#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_Z_TESTMODE) #include "g_local.h" void Weapon_Generic (edict_t *ent, int FRAME_ACTIVATE_LAST, int FRAME_FIRE_LAST, int FRAME_IDLE_LAST, int FRAME_DEACTIVATE_LAST, int *pause_frames, int *fire_frames, void (*fire)(edict_t *ent)); void P_ProjectSource (gclient_t *client, vec3_t point, vec3_t distance, vec3_t forward, vec3_t right, vec3_t result); static char testItem_className[256]; static char testItem_gModel[256]; static char testItem_icon[256]; static char testItem_name[256]; static char testItem_aminationFramesStr[4096]; static int testItem_aminationFrames[100]; static vec3_t testItem_Size[2]; gitem_t *testItem; edict_t *testItemDroped = NULL; int animUpto; qboolean testitemOriginMove = false; float animSpeed = 1.0; float lineSize = 100.0f; void Weapon_LineDraw_Fire (edict_t *ent); void Weapon_LineDraw_Think (edict_t *ent) { Weapon_LineDraw_Fire (ent->owner); ent->owner->client->ps.gunframe--; } void Weapon_LineDraw_Fire (edict_t *ent) { edict_t *beam; vec3_t start; vec3_t forward, right; vec3_t offset; AngleVectors (ent->client->v_angle, forward, right, NULL); VectorSet(offset, 0, 7, ent->viewheight - 8); P_ProjectSource (ent->client, ent->s.origin, offset, forward, right, start); if(!ent->client->lineDraw) { beam = ent->client->lineDraw = G_Spawn(); beam->classname = "DrawLine"; beam->flags |= FL_DONTSETOLDORIGIN; beam->owner = ent; beam->movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; beam->solid = SOLID_NOT; beam->s.renderfx |= RF_BEAM|RF_TRANSLUCENT; beam->s.modelindex = 1; // must be non-zero VectorSet (beam->mins, -8, -8, -8); VectorSet (beam->maxs, 8, 8, 8); beam->s.frame = 2; beam->s.skinnum = 0xf3f3f1f1; beam->think = Weapon_LineDraw_Think; beam->nextthink = level.time + (FRAMETIME * 2); } else { beam = ent->client->lineDraw; } VectorCopy (start, beam->s.origin); VectorMA (start, lineSize, forward, beam->s.old_origin); gi.linkentity (beam); ent->client->ps.gunframe++; } void Weapon_LineDraw (edict_t *ent) { static int pause_frames[] = {19, 32, 0}; static int fire_frames[] = {5, 0}; Weapon_Generic (ent, 4, 8, 52, 55, pause_frames, fire_frames, Weapon_LineDraw_Fire); } static char testWeap_className[256]; static char testWeap_gModel[256]; static char testWeap_vModel[256]; static char testWeap_icon[256]; static char testWeap_name[256]; static char testWeap_aminationFrames[512]; static char testWeap_idleFrames[512]; static char testWeap_fireFrames[512]; static int testWeap_FRAME_ACTIVATE_LAST; static int testWeap_FRAME_FIRE_LAST; static int testWeap_FRAME_IDLE_LAST; static int testWeap_FRAME_DEACTIVATE_LAST; static int testWeap_pause_frames[20]; static int testWeap_fire_frames[20]; gitem_t *testWeapon; void convertToNumbers(char *frames, int *arrayFrames) { int num = 0; char *bp, *sp; sp = bp = frames; while(1) { while(*bp != ',' && *bp != (char)NULL) { bp++; } arrayFrames[num] = atoi(sp); num++; if(*bp == (char)NULL) { break; } sp = bp + 1; while(*sp == ' ') { sp++; } bp = sp; } arrayFrames[num] = 0; } void convertToVector(char *vecStr, vec3_t *size) { int num = 0; char *bp, *sp; sp = bp = vecStr; while(1) { while(*bp != ',' && *bp != (char)NULL) { bp++; } (*size)[num] = atof(sp); num++; if(num > 2) { break; } if(*bp == (char)NULL) { break; } sp = bp + 1; while(*sp == ' ') { sp++; } bp = sp; } } void InitTestWeapon(void) { FILE *wCfgFile; char fname[256]; testWeapon = FindItemByClassname ("weapon_test"); if(!testWeapon) { return; } strcpy(fname, gamedir->string); strcat(fname, "/testweapon.cfg"); wCfgFile = fopen(fname, "rt"); if(!wCfgFile) { return; } if(!fgets(testWeap_className, 256, wCfgFile)) { fclose(wCfgFile); return; } testWeap_className[strlen(testWeap_className) - 1] = 0; if(!fgets(testWeap_gModel, 256, wCfgFile)) { fclose(wCfgFile); return; } testWeap_gModel[strlen(testWeap_gModel) - 1] = 0; if(!fgets(testWeap_vModel, 256, wCfgFile)) { fclose(wCfgFile); return; } testWeap_vModel[strlen(testWeap_vModel) - 1] = 0; if(!fgets(testWeap_icon, 256, wCfgFile)) { fclose(wCfgFile); return; } testWeap_icon[strlen(testWeap_icon) - 1] = 0; if(!fgets(testWeap_name, 256, wCfgFile)) { fclose(wCfgFile); return; } testWeap_name[strlen(testWeap_name) - 1] = 0; if(!fgets(testWeap_aminationFrames, 512, wCfgFile)) { fclose(wCfgFile); return; } if(!fgets(testWeap_idleFrames, 512, wCfgFile)) { fclose(wCfgFile); return; } if(!fgets(testWeap_fireFrames, 512, wCfgFile)) { fclose(wCfgFile); return; } fclose(wCfgFile); sscanf(testWeap_aminationFrames, "%d,%d,%d,%d", &testWeap_FRAME_ACTIVATE_LAST, &testWeap_FRAME_FIRE_LAST, &testWeap_FRAME_IDLE_LAST, &testWeap_FRAME_DEACTIVATE_LAST); convertToNumbers(testWeap_idleFrames, testWeap_pause_frames); convertToNumbers(testWeap_fireFrames, testWeap_fire_frames); testWeapon->classname = testWeap_className; testWeapon->world_model = testWeap_gModel; testWeapon->view_model = testWeap_vModel; testWeapon->icon = testWeap_icon; testWeapon->pickup_name = testWeap_name; } void Weapon_Test_Fire (edict_t *ent) { gi.sound(ent, CHAN_VOICE, gi.soundindex("weapons/blastf1a.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); ent->client->ps.gunframe++; } void Weapon_Test (edict_t *ent) { Weapon_Generic (ent, testWeap_FRAME_ACTIVATE_LAST, testWeap_FRAME_FIRE_LAST, testWeap_FRAME_IDLE_LAST, testWeap_FRAME_DEACTIVATE_LAST, testWeap_pause_frames, testWeap_fire_frames, Weapon_Test_Fire); } /*static*/ void testitem_think (edict_t *ent) { if(testItem_aminationFrames[animUpto]) { ent->s.frame++; if(ent->s.frame >= testItem_aminationFrames[animUpto]) { if(animUpto) { ent->s.frame = testItem_aminationFrames[animUpto - 1]; } else { ent->s.frame = 0; } } } ent->nextthink = level.time + (FRAMETIME * animSpeed); } void Cmd_TestItem (edict_t *ent) { char *cmd; cmd = gi.argv(1); if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "animnext") == 0) { if(testItem_aminationFrames[animUpto] && testItem_aminationFrames[animUpto + 1]) { animUpto++; gi.cprintf (ent, PRINT_HIGH, "Animation %d set\n", animUpto); } } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "animprev") == 0) { if(animUpto && testItem_aminationFrames[animUpto - 1]) { animUpto--; gi.cprintf (ent, PRINT_HIGH, "Animation %d set\n", animUpto); } } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "animspeed") == 0) { float as = atof(gi.argv(2)); if(as < 1.0) { gi.cprintf (ent, PRINT_HIGH, "AnimSpeed must be greater than or equal to 1\n"); return; } animSpeed = as; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "movestart") == 0) { if(testItemDroped) { testitemOriginMove = true; gi.cprintf (ent, PRINT_HIGH, "testitem move start\n"); } } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "moveend") == 0) { if(testItemDroped) { testitemOriginMove = false; gi.cprintf (ent, PRINT_HIGH, "testitem move end\n"); } } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "rotatestart") == 0) { if(testItemDroped) { testItemDroped->s.effects = EF_ROTATE; gi.cprintf (ent, PRINT_HIGH, "Rotate On\n"); } } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "rotateend") == 0) { if(testItemDroped) { testItemDroped->s.effects = 0; gi.cprintf (ent, PRINT_HIGH, "Rotate Off\n"); } } else { gi.cprintf (ent, PRINT_HIGH, "Bad testitem command\n"); } } void InitTestItem(void) { FILE *wCfgFile; char fname[256]; testItem = FindItemByClassname ("item_test"); if(!testItem) { return; } strcpy(fname, gamedir->string); strcat(fname, "/testitem.cfg"); wCfgFile = fopen(fname, "rt"); if(!wCfgFile) { return; } if(!fgets(testItem_className, 256, wCfgFile)) { fclose(wCfgFile); return; } testItem_className[strlen(testItem_className) - 1] = 0; if(!fgets(testItem_gModel, 256, wCfgFile)) { fclose(wCfgFile); return; } testItem_gModel[strlen(testItem_gModel) - 1] = 0; if(!fgets(testItem_icon, 256, wCfgFile)) { fclose(wCfgFile); return; } testItem_icon[strlen(testItem_icon) - 1] = 0; if(!fgets(testItem_name, 256, wCfgFile)) { fclose(wCfgFile); return; } testItem_name[strlen(testItem_name) - 1] = 0; if(!fgets(testItem_aminationFramesStr, 4096, wCfgFile)) { fclose(wCfgFile); return; } convertToNumbers(testItem_aminationFramesStr, testItem_aminationFrames); if(!fgets(testItem_aminationFramesStr, 4096, wCfgFile)) { fclose(wCfgFile); return; } convertToVector(testItem_aminationFramesStr, &(testItem_Size[0])); if(!fgets(testItem_aminationFramesStr, 4096, wCfgFile)) { fclose(wCfgFile); return; } convertToVector(testItem_aminationFramesStr, &(testItem_Size[1])); testItem->classname = testItem_className; testItem->world_model = testItem_gModel; testItem->view_model = testItem_gModel; testItem->icon = testItem_icon; testItem->pickup_name = testItem_name; } qboolean Pickup_TestItem (edict_t *ent, edict_t *other) { other->client->pers.inventory[ITEM_INDEX(ent->item)]++; return true; } void drop_temp_touch (edict_t *ent, edict_t *other, cplane_t *plane, csurface_t *surf); void Drop_TestItem (edict_t *ent, gitem_t *item) { vec3_t forward, right; vec3_t offset; testitemOriginMove = false; testItemDroped = G_Spawn(); testItemDroped->classname = item->classname; testItemDroped->item = item; testItemDroped->spawnflags = DROPPED_ITEM; testItemDroped->s.effects = item->world_model_flags; testItemDroped->s.renderfx = RF_GLOW; VectorCopy(testItem_Size[0], testItemDroped->mins); VectorCopy(testItem_Size[1], testItemDroped->maxs); gi.setmodel (testItemDroped, testItemDroped->item->world_model); testItemDroped->s.skinnum = 0; testItemDroped->solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; testItemDroped->movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; testItemDroped->touch = drop_temp_touch; testItemDroped->owner = ent; if (ent->client) { trace_t trace; AngleVectors (ent->client->v_angle, forward, right, NULL); VectorSet(offset, 24, 0, -16); G_ProjectSource (ent->s.origin, offset, forward, right, testItemDroped->s.origin); trace = gi.trace (ent->s.origin, testItemDroped->mins, testItemDroped->maxs, testItemDroped->s.origin, ent, CONTENTS_SOLID); VectorCopy (trace.endpos, testItemDroped->s.origin); } else { AngleVectors (ent->s.angles, forward, right, NULL); VectorCopy (ent->s.origin, testItemDroped->s.origin); } VectorScale (forward, 100, testItemDroped->velocity); testItemDroped->velocity[2] = 300; testItemDroped->think = testitem_think; testItemDroped->nextthink = level.time + 1; gi.linkentity (testItemDroped); ent->client->pers.inventory[ITEM_INDEX(item)]--; ValidateSelectedItem (ent); } #endif