Copyright (C) 1998 Steve Yeager

This file is part of ACE Bot source code.

ACE Bot source code is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.

ACE Bot source code is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with ACE Bot source code; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

//  ACE - Quake II Bot Base Code
//  Version 1.0
//  This file is Copyright(c), Steve Yeager 1998, All Rights Reserved
//	All other files are Copyright(c) Id Software, Inc.
//	Please see liscense.txt in the source directory for the copyright
//	information regarding those files belonging to Id Software, Inc.
//	Should you decide to release a modified version of ACE, you MUST
//	include the following text (minus the BEGIN and END lines) in the 
//	documentation for your modification.
//	--- BEGIN ---
//	The ACE Bot is a product of Steve Yeager, and is available from
//	the ACE Bot homepage, at http://www.axionfx.com/ace.
//	This program is a modification of the ACE Bot, and is therefore
//	in NO WAY supported by Steve Yeager.
//	--- END ---
//	I, Steve Yeager, hold no responsibility for any harm caused by the
//	use of this source code, especially to small children and animals.
//  It is provided as-is with no implied warranty or support.
//  I also wish to thank and acknowledge the great work of others
//  that has helped me to develop this code.
//  John Cricket    - For ideas and swapping code.
//  Ryan Feltrin    - For ideas and swapping code.
//  SABIN           - For showing how to do true client based movement.
//  BotEpidemic     - For keeping us up to date.
//  Telefragged.com - For giving ACE a home.
//  Microsoft       - For giving us such a wonderful crash free OS.
//  id              - Need I say more.
//  And to all the other testers, pathers, and players and people
//  who I can't remember who the heck they were, but helped out.
//  acebot_cmds.c - Main internal command processor

#include "g_local.h"
#include "acebot.h"

qboolean debug_mode=false;

// Special command processor
qboolean ACECM_Commands (edict_t *ent)
	char	*cmd;
	int node;

	cmd = gi.argv(0);

	if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "addnode") == 0 && debug_mode)
		ent->last_node = ACEND_AddNode(ent,atoi(gi.argv(1))); 
	else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "removelink") == 0 && debug_mode)
		ACEND_RemoveNodeEdge(ent,atoi(gi.argv(1)), atoi(gi.argv(2)));

	else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "addlink") == 0 && debug_mode)
		ACEND_UpdateNodeEdge(atoi(gi.argv(1)), atoi(gi.argv(2)));
	else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "showpath") == 0 && debug_mode)

	else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "findnode") == 0 && debug_mode)
		node = ACEND_FindClosestReachableNode(ent,NODE_DENSITY, NODE_ALL);
		safe_bprintf(PRINT_MEDIUM,"node: %d type: %d x: %f y: %f z %f\n",node,nodes[node].type,nodes[node].origin[0],nodes[node].origin[1],nodes[node].origin[2]);

	else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "movenode") == 0 && debug_mode)
		node = atoi(gi.argv(1));
		nodes[node].origin[0] = atof(gi.argv(2));
		nodes[node].origin[1] = atof(gi.argv(3));
		nodes[node].origin[2] = atof(gi.argv(4));
		safe_bprintf(PRINT_MEDIUM,"node: %d moved to x: %f y: %f z %f\n",node, nodes[node].origin[0],nodes[node].origin[1],nodes[node].origin[2]);

		return false;

	return true;

// Called when the level changes, store maps and bots (disconnected)
void ACECM_Store (void)

// These routines are bot safe print routines, all id code needs to be 
// changed to these so the bots do not blow up on messages sent to them. 
// Do a find and replace on all code that matches the below criteria. 
// (Got the basic idea from Ridah)
//  change: gi.cprintf to safe_cprintf
//  change: gi.bprintf to safe_bprintf
//  change: gi.centerprintf to safe_centerprintf

// Debug print, could add a "logging" feature to print to a file
void debug_printf (char *fmt, ...)
	int     i;
	char	bigbuffer[0x10000];
	int		len;
	va_list	argptr;
	edict_t	*cl_ent;
	va_start (argptr, fmt);
	len = Q_vsnprintf (bigbuffer, sizeof(bigbuffer), fmt, argptr);
	va_end (argptr);

	if (dedicated->value)
	//	gi.cprintf(NULL, PRINT_MEDIUM, bigbuffer);
		gi.cprintf(NULL, PRINT_MEDIUM, "%s", bigbuffer);

	for (i=0 ; i<maxclients->value ; i++)
		cl_ent = g_edicts + 1 + i;
		if (!cl_ent->inuse || cl_ent->is_bot)

	//	gi.cprintf(cl_ent,  PRINT_MEDIUM, bigbuffer);
		gi.cprintf(cl_ent, PRINT_MEDIUM, "%s", bigbuffer);


// botsafe cprintf
void safe_cprintf (edict_t *ent, int printlevel, char *fmt, ...)
	char	bigbuffer[0x10000];
	va_list		argptr;
	int len;

	if (ent && (!ent->inuse || ent->is_bot))

	va_start (argptr, fmt);
	len = Q_vsnprintf (bigbuffer, sizeof(bigbuffer), fmt, argptr);
	va_end (argptr);

//	gi.cprintf(ent, printlevel, bigbuffer);
	gi.cprintf(ent, printlevel, "%s", bigbuffer);

// botsafe centerprintf
void safe_centerprintf (edict_t *ent, char *fmt, ...)
	char	bigbuffer[0x10000];
	va_list		argptr;
	int len;

	if (!ent->inuse || ent->is_bot)
	va_start (argptr, fmt);
	len = Q_vsnprintf (bigbuffer, sizeof(bigbuffer), fmt, argptr);
	va_end (argptr);
//	gi.centerprintf(ent, bigbuffer);
	gi.centerprintf(ent, "%s", bigbuffer);

// botsafe bprintf
void safe_bprintf (int printlevel, char *fmt, ...)
	int i;
	char	bigbuffer[0x10000];
	int		len;
	va_list		argptr;
	edict_t	*cl_ent;

	va_start (argptr, fmt);
	len = Q_vsnprintf (bigbuffer, sizeof(bigbuffer), fmt, argptr);
	va_end (argptr);

	if (dedicated->value)
	//	gi.cprintf(NULL, printlevel, bigbuffer);
		gi.cprintf(NULL, printlevel, "%s", bigbuffer);

	for (i=0 ; i<maxclients->value ; i++)
		cl_ent = g_edicts + 1 + i;
		if (!cl_ent->inuse || cl_ent->is_bot)

	//	gi.cprintf(cl_ent, printlevel, bigbuffer);
		gi.cprintf(cl_ent, printlevel, "%s", bigbuffer);