODELS + 1] + 5, sizeof(mapname)); mapname[strlen(mapname) - 4] = 0; Com_sprintf (filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/locs/%s.loc", FS_Savegamedir(), mapname); // was FS_Gamedir() // Sys_Mkdir("locs"); FS_CreatePath (filename); // if (!(f = fopen(va("locs/%s.loc", mapname), "w"))) if (!(f = fopen(filename, "w"))) { Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW"Unable to open locs/%s.loc for writing.\n", mapname); return; } fprintf(f, "// This location file is generated by KMQuake2, edit at your own risk.\n"); for (i = 0; i < MAX_LOCATIONS; i++) { if (!locations[i].used) continue; fprintf(f, "%d %d %d %s\n", (int)(locations[i].origin[0] * 8), (int)(locations[i].origin[1] * 8), (int)(locations[i].origin[2] * 8), locations[i].name); } fclose(f); Com_Printf("Saved location data to locs/%s.loc.\n", mapname); } /* ================= CL_LocPlace ================= */ void CL_LocPlace (void) { trace_t tr; vec3_t point, end; // int there[3]; int index1, index2 = -1; point[0] = cl.frame.playerstate.pmove.origin[0] * 0.125f; point[1] = cl.frame.playerstate.pmove.origin[1] * 0.125f; point[2] = cl.frame.playerstate.pmove.origin[2] * 0.125f; index1 = CL_LocIndex(point); VectorMA(cl.predicted_origin, WORLD_SIZE, cl.v_forward, end); // was 8192 tr = CM_BoxTrace(cl.predicted_origin, end, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, 0, MASK_PLAYERSOLID); // there[0] = tr.endpos[0] * 8; // there[1] = tr.endpos[1] * 8; // there[2] = tr.endpos[2] * 8; index2 = CL_LocIndex(tr.endpos); if (index1 != -1) Cvar_ForceSet("loc_here", locations[index1].name); else Cvar_ForceSet("loc_here", ""); if (index2 != -1) Cvar_ForceSet("loc_there", locations[index2].name); else Cvar_ForceSet("loc_there", ""); } /* ================= CL_AddViewLocs ================= */ void CL_AddViewLocs (void) { vec3_t point; int i, index, num = 0; // if (!cl_drawlocs->value) if (!cl_drawlocs->integer) return; point[0] = cl.frame.playerstate.pmove.origin[0] * 0.125f; point[1] = cl.frame.playerstate.pmove.origin[1] * 0.125f; point[2] = cl.frame.playerstate.pmove.origin[2] * 0.125f; index = CL_LocIndex(point); for (i = 0; i < MAX_LOCATIONS; i++) { float dist; entity_t ent; if (locations[i].used == false) continue; dist = ((float)cl.frame.playerstate.pmove.origin[0] * 0.125f - locations[i].origin[0]) * ((float)cl.frame.playerstate.pmove.origin[0] * 0.125f - locations[i].origin[0]) + ((float)cl.frame.playerstate.pmove.origin[1] * 0.125f - locations[i].origin[1]) * ((float)cl.frame.playerstate.pmove.origin[1] * 0.125f - locations[i].origin[1]) + ((float)cl.frame.playerstate.pmove.origin[2] * 0.125f - locations[i].origin[2]) * ((float)cl.frame.playerstate.pmove.origin[2] * 0.125f - locations[i].origin[2]); if (dist > 4000 * 4000) continue; memset(&ent, 0, sizeof(entity_t)); ent.origin[0] = locations[i].origin[0]; ent.origin[1] = locations[i].origin[1]; ent.origin[2] = locations[i].origin[2]; ent.skinnum = 0; ent.skin = NULL; // memset(ent.skins, 0, sizeof(ent.skins)); ent.model = NULL; if (i == index) ent.origin[2] += sin(cl.time * 0.01f) * 10.0f; V_AddEntity(&ent); num++; } } /* ================= CL_LocHelp_f ================= */ void CL_LocHelp_f (void) { // Xile/jitspoe - simple help cmd for reference Com_Printf( "Loc Commands:\n" "-------------\n" "loc_add