Added new SCR_DrawPic() variants in cl_screen.c.
Added new graphics for text fields and sliders in menus.
Improved mouse interaction for menu sliders.
Added resettargets developer command to default Lazarus and missionpack DLLs.
Added hint_test developer command to missionpack DLL.
Fixed freeze developer command in default Lazarus and missionpack DLLs so it can be used more than once.
More tweaks to Tactician Gunner prox mine safety checks in misssionpack DLL.
Added UI changes for renaming cl_screen.c->SCR_AdjustFrom640() to SCR_ScaleCoords().
Syntax cleanup in some client particle code.
Simplified Zaero visor HUD scaling hack with strncmp().
Added support for laser model with multiple skins to client entity code.
Enabled old blaster/flechette puff model when particles are disabled.
Added player muzzleflashes for LMCTF plasma rifle in cl_ents.c->CL_ParseMuzzleFlash().
Added support for extended w/ short index monster muzzleflashes using short enumerator to cl_lights.c->CL_ParseMuzzleFlash2().
Added contact parameter to g_monster.c->monster_fire_grenade() in missionpack DLL.
Added changeable blaster flash colors to cl_lights.c->CL_ParseMuzzleFlash2().
Added muzzleflashes for ionripper and plasma rifle soldier in cl_lights.c->CL_ParseMuzzleFlash2().
Removed unused removed weapons/hyprbu1a.wav from plasma rifle precache in default Lazarus, missionpack, and Zaero DLLs.
Added support for extended monster muzzleflashes to monster weapon code in default Lazarus and missionpack DLLs.
Changed fire_blaster() to use different skins in the same model instead of separate models for blaster bolts.
Tweaked default gib_health values in default Lazarus DLL.
Removed Lazarus grenade avoidance code from missionpack DLL.
Renamed monster_gunner_commander to monster_gunner_tactician in Lazarus DLL.
Adjusted damage for Tactician Gunner prox mines.
Changed order of glow pass in shared model rendering to be after envmap and celshading.