/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc. This file is part of Quake 2 source code. Quake 2 source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Quake 2 source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Quake 2 source code; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =========================================================================== */ // menu_main.c -- the main menu & support functions #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #endif #include "../client/client.h" #include "ui_local.h" static int m_main_cursor; int MainMenuMouseHover; // for checking if quad cursor model is available #define QUAD_CURSOR_MODEL "models/ui/quad_cursor.md2" qboolean quadModel_loaded; /* ======================================================================= MAIN MENU ======================================================================= */ #define MAIN_ITEMS 5 char *main_names[] = { "m_main_game", "m_main_multiplayer", "m_main_options", "m_main_video", "m_main_quit", 0 }; /* ============= FindMenuCoords ============= */ void FindMenuCoords (int *xoffset, int *ystart, int *totalheight, int *widest) { int w, h, i; *totalheight = 0; *widest = -1; for (i = 0; main_names[i] != 0; i++) { R_DrawGetPicSize (&w, &h, main_names[i]); if (w > *widest) *widest = w; *totalheight += (h + 12); } *xoffset = (SCREEN_WIDTH - *widest + 70) * 0.5; *ystart = SCREEN_HEIGHT*0.5 - 100; } /* ============= UI_DrawMainCursor Draws an animating cursor with the point at x,y. The pic will extend to the left of x, and both above and below y. ============= */ void UI_DrawMainCursor (int x, int y, int f) { char cursorname[80]; static qboolean cached; int w,h; if (!cached) { int i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_MAINMENU_CURSOR_FRAMES; i++) { Com_sprintf (cursorname, sizeof(cursorname), "m_cursor%d", i); R_DrawFindPic (cursorname); } cached = true; } Com_sprintf (cursorname, sizeof(cursorname), "m_cursor%d", f); R_DrawGetPicSize (&w, &h, cursorname); UI_DrawPic (x, y, w, h, ALIGN_CENTER, false, cursorname, 1.0); } /* ============= UI_DrawMainCursor3D Draws a rotating quad damage model. ============= */ void UI_DrawMainCursor3D (int x, int y) { refdef_t refdef; entity_t quadEnt, *ent; float rx, ry, rw, rh; int yaw; yaw = anglemod(cl.time/10); memset(&refdef, 0, sizeof(refdef)); memset (&quadEnt, 0, sizeof(quadEnt)); // size 24x34 rx = x; ry = y; rw = 24; rh = 34; SCR_ScaleCoords (&rx, &ry, &rw, &rh, ALIGN_CENTER); refdef.x = rx; refdef.y = ry; refdef.width = rw; refdef.height = rh; refdef.fov_x = 40; refdef.fov_y = CalcFov (refdef.fov_x, refdef.width, refdef.height); refdef.time = cls.realtime*0.001; refdef.areabits = 0; refdef.lightstyles = 0; refdef.rdflags = RDF_NOWORLDMODEL; refdef.num_entities = 0; refdef.entities = &quadEnt; ent = &quadEnt; ent->model = R_RegisterModel (QUAD_CURSOR_MODEL); ent->flags = RF_FULLBRIGHT|RF_NOSHADOW|RF_DEPTHHACK; VectorSet (ent->origin, 40, 0, -18); VectorCopy( ent->origin, ent->oldorigin ); ent->frame = 0; ent->oldframe = 0; ent->backlerp = 0.0; ent->angles[1] = yaw; refdef.num_entities++; R_RenderFrame( &refdef ); } /* ============= UI_CheckQuadModel Checks for quad damage model. ============= */ void UI_CheckQuadModel (void) { struct model_s *quadModel; quadModel = R_RegisterModel (QUAD_CURSOR_MODEL); quadModel_loaded = (quadModel != NULL); } /* ============= Menu_Main_Draw ============= */ void Menu_Main_Draw (void) { int i; int w, h, last_h; int ystart; int xoffset; int widest = -1; int totalheight = 0; char litname[80]; FindMenuCoords (&xoffset, &ystart, &totalheight, &widest); for (i = 0; main_names[i] != 0; i++) if (i != m_main_cursor) { R_DrawGetPicSize (&w, &h, main_names[i]); UI_DrawPic (xoffset, (ystart + i*40+3), w, h, ALIGN_CENTER, false, main_names[i], 1.0); } // strncpy (litname, main_names[m_main_cursor]); // strncat (litname, "_sel"); Q_strncpyz (litname, sizeof(litname), main_names[m_main_cursor]); Q_strncatz (litname, sizeof(litname), "_sel"); R_DrawGetPicSize (&w, &h, litname); UI_DrawPic (xoffset-1, (ystart + m_main_cursor*40+2), w+2, h+2, ALIGN_CENTER, false, litname, 1.0); // Draw our nifty quad damage model as a cursor if it's loaded. if (quadModel_loaded) UI_DrawMainCursor3D (xoffset-27, ystart+(m_main_cursor*40+1)); else UI_DrawMainCursor (xoffset-25, ystart+(m_main_cursor*40+1), (int)(cls.realtime/100)%NUM_MAINMENU_CURSOR_FRAMES); R_DrawGetPicSize (&w, &h, "m_main_plaque"); UI_DrawPic (xoffset-(w/2+50), ystart, w, h, ALIGN_CENTER, false, "m_main_plaque", 1.0); last_h = h; R_DrawGetPicSize (&w, &h, "m_main_logo"); UI_DrawPic (xoffset-(w/2+50), ystart+last_h+20, w, h, ALIGN_CENTER, false, "m_main_logo", 1.0); } /* ============= OpenMenuFromMain ============= */ void OpenMenuFromMain (void) { switch (m_main_cursor) { case 0: Menu_Game_f (); break; case 1: Menu_Multiplayer_f(); break; case 2: Menu_Options_f (); break; case 3: Menu_Video_f (); break; case 4: Menu_Quit_f (); break; } } /* ============= UI_CheckMainMenuMouse ============= */ void UI_CheckMainMenuMouse (void) { int ystart; int xoffset; int widest; int totalheight; int i, oldhover; char *sound = NULL; mainmenuobject_t buttons[MAIN_ITEMS]; oldhover = MainMenuMouseHover; MainMenuMouseHover = 0; FindMenuCoords(&xoffset, &ystart, &totalheight, &widest); for (i = 0; main_names[i] != 0; i++) UI_AddMainButton (&buttons[i], i, xoffset, ystart+(i*40+3), main_names[i]); // Exit with double click 2nd mouse button if (!ui_mousecursor.buttonused[MOUSEBUTTON2] && ui_mousecursor.buttonclicks[MOUSEBUTTON2]==2) { UI_PopMenu(); sound = ui_menu_out_sound; ui_mousecursor.buttonused[MOUSEBUTTON2] = true; ui_mousecursor.buttonclicks[MOUSEBUTTON2] = 0; } for (i=MAIN_ITEMS-1; i>=0; i--) { if ( (ui_mousecursor.x >= buttons[i].min[0]) && (ui_mousecursor.x <= buttons[i].max[0]) && (ui_mousecursor.y >= buttons[i].min[1]) && (ui_mousecursor.y <= buttons[i].max[1]) ) { if (ui_mousecursor.mouseaction) m_main_cursor = i; MainMenuMouseHover = 1 + i; if (oldhover == MainMenuMouseHover && MainMenuMouseHover-1 == m_main_cursor && !ui_mousecursor.buttonused[MOUSEBUTTON1] && ui_mousecursor.buttonclicks[MOUSEBUTTON1]==1) { OpenMenuFromMain(); sound = ui_menu_move_sound; ui_mousecursor.buttonused[MOUSEBUTTON1] = true; ui_mousecursor.buttonclicks[MOUSEBUTTON1] = 0; } break; } } if (!MainMenuMouseHover) { ui_mousecursor.buttonused[MOUSEBUTTON1] = false; ui_mousecursor.buttonclicks[MOUSEBUTTON1] = 0; ui_mousecursor.buttontime[MOUSEBUTTON1] = 0; } ui_mousecursor.mouseaction = false; if (sound) S_StartLocalSound(sound); } /* ============= Menu_Main_Key ============= */ const char *Menu_Main_Key (int key) { const char *sound = ui_menu_move_sound; switch (key) { case K_ESCAPE: #ifdef ERASER_COMPAT_BUILD // special hack for Eraser build if (cls.state == ca_disconnected) Menu_Quit_f (); else UI_PopMenu (); #else // can't exit menu if disconnected, // so restart demo loop if (cls.state == ca_disconnected) Cbuf_AddText ("d1\n"); UI_PopMenu (); #endif break; case K_KP_DOWNARROW: case K_DOWNARROW: if (++m_main_cursor >= MAIN_ITEMS) m_main_cursor = 0; return sound; case K_KP_UPARROW: case K_UPARROW: if (--m_main_cursor < 0) m_main_cursor = MAIN_ITEMS - 1; return sound; case K_KP_ENTER: case K_ENTER: ui_entersound = true; switch (m_main_cursor) { case 0: Menu_Game_f (); break; case 1: Menu_Multiplayer_f(); break; case 2: Menu_Options_f (); break; case 3: Menu_Video_f (); break; case 4: Menu_Quit_f (); break; } } return NULL; } /* ============= Menu_Main_f ============= */ void Menu_Main_f (void) { UI_CheckQuadModel (); UI_PushMenu (Menu_Main_Draw, Menu_Main_Key); }