/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc. This file is part of Quake 2 source code. Quake 2 source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Quake 2 source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Quake 2 source code; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =========================================================================== */ // ui_subsystem.c -- menu handling functions #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #endif #include "../client/client.h" #include "ui_local.h" cvar_t *ui_sensitivity; cvar_t *ui_background_alpha; cvar_t *ui_item_rotate; cvar_t *ui_cursor_scale; qboolean m_entersound; // play after drawing a frame, so caching // won't disrupt the sound void (*m_drawfunc) (void); const char *(*m_keyfunc) (int key); /* ======================================================================= MENU SUBSYSTEM ======================================================================= */ #define MAX_MENU_DEPTH 8 typedef struct { void (*draw) (void); const char *(*key) (int k); } menulayer_t; menulayer_t m_layers[MAX_MENU_DEPTH]; int m_menudepth; /* ================= UI_AddButton From Q2max ================= */ void UI_AddButton (buttonmenuobject_t *thisObj, int index, float x, float y, float w, float h) { float x1, y1, w1, h1; x1 = x; y1 = y; w1 = w; h1 = h; SCR_AdjustFrom640 (&x1, &y1, &w1, &h1, ALIGN_CENTER); thisObj->min[0] = x1; thisObj->max[0] = x1 + w1; thisObj->min[1] = y1; thisObj->max[1] = y1 + h1; thisObj->index = index; } /* ============= UI_AddMainButton From Q2max ============= */ void UI_AddMainButton (mainmenuobject_t *thisObj, int index, int x, int y, char *name) { int w, h; float x1, y1, w1, h1; R_DrawGetPicSize (&w, &h, name); x1 = x; y1 = y; w1 = w; h1 = h; SCR_AdjustFrom640 (&x1, &y1, &w1, &h1, ALIGN_CENTER); thisObj->min[0] = x1; thisObj->max[0] = x1 + w1; thisObj->min[1] = y1; thisObj->max[1] = y1 + h1; switch (index) { case 0: thisObj->OpenMenu = M_Menu_Game_f; break; case 1: thisObj->OpenMenu = M_Menu_Multiplayer_f; break; case 2: thisObj->OpenMenu = M_Menu_Options_f; break; case 3: thisObj->OpenMenu = M_Menu_Video_f; break; case 4: thisObj->OpenMenu = M_Menu_Quit_f; break; } } /* ================= UI_RefreshCursorButtons From Q2max ================= */ void UI_RefreshCursorButtons (void) { cursor.buttonused[MOUSEBUTTON1] = true; cursor.buttondown[MOUSEBUTTON1] = false; cursor.buttonclicks[MOUSEBUTTON1] = 0; cursor.buttonused[MOUSEBUTTON2] = true; cursor.buttondown[MOUSEBUTTON2] = false; cursor.buttonclicks[MOUSEBUTTON2] = 0; } /* ================= UI_PushMenu ================= */ void UI_PushMenu ( void (*draw) (void), const char *(*key) (int k) ) { int i; if (Cvar_VariableValue ("maxclients") == 1 && Com_ServerState () && !cls.consoleActive) // Knightmare added Cvar_Set ("paused", "1"); // Knightmare- if just opened menu, and ingame and not DM, grab screen first if (cls.key_dest != key_menu && !Cvar_VariableValue("deathmatch") && Com_ServerState() == 2) //ss_game //&& !cl.cinematictime && Com_ServerState()) R_GrabScreen(); // if this menu is already present, drop back to that level // to avoid stacking menus by hotkeys for (i=0 ; i= MAX_MENU_DEPTH) Com_Error (ERR_FATAL, "UI_PushMenu: MAX_MENU_DEPTH"); m_layers[m_menudepth].draw = m_drawfunc; m_layers[m_menudepth].key = m_keyfunc; m_menudepth++; } m_drawfunc = draw; m_keyfunc = key; m_entersound = true; // Knightmare- added Psychospaz's mouse support UI_RefreshCursorLink(); UI_RefreshCursorButtons(); cls.key_dest = key_menu; } /* ================= UI_ForceMenuOff ================= */ void UI_ForceMenuOff (void) { // Knightmare- added Psychospaz's mouse support UI_RefreshCursorLink(); m_drawfunc = 0; m_keyfunc = 0; cls.key_dest = key_game; m_menudepth = 0; Key_ClearStates (); if (!cls.consoleActive && Cvar_VariableValue ("maxclients") == 1 && Com_ServerState()) // Knightmare added Cvar_Set ("paused", "0"); } /* ================= UI_PopMenu ================= */ void UI_PopMenu (void) { S_StartLocalSound( menu_out_sound ); if (m_menudepth < 1) Com_Error (ERR_FATAL, "UI_PopMenu: depth < 1"); m_menudepth--; m_drawfunc = m_layers[m_menudepth].draw; m_keyfunc = m_layers[m_menudepth].key; // Knightmare- added Psychospaz's mouse support UI_RefreshCursorLink(); UI_RefreshCursorButtons(); if (!m_menudepth) UI_ForceMenuOff (); } /* ================= UI_BackMenu ================= */ void UI_BackMenu (void *unused) { UI_PopMenu(); } /* ================= Default_MenuKey ================= */ const char *Default_MenuKey ( menuframework_s *m, int key ) { const char *sound = NULL; menucommon_s *item; if ( m ) { if ( ( item = Menu_ItemAtCursor( m ) ) != 0 ) { if ( item->type == MTYPE_FIELD ) { if ( MenuField_Key( ( menufield_s * ) item, key ) ) return NULL; } } } switch ( key ) { case K_ESCAPE: UI_PopMenu(); return menu_out_sound; case K_KP_UPARROW: case K_UPARROW: if ( m ) { m->cursor--; // Knightmare- added Psychospaz's mouse support UI_RefreshCursorLink(); Menu_AdjustCursor( m, -1 ); sound = menu_move_sound; } break; case K_TAB: case K_KP_DOWNARROW: case K_DOWNARROW: if ( m ) { m->cursor++; // Knightmare- added Psychospaz's mouse support UI_RefreshCursorLink(); Menu_AdjustCursor( m, 1 ); sound = menu_move_sound; } break; case K_KP_LEFTARROW: case K_LEFTARROW: if ( m ) { Menu_SlideItem( m, -1 ); sound = menu_move_sound; } break; case K_KP_RIGHTARROW: case K_RIGHTARROW: if ( m ) { Menu_SlideItem( m, 1 ); sound = menu_move_sound; } break; /*case K_MOUSE1: case K_MOUSE2: case K_MOUSE3: //Knightmare 12/22/2001 case K_MOUSE4: case K_MOUSE5:*/ //end Knightmare case K_JOY1: case K_JOY2: case K_JOY3: case K_JOY4: case K_AUX1: case K_AUX2: case K_AUX3: case K_AUX4: case K_AUX5: case K_AUX6: case K_AUX7: case K_AUX8: case K_AUX9: case K_AUX10: case K_AUX11: case K_AUX12: case K_AUX13: case K_AUX14: case K_AUX15: case K_AUX16: case K_AUX17: case K_AUX18: case K_AUX19: case K_AUX20: case K_AUX21: case K_AUX22: case K_AUX23: case K_AUX24: case K_AUX25: case K_AUX26: case K_AUX27: case K_AUX28: case K_AUX29: case K_AUX30: case K_AUX31: case K_AUX32: case K_KP_ENTER: case K_ENTER: if ( m ) Menu_SelectItem( m ); sound = menu_move_sound; break; } return sound; } /* ================= UI_Precache ================= */ void UI_Precache (void) { int i; char scratch[80]; // general images R_DrawFindPic (LOADSCREEN_NAME); R_DrawFindPic (UI_BACKGROUND_NAME); R_DrawFindPic (UI_NOSCREEN_NAME); // loadscreen images R_DrawFindPic ("/pics/loading.pcx"); R_DrawFindPic ("/pics/loading_bar.pcx"); R_DrawFindPic ("/pics/downloading.pcx"); R_DrawFindPic ("/pics/downloading_bar.pcx"); R_DrawFindPic ("/pics/loading_led1.pcx"); // cursors // R_DrawFindPic (UI_MOUSECURSOR_MAIN_PIC); // R_DrawFindPic (UI_MOUSECURSOR_HOVER_PIC); // R_DrawFindPic (UI_MOUSECURSOR_CLICK_PIC); // R_DrawFindPic (UI_MOUSECURSOR_OVER_PIC); // R_DrawFindPic (UI_MOUSECURSOR_TEXT_PIC); R_DrawFindPic (UI_MOUSECURSOR_PIC); for (i = 0; i < NUM_MAINMENU_CURSOR_FRAMES; i++) { Com_sprintf (scratch, sizeof(scratch), "/pics/m_cursor%d.pcx", i); R_DrawFindPic (scratch); } // main menu items R_DrawFindPic ("/pics/m_main_game.pcx"); R_DrawFindPic ("/pics/m_main_game_sel.pcx"); R_DrawFindPic ("/pics/m_main_multiplayer.pcx"); R_DrawFindPic ("/pics/m_main_multiplayer_sel.pcx"); R_DrawFindPic ("/pics/m_main_options.pcx"); R_DrawFindPic ("/pics/m_main_options_sel.pcx"); R_DrawFindPic ("/pics/m_main_video.pcx"); R_DrawFindPic ("/pics/m_main_video_sel.pcx"); // R_DrawFindPic ("/pics/m_main_mods.pcx"); // R_DrawFindPic ("/pics/m_main_mods_sel.pcx"); R_DrawFindPic ("/pics/m_main_quit.pcx"); R_DrawFindPic ("/pics/m_main_quit_sel.pcx"); R_DrawFindPic ("/pics/m_main_plaque.pcx"); R_DrawFindPic ("/pics/m_main_logo.pcx"); R_RegisterModel ("models/ui/quad_cursor.md2"); // menu banners R_DrawFindPic ("/pics/m_banner_game.pcx"); R_DrawFindPic ("/pics/m_banner_load_game.pcx"); R_DrawFindPic ("/pics/m_banner_save_game.pcx"); R_DrawFindPic ("/pics/m_banner_multiplayer.pcx"); R_DrawFindPic ("/pics/m_banner_join_server.pcx"); R_DrawFindPic ("/pics/m_banner_addressbook.pcx"); R_DrawFindPic ("/pics/m_banner_start_server.pcx"); R_DrawFindPic ("/pics/m_banner_plauer_setup.pcx"); // typo for image name is id's fault R_DrawFindPic ("/pics/m_banner_options.pcx"); R_DrawFindPic ("/pics/m_banner_customize.pcx"); R_DrawFindPic ("/pics/m_banner_video.pcx"); // R_DrawFindPic ("/pics/m_banner_mods.pcx"); R_DrawFindPic ("/pics/quit.pcx"); // R_DrawFindPic ("/pics/areyousure.pcx"); // R_DrawFindPic ("/pics/yn.pcx"); // GUI elements R_DrawFindPic ("/gfx/ui/listbox_background.pcx"); R_DrawFindPic ("/gfx/ui/arrows/arrow_left.pcx"); R_DrawFindPic ("/gfx/ui/arrows/arrow_left_d.pcx"); R_DrawFindPic ("/gfx/ui/arrows/arrow_right.pcx"); R_DrawFindPic ("/gfx/ui/arrows/arrow_right_d.pcx"); } /* ================= UI_Init ================= */ void UI_Init (void) { // init this cvar here so M_Print can use it if (!alt_text_color) alt_text_color = Cvar_Get ("alt_text_color", "2", CVAR_ARCHIVE); ui_sensitivity = Cvar_Get ("ui_sensitivity", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE); Cvar_SetDescription ("ui_sensitivity", "Sets sensitvity of mouse in menus."); ui_background_alpha = Cvar_Get ("ui_background_alpha", "0.6", CVAR_ARCHIVE); Cvar_SetDescription ("ui_background_alpha", "Sets opacity of background menu image when ingame."); ui_item_rotate = Cvar_Get ("ui_item_rotate", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); Cvar_SetDescription ("ui_item_rotate", "Reverses direction of mouse click rotation for menu lists."); ui_cursor_scale = Cvar_Get ("ui_cursor_scale", "0.4", 0); Cvar_SetDescription ("ui_cursor_scale", "Sets scale for drawing the menu mouse cursor."); UI_LoadMapList(); // load map list UI_InitSavegameData (); // load savegame data UI_Precache (); // precache images Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_main", M_Menu_Main_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_game", M_Menu_Game_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_loadgame", M_Menu_LoadGame_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_savegame", M_Menu_SaveGame_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_credits", M_Menu_Credits_f ); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_multiplayer", M_Menu_Multiplayer_f ); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_joinserver", M_Menu_JoinServer_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_addressbook", M_Menu_AddressBook_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_startserver", M_Menu_StartServer_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_dmoptions", M_Menu_DMOptions_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_playerconfig", M_Menu_PlayerConfig_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_downloadoptions", M_Menu_DownloadOptions_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_video", M_Menu_Video_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_video_advanced", M_Menu_Video_Advanced_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_options", M_Menu_Options_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_sound", M_Menu_Options_Sound_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_controls", M_Menu_Options_Controls_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_keys", M_Menu_Keys_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_screen", M_Menu_Options_Screen_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_effects", M_Menu_Options_Effects_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_interface", M_Menu_Options_Interface_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_quit", M_Menu_Quit_f); } /* ================= UI_Draw ================= */ void UI_Draw (void) { if (cls.key_dest != key_menu) return; // dim everything behind it down if (cl.cinematictime > 0 || cls.state == ca_disconnected) { if (R_DrawFindPic(UI_BACKGROUND_NAME)) { // R_DrawStretchPic (0, 0, viddef.width, viddef.height, UI_BACKGROUND_NAME, 1.0f); R_DrawFill (0,0,viddef.width, viddef.height, 0 ,0, 0, 255); SCR_DrawPic(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, ALIGN_CENTER, UI_BACKGROUND_NAME, 1.0f); } else R_DrawFill (0,0,viddef.width, viddef.height, 0, 0, 0, 255); } // ingame menu uses alpha else if (R_DrawFindPic(UI_BACKGROUND_NAME)) // R_DrawStretchPic (0, 0, viddef.width, viddef.height, UI_BACKGROUND_NAME, ui_background_alpha->value); SCR_DrawPic(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, ALIGN_CENTER, UI_BACKGROUND_NAME, ui_background_alpha->value); else R_DrawFill (0,0,viddef.width, viddef.height, 0, 0, 0, (int)(ui_background_alpha->value*255.0f)); // Knigthmare- added Psychospaz's mouse support UI_RefreshCursorMenu(); m_drawfunc (); // delay playing the enter sound until after the // menu has been drawn, to avoid delay while // caching images if (m_entersound) { S_StartLocalSound( menu_in_sound ); m_entersound = false; } // Knigthmare- added Psychospaz's mouse support //menu cursor for mouse usage :) UI_Draw_Cursor(); } /* ================= UI_Keydown ================= */ void UI_Keydown (int key) { const char *s; if (m_keyfunc) if ( ( s = m_keyfunc( key ) ) != 0 ) S_StartLocalSound( ( char * ) s ); }