Changed stats.log to save to savegamedir instead of the Quake2 root folder.
Renamed cvars menu_sensitivity, menu_rotate, and menu_alpha to ui_sensitivity, ui_item_rotate, and ui_background_alpha.
Removed some unused cvars.
Added CVAR_SAVE_IGNORE flag to "game" and "gamedir" cvars.
Added descriptions for most cvars.
Added dumpcvars command to output a list of cvars with their descriptions to cvarlist.txt.
Added UDP fallback from HTTP downloads and support for Q2Pro-style HTTP URLs.
Now allows downloading non-numerical pak files via flagging certain paks as protected.
Misc filesystem changes.
Pointer fixes to dedicated console.
Renamed new teleport event.
Partial cleanup to game DLL fog code.
Added Zaero monsters and misc entities to missionpack DLL.
Added check in FS_FileInPakBlacklist() for certain files that should be loaded from disk first.
Then check for local file in gamedir. If present, ignore file in pak.