/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code (?Doom 3 Source Code?). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "precompiled.h" #pragma hdrstop /* ============================================================================== idBitMsg ============================================================================== */ /* ================ idBitMsg::idBitMsg ================ */ idBitMsg::idBitMsg() { writeData = NULL; readData = NULL; maxSize = 0; curSize = 0; writeBit = 0; readCount = 0; readBit = 0; allowOverflow = false; overflowed = false; } /* ================ idBitMsg::CheckOverflow ================ */ bool idBitMsg::CheckOverflow( int numBits ) { assert( numBits >= 0 ); if ( numBits > GetRemainingWriteBits() ) { if ( !allowOverflow ) { idLib::common->FatalError( "idBitMsg: overflow without allowOverflow set" ); } if ( numBits > ( maxSize << 3 ) ) { idLib::common->FatalError( "idBitMsg: %i bits is > full message size", numBits ); } idLib::common->Printf( "idBitMsg: overflow\n" ); BeginWriting(); overflowed = true; return true; } return false; } /* ================ idBitMsg::GetByteSpace ================ */ byte *idBitMsg::GetByteSpace( int length ) { byte *ptr; if ( !writeData ) { idLib::common->FatalError( "idBitMsg::GetByteSpace: cannot write to message" ); } // round up to the next byte WriteByteAlign(); // check for overflow CheckOverflow( length << 3 ); ptr = writeData + curSize; curSize += length; return ptr; } /* ================ idBitMsg::WriteBits If the number of bits is negative a sign is included. ================ */ void idBitMsg::WriteBits( int value, int numBits ) { int put; int fraction; if ( !writeData ) { idLib::common->Error( "idBitMsg::WriteBits: cannot write to message" ); } // check if the number of bits is valid if ( numBits == 0 || numBits < -31 || numBits > 32 ) { idLib::common->Error( "idBitMsg::WriteBits: bad numBits %i", numBits ); } // check for value overflows // this should be an error really, as it can go unnoticed and cause either bandwidth or corrupted data transmitted if ( numBits != 32 ) { if ( numBits > 0 ) { if ( value > ( 1 << numBits ) - 1 ) { idLib::common->Warning( "idBitMsg::WriteBits: value overflow %d %d", value, numBits ); } else if ( value < 0 ) { idLib::common->Warning( "idBitMsg::WriteBits: value overflow %d %d", value, numBits ); } } else { int r = 1 << ( - 1 - numBits ); if ( value > r - 1 ) { idLib::common->Warning( "idBitMsg::WriteBits: value overflow %d %d", value, numBits ); } else if ( value < -r ) { idLib::common->Warning( "idBitMsg::WriteBits: value overflow %d %d", value, numBits ); } } } if ( numBits < 0 ) { numBits = -numBits; } // check for msg overflow if ( CheckOverflow( numBits ) ) { return; } // write the bits while( numBits ) { if ( writeBit == 0 ) { writeData[curSize] = 0; curSize++; } put = 8 - writeBit; if ( put > numBits ) { put = numBits; } fraction = value & ( ( 1 << put ) - 1 ); writeData[curSize - 1] |= fraction << writeBit; numBits -= put; value >>= put; writeBit = ( writeBit + put ) & 7; } } /* ================ idBitMsg::WriteString ================ */ void idBitMsg::WriteString( const char *s, int maxLength, bool make7Bit ) { if ( !s ) { WriteData( "", 1 ); } else { int i, l; byte *dataPtr; const byte *bytePtr; l = idStr::Length( s ); if ( maxLength >= 0 && l >= maxLength ) { l = maxLength - 1; } dataPtr = GetByteSpace( l + 1 ); bytePtr = reinterpret_cast(s); if ( make7Bit ) { for ( i = 0; i < l; i++ ) { if ( bytePtr[i] > 127 ) { dataPtr[i] = '.'; } else { dataPtr[i] = bytePtr[i]; } } } else { for ( i = 0; i < l; i++ ) { dataPtr[i] = bytePtr[i]; } } dataPtr[i] = '\0'; } } /* ================ idBitMsg::WriteData ================ */ void idBitMsg::WriteData( const void *data, int length ) { memcpy( GetByteSpace( length ), data, length ); } /* ================ idBitMsg::WriteNetadr ================ */ void idBitMsg::WriteNetadr( const netadr_t adr ) { byte *dataPtr; dataPtr = GetByteSpace( 4 ); memcpy( dataPtr, adr.ip, 4 ); WriteUShort( adr.port ); } /* ================ idBitMsg::WriteDelta ================ */ void idBitMsg::WriteDelta( int oldValue, int newValue, int numBits ) { if ( oldValue == newValue ) { WriteBits( 0, 1 ); return; } WriteBits( 1, 1 ); WriteBits( newValue, numBits ); } /* ================ idBitMsg::WriteDeltaByteCounter ================ */ void idBitMsg::WriteDeltaByteCounter( int oldValue, int newValue ) { int i, x; x = oldValue ^ newValue; for ( i = 7; i > 0; i-- ) { if ( x & ( 1 << i ) ) { i++; break; } } WriteBits( i, 3 ); if ( i ) { WriteBits( ( ( 1 << i ) - 1 ) & newValue, i ); } } /* ================ idBitMsg::WriteDeltaShortCounter ================ */ void idBitMsg::WriteDeltaShortCounter( int oldValue, int newValue ) { int i, x; x = oldValue ^ newValue; for ( i = 15; i > 0; i-- ) { if ( x & ( 1 << i ) ) { i++; break; } } WriteBits( i, 4 ); if ( i ) { WriteBits( ( ( 1 << i ) - 1 ) & newValue, i ); } } /* ================ idBitMsg::WriteDeltaLongCounter ================ */ void idBitMsg::WriteDeltaLongCounter( int oldValue, int newValue ) { int i, x; x = oldValue ^ newValue; for ( i = 31; i > 0; i-- ) { if ( x & ( 1 << i ) ) { i++; break; } } WriteBits( i, 5 ); if ( i ) { WriteBits( ( ( 1 << i ) - 1 ) & newValue, i ); } } /* ================== idBitMsg::WriteDeltaDict ================== */ bool idBitMsg::WriteDeltaDict( const idDict &dict, const idDict *base ) { int i; const idKeyValue *kv, *basekv; bool changed = false; if ( base != NULL ) { for ( i = 0; i < dict.GetNumKeyVals(); i++ ) { kv = dict.GetKeyVal( i ); basekv = base->FindKey( kv->GetKey() ); if ( basekv == NULL || basekv->GetValue().Icmp( kv->GetValue() ) != 0 ) { WriteString( kv->GetKey() ); WriteString( kv->GetValue() ); changed = true; } } WriteString( "" ); for ( i = 0; i < base->GetNumKeyVals(); i++ ) { basekv = base->GetKeyVal( i ); kv = dict.FindKey( basekv->GetKey() ); if ( kv == NULL ) { WriteString( basekv->GetKey() ); changed = true; } } WriteString( "" ); } else { for ( i = 0; i < dict.GetNumKeyVals(); i++ ) { kv = dict.GetKeyVal( i ); WriteString( kv->GetKey() ); WriteString( kv->GetValue() ); changed = true; } WriteString( "" ); WriteString( "" ); } return changed; } /* ================ idBitMsg::ReadBits If the number of bits is negative a sign is included. ================ */ int idBitMsg::ReadBits( int numBits ) const { int value; int valueBits; int get; int fraction; bool sgn; if ( !readData ) { idLib::common->FatalError( "idBitMsg::ReadBits: cannot read from message" ); } // check if the number of bits is valid if ( numBits == 0 || numBits < -31 || numBits > 32 ) { idLib::common->FatalError( "idBitMsg::ReadBits: bad numBits %i", numBits ); } value = 0; valueBits = 0; if ( numBits < 0 ) { numBits = -numBits; sgn = true; } else { sgn = false; } // check for overflow if ( numBits > GetRemainingReadBits() ) { return -1; } while ( valueBits < numBits ) { if ( readBit == 0 ) { readCount++; } get = 8 - readBit; if ( get > (numBits - valueBits) ) { get = numBits - valueBits; } fraction = readData[readCount - 1]; fraction >>= readBit; fraction &= ( 1 << get ) - 1; value |= fraction << valueBits; valueBits += get; readBit = ( readBit + get ) & 7; } if ( sgn ) { if ( value & ( 1 << ( numBits - 1 ) ) ) { value |= -1 ^ ( ( 1 << numBits ) - 1 ); } } return value; } /* ================ idBitMsg::ReadString ================ */ int idBitMsg::ReadString( char *buffer, int bufferSize ) const { int l, c; ReadByteAlign(); l = 0; while( 1 ) { c = ReadByte(); if ( c <= 0 || c >= 255 ) { break; } // translate all fmt spec to avoid crash bugs in string routines if ( c == '%' ) { c = '.'; } // we will read past any excessively long string, so // the following data can be read, but the string will // be truncated if ( l < bufferSize - 1 ) { buffer[l] = c; l++; } } buffer[l] = 0; return l; } /* ================ idBitMsg::ReadData ================ */ int idBitMsg::ReadData( void *data, int length ) const { int cnt; ReadByteAlign(); cnt = readCount; if ( readCount + length > curSize ) { if ( data ) { memcpy( data, readData + readCount, GetRemaingData() ); } readCount = curSize; } else { if ( data ) { memcpy( data, readData + readCount, length ); } readCount += length; } return ( readCount - cnt ); } /* ================ idBitMsg::ReadNetadr ================ */ void idBitMsg::ReadNetadr( netadr_t *adr ) const { int i; adr->type = NA_IP; for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { adr->ip[ i ] = ReadByte(); } adr->port = ReadUShort(); } /* ================ idBitMsg::ReadDelta ================ */ int idBitMsg::ReadDelta( int oldValue, int numBits ) const { if ( ReadBits( 1 ) ) { return ReadBits( numBits ); } return oldValue; } /* ================ idBitMsg::ReadDeltaByteCounter ================ */ int idBitMsg::ReadDeltaByteCounter( int oldValue ) const { int i, newValue; i = ReadBits( 3 ); if ( !i ) { return oldValue; } newValue = ReadBits( i ); return ( oldValue & ~( ( 1 << i ) - 1 ) | newValue ); } /* ================ idBitMsg::ReadDeltaShortCounter ================ */ int idBitMsg::ReadDeltaShortCounter( int oldValue ) const { int i, newValue; i = ReadBits( 4 ); if ( !i ) { return oldValue; } newValue = ReadBits( i ); return ( oldValue & ~( ( 1 << i ) - 1 ) | newValue ); } /* ================ idBitMsg::ReadDeltaLongCounter ================ */ int idBitMsg::ReadDeltaLongCounter( int oldValue ) const { int i, newValue; i = ReadBits( 5 ); if ( !i ) { return oldValue; } newValue = ReadBits( i ); return ( oldValue & ~( ( 1 << i ) - 1 ) | newValue ); } /* ================== idBitMsg::ReadDeltaDict ================== */ bool idBitMsg::ReadDeltaDict( idDict &dict, const idDict *base ) const { char key[MAX_STRING_CHARS]; char value[MAX_STRING_CHARS]; bool changed = false; if ( base != NULL ) { dict = *base; } else { dict.Clear(); } while( ReadString( key, sizeof( key ) ) != 0 ) { ReadString( value, sizeof( value ) ); dict.Set( key, value ); changed = true; } while( ReadString( key, sizeof( key ) ) != 0 ) { dict.Delete( key ); changed = true; } return changed; } /* ================ idBitMsg::DirToBits ================ */ int idBitMsg::DirToBits( const idVec3 &dir, int numBits ) { int max, bits; float bias; assert( numBits >= 6 && numBits <= 32 ); assert( dir.LengthSqr() - 1.0f < 0.01f ); numBits /= 3; max = ( 1 << ( numBits - 1 ) ) - 1; bias = 0.5f / max; bits = FLOATSIGNBITSET( dir.x ) << ( numBits * 3 - 1 ); bits |= ( idMath::Ftoi( ( idMath::Fabs( dir.x ) + bias ) * max ) ) << ( numBits * 2 ); bits |= FLOATSIGNBITSET( dir.y ) << ( numBits * 2 - 1 ); bits |= ( idMath::Ftoi( ( idMath::Fabs( dir.y ) + bias ) * max ) ) << ( numBits * 1 ); bits |= FLOATSIGNBITSET( dir.z ) << ( numBits * 1 - 1 ); bits |= ( idMath::Ftoi( ( idMath::Fabs( dir.z ) + bias ) * max ) ) << ( numBits * 0 ); return bits; } /* ================ idBitMsg::BitsToDir ================ */ idVec3 idBitMsg::BitsToDir( int bits, int numBits ) { static float sign[2] = { 1.0f, -1.0f }; int max; float invMax; idVec3 dir; assert( numBits >= 6 && numBits <= 32 ); numBits /= 3; max = ( 1 << ( numBits - 1 ) ) - 1; invMax = 1.0f / max; dir.x = sign[( bits >> ( numBits * 3 - 1 ) ) & 1] * ( ( bits >> ( numBits * 2 ) ) & max ) * invMax; dir.y = sign[( bits >> ( numBits * 2 - 1 ) ) & 1] * ( ( bits >> ( numBits * 1 ) ) & max ) * invMax; dir.z = sign[( bits >> ( numBits * 1 - 1 ) ) & 1] * ( ( bits >> ( numBits * 0 ) ) & max ) * invMax; dir.NormalizeFast(); return dir; } /* ============================================================================== idBitMsgDelta ============================================================================== */ const int MAX_DATA_BUFFER = 1024; /* ================ idBitMsgDelta::WriteBits ================ */ void idBitMsgDelta::WriteBits( int value, int numBits ) { if ( newBase ) { newBase->WriteBits( value, numBits ); } if ( !base ) { writeDelta->WriteBits( value, numBits ); changed = true; } else { int baseValue = base->ReadBits( numBits ); if ( baseValue == value ) { writeDelta->WriteBits( 0, 1 ); } else { writeDelta->WriteBits( 1, 1 ); writeDelta->WriteBits( value, numBits ); changed = true; } } } /* ================ idBitMsgDelta::WriteDelta ================ */ void idBitMsgDelta::WriteDelta( int oldValue, int newValue, int numBits ) { if ( newBase ) { newBase->WriteBits( newValue, numBits ); } if ( !base ) { if ( oldValue == newValue ) { writeDelta->WriteBits( 0, 1 ); } else { writeDelta->WriteBits( 1, 1 ); writeDelta->WriteBits( newValue, numBits ); } changed = true; } else { int baseValue = base->ReadBits( numBits ); if ( baseValue == newValue ) { writeDelta->WriteBits( 0, 1 ); } else { writeDelta->WriteBits( 1, 1 ); if ( oldValue == newValue ) { writeDelta->WriteBits( 0, 1 ); changed = true; } else { writeDelta->WriteBits( 1, 1 ); writeDelta->WriteBits( newValue, numBits ); changed = true; } } } } /* ================ idBitMsgDelta::ReadBits ================ */ int idBitMsgDelta::ReadBits( int numBits ) const { int value; if ( !base ) { value = readDelta->ReadBits( numBits ); changed = true; } else { int baseValue = base->ReadBits( numBits ); if ( !readDelta || readDelta->ReadBits( 1 ) == 0 ) { value = baseValue; } else { value = readDelta->ReadBits( numBits ); changed = true; } } if ( newBase ) { newBase->WriteBits( value, numBits ); } return value; } /* ================ idBitMsgDelta::ReadDelta ================ */ int idBitMsgDelta::ReadDelta( int oldValue, int numBits ) const { int value; if ( !base ) { if ( readDelta->ReadBits( 1 ) == 0 ) { value = oldValue; } else { value = readDelta->ReadBits( numBits ); } changed = true; } else { int baseValue = base->ReadBits( numBits ); if ( !readDelta || readDelta->ReadBits( 1 ) == 0 ) { value = baseValue; } else if ( readDelta->ReadBits( 1 ) == 0 ) { value = oldValue; changed = true; } else { value = readDelta->ReadBits( numBits ); changed = true; } } if ( newBase ) { newBase->WriteBits( value, numBits ); } return value; } /* ================ idBitMsgDelta::WriteString ================ */ void idBitMsgDelta::WriteString( const char *s, int maxLength ) { if ( newBase ) { newBase->WriteString( s, maxLength ); } if ( !base ) { writeDelta->WriteString( s, maxLength ); changed = true; } else { char baseString[MAX_DATA_BUFFER]; base->ReadString( baseString, sizeof( baseString ) ); if ( idStr::Cmp( s, baseString ) == 0 ) { writeDelta->WriteBits( 0, 1 ); } else { writeDelta->WriteBits( 1, 1 ); writeDelta->WriteString( s, maxLength ); changed = true; } } } /* ================ idBitMsgDelta::WriteData ================ */ void idBitMsgDelta::WriteData( const void *data, int length ) { if ( newBase ) { newBase->WriteData( data, length ); } if ( !base ) { writeDelta->WriteData( data, length ); changed = true; } else { byte baseData[MAX_DATA_BUFFER]; assert( length < sizeof( baseData ) ); base->ReadData( baseData, length ); if ( memcmp( data, baseData, length ) == 0 ) { writeDelta->WriteBits( 0, 1 ); } else { writeDelta->WriteBits( 1, 1 ); writeDelta->WriteData( data, length ); changed = true; } } } /* ================ idBitMsgDelta::WriteDict ================ */ void idBitMsgDelta::WriteDict( const idDict &dict ) { if ( newBase ) { newBase->WriteDeltaDict( dict, NULL ); } if ( !base ) { writeDelta->WriteDeltaDict( dict, NULL ); changed = true; } else { idDict baseDict; base->ReadDeltaDict( baseDict, NULL ); changed = writeDelta->WriteDeltaDict( dict, &baseDict ); } } /* ================ idBitMsgDelta::WriteDeltaByteCounter ================ */ void idBitMsgDelta::WriteDeltaByteCounter( int oldValue, int newValue ) { if ( newBase ) { newBase->WriteBits( newValue, 8 ); } if ( !base ) { writeDelta->WriteDeltaByteCounter( oldValue, newValue ); changed = true; } else { int baseValue = base->ReadBits( 8 ); if ( baseValue == newValue ) { writeDelta->WriteBits( 0, 1 ); } else { writeDelta->WriteBits( 1, 1 ); writeDelta->WriteDeltaByteCounter( oldValue, newValue ); changed = true; } } } /* ================ idBitMsgDelta::WriteDeltaShortCounter ================ */ void idBitMsgDelta::WriteDeltaShortCounter( int oldValue, int newValue ) { if ( newBase ) { newBase->WriteBits( newValue, 16 ); } if ( !base ) { writeDelta->WriteDeltaShortCounter( oldValue, newValue ); changed = true; } else { int baseValue = base->ReadBits( 16 ); if ( baseValue == newValue ) { writeDelta->WriteBits( 0, 1 ); } else { writeDelta->WriteBits( 1, 1 ); writeDelta->WriteDeltaShortCounter( oldValue, newValue ); changed = true; } } } /* ================ idBitMsgDelta::WriteDeltaLongCounter ================ */ void idBitMsgDelta::WriteDeltaLongCounter( int oldValue, int newValue ) { if ( newBase ) { newBase->WriteBits( newValue, 32 ); } if ( !base ) { writeDelta->WriteDeltaLongCounter( oldValue, newValue ); changed = true; } else { int baseValue = base->ReadBits( 32 ); if ( baseValue == newValue ) { writeDelta->WriteBits( 0, 1 ); } else { writeDelta->WriteBits( 1, 1 ); writeDelta->WriteDeltaLongCounter( oldValue, newValue ); changed = true; } } } /* ================ idBitMsgDelta::ReadString ================ */ void idBitMsgDelta::ReadString( char *buffer, int bufferSize ) const { if ( !base ) { readDelta->ReadString( buffer, bufferSize ); changed = true; } else { char baseString[MAX_DATA_BUFFER]; base->ReadString( baseString, sizeof( baseString ) ); if ( !readDelta || readDelta->ReadBits( 1 ) == 0 ) { idStr::Copynz( buffer, baseString, bufferSize ); } else { readDelta->ReadString( buffer, bufferSize ); changed = true; } } if ( newBase ) { newBase->WriteString( buffer ); } } /* ================ idBitMsgDelta::ReadData ================ */ void idBitMsgDelta::ReadData( void *data, int length ) const { if ( !base ) { readDelta->ReadData( data, length ); changed = true; } else { char baseData[MAX_DATA_BUFFER]; assert( length < sizeof( baseData ) ); base->ReadData( baseData, length ); if ( !readDelta || readDelta->ReadBits( 1 ) == 0 ) { memcpy( data, baseData, length ); } else { readDelta->ReadData( data, length ); changed = true; } } if ( newBase ) { newBase->WriteData( data, length ); } } /* ================ idBitMsgDelta::ReadDict ================ */ void idBitMsgDelta::ReadDict( idDict &dict ) { if ( !base ) { readDelta->ReadDeltaDict( dict, NULL ); changed = true; } else { idDict baseDict; base->ReadDeltaDict( baseDict, NULL ); if ( !readDelta ) { dict = baseDict; } else { changed = readDelta->ReadDeltaDict( dict, &baseDict ); } } if ( newBase ) { newBase->WriteDeltaDict( dict, NULL ); } } /* ================ idBitMsgDelta::ReadDeltaByteCounter ================ */ int idBitMsgDelta::ReadDeltaByteCounter( int oldValue ) const { int value; if ( !base ) { value = readDelta->ReadDeltaByteCounter( oldValue ); changed = true; } else { int baseValue = base->ReadBits( 8 ); if ( !readDelta || readDelta->ReadBits( 1 ) == 0 ) { value = baseValue; } else { value = readDelta->ReadDeltaByteCounter( oldValue ); changed = true; } } if ( newBase ) { newBase->WriteBits( value, 8 ); } return value; } /* ================ idBitMsgDelta::ReadDeltaShortCounter ================ */ int idBitMsgDelta::ReadDeltaShortCounter( int oldValue ) const { int value; if ( !base ) { value = readDelta->ReadDeltaShortCounter( oldValue ); changed = true; } else { int baseValue = base->ReadBits( 16 ); if ( !readDelta || readDelta->ReadBits( 1 ) == 0 ) { value = baseValue; } else { value = readDelta->ReadDeltaShortCounter( oldValue ); changed = true; } } if ( newBase ) { newBase->WriteBits( value, 16 ); } return value; } /* ================ idBitMsgDelta::ReadDeltaLongCounter ================ */ int idBitMsgDelta::ReadDeltaLongCounter( int oldValue ) const { int value; if ( !base ) { value = readDelta->ReadDeltaLongCounter( oldValue ); changed = true; } else { int baseValue = base->ReadBits( 32 ); if ( !readDelta || readDelta->ReadBits( 1 ) == 0 ) { value = baseValue; } else { value = readDelta->ReadDeltaLongCounter( oldValue ); changed = true; } } if ( newBase ) { newBase->WriteBits( value, 32 ); } return value; }