Added support for custom client railgun colors in missionpack DLL.
Removed sk_rail_color_* cvars from missionpack DLL.
Added CS_HUDVARIANT configstring.
Added code to set CS_HUDVARIANT configstring in game DLLs.
Added sk_rail_color_red, sk_rail_color_green, and sk_rail_color_blue cvars to change rail trail color when cvar sk_rail_color is set to 2 in default Lazarus, missionpack, and Zaero DLLs.
Added ctf_railcolors cvar to default Lazarus DLL.
Fixed non-precached sounds for Xatrix soldiers in missionpack DLL.
Changed cvar mp_monster_replace to CVAR_LATCH in missionpack DLL to prevent issues with glitched soldier sounds.
Improved Tactician Gunner prox mine detection in missionpack DLL.
Implemented Zaero modifications (can be pushed off ledge) to exploding barrels in missionpack DLL.
Changed incomplete vector parsing check in ED_ParseField() to a warning instead of an error in all game DLLs.
Fixed trailing ' in precache entry for weapon_chaingun.
Added sk_plasma_rifle_life_bounce and sk_plasma_rifle_life_spread cvars to
missionpack DLL to control time-to-remove of plasma rifle projectiles.
Added SAVEGAME_DLLNAME specific to Citadel builds of missionpack DLL.
Added support for building a version of missionpack DLL specific to Quake2Evolved v0.40b.
Added plasma guards (monster_soldier_plasma_re and monster_soldier_plasma_sp) from LM Escape to missionpack DLL.
Added Zaero items/weapons to missionpack DLL.
Added support for Zaero doors to missionpack DLL.
Fixed crash caused by killtargeting sentien (laser edict not freed) in missionpack DLL.
Fixed bug with broken Rogue turrets in missionpack DLL.
Fixed crash in g_combat.c->M_ReactToDamage() caused by attacker with NULL classname in missionpack DLL.
Pointer fixes to dedicated console.
Renamed new teleport event.
Partial cleanup to game DLL fog code.
Added Zaero monsters and misc entities to missionpack DLL.