/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code (?Doom 3 Source Code?). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "../../idlib/precompiled.h" #pragma hdrstop #include "MsgChannel.h" /* packet header ------------- 2 bytes id 4 bytes outgoing sequence. high bit will be set if this is a fragmented message. 2 bytes optional fragment start byte if fragment bit is set. 2 bytes optional fragment length if fragment bit is set. if < FRAGMENT_SIZE, this is the last fragment. If the id is -1, the packet should be handled as an out-of-band message instead of as part of the message channel. All fragments will have the same sequence numbers. */ #define MAX_PACKETLEN 1400 // max size of a network packet #define FRAGMENT_SIZE (MAX_PACKETLEN - 100) #define FRAGMENT_BIT (1<<31) idCVar net_channelShowPackets( "net_channelShowPackets", "0", CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_BOOL, "show all packets" ); idCVar net_channelShowDrop( "net_channelShowDrop", "0", CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_BOOL, "show dropped packets" ); /* =============== idMsgQueue::idMsgQueue =============== */ idMsgQueue::idMsgQueue( void ) { Init( 0 ); } /* =============== idMsgQueue::Init =============== */ void idMsgQueue::Init( int sequence ) { first = last = sequence; startIndex = endIndex = 0; } /* =============== idMsgQueue::Add =============== */ bool idMsgQueue::Add( const byte *data, const int size ) { if ( GetSpaceLeft() < size + 8 ) { return false; } int sequence = last; WriteShort( size ); WriteLong( sequence ); WriteData( data, size ); last++; return true; } /* =============== idMsgQueue::Get =============== */ bool idMsgQueue::Get( byte *data, int &size ) { if ( first == last ) { size = 0; return false; } int sequence; size = ReadShort(); sequence = ReadLong(); ReadData( data, size ); assert( sequence == first ); first++; return true; } /* =============== idMsgQueue::GetTotalSize =============== */ int idMsgQueue::GetTotalSize( void ) const { if ( startIndex <= endIndex ) { return ( endIndex - startIndex ); } else { return ( sizeof( buffer ) - startIndex + endIndex ); } } /* =============== idMsgQueue::GetSpaceLeft =============== */ int idMsgQueue::GetSpaceLeft( void ) const { if ( startIndex <= endIndex ) { return sizeof( buffer ) - ( endIndex - startIndex ) - 1; } else { return ( startIndex - endIndex ) - 1; } } /* =============== idMsgQueue::CopyToBuffer =============== */ void idMsgQueue::CopyToBuffer( byte *buf ) const { if ( startIndex <= endIndex ) { memcpy( buf, buffer + startIndex, endIndex - startIndex ); } else { memcpy( buf, buffer + startIndex, sizeof( buffer ) - startIndex ); memcpy( buf + sizeof( buffer ) - startIndex, buffer, endIndex ); } } /* =============== idMsgQueue::WriteByte =============== */ void idMsgQueue::WriteByte( byte b ) { buffer[endIndex] = b; endIndex = ( endIndex + 1 ) & ( MAX_MSG_QUEUE_SIZE - 1 ); } /* =============== idMsgQueue::ReadByte =============== */ byte idMsgQueue::ReadByte( void ) { byte b = buffer[startIndex]; startIndex = ( startIndex + 1 ) & ( MAX_MSG_QUEUE_SIZE - 1 ); return b; } /* =============== idMsgQueue::WriteShort =============== */ void idMsgQueue::WriteShort( int s ) { WriteByte( ( s >> 0 ) & 255 ); WriteByte( ( s >> 8 ) & 255 ); } /* =============== idMsgQueue::ReadShort =============== */ int idMsgQueue::ReadShort( void ) { return ReadByte() | ( ReadByte() << 8 ); } /* =============== idMsgQueue::WriteLong =============== */ void idMsgQueue::WriteLong( int l ) { WriteByte( ( l >> 0 ) & 255 ); WriteByte( ( l >> 8 ) & 255 ); WriteByte( ( l >> 16 ) & 255 ); WriteByte( ( l >> 24 ) & 255 ); } /* =============== idMsgQueue::ReadLong =============== */ int idMsgQueue::ReadLong( void ) { return ReadByte() | ( ReadByte() << 8 ) | ( ReadByte() << 16 ) | ( ReadByte() << 24 ); } /* =============== idMsgQueue::WriteData =============== */ void idMsgQueue::WriteData( const byte *data, const int size ) { for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { WriteByte( data[i] ); } } /* =============== idMsgQueue::ReadData =============== */ void idMsgQueue::ReadData( byte *data, const int size ) { if ( data ) { for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { data[i] = ReadByte(); } } else { for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { ReadByte(); } } } /* =============== idMsgChannel::idMsgChannel =============== */ idMsgChannel::idMsgChannel() { id = -1; } /* ============== idMsgChannel::Init Opens a channel to a remote system. ============== */ void idMsgChannel::Init( const netadr_t adr, const int id ) { this->remoteAddress = adr; this->id = id; this->maxRate = 50000; this->compressor = idCompressor::AllocRunLength_ZeroBased(); lastSendTime = 0; lastDataBytes = 0; outgoingRateTime = 0; outgoingRateBytes = 0; incomingRateTime = 0; incomingRateBytes = 0; incomingReceivedPackets = 0.0f; incomingDroppedPackets = 0.0f; incomingPacketLossTime = 0; outgoingCompression = 0.0f; incomingCompression = 0.0f; outgoingSequence = 1; incomingSequence = 0; unsentFragments = false; unsentFragmentStart = 0; fragmentSequence = 0; fragmentLength = 0; reliableSend.Init( 1 ); reliableReceive.Init( 0 ); } /* =============== idMsgChannel::Shutdown ================ */ void idMsgChannel::Shutdown( void ) { delete compressor; compressor = NULL; } /* ================= idMsgChannel::ResetRate ================= */ void idMsgChannel::ResetRate( void ) { lastSendTime = 0; lastDataBytes = 0; outgoingRateTime = 0; outgoingRateBytes = 0; incomingRateTime = 0; incomingRateBytes = 0; } /* ================= idMsgChannel::ReadyToSend ================= */ bool idMsgChannel::ReadyToSend( const int time ) const { int deltaTime; if ( !maxRate ) { return true; } deltaTime = time - lastSendTime; if ( deltaTime > 1000 ) { return true; } return ( ( lastDataBytes - ( deltaTime * maxRate ) / 1000 ) <= 0 ); } /* =============== idMsgChannel::WriteMessageData ================ */ void idMsgChannel::WriteMessageData( idBitMsg &out, const idBitMsg &msg ) { idBitMsg tmp; byte tmpBuf[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE]; tmp.Init( tmpBuf, sizeof( tmpBuf ) ); // write acknowledgement of last received reliable message tmp.WriteLong( reliableReceive.GetLast() ); // write reliable messages reliableSend.CopyToBuffer( tmp.GetData() + tmp.GetSize() ); tmp.SetSize( tmp.GetSize() + reliableSend.GetTotalSize() ); tmp.WriteShort( 0 ); // write data tmp.WriteData( msg.GetData(), msg.GetSize() ); // write message size out.WriteShort( tmp.GetSize() ); // compress message idFile_BitMsg file( out ); compressor->Init( &file, true, 3 ); compressor->Write( tmp.GetData(), tmp.GetSize() ); compressor->FinishCompress(); outgoingCompression = compressor->GetCompressionRatio(); } /* =============== idMsgChannel::ReadMessageData ================ */ bool idMsgChannel::ReadMessageData( idBitMsg &out, const idBitMsg &msg ) { int reliableAcknowledge, reliableMessageSize, reliableSequence; // read message size out.SetSize( msg.ReadShort() ); // decompress message idFile_BitMsg file( msg ); compressor->Init( &file, false, 3 ); compressor->Read( out.GetData(), out.GetSize() ); incomingCompression = compressor->GetCompressionRatio(); out.BeginReading(); // read acknowledgement of sent reliable messages reliableAcknowledge = out.ReadLong(); // remove acknowledged reliable messages while( reliableSend.GetFirst() <= reliableAcknowledge ) { if ( !reliableSend.Get( NULL, reliableMessageSize ) ) { break; } } // read reliable messages reliableMessageSize = out.ReadShort(); while( reliableMessageSize != 0 ) { if ( reliableMessageSize <= 0 || reliableMessageSize > out.GetSize() - out.GetReadCount() ) { common->Printf( "%s: bad reliable message\n", Sys_NetAdrToString( remoteAddress ) ); return false; } reliableSequence = out.ReadLong(); if ( reliableSequence == reliableReceive.GetLast() + 1 ) { reliableReceive.Add( out.GetData() + out.GetReadCount(), reliableMessageSize ); } out.ReadData( NULL, reliableMessageSize ); reliableMessageSize = out.ReadShort(); } return true; } /* ================= idMsgChannel::SendNextFragment Sends one fragment of the current message. ================= */ void idMsgChannel::SendNextFragment( idPort &port, const int time ) { idBitMsg msg; byte msgBuf[MAX_PACKETLEN]; int fragLength; if ( remoteAddress.type == NA_BAD ) { return; } if ( !unsentFragments ) { return; } // write the packet msg.Init( msgBuf, sizeof( msgBuf ) ); msg.WriteShort( id ); msg.WriteLong( outgoingSequence | FRAGMENT_BIT ); fragLength = FRAGMENT_SIZE; if ( unsentFragmentStart + fragLength > unsentMsg.GetSize() ) { fragLength = unsentMsg.GetSize() - unsentFragmentStart; } msg.WriteShort( unsentFragmentStart ); msg.WriteShort( fragLength ); msg.WriteData( unsentMsg.GetData() + unsentFragmentStart, fragLength ); // send the packet port.SendPacket( remoteAddress, msg.GetData(), msg.GetSize() ); // update rate control variables UpdateOutgoingRate( time, msg.GetSize() ); if ( net_channelShowPackets.GetBool() ) { common->Printf( "%d send %4i : s = %i fragment = %i,%i\n", id, msg.GetSize(), outgoingSequence - 1, unsentFragmentStart, fragLength ); } unsentFragmentStart += fragLength; // this exit condition is a little tricky, because a packet // that is exactly the fragment length still needs to send // a second packet of zero length so that the other side // can tell there aren't more to follow if ( unsentFragmentStart == unsentMsg.GetSize() && fragLength != FRAGMENT_SIZE ) { outgoingSequence++; unsentFragments = false; } } /* =============== idMsgChannel::SendMessage Sends a message to a connection, fragmenting if necessary A 0 length will still generate a packet. ================ */ int idMsgChannel::SendMessage( idPort &port, const int time, const idBitMsg &msg ) { int totalLength; if ( remoteAddress.type == NA_BAD ) { return -1; } if ( unsentFragments ) { common->Error( "idMsgChannel::SendMessage: called with unsent fragments left" ); return -1; } totalLength = 4 + reliableSend.GetTotalSize() + 4 + msg.GetSize(); if ( totalLength > MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE ) { common->Printf( "idMsgChannel::SendMessage: message too large, length = %i\n", totalLength ); return -1; } unsentMsg.Init( unsentBuffer, sizeof( unsentBuffer ) ); unsentMsg.BeginWriting(); // fragment large messages if ( totalLength >= FRAGMENT_SIZE ) { unsentFragments = true; unsentFragmentStart = 0; // write out the message data WriteMessageData( unsentMsg, msg ); // send the first fragment now SendNextFragment( port, time ); return outgoingSequence; } // write the header unsentMsg.WriteShort( id ); unsentMsg.WriteLong( outgoingSequence ); // write out the message data WriteMessageData( unsentMsg, msg ); // send the packet port.SendPacket( remoteAddress, unsentMsg.GetData(), unsentMsg.GetSize() ); // update rate control variables UpdateOutgoingRate( time, unsentMsg.GetSize() ); if ( net_channelShowPackets.GetBool() ) { common->Printf( "%d send %4i : s = %i ack = %i\n", id, unsentMsg.GetSize(), outgoingSequence - 1, incomingSequence ); } outgoingSequence++; return ( outgoingSequence - 1 ); } /* ================= idMsgChannel::Process Returns false if the message should not be processed due to being out of order or a fragment. msg must be large enough to hold MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE, because if this is the final fragment of a multi-part message, the entire thing will be copied out. ================= */ bool idMsgChannel::Process( const netadr_t from, int time, idBitMsg &msg, int &sequence ) { int fragStart, fragLength, dropped; bool fragmented; idBitMsg fragMsg; // the IP port can't be used to differentiate them, because // some address translating routers periodically change UDP // port assignments if ( remoteAddress.port != from.port ) { common->Printf( "idMsgChannel::Process: fixing up a translated port\n" ); remoteAddress.port = from.port; } // update incoming rate UpdateIncomingRate( time, msg.GetSize() ); // get sequence numbers sequence = msg.ReadLong(); // check for fragment information if ( sequence & FRAGMENT_BIT ) { sequence &= ~FRAGMENT_BIT; fragmented = true; } else { fragmented = false; } // read the fragment information if ( fragmented ) { fragStart = msg.ReadShort(); fragLength = msg.ReadShort(); } else { fragStart = 0; // stop warning message fragLength = 0; } if ( net_channelShowPackets.GetBool() ) { if ( fragmented ) { common->Printf( "%d recv %4i : s = %i fragment = %i,%i\n", id, msg.GetSize(), sequence, fragStart, fragLength ); } else { common->Printf( "%d recv %4i : s = %i\n", id, msg.GetSize(), sequence ); } } // // discard out of order or duplicated packets // if ( sequence <= incomingSequence ) { if ( net_channelShowDrop.GetBool() || net_channelShowPackets.GetBool() ) { common->Printf( "%s: out of order packet %i at %i\n", Sys_NetAdrToString( remoteAddress ), sequence, incomingSequence ); } return false; } // // dropped packets don't keep this message from being used // dropped = sequence - (incomingSequence+1); if ( dropped > 0 ) { if ( net_channelShowDrop.GetBool() || net_channelShowPackets.GetBool() ) { common->Printf( "%s: dropped %i packets at %i\n", Sys_NetAdrToString( remoteAddress ), dropped, sequence ); } UpdatePacketLoss( time, 0, dropped ); } // // if the message is fragmented // if ( fragmented ) { // make sure we have the correct sequence number if ( sequence != fragmentSequence ) { fragmentSequence = sequence; fragmentLength = 0; } // if we missed a fragment, dump the message if ( fragStart != fragmentLength ) { if ( net_channelShowDrop.GetBool() || net_channelShowPackets.GetBool() ) { common->Printf( "%s: dropped a message fragment at seq %d\n", Sys_NetAdrToString( remoteAddress ), sequence ); } // we can still keep the part that we have so far, // so we don't need to clear fragmentLength UpdatePacketLoss( time, 0, 1 ); return false; } // copy the fragment to the fragment buffer if ( fragLength < 0 || fragLength > msg.GetRemaingData() || fragmentLength + fragLength > sizeof( fragmentBuffer ) ) { if ( net_channelShowDrop.GetBool() || net_channelShowPackets.GetBool() ) { common->Printf( "%s: illegal fragment length\n", Sys_NetAdrToString( remoteAddress ) ); } UpdatePacketLoss( time, 0, 1 ); return false; } memcpy( fragmentBuffer + fragmentLength, msg.GetData() + msg.GetReadCount(), fragLength ); fragmentLength += fragLength; UpdatePacketLoss( time, 1, 0 ); // if this wasn't the last fragment, don't process anything if ( fragLength == FRAGMENT_SIZE ) { return false; } } else { memcpy( fragmentBuffer, msg.GetData() + msg.GetReadCount(), msg.GetRemaingData() ); fragmentLength = msg.GetRemaingData(); UpdatePacketLoss( time, 1, 0 ); } fragMsg.Init( fragmentBuffer, fragmentLength ); fragMsg.SetSize( fragmentLength ); fragMsg.BeginReading(); incomingSequence = sequence; // read the message data if ( !ReadMessageData( msg, fragMsg ) ) { return false; } return true; } /* ================= idMsgChannel::SendReliableMessage ================= */ bool idMsgChannel::SendReliableMessage( const idBitMsg &msg ) { bool result; assert( remoteAddress.type != NA_BAD ); if ( remoteAddress.type == NA_BAD ) { return false; } result = reliableSend.Add( msg.GetData(), msg.GetSize() ); if ( !result ) { common->Warning( "idMsgChannel::SendReliableMessage: overflowed" ); return false; } return result; } /* ================= idMsgChannel::GetReliableMessage ================= */ bool idMsgChannel::GetReliableMessage( idBitMsg &msg ) { int size; bool result; result = reliableReceive.Get( msg.GetData(), size ); msg.SetSize( size ); msg.BeginReading(); return result; } /* =============== idMsgChannel::ClearReliableMessages ================ */ void idMsgChannel::ClearReliableMessages( void ) { reliableSend.Init( 1 ); reliableReceive.Init( 0 ); } /* ================= idMsgChannel::UpdateOutgoingRate ================= */ void idMsgChannel::UpdateOutgoingRate( const int time, const int size ) { // update the outgoing rate control variables int deltaTime = time - lastSendTime; if ( deltaTime > 1000 ) { lastDataBytes = 0; } else { lastDataBytes -= ( deltaTime * maxRate ) / 1000; if ( lastDataBytes < 0 ) { lastDataBytes = 0; } } lastDataBytes += size; lastSendTime = time; // update outgoing rate variables if ( time - outgoingRateTime > 1000 ) { outgoingRateBytes -= outgoingRateBytes * ( time - outgoingRateTime - 1000 ) / 1000; if ( outgoingRateBytes < 0 ) { outgoingRateBytes = 0; } } outgoingRateTime = time - 1000; outgoingRateBytes += size; } /* ================= idMsgChannel::UpdateIncomingRate ================= */ void idMsgChannel::UpdateIncomingRate( const int time, const int size ) { // update incoming rate variables if ( time - incomingRateTime > 1000 ) { incomingRateBytes -= incomingRateBytes * ( time - incomingRateTime - 1000 ) / 1000; if ( incomingRateBytes < 0 ) { incomingRateBytes = 0; } } incomingRateTime = time - 1000; incomingRateBytes += size; } /* ================= idMsgChannel::UpdatePacketLoss ================= */ void idMsgChannel::UpdatePacketLoss( const int time, const int numReceived, const int numDropped ) { // update incoming packet loss variables if ( time - incomingPacketLossTime > 5000 ) { float scale = ( time - incomingPacketLossTime - 5000 ) * ( 1.0f / 5000.0f ); incomingReceivedPackets -= incomingReceivedPackets * scale; if ( incomingReceivedPackets < 0.0f ) { incomingReceivedPackets = 0.0f; } incomingDroppedPackets -= incomingDroppedPackets * scale; if ( incomingDroppedPackets < 0.0f ) { incomingDroppedPackets = 0.0f; } } incomingPacketLossTime = time - 5000; incomingReceivedPackets += numReceived; incomingDroppedPackets += numDropped; } /* ================= idMsgChannel::GetIncomingPacketLoss ================= */ float idMsgChannel::GetIncomingPacketLoss( void ) const { if ( incomingReceivedPackets == 0.0f && incomingDroppedPackets == 0.0f ) { return 0.0f; } return incomingDroppedPackets * 100.0f / ( incomingReceivedPackets + incomingDroppedPackets ); }