Renamed "cursor" cursor_t struct to "ui_menucursor".
Renamed "currentweaponmodel" char pointer to "ui_currentweaponmodel".
Added shutdown functions for console, screen, and UI.
Overhauled slider menu control to show cvar value and simplify implementation.
Changed RGB color increment for railtrail in effects options menu from 16 to 4.
Changed default values for cl_railgreen and cl_railblue to be multiples of 4 to match increment of menu sliders.
Moved misc utility functions in ui_subsystem.c to ui_utils.c.
Changed stats.log to save to savegamedir instead of the Quake2 root folder.
Renamed cvars menu_sensitivity, menu_rotate, and menu_alpha to ui_sensitivity, ui_item_rotate, and ui_background_alpha.
Removed some unused cvars.
Added CVAR_SAVE_IGNORE flag to "game" and "gamedir" cvars.
Added descriptions for most cvars.
Added dumpcvars command to output a list of cvars with their descriptions to cvarlist.txt.