Removed legacy GL_NV_texture_shader water warp effect.
Added r_subdivide_size cvar to control polygon subdivision of warp surfaces.
Added preliminary support for warp lightmaps.
Changed stats.log to save to savegamedir instead of the Quake2 root folder.
Renamed cvars menu_sensitivity, menu_rotate, and menu_alpha to ui_sensitivity, ui_item_rotate, and ui_background_alpha.
Removed some unused cvars.
Added CVAR_SAVE_IGNORE flag to "game" and "gamedir" cvars.
Added descriptions for most cvars.
Added dumpcvars command to output a list of cvars with their descriptions to cvarlist.txt.
Check for minumum length of saveshot name in SCR_DrawLoading().
Skip STX char before map title in dedicated console output.
Increased number of failed images/textures and walsizes to 1024 from 256.
Added one last modType() -> FS_ModType() change I forgot to commit.