
Version 2.230

NOTE: This game DLL requires KMQuake2 to run!

This customized version of Lazarus ( has several new features
	in addition to the original, including:
Support for setting the sound attenuation of moving objects.  This allows the overriding of the default
	attenuation	of most func_* entities, as well as model_spawn, model_train, and target_speaker.  Acceptable ranges for
	the attenuation key are from 0.02 to 3.98.
Support for camera effect and letterbox screen modes added to func_monitor and target_monitor via new
	spawnflags.  Letterbox mode is also available for info_player_intermission.
Support for func_train_origin, a func_train variant that follow path corners by its origin instead of its
	lower southwest corner.  It must have an origin brush, unless built at the map's origin.
	Similar variants of model_train, misc_viper, and misc_strogg_ship have also been added.

Support for custom sounds for doors, plats, func_trackchanges, and buttons.  To use this, give the door
	(regular, rotating, swinging, or secret), plat, func_trackchange, or button a sounds value from 5 to 99. 
	The custom sounds for doors are named the following:

		doors/drxx_strt.wav, doors/drxx_mid.wav, doors/drxx_end.wav

	The custom sounds for plats and func_trackchanges are named the following:

		plats/ptxx_strt.wav, plats/ptxx_mid.wav, plats/ptxx_end.wav

	The custom sounds for buttons are named the following:


	where xx is the style value in 2 digits, e.g. 01 for a style value of 1.

Support for mapper-specified Ogg Vorbis music.  Use the key "musictrack" in the worldspawn to specify
	the name of the track, e.g. a musictrack key "foo" will play "gamedir/music/foo.ogg".  This key
	also works with target_cd.  Tracks are not yet supported inside pak or pk3 files.

Support for double-barreled turrets.  Code by Musashi.
	Set the turret_breach's combattarget to the targetname of the second info_notnull.
	To have the barrels alternate in firing, give the turret_breach a style value of 1.

Integrated ACE bots.  The ACE Bot is a product of Steve Yeager, and is available from the
	ACE Bot homepage, at  This program is a modification of
	the ACE Bot, and is therefore in NO WAY supported by Steve Yeager.

	To add bots in deathmatch or CTF mode, type in the console:
		sv addbot <CTFteam> <name> <skin>
	Example for DM mode:
		sv addbot Grunt male/grunt
	Example for CTF mode:
		sv addbot red Grunt male/grunt
	If you omit the name and skin, random ones will be chosen from those listed in the included bots.cfg.
	Make sure bots.cfg is in the game dir you are running under if you wish to use random bots.
	If you omit just the skin, and the name matches one in bots.cfg, then the skin for that name will be used.
	To remove a bot, type in the console: sv removebot <name>
	Example: sv removebot Grunt
	To save route nodes before quitting, type in the console: sv savenodes
	To pause and unpause the game, type sv dmpause (HINT: bind a key to this).

CTF and 3Team CTF support, with cvars to control techs and flag dropping.  Set the cvar "ctf" to 1 to enable
	CTF support, or "ttctf" to 1 to enable 3Team CTF support.  CTF and 3Team CTF game types are also now
	selectable in the start server menu.  Special Thanks to Scarface for the double capture support and tech
	scaling code.
	See the file lazarus/default.cfg for more info on CTF and tech cvars.
	To find the 3Team CTF files, search the web for 3tctffinal.exe (10.7 MB) and 3t_pack1.exe (4.75 MB).

Lithium weapon and item balancing cvars, including how much ammo you can pick up, and how much each box is worth
	(see the included  default.cfg).

	CTF cvars:
		ctf_blastercolors 0/1-	whether to have teams use matching colored blasters
		allow_flagdrop 0/1- 	whether to allow players to drop flags in CTF
		allow_flagpickup 0/1- 	whether to allow players to take flags of empty teams

	Tech cvars:
		use_techs 0/1-		whether to use techs in deathmatch
		use_coloredtechs 0/1-	whether to use colored shells on techs
		use_lithiumtechs 0/1-	whether to use Lithium-style colored pyramid key techs

		tech_flags -	determines which tech will show in the game, a sum of these:
				1 = resist, 2 = strength, 4 = haste, 8 = regen, 16 = vampire, 32 = ammogen
				So, to have the resist, haste, regen, and vampire techs, set it to 29.
				To have all 6 techs, set it to 63.
		tech_perplayer- how many techs to spawn per player (decimal between 0 and 1)
		tech_min-	minumum number of techs to spawn in level		
		tech_max- 	maximum number of techs allowed to spawn
		tech_life-	how many seconds each tech stays put before respawning

		tech_resist-			what ratio the resistance tech divides damage taken by (2 = 1/2 damage)
		tech_strength-			what ratio the strength tech multiplies damage by (2 = 2x damage)
		tech_regen_armor 0/1-		whether the regen tech regenerates armor
		tech_regen_armor_always 0/1-	whether regen tech regenerates armor even if player hasn't any
		tech_regen_health_max-		maximum health regen tech rengenerates to
		tech_regen_armor_max-		maximum armor regen tech rengenerates to
		tech_vampire- 			what ratio vampire tech adds to health from damage
						inflicted (decimal between 0 and 1, 0.5 = 50% of damage)
		tech_vampiremax-		maximum health vampire tech will add up to

	Other cvars:
		sk_dm_start_shells-		Number of shells to spawn with
		sk_dm_start_bullets-	Number of bullets to spawn with
		sk_dm_start_rockets-	Number of rockets to spawn with
		sk_dm_start_homing-		Number of homing rockets to spawn with (requires Lazarus data files)
		sk_dm_start_grenades-	Number of grenades to spawn with
		sk_dm_start_cells-		Number of cells to spawn with
		sk_dm_start_slugs-		Number of slugs to spawn with

		sk_dm_start_shotgun-			Whether to start with with shotgun in DM
		sk_dm_start_sshotgun-			Whether to start with with super shotgun in DM
		sk_dm_start_machinegun-			Whether to start with with machinegun in DM
		sk_dm_start_chaingun-			Whether to start with with shotgun in DM
		sk_dm_start_grenadelauncher-	Whether to start with with grenade launcher in DM
		sk_dm_start_rocketlauncher-		Whether to start with with rocket launcher in DM
		sk_dm_start_hyperblaster-		Whether to start with with hyperblaster in DM
		sk_dm_start_railgun-			Whether to start with with railgun in DM
		sk_dm_start_bfg-				Whether to start with with bfg in DM

Entity alias script support- this enables mappers to create predefined entity aliases, allowing easy placement of
	pre-configured entities in maps, based on highly configurable generic entities like model_spawn and model_train.
	These aliases are defined in a text file called ext_data/entalias.def.  Alternately, aliases can be defined on
	a per-map basis in a map-specific file called ext_data/entalias/<mapname>.alias.  A sample alias file is included. 
	NOTE: This file can be loaded from inside a pak file.

Func_breakaway, a new bmodel entity that will break away from its surroundings.  See the included QERadiant entity
	defintion file for more information.

Target_command, a new entity that sends a command to the console to be executed. See the included QERadiant entity
	defintion file for more information.

Item_armor_shard_flat, a version of the armor shard that sits on the ground.

An salpha entity key, to set the transparency of entities.  Give it a decimal value between 0 and 1 (exclusive) to use it.
	It supports 254 levels of transparency.
	NOTE: don't combine this with trans33 or trans66 surfaces on the same brush model.

A commander skin spawnflag for misc_eastertank.

A Big spawnflag for target_explosion, which makes it spawn a larger explosion.

Single-player obituaries- tells you which monster killed you and how.

Blaster_color and hyperblaster_color cvars- these change the color of the bolts fired by the blaster and hyperblaster-
	1 for standard orange, 2 for green, 3 for blue, and 4 for red.

Cybernetic monsters now give off sparks in addition to blood when shot.

Includes CDawg's fix for player frames.

NOTE: to fix a conflict with the CTF "id" command, the Lazarus "id" command has been renamed to "entid".