Added sk_rail_color_red, sk_rail_color_green, and sk_rail_color_blue cvars to change rail trail color when cvar sk_rail_color is set to 2 in default Lazarus, missionpack, and Zaero DLLs.
Added ctf_railcolors cvar to default Lazarus DLL.
Added function monster_fire_phalanx() in g_monster.c in missionpack DLL.
Renamed monster_dabeam() function to monster_fire_dabeam() in g_monster.c in missionpack DLL.
Renamed "plasma" functions for phalanx cannon to "phalanx_plasma" in g_weapon.c in missionpack DLL.
Removed unused heat_think() function in g_weapon.c in missionpack DLL.
Removed unused Q1TeleportSounds2() function in g_utils_q1.c in missionpack DLL.