/* Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // r_warp.c -- sky and water polygons #include "r_local.h" extern model_t *loadmodel; msurface_t *warpface; #define SUBDIVIDE_SIZE 64 void BoundPoly (int numverts, float *verts, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs) { int i, j; float *v; mins[0] = mins[1] = mins[2] = 999999; maxs[0] = maxs[1] = maxs[2] = -999999; v = verts; for (i=0; i maxs[j]) maxs[j] = *v; } } void SubdividePolygon (int numverts, float *verts) { int i, j, k; vec3_t mins, maxs; float m; float *v; vec3_t front[64], back[64]; int f, b, size; float dist[64]; float frac; glpoly_t *poly; float s, t; vec3_t total; float total_s, total_t; if (numverts > 60) VID_Error (ERR_DROP, "numverts = %i", numverts); BoundPoly (numverts, verts, mins, maxs); for (i=0; i<3; i++) { m = (mins[i] + maxs[i]) * 0.5; m = SUBDIVIDE_SIZE * floor (m/SUBDIVIDE_SIZE + 0.5); if (maxs[i] - m < 8) continue; if (m - mins[i] < 8) continue; // cut it v = verts + i; for (j=0; j= 0) { VectorCopy (v, front[f]); f++; } if (dist[j] <= 0) { VectorCopy (v, back[b]); b++; } if (dist[j] == 0 || dist[j+1] == 0) continue; if ( (dist[j] > 0) != (dist[j+1] > 0) ) { // clip point frac = dist[j] / (dist[j] - dist[j+1]); for (k=0; k<3; k++) front[f][k] = back[b][k] = v[k] + frac*(v[3+k] - v[k]); f++; b++; } } SubdividePolygon (f, front[0]); SubdividePolygon (b, back[0]); return; } // add a point in the center to help keep warp valid poly = Hunk_Alloc (sizeof(glpoly_t) + ((numverts-4)+2) * VERTEXSIZE*sizeof(float)); poly->next = warpface->polys; warpface->polys = poly; poly->numverts = numverts+2; // alloc vertex light fields size = poly->numverts*3*sizeof(byte); poly->vertexlight = Hunk_Alloc(size); poly->vertexlightbase = Hunk_Alloc(size); memset(poly->vertexlight, 0, size); memset(poly->vertexlightbase, 0, size); poly->vertexlightset = false; VectorClear (total); total_s = 0; total_t = 0; for (i=0; iverts[i+1]); s = DotProduct (verts, warpface->texinfo->vecs[0]); t = DotProduct (verts, warpface->texinfo->vecs[1]); total_s += s; total_t += t; VectorAdd (total, verts, total); poly->verts[i+1][3] = s; poly->verts[i+1][4] = t; } VectorScale (total, (1.0/(float)numverts), poly->verts[0]); VectorCopy(poly->verts[0], poly->center); // for vertex lighting poly->verts[0][3] = total_s/numverts; poly->verts[0][4] = total_t/numverts; // copy first vertex to last memcpy (poly->verts[i+1], poly->verts[1], sizeof(poly->verts[0])); } /* ================ R_SubdivideSurface Breaks a polygon up along axial 64 unit boundaries so that turbulent warps can be done reasonably. ================ */ void R_SubdivideSurface (msurface_t *fa) { vec3_t verts[64]; int numverts; int i; int lindex; float *vec; warpface = fa; // // convert edges back to a normal polygon // numverts = 0; for (i=0; inumedges; i++) { lindex = loadmodel->surfedges[fa->firstedge + i]; if (lindex > 0) vec = loadmodel->vertexes[loadmodel->edges[lindex].v[0]].position; else vec = loadmodel->vertexes[loadmodel->edges[-lindex].v[1]].position; VectorCopy (vec, verts[numverts]); numverts++; } SubdividePolygon (numverts, verts[0]); } //========================================================= // speed up sin calculations - Ed float r_turbsin[] = { #include "warpsin.h" }; #define TURBSCALE (256.0 / (2 * M_PI)) // MrG - texture shader stuffs #define DST_SIZE 16 unsigned int dst_texture_NV, dst_texture_ARB; /* =============== CreateDSTTex_NV Create the texture which warps texture shaders =============== */ void CreateDSTTex_NV (void) { char data[DST_SIZE][DST_SIZE][2]; int x,y; for (x=0; xvalue && !(fa->texinfo->flags & SURF_NOLIGHTENV); qboolean texShaderWarpNV = glConfig.NV_texshaders && glConfig.multitexture && r_pixel_shader_warp->value; qboolean texShaderWarpARB = glConfig.arb_fragment_program && glConfig.multitexture && r_pixel_shader_warp->value; qboolean texShaderWarp = (texShaderWarpNV || texShaderWarpARB); if (texShaderWarpNV && texShaderWarpARB) texShaderWarpARB = (r_pixel_shader_warp->value == 1.0f); if (rb_vertex == 0 || rb_index == 0) // nothing to render return; c_brush_calls++; // Psychospaz's vertex lighting if (light) { GL_ShadeModel (GL_SMOOTH); if (!texShaderWarp) R_SetVertexRGBScale (true); } /* Texture Shader waterwarp Damn this looks fantastic WHY texture shaders? because I can! - MrG */ if (texShaderWarpARB) { GL_SelectTexture(0); GL_MBind(0, image->texnum); GL_EnableTexture(1); // GL_MBind(1, dst_texture_ARB); GL_MBind(1, glMedia.distTextureARB->texnum); GL_Enable (GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB); qglBindProgramARB(GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB, fragment_programs[F_PROG_WARP]); qglProgramLocalParameter4fARB(GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB, 0, r_rgbscale->value, r_rgbscale->value, r_rgbscale->value, 1.0); } else if (texShaderWarpNV) { GL_SelectTexture(0); GL_MBind(0, dst_texture_NV); qglTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_SHADER_NV, GL_SHADER_OPERATION_NV, GL_TEXTURE_2D); GL_EnableTexture(1); GL_MBind(1, image->texnum); qglTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_SHADER_NV, GL_SHADER_OPERATION_NV, GL_TEXTURE_2D); qglTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_SHADER_NV, GL_SHADER_OPERATION_NV, GL_OFFSET_TEXTURE_2D_NV); qglTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_SHADER_NV, GL_PREVIOUS_TEXTURE_INPUT_NV, GL_TEXTURE0_ARB); qglTexEnvfv(GL_TEXTURE_SHADER_NV, GL_OFFSET_TEXTURE_MATRIX_NV, &args[1]); // Psychospaz's lighting // use this so that the new water isnt so bright anymore // We won't bother check for the extensions availabiliy, as the hardware required // to make it this far definately supports this as well if (light) qglTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_COMBINE_ARB); GL_Enable (GL_TEXTURE_SHADER_NV); } else GL_Bind(image->texnum); RB_DrawArrays (); // MrG - texture shader waterwarp if (texShaderWarpARB) { GL_Disable (GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB); GL_DisableTexture(1); GL_SelectTexture(0); } else if (texShaderWarpNV) { GL_DisableTexture(1); if (light) qglTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_MODULATE); // Psychospaz's lighting GL_SelectTexture(0); GL_Disable (GL_TEXTURE_SHADER_NV); } // Psychospaz's vertex lighting if (light) { GL_ShadeModel (GL_FLAT); if (!texShaderWarp) R_SetVertexRGBScale (false); } RB_DrawMeshTris (); rb_vertex = rb_index = 0; } /* ============= R_DrawWarpSurface Does a water warp on the pre-fragmented glpoly_t chain. added Psychospaz's lightmaps on alpha surfaces ============= */ void R_DrawWarpSurface (msurface_t *fa, float alpha, qboolean render) { glpoly_t *p, *bp; float *v, s, t, scroll, dstscroll, rdt = r_newrefdef.time; vec3_t point; int i; qboolean light = r_warp_lighting->value && !r_fullbright->value && !(fa->texinfo->flags & SURF_NOLIGHTENV); qboolean texShaderNV = glConfig.NV_texshaders && glConfig.multitexture && ( (!glConfig.arb_fragment_program && r_pixel_shader_warp->value) || (glConfig.arb_fragment_program && r_pixel_shader_warp->value > 1) ); c_brush_surfs++; dstscroll = -64 * ( (r_newrefdef.time*0.15) - (int)(r_newrefdef.time*0.15) ); if (fa->texinfo->flags & SURF_FLOWING) scroll = -64 * ( (r_newrefdef.time*0.5) - (int)(r_newrefdef.time*0.5) ); else scroll = 0.0f; // rb_vertex = rb_index = 0; for (bp = fa->polys; bp; bp = bp->next) { c_brush_polys += (bp->numverts-2); p = bp; if (RB_CheckArrayOverflow (p->numverts, (p->numverts-2)*3)) RB_RenderWarpSurface (fa); for (i = 0; i < p->numverts-2; i++) { indexArray[rb_index++] = rb_vertex; indexArray[rb_index++] = rb_vertex+i+1; indexArray[rb_index++] = rb_vertex+i+2; } for (i=0, v=p->verts[0]; inumverts; i++, v+=VERTEXSIZE) { #if !id386 s = v[3] + r_turbsin[(int)((v[4]*0.125+rdt) * TURBSCALE) & 255]; t = v[4] + r_turbsin[(int)((v[3]*0.125+rdt) * TURBSCALE) & 255]; #else s = v[3] + r_turbsin[Q_ftol( ((v[4]*0.125+rdt) * TURBSCALE) ) & 255]; t = v[4] + r_turbsin[Q_ftol( ((v[3]*0.125+rdt) * TURBSCALE) ) & 255]; #endif s += scroll; s *= DIV64; t *= DIV64; //=============== Water waves ======================== VectorCopy(v, point); if ( r_waterwave->value > 0 && !(fa->texinfo->flags & SURF_FLOWING) && fa->plane->normal[2] > 0 && fa->plane->normal[2] > fa->plane->normal[0] && fa->plane->normal[2] > fa->plane->normal[1] ) point[2] = v[2] + r_waterwave->value * sin(v[0]*0.025+rdt) * sin(v[2]*0.05+rdt); //=============== End water waves ==================== // MrG - texture shader waterwarp if (texShaderNV) { VA_SetElem2(texCoordArray[0][rb_vertex], (v[3]+dstscroll)*DIV64, v[4]*DIV64); VA_SetElem2(texCoordArray[1][rb_vertex], s, t); } else { VA_SetElem2(texCoordArray[0][rb_vertex], s, t); VA_SetElem2(texCoordArray[1][rb_vertex], (v[3]+dstscroll)*DIV64, v[4]*DIV64); } if (light && p->vertexlight && p->vertexlightset) VA_SetElem4(colorArray[rb_vertex], (float)(p->vertexlight[i*3+0]*DIV255), (float)(p->vertexlight[i*3+1]*DIV255), (float)(p->vertexlight[i*3+2]*DIV255), alpha); else VA_SetElem4(colorArray[rb_vertex], glState.inverse_intensity, glState.inverse_intensity, glState.inverse_intensity, alpha); VA_SetElem3(vertexArray[rb_vertex], point[0], point[1], point[2]); rb_vertex++; } } if (render) RB_RenderWarpSurface (fa); }