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Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Mr. Hyde and Mad Dog
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "g_local.h"
// Lazarus: removed all waterlevel-dependent stuff, which I don't get, and
// the fake crosshair, which looked... really bad
cvar_t *tpp;
cvar_t *tpp_auto;
cvar_t *crossh;
void ChasecamTrack (edict_t *ent);
/* The ent is the owner of the chasecam */
void ChasecamStart (edict_t *ent)
/* This creates a tempory entity we can manipulate within this
* function */
edict_t *chasecam;
/* Don't work on a spectator! */
if (ent->client->resp.spectator)
//Don't turn back on during intermission!
if (level.intermissiontime)
/* Tell everything that looks at the toggle that our chasecam is on
* and working */
ent->client->chasetoggle = 1;
/* Make our gun model "non-existent" so it's more realistic to the
* player using the chasecam */
ent->client->ps.gunindex = 0;
chasecam = G_Spawn ();
chasecam->owner = ent;
chasecam->solid = SOLID_NOT;
chasecam->movetype = MOVETYPE_FLYMISSILE;
ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags |= PMF_NO_PREDICTION; // this turns off Quake2's inclination to predict where the camera is going,
// making a much smoother ride
ent->svflags |= SVF_NOCLIENT; // this line tells Quake2 not to send the unnecessary info about the camera to other players
/* Now, make the angles of the player model, (!NOT THE HUMAN VIEW!) be
* copied to the same angle of the chasecam entity */
VectorCopy (ent->s.angles, chasecam->s.angles);
/* Clear the size of the entity, so it DOES technically have a size,
* but that of '0 0 0'-'0 0 0'. (xyz, xyz). mins = Minimum size,
* maxs = Maximum size */
VectorClear (chasecam->mins);
VectorClear (chasecam->maxs);
/* Make the chasecam's origin (position) be the same as the player
* entity's because as the camera starts, it will force itself out
* slowly backwards from the player model */
VectorCopy (ent->s.origin, chasecam->s.origin);
chasecam->classname = "chasecam";
chasecam->prethink = ChasecamTrack;
// Lazarus: Need think???
chasecam->think = ChasecamTrack;
ent->client->chasecam = chasecam;
ent->client->oldplayer = G_Spawn();
// remove reflection of real player, if any
/* ent = chasecam */
void ChasecamRestart (edict_t *ent)
/* Keep thinking this function to check all the time whether the
* player is out of the water */
/* If the player is dead, the camera is not wanted... Kill me and stop
* the function. (return;) */
if (ent->owner->health <= 0)
/* If the player is still completly underwater, break the routine
unless tpp has changed!*/
// if (ent->owner->waterlevel && !tpp->value)
// return;
//Put camera back
ChasecamStart (ent->owner);
//Remove this temporary ent
G_FreeEdict (ent);
/* Here, the "ent" is referring to the client, the player that owns the
* chasecam, and the "opt" integer is telling the function whether to
* totally get rid of the camera, or to put it into the background while
* it checks if the player is out of the water or not. */
void ChasecamRemove (edict_t *ent, int opt)
/* Stop the chasecam from moving */
VectorClear (ent->client->chasecam->velocity);
/* Make the weapon model of the player appear on screen for 1st
* person reality and aiming */
//Don't turn back on during intermission!
if (!level.intermissiontime)
ent->client->ps.gunindex = gi.modelindex(ent->client->pers.weapon->view_model);
/* Make our invisible appearance the same model as the display entity
* that mimics us while in chasecam mode */
ent->s.modelindex = ent->client->oldplayer->s.modelindex;
ent->svflags &= ~SVF_NOCLIENT;
//DestroyFakeCrosshair (ent);
ent->client->chasetoggle = 0;
G_FreeEdict (ent->client->chasecam);
G_FreeEdict (ent->client->oldplayer);
ent->client->oldplayer = NULL;
ent->client->chasecam = G_Spawn ();
ent->client->chasecam->owner = ent;
ent->client->chasecam->solid = SOLID_NOT;
ent->client->chasecam->movetype = MOVETYPE_FLYMISSILE;
VectorClear (ent->client->chasecam->mins);
VectorClear (ent->client->chasecam->maxs);
ent->client->chasecam->classname = "chasecam";
ent->client->chasecam->prethink = ChasecamRestart; // begin checking for emergence from the water
// Lazarus: Need think don't we???
ent->client->chasecam->think = ChasecamRestart;
else if (opt == OPTION_OFF)
G_FreeEdict (ent->client->oldplayer);
ent->client->oldplayer = NULL;
ent->client->chasetoggle = 0;
G_FreeEdict (ent->client->chasecam);
ent->client->chasecam = NULL;
/* The "ent" is the chasecam */
void ChasecamTrack (edict_t *ent)
/* Create tempory vectors and trace variables */
trace_t tr;
vec3_t spot1, spot2, dir;
vec3_t forward, right, up,angles;
int distance;
double tot; //mxd. int -> double
ent->nextthink = level.time + 0.100;
/* if our owner is under water, run the remove routine to repeatedly
* check for emergment from water */
// if (ent->owner->waterlevel && !tpp->value)
// {
// ChasecamRemove (ent->owner, OPTION_BACKGROUND);
// return;
// }
/* get the CLIENT's angle, and break it down into direction vectors,
* of forward, right, and up. VERY useful */
if (angles[PITCH] > 56)
angles[PITCH] = 56;
AngleVectors (angles, forward, right, up);
/* go starting at the player's origin, forward, ent->chasedist1
* distance, and save the location in vector spot2 */
VectorMA (ent->owner->s.origin, -ent->chasedist1, forward, spot2);
/* make spot2 a bit higher, by adding viewheight to the Z coordinate */
spot2[2] += (ent->owner->viewheight + 16);
// jump animation lifts
if (!ent->owner->groundentity)
spot2[2] += 16;
/* make the tr traceline trace from the player model's position, to spot2,
* ignoring the player, with a mask. */
tr = gi.trace (ent->owner->s.origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, spot2, ent->owner, MASK_SOLID);
/* subtract the endpoint from the start point for length and
* direction manipulation */
VectorSubtract (tr.endpos, ent->owner->s.origin, spot1);
/* in this case, length */
ent->chasedist1 = VectorLength (spot1);
/* go, starting from the end of the trace, 2 points forward (client
* angles) and save the location in spot2 */
VectorMA (tr.endpos, 2, forward, spot2);
/* make spot1 the same for tempory vector modification and make spot1
* a bit higher than spot2 */
VectorCopy (spot2, spot1);
spot1[2] += 32;
/* another trace from spot2 to spot1, ignoring player, no masks */
tr = gi.trace (spot2, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, spot1, ent->owner, MASK_SOLID);
/* if we hit something, copy the trace end to spot2 and lower spot2 */
if (tr.fraction < 1.000)
VectorCopy (tr.endpos, spot2);
spot2[2] -= 32;
/* subtract endpos spot2 from startpos the camera origin, saving it to
* the dir vector, and normalize dir for a direction from the camera
* origin, to the spot2 */
VectorSubtract (spot2, ent->s.origin, dir);
distance = VectorLength (dir);
VectorNormalize (dir);
/* another traceline */
tr = gi.trace (ent->s.origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, spot2, ent->owner, MASK_SOLID);
/* if we DON'T hit anyting, do some freaky stuff */
if (tr.fraction == 1.000)
/* subtract the endpos camera position, from the startpos, the
* player, and save in spot1. Normalize spot1 for a direction, and
* make that direction the angles of the chasecam for copying to the
* clients view angle which is displayed to the client. (human) */
VectorSubtract (ent->s.origin, ent->owner->s.origin, spot1);
VectorNormalize (spot1);
VectorCopy (spot1, ent->s.angles);
/* calculate the percentages of the distances, and make sure we're
* not going too far, or too short, in relation to our panning
* speed of the chasecam entity */
tot = (distance * 0.400);
/* if we're going too fast, make us top speed */
if (tot > 5.200)
ent->velocity[0] = ((dir[0] * distance) * 5.2);
ent->velocity[1] = ((dir[1] * distance) * 5.2);
ent->velocity[2] = ((dir[2] * distance) * 5.2);
/* if we're NOT going top speed, but we're going faster than
* 1, relative to the total, make us as fast as we're going */
if (tot > 1.000)
ent->velocity[0] = ((dir[0] * distance) * tot);
ent->velocity[1] = ((dir[1] * distance) * tot);
ent->velocity[2] = ((dir[2] * distance) * tot);
/* if we're not going faster than one, don't accelerate our
* speed at all, make us go slow to our destination */
ent->velocity[0] = (dir[0] * distance);
ent->velocity[1] = (dir[1] * distance);
ent->velocity[2] = (dir[2] * distance);
/* subtract endpos,player position, from chasecam position to get
* a length to determine whether we should accelerate faster from
* the player or not */
VectorSubtract (ent->owner->s.origin, ent->s.origin, spot1);
if (VectorLength(spot1) < 20)
ent->velocity[0] *= 2;
ent->velocity[1] *= 2;
ent->velocity[2] *= 2;
/* if we DID hit something in the tr.fraction call ages back, then
* make the spot2 we created, the position for the chasecamera. */
VectorCopy (spot2, ent->s.origin);
/* add to the distance between the player and the camera */
ent->chasedist1 += 2;
/* if we're too far away, give us a maximum distance */
if (ent->chasedist1 > (60.00 + ent->owner->client->zoom))
ent->chasedist1 = (60.00 + ent->owner->client->zoom);
/* if we haven't gone anywhere since the last think routine, and we
* are greater than 20 points in the distance calculated, add one to
* the second chasedistance variable
* The "ent->movedir" is a vector which is not used in this entity, so
* we can use this a tempory vector belonging to the chasecam, which
* can be carried through think routines. */
if (VectorCompare(ent->movedir, ent->s.origin))
if (distance > 20)
/* if we've buggered up more than 3 times, there must be some mistake,
* so restart the camera so we re-create a chasecam, destroy the old one,
* slowly go outwards from the player, and keep thinking this routing in
* the new camera entity */
if (ent->chasedist2 > 3)
G_FreeEdict (ent->owner->client->oldplayer);
ChasecamStart (ent->owner);
/* Copy the position of the chasecam now, and stick it to the movedir
* variable, for position checking when we rethink this function */
VectorCopy (ent->s.origin, ent->movedir);
gi.linkentity (ent);
//UpdateFakeCrosshair (ent->owner);
void Cmd_Chasecam_Toggle (edict_t *ent)
// Lazarus: Don't allow thirdperson when using spycam
if (!ent->deadflag && !ent->client->spycam)
if (ent->client->chasetoggle)
ChasecamRemove (ent, OPTION_OFF);
// Knightmare- don't use server chasecam if client chasecam is on
else if (!cl_thirdperson->value || deathmatch->value || coop->value)
ChasecamStart (ent);
void CheckChasecam_Viewent (edict_t *ent)
vec3_t angles;
Oldplayer is the fake player that everyone else sees.
Assign the same client as the ent we're following so the game
can read any vars it wants from there
if (!ent->client->oldplayer->client)
ent->client->oldplayer->client = ent->client;
/* Copy the angle and model from ourselves to the old player.
Even though people can't see us we still have all this stuff */
if ((ent->client->chasetoggle == 1) && (ent->client->oldplayer))
// Lazarus
// if (ent->client->use)
// VectorCopy (ent->client->oldplayer->s.angles, angles);
// ent->client->oldplayer->s = ent->s; //Copy player related info
// if (ent->client->use)
// VectorCopy (angles, ent->client->oldplayer->s.angles);
if (ent->client->use && !ent->client->push)
VectorCopy (ent->client->oldplayer->s.angles, angles);
ent->client->oldplayer->s = ent->s; //Copy player related info
// Lazarus: s.numbers shouldn't be the same
ent->client->oldplayer->s.number = ent->client->oldplayer - g_edicts;
if (ent->client->use && !ent->client->push)
VectorCopy (angles, ent->client->oldplayer->s.angles);
ent->client->oldplayer->flags = ent->flags;
// end Lazarus
gi.linkentity (ent->client->oldplayer);