Added powerarmortype field to default Lazaus DLL. This changes the savegame version.
Added support for blood_type value of 4 to default Lazaurus, missionpack, and Zaero DLLs.
Added support for Lazarus initially dead monsters (health < 0) to missionpack DLL.
Added support for Lazarus monsterjump cvar (berserk, gunner, infantry, mutant, parasite) to missionpack DLL.
Cleaned up surface rendering code from mpolyvertex_t refactoring.
Added support to target_change for changing usermodel, skinnum, solidstate, effects, renderfx, startframe, and framenumbers of model_spawn and model train for both default Lazarus and missionpack DLLs.
Added movewith support to func_water and func_bobbingwater for both default Lazarus and missionpack DLLs.
Added "skinnum" field to edict_t instead of directly reading the key into s.skinnum for default Lazarus DLL.
Disabled unused run+fire animation for Freddie in missionpack DLL.
Added functions ThrowGibFrame() and ThrowDebrisFrame() to g_misc.c in missionpack DLL.
Added GIB_FEATHER gib type and MOVETYPE_FEATHER phys type to missionpack DLL.
Added precache functions for monster weapons in g_weapon_q1.c in missionpack DLL.
Moved function AimGrenade() from grenade.c to g_weapon.c in missionpack DLL.