/* Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef __REF_H #define __REF_H #include "../qcommon/qcommon.h" #define TWOTHIRDS 0.666666666666666666666666666666 #define DIV254BY255 0.9960784313725490196078431372549 #define DIV255 0.003921568627450980392156862745098 #define DIV256 0.00390625 #define DIV512 0.001953125 typedef vec_t vec2_t[2]; typedef vec_t vec4_t[4]; #define Vector4Set(v, w, x, y, z) (v[0]=(w), v[1]=(x), v[2]=(y), v[3]=(z)) #define Vector2Set(v, x, y) (v[0]=(x), v[1]=(y)) #define MAX_DLIGHTS 512 //was 32 #define MAX_ENTITIES 2048 //was 128 #define MAX_PARTICLES 8192 //was 4096 #define MAX_LIGHTSTYLES 256 #define MAX_DECAL_VERTS 256 #define MAX_VERTS_PER_FRAGMENT 8 #define MAX_FRAGMENTS_PER_DECAL 32 #define MAX_DECAL_FRAGS 8192 #define POWERSUIT_SCALE 1.0F #define WEAPON_SHELL_SCALE 0.25F #define SHELL_RED_COLOR 0xF2 #define SHELL_GREEN_COLOR 0xD0 #define SHELL_BLUE_COLOR 0xF3 #define SHELL_RG_COLOR 0xDC //#define SHELL_RB_COLOR 0x86 #define SHELL_RB_COLOR 0x68 #define SHELL_BG_COLOR 0x78 //ROGUE #define SHELL_DOUBLE_COLOR 0xDF // 223 #define SHELL_HALF_DAM_COLOR 0x90 #define SHELL_CYAN_COLOR 0x72 //ROGUE #define SHELL_WHITE_COLOR 0xD7 typedef struct entity_s { struct model_s *model; // opaque type outside refresh float angles[3]; //vec3_t axis[3]; // Rotation vectors // most recent data float origin[3]; // also used as RF_BEAM's "from" int frame; // also used as RF_BEAM's diameter // previous data for lerping float oldorigin[3]; // also used as RF_BEAM's "to" int oldframe; // misc float backlerp; // 0.0 = current, 1.0 = old int skinnum; // also used as RF_BEAM's palette index int lightstyle; // for flashing entities float alpha; // ignore if RF_TRANSLUCENT isn't set float scale; struct image_s *skin; // NULL for inline skin int flags; int renderfx; } entity_t; #define ENTITY_FLAGS 68 typedef struct { qboolean spotlight; vec3_t direction; vec3_t origin; vec3_t color; float intensity; } dlight_t; typedef struct { float strength; vec3_t direction; vec3_t color; } m_dlight_t; //*********************************** //psychospaz //particles //*********************************** #define PART_GRAVITY 1 #define PART_SPARK 2 #define PART_ANGLED 4 #define PART_DIRECTION 8 #define PART_TRANS 16 #define PART_SATURATE 32 #define PART_SHADED 64 #define PART_LIGHTNING 128 #define PART_BEAM 256 #define PART_LENSFLARE 512 #define PART_ADD_LIGHT 1024 #define PART_DECAL 2048 #define PART_INSTANT 4096 #define PART_OVERBRIGHT 8192 #define PART_ALPHACOLOR 16384 #define PART_LEAVEMARK 0x40000 //256K #define PART_DEPTHHACK_SHORT 0x08000 //32768 #define PART_DEPTHHACK_MID 0x10000 //65536 #define PART_DEPTHHACK_LONG 0x20000 //128K //combo flags #define PART_DEPTHHACK (PART_DEPTHHACK_SHORT|PART_DEPTHHACK_MID|PART_DEPTHHACK_LONG) #ifdef DECALS typedef struct { int numPoints; int firstPoint; struct mnode_s *node; } markFragment_t; typedef struct decalpolys_s decalpolys_t; struct decalpolys_s { decalpolys_t *next; // for allocation linked list decalpolys_t *nextpoly; // for linked list qboolean clearflag; int numpolys; vec3_t polys[MAX_VERTS_PER_FRAGMENT]; vec2_t coords[MAX_VERTS_PER_FRAGMENT]; struct mnode_s *node; }; #endif //Knightmare- Psychospaz's enhanced particle code typedef struct { vec3_t angle; vec3_t origin; int color; float size; int flags; float alpha; int blendfunc_src; int blendfunc_dst; float red; float green; float blue; #ifdef DECALS decalpolys_t *decal; #endif int image; } particle_t; // end Knightmare typedef struct { float rgb[3]; // 0.0 - 2.0 float white; // highest of rgb } lightstyle_t; // Knightmare- added Psychospaz's menu cursor //cursor - psychospaz #define MENU_CURSOR_BUTTON_MAX 2 #define MENUITEM_ACTION 1 #define MENUITEM_ROTATE 2 #define MENUITEM_SLIDER 3 #define MENUITEM_TEXT 4 typedef struct { //only 2 buttons for menus float buttontime[MENU_CURSOR_BUTTON_MAX]; int buttonclicks[MENU_CURSOR_BUTTON_MAX]; int buttonused[MENU_CURSOR_BUTTON_MAX]; qboolean buttondown[MENU_CURSOR_BUTTON_MAX]; qboolean mouseaction; //this is the active item that cursor is on. int menuitemtype; void *menuitem; void *menu; //coords int x; int y; int oldx; int oldy; } cursor_t; typedef struct { int x, y, width, height;// in virtual screen coordinates float fov_x, fov_y; float vieworg[3]; float viewangles[3]; float blend[4]; // rgba 0-1 full screen blend float time; // time is uesed to auto animate int rdflags; // RDF_UNDERWATER, etc byte *areabits; // if not NULL, only areas with set bits will be drawn lightstyle_t *lightstyles; // [MAX_LIGHTSTYLES] int num_entities; entity_t *entities; int num_dlights; dlight_t *dlights; int num_particles; particle_t *particles; #ifdef DECALS int num_decals; particle_t *decals; #endif float bloomintensity; float bloomalpha; int bloomdarken; } refdef_t; #endif // __REF_H