/* Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef __UI_LOCAL_H__ #define __UI_LOCAL_H__ #define MAXMENUITEMS 64 #define MTYPE_SLIDER 0 #define MTYPE_LIST 1 #define MTYPE_ACTION 2 #define MTYPE_SPINCONTROL 3 #define MTYPE_SEPARATOR 4 #define MTYPE_FIELD 5 #define K_TAB 9 #define K_ENTER 13 #define K_ESCAPE 27 #define K_SPACE 32 // normal keys should be passed as lowercased ascii #define K_BACKSPACE 127 #define K_UPARROW 128 #define K_DOWNARROW 129 #define K_LEFTARROW 130 #define K_RIGHTARROW 131 #define QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY 0x00000001 #define QMF_GRAYED 0x00000002 #define QMF_NUMBERSONLY 0x00000004 #define QMF_SKINLIST 0x00000008 #define QMF_HIDDEN 0x00000010 // #define MENU_SUBTEXT_FONT_SIZE 6 #define MENU_HEADER_FONT_SIZE 10 #define MENU_HEADER_LINE_SIZE 13 #define RCOLUMN_OFFSET MENU_FONT_SIZE*2 // was 16 #define LCOLUMN_OFFSET -MENU_FONT_SIZE*2 // was -16 #define SLIDER_RANGE 10 // typedef struct _tag_menuframework { int x, y; int cursor; int nitems; int nslots; void *items[64]; const char *statusbar; void (*cursordraw)( struct _tag_menuframework *m ); } menuframework_s; typedef struct { int type; const char *name; int x, y; menuframework_s *parent; int cursor_offset; int localdata[4]; int textSize; unsigned flags; const char *statusbar; void (*callback)( void *self ); void (*statusbarfunc)( void *self ); void (*ownerdraw)( void *self ); void (*cursordraw)( void *self ); } menucommon_s; typedef struct { menucommon_s generic; char buffer[80]; int cursor; int length; int visible_length; int visible_offset; } menufield_s; typedef struct { menucommon_s generic; float minvalue; float maxvalue; float curvalue; float range; } menuslider_s; typedef struct { menucommon_s generic; int curvalue; const char **itemnames; int numitemnames; } menulist_s; typedef struct { menucommon_s generic; } menuaction_s; typedef struct { menucommon_s generic; } menuseparator_s; typedef enum { LISTBOX_TEXT, LISTBOX_IMAGE, LISTBOX_TEXTIMAGE } listboxtype_t; typedef enum { SCROLL_X, SCROLL_Y } scrolltype_t; typedef struct { menucommon_s generic; listboxtype_t type; scrolltype_t scrolltype; int items_x; int items_y; int item_width; int item_height; int scrollpos; int curvalue; const char **itemnames; int numitemnames; } menulistbox_s; typedef struct { float min[2]; float max[2]; int index; } buttonmenuobject_t; typedef struct { int min[2]; int max[2]; void (*OpenMenu)(void); } mainmenuobject_t; qboolean Field_Key( menufield_s *field, int key ); void Menu_AddItem (menuframework_s *menu, void *item); void Menu_AdjustCursor (menuframework_s *menu, int dir); void Menu_Center (menuframework_s *menu); void Menu_Draw (menuframework_s *menu); void *Menu_ItemAtCursor (menuframework_s *m); qboolean Menu_SelectItem (menuframework_s *s); qboolean Menu_MouseSelectItem (menucommon_s *item); void Menu_SetStatusBar (menuframework_s *s, const char *string); void Menu_SlideItem (menuframework_s *s, int dir); int Menu_TallySlots (menuframework_s *menu); void Menu_DrawString (int x, int y, int size, const char *string, int alpha); void Menu_DrawStringDark (int x, int y, int size, const char *string, int alpha); void Menu_DrawStringR2L (int x, int y, int size, const char *string, int alpha); void Menu_DrawStringR2LDark (int x, int y, int size, const char *string, int alpha); void Menu_DrawTextBox (int x, int y, int width, int lines); void Menu_DrawBanner (char *name); void UI_Draw_Cursor (void); //======================================================= // menu_main.c #define NUM_MAINMENU_CURSOR_FRAMES 15 #define MOUSEBUTTON1 0 #define MOUSEBUTTON2 1 #define LOADSCREEN_NAME "/gfx/ui/unknownmap.pcx" #define UI_BACKGROUND_NAME "/gfx/ui/menu_background.pcx" #define UI_NOSCREEN_NAME "/gfx/ui/noscreen.pcx" #define UI_MOUSECURSOR_MAIN_PIC "/gfx/ui/cursors/m_cur_main.pcx" #define UI_MOUSECURSOR_HOVER_PIC "/gfx/ui/cursors/m_cur_hover.pcx" #define UI_MOUSECURSOR_CLICK_PIC "/gfx/ui/cursors/m_cur_click.pcx" #define UI_MOUSECURSOR_OVER_PIC "/gfx/ui/cursors/m_cur_over.pcx" #define UI_MOUSECURSOR_TEXT_PIC "/gfx/ui/cursors/m_cur_text.pcx" #define UI_MOUSECURSOR_PIC "/gfx/ui/cursors/m_mouse_cursor.pcx" extern cvar_t *ui_cursor_scale; static char *menu_in_sound = "misc/menu1.wav"; static char *menu_move_sound = "misc/menu2.wav"; static char *menu_out_sound = "misc/menu3.wav"; extern qboolean m_entersound; // play after drawing a frame, so caching // won't disrupt the sound int MainMenuMouseHover; cursor_t cursor; void M_Menu_Main_f (void); void M_Menu_Game_f (void); void M_Menu_LoadGame_f (void); void M_Menu_SaveGame_f (void); void M_Menu_PlayerConfig_f (void); void M_Menu_DownloadOptions_f (void); void M_Menu_Credits_f( void ); void M_Menu_Multiplayer_f( void ); void M_Menu_JoinServer_f (void); void M_Menu_AddressBook_f( void ); void M_Menu_StartServer_f (void); void M_Menu_DMOptions_f (void); void M_Menu_PlayerConfig_f (void); void M_Menu_DownloadOptions_f (void); void M_Menu_Video_f (void); void M_Menu_Video_Advanced_f (void); void M_Menu_Options_f (void); void M_Menu_Options_Sound_f (void); void M_Menu_Options_Controls_f (void); void M_Menu_Keys_f (void); void M_Menu_Options_Screen_f (void); void M_Menu_Options_Effects_f (void); void M_Menu_Options_Interface_f (void); void M_Menu_Quit_f (void); void M_Menu_Credits( void ); static char *creditsBuffer; void ActionStartMod (char *mod); // ui_subsystem.c qboolean IsValidImageFilename (char *name); void UI_AddButton (buttonmenuobject_t *thisObj, int index, float x, float y, float w, float h); void UI_AddMainButton (mainmenuobject_t *thisObj, int index, int x, int y, char *name); void UI_RefreshCursorMenu (void); void UI_RefreshCursorLink (void); void UI_RefreshCursorButtons (void); void UI_PushMenu ( void (*draw) (void), const char *(*key) (int k) ); void UI_ForceMenuOff (void); void UI_PopMenu (void); void UI_BackMenu (void *unused); const char *Default_MenuKey( menuframework_s *m, int key ); // ui_main.c void M_Main_Draw (void); void UI_CheckMainMenuMouse (void); // ui_game_saveload.c void UI_InitSavegameData (void); // ui_credits.c void M_Credits_MenuDraw (void); // ui_options_screen.c void Options_Screen_MenuDraw (void); void MenuCrosshair_MouseClick (void); // ui_mp_startserver.c void UI_LoadArenas (void); void UI_LoadMapList (void); // ui_mp_playersetup.c void PlayerConfig_MenuDraw (void); void PlayerConfig_MouseClick (void); void PConfigAccept (void); #endif