#ifndef __GAMETYPEINFO_H__ #define __GAMETYPEINFO_H__ /* =================================================================================== This file has been generated with the Type Info Generator v1.0 (c) 2004 id Software 1176 constants 123 enums 509 classes/structs/unions 36 templates 6 max inheritance level for 'idPlayer' =================================================================================== */ typedef struct { const char * name; const char * type; const char * value; } constantInfo_t; typedef struct { const char * name; int value; } enumValueInfo_t; typedef struct { const char * typeName; const enumValueInfo_t * values; } enumTypeInfo_t; typedef struct { const char * type; const char * name; int offset; int size; } classVariableInfo_t; typedef struct { const char * typeName; const char * superType; int size; const classVariableInfo_t * variables; } classTypeInfo_t; static constantInfo_t constantInfo[] = { { "int", "CPUID_NONE", "0" }, { "int", "CPUID_UNSUPPORTED", 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"OP_NE_OO", 34 }, { "OP_LE", 35 }, { "OP_GE", 36 }, { "OP_LT", 37 }, { "OP_GT", 38 }, { "OP_INDIRECT_F", 39 }, { "OP_INDIRECT_V", 40 }, { "OP_INDIRECT_S", 41 }, { "OP_INDIRECT_ENT", 42 }, { "OP_INDIRECT_BOOL", 43 }, { "OP_INDIRECT_OBJ", 44 }, { "OP_ADDRESS", 45 }, { "OP_EVENTCALL", 46 }, { "OP_OBJECTCALL", 47 }, { "OP_SYSCALL", 48 }, { "OP_STORE_F", 49 }, { "OP_STORE_V", 50 }, { "OP_STORE_S", 51 }, { "OP_STORE_ENT", 52 }, { "OP_STORE_BOOL", 53 }, { "OP_STORE_OBJENT", 54 }, { "OP_STORE_OBJ", 55 }, { "OP_STORE_ENTOBJ", 56 }, { "OP_STORE_FTOS", 57 }, { "OP_STORE_BTOS", 58 }, { "OP_STORE_VTOS", 59 }, { "OP_STORE_FTOBOOL", 60 }, { "OP_STORE_BOOLTOF", 61 }, { "OP_STOREP_F", 62 }, { "OP_STOREP_V", 63 }, { "OP_STOREP_S", 64 }, { "OP_STOREP_ENT", 65 }, { "OP_STOREP_FLD", 66 }, { "OP_STOREP_BOOL", 67 }, { "OP_STOREP_OBJ", 68 }, { "OP_STOREP_OBJENT", 69 }, { "OP_STOREP_FTOS", 70 }, { "OP_STOREP_BTOS", 71 }, { "OP_STOREP_VTOS", 72 }, { "OP_STOREP_FTOBOOL", 73 }, { "OP_STOREP_BOOLTOF", 74 }, { 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"idWeapon::enum_100", idWeapon_enum_100_typeInfo }, { "idLight::enum_101", idLight_enum_101_typeInfo }, { "idItem::enum_102", idItem_enum_102_typeInfo }, { "playerIconType_t", playerIconType_t_typeInfo }, { "enum_104", enum_104_typeInfo }, { "enum_105", enum_105_typeInfo }, { "enum_106", enum_106_typeInfo }, { "idPlayer::enum_107", idPlayer_enum_107_typeInfo }, { "idMover::moveStage_t", idMover_moveStage_t_typeInfo }, { "idMover::moverCommand_t", idMover_moverCommand_t_typeInfo }, { "idMover::moverDir_t", idMover_moverDir_t_typeInfo }, { "idElevator::elevatorState_t", idElevator_elevatorState_t_typeInfo }, { "moverState_t", moverState_t_typeInfo }, { "idExplodingBarrel::enum_113", idExplodingBarrel_enum_113_typeInfo }, { "idExplodingBarrel::explode_state_t", idExplodingBarrel_explode_state_t_typeInfo }, { "idSecurityCamera::enum_115", idSecurityCamera_enum_115_typeInfo }, { "idBrittleFracture::enum_116", idBrittleFracture_enum_116_typeInfo }, { "moveType_t", moveType_t_typeInfo }, { "moveCommand_t", moveCommand_t_typeInfo }, { "talkState_t", talkState_t_typeInfo }, { "moveStatus_t", moveStatus_t_typeInfo }, { "stopEvent_t", stopEvent_t_typeInfo }, { "enum_122", enum_122_typeInfo }, { NULL, NULL } }; static classVariableInfo_t sysEvent_t_typeInfo[] = { { "sysEventType_t", "evType", (int)(&((sysEvent_t *)0)->evType), sizeof( ((sysEvent_t *)0)->evType ) }, { "int", "evValue", (int)(&((sysEvent_t *)0)->evValue), sizeof( ((sysEvent_t *)0)->evValue ) }, { "int", "evValue2", (int)(&((sysEvent_t *)0)->evValue2), sizeof( ((sysEvent_t *)0)->evValue2 ) }, { "int", "evPtrLength", (int)(&((sysEvent_t *)0)->evPtrLength), sizeof( ((sysEvent_t *)0)->evPtrLength ) }, { "void *", "evPtr", (int)(&((sysEvent_t *)0)->evPtr), sizeof( ((sysEvent_t *)0)->evPtr ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t sysMemoryStats_t_typeInfo[] = { { "int", "memoryLoad", (int)(&((sysMemoryStats_t *)0)->memoryLoad), sizeof( ((sysMemoryStats_t *)0)->memoryLoad ) }, { "int", "totalPhysical", (int)(&((sysMemoryStats_t *)0)->totalPhysical), sizeof( ((sysMemoryStats_t *)0)->totalPhysical ) }, { "int", "availPhysical", (int)(&((sysMemoryStats_t *)0)->availPhysical), sizeof( ((sysMemoryStats_t *)0)->availPhysical ) }, { "int", "totalPageFile", (int)(&((sysMemoryStats_t *)0)->totalPageFile), sizeof( ((sysMemoryStats_t *)0)->totalPageFile ) }, { "int", "availPageFile", (int)(&((sysMemoryStats_t *)0)->availPageFile), sizeof( ((sysMemoryStats_t *)0)->availPageFile ) }, { "int", "totalVirtual", (int)(&((sysMemoryStats_t *)0)->totalVirtual), sizeof( ((sysMemoryStats_t *)0)->totalVirtual ) }, { "int", "availVirtual", (int)(&((sysMemoryStats_t *)0)->availVirtual), sizeof( ((sysMemoryStats_t *)0)->availVirtual ) }, { "int", "availExtendedVirtual", (int)(&((sysMemoryStats_t *)0)->availExtendedVirtual), sizeof( ((sysMemoryStats_t *)0)->availExtendedVirtual ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t netadr_t_typeInfo[] = { { "netadrtype_t", "type", (int)(&((netadr_t *)0)->type), sizeof( ((netadr_t *)0)->type ) }, { "unsigned char[4]", "ip", (int)(&((netadr_t *)0)->ip), sizeof( ((netadr_t *)0)->ip ) }, { "unsigned short", "port", (int)(&((netadr_t *)0)->port), sizeof( ((netadr_t *)0)->port ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idPort_typeInfo[] = { { "int", "packetsRead", (int)(&((idPort *)0)->packetsRead), sizeof( ((idPort *)0)->packetsRead ) }, { "int", "bytesRead", (int)(&((idPort *)0)->bytesRead), sizeof( ((idPort *)0)->bytesRead ) }, { "int", "packetsWritten", (int)(&((idPort *)0)->packetsWritten), sizeof( ((idPort *)0)->packetsWritten ) }, { "int", "bytesWritten", (int)(&((idPort *)0)->bytesWritten), sizeof( ((idPort *)0)->bytesWritten ) }, { "netadr_t", "bound_to", (int)(&((idPort *)0)->bound_to), sizeof( ((idPort *)0)->bound_to ) }, { "int", "netSocket", (int)(&((idPort *)0)->netSocket), sizeof( ((idPort *)0)->netSocket ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idTCP_typeInfo[] = { { "netadr_t", "address", (int)(&((idTCP *)0)->address), sizeof( ((idTCP *)0)->address ) }, { "int", "fd", (int)(&((idTCP *)0)->fd), sizeof( ((idTCP *)0)->fd ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t xthreadInfo_typeInfo[] = { { "const char *", "name", (int)(&((xthreadInfo *)0)->name), sizeof( ((xthreadInfo *)0)->name ) }, { "int", "threadHandle", (int)(&((xthreadInfo *)0)->threadHandle), sizeof( ((xthreadInfo *)0)->threadHandle ) }, { "unsigned long", "threadId", (int)(&((xthreadInfo *)0)->threadId), sizeof( ((xthreadInfo *)0)->threadId ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idSys_typeInfo[] = { { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idLib_typeInfo[] = { { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idException_typeInfo[] = { { "char[1024]", "error", (int)(&((idException *)0)->error), sizeof( ((idException *)0)->error ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t memoryStats_t_typeInfo[] = { { "int", "num", (int)(&((memoryStats_t *)0)->num), sizeof( ((memoryStats_t *)0)->num ) }, { "int", "minSize", (int)(&((memoryStats_t 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>::block_t *)0)->elements ) }, // { "block_s *", "next", (int)(&((idBlockAlloc< class type , int blockSize >::block_t *)0)->next), sizeof( ((idBlockAlloc< class type , int blockSize >::block_t *)0)->next ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idBlockAlloc_class_type_int_blockSize__typeInfo[] = { // { "block_t *", "blocks", (int)(&((idBlockAlloc< class type , int blockSize > *)0)->blocks), sizeof( ((idBlockAlloc< class type , int blockSize > *)0)->blocks ) }, // { "element_t *", "free", (int)(&((idBlockAlloc< class type , int blockSize > *)0)->free), sizeof( ((idBlockAlloc< class type , int blockSize > *)0)->free ) }, // { "int", "total", (int)(&((idBlockAlloc< class type , int blockSize > *)0)->total), sizeof( ((idBlockAlloc< class type , int blockSize > *)0)->total ) }, // { "int", "active", (int)(&((idBlockAlloc< class type , int blockSize > *)0)->active), sizeof( ((idBlockAlloc< class type , int blockSize > *)0)->active ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idDynamicAlloc_class_type_int_baseBlockSize_int_minBlockSize__typeInfo[] = { // { "int", "numUsedBlocks", (int)(&((idDynamicAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->numUsedBlocks), sizeof( ((idDynamicAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->numUsedBlocks ) }, // { "int", "usedBlockMemory", (int)(&((idDynamicAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->usedBlockMemory), sizeof( ((idDynamicAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->usedBlockMemory ) }, // { "int", "numAllocs", (int)(&((idDynamicAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->numAllocs), sizeof( ((idDynamicAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->numAllocs ) }, // { "int", "numResizes", (int)(&((idDynamicAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->numResizes), sizeof( ((idDynamicAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->numResizes ) }, // { "int", "numFrees", (int)(&((idDynamicAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->numFrees), sizeof( ((idDynamicAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->numFrees ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idBTreeNode_class_objType_class_keyType__typeInfo[] = { // { "keyType", "key", (int)(&((idBTreeNode< class objType , class keyType > *)0)->key), sizeof( ((idBTreeNode< class objType , class keyType > *)0)->key ) }, // { "objType *", "object", (int)(&((idBTreeNode< class objType , class keyType > *)0)->object), sizeof( ((idBTreeNode< class objType , class keyType > *)0)->object ) }, // { "idBTreeNode *", "parent", (int)(&((idBTreeNode< class objType , class keyType > *)0)->parent), sizeof( ((idBTreeNode< class objType , class keyType > *)0)->parent ) }, // { "idBTreeNode *", "next", (int)(&((idBTreeNode< class objType , class keyType > *)0)->next), sizeof( ((idBTreeNode< class objType , class keyType > *)0)->next ) }, // { "idBTreeNode *", "prev", (int)(&((idBTreeNode< class objType , class keyType > *)0)->prev), sizeof( ((idBTreeNode< class objType , class keyType > *)0)->prev ) }, // { "int", "numChildren", (int)(&((idBTreeNode< class objType , class keyType > *)0)->numChildren), sizeof( ((idBTreeNode< class objType , class keyType > *)0)->numChildren ) }, // { "idBTreeNode *", "firstChild", (int)(&((idBTreeNode< class objType , class keyType > *)0)->firstChild), sizeof( ((idBTreeNode< class objType , class keyType > *)0)->firstChild ) }, // { "idBTreeNode *", "lastChild", (int)(&((idBTreeNode< class objType , class keyType > *)0)->lastChild), sizeof( ((idBTreeNode< class objType , class keyType > *)0)->lastChild ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idBTree_class_objType_class_keyType_int_maxChildrenPerNode__typeInfo[] = { // { "idBTreeNode < objType , keyType > *", "root", (int)(&((idBTree< class objType , class keyType , int maxChildrenPerNode > *)0)->root), sizeof( ((idBTree< class objType , class keyType 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NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idDynamicBlockAlloc_class_type_int_baseBlockSize_int_minBlockSize__typeInfo[] = { // { "idDynamicBlock < type > *", "firstBlock", (int)(&((idDynamicBlockAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->firstBlock), sizeof( ((idDynamicBlockAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->firstBlock ) }, // { "idDynamicBlock < type > *", "lastBlock", (int)(&((idDynamicBlockAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->lastBlock), sizeof( ((idDynamicBlockAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->lastBlock ) }, // { "idBTree < idDynamicBlock < type > , int , 4 >", "freeTree", (int)(&((idDynamicBlockAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->freeTree), sizeof( ((idDynamicBlockAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->freeTree ) }, // { "bool", "allowAllocs", (int)(&((idDynamicBlockAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->allowAllocs), sizeof( ((idDynamicBlockAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->allowAllocs ) }, // { "bool", "lockMemory", (int)(&((idDynamicBlockAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->lockMemory), sizeof( ((idDynamicBlockAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->lockMemory ) }, // { "int", "numBaseBlocks", (int)(&((idDynamicBlockAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->numBaseBlocks), sizeof( ((idDynamicBlockAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->numBaseBlocks ) }, // { "int", "baseBlockMemory", (int)(&((idDynamicBlockAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->baseBlockMemory), sizeof( ((idDynamicBlockAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->baseBlockMemory ) }, // { "int", "numUsedBlocks", (int)(&((idDynamicBlockAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->numUsedBlocks), sizeof( ((idDynamicBlockAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->numUsedBlocks ) }, // { "int", "usedBlockMemory", (int)(&((idDynamicBlockAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->usedBlockMemory), sizeof( ((idDynamicBlockAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->usedBlockMemory ) }, // { "int", "numFreeBlocks", (int)(&((idDynamicBlockAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->numFreeBlocks), sizeof( ((idDynamicBlockAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->numFreeBlocks ) }, // { "int", "freeBlockMemory", (int)(&((idDynamicBlockAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->freeBlockMemory), sizeof( ((idDynamicBlockAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->freeBlockMemory ) }, // { "int", "numAllocs", (int)(&((idDynamicBlockAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->numAllocs), sizeof( ((idDynamicBlockAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->numAllocs ) }, // { "int", "numResizes", (int)(&((idDynamicBlockAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->numResizes), sizeof( ((idDynamicBlockAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->numResizes ) }, // { "int", "numFrees", (int)(&((idDynamicBlockAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->numFrees), sizeof( ((idDynamicBlockAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize > *)0)->numFrees ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idList_class_type__typeInfo[] = { // { "int", "num", (int)(&((idList< class type > *)0)->num), sizeof( ((idList< class type > *)0)->num ) }, // { "int", "size", (int)(&((idList< class type > *)0)->size), sizeof( ((idList< class type > *)0)->size ) }, // { "int", "granularity", (int)(&((idList< class type > *)0)->granularity), sizeof( ((idList< class type > *)0)->granularity ) }, // { "type *", "list", (int)(&((idList< class 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"float", "r", (int)(&((idComplex *)0)->r), sizeof( ((idComplex *)0)->r ) }, { "float", "i", (int)(&((idComplex *)0)->i), sizeof( ((idComplex *)0)->i ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idVec2_typeInfo[] = { { "float", "x", (int)(&((idVec2 *)0)->x), sizeof( ((idVec2 *)0)->x ) }, { "float", "y", (int)(&((idVec2 *)0)->y), sizeof( ((idVec2 *)0)->y ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idVec3_typeInfo[] = { { "float", "x", (int)(&((idVec3 *)0)->x), sizeof( ((idVec3 *)0)->x ) }, { "float", "y", (int)(&((idVec3 *)0)->y), sizeof( ((idVec3 *)0)->y ) }, { "float", "z", (int)(&((idVec3 *)0)->z), sizeof( ((idVec3 *)0)->z ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idVec4_typeInfo[] = { { "float", "x", (int)(&((idVec4 *)0)->x), sizeof( ((idVec4 *)0)->x ) }, { "float", "y", (int)(&((idVec4 *)0)->y), sizeof( ((idVec4 *)0)->y ) }, { "float", "z", (int)(&((idVec4 *)0)->z), sizeof( ((idVec4 *)0)->z ) }, { "float", "w", (int)(&((idVec4 *)0)->w), sizeof( ((idVec4 *)0)->w ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idVec5_typeInfo[] = { { "float", "x", (int)(&((idVec5 *)0)->x), sizeof( ((idVec5 *)0)->x ) }, { "float", "y", (int)(&((idVec5 *)0)->y), sizeof( ((idVec5 *)0)->y ) }, { "float", "z", (int)(&((idVec5 *)0)->z), sizeof( ((idVec5 *)0)->z ) }, { "float", "s", (int)(&((idVec5 *)0)->s), sizeof( ((idVec5 *)0)->s ) }, { "float", "t", (int)(&((idVec5 *)0)->t), sizeof( ((idVec5 *)0)->t ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idVec6_typeInfo[] = { { "float[6]", "p", (int)(&((idVec6 *)0)->p), sizeof( ((idVec6 *)0)->p ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idVecX_typeInfo[] = { { "int", "size", (int)(&((idVecX *)0)->size), sizeof( ((idVecX *)0)->size ) }, { "int", "alloced", (int)(&((idVecX *)0)->alloced), sizeof( ((idVecX *)0)->alloced ) }, { "float *", "p", (int)(&((idVecX *)0)->p), sizeof( ((idVecX *)0)->p ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idPolar3_typeInfo[] = { { "float", "radius", (int)(&((idPolar3 *)0)->radius), sizeof( ((idPolar3 *)0)->radius ) }, { "float", "theta", (int)(&((idPolar3 *)0)->theta), sizeof( ((idPolar3 *)0)->theta ) }, { "float", "phi", (int)(&((idPolar3 *)0)->phi), sizeof( ((idPolar3 *)0)->phi ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idMat2_typeInfo[] = { { "idVec2[2]", "mat", (int)(&((idMat2 *)0)->mat), sizeof( ((idMat2 *)0)->mat ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idMat3_typeInfo[] = { { "idVec3[3]", "mat", (int)(&((idMat3 *)0)->mat), sizeof( ((idMat3 *)0)->mat ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idMat4_typeInfo[] = { { "idVec4[4]", "mat", (int)(&((idMat4 *)0)->mat), sizeof( ((idMat4 *)0)->mat ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idMat5_typeInfo[] = { { "idVec5[5]", "mat", (int)(&((idMat5 *)0)->mat), sizeof( ((idMat5 *)0)->mat ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idMat6_typeInfo[] = { { "idVec6[6]", "mat", (int)(&((idMat6 *)0)->mat), sizeof( ((idMat6 *)0)->mat ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idMatX_typeInfo[] = { { "int", "numRows", (int)(&((idMatX *)0)->numRows), sizeof( ((idMatX *)0)->numRows ) }, { "int", "numColumns", (int)(&((idMatX *)0)->numColumns), sizeof( ((idMatX *)0)->numColumns ) }, { "int", "alloced", (int)(&((idMatX *)0)->alloced), sizeof( ((idMatX *)0)->alloced ) }, { "float *", "mat", (int)(&((idMatX *)0)->mat), sizeof( ((idMatX *)0)->mat ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idAngles_typeInfo[] = { { "float", "pitch", (int)(&((idAngles *)0)->pitch), sizeof( ((idAngles *)0)->pitch ) }, { "float", "yaw", (int)(&((idAngles *)0)->yaw), sizeof( ((idAngles *)0)->yaw ) }, { "float", "roll", (int)(&((idAngles *)0)->roll), sizeof( ((idAngles *)0)->roll ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idQuat_typeInfo[] = { { "float", "x", (int)(&((idQuat *)0)->x), sizeof( ((idQuat *)0)->x ) }, { "float", "y", (int)(&((idQuat *)0)->y), sizeof( ((idQuat *)0)->y ) }, { "float", "z", (int)(&((idQuat *)0)->z), sizeof( ((idQuat *)0)->z ) }, { "float", "w", (int)(&((idQuat *)0)->w), sizeof( ((idQuat *)0)->w ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idCQuat_typeInfo[] = { { "float", "x", (int)(&((idCQuat *)0)->x), sizeof( ((idCQuat *)0)->x ) }, { "float", "y", (int)(&((idCQuat *)0)->y), sizeof( ((idCQuat *)0)->y ) }, { "float", "z", (int)(&((idCQuat *)0)->z), sizeof( ((idCQuat *)0)->z ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idRotation_typeInfo[] = { { "idVec3", "origin", (int)(&((idRotation *)0)->origin), sizeof( ((idRotation *)0)->origin ) }, { "idVec3", "vec", (int)(&((idRotation *)0)->vec), sizeof( ((idRotation *)0)->vec ) }, { "float", "angle", (int)(&((idRotation *)0)->angle), sizeof( ((idRotation *)0)->angle ) }, { "mutable idMat3", "axis", (int)(&((idRotation *)0)->axis), sizeof( ((idRotation *)0)->axis ) }, { "mutable bool", "axisValid", (int)(&((idRotation *)0)->axisValid), sizeof( ((idRotation *)0)->axisValid ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idPlane_typeInfo[] = { { "float", "a", (int)(&((idPlane *)0)->a), sizeof( ((idPlane *)0)->a ) }, { "float", "b", (int)(&((idPlane *)0)->b), sizeof( ((idPlane *)0)->b ) }, { "float", "c", (int)(&((idPlane *)0)->c), sizeof( ((idPlane *)0)->c ) }, { "float", "d", (int)(&((idPlane *)0)->d), sizeof( ((idPlane *)0)->d ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idPluecker_typeInfo[] = { { "float[6]", "p", (int)(&((idPluecker *)0)->p), sizeof( ((idPluecker *)0)->p ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idPolynomial_typeInfo[] = { { "int", "degree", (int)(&((idPolynomial *)0)->degree), sizeof( ((idPolynomial *)0)->degree ) }, { "int", "allocated", (int)(&((idPolynomial *)0)->allocated), sizeof( ((idPolynomial *)0)->allocated ) }, { "float *", "coefficient", (int)(&((idPolynomial *)0)->coefficient), sizeof( ((idPolynomial *)0)->coefficient ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idExtrapolate_class_type__typeInfo[] = { // { "extrapolation_t", "extrapolationType", (int)(&((idExtrapolate< class type > *)0)->extrapolationType), sizeof( ((idExtrapolate< class 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class type > *)0)->currentValue ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idInterpolate_class_type__typeInfo[] = { // { "float", "startTime", (int)(&((idInterpolate< class type > *)0)->startTime), sizeof( ((idInterpolate< class type > *)0)->startTime ) }, // { "float", "duration", (int)(&((idInterpolate< class type > *)0)->duration), sizeof( ((idInterpolate< class type > *)0)->duration ) }, // { "type", "startValue", (int)(&((idInterpolate< class type > *)0)->startValue), sizeof( ((idInterpolate< class type > *)0)->startValue ) }, // { "type", "endValue", (int)(&((idInterpolate< class type > *)0)->endValue), sizeof( ((idInterpolate< class type > *)0)->endValue ) }, // { "mutable float", "currentTime", (int)(&((idInterpolate< class type > *)0)->currentTime), sizeof( ((idInterpolate< class type > *)0)->currentTime ) }, // { "mutable type", "currentValue", (int)(&((idInterpolate< class type > *)0)->currentValue), sizeof( ((idInterpolate< class type > *)0)->currentValue ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idInterpolateAccelDecelLinear_class_type__typeInfo[] = { // { "float", "startTime", (int)(&((idInterpolateAccelDecelLinear< class type > *)0)->startTime), sizeof( ((idInterpolateAccelDecelLinear< class type > *)0)->startTime ) }, // { "float", "accelTime", (int)(&((idInterpolateAccelDecelLinear< class type > *)0)->accelTime), sizeof( ((idInterpolateAccelDecelLinear< class type > *)0)->accelTime ) }, // { "float", "linearTime", (int)(&((idInterpolateAccelDecelLinear< class type > *)0)->linearTime), sizeof( ((idInterpolateAccelDecelLinear< class type > *)0)->linearTime ) }, // { "float", "decelTime", (int)(&((idInterpolateAccelDecelLinear< class type > *)0)->decelTime), sizeof( ((idInterpolateAccelDecelLinear< class type > *)0)->decelTime ) }, // { "type", "startValue", (int)(&((idInterpolateAccelDecelLinear< class type > *)0)->startValue), sizeof( ((idInterpolateAccelDecelLinear< class type > *)0)->startValue ) }, // { "type", "endValue", (int)(&((idInterpolateAccelDecelLinear< class type > *)0)->endValue), sizeof( ((idInterpolateAccelDecelLinear< class type > *)0)->endValue ) }, // { "mutable idExtrapolate < type >", "extrapolate", (int)(&((idInterpolateAccelDecelLinear< class type > *)0)->extrapolate), sizeof( ((idInterpolateAccelDecelLinear< class type > *)0)->extrapolate ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idInterpolateAccelDecelSine_class_type__typeInfo[] = { // { "float", "startTime", (int)(&((idInterpolateAccelDecelSine< class type > *)0)->startTime), sizeof( ((idInterpolateAccelDecelSine< class type > *)0)->startTime ) }, // { "float", "accelTime", (int)(&((idInterpolateAccelDecelSine< class type > *)0)->accelTime), sizeof( ((idInterpolateAccelDecelSine< class type > *)0)->accelTime ) }, // { "float", "linearTime", (int)(&((idInterpolateAccelDecelSine< class type > *)0)->linearTime), sizeof( ((idInterpolateAccelDecelSine< class type > *)0)->linearTime ) }, // { "float", "decelTime", (int)(&((idInterpolateAccelDecelSine< class type > *)0)->decelTime), sizeof( ((idInterpolateAccelDecelSine< class type > *)0)->decelTime ) }, // { "type", "startValue", (int)(&((idInterpolateAccelDecelSine< class type > *)0)->startValue), sizeof( ((idInterpolateAccelDecelSine< class type > *)0)->startValue ) }, // { "type", "endValue", (int)(&((idInterpolateAccelDecelSine< class type > *)0)->endValue), sizeof( ((idInterpolateAccelDecelSine< class type > *)0)->endValue ) }, // { "mutable idExtrapolate < type >", "extrapolate", (int)(&((idInterpolateAccelDecelSine< class type > *)0)->extrapolate), sizeof( ((idInterpolateAccelDecelSine< class type > *)0)->extrapolate ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idCurve_class_type__typeInfo[] = { // { "idList < float >", "times", (int)(&((idCurve< class type > *)0)->times), sizeof( ((idCurve< class type > *)0)->times ) }, // { "idList < type >", "values", (int)(&((idCurve< class type > *)0)->values), sizeof( ((idCurve< class type > 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"idVec5[64]", "data", (int)(&((idFixedWinding *)0)->data), sizeof( ((idFixedWinding *)0)->data ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idWinding2D_typeInfo[] = { { "int", "numPoints", (int)(&((idWinding2D *)0)->numPoints), sizeof( ((idWinding2D *)0)->numPoints ) }, { "idVec2[16]", "p", (int)(&((idWinding2D *)0)->p), sizeof( ((idWinding2D *)0)->p ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t surfaceEdge_t_typeInfo[] = { { "int[2]", "verts", (int)(&((surfaceEdge_t *)0)->verts), sizeof( ((surfaceEdge_t *)0)->verts ) }, { "int[2]", "tris", (int)(&((surfaceEdge_t *)0)->tris), sizeof( ((surfaceEdge_t *)0)->tris ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idSurface_typeInfo[] = { { "idList < idDrawVert >", "verts", (int)(&((idSurface *)0)->verts), sizeof( ((idSurface *)0)->verts ) }, { "idList < int >", "indexes", (int)(&((idSurface *)0)->indexes), sizeof( ((idSurface *)0)->indexes ) }, { "idList < surfaceEdge_t >", "edges", (int)(&((idSurface *)0)->edges), sizeof( ((idSurface 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(int)(&((traceModelPoly_t *)0)->edges), sizeof( ((traceModelPoly_t *)0)->edges ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idTraceModel_typeInfo[] = { { "traceModel_t", "type", (int)(&((idTraceModel *)0)->type), sizeof( ((idTraceModel *)0)->type ) }, { "int", "numVerts", (int)(&((idTraceModel *)0)->numVerts), sizeof( ((idTraceModel *)0)->numVerts ) }, { "traceModelVert_t[32]", "verts", (int)(&((idTraceModel *)0)->verts), sizeof( ((idTraceModel *)0)->verts ) }, { "int", "numEdges", (int)(&((idTraceModel *)0)->numEdges), sizeof( ((idTraceModel *)0)->numEdges ) }, { "traceModelEdge_t[33]", "edges", (int)(&((idTraceModel *)0)->edges), sizeof( ((idTraceModel *)0)->edges ) }, { "int", "numPolys", (int)(&((idTraceModel *)0)->numPolys), sizeof( ((idTraceModel *)0)->numPolys ) }, { "traceModelPoly_t[16]", "polys", (int)(&((idTraceModel *)0)->polys), sizeof( ((idTraceModel *)0)->polys ) }, { "idVec3", "offset", (int)(&((idTraceModel *)0)->offset), sizeof( ((idTraceModel *)0)->offset ) }, { "idBounds", "bounds", (int)(&((idTraceModel *)0)->bounds), sizeof( ((idTraceModel *)0)->bounds ) }, { "bool", "isConvex", (int)(&((idTraceModel *)0)->isConvex), sizeof( ((idTraceModel *)0)->isConvex ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idStr_typeInfo[] = { { "int", "len", (int)(&((idStr *)0)->len), sizeof( ((idStr *)0)->len ) }, { "char *", "data", (int)(&((idStr *)0)->data), sizeof( ((idStr *)0)->data ) }, { "int", "alloced", (int)(&((idStr *)0)->alloced), sizeof( ((idStr *)0)->alloced ) }, { "char[20]", "baseBuffer", (int)(&((idStr *)0)->baseBuffer), sizeof( ((idStr *)0)->baseBuffer ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idToken_typeInfo[] = { { "int", "type", (int)(&((idToken *)0)->type), sizeof( ((idToken *)0)->type ) }, { "int", "subtype", (int)(&((idToken *)0)->subtype), sizeof( ((idToken *)0)->subtype ) }, { "int", "line", (int)(&((idToken *)0)->line), sizeof( ((idToken *)0)->line ) }, { "int", "linesCrossed", (int)(&((idToken *)0)->linesCrossed), sizeof( 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"idLexer *", "scriptstack", (int)(&((idParser *)0)->scriptstack), sizeof( ((idParser *)0)->scriptstack ) }, { "idToken *", "tokens", (int)(&((idParser *)0)->tokens), sizeof( ((idParser *)0)->tokens ) }, { "define_t *", "defines", (int)(&((idParser *)0)->defines), sizeof( ((idParser *)0)->defines ) }, { "define_t * *", "definehash", (int)(&((idParser *)0)->definehash), sizeof( ((idParser *)0)->definehash ) }, { "indent_t *", "indentstack", (int)(&((idParser *)0)->indentstack), sizeof( ((idParser *)0)->indentstack ) }, { "int", "skip", (int)(&((idParser *)0)->skip), sizeof( ((idParser *)0)->skip ) }, { "const char *", "marker_p", (int)(&((idParser *)0)->marker_p), sizeof( ((idParser *)0)->marker_p ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idBase64_typeInfo[] = { { "byte *", "data", (int)(&((idBase64 *)0)->data), sizeof( ((idBase64 *)0)->data ) }, { "int", "len", (int)(&((idBase64 *)0)->len), sizeof( ((idBase64 *)0)->len ) }, { "int", "alloced", (int)(&((idBase64 *)0)->alloced), sizeof( ((idBase64 *)0)->alloced ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idCmdArgs_typeInfo[] = { { "int", "argc", (int)(&((idCmdArgs *)0)->argc), sizeof( ((idCmdArgs *)0)->argc ) }, { "char *[64]", "argv", (int)(&((idCmdArgs *)0)->argv), sizeof( ((idCmdArgs *)0)->argv ) }, { "char[2048]", "tokenized", (int)(&((idCmdArgs *)0)->tokenized), sizeof( ((idCmdArgs *)0)->tokenized ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idHashIndex_typeInfo[] = { { "int", "hashSize", (int)(&((idHashIndex *)0)->hashSize), sizeof( ((idHashIndex *)0)->hashSize ) }, { "int *", "hash", (int)(&((idHashIndex *)0)->hash), sizeof( ((idHashIndex *)0)->hash ) }, { "int", "indexSize", (int)(&((idHashIndex *)0)->indexSize), sizeof( ((idHashIndex *)0)->indexSize ) }, { "int *", "indexChain", (int)(&((idHashIndex *)0)->indexChain), sizeof( ((idHashIndex *)0)->indexChain ) }, { "int", "granularity", (int)(&((idHashIndex *)0)->granularity), sizeof( ((idHashIndex *)0)->granularity ) }, { "int", "hashMask", 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idQueueTemplate_class_type_int_nextOffset__typeInfo[] = { // { "type *", "first", (int)(&((idQueueTemplate< class type , int nextOffset > *)0)->first), sizeof( ((idQueueTemplate< class type , int nextOffset > *)0)->first ) }, // { "type *", "last", (int)(&((idQueueTemplate< class type , int nextOffset > *)0)->last), sizeof( ((idQueueTemplate< class type , int nextOffset > *)0)->last ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idStackTemplate_class_type_int_nextOffset__typeInfo[] = { // { "type *", "top", (int)(&((idStackTemplate< class type , int nextOffset > *)0)->top), sizeof( ((idStackTemplate< class type , int nextOffset > *)0)->top ) }, // { "type *", "bottom", (int)(&((idStackTemplate< class type , int nextOffset > *)0)->bottom), sizeof( ((idStackTemplate< class type , int nextOffset > *)0)->bottom ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idPoolStr_typeInfo[] = { { "idStrPool *", "pool", (int)(&((idPoolStr *)0)->pool), sizeof( ((idPoolStr *)0)->pool ) }, { "mutable int", "numUsers", (int)(&((idPoolStr *)0)->numUsers), sizeof( ((idPoolStr *)0)->numUsers ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idStrPool_typeInfo[] = { { "bool", "caseSensitive", (int)(&((idStrPool *)0)->caseSensitive), sizeof( ((idStrPool *)0)->caseSensitive ) }, { "idList < idPoolStr * >", "pool", (int)(&((idStrPool *)0)->pool), sizeof( ((idStrPool *)0)->pool ) }, { "idHashIndex", "poolHash", (int)(&((idStrPool *)0)->poolHash), sizeof( ((idStrPool *)0)->poolHash ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idVectorSet_class_type_int_dimension__typeInfo[] = { // { "idHashIndex", "hash", (int)(&((idVectorSet< class type , int dimension > *)0)->hash), sizeof( ((idVectorSet< class type , int dimension > *)0)->hash ) }, // { "type", "mins", (int)(&((idVectorSet< class type , int dimension > *)0)->mins), sizeof( ((idVectorSet< class type , int dimension > *)0)->mins ) }, // { "type", "maxs", (int)(&((idVectorSet< class type , int dimension > *)0)->maxs), sizeof( ((idVectorSet< class 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"maxs", (int)(&((idVectorSubset< class type , int dimension > *)0)->maxs), sizeof( ((idVectorSubset< class type , int dimension > *)0)->maxs ) }, // { "int", "boxHashSize", (int)(&((idVectorSubset< class type , int dimension > *)0)->boxHashSize), sizeof( ((idVectorSubset< class type , int dimension > *)0)->boxHashSize ) }, // { "float[1]", "boxInvSize", (int)(&((idVectorSubset< class type , int dimension > *)0)->boxInvSize), sizeof( ((idVectorSubset< class type , int dimension > *)0)->boxInvSize ) }, // { "float[1]", "boxHalfSize", (int)(&((idVectorSubset< class type , int dimension > *)0)->boxHalfSize), sizeof( ((idVectorSubset< class type , int dimension > *)0)->boxHalfSize ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idPlaneSet_typeInfo[] = { { "idHashIndex", "hash", (int)(&((idPlaneSet *)0)->hash), sizeof( ((idPlaneSet *)0)->hash ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idKeyValue_typeInfo[] = { { "const idPoolStr *", "key", (int)(&((idKeyValue *)0)->key), sizeof( 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{ NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idBitMsgDelta_typeInfo[] = { { "const idBitMsg *", "base", (int)(&((idBitMsgDelta *)0)->base), sizeof( ((idBitMsgDelta *)0)->base ) }, { "idBitMsg *", "newBase", (int)(&((idBitMsgDelta *)0)->newBase), sizeof( ((idBitMsgDelta *)0)->newBase ) }, { "idBitMsg *", "writeDelta", (int)(&((idBitMsgDelta *)0)->writeDelta), sizeof( ((idBitMsgDelta *)0)->writeDelta ) }, { "const idBitMsg *", "readDelta", (int)(&((idBitMsgDelta *)0)->readDelta), sizeof( ((idBitMsgDelta *)0)->readDelta ) }, { "mutable bool", "changed", (int)(&((idBitMsgDelta *)0)->changed), sizeof( ((idBitMsgDelta *)0)->changed ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idMapPrimitive_typeInfo[] = { { "idDict", "epairs", (int)(&((idMapPrimitive *)0)->epairs), sizeof( ((idMapPrimitive *)0)->epairs ) }, { "int", "type", (int)(&((idMapPrimitive *)0)->type), sizeof( ((idMapPrimitive *)0)->type ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idMapBrushSide_typeInfo[] = { { "idStr", "material", (int)(&((idMapBrushSide *)0)->material), sizeof( ((idMapBrushSide *)0)->material ) }, { "idPlane", "plane", (int)(&((idMapBrushSide *)0)->plane), sizeof( ((idMapBrushSide *)0)->plane ) }, { "idVec3[2]", "texMat", (int)(&((idMapBrushSide *)0)->texMat), sizeof( ((idMapBrushSide *)0)->texMat ) }, { "idVec3", "origin", (int)(&((idMapBrushSide *)0)->origin), sizeof( ((idMapBrushSide *)0)->origin ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idMapBrush_typeInfo[] = { { "int", "numSides", (int)(&((idMapBrush *)0)->numSides), sizeof( ((idMapBrush *)0)->numSides ) }, { "idList < idMapBrushSide * >", "sides", (int)(&((idMapBrush *)0)->sides), sizeof( ((idMapBrush *)0)->sides ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idMapPatch_typeInfo[] = { { "idStr", "material", (int)(&((idMapPatch *)0)->material), sizeof( ((idMapPatch *)0)->material ) }, { "int", "horzSubdivisions", (int)(&((idMapPatch *)0)->horzSubdivisions), sizeof( ((idMapPatch *)0)->horzSubdivisions ) }, { "int", "vertSubdivisions", (int)(&((idMapPatch *)0)->vertSubdivisions), sizeof( ((idMapPatch *)0)->vertSubdivisions ) }, { "bool", "explicitSubdivisions", (int)(&((idMapPatch *)0)->explicitSubdivisions), sizeof( ((idMapPatch *)0)->explicitSubdivisions ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idMapEntity_typeInfo[] = { { "idDict", "epairs", (int)(&((idMapEntity *)0)->epairs), sizeof( ((idMapEntity *)0)->epairs ) }, { "idList < idMapPrimitive * >", "primitives", (int)(&((idMapEntity *)0)->primitives), sizeof( ((idMapEntity *)0)->primitives ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idMapFile_typeInfo[] = { { "float", "version", (int)(&((idMapFile *)0)->version), sizeof( ((idMapFile *)0)->version ) }, { "time_t", "fileTime", (int)(&((idMapFile *)0)->fileTime), sizeof( ((idMapFile *)0)->fileTime ) }, { "unsigned int", "geometryCRC", (int)(&((idMapFile *)0)->geometryCRC), sizeof( ((idMapFile *)0)->geometryCRC ) }, { "idList < idMapEntity * >", "entities", (int)(&((idMapFile 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*)0)->integerValue), sizeof( ((idCVar *)0)->integerValue ) }, { "float", "floatValue", (int)(&((idCVar *)0)->floatValue), sizeof( ((idCVar *)0)->floatValue ) }, { "idCVar *", "internalVar", (int)(&((idCVar *)0)->internalVar), sizeof( ((idCVar *)0)->internalVar ) }, { "idCVar *", "next", (int)(&((idCVar *)0)->next), sizeof( ((idCVar *)0)->next ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idCVarSystem_typeInfo[] = { { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t MemInfo_t_typeInfo[] = { { "idStr", "filebase", (int)(&((MemInfo_t *)0)->filebase), sizeof( ((MemInfo_t *)0)->filebase ) }, { "int", "total", (int)(&((MemInfo_t *)0)->total), sizeof( ((MemInfo_t *)0)->total ) }, { "int", "assetTotals", (int)(&((MemInfo_t *)0)->assetTotals), sizeof( ((MemInfo_t *)0)->assetTotals ) }, { "int", "memoryManagerTotal", (int)(&((MemInfo_t *)0)->memoryManagerTotal), sizeof( ((MemInfo_t *)0)->memoryManagerTotal ) }, { "int", "gameSubsystemTotal", (int)(&((MemInfo_t *)0)->gameSubsystemTotal), sizeof( ((MemInfo_t *)0)->gameSubsystemTotal ) }, { "int", "renderSubsystemTotal", (int)(&((MemInfo_t *)0)->renderSubsystemTotal), sizeof( ((MemInfo_t *)0)->renderSubsystemTotal ) }, { "int", "imageAssetsTotal", (int)(&((MemInfo_t *)0)->imageAssetsTotal), sizeof( ((MemInfo_t *)0)->imageAssetsTotal ) }, { "int", "modelAssetsTotal", (int)(&((MemInfo_t *)0)->modelAssetsTotal), sizeof( ((MemInfo_t *)0)->modelAssetsTotal ) }, { "int", "soundAssetsTotal", (int)(&((MemInfo_t *)0)->soundAssetsTotal), sizeof( ((MemInfo_t *)0)->soundAssetsTotal ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idCommon_typeInfo[] = { { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idFile_typeInfo[] = { { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idFile_Memory_typeInfo[] = { { "idStr", "name", (int)(&((idFile_Memory *)0)->name), sizeof( ((idFile_Memory *)0)->name ) }, { "int", "mode", (int)(&((idFile_Memory *)0)->mode), sizeof( ((idFile_Memory *)0)->mode ) }, { "int", "maxSize", (int)(&((idFile_Memory *)0)->maxSize), sizeof( 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"modelType", (int)(&((idDeclAF_Body *)0)->modelType), sizeof( ((idDeclAF_Body *)0)->modelType ) }, { "idAFVector", "v1", (int)(&((idDeclAF_Body *)0)->v1), sizeof( ((idDeclAF_Body *)0)->v1 ) }, { "idAFVector", "v2", (int)(&((idDeclAF_Body *)0)->v2), sizeof( ((idDeclAF_Body *)0)->v2 ) }, { "int", "numSides", (int)(&((idDeclAF_Body *)0)->numSides), sizeof( ((idDeclAF_Body *)0)->numSides ) }, { "float", "width", (int)(&((idDeclAF_Body *)0)->width), sizeof( ((idDeclAF_Body *)0)->width ) }, { "float", "density", (int)(&((idDeclAF_Body *)0)->density), sizeof( ((idDeclAF_Body *)0)->density ) }, { "idAFVector", "origin", (int)(&((idDeclAF_Body *)0)->origin), sizeof( ((idDeclAF_Body *)0)->origin ) }, { "idAngles", "angles", (int)(&((idDeclAF_Body *)0)->angles), sizeof( ((idDeclAF_Body *)0)->angles ) }, { "int", "contents", (int)(&((idDeclAF_Body *)0)->contents), sizeof( ((idDeclAF_Body *)0)->contents ) }, { "int", "clipMask", (int)(&((idDeclAF_Body *)0)->clipMask), sizeof( ((idDeclAF_Body 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"silEdges", (int)(&((srfTriangles_t *)0)->silEdges), sizeof( ((srfTriangles_t *)0)->silEdges ) }, { "idPlane *", "facePlanes", (int)(&((srfTriangles_t *)0)->facePlanes), sizeof( ((srfTriangles_t *)0)->facePlanes ) }, { "dominantTri_t *", "dominantTris", (int)(&((srfTriangles_t *)0)->dominantTris), sizeof( ((srfTriangles_t *)0)->dominantTris ) }, { "int", "numShadowIndexesNoFrontCaps", (int)(&((srfTriangles_t *)0)->numShadowIndexesNoFrontCaps), sizeof( ((srfTriangles_t *)0)->numShadowIndexesNoFrontCaps ) }, { "int", "numShadowIndexesNoCaps", (int)(&((srfTriangles_t *)0)->numShadowIndexesNoCaps), sizeof( ((srfTriangles_t *)0)->numShadowIndexesNoCaps ) }, { "int", "shadowCapPlaneBits", (int)(&((srfTriangles_t *)0)->shadowCapPlaneBits), sizeof( ((srfTriangles_t *)0)->shadowCapPlaneBits ) }, { "shadowCache_t *", "shadowVertexes", (int)(&((srfTriangles_t *)0)->shadowVertexes), sizeof( ((srfTriangles_t *)0)->shadowVertexes ) }, { "srfTriangles_s *", "ambientSurface", (int)(&((srfTriangles_t 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"lastVolume", (int)(&((soundDecoderInfo_t *)0)->lastVolume), sizeof( ((soundDecoderInfo_t *)0)->lastVolume ) }, { "int", "start44kHzTime", (int)(&((soundDecoderInfo_t *)0)->start44kHzTime), sizeof( ((soundDecoderInfo_t *)0)->start44kHzTime ) }, { "int", "current44kHzTime", (int)(&((soundDecoderInfo_t *)0)->current44kHzTime), sizeof( ((soundDecoderInfo_t *)0)->current44kHzTime ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idSoundSystem_typeInfo[] = { { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idNetworkSystem_typeInfo[] = { { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idListGUI_typeInfo[] = { { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idUserInterface_typeInfo[] = { { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idUserInterfaceManager_typeInfo[] = { { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t contactInfo_t_typeInfo[] = { { "contactType_t", "type", (int)(&((contactInfo_t *)0)->type), sizeof( ((contactInfo_t *)0)->type ) }, { "idVec3", "point", (int)(&((contactInfo_t *)0)->point), sizeof( 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"eventCallbacks", (int)(&((idTypeInfo *)0)->eventCallbacks), sizeof( ((idTypeInfo *)0)->eventCallbacks ) }, { "eventCallback_t *", "eventMap", (int)(&((idTypeInfo *)0)->eventMap), sizeof( ((idTypeInfo *)0)->eventMap ) }, { "idTypeInfo *", "super", (int)(&((idTypeInfo *)0)->super), sizeof( ((idTypeInfo *)0)->super ) }, { "idTypeInfo *", "next", (int)(&((idTypeInfo *)0)->next), sizeof( ((idTypeInfo *)0)->next ) }, { "bool", "freeEventMap", (int)(&((idTypeInfo *)0)->freeEventMap), sizeof( ((idTypeInfo *)0)->freeEventMap ) }, { "int", "typeNum", (int)(&((idTypeInfo *)0)->typeNum), sizeof( ((idTypeInfo *)0)->typeNum ) }, { "int", "lastChild", (int)(&((idTypeInfo *)0)->lastChild), sizeof( ((idTypeInfo *)0)->lastChild ) }, { "idHierarchy < idTypeInfo >", "node", (int)(&((idTypeInfo *)0)->node), sizeof( ((idTypeInfo *)0)->node ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idSaveGame_typeInfo[] = { { "idFile *", "file", (int)(&((idSaveGame *)0)->file), sizeof( ((idSaveGame *)0)->file ) }, { "idList < const idClass * >", "objects", (int)(&((idSaveGame *)0)->objects), sizeof( ((idSaveGame *)0)->objects ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idRestoreGame_typeInfo[] = { { "int", "buildNumber", (int)(&((idRestoreGame *)0)->buildNumber), sizeof( ((idRestoreGame *)0)->buildNumber ) }, { "idFile *", "file", (int)(&((idRestoreGame *)0)->file), sizeof( ((idRestoreGame *)0)->file ) }, { "idList < idClass * >", "objects", (int)(&((idRestoreGame *)0)->objects), sizeof( ((idRestoreGame *)0)->objects ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idDebugGraph_typeInfo[] = { { "idList < float >", "samples", (int)(&((idDebugGraph *)0)->samples), sizeof( ((idDebugGraph *)0)->samples ) }, { "int", "index", (int)(&((idDebugGraph *)0)->index), sizeof( ((idDebugGraph *)0)->index ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t function_t_typeInfo[] = { { "idStr", "name", (int)(&((function_t *)0)->name), sizeof( ((function_t *)0)->name ) }, { "const idEventDef *", "eventdef", 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0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idCompileError_typeInfo[] = { { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t varEval_t_typeInfo[] = { { "idScriptObject * *", "objectPtrPtr", (int)(&((varEval_t *)0)->objectPtrPtr), sizeof( ((varEval_t *)0)->objectPtrPtr ) }, { "char *", "stringPtr", (int)(&((varEval_t *)0)->stringPtr), sizeof( ((varEval_t *)0)->stringPtr ) }, { "float *", "floatPtr", (int)(&((varEval_t *)0)->floatPtr), sizeof( ((varEval_t *)0)->floatPtr ) }, { "idVec3 *", "vectorPtr", (int)(&((varEval_t *)0)->vectorPtr), sizeof( ((varEval_t *)0)->vectorPtr ) }, { "function_t *", "functionPtr", (int)(&((varEval_t *)0)->functionPtr), sizeof( ((varEval_t *)0)->functionPtr ) }, { "int *", "intPtr", (int)(&((varEval_t *)0)->intPtr), sizeof( ((varEval_t *)0)->intPtr ) }, { "byte *", "bytePtr", (int)(&((varEval_t *)0)->bytePtr), sizeof( ((varEval_t *)0)->bytePtr ) }, { "int *", "entityNumberPtr", (int)(&((varEval_t *)0)->entityNumberPtr), sizeof( ((varEval_t *)0)->entityNumberPtr ) }, { "int", "virtualFunction", (int)(&((varEval_t *)0)->virtualFunction), sizeof( ((varEval_t *)0)->virtualFunction ) }, { "int", "jumpOffset", (int)(&((varEval_t *)0)->jumpOffset), sizeof( ((varEval_t *)0)->jumpOffset ) }, { "int", "stackOffset", (int)(&((varEval_t *)0)->stackOffset), sizeof( ((varEval_t *)0)->stackOffset ) }, { "int", "argSize", (int)(&((varEval_t *)0)->argSize), sizeof( ((varEval_t *)0)->argSize ) }, { "varEval_s *", "evalPtr", (int)(&((varEval_t *)0)->evalPtr), sizeof( ((varEval_t *)0)->evalPtr ) }, { "int", "ptrOffset", (int)(&((varEval_t *)0)->ptrOffset), sizeof( ((varEval_t *)0)->ptrOffset ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idVarDef_typeInfo[] = { { "int", "num", (int)(&((idVarDef *)0)->num), sizeof( ((idVarDef *)0)->num ) }, { "varEval_t", "value", (int)(&((idVarDef *)0)->value), sizeof( ((idVarDef *)0)->value ) }, { "idVarDef *", "scope", (int)(&((idVarDef *)0)->scope), sizeof( ((idVarDef *)0)->scope ) }, { "int", "numUsers", (int)(&((idVarDef *)0)->numUsers), sizeof( ((idVarDef *)0)->numUsers ) }, { "initialized_t", "initialized", (int)(&((idVarDef *)0)->initialized), sizeof( ((idVarDef *)0)->initialized ) }, { "idTypeDef *", "typeDef", (int)(&((idVarDef *)0)->typeDef), sizeof( ((idVarDef *)0)->typeDef ) }, { "idVarDefName *", "name", (int)(&((idVarDef *)0)->name), sizeof( ((idVarDef *)0)->name ) }, { "idVarDef *", "next", (int)(&((idVarDef *)0)->next), sizeof( ((idVarDef *)0)->next ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idVarDefName_typeInfo[] = { { "idStr", "name", (int)(&((idVarDefName *)0)->name), sizeof( ((idVarDefName *)0)->name ) }, { "idVarDef *", "defs", (int)(&((idVarDefName *)0)->defs), sizeof( ((idVarDefName *)0)->defs ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t statement_t_typeInfo[] = { { "unsigned short", "op", (int)(&((statement_t *)0)->op), sizeof( ((statement_t *)0)->op ) }, { "idVarDef *", "a", (int)(&((statement_t *)0)->a), sizeof( ((statement_t *)0)->a ) }, { "idVarDef *", "b", (int)(&((statement_t *)0)->b), sizeof( ((statement_t *)0)->b ) }, { "idVarDef *", "c", (int)(&((statement_t *)0)->c), sizeof( ((statement_t *)0)->c ) }, { "unsigned short", "linenumber", (int)(&((statement_t *)0)->linenumber), sizeof( ((statement_t *)0)->linenumber ) }, { "unsigned short", "file", (int)(&((statement_t *)0)->file), sizeof( ((statement_t *)0)->file ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idProgram_typeInfo[] = { { "idStrList", "fileList", (int)(&((idProgram *)0)->fileList), sizeof( ((idProgram *)0)->fileList ) }, { "idStr", "filename", (int)(&((idProgram *)0)->filename), sizeof( ((idProgram *)0)->filename ) }, { "int", "filenum", (int)(&((idProgram *)0)->filenum), sizeof( ((idProgram *)0)->filenum ) }, { "int", "numVariables", (int)(&((idProgram *)0)->numVariables), sizeof( ((idProgram *)0)->numVariables ) }, { "byte[196608]", "variables", (int)(&((idProgram *)0)->variables), sizeof( ((idProgram *)0)->variables ) }, { "idStaticList < byte , 196608 >", "variableDefaults", (int)(&((idProgram 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(int)(&((jointInfo_t *)0)->parentNum), sizeof( ((jointInfo_t *)0)->parentNum ) }, { "int", "channel", (int)(&((jointInfo_t *)0)->channel), sizeof( ((jointInfo_t *)0)->channel ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t jointMod_t_typeInfo[] = { { "jointHandle_t", "jointnum", (int)(&((jointMod_t *)0)->jointnum), sizeof( ((jointMod_t *)0)->jointnum ) }, { "idMat3", "mat", (int)(&((jointMod_t *)0)->mat), sizeof( ((jointMod_t *)0)->mat ) }, { "idVec3", "pos", (int)(&((jointMod_t *)0)->pos), sizeof( ((jointMod_t *)0)->pos ) }, { "jointModTransform_t", "transform_pos", (int)(&((jointMod_t *)0)->transform_pos), sizeof( ((jointMod_t *)0)->transform_pos ) }, { "jointModTransform_t", "transform_axis", (int)(&((jointMod_t *)0)->transform_axis), sizeof( ((jointMod_t *)0)->transform_axis ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t frameLookup_t_typeInfo[] = { { "int", "num", (int)(&((frameLookup_t *)0)->num), sizeof( ((frameLookup_t *)0)->num ) }, { "int", "firstCommand", 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"frameLookup", (int)(&((idAnim *)0)->frameLookup), sizeof( ((idAnim *)0)->frameLookup ) }, { "idList < frameCommand_t >", "frameCommands", (int)(&((idAnim *)0)->frameCommands), sizeof( ((idAnim *)0)->frameCommands ) }, { "animFlags_t", "flags", (int)(&((idAnim *)0)->flags), sizeof( ((idAnim *)0)->flags ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idDeclModelDef_typeInfo[] = { { "idVec3", "offset", (int)(&((idDeclModelDef *)0)->offset), sizeof( ((idDeclModelDef *)0)->offset ) }, { "idList < jointInfo_t >", "joints", (int)(&((idDeclModelDef *)0)->joints), sizeof( ((idDeclModelDef *)0)->joints ) }, { "idList < int >", "jointParents", (int)(&((idDeclModelDef *)0)->jointParents), sizeof( ((idDeclModelDef *)0)->jointParents ) }, { "idList < int >[5]", "channelJoints", (int)(&((idDeclModelDef *)0)->channelJoints), sizeof( ((idDeclModelDef *)0)->channelJoints ) }, { "idRenderModel *", "modelHandle", (int)(&((idDeclModelDef *)0)->modelHandle), sizeof( ((idDeclModelDef *)0)->modelHandle ) }, { 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sizeof( ((idAnimBlend *)0)->blendDuration ) }, { "float", "blendStartValue", (int)(&((idAnimBlend *)0)->blendStartValue), sizeof( ((idAnimBlend *)0)->blendStartValue ) }, { "float", "blendEndValue", (int)(&((idAnimBlend *)0)->blendEndValue), sizeof( ((idAnimBlend *)0)->blendEndValue ) }, { "float[3]", "animWeights", (int)(&((idAnimBlend *)0)->animWeights), sizeof( ((idAnimBlend *)0)->animWeights ) }, { "short", "cycle", (int)(&((idAnimBlend *)0)->cycle), sizeof( ((idAnimBlend *)0)->cycle ) }, { "short", "frame", (int)(&((idAnimBlend *)0)->frame), sizeof( ((idAnimBlend *)0)->frame ) }, { "short", "animNum", (int)(&((idAnimBlend *)0)->animNum), sizeof( ((idAnimBlend *)0)->animNum ) }, { "bool", "allowMove", (int)(&((idAnimBlend *)0)->allowMove), sizeof( ((idAnimBlend *)0)->allowMove ) }, { "bool", "allowFrameCommands", (int)(&((idAnimBlend *)0)->allowFrameCommands), sizeof( ((idAnimBlend *)0)->allowFrameCommands ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idAFPoseJointMod_typeInfo[] = 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"idUserInterface *", "msgmodeGui", (int)(&((idMultiplayerGame *)0)->msgmodeGui), sizeof( ((idMultiplayerGame *)0)->msgmodeGui ) }, { "int", "currentMenu", (int)(&((idMultiplayerGame *)0)->currentMenu), sizeof( ((idMultiplayerGame *)0)->currentMenu ) }, { "int", "nextMenu", (int)(&((idMultiplayerGame *)0)->nextMenu), sizeof( ((idMultiplayerGame *)0)->nextMenu ) }, { "bool", "bCurrentMenuMsg", (int)(&((idMultiplayerGame *)0)->bCurrentMenuMsg), sizeof( ((idMultiplayerGame *)0)->bCurrentMenuMsg ) }, { "mpChatLine_t[5]", "chatHistory", (int)(&((idMultiplayerGame *)0)->chatHistory), sizeof( ((idMultiplayerGame *)0)->chatHistory ) }, { "int", "chatHistoryIndex", (int)(&((idMultiplayerGame *)0)->chatHistoryIndex), sizeof( ((idMultiplayerGame *)0)->chatHistoryIndex ) }, { "int", "chatHistorySize", (int)(&((idMultiplayerGame *)0)->chatHistorySize), sizeof( ((idMultiplayerGame *)0)->chatHistorySize ) }, { "bool", "chatDataUpdated", (int)(&((idMultiplayerGame *)0)->chatDataUpdated), sizeof( ((idMultiplayerGame *)0)->chatDataUpdated ) }, { "int", "lastChatLineTime", (int)(&((idMultiplayerGame *)0)->lastChatLineTime), sizeof( ((idMultiplayerGame *)0)->lastChatLineTime ) }, { "int", "numRankedPlayers", (int)(&((idMultiplayerGame *)0)->numRankedPlayers), sizeof( ((idMultiplayerGame *)0)->numRankedPlayers ) }, { "idPlayer *[32]", "rankedPlayers", (int)(&((idMultiplayerGame *)0)->rankedPlayers), sizeof( ((idMultiplayerGame *)0)->rankedPlayers ) }, { "bool", "pureReady", (int)(&((idMultiplayerGame *)0)->pureReady), sizeof( ((idMultiplayerGame *)0)->pureReady ) }, { "int", "fragLimitTimeout", (int)(&((idMultiplayerGame *)0)->fragLimitTimeout), sizeof( ((idMultiplayerGame *)0)->fragLimitTimeout ) }, { "int[3]", "switchThrottle", (int)(&((idMultiplayerGame *)0)->switchThrottle), sizeof( ((idMultiplayerGame *)0)->switchThrottle ) }, { "int", "voiceChatThrottle", (int)(&((idMultiplayerGame *)0)->voiceChatThrottle), sizeof( ((idMultiplayerGame *)0)->voiceChatThrottle ) }, { "gameType_t", "lastGameType", (int)(&((idMultiplayerGame *)0)->lastGameType), sizeof( ((idMultiplayerGame *)0)->lastGameType ) }, { "int", "startFragLimit", (int)(&((idMultiplayerGame *)0)->startFragLimit), sizeof( ((idMultiplayerGame *)0)->startFragLimit ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t entityState_t_typeInfo[] = { { "int", "entityNumber", (int)(&((entityState_t *)0)->entityNumber), sizeof( ((entityState_t *)0)->entityNumber ) }, { "idBitMsg", "state", (int)(&((entityState_t *)0)->state), sizeof( ((entityState_t *)0)->state ) }, { "byte[512]", "stateBuf", (int)(&((entityState_t *)0)->stateBuf), sizeof( ((entityState_t *)0)->stateBuf ) }, { "entityState_s *", "next", (int)(&((entityState_t *)0)->next), sizeof( ((entityState_t *)0)->next ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t snapshot_t_typeInfo[] = { { "int", "sequence", (int)(&((snapshot_t *)0)->sequence), sizeof( ((snapshot_t *)0)->sequence ) }, { "entityState_t *", "firstEntityState", (int)(&((snapshot_t 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"entityNetEvent_s *", "prev", (int)(&((entityNetEvent_t *)0)->prev), sizeof( ((entityNetEvent_t *)0)->prev ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t spawnSpot_t_typeInfo[] = { { "idEntity *", "ent", (int)(&((spawnSpot_t *)0)->ent), sizeof( ((spawnSpot_t *)0)->ent ) }, { "int", "dist", (int)(&((spawnSpot_t *)0)->dist), sizeof( ((spawnSpot_t *)0)->dist ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idEventQueue_typeInfo[] = { { "entityNetEvent_t *", "start", (int)(&((idEventQueue *)0)->start), sizeof( ((idEventQueue *)0)->start ) }, { "entityNetEvent_t *", "end", (int)(&((idEventQueue *)0)->end), sizeof( ((idEventQueue *)0)->end ) }, { "idBlockAlloc < entityNetEvent_t , 32 >", "eventAllocator", (int)(&((idEventQueue *)0)->eventAllocator), sizeof( ((idEventQueue *)0)->eventAllocator ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idEntityPtr_class_type__typeInfo[] = { // { "int", "spawnId", (int)(&((idEntityPtr< class type > *)0)->spawnId), sizeof( ((idEntityPtr< class type > 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"gamestate", (int)(&((idGameLocal *)0)->gamestate), sizeof( ((idGameLocal *)0)->gamestate ) }, { "bool", "influenceActive", (int)(&((idGameLocal *)0)->influenceActive), sizeof( ((idGameLocal *)0)->influenceActive ) }, { "int", "nextGibTime", (int)(&((idGameLocal *)0)->nextGibTime), sizeof( ((idGameLocal *)0)->nextGibTime ) }, { "idList < int >[1024]", "clientDeclRemap", (int)(&((idGameLocal *)0)->clientDeclRemap), sizeof( ((idGameLocal *)0)->clientDeclRemap ) }, { "entityState_t *[131072]", "clientEntityStates", (int)(&((idGameLocal *)0)->clientEntityStates), sizeof( ((idGameLocal *)0)->clientEntityStates ) }, { "int[4096]", "clientPVS", (int)(&((idGameLocal *)0)->clientPVS), sizeof( ((idGameLocal *)0)->clientPVS ) }, { "snapshot_t *[32]", "clientSnapshots", (int)(&((idGameLocal *)0)->clientSnapshots), sizeof( ((idGameLocal *)0)->clientSnapshots ) }, { "idBlockAlloc < entityState_t , 256 >", "entityStateAllocator", (int)(&((idGameLocal *)0)->entityStateAllocator), sizeof( ((idGameLocal 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"int", "id1", (int)(&((idForce_Spring *)0)->id1), sizeof( ((idForce_Spring *)0)->id1 ) }, { "idVec3", "p1", (int)(&((idForce_Spring *)0)->p1), sizeof( ((idForce_Spring *)0)->p1 ) }, { "idPhysics *", "physics2", (int)(&((idForce_Spring *)0)->physics2), sizeof( ((idForce_Spring *)0)->physics2 ) }, { "int", "id2", (int)(&((idForce_Spring *)0)->id2), sizeof( ((idForce_Spring *)0)->id2 ) }, { "idVec3", "p2", (int)(&((idForce_Spring *)0)->p2), sizeof( ((idForce_Spring *)0)->p2 ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t impactInfo_t_typeInfo[] = { { "float", "invMass", (int)(&((impactInfo_t *)0)->invMass), sizeof( ((impactInfo_t *)0)->invMass ) }, { "idMat3", "invInertiaTensor", (int)(&((impactInfo_t *)0)->invInertiaTensor), sizeof( ((impactInfo_t *)0)->invInertiaTensor ) }, { "idVec3", "position", (int)(&((impactInfo_t *)0)->position), sizeof( ((impactInfo_t *)0)->position ) }, { "idVec3", "velocity", (int)(&((impactInfo_t *)0)->velocity), sizeof( ((impactInfo_t *)0)->velocity ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idPhysics_typeInfo[] = { { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t staticPState_t_typeInfo[] = { { "idVec3", "origin", (int)(&((staticPState_t *)0)->origin), sizeof( ((staticPState_t *)0)->origin ) }, { "idMat3", "axis", (int)(&((staticPState_t *)0)->axis), sizeof( ((staticPState_t *)0)->axis ) }, { "idVec3", "localOrigin", (int)(&((staticPState_t *)0)->localOrigin), sizeof( ((staticPState_t *)0)->localOrigin ) }, { "idMat3", "localAxis", (int)(&((staticPState_t *)0)->localAxis), sizeof( ((staticPState_t *)0)->localAxis ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idPhysics_Static_typeInfo[] = { { "idEntity *", "self", (int)(&((idPhysics_Static *)0)->self), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Static *)0)->self ) }, { "staticPState_t", "current", (int)(&((idPhysics_Static *)0)->current), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Static *)0)->current ) }, { "idClipModel *", "clipModel", (int)(&((idPhysics_Static *)0)->clipModel), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Static *)0)->clipModel ) }, { "bool", "hasMaster", (int)(&((idPhysics_Static *)0)->hasMaster), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Static *)0)->hasMaster ) }, { "bool", "isOrientated", (int)(&((idPhysics_Static *)0)->isOrientated), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Static *)0)->isOrientated ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idPhysics_StaticMulti_typeInfo[] = { { "idEntity *", "self", (int)(&((idPhysics_StaticMulti *)0)->self), sizeof( ((idPhysics_StaticMulti *)0)->self ) }, { "idList < staticPState_t >", "current", (int)(&((idPhysics_StaticMulti *)0)->current), sizeof( ((idPhysics_StaticMulti *)0)->current ) }, { "idList < idClipModel * >", "clipModels", (int)(&((idPhysics_StaticMulti *)0)->clipModels), sizeof( ((idPhysics_StaticMulti *)0)->clipModels ) }, { "bool", "hasMaster", (int)(&((idPhysics_StaticMulti *)0)->hasMaster), sizeof( ((idPhysics_StaticMulti *)0)->hasMaster ) }, { "bool", "isOrientated", (int)(&((idPhysics_StaticMulti *)0)->isOrientated), sizeof( ((idPhysics_StaticMulti *)0)->isOrientated ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idPhysics_Base_typeInfo[] = { { "idEntity *", "self", (int)(&((idPhysics_Base *)0)->self), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Base *)0)->self ) }, { "int", "clipMask", (int)(&((idPhysics_Base *)0)->clipMask), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Base *)0)->clipMask ) }, { "idVec3", "gravityVector", (int)(&((idPhysics_Base *)0)->gravityVector), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Base *)0)->gravityVector ) }, { "idVec3", "gravityNormal", (int)(&((idPhysics_Base *)0)->gravityNormal), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Base *)0)->gravityNormal ) }, { "idList < contactInfo_t >", "contacts", (int)(&((idPhysics_Base *)0)->contacts), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Base *)0)->contacts ) }, { "idList < idEntityPtr < idEntity > >", "contactEntities", (int)(&((idPhysics_Base *)0)->contactEntities), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Base *)0)->contactEntities ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idPhysics_Actor_typeInfo[] = { { "idClipModel *", "clipModel", (int)(&((idPhysics_Actor *)0)->clipModel), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Actor *)0)->clipModel ) }, { "idMat3", "clipModelAxis", (int)(&((idPhysics_Actor *)0)->clipModelAxis), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Actor *)0)->clipModelAxis ) }, { "float", "mass", (int)(&((idPhysics_Actor *)0)->mass), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Actor *)0)->mass ) }, { "float", "invMass", (int)(&((idPhysics_Actor *)0)->invMass), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Actor *)0)->invMass ) }, { "idEntity *", "masterEntity", (int)(&((idPhysics_Actor *)0)->masterEntity), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Actor *)0)->masterEntity ) }, { "float", "masterYaw", (int)(&((idPhysics_Actor *)0)->masterYaw), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Actor *)0)->masterYaw ) }, { "float", "masterDeltaYaw", (int)(&((idPhysics_Actor *)0)->masterDeltaYaw), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Actor *)0)->masterDeltaYaw ) }, { "idEntityPtr < idEntity >", "groundEntityPtr", (int)(&((idPhysics_Actor *)0)->groundEntityPtr), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Actor *)0)->groundEntityPtr ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t monsterPState_t_typeInfo[] = { { "int", "atRest", (int)(&((monsterPState_t *)0)->atRest), sizeof( ((monsterPState_t *)0)->atRest ) }, { "bool", "onGround", (int)(&((monsterPState_t *)0)->onGround), sizeof( ((monsterPState_t *)0)->onGround ) }, { "idVec3", "origin", (int)(&((monsterPState_t *)0)->origin), sizeof( ((monsterPState_t *)0)->origin ) }, { "idVec3", "velocity", (int)(&((monsterPState_t *)0)->velocity), sizeof( ((monsterPState_t *)0)->velocity ) }, { "idVec3", "localOrigin", (int)(&((monsterPState_t *)0)->localOrigin), sizeof( ((monsterPState_t *)0)->localOrigin ) }, { "idVec3", "pushVelocity", (int)(&((monsterPState_t *)0)->pushVelocity), sizeof( ((monsterPState_t *)0)->pushVelocity ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idPhysics_Monster_typeInfo[] = { { "monsterPState_t", "current", (int)(&((idPhysics_Monster *)0)->current), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Monster *)0)->current ) }, { "monsterPState_t", "saved", (int)(&((idPhysics_Monster *)0)->saved), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Monster *)0)->saved ) }, { "float", "maxStepHeight", (int)(&((idPhysics_Monster *)0)->maxStepHeight), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Monster *)0)->maxStepHeight ) }, { "float", "minFloorCosine", (int)(&((idPhysics_Monster *)0)->minFloorCosine), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Monster *)0)->minFloorCosine ) }, { "idVec3", "delta", (int)(&((idPhysics_Monster *)0)->delta), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Monster *)0)->delta ) }, { "bool", "forceDeltaMove", (int)(&((idPhysics_Monster *)0)->forceDeltaMove), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Monster *)0)->forceDeltaMove ) }, { "bool", "fly", (int)(&((idPhysics_Monster *)0)->fly), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Monster *)0)->fly ) }, { "bool", "useVelocityMove", (int)(&((idPhysics_Monster *)0)->useVelocityMove), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Monster *)0)->useVelocityMove ) }, { "bool", "noImpact", (int)(&((idPhysics_Monster *)0)->noImpact), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Monster *)0)->noImpact ) }, { "monsterMoveResult_t", "moveResult", (int)(&((idPhysics_Monster *)0)->moveResult), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Monster *)0)->moveResult ) }, { "idEntity *", "blockingEntity", (int)(&((idPhysics_Monster *)0)->blockingEntity), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Monster *)0)->blockingEntity ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t playerPState_t_typeInfo[] = { { "idVec3", "origin", (int)(&((playerPState_t *)0)->origin), sizeof( ((playerPState_t *)0)->origin ) }, { "idVec3", "velocity", (int)(&((playerPState_t *)0)->velocity), sizeof( ((playerPState_t *)0)->velocity ) }, { "idVec3", "localOrigin", (int)(&((playerPState_t *)0)->localOrigin), sizeof( ((playerPState_t *)0)->localOrigin ) }, { "idVec3", "pushVelocity", (int)(&((playerPState_t *)0)->pushVelocity), sizeof( ((playerPState_t *)0)->pushVelocity ) }, { "float", "stepUp", (int)(&((playerPState_t *)0)->stepUp), sizeof( ((playerPState_t *)0)->stepUp ) }, { "int", "movementType", (int)(&((playerPState_t *)0)->movementType), sizeof( ((playerPState_t *)0)->movementType ) }, { "int", "movementFlags", (int)(&((playerPState_t *)0)->movementFlags), sizeof( ((playerPState_t *)0)->movementFlags ) }, { "int", "movementTime", (int)(&((playerPState_t *)0)->movementTime), sizeof( ((playerPState_t *)0)->movementTime ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idPhysics_Player_typeInfo[] = { { "playerPState_t", "current", (int)(&((idPhysics_Player *)0)->current), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Player *)0)->current ) }, { "playerPState_t", "saved", (int)(&((idPhysics_Player *)0)->saved), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Player *)0)->saved ) }, { "float", "walkSpeed", (int)(&((idPhysics_Player *)0)->walkSpeed), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Player *)0)->walkSpeed ) }, { "float", "crouchSpeed", (int)(&((idPhysics_Player *)0)->crouchSpeed), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Player *)0)->crouchSpeed ) }, { "float", "maxStepHeight", (int)(&((idPhysics_Player *)0)->maxStepHeight), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Player *)0)->maxStepHeight ) }, { "float", "maxJumpHeight", (int)(&((idPhysics_Player *)0)->maxJumpHeight), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Player *)0)->maxJumpHeight ) }, { "int", "debugLevel", (int)(&((idPhysics_Player *)0)->debugLevel), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Player *)0)->debugLevel ) }, { "usercmd_t", "command", (int)(&((idPhysics_Player *)0)->command), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Player *)0)->command ) }, { "idAngles", "viewAngles", (int)(&((idPhysics_Player *)0)->viewAngles), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Player *)0)->viewAngles ) }, { "int", "framemsec", (int)(&((idPhysics_Player *)0)->framemsec), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Player *)0)->framemsec ) }, { "float", "frametime", (int)(&((idPhysics_Player *)0)->frametime), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Player *)0)->frametime ) }, { "float", "playerSpeed", (int)(&((idPhysics_Player *)0)->playerSpeed), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Player *)0)->playerSpeed ) }, { "idVec3", "viewForward", (int)(&((idPhysics_Player *)0)->viewForward), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Player *)0)->viewForward ) }, { "idVec3", "viewRight", (int)(&((idPhysics_Player *)0)->viewRight), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Player *)0)->viewRight ) }, { "bool", "walking", (int)(&((idPhysics_Player *)0)->walking), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Player *)0)->walking ) }, { "bool", "groundPlane", (int)(&((idPhysics_Player *)0)->groundPlane), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Player *)0)->groundPlane ) }, { "trace_t", "groundTrace", (int)(&((idPhysics_Player *)0)->groundTrace), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Player *)0)->groundTrace ) }, { "const idMaterial *", "groundMaterial", (int)(&((idPhysics_Player *)0)->groundMaterial), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Player *)0)->groundMaterial ) }, { "bool", "ladder", (int)(&((idPhysics_Player *)0)->ladder), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Player *)0)->ladder ) }, { "idVec3", "ladderNormal", (int)(&((idPhysics_Player *)0)->ladderNormal), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Player *)0)->ladderNormal ) }, { "waterLevel_t", "waterLevel", (int)(&((idPhysics_Player *)0)->waterLevel), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Player *)0)->waterLevel ) }, { "int", "waterType", (int)(&((idPhysics_Player *)0)->waterType), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Player *)0)->waterType ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t parametricPState_t_typeInfo[] = { { "int", "time", (int)(&((parametricPState_t *)0)->time), sizeof( ((parametricPState_t *)0)->time ) }, { "int", "atRest", (int)(&((parametricPState_t *)0)->atRest), sizeof( ((parametricPState_t *)0)->atRest ) }, { "idVec3", "origin", (int)(&((parametricPState_t *)0)->origin), sizeof( ((parametricPState_t *)0)->origin ) }, { "idAngles", "angles", (int)(&((parametricPState_t *)0)->angles), sizeof( ((parametricPState_t *)0)->angles ) }, { "idMat3", "axis", (int)(&((parametricPState_t *)0)->axis), sizeof( ((parametricPState_t *)0)->axis ) }, { "idVec3", "localOrigin", (int)(&((parametricPState_t *)0)->localOrigin), sizeof( ((parametricPState_t *)0)->localOrigin ) }, { "idAngles", "localAngles", (int)(&((parametricPState_t *)0)->localAngles), sizeof( ((parametricPState_t *)0)->localAngles ) }, { "idExtrapolate < idVec3 >", "linearExtrapolation", (int)(&((parametricPState_t *)0)->linearExtrapolation), sizeof( ((parametricPState_t *)0)->linearExtrapolation ) }, { "idExtrapolate < idAngles >", "angularExtrapolation", (int)(&((parametricPState_t *)0)->angularExtrapolation), sizeof( ((parametricPState_t *)0)->angularExtrapolation ) }, { "idInterpolateAccelDecelLinear < idVec3 >", "linearInterpolation", (int)(&((parametricPState_t *)0)->linearInterpolation), sizeof( ((parametricPState_t *)0)->linearInterpolation ) }, { "idInterpolateAccelDecelLinear < idAngles >", "angularInterpolation", (int)(&((parametricPState_t *)0)->angularInterpolation), sizeof( ((parametricPState_t *)0)->angularInterpolation ) }, { "idCurve_Spline < idVec3 > *", "spline", (int)(&((parametricPState_t *)0)->spline), sizeof( ((parametricPState_t *)0)->spline ) }, { "idInterpolateAccelDecelLinear < float >", "splineInterpolate", (int)(&((parametricPState_t *)0)->splineInterpolate), sizeof( ((parametricPState_t *)0)->splineInterpolate ) }, { "bool", "useSplineAngles", (int)(&((parametricPState_t *)0)->useSplineAngles), sizeof( ((parametricPState_t *)0)->useSplineAngles ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idPhysics_Parametric_typeInfo[] = { { "parametricPState_t", "current", (int)(&((idPhysics_Parametric *)0)->current), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Parametric *)0)->current ) }, { "parametricPState_t", "saved", (int)(&((idPhysics_Parametric *)0)->saved), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Parametric *)0)->saved ) }, { "bool", "isPusher", (int)(&((idPhysics_Parametric *)0)->isPusher), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Parametric *)0)->isPusher ) }, { "idClipModel *", "clipModel", (int)(&((idPhysics_Parametric *)0)->clipModel), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Parametric *)0)->clipModel ) }, { "int", "pushFlags", (int)(&((idPhysics_Parametric *)0)->pushFlags), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Parametric *)0)->pushFlags ) }, { "trace_t", "pushResults", (int)(&((idPhysics_Parametric *)0)->pushResults), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Parametric *)0)->pushResults ) }, { "bool", "isBlocked", (int)(&((idPhysics_Parametric *)0)->isBlocked), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Parametric *)0)->isBlocked ) }, { "bool", "hasMaster", (int)(&((idPhysics_Parametric *)0)->hasMaster), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Parametric *)0)->hasMaster ) }, { "bool", "isOrientated", (int)(&((idPhysics_Parametric *)0)->isOrientated), sizeof( ((idPhysics_Parametric *)0)->isOrientated ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t rigidBodyIState_t_typeInfo[] = { { "idVec3", "position", (int)(&((rigidBodyIState_t *)0)->position), sizeof( ((rigidBodyIState_t *)0)->position ) }, { "idMat3", "orientation", (int)(&((rigidBodyIState_t *)0)->orientation), sizeof( ((rigidBodyIState_t *)0)->orientation ) }, { "idVec3", "linearMomentum", (int)(&((rigidBodyIState_t *)0)->linearMomentum), sizeof( ((rigidBodyIState_t *)0)->linearMomentum ) }, { "idVec3", "angularMomentum", (int)(&((rigidBodyIState_t *)0)->angularMomentum), sizeof( ((rigidBodyIState_t *)0)->angularMomentum ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t rigidBodyPState_t_typeInfo[] = { { "int", "atRest", (int)(&((rigidBodyPState_t *)0)->atRest), sizeof( ((rigidBodyPState_t *)0)->atRest ) }, { "float", "lastTimeStep", (int)(&((rigidBodyPState_t *)0)->lastTimeStep), sizeof( ((rigidBodyPState_t *)0)->lastTimeStep ) }, { "idVec3", "localOrigin", (int)(&((rigidBodyPState_t *)0)->localOrigin), sizeof( ((rigidBodyPState_t *)0)->localOrigin ) }, { "idMat3", "localAxis", (int)(&((rigidBodyPState_t *)0)->localAxis), sizeof( ((rigidBodyPState_t *)0)->localAxis ) }, { "idVec6", "pushVelocity", (int)(&((rigidBodyPState_t *)0)->pushVelocity), sizeof( ((rigidBodyPState_t *)0)->pushVelocity ) }, { "idVec3", "externalForce", (int)(&((rigidBodyPState_t *)0)->externalForce), sizeof( ((rigidBodyPState_t *)0)->externalForce ) }, { "idVec3", "externalTorque", (int)(&((rigidBodyPState_t *)0)->externalTorque), sizeof( ((rigidBodyPState_t *)0)->externalTorque ) }, { "rigidBodyIState_t", "i", (int)(&((rigidBodyPState_t *)0)->i), sizeof( ((rigidBodyPState_t *)0)->i ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idPhysics_RigidBody_typeInfo[] = { { "rigidBodyPState_t", "current", (int)(&((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->current), sizeof( ((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->current ) }, { "rigidBodyPState_t", "saved", (int)(&((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->saved), sizeof( ((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->saved ) }, { "float", "linearFriction", (int)(&((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->linearFriction), sizeof( ((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->linearFriction ) }, { "float", "angularFriction", (int)(&((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->angularFriction), sizeof( ((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->angularFriction ) }, { "float", "contactFriction", (int)(&((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->contactFriction), sizeof( ((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->contactFriction ) }, { "float", "bouncyness", (int)(&((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->bouncyness), sizeof( ((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->bouncyness ) }, { "idClipModel *", "clipModel", (int)(&((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->clipModel), sizeof( ((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->clipModel ) }, { "float", "mass", (int)(&((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->mass), sizeof( ((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->mass ) }, { "float", "inverseMass", (int)(&((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->inverseMass), sizeof( ((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->inverseMass ) }, { "idVec3", "centerOfMass", (int)(&((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->centerOfMass), sizeof( ((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->centerOfMass ) }, { "idMat3", "inertiaTensor", (int)(&((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->inertiaTensor), sizeof( ((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->inertiaTensor ) }, { "idMat3", "inverseInertiaTensor", (int)(&((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->inverseInertiaTensor), sizeof( ((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->inverseInertiaTensor ) }, { "idODE *", "integrator", (int)(&((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->integrator), sizeof( ((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->integrator ) }, { "bool", "dropToFloor", (int)(&((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->dropToFloor), sizeof( ((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->dropToFloor ) }, { "bool", "testSolid", (int)(&((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->testSolid), sizeof( ((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->testSolid ) }, { "bool", "noImpact", (int)(&((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->noImpact), sizeof( ((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->noImpact ) }, { "bool", "noContact", (int)(&((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->noContact), sizeof( ((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->noContact ) }, { "bool", "hasMaster", (int)(&((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->hasMaster), sizeof( ((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->hasMaster ) }, { "bool", "isOrientated", (int)(&((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->isOrientated), sizeof( ((idPhysics_RigidBody *)0)->isOrientated ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idAFConstraint_constraintFlags_s_typeInfo[] = { // { "bool", "allowPrimary", (int)(&((idAFConstraint::constraintFlags_s *)0)->allowPrimary), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint::constraintFlags_s *)0)->allowPrimary ) }, // { "bool", "frameConstraint", (int)(&((idAFConstraint::constraintFlags_s *)0)->frameConstraint), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint::constraintFlags_s *)0)->frameConstraint ) }, // { "bool", "noCollision", (int)(&((idAFConstraint::constraintFlags_s *)0)->noCollision), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint::constraintFlags_s *)0)->noCollision ) }, // { "bool", "isPrimary", (int)(&((idAFConstraint::constraintFlags_s *)0)->isPrimary), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint::constraintFlags_s *)0)->isPrimary ) }, // { "bool", "isZero", (int)(&((idAFConstraint::constraintFlags_s *)0)->isZero), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint::constraintFlags_s *)0)->isZero ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idAFConstraint_typeInfo[] = { { "constraintType_t", "type", (int)(&((idAFConstraint *)0)->type), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint *)0)->type ) }, { "idStr", "name", (int)(&((idAFConstraint *)0)->name), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint *)0)->name ) }, { "idAFBody *", "body1", (int)(&((idAFConstraint *)0)->body1), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint *)0)->body1 ) }, { "idAFBody *", "body2", (int)(&((idAFConstraint *)0)->body2), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint *)0)->body2 ) }, { "idPhysics_AF *", "physics", (int)(&((idAFConstraint *)0)->physics), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint *)0)->physics ) }, { "idMatX", "J1", (int)(&((idAFConstraint *)0)->J1), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint *)0)->J1 ) }, { "idMatX", "J2", (int)(&((idAFConstraint *)0)->J2), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint *)0)->J2 ) }, { "idVecX", "c1", (int)(&((idAFConstraint *)0)->c1), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint *)0)->c1 ) }, { "idVecX", "c2", (int)(&((idAFConstraint *)0)->c2), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint *)0)->c2 ) }, { "idVecX", "lo", (int)(&((idAFConstraint *)0)->lo), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint *)0)->lo ) }, { "idVecX", "hi", (int)(&((idAFConstraint *)0)->hi), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint *)0)->hi ) }, { "idVecX", "e", (int)(&((idAFConstraint *)0)->e), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint *)0)->e ) }, { "idAFConstraint *", "boxConstraint", (int)(&((idAFConstraint *)0)->boxConstraint), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint *)0)->boxConstraint ) }, { "int[6]", "boxIndex", (int)(&((idAFConstraint *)0)->boxIndex), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint *)0)->boxIndex ) }, { "idMatX", "invI", (int)(&((idAFConstraint *)0)->invI), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint *)0)->invI ) }, { "idMatX", "J", (int)(&((idAFConstraint *)0)->J), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint *)0)->J ) }, { "idVecX", "s", (int)(&((idAFConstraint *)0)->s), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint *)0)->s ) }, { "idVecX", "lm", (int)(&((idAFConstraint *)0)->lm), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint *)0)->lm ) }, { "int", "firstIndex", (int)(&((idAFConstraint *)0)->firstIndex), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint *)0)->firstIndex ) }, { "idAFConstraint::constraintFlags_s", "fl", (int)(&((idAFConstraint *)0)->fl), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint *)0)->fl ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idAFConstraint_Fixed_typeInfo[] = { { "idVec3", "offset", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_Fixed *)0)->offset), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_Fixed *)0)->offset ) }, { "idMat3", "relAxis", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_Fixed *)0)->relAxis), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_Fixed *)0)->relAxis ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idAFConstraint_BallAndSocketJoint_typeInfo[] = { { "idVec3", "anchor1", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_BallAndSocketJoint *)0)->anchor1), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_BallAndSocketJoint *)0)->anchor1 ) }, { "idVec3", "anchor2", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_BallAndSocketJoint *)0)->anchor2), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_BallAndSocketJoint *)0)->anchor2 ) }, { "float", "friction", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_BallAndSocketJoint *)0)->friction), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_BallAndSocketJoint *)0)->friction ) }, { "idAFConstraint_ConeLimit *", "coneLimit", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_BallAndSocketJoint *)0)->coneLimit), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_BallAndSocketJoint *)0)->coneLimit ) }, { "idAFConstraint_PyramidLimit *", "pyramidLimit", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_BallAndSocketJoint *)0)->pyramidLimit), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_BallAndSocketJoint *)0)->pyramidLimit ) }, { "idAFConstraint_BallAndSocketJointFriction *", "fc", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_BallAndSocketJoint *)0)->fc), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_BallAndSocketJoint *)0)->fc ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idAFConstraint_BallAndSocketJointFriction_typeInfo[] = { { "idAFConstraint_BallAndSocketJoint *", "joint", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_BallAndSocketJointFriction *)0)->joint), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_BallAndSocketJointFriction *)0)->joint ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idAFConstraint_UniversalJoint_typeInfo[] = { { "idVec3", "anchor1", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_UniversalJoint *)0)->anchor1), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_UniversalJoint *)0)->anchor1 ) }, { "idVec3", "anchor2", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_UniversalJoint *)0)->anchor2), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_UniversalJoint *)0)->anchor2 ) }, { "idVec3", "shaft1", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_UniversalJoint *)0)->shaft1), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_UniversalJoint *)0)->shaft1 ) }, { "idVec3", "shaft2", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_UniversalJoint *)0)->shaft2), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_UniversalJoint *)0)->shaft2 ) }, { "idVec3", "axis1", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_UniversalJoint *)0)->axis1), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_UniversalJoint *)0)->axis1 ) }, { "idVec3", "axis2", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_UniversalJoint *)0)->axis2), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_UniversalJoint *)0)->axis2 ) }, { "float", "friction", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_UniversalJoint *)0)->friction), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_UniversalJoint *)0)->friction ) }, { "idAFConstraint_ConeLimit *", "coneLimit", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_UniversalJoint *)0)->coneLimit), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_UniversalJoint *)0)->coneLimit ) }, { "idAFConstraint_PyramidLimit *", "pyramidLimit", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_UniversalJoint *)0)->pyramidLimit), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_UniversalJoint *)0)->pyramidLimit ) }, { "idAFConstraint_UniversalJointFriction *", "fc", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_UniversalJoint *)0)->fc), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_UniversalJoint *)0)->fc ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idAFConstraint_UniversalJointFriction_typeInfo[] = { { "idAFConstraint_UniversalJoint *", "joint", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_UniversalJointFriction *)0)->joint), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_UniversalJointFriction *)0)->joint ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idAFConstraint_CylindricalJoint_typeInfo[] = { { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idAFConstraint_Hinge_typeInfo[] = { { "idVec3", "anchor1", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_Hinge *)0)->anchor1), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_Hinge *)0)->anchor1 ) }, { "idVec3", "anchor2", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_Hinge *)0)->anchor2), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_Hinge *)0)->anchor2 ) }, { "idVec3", "axis1", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_Hinge *)0)->axis1), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_Hinge *)0)->axis1 ) }, { "idVec3", "axis2", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_Hinge *)0)->axis2), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_Hinge *)0)->axis2 ) }, { "idMat3", "initialAxis", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_Hinge *)0)->initialAxis), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_Hinge *)0)->initialAxis ) }, { "float", "friction", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_Hinge *)0)->friction), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_Hinge *)0)->friction ) }, { "idAFConstraint_ConeLimit *", "coneLimit", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_Hinge *)0)->coneLimit), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_Hinge *)0)->coneLimit ) }, { "idAFConstraint_HingeSteering *", "steering", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_Hinge *)0)->steering), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_Hinge *)0)->steering ) }, { "idAFConstraint_HingeFriction *", "fc", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_Hinge *)0)->fc), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_Hinge *)0)->fc ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idAFConstraint_HingeFriction_typeInfo[] = { { "idAFConstraint_Hinge *", "hinge", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_HingeFriction *)0)->hinge), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_HingeFriction *)0)->hinge ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idAFConstraint_HingeSteering_typeInfo[] = { { "idAFConstraint_Hinge *", "hinge", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_HingeSteering *)0)->hinge), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_HingeSteering *)0)->hinge ) }, { "float", "steerAngle", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_HingeSteering *)0)->steerAngle), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_HingeSteering *)0)->steerAngle ) }, { "float", "steerSpeed", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_HingeSteering *)0)->steerSpeed), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_HingeSteering *)0)->steerSpeed ) }, { "float", "epsilon", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_HingeSteering *)0)->epsilon), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_HingeSteering *)0)->epsilon ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idAFConstraint_Slider_typeInfo[] = { { "idVec3", "axis", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_Slider *)0)->axis), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_Slider *)0)->axis ) }, { "idVec3", "offset", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_Slider *)0)->offset), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_Slider *)0)->offset ) }, { "idMat3", "relAxis", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_Slider *)0)->relAxis), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_Slider *)0)->relAxis ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idAFConstraint_Line_typeInfo[] = { { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idAFConstraint_Plane_typeInfo[] = { { "idVec3", "anchor1", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_Plane *)0)->anchor1), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_Plane *)0)->anchor1 ) }, { "idVec3", "anchor2", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_Plane *)0)->anchor2), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_Plane *)0)->anchor2 ) }, { "idVec3", "planeNormal", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_Plane *)0)->planeNormal), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_Plane *)0)->planeNormal ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idAFConstraint_Spring_typeInfo[] = { { "idVec3", "anchor1", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_Spring *)0)->anchor1), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_Spring *)0)->anchor1 ) }, { "idVec3", "anchor2", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_Spring *)0)->anchor2), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_Spring *)0)->anchor2 ) }, { "float", "kstretch", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_Spring *)0)->kstretch), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_Spring *)0)->kstretch ) }, { "float", "kcompress", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_Spring *)0)->kcompress), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_Spring *)0)->kcompress ) }, { "float", "damping", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_Spring *)0)->damping), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_Spring *)0)->damping ) }, { "float", "restLength", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_Spring *)0)->restLength), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_Spring *)0)->restLength ) }, { "float", "minLength", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_Spring *)0)->minLength), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_Spring *)0)->minLength ) }, { "float", "maxLength", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_Spring *)0)->maxLength), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_Spring *)0)->maxLength ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idAFConstraint_Contact_typeInfo[] = { { "contactInfo_t", "contact", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_Contact *)0)->contact), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_Contact *)0)->contact ) }, { "idAFConstraint_ContactFriction *", "fc", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_Contact *)0)->fc), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_Contact *)0)->fc ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idAFConstraint_ContactFriction_typeInfo[] = { { "idAFConstraint_Contact *", "cc", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_ContactFriction *)0)->cc), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_ContactFriction *)0)->cc ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idAFConstraint_ConeLimit_typeInfo[] = { { "idVec3", "coneAnchor", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_ConeLimit *)0)->coneAnchor), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_ConeLimit *)0)->coneAnchor ) }, { "idVec3", "coneAxis", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_ConeLimit *)0)->coneAxis), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_ConeLimit *)0)->coneAxis ) }, { "idVec3", "body1Axis", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_ConeLimit *)0)->body1Axis), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_ConeLimit *)0)->body1Axis ) }, { "float", "cosAngle", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_ConeLimit *)0)->cosAngle), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_ConeLimit *)0)->cosAngle ) }, { "float", "sinHalfAngle", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_ConeLimit *)0)->sinHalfAngle), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_ConeLimit *)0)->sinHalfAngle ) }, { "float", "cosHalfAngle", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_ConeLimit *)0)->cosHalfAngle), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_ConeLimit *)0)->cosHalfAngle ) }, { "float", "epsilon", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_ConeLimit *)0)->epsilon), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_ConeLimit *)0)->epsilon ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idAFConstraint_PyramidLimit_typeInfo[] = { { "idVec3", "pyramidAnchor", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_PyramidLimit *)0)->pyramidAnchor), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_PyramidLimit *)0)->pyramidAnchor ) }, { "idMat3", "pyramidBasis", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_PyramidLimit *)0)->pyramidBasis), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_PyramidLimit *)0)->pyramidBasis ) }, { "idVec3", "body1Axis", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_PyramidLimit *)0)->body1Axis), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_PyramidLimit *)0)->body1Axis ) }, { "float[2]", "cosAngle", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_PyramidLimit *)0)->cosAngle), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_PyramidLimit *)0)->cosAngle ) }, { "float[2]", "sinHalfAngle", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_PyramidLimit *)0)->sinHalfAngle), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_PyramidLimit *)0)->sinHalfAngle ) }, { "float[2]", "cosHalfAngle", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_PyramidLimit *)0)->cosHalfAngle), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_PyramidLimit *)0)->cosHalfAngle ) }, { "float", "epsilon", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_PyramidLimit *)0)->epsilon), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_PyramidLimit *)0)->epsilon ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idAFConstraint_Suspension_typeInfo[] = { { "idVec3", "localOrigin", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_Suspension *)0)->localOrigin), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_Suspension *)0)->localOrigin ) }, { "idMat3", "localAxis", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_Suspension *)0)->localAxis), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_Suspension *)0)->localAxis ) }, { "float", "suspensionUp", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_Suspension *)0)->suspensionUp), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_Suspension *)0)->suspensionUp ) }, { "float", "suspensionDown", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_Suspension *)0)->suspensionDown), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_Suspension *)0)->suspensionDown ) }, { "float", "suspensionKCompress", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_Suspension *)0)->suspensionKCompress), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_Suspension *)0)->suspensionKCompress ) }, { "float", "suspensionDamping", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_Suspension *)0)->suspensionDamping), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_Suspension *)0)->suspensionDamping ) }, { "float", "steerAngle", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_Suspension *)0)->steerAngle), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_Suspension *)0)->steerAngle ) }, { "float", "friction", (int)(&((idAFConstraint_Suspension *)0)->friction), sizeof( ((idAFConstraint_Suspension *)0)->friction 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classVariableInfo_t AFBodyPState_t_typeInfo[] = { { "idVec3", "worldOrigin", (int)(&((AFBodyPState_t *)0)->worldOrigin), sizeof( ((AFBodyPState_t *)0)->worldOrigin ) }, { "idMat3", "worldAxis", (int)(&((AFBodyPState_t *)0)->worldAxis), sizeof( ((AFBodyPState_t *)0)->worldAxis ) }, { "idVec6", "spatialVelocity", (int)(&((AFBodyPState_t *)0)->spatialVelocity), sizeof( ((AFBodyPState_t *)0)->spatialVelocity ) }, { "idVec6", "externalForce", (int)(&((AFBodyPState_t *)0)->externalForce), sizeof( ((AFBodyPState_t *)0)->externalForce ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idAFBody_bodyFlags_s_typeInfo[] = { // { "bool", "clipMaskSet", (int)(&((idAFBody::bodyFlags_s *)0)->clipMaskSet), sizeof( ((idAFBody::bodyFlags_s *)0)->clipMaskSet ) }, // { "bool", "selfCollision", (int)(&((idAFBody::bodyFlags_s *)0)->selfCollision), sizeof( ((idAFBody::bodyFlags_s *)0)->selfCollision ) }, // { "bool", "spatialInertiaSparse", (int)(&((idAFBody::bodyFlags_s *)0)->spatialInertiaSparse), sizeof( ((idAFBody::bodyFlags_s *)0)->spatialInertiaSparse ) }, // { "bool", "useFrictionDir", (int)(&((idAFBody::bodyFlags_s *)0)->useFrictionDir), sizeof( ((idAFBody::bodyFlags_s *)0)->useFrictionDir ) }, // { "bool", "useContactMotorDir", (int)(&((idAFBody::bodyFlags_s *)0)->useContactMotorDir), sizeof( ((idAFBody::bodyFlags_s *)0)->useContactMotorDir ) }, // { "bool", "isZero", (int)(&((idAFBody::bodyFlags_s *)0)->isZero), sizeof( ((idAFBody::bodyFlags_s *)0)->isZero ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idAFBody_typeInfo[] = { { "idStr", "name", (int)(&((idAFBody *)0)->name), sizeof( ((idAFBody *)0)->name ) }, { "idAFBody *", "parent", (int)(&((idAFBody *)0)->parent), sizeof( ((idAFBody *)0)->parent ) }, { "idList < idAFBody * >", "children", (int)(&((idAFBody *)0)->children), sizeof( ((idAFBody *)0)->children ) }, { "idClipModel *", "clipModel", (int)(&((idAFBody *)0)->clipModel), sizeof( ((idAFBody *)0)->clipModel ) }, { "idAFConstraint *", "primaryConstraint", 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(int)(&((idAFBody *)0)->contactMotorDir), sizeof( ((idAFBody *)0)->contactMotorDir ) }, { "float", "contactMotorVelocity", (int)(&((idAFBody *)0)->contactMotorVelocity), sizeof( ((idAFBody *)0)->contactMotorVelocity ) }, { "float", "contactMotorForce", (int)(&((idAFBody *)0)->contactMotorForce), sizeof( ((idAFBody *)0)->contactMotorForce ) }, { "float", "mass", (int)(&((idAFBody *)0)->mass), sizeof( ((idAFBody *)0)->mass ) }, { "float", "invMass", (int)(&((idAFBody *)0)->invMass), sizeof( ((idAFBody *)0)->invMass ) }, { "idVec3", "centerOfMass", (int)(&((idAFBody *)0)->centerOfMass), sizeof( ((idAFBody *)0)->centerOfMass ) }, { "idMat3", "inertiaTensor", (int)(&((idAFBody *)0)->inertiaTensor), sizeof( ((idAFBody *)0)->inertiaTensor ) }, { "idMat3", "inverseInertiaTensor", (int)(&((idAFBody *)0)->inverseInertiaTensor), sizeof( ((idAFBody *)0)->inverseInertiaTensor ) }, { "AFBodyPState_t[2]", "state", (int)(&((idAFBody *)0)->state), sizeof( ((idAFBody *)0)->state ) }, { "AFBodyPState_t *", "current", (int)(&((idAFBody *)0)->current), sizeof( ((idAFBody *)0)->current ) }, { "AFBodyPState_t *", "next", (int)(&((idAFBody *)0)->next), sizeof( ((idAFBody *)0)->next ) }, { "AFBodyPState_t", "saved", (int)(&((idAFBody *)0)->saved), sizeof( ((idAFBody *)0)->saved ) }, { "idVec3", "atRestOrigin", (int)(&((idAFBody *)0)->atRestOrigin), sizeof( ((idAFBody *)0)->atRestOrigin ) }, { "idMat3", "atRestAxis", (int)(&((idAFBody *)0)->atRestAxis), sizeof( ((idAFBody *)0)->atRestAxis ) }, { "idMatX", "inverseWorldSpatialInertia", (int)(&((idAFBody *)0)->inverseWorldSpatialInertia), sizeof( ((idAFBody *)0)->inverseWorldSpatialInertia ) }, { "idMatX", "I", (int)(&((idAFBody *)0)->I), sizeof( ((idAFBody *)0)->I ) }, { "idMatX", "invI", (int)(&((idAFBody *)0)->invI), sizeof( ((idAFBody *)0)->invI ) }, { "idMatX", "J", (int)(&((idAFBody *)0)->J), sizeof( ((idAFBody *)0)->J ) }, { "idVecX", "s", (int)(&((idAFBody *)0)->s), sizeof( ((idAFBody *)0)->s ) }, { "idVecX", "totalForce", (int)(&((idAFBody *)0)->totalForce), sizeof( ((idAFBody *)0)->totalForce ) }, { "idVecX", "auxForce", (int)(&((idAFBody *)0)->auxForce), sizeof( ((idAFBody *)0)->auxForce ) }, { "idVecX", "acceleration", (int)(&((idAFBody *)0)->acceleration), sizeof( ((idAFBody *)0)->acceleration ) }, { "float *", "response", (int)(&((idAFBody *)0)->response), sizeof( ((idAFBody *)0)->response ) }, { "int *", "responseIndex", (int)(&((idAFBody *)0)->responseIndex), sizeof( ((idAFBody *)0)->responseIndex ) }, { "int", "numResponses", (int)(&((idAFBody *)0)->numResponses), sizeof( ((idAFBody *)0)->numResponses ) }, { "int", "maxAuxiliaryIndex", (int)(&((idAFBody *)0)->maxAuxiliaryIndex), sizeof( ((idAFBody *)0)->maxAuxiliaryIndex ) }, { "int", "maxSubTreeAuxiliaryIndex", (int)(&((idAFBody *)0)->maxSubTreeAuxiliaryIndex), sizeof( ((idAFBody *)0)->maxSubTreeAuxiliaryIndex ) }, { "idAFBody::bodyFlags_s", "fl", (int)(&((idAFBody *)0)->fl), sizeof( ((idAFBody *)0)->fl ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idAFTree_typeInfo[] = { { "idList < idAFBody * >", "sortedBodies", (int)(&((idAFTree *)0)->sortedBodies), sizeof( ((idAFTree *)0)->sortedBodies ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t AFPState_t_typeInfo[] = { { "int", "atRest", (int)(&((AFPState_t *)0)->atRest), sizeof( ((AFPState_t *)0)->atRest ) }, { "float", "noMoveTime", (int)(&((AFPState_t *)0)->noMoveTime), sizeof( ((AFPState_t *)0)->noMoveTime ) }, { "float", "activateTime", (int)(&((AFPState_t *)0)->activateTime), sizeof( ((AFPState_t *)0)->activateTime ) }, { "float", "lastTimeStep", (int)(&((AFPState_t *)0)->lastTimeStep), sizeof( ((AFPState_t *)0)->lastTimeStep ) }, { "idVec6", "pushVelocity", (int)(&((AFPState_t *)0)->pushVelocity), sizeof( ((AFPState_t *)0)->pushVelocity ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t AFCollision_t_typeInfo[] = { { "trace_t", "trace", (int)(&((AFCollision_t *)0)->trace), sizeof( ((AFCollision_t *)0)->trace ) }, { "idAFBody *", "body", (int)(&((AFCollision_t *)0)->body), sizeof( ((AFCollision_t *)0)->body ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idPhysics_AF_typeInfo[] = { { "idList < idAFTree * >", "trees", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->trees), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->trees ) }, { "idList < idAFBody * >", "bodies", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->bodies), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->bodies ) }, { "idList < idAFConstraint * >", "constraints", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->constraints), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->constraints ) }, { "idList < idAFConstraint * >", "primaryConstraints", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->primaryConstraints), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->primaryConstraints ) }, { "idList < idAFConstraint * >", "auxiliaryConstraints", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->auxiliaryConstraints), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->auxiliaryConstraints ) }, { "idList < idAFConstraint * >", "frameConstraints", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->frameConstraints), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->frameConstraints ) }, { "idList < idAFConstraint_Contact * >", "contactConstraints", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->contactConstraints), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->contactConstraints ) }, { "idList < int >", "contactBodies", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->contactBodies), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->contactBodies ) }, { "idList < AFCollision_t >", "collisions", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->collisions), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->collisions ) }, { "bool", "changedAF", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->changedAF), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->changedAF ) }, { "float", "linearFriction", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->linearFriction), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->linearFriction ) }, { "float", "angularFriction", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->angularFriction), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->angularFriction ) }, { "float", "contactFriction", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->contactFriction), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->contactFriction ) }, { "float", "bouncyness", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->bouncyness), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->bouncyness ) }, { "float", "totalMass", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->totalMass), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->totalMass ) }, { "float", "forceTotalMass", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->forceTotalMass), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->forceTotalMass ) }, { "idVec2", "suspendVelocity", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->suspendVelocity), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->suspendVelocity ) }, { "idVec2", "suspendAcceleration", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->suspendAcceleration), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->suspendAcceleration ) }, { "float", "noMoveTime", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->noMoveTime), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->noMoveTime ) }, { "float", "noMoveTranslation", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->noMoveTranslation), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->noMoveTranslation ) }, { "float", "noMoveRotation", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->noMoveRotation), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->noMoveRotation ) }, { "float", "minMoveTime", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->minMoveTime), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->minMoveTime ) }, { "float", "maxMoveTime", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF 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"jointFrictionDentEnd", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->jointFrictionDentEnd), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->jointFrictionDentEnd ) }, { "float", "jointFrictionDentScale", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->jointFrictionDentScale), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->jointFrictionDentScale ) }, { "float", "contactFrictionScale", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->contactFrictionScale), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->contactFrictionScale ) }, { "float", "contactFrictionDent", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->contactFrictionDent), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->contactFrictionDent ) }, { "float", "contactFrictionDentStart", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->contactFrictionDentStart), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->contactFrictionDentStart ) }, { "float", "contactFrictionDentEnd", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->contactFrictionDentEnd), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->contactFrictionDentEnd ) }, { "float", "contactFrictionDentScale", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->contactFrictionDentScale), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->contactFrictionDentScale ) }, { "bool", "enableCollision", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->enableCollision), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->enableCollision ) }, { "bool", "selfCollision", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->selfCollision), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->selfCollision ) }, { "bool", "comeToRest", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->comeToRest), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->comeToRest ) }, { "bool", "linearTime", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->linearTime), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->linearTime ) }, { "bool", "noImpact", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->noImpact), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->noImpact ) }, { "bool", "worldConstraintsLocked", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->worldConstraintsLocked), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->worldConstraintsLocked ) }, { "bool", "forcePushable", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->forcePushable), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->forcePushable ) }, { "AFPState_t", "current", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->current), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->current ) }, { "AFPState_t", "saved", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->saved), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->saved ) }, { "idAFBody *", "masterBody", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->masterBody), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->masterBody ) }, { "idLCP *", "lcp", (int)(&((idPhysics_AF *)0)->lcp), sizeof( ((idPhysics_AF *)0)->lcp ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t singleSmoke_t_typeInfo[] = { { "singleSmoke_s *", "next", (int)(&((singleSmoke_t *)0)->next), sizeof( ((singleSmoke_t *)0)->next ) }, { "int", "privateStartTime", (int)(&((singleSmoke_t *)0)->privateStartTime), sizeof( ((singleSmoke_t *)0)->privateStartTime ) }, { "int", "index", (int)(&((singleSmoke_t *)0)->index), sizeof( ((singleSmoke_t *)0)->index ) }, { "idRandom", "random", (int)(&((singleSmoke_t *)0)->random), sizeof( ((singleSmoke_t *)0)->random ) }, { "idVec3", "origin", (int)(&((singleSmoke_t *)0)->origin), sizeof( ((singleSmoke_t *)0)->origin ) }, { "idMat3", "axis", (int)(&((singleSmoke_t *)0)->axis), sizeof( ((singleSmoke_t *)0)->axis ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t activeSmokeStage_t_typeInfo[] = { { "const idParticleStage *", "stage", (int)(&((activeSmokeStage_t *)0)->stage), sizeof( ((activeSmokeStage_t *)0)->stage ) }, { "singleSmoke_t *", "smokes", (int)(&((activeSmokeStage_t *)0)->smokes), sizeof( ((activeSmokeStage_t *)0)->smokes ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idSmokeParticles_typeInfo[] = { { "bool", "initialized", (int)(&((idSmokeParticles *)0)->initialized), sizeof( ((idSmokeParticles *)0)->initialized ) }, { "renderEntity_t", "renderEntity", (int)(&((idSmokeParticles *)0)->renderEntity), sizeof( ((idSmokeParticles *)0)->renderEntity ) }, { "int", "renderEntityHandle", (int)(&((idSmokeParticles *)0)->renderEntityHandle), sizeof( ((idSmokeParticles *)0)->renderEntityHandle ) }, { "singleSmoke_t[10000]", "smokes", (int)(&((idSmokeParticles *)0)->smokes), sizeof( ((idSmokeParticles *)0)->smokes ) }, { "idList < activeSmokeStage_t >", "activeStages", (int)(&((idSmokeParticles *)0)->activeStages), sizeof( ((idSmokeParticles *)0)->activeStages ) }, { "singleSmoke_t *", "freeSmokes", (int)(&((idSmokeParticles *)0)->freeSmokes), sizeof( ((idSmokeParticles *)0)->freeSmokes ) }, { "int", "numActiveSmokes", (int)(&((idSmokeParticles *)0)->numActiveSmokes), sizeof( ((idSmokeParticles *)0)->numActiveSmokes ) }, { "int", "currentParticleTime", (int)(&((idSmokeParticles *)0)->currentParticleTime), sizeof( ((idSmokeParticles *)0)->currentParticleTime ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t signal_t_typeInfo[] = { { "int", "threadnum", (int)(&((signal_t *)0)->threadnum), sizeof( ((signal_t *)0)->threadnum ) }, { "const function_t *", "function", (int)(&((signal_t *)0)->function), sizeof( ((signal_t *)0)->function ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t signalList_t_typeInfo[] = { { "idList < signal_t >[10]", "signal", (int)(&((signalList_t *)0)->signal), sizeof( ((signalList_t *)0)->signal ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idEntity_entityFlags_s_typeInfo[] = { // { "bool", "notarget", (int)(&((idEntity::entityFlags_s *)0)->notarget), sizeof( ((idEntity::entityFlags_s *)0)->notarget ) }, // { "bool", "noknockback", (int)(&((idEntity::entityFlags_s *)0)->noknockback), sizeof( ((idEntity::entityFlags_s *)0)->noknockback ) }, // { "bool", "takedamage", (int)(&((idEntity::entityFlags_s *)0)->takedamage), sizeof( ((idEntity::entityFlags_s *)0)->takedamage ) }, // { "bool", "hidden", (int)(&((idEntity::entityFlags_s *)0)->hidden), sizeof( ((idEntity::entityFlags_s *)0)->hidden ) }, // { "bool", "bindOrientated", (int)(&((idEntity::entityFlags_s *)0)->bindOrientated), sizeof( ((idEntity::entityFlags_s *)0)->bindOrientated ) }, // { "bool", "solidForTeam", (int)(&((idEntity::entityFlags_s *)0)->solidForTeam), sizeof( ((idEntity::entityFlags_s *)0)->solidForTeam ) }, // { "bool", "forcePhysicsUpdate", (int)(&((idEntity::entityFlags_s *)0)->forcePhysicsUpdate), sizeof( ((idEntity::entityFlags_s *)0)->forcePhysicsUpdate ) }, // { "bool", "selected", (int)(&((idEntity::entityFlags_s *)0)->selected), sizeof( ((idEntity::entityFlags_s *)0)->selected ) }, // { "bool", "neverDormant", (int)(&((idEntity::entityFlags_s *)0)->neverDormant), sizeof( ((idEntity::entityFlags_s *)0)->neverDormant ) }, // { "bool", "isDormant", (int)(&((idEntity::entityFlags_s *)0)->isDormant), sizeof( ((idEntity::entityFlags_s *)0)->isDormant ) }, // { "bool", "hasAwakened", (int)(&((idEntity::entityFlags_s *)0)->hasAwakened), sizeof( ((idEntity::entityFlags_s *)0)->hasAwakened ) }, // { "bool", "networkSync", (int)(&((idEntity::entityFlags_s *)0)->networkSync), sizeof( ((idEntity::entityFlags_s *)0)->networkSync ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idEntity_typeInfo[] = { { "int", "entityNumber", (int)(&((idEntity *)0)->entityNumber), sizeof( ((idEntity *)0)->entityNumber ) }, { "int", "entityDefNumber", (int)(&((idEntity *)0)->entityDefNumber), sizeof( ((idEntity *)0)->entityDefNumber ) }, { "idLinkList < idEntity >", "spawnNode", (int)(&((idEntity *)0)->spawnNode), sizeof( ((idEntity *)0)->spawnNode ) }, { "idLinkList < idEntity >", "activeNode", (int)(&((idEntity *)0)->activeNode), sizeof( ((idEntity *)0)->activeNode ) }, { "idLinkList < idEntity >", "snapshotNode", (int)(&((idEntity *)0)->snapshotNode), sizeof( ((idEntity *)0)->snapshotNode ) }, { "int", "snapshotSequence", (int)(&((idEntity *)0)->snapshotSequence), sizeof( ((idEntity *)0)->snapshotSequence ) }, { "int", "snapshotBits", (int)(&((idEntity *)0)->snapshotBits), sizeof( ((idEntity *)0)->snapshotBits ) }, { "idStr", "name", (int)(&((idEntity *)0)->name), sizeof( ((idEntity *)0)->name ) }, { "idDict", "spawnArgs", (int)(&((idEntity *)0)->spawnArgs), sizeof( ((idEntity *)0)->spawnArgs ) }, { "idScriptObject", "scriptObject", (int)(&((idEntity *)0)->scriptObject), sizeof( ((idEntity *)0)->scriptObject ) }, { "int", "thinkFlags", (int)(&((idEntity *)0)->thinkFlags), sizeof( ((idEntity *)0)->thinkFlags ) }, { "int", "dormantStart", (int)(&((idEntity 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"signalList_t *", "signals", (int)(&((idEntity *)0)->signals), sizeof( ((idEntity *)0)->signals ) }, { "int", "mpGUIState", (int)(&((idEntity *)0)->mpGUIState), sizeof( ((idEntity *)0)->mpGUIState ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t damageEffect_t_typeInfo[] = { { "jointHandle_t", "jointNum", (int)(&((damageEffect_t *)0)->jointNum), sizeof( ((damageEffect_t *)0)->jointNum ) }, { "idVec3", "localOrigin", (int)(&((damageEffect_t *)0)->localOrigin), sizeof( ((damageEffect_t *)0)->localOrigin ) }, { "idVec3", "localNormal", (int)(&((damageEffect_t *)0)->localNormal), sizeof( ((damageEffect_t *)0)->localNormal ) }, { "int", "time", (int)(&((damageEffect_t *)0)->time), sizeof( ((damageEffect_t *)0)->time ) }, { "const idDeclParticle *", "type", (int)(&((damageEffect_t *)0)->type), sizeof( ((damageEffect_t *)0)->type ) }, { "damageEffect_s *", "next", (int)(&((damageEffect_t *)0)->next), sizeof( ((damageEffect_t *)0)->next ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t 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*)0)->nextSelectTime), sizeof( ((idEditEntities *)0)->nextSelectTime ) }, { "idList < selectedTypeInfo_t >", "selectableEntityClasses", (int)(&((idEditEntities *)0)->selectableEntityClasses), sizeof( ((idEditEntities *)0)->selectableEntityClasses ) }, { "idList < idEntity * >", "selectedEntities", (int)(&((idEditEntities *)0)->selectedEntities), sizeof( ((idEditEntities *)0)->selectedEntities ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t jointConversion_t_typeInfo[] = { { "int", "bodyId", (int)(&((jointConversion_t *)0)->bodyId), sizeof( ((jointConversion_t *)0)->bodyId ) }, { "jointHandle_t", "jointHandle", (int)(&((jointConversion_t *)0)->jointHandle), sizeof( ((jointConversion_t *)0)->jointHandle ) }, { "AFJointModType_t", "jointMod", (int)(&((jointConversion_t *)0)->jointMod), sizeof( ((jointConversion_t *)0)->jointMod ) }, { "idVec3", "jointBodyOrigin", (int)(&((jointConversion_t *)0)->jointBodyOrigin), sizeof( ((jointConversion_t *)0)->jointBodyOrigin ) }, { "idMat3", "jointBodyAxis", (int)(&((jointConversion_t *)0)->jointBodyAxis), sizeof( ((jointConversion_t *)0)->jointBodyAxis ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t afTouch_t_typeInfo[] = { { "idEntity *", "touchedEnt", (int)(&((afTouch_t *)0)->touchedEnt), sizeof( ((afTouch_t *)0)->touchedEnt ) }, { "idClipModel *", "touchedClipModel", (int)(&((afTouch_t *)0)->touchedClipModel), sizeof( ((afTouch_t *)0)->touchedClipModel ) }, { "idAFBody *", "touchedByBody", (int)(&((afTouch_t *)0)->touchedByBody), sizeof( ((afTouch_t *)0)->touchedByBody ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idAF_typeInfo[] = { { "idStr", "name", (int)(&((idAF *)0)->name), sizeof( ((idAF *)0)->name ) }, { "idPhysics_AF", "physicsObj", (int)(&((idAF *)0)->physicsObj), sizeof( ((idAF *)0)->physicsObj ) }, { "idEntity *", "self", (int)(&((idAF *)0)->self), sizeof( ((idAF *)0)->self ) }, { "idAnimator *", "animator", (int)(&((idAF *)0)->animator), sizeof( ((idAF *)0)->animator ) }, { "int", "modifiedAnim", (int)(&((idAF *)0)->modifiedAnim), sizeof( ((idAF *)0)->modifiedAnim ) }, { "idVec3", "baseOrigin", (int)(&((idAF *)0)->baseOrigin), sizeof( ((idAF *)0)->baseOrigin ) }, { "idMat3", "baseAxis", (int)(&((idAF *)0)->baseAxis), sizeof( ((idAF *)0)->baseAxis ) }, { "idList < jointConversion_t >", "jointMods", (int)(&((idAF *)0)->jointMods), sizeof( ((idAF *)0)->jointMods ) }, { "idList < int >", "jointBody", (int)(&((idAF *)0)->jointBody), sizeof( ((idAF *)0)->jointBody ) }, { "int", "poseTime", (int)(&((idAF *)0)->poseTime), sizeof( ((idAF *)0)->poseTime ) }, { "int", "restStartTime", (int)(&((idAF *)0)->restStartTime), sizeof( ((idAF *)0)->restStartTime ) }, { "bool", "isLoaded", (int)(&((idAF *)0)->isLoaded), sizeof( ((idAF *)0)->isLoaded ) }, { "bool", "isActive", (int)(&((idAF *)0)->isActive), sizeof( ((idAF *)0)->isActive ) }, { "bool", "hasBindConstraints", (int)(&((idAF *)0)->hasBindConstraints), sizeof( ((idAF *)0)->hasBindConstraints ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t 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"footJoints", (int)(&((idIK_Walk *)0)->footJoints), sizeof( ((idIK_Walk *)0)->footJoints ) }, { "jointHandle_t[8]", "ankleJoints", (int)(&((idIK_Walk *)0)->ankleJoints), sizeof( ((idIK_Walk *)0)->ankleJoints ) }, { "jointHandle_t[8]", "kneeJoints", (int)(&((idIK_Walk *)0)->kneeJoints), sizeof( ((idIK_Walk *)0)->kneeJoints ) }, { "jointHandle_t[8]", "hipJoints", (int)(&((idIK_Walk *)0)->hipJoints), sizeof( ((idIK_Walk *)0)->hipJoints ) }, { "jointHandle_t[8]", "dirJoints", (int)(&((idIK_Walk *)0)->dirJoints), sizeof( ((idIK_Walk *)0)->dirJoints ) }, { "jointHandle_t", "waistJoint", (int)(&((idIK_Walk *)0)->waistJoint), sizeof( ((idIK_Walk *)0)->waistJoint ) }, { "idVec3[8]", "hipForward", (int)(&((idIK_Walk *)0)->hipForward), sizeof( ((idIK_Walk *)0)->hipForward ) }, { "idVec3[8]", "kneeForward", (int)(&((idIK_Walk *)0)->kneeForward), sizeof( ((idIK_Walk *)0)->kneeForward ) }, { "float[8]", "upperLegLength", (int)(&((idIK_Walk *)0)->upperLegLength), sizeof( ((idIK_Walk *)0)->upperLegLength ) }, { "float[8]", "lowerLegLength", (int)(&((idIK_Walk *)0)->lowerLegLength), sizeof( ((idIK_Walk *)0)->lowerLegLength ) }, { "idMat3[8]", "upperLegToHipJoint", (int)(&((idIK_Walk *)0)->upperLegToHipJoint), sizeof( ((idIK_Walk *)0)->upperLegToHipJoint ) }, { "idMat3[8]", "lowerLegToKneeJoint", (int)(&((idIK_Walk *)0)->lowerLegToKneeJoint), sizeof( ((idIK_Walk *)0)->lowerLegToKneeJoint ) }, { "float", "smoothing", (int)(&((idIK_Walk *)0)->smoothing), sizeof( ((idIK_Walk *)0)->smoothing ) }, { "float", "waistSmoothing", (int)(&((idIK_Walk *)0)->waistSmoothing), sizeof( ((idIK_Walk *)0)->waistSmoothing ) }, { "float", "footShift", (int)(&((idIK_Walk *)0)->footShift), sizeof( ((idIK_Walk *)0)->footShift ) }, { "float", "waistShift", (int)(&((idIK_Walk *)0)->waistShift), sizeof( ((idIK_Walk *)0)->waistShift ) }, { "float", "minWaistFloorDist", (int)(&((idIK_Walk *)0)->minWaistFloorDist), sizeof( ((idIK_Walk *)0)->minWaistFloorDist ) }, { "float", "minWaistAnkleDist", (int)(&((idIK_Walk *)0)->minWaistAnkleDist), sizeof( ((idIK_Walk *)0)->minWaistAnkleDist ) }, { "float", "footUpTrace", (int)(&((idIK_Walk *)0)->footUpTrace), sizeof( ((idIK_Walk *)0)->footUpTrace ) }, { "float", "footDownTrace", (int)(&((idIK_Walk *)0)->footDownTrace), sizeof( ((idIK_Walk *)0)->footDownTrace ) }, { "bool", "tiltWaist", (int)(&((idIK_Walk *)0)->tiltWaist), sizeof( ((idIK_Walk *)0)->tiltWaist ) }, { "bool", "usePivot", (int)(&((idIK_Walk *)0)->usePivot), sizeof( ((idIK_Walk *)0)->usePivot ) }, { "int", "pivotFoot", (int)(&((idIK_Walk *)0)->pivotFoot), sizeof( ((idIK_Walk *)0)->pivotFoot ) }, { "float", "pivotYaw", (int)(&((idIK_Walk *)0)->pivotYaw), sizeof( ((idIK_Walk *)0)->pivotYaw ) }, { "idVec3", "pivotPos", (int)(&((idIK_Walk *)0)->pivotPos), sizeof( ((idIK_Walk *)0)->pivotPos ) }, { "bool", "oldHeightsValid", (int)(&((idIK_Walk *)0)->oldHeightsValid), sizeof( ((idIK_Walk *)0)->oldHeightsValid ) }, { "float", "oldWaistHeight", (int)(&((idIK_Walk 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((idMultiModelAF *)0)->physicsObj ) }, { "idList < idRenderModel * >", "modelHandles", (int)(&((idMultiModelAF *)0)->modelHandles), sizeof( ((idMultiModelAF *)0)->modelHandles ) }, { "idList < int >", "modelDefHandles", (int)(&((idMultiModelAF *)0)->modelDefHandles), sizeof( ((idMultiModelAF *)0)->modelDefHandles ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idChain_typeInfo[] = { { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idAFAttachment_typeInfo[] = { { "idEntity *", "body", (int)(&((idAFAttachment *)0)->body), sizeof( ((idAFAttachment *)0)->body ) }, { "idClipModel *", "combatModel", (int)(&((idAFAttachment *)0)->combatModel), sizeof( ((idAFAttachment *)0)->combatModel ) }, { "int", "idleAnim", (int)(&((idAFAttachment *)0)->idleAnim), sizeof( ((idAFAttachment *)0)->idleAnim ) }, { "jointHandle_t", "attachJoint", (int)(&((idAFAttachment *)0)->attachJoint), sizeof( ((idAFAttachment *)0)->attachJoint ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idAFEntity_Base_typeInfo[] = { { "idAF", 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*)0)->skeletonModelDefHandle), sizeof( ((idAFEntity_Gibbable *)0)->skeletonModelDefHandle ) }, { "bool", "gibbed", (int)(&((idAFEntity_Gibbable *)0)->gibbed), sizeof( ((idAFEntity_Gibbable *)0)->gibbed ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idAFEntity_Generic_typeInfo[] = { { "bool", "keepRunningPhysics", (int)(&((idAFEntity_Generic *)0)->keepRunningPhysics), sizeof( ((idAFEntity_Generic *)0)->keepRunningPhysics ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idAFEntity_WithAttachedHead_typeInfo[] = { { "idEntityPtr < idAFAttachment >", "head", (int)(&((idAFEntity_WithAttachedHead *)0)->head), sizeof( ((idAFEntity_WithAttachedHead *)0)->head ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idAFEntity_Vehicle_typeInfo[] = { { "idPlayer *", "player", (int)(&((idAFEntity_Vehicle *)0)->player), sizeof( ((idAFEntity_Vehicle *)0)->player ) }, { "jointHandle_t", "eyesJoint", (int)(&((idAFEntity_Vehicle *)0)->eyesJoint), sizeof( ((idAFEntity_Vehicle *)0)->eyesJoint ) }, { "jointHandle_t", "steeringWheelJoint", (int)(&((idAFEntity_Vehicle *)0)->steeringWheelJoint), sizeof( ((idAFEntity_Vehicle *)0)->steeringWheelJoint ) }, { "float", "wheelRadius", (int)(&((idAFEntity_Vehicle *)0)->wheelRadius), sizeof( ((idAFEntity_Vehicle *)0)->wheelRadius ) }, { "float", "steerAngle", (int)(&((idAFEntity_Vehicle *)0)->steerAngle), sizeof( ((idAFEntity_Vehicle *)0)->steerAngle ) }, { "float", "steerSpeed", (int)(&((idAFEntity_Vehicle *)0)->steerSpeed), sizeof( ((idAFEntity_Vehicle *)0)->steerSpeed ) }, { "const idDeclParticle *", "dustSmoke", (int)(&((idAFEntity_Vehicle *)0)->dustSmoke), sizeof( ((idAFEntity_Vehicle *)0)->dustSmoke ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idAFEntity_VehicleSimple_typeInfo[] = { { "idClipModel *", "wheelModel", (int)(&((idAFEntity_VehicleSimple *)0)->wheelModel), sizeof( ((idAFEntity_VehicleSimple *)0)->wheelModel ) }, { "idAFConstraint_Suspension *[4]", "suspension", (int)(&((idAFEntity_VehicleSimple *)0)->suspension), sizeof( ((idAFEntity_VehicleSimple *)0)->suspension ) }, { "jointHandle_t[4]", "wheelJoints", (int)(&((idAFEntity_VehicleSimple *)0)->wheelJoints), sizeof( ((idAFEntity_VehicleSimple *)0)->wheelJoints ) }, { "float[4]", "wheelAngles", (int)(&((idAFEntity_VehicleSimple *)0)->wheelAngles), sizeof( ((idAFEntity_VehicleSimple *)0)->wheelAngles ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idAFEntity_VehicleFourWheels_typeInfo[] = { { "idAFBody *[4]", "wheels", (int)(&((idAFEntity_VehicleFourWheels *)0)->wheels), sizeof( ((idAFEntity_VehicleFourWheels *)0)->wheels ) }, { "idAFConstraint_Hinge *[2]", "steering", (int)(&((idAFEntity_VehicleFourWheels *)0)->steering), sizeof( ((idAFEntity_VehicleFourWheels *)0)->steering ) }, { "jointHandle_t[4]", "wheelJoints", (int)(&((idAFEntity_VehicleFourWheels *)0)->wheelJoints), sizeof( ((idAFEntity_VehicleFourWheels *)0)->wheelJoints ) }, { "float[4]", "wheelAngles", (int)(&((idAFEntity_VehicleFourWheels *)0)->wheelAngles), sizeof( ((idAFEntity_VehicleFourWheels *)0)->wheelAngles ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idAFEntity_VehicleSixWheels_typeInfo[] = { { "idAFBody *[6]", "wheels", (int)(&((idAFEntity_VehicleSixWheels *)0)->wheels), sizeof( ((idAFEntity_VehicleSixWheels *)0)->wheels ) }, { "idAFConstraint_Hinge *[4]", "steering", (int)(&((idAFEntity_VehicleSixWheels *)0)->steering), sizeof( ((idAFEntity_VehicleSixWheels *)0)->steering ) }, { "jointHandle_t[6]", "wheelJoints", (int)(&((idAFEntity_VehicleSixWheels *)0)->wheelJoints), sizeof( ((idAFEntity_VehicleSixWheels *)0)->wheelJoints ) }, { "float[6]", "wheelAngles", (int)(&((idAFEntity_VehicleSixWheels *)0)->wheelAngles), sizeof( ((idAFEntity_VehicleSixWheels *)0)->wheelAngles ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idAFEntity_SteamPipe_typeInfo[] = { { "int", "steamBody", (int)(&((idAFEntity_SteamPipe *)0)->steamBody), sizeof( ((idAFEntity_SteamPipe *)0)->steamBody ) }, { "float", "steamForce", (int)(&((idAFEntity_SteamPipe 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"blendFrames", (int)(&((idAnimated *)0)->blendFrames), sizeof( ((idAnimated *)0)->blendFrames ) }, { "jointHandle_t", "soundJoint", (int)(&((idAnimated *)0)->soundJoint), sizeof( ((idAnimated *)0)->soundJoint ) }, { "idEntityPtr < idEntity >", "activator", (int)(&((idAnimated *)0)->activator), sizeof( ((idAnimated *)0)->activator ) }, { "bool", "activated", (int)(&((idAnimated *)0)->activated), sizeof( ((idAnimated *)0)->activated ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idStaticEntity_typeInfo[] = { { "int", "spawnTime", (int)(&((idStaticEntity *)0)->spawnTime), sizeof( ((idStaticEntity *)0)->spawnTime ) }, { "bool", "active", (int)(&((idStaticEntity *)0)->active), sizeof( ((idStaticEntity *)0)->active ) }, { "idVec4", "fadeFrom", (int)(&((idStaticEntity *)0)->fadeFrom), sizeof( ((idStaticEntity *)0)->fadeFrom ) }, { "idVec4", "fadeTo", (int)(&((idStaticEntity *)0)->fadeTo), sizeof( ((idStaticEntity *)0)->fadeTo ) }, { "int", "fadeStart", (int)(&((idStaticEntity 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"model", (int)(&((idLiquid *)0)->model), sizeof( ((idLiquid *)0)->model ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idShaking_typeInfo[] = { { "idPhysics_Parametric", "physicsObj", (int)(&((idShaking *)0)->physicsObj), sizeof( ((idShaking *)0)->physicsObj ) }, { "bool", "active", (int)(&((idShaking *)0)->active), sizeof( ((idShaking *)0)->active ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idEarthQuake_typeInfo[] = { { "int", "nextTriggerTime", (int)(&((idEarthQuake *)0)->nextTriggerTime), sizeof( ((idEarthQuake *)0)->nextTriggerTime ) }, { "int", "shakeStopTime", (int)(&((idEarthQuake *)0)->shakeStopTime), sizeof( ((idEarthQuake *)0)->shakeStopTime ) }, { "float", "wait", (int)(&((idEarthQuake *)0)->wait), sizeof( ((idEarthQuake *)0)->wait ) }, { "float", "random", (int)(&((idEarthQuake *)0)->random), sizeof( ((idEarthQuake *)0)->random ) }, { "bool", "triggered", (int)(&((idEarthQuake *)0)->triggered), sizeof( ((idEarthQuake *)0)->triggered ) }, { "bool", "playerOriented", 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= { { "float", "time", (int)(&((idFuncRadioChatter *)0)->time), sizeof( ((idFuncRadioChatter *)0)->time ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idPhantomObjects_typeInfo[] = { { "int", "end_time", (int)(&((idPhantomObjects *)0)->end_time), sizeof( ((idPhantomObjects *)0)->end_time ) }, { "float", "throw_time", (int)(&((idPhantomObjects *)0)->throw_time), sizeof( ((idPhantomObjects *)0)->throw_time ) }, { "float", "shake_time", (int)(&((idPhantomObjects *)0)->shake_time), sizeof( ((idPhantomObjects *)0)->shake_time ) }, { "idVec3", "shake_ang", (int)(&((idPhantomObjects *)0)->shake_ang), sizeof( ((idPhantomObjects *)0)->shake_ang ) }, { "float", "speed", (int)(&((idPhantomObjects *)0)->speed), sizeof( ((idPhantomObjects *)0)->speed ) }, { "int", "min_wait", (int)(&((idPhantomObjects *)0)->min_wait), sizeof( ((idPhantomObjects *)0)->min_wait ) }, { "int", "max_wait", (int)(&((idPhantomObjects *)0)->max_wait), sizeof( ((idPhantomObjects *)0)->max_wait ) }, { "idEntityPtr < idActor 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((idActor *)0)->state ) }, { "const function_t *", "idealState", (int)(&((idActor *)0)->idealState), sizeof( ((idActor *)0)->idealState ) }, { "jointHandle_t", "leftEyeJoint", (int)(&((idActor *)0)->leftEyeJoint), sizeof( ((idActor *)0)->leftEyeJoint ) }, { "jointHandle_t", "rightEyeJoint", (int)(&((idActor *)0)->rightEyeJoint), sizeof( ((idActor *)0)->rightEyeJoint ) }, { "jointHandle_t", "soundJoint", (int)(&((idActor *)0)->soundJoint), sizeof( ((idActor *)0)->soundJoint ) }, { "idIK_Walk", "walkIK", (int)(&((idActor *)0)->walkIK), sizeof( ((idActor *)0)->walkIK ) }, { "idStr", "animPrefix", (int)(&((idActor *)0)->animPrefix), sizeof( ((idActor *)0)->animPrefix ) }, { "idStr", "painAnim", (int)(&((idActor *)0)->painAnim), sizeof( ((idActor *)0)->painAnim ) }, { "int", "blink_anim", (int)(&((idActor *)0)->blink_anim), sizeof( ((idActor *)0)->blink_anim ) }, { "int", "blink_time", (int)(&((idActor *)0)->blink_time), sizeof( ((idActor *)0)->blink_time ) }, { "int", "blink_min", (int)(&((idActor *)0)->blink_min), sizeof( ((idActor *)0)->blink_min ) }, { "int", "blink_max", (int)(&((idActor *)0)->blink_max), sizeof( ((idActor *)0)->blink_max ) }, { "idThread *", "scriptThread", (int)(&((idActor *)0)->scriptThread), sizeof( ((idActor *)0)->scriptThread ) }, { "idStr", "waitState", (int)(&((idActor *)0)->waitState), sizeof( ((idActor *)0)->waitState ) }, { "idAnimState", "headAnim", (int)(&((idActor *)0)->headAnim), sizeof( ((idActor *)0)->headAnim ) }, { "idAnimState", "torsoAnim", (int)(&((idActor *)0)->torsoAnim), sizeof( ((idActor *)0)->torsoAnim ) }, { "idAnimState", "legsAnim", (int)(&((idActor *)0)->legsAnim), sizeof( ((idActor *)0)->legsAnim ) }, { "bool", "allowPain", (int)(&((idActor *)0)->allowPain), sizeof( ((idActor *)0)->allowPain ) }, { "bool", "allowEyeFocus", (int)(&((idActor *)0)->allowEyeFocus), sizeof( ((idActor *)0)->allowEyeFocus ) }, { "bool", "finalBoss", (int)(&((idActor *)0)->finalBoss), sizeof( ((idActor *)0)->finalBoss ) }, { "int", "painTime", (int)(&((idActor *)0)->painTime), sizeof( ((idActor *)0)->painTime ) }, { "idList < idAttachInfo >", "attachments", (int)(&((idActor *)0)->attachments), sizeof( ((idActor *)0)->attachments ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idProjectile_projectileFlags_s_typeInfo[] = { // { "bool", "detonate_on_world", (int)(&((idProjectile::projectileFlags_s *)0)->detonate_on_world), sizeof( ((idProjectile::projectileFlags_s *)0)->detonate_on_world ) }, // { "bool", "detonate_on_actor", (int)(&((idProjectile::projectileFlags_s *)0)->detonate_on_actor), sizeof( ((idProjectile::projectileFlags_s *)0)->detonate_on_actor ) }, // { "bool", "randomShaderSpin", (int)(&((idProjectile::projectileFlags_s *)0)->randomShaderSpin), sizeof( ((idProjectile::projectileFlags_s *)0)->randomShaderSpin ) }, // { "bool", "isTracer", (int)(&((idProjectile::projectileFlags_s *)0)->isTracer), sizeof( ((idProjectile::projectileFlags_s *)0)->isTracer ) }, // { "bool", "noSplashDamage", (int)(&((idProjectile::projectileFlags_s *)0)->noSplashDamage), sizeof( ((idProjectile::projectileFlags_s *)0)->noSplashDamage ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idProjectile_typeInfo[] = { { "idEntityPtr < idEntity >", "owner", (int)(&((idProjectile *)0)->owner), sizeof( ((idProjectile *)0)->owner ) }, { "idProjectile::projectileFlags_s", "projectileFlags", (int)(&((idProjectile *)0)->projectileFlags), sizeof( ((idProjectile *)0)->projectileFlags ) }, { "float", "thrust", (int)(&((idProjectile *)0)->thrust), sizeof( ((idProjectile *)0)->thrust ) }, { "int", "thrust_end", (int)(&((idProjectile *)0)->thrust_end), sizeof( ((idProjectile *)0)->thrust_end ) }, { "float", "damagePower", (int)(&((idProjectile *)0)->damagePower), sizeof( ((idProjectile *)0)->damagePower ) }, { "renderLight_t", "renderLight", (int)(&((idProjectile *)0)->renderLight), sizeof( ((idProjectile *)0)->renderLight ) }, { "qhandle_t", "lightDefHandle", (int)(&((idProjectile *)0)->lightDefHandle), sizeof( ((idProjectile *)0)->lightDefHandle ) }, { "idVec3", "lightOffset", (int)(&((idProjectile *)0)->lightOffset), sizeof( ((idProjectile *)0)->lightOffset ) }, { "int", "lightStartTime", (int)(&((idProjectile *)0)->lightStartTime), sizeof( ((idProjectile *)0)->lightStartTime ) }, { "int", "lightEndTime", (int)(&((idProjectile *)0)->lightEndTime), sizeof( ((idProjectile *)0)->lightEndTime ) }, { "idVec3", "lightColor", (int)(&((idProjectile *)0)->lightColor), sizeof( ((idProjectile *)0)->lightColor ) }, { "idForce_Constant", "thruster", (int)(&((idProjectile *)0)->thruster), sizeof( ((idProjectile *)0)->thruster ) }, { "idPhysics_RigidBody", "physicsObj", (int)(&((idProjectile *)0)->physicsObj), sizeof( ((idProjectile *)0)->physicsObj ) }, { "const idDeclParticle *", "smokeFly", (int)(&((idProjectile *)0)->smokeFly), sizeof( ((idProjectile *)0)->smokeFly ) }, { "int", "smokeFlyTime", (int)(&((idProjectile *)0)->smokeFlyTime), sizeof( ((idProjectile *)0)->smokeFlyTime ) }, { "projectileState_t", "state", (int)(&((idProjectile *)0)->state), sizeof( ((idProjectile *)0)->state ) }, { "bool", "netSyncPhysics", (int)(&((idProjectile *)0)->netSyncPhysics), sizeof( ((idProjectile *)0)->netSyncPhysics ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idGuidedProjectile_typeInfo[] = { { "float", "speed", (int)(&((idGuidedProjectile *)0)->speed), sizeof( ((idGuidedProjectile *)0)->speed ) }, { "idEntityPtr < idEntity >", "enemy", (int)(&((idGuidedProjectile *)0)->enemy), sizeof( ((idGuidedProjectile *)0)->enemy ) }, { "idAngles", "rndScale", (int)(&((idGuidedProjectile *)0)->rndScale), sizeof( ((idGuidedProjectile *)0)->rndScale ) }, { "idAngles", "rndAng", (int)(&((idGuidedProjectile *)0)->rndAng), sizeof( ((idGuidedProjectile *)0)->rndAng ) }, { "idAngles", "angles", (int)(&((idGuidedProjectile *)0)->angles), sizeof( ((idGuidedProjectile *)0)->angles ) }, { "int", "rndUpdateTime", (int)(&((idGuidedProjectile *)0)->rndUpdateTime), sizeof( ((idGuidedProjectile 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(int)(&((idSoulCubeMissile *)0)->endingVelocity), sizeof( ((idSoulCubeMissile *)0)->endingVelocity ) }, { "float", "accelTime", (int)(&((idSoulCubeMissile *)0)->accelTime), sizeof( ((idSoulCubeMissile *)0)->accelTime ) }, { "int", "launchTime", (int)(&((idSoulCubeMissile *)0)->launchTime), sizeof( ((idSoulCubeMissile *)0)->launchTime ) }, { "bool", "killPhase", (int)(&((idSoulCubeMissile *)0)->killPhase), sizeof( ((idSoulCubeMissile *)0)->killPhase ) }, { "bool", "returnPhase", (int)(&((idSoulCubeMissile *)0)->returnPhase), sizeof( ((idSoulCubeMissile *)0)->returnPhase ) }, { "idVec3", "destOrg", (int)(&((idSoulCubeMissile *)0)->destOrg), sizeof( ((idSoulCubeMissile *)0)->destOrg ) }, { "idVec3", "orbitOrg", (int)(&((idSoulCubeMissile *)0)->orbitOrg), sizeof( ((idSoulCubeMissile *)0)->orbitOrg ) }, { "int", "orbitTime", (int)(&((idSoulCubeMissile *)0)->orbitTime), sizeof( ((idSoulCubeMissile *)0)->orbitTime ) }, { "int", "smokeKillTime", (int)(&((idSoulCubeMissile *)0)->smokeKillTime), sizeof( ((idSoulCubeMissile *)0)->smokeKillTime ) }, { "const idDeclParticle *", "smokeKill", (int)(&((idSoulCubeMissile *)0)->smokeKill), sizeof( ((idSoulCubeMissile *)0)->smokeKill ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t beamTarget_t_typeInfo[] = { { "idEntityPtr < idEntity >", "target", (int)(&((beamTarget_t *)0)->target), sizeof( ((beamTarget_t *)0)->target ) }, { "renderEntity_t", "renderEntity", (int)(&((beamTarget_t *)0)->renderEntity), sizeof( ((beamTarget_t *)0)->renderEntity ) }, { "qhandle_t", "modelDefHandle", (int)(&((beamTarget_t *)0)->modelDefHandle), sizeof( ((beamTarget_t *)0)->modelDefHandle ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idBFGProjectile_typeInfo[] = { { "idList < beamTarget_t >", "beamTargets", (int)(&((idBFGProjectile *)0)->beamTargets), sizeof( ((idBFGProjectile *)0)->beamTargets ) }, { "renderEntity_t", "secondModel", (int)(&((idBFGProjectile *)0)->secondModel), sizeof( ((idBFGProjectile *)0)->secondModel ) }, { "qhandle_t", "secondModelDefHandle", (int)(&((idBFGProjectile *)0)->secondModelDefHandle), sizeof( ((idBFGProjectile *)0)->secondModelDefHandle ) }, { "int", "nextDamageTime", (int)(&((idBFGProjectile *)0)->nextDamageTime), sizeof( ((idBFGProjectile *)0)->nextDamageTime ) }, { "idStr", "damageFreq", (int)(&((idBFGProjectile *)0)->damageFreq), sizeof( ((idBFGProjectile *)0)->damageFreq ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idDebris_typeInfo[] = { { "idEntityPtr < idEntity >", "owner", (int)(&((idDebris *)0)->owner), sizeof( ((idDebris *)0)->owner ) }, { "idPhysics_RigidBody", "physicsObj", (int)(&((idDebris *)0)->physicsObj), sizeof( ((idDebris *)0)->physicsObj ) }, { "const idDeclParticle *", "smokeFly", (int)(&((idDebris *)0)->smokeFly), sizeof( ((idDebris *)0)->smokeFly ) }, { "int", "smokeFlyTime", (int)(&((idDebris *)0)->smokeFlyTime), sizeof( ((idDebris *)0)->smokeFlyTime ) }, { "const idSoundShader *", "sndBounce", (int)(&((idDebris *)0)->sndBounce), sizeof( ((idDebris 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"weaponStatus_t", "status", (int)(&((idWeapon *)0)->status), sizeof( ((idWeapon *)0)->status ) }, { "idThread *", "thread", (int)(&((idWeapon *)0)->thread), sizeof( ((idWeapon *)0)->thread ) }, { "idStr", "state", (int)(&((idWeapon *)0)->state), sizeof( ((idWeapon *)0)->state ) }, { "idStr", "idealState", (int)(&((idWeapon *)0)->idealState), sizeof( ((idWeapon *)0)->idealState ) }, { "int", "animBlendFrames", (int)(&((idWeapon *)0)->animBlendFrames), sizeof( ((idWeapon *)0)->animBlendFrames ) }, { "int", "animDoneTime", (int)(&((idWeapon *)0)->animDoneTime), sizeof( ((idWeapon *)0)->animDoneTime ) }, { "bool", "isLinked", (int)(&((idWeapon *)0)->isLinked), sizeof( ((idWeapon *)0)->isLinked ) }, { "idEntity *", "projectileEnt", (int)(&((idWeapon *)0)->projectileEnt), sizeof( ((idWeapon *)0)->projectileEnt ) }, { "idPlayer *", "owner", (int)(&((idWeapon *)0)->owner), sizeof( ((idWeapon *)0)->owner ) }, { "idEntityPtr < idAnimatedEntity >", "worldModel", (int)(&((idWeapon 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"weaponOffsetScale", (int)(&((idWeapon *)0)->weaponOffsetScale), sizeof( ((idWeapon *)0)->weaponOffsetScale ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idLight_typeInfo[] = { { "renderLight_t", "renderLight", (int)(&((idLight *)0)->renderLight), sizeof( ((idLight *)0)->renderLight ) }, { "idVec3", "localLightOrigin", (int)(&((idLight *)0)->localLightOrigin), sizeof( ((idLight *)0)->localLightOrigin ) }, { "idMat3", "localLightAxis", (int)(&((idLight *)0)->localLightAxis), sizeof( ((idLight *)0)->localLightAxis ) }, { "qhandle_t", "lightDefHandle", (int)(&((idLight *)0)->lightDefHandle), sizeof( ((idLight *)0)->lightDefHandle ) }, { "idStr", "brokenModel", (int)(&((idLight *)0)->brokenModel), sizeof( ((idLight *)0)->brokenModel ) }, { "int", "levels", (int)(&((idLight *)0)->levels), sizeof( ((idLight *)0)->levels ) }, { "int", "currentLevel", (int)(&((idLight *)0)->currentLevel), sizeof( ((idLight *)0)->currentLevel ) }, { "idVec3", "baseColor", (int)(&((idLight *)0)->baseColor), sizeof( ((idLight *)0)->baseColor ) }, { "bool", "breakOnTrigger", (int)(&((idLight *)0)->breakOnTrigger), sizeof( ((idLight *)0)->breakOnTrigger ) }, { "int", "count", (int)(&((idLight *)0)->count), sizeof( ((idLight *)0)->count ) }, { "int", "triggercount", (int)(&((idLight *)0)->triggercount), sizeof( ((idLight *)0)->triggercount ) }, { "idEntity *", "lightParent", (int)(&((idLight *)0)->lightParent), sizeof( ((idLight *)0)->lightParent ) }, { "idVec4", "fadeFrom", (int)(&((idLight *)0)->fadeFrom), sizeof( ((idLight *)0)->fadeFrom ) }, { "idVec4", "fadeTo", (int)(&((idLight *)0)->fadeTo), sizeof( ((idLight *)0)->fadeTo ) }, { "int", "fadeStart", (int)(&((idLight *)0)->fadeStart), sizeof( ((idLight *)0)->fadeStart ) }, { "int", "fadeEnd", (int)(&((idLight *)0)->fadeEnd), sizeof( ((idLight *)0)->fadeEnd ) }, { "bool", "soundWasPlaying", (int)(&((idLight *)0)->soundWasPlaying), sizeof( ((idLight *)0)->soundWasPlaying ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t 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"lastRenderViewTime", (int)(&((idItem *)0)->lastRenderViewTime), sizeof( ((idItem *)0)->lastRenderViewTime ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idItemPowerup_typeInfo[] = { { "int", "time", (int)(&((idItemPowerup *)0)->time), sizeof( ((idItemPowerup *)0)->time ) }, { "int", "type", (int)(&((idItemPowerup *)0)->type), sizeof( ((idItemPowerup *)0)->type ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idObjective_typeInfo[] = { { "idVec3", "playerPos", (int)(&((idObjective *)0)->playerPos), sizeof( ((idObjective *)0)->playerPos ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idVideoCDItem_typeInfo[] = { { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idPDAItem_typeInfo[] = { { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idMoveableItem_typeInfo[] = { { "idPhysics_RigidBody", "physicsObj", (int)(&((idMoveableItem *)0)->physicsObj), sizeof( ((idMoveableItem *)0)->physicsObj ) }, { "idClipModel *", "trigger", (int)(&((idMoveableItem *)0)->trigger), sizeof( ((idMoveableItem *)0)->trigger ) }, { "const idDeclParticle *", "smoke", (int)(&((idMoveableItem *)0)->smoke), sizeof( ((idMoveableItem *)0)->smoke ) }, { "int", "smokeTime", (int)(&((idMoveableItem *)0)->smokeTime), sizeof( ((idMoveableItem *)0)->smokeTime ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idMoveablePDAItem_typeInfo[] = { { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idItemRemover_typeInfo[] = { { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idObjectiveComplete_typeInfo[] = { { "idVec3", "playerPos", (int)(&((idObjectiveComplete *)0)->playerPos), sizeof( ((idObjectiveComplete *)0)->playerPos ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t screenBlob_t_typeInfo[] = { { "const idMaterial *", "material", (int)(&((screenBlob_t *)0)->material), sizeof( ((screenBlob_t *)0)->material ) }, { "float", "x", (int)(&((screenBlob_t *)0)->x), sizeof( ((screenBlob_t *)0)->x ) }, { "float", "y", (int)(&((screenBlob_t *)0)->y), sizeof( ((screenBlob_t *)0)->y ) }, { "float", "w", (int)(&((screenBlob_t *)0)->w), sizeof( ((screenBlob_t 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"float", "fadeRate", (int)(&((idPlayerView *)0)->fadeRate), sizeof( ((idPlayerView *)0)->fadeRate ) }, { "int", "fadeTime", (int)(&((idPlayerView *)0)->fadeTime), sizeof( ((idPlayerView *)0)->fadeTime ) }, { "idAngles", "shakeAng", (int)(&((idPlayerView *)0)->shakeAng), sizeof( ((idPlayerView *)0)->shakeAng ) }, { "idPlayer *", "player", (int)(&((idPlayerView *)0)->player), sizeof( ((idPlayerView *)0)->player ) }, { "renderView_t", "view", (int)(&((idPlayerView *)0)->view), sizeof( ((idPlayerView *)0)->view ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idPlayerIcon_typeInfo[] = { { "playerIconType_t", "iconType", (int)(&((idPlayerIcon *)0)->iconType), sizeof( ((idPlayerIcon *)0)->iconType ) }, { "renderEntity_t", "renderEnt", (int)(&((idPlayerIcon *)0)->renderEnt), sizeof( ((idPlayerIcon *)0)->renderEnt ) }, { "qhandle_t", "iconHandle", (int)(&((idPlayerIcon *)0)->iconHandle), sizeof( ((idPlayerIcon *)0)->iconHandle ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idItemInfo_typeInfo[] 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sizeof( ((loggedAccel_t *)0)->time ) }, { "idVec3", "dir", (int)(&((loggedAccel_t *)0)->dir), sizeof( ((loggedAccel_t *)0)->dir ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t aasLocation_t_typeInfo[] = { { "int", "areaNum", (int)(&((aasLocation_t *)0)->areaNum), sizeof( ((aasLocation_t *)0)->areaNum ) }, { "idVec3", "pos", (int)(&((aasLocation_t *)0)->pos), sizeof( ((aasLocation_t *)0)->pos ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idPlayer_typeInfo[] = { { "usercmd_t", "usercmd", (int)(&((idPlayer *)0)->usercmd), sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->usercmd ) }, { "idPlayerView", "playerView", (int)(&((idPlayer *)0)->playerView), sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->playerView ) }, { "bool", "noclip", (int)(&((idPlayer *)0)->noclip), sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->noclip ) }, { "bool", "godmode", (int)(&((idPlayer *)0)->godmode), sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->godmode ) }, { "bool", "spawnAnglesSet", (int)(&((idPlayer *)0)->spawnAnglesSet), sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->spawnAnglesSet ) }, { "idAngles", "spawnAngles", 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sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->AI_FORWARD ) }, { "idScriptBool", "AI_BACKWARD", (int)(&((idPlayer *)0)->AI_BACKWARD), sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->AI_BACKWARD ) }, { "idScriptBool", "AI_STRAFE_LEFT", (int)(&((idPlayer *)0)->AI_STRAFE_LEFT), sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->AI_STRAFE_LEFT ) }, { "idScriptBool", "AI_STRAFE_RIGHT", (int)(&((idPlayer *)0)->AI_STRAFE_RIGHT), sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->AI_STRAFE_RIGHT ) }, { "idScriptBool", "AI_ATTACK_HELD", (int)(&((idPlayer *)0)->AI_ATTACK_HELD), sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->AI_ATTACK_HELD ) }, { "idScriptBool", "AI_WEAPON_FIRED", (int)(&((idPlayer *)0)->AI_WEAPON_FIRED), sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->AI_WEAPON_FIRED ) }, { "idScriptBool", "AI_JUMP", (int)(&((idPlayer *)0)->AI_JUMP), sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->AI_JUMP ) }, { "idScriptBool", "AI_CROUCH", (int)(&((idPlayer *)0)->AI_CROUCH), sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->AI_CROUCH ) }, { "idScriptBool", "AI_ONGROUND", (int)(&((idPlayer *)0)->AI_ONGROUND), sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->AI_ONGROUND ) }, { "idScriptBool", "AI_ONLADDER", (int)(&((idPlayer *)0)->AI_ONLADDER), sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->AI_ONLADDER ) }, { "idScriptBool", "AI_DEAD", (int)(&((idPlayer *)0)->AI_DEAD), sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->AI_DEAD ) }, { "idScriptBool", "AI_RUN", (int)(&((idPlayer *)0)->AI_RUN), sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->AI_RUN ) }, { "idScriptBool", "AI_PAIN", (int)(&((idPlayer *)0)->AI_PAIN), sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->AI_PAIN ) }, { "idScriptBool", "AI_HARDLANDING", (int)(&((idPlayer *)0)->AI_HARDLANDING), sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->AI_HARDLANDING ) }, { "idScriptBool", "AI_SOFTLANDING", (int)(&((idPlayer *)0)->AI_SOFTLANDING), sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->AI_SOFTLANDING ) }, { "idScriptBool", "AI_RELOAD", (int)(&((idPlayer *)0)->AI_RELOAD), sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->AI_RELOAD ) }, { "idScriptBool", "AI_TELEPORT", (int)(&((idPlayer *)0)->AI_TELEPORT), sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->AI_TELEPORT ) }, { "idScriptBool", "AI_TURN_LEFT", (int)(&((idPlayer *)0)->AI_TURN_LEFT), sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->AI_TURN_LEFT ) }, { "idScriptBool", "AI_TURN_RIGHT", (int)(&((idPlayer *)0)->AI_TURN_RIGHT), sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->AI_TURN_RIGHT ) }, { "idInventory", "inventory", (int)(&((idPlayer *)0)->inventory), sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->inventory ) }, { "idEntityPtr < idWeapon >", "weapon", (int)(&((idPlayer *)0)->weapon), sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->weapon ) }, { "idUserInterface *", "hud", (int)(&((idPlayer *)0)->hud), sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->hud ) }, { "idUserInterface *", "objectiveSystem", (int)(&((idPlayer *)0)->objectiveSystem), sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->objectiveSystem ) }, { "bool", "objectiveSystemOpen", (int)(&((idPlayer *)0)->objectiveSystemOpen), sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->objectiveSystemOpen ) }, { "int", "weapon_soulcube", (int)(&((idPlayer *)0)->weapon_soulcube), sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->weapon_soulcube ) }, { "int", "weapon_pda", (int)(&((idPlayer *)0)->weapon_pda), sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->weapon_pda ) }, { "int", "weapon_fists", (int)(&((idPlayer *)0)->weapon_fists), sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->weapon_fists ) }, { 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"bool", "MPAimHighlight", (int)(&((idPlayer *)0)->MPAimHighlight), sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->MPAimHighlight ) }, { "bool", "isTelefragged", (int)(&((idPlayer *)0)->isTelefragged), sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->isTelefragged ) }, { "idPlayerIcon", "playerIcon", (int)(&((idPlayer *)0)->playerIcon), sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->playerIcon ) }, { "bool", "selfSmooth", (int)(&((idPlayer *)0)->selfSmooth), sizeof( ((idPlayer *)0)->selfSmooth ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idMover_moveState_t_typeInfo[] = { { "moveStage_t", "stage", (int)(&((idMover::moveState_t *)0)->stage), sizeof( ((idMover::moveState_t *)0)->stage ) }, { "int", "acceleration", (int)(&((idMover::moveState_t *)0)->acceleration), sizeof( ((idMover::moveState_t *)0)->acceleration ) }, { "int", "movetime", (int)(&((idMover::moveState_t *)0)->movetime), sizeof( ((idMover::moveState_t *)0)->movetime ) }, { "int", "deceleration", (int)(&((idMover::moveState_t *)0)->deceleration), sizeof( ((idMover::moveState_t 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sizeof( ((idMover *)0)->physicsObj ) }, { "moveState_t", "move", (int)(&((idMover *)0)->move), sizeof( ((idMover *)0)->move ) }, { "rotationState_t", "rot", (int)(&((idMover *)0)->rot), sizeof( ((idMover *)0)->rot ) }, { "int", "move_thread", (int)(&((idMover *)0)->move_thread), sizeof( ((idMover *)0)->move_thread ) }, { "int", "rotate_thread", (int)(&((idMover *)0)->rotate_thread), sizeof( ((idMover *)0)->rotate_thread ) }, { "idAngles", "dest_angles", (int)(&((idMover *)0)->dest_angles), sizeof( ((idMover *)0)->dest_angles ) }, { "idAngles", "angle_delta", (int)(&((idMover *)0)->angle_delta), sizeof( ((idMover *)0)->angle_delta ) }, { "idVec3", "dest_position", (int)(&((idMover *)0)->dest_position), sizeof( ((idMover *)0)->dest_position ) }, { "idVec3", "move_delta", (int)(&((idMover *)0)->move_delta), sizeof( ((idMover *)0)->move_delta ) }, { "float", "move_speed", (int)(&((idMover *)0)->move_speed), sizeof( ((idMover *)0)->move_speed ) }, { "int", "move_time", (int)(&((idMover 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((idMover_Binary *)0)->moveMaster ) }, { "idMover_Binary *", "activateChain", (int)(&((idMover_Binary *)0)->activateChain), sizeof( ((idMover_Binary *)0)->activateChain ) }, { "int", "soundPos1", (int)(&((idMover_Binary *)0)->soundPos1), sizeof( ((idMover_Binary *)0)->soundPos1 ) }, { "int", "sound1to2", (int)(&((idMover_Binary *)0)->sound1to2), sizeof( ((idMover_Binary *)0)->sound1to2 ) }, { "int", "sound2to1", (int)(&((idMover_Binary *)0)->sound2to1), sizeof( ((idMover_Binary *)0)->sound2to1 ) }, { "int", "soundPos2", (int)(&((idMover_Binary *)0)->soundPos2), sizeof( ((idMover_Binary *)0)->soundPos2 ) }, { "int", "soundLoop", (int)(&((idMover_Binary *)0)->soundLoop), sizeof( ((idMover_Binary *)0)->soundLoop ) }, { "float", "wait", (int)(&((idMover_Binary *)0)->wait), sizeof( ((idMover_Binary *)0)->wait ) }, { "float", "damage", (int)(&((idMover_Binary *)0)->damage), sizeof( ((idMover_Binary *)0)->damage ) }, { "int", "duration", (int)(&((idMover_Binary *)0)->duration), sizeof( 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(int)(&((idMover_Binary *)0)->buddies), sizeof( ((idMover_Binary *)0)->buddies ) }, { "idPhysics_Parametric", "physicsObj", (int)(&((idMover_Binary *)0)->physicsObj), sizeof( ((idMover_Binary *)0)->physicsObj ) }, { "qhandle_t", "areaPortal", (int)(&((idMover_Binary *)0)->areaPortal), sizeof( ((idMover_Binary *)0)->areaPortal ) }, { "bool", "blocked", (int)(&((idMover_Binary *)0)->blocked), sizeof( ((idMover_Binary *)0)->blocked ) }, { "idList < idEntityPtr < idEntity > >", "guiTargets", (int)(&((idMover_Binary *)0)->guiTargets), sizeof( ((idMover_Binary *)0)->guiTargets ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idDoor_typeInfo[] = { { "float", "triggersize", (int)(&((idDoor *)0)->triggersize), sizeof( ((idDoor *)0)->triggersize ) }, { "bool", "crusher", (int)(&((idDoor *)0)->crusher), sizeof( ((idDoor *)0)->crusher ) }, { "bool", "noTouch", (int)(&((idDoor *)0)->noTouch), sizeof( ((idDoor *)0)->noTouch ) }, { "bool", "aas_area_closed", (int)(&((idDoor *)0)->aas_area_closed), sizeof( ((idDoor *)0)->aas_area_closed ) }, { "idStr", "buddyStr", (int)(&((idDoor *)0)->buddyStr), sizeof( ((idDoor *)0)->buddyStr ) }, { "idClipModel *", "trigger", (int)(&((idDoor *)0)->trigger), sizeof( ((idDoor *)0)->trigger ) }, { "idClipModel *", "sndTrigger", (int)(&((idDoor *)0)->sndTrigger), sizeof( ((idDoor *)0)->sndTrigger ) }, { "int", "nextSndTriggerTime", (int)(&((idDoor *)0)->nextSndTriggerTime), sizeof( ((idDoor *)0)->nextSndTriggerTime ) }, { "idVec3", "localTriggerOrigin", (int)(&((idDoor *)0)->localTriggerOrigin), sizeof( ((idDoor *)0)->localTriggerOrigin ) }, { "idMat3", "localTriggerAxis", (int)(&((idDoor *)0)->localTriggerAxis), sizeof( ((idDoor *)0)->localTriggerAxis ) }, { "idStr", "requires", (int)(&((idDoor *)0)->requires), sizeof( ((idDoor *)0)->requires ) }, { "int", "removeItem", (int)(&((idDoor *)0)->removeItem), sizeof( ((idDoor *)0)->removeItem ) }, { "idStr", "syncLock", (int)(&((idDoor *)0)->syncLock), sizeof( ((idDoor *)0)->syncLock ) }, { "int", "normalAxisIndex", (int)(&((idDoor *)0)->normalAxisIndex), sizeof( ((idDoor *)0)->normalAxisIndex ) }, { "idDoor *", "companionDoor", (int)(&((idDoor *)0)->companionDoor), sizeof( ((idDoor *)0)->companionDoor ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idPlat_typeInfo[] = { { "idClipModel *", "trigger", (int)(&((idPlat *)0)->trigger), sizeof( ((idPlat *)0)->trigger ) }, { "idVec3", "localTriggerOrigin", (int)(&((idPlat *)0)->localTriggerOrigin), sizeof( ((idPlat *)0)->localTriggerOrigin ) }, { "idMat3", "localTriggerAxis", (int)(&((idPlat *)0)->localTriggerAxis), sizeof( ((idPlat *)0)->localTriggerAxis ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idMover_Periodic_typeInfo[] = { { "idPhysics_Parametric", "physicsObj", (int)(&((idMover_Periodic *)0)->physicsObj), sizeof( ((idMover_Periodic *)0)->physicsObj ) }, { "float", "damage", (int)(&((idMover_Periodic *)0)->damage), sizeof( ((idMover_Periodic *)0)->damage ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idRotater_typeInfo[] = { 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sizeof( ((cameraFrame_t *)0)->t ) }, { "float", "fov", (int)(&((cameraFrame_t *)0)->fov), sizeof( ((cameraFrame_t *)0)->fov ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idCameraAnim_typeInfo[] = { { "int", "threadNum", (int)(&((idCameraAnim *)0)->threadNum), sizeof( ((idCameraAnim *)0)->threadNum ) }, { "idVec3", "offset", (int)(&((idCameraAnim *)0)->offset), sizeof( ((idCameraAnim *)0)->offset ) }, { "int", "frameRate", (int)(&((idCameraAnim *)0)->frameRate), sizeof( ((idCameraAnim *)0)->frameRate ) }, { "int", "starttime", (int)(&((idCameraAnim *)0)->starttime), sizeof( ((idCameraAnim *)0)->starttime ) }, { "int", "cycle", (int)(&((idCameraAnim *)0)->cycle), sizeof( ((idCameraAnim *)0)->cycle ) }, { "idList < int >", "cameraCuts", (int)(&((idCameraAnim *)0)->cameraCuts), sizeof( ((idCameraAnim *)0)->cameraCuts ) }, { "idList < cameraFrame_t >", "camera", (int)(&((idCameraAnim *)0)->camera), sizeof( ((idCameraAnim *)0)->camera ) }, { "idEntityPtr < idEntity >", "activator", (int)(&((idCameraAnim *)0)->activator), sizeof( ((idCameraAnim *)0)->activator ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idMoveable_typeInfo[] = { { "idPhysics_RigidBody", "physicsObj", (int)(&((idMoveable *)0)->physicsObj), sizeof( ((idMoveable *)0)->physicsObj ) }, { "idStr", "brokenModel", (int)(&((idMoveable *)0)->brokenModel), sizeof( ((idMoveable *)0)->brokenModel ) }, { "idStr", "damage", (int)(&((idMoveable *)0)->damage), sizeof( ((idMoveable *)0)->damage ) }, { "idStr", "fxCollide", (int)(&((idMoveable *)0)->fxCollide), sizeof( ((idMoveable *)0)->fxCollide ) }, { "int", "nextCollideFxTime", (int)(&((idMoveable *)0)->nextCollideFxTime), sizeof( ((idMoveable *)0)->nextCollideFxTime ) }, { "float", "minDamageVelocity", (int)(&((idMoveable *)0)->minDamageVelocity), sizeof( ((idMoveable *)0)->minDamageVelocity ) }, { "float", "maxDamageVelocity", (int)(&((idMoveable *)0)->maxDamageVelocity), sizeof( ((idMoveable *)0)->maxDamageVelocity ) }, { "idCurve_Spline < idVec3 > *", "initialSpline", (int)(&((idMoveable *)0)->initialSpline), sizeof( ((idMoveable *)0)->initialSpline ) }, { "idVec3", "initialSplineDir", (int)(&((idMoveable *)0)->initialSplineDir), sizeof( ((idMoveable *)0)->initialSplineDir ) }, { "bool", "explode", (int)(&((idMoveable *)0)->explode), sizeof( ((idMoveable *)0)->explode ) }, { "bool", "unbindOnDeath", (int)(&((idMoveable *)0)->unbindOnDeath), sizeof( ((idMoveable *)0)->unbindOnDeath ) }, { "bool", "allowStep", (int)(&((idMoveable *)0)->allowStep), sizeof( ((idMoveable *)0)->allowStep ) }, { "bool", "canDamage", (int)(&((idMoveable *)0)->canDamage), sizeof( ((idMoveable *)0)->canDamage ) }, { "int", "nextDamageTime", (int)(&((idMoveable *)0)->nextDamageTime), sizeof( ((idMoveable *)0)->nextDamageTime ) }, { "int", "nextSoundTime", (int)(&((idMoveable *)0)->nextSoundTime), sizeof( ((idMoveable *)0)->nextSoundTime ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idBarrel_typeInfo[] = { { "float", "radius", (int)(&((idBarrel *)0)->radius), sizeof( ((idBarrel *)0)->radius ) }, { "int", "barrelAxis", (int)(&((idBarrel *)0)->barrelAxis), sizeof( ((idBarrel *)0)->barrelAxis ) }, { "idVec3", "lastOrigin", (int)(&((idBarrel *)0)->lastOrigin), sizeof( ((idBarrel *)0)->lastOrigin ) }, { "idMat3", "lastAxis", (int)(&((idBarrel *)0)->lastAxis), sizeof( ((idBarrel *)0)->lastAxis ) }, { "float", "additionalRotation", (int)(&((idBarrel *)0)->additionalRotation), sizeof( ((idBarrel *)0)->additionalRotation ) }, { "idMat3", "additionalAxis", (int)(&((idBarrel *)0)->additionalAxis), sizeof( ((idBarrel *)0)->additionalAxis ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idExplodingBarrel_typeInfo[] = { { "explode_state_t", "state", (int)(&((idExplodingBarrel *)0)->state), sizeof( ((idExplodingBarrel *)0)->state ) }, { "idVec3", "spawnOrigin", (int)(&((idExplodingBarrel *)0)->spawnOrigin), sizeof( ((idExplodingBarrel *)0)->spawnOrigin ) }, { "idMat3", "spawnAxis", (int)(&((idExplodingBarrel *)0)->spawnAxis), sizeof( ((idExplodingBarrel 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{ { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idTarget_Remove_typeInfo[] = { { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idTarget_Show_typeInfo[] = { { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idTarget_Damage_typeInfo[] = { { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idTarget_SessionCommand_typeInfo[] = { { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idTarget_EndLevel_typeInfo[] = { { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idTarget_WaitForButton_typeInfo[] = { { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idTarget_SetGlobalShaderTime_typeInfo[] = { { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idTarget_SetShaderParm_typeInfo[] = { { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idTarget_SetShaderTime_typeInfo[] = { { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idTarget_FadeEntity_typeInfo[] = { { "idVec4", "fadeFrom", (int)(&((idTarget_FadeEntity *)0)->fadeFrom), sizeof( ((idTarget_FadeEntity *)0)->fadeFrom ) }, { "int", "fadeStart", (int)(&((idTarget_FadeEntity *)0)->fadeStart), sizeof( ((idTarget_FadeEntity 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"idList < int >", "genericList", (int)(&((idTarget_SetInfluence *)0)->genericList), sizeof( ((idTarget_SetInfluence *)0)->genericList ) }, { "float", "flashIn", (int)(&((idTarget_SetInfluence *)0)->flashIn), sizeof( ((idTarget_SetInfluence *)0)->flashIn ) }, { "float", "flashOut", (int)(&((idTarget_SetInfluence *)0)->flashOut), sizeof( ((idTarget_SetInfluence *)0)->flashOut ) }, { "float", "delay", (int)(&((idTarget_SetInfluence *)0)->delay), sizeof( ((idTarget_SetInfluence *)0)->delay ) }, { "idStr", "flashInSound", (int)(&((idTarget_SetInfluence *)0)->flashInSound), sizeof( ((idTarget_SetInfluence *)0)->flashInSound ) }, { "idStr", "flashOutSound", (int)(&((idTarget_SetInfluence *)0)->flashOutSound), sizeof( ((idTarget_SetInfluence *)0)->flashOutSound ) }, { "idEntity *", "switchToCamera", (int)(&((idTarget_SetInfluence *)0)->switchToCamera), sizeof( ((idTarget_SetInfluence *)0)->switchToCamera ) }, { "idInterpolate < float >", "fovSetting", (int)(&((idTarget_SetInfluence 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((idTrigger_Multi *)0)->random ) }, { "float", "delay", (int)(&((idTrigger_Multi *)0)->delay), sizeof( ((idTrigger_Multi *)0)->delay ) }, { "float", "random_delay", (int)(&((idTrigger_Multi *)0)->random_delay), sizeof( ((idTrigger_Multi *)0)->random_delay ) }, { "int", "nextTriggerTime", (int)(&((idTrigger_Multi *)0)->nextTriggerTime), sizeof( ((idTrigger_Multi *)0)->nextTriggerTime ) }, { "idStr", "requires", (int)(&((idTrigger_Multi *)0)->requires), sizeof( ((idTrigger_Multi *)0)->requires ) }, { "int", "removeItem", (int)(&((idTrigger_Multi *)0)->removeItem), sizeof( ((idTrigger_Multi *)0)->removeItem ) }, { "bool", "touchClient", (int)(&((idTrigger_Multi *)0)->touchClient), sizeof( ((idTrigger_Multi *)0)->touchClient ) }, { "bool", "touchOther", (int)(&((idTrigger_Multi *)0)->touchOther), sizeof( ((idTrigger_Multi *)0)->touchOther ) }, { "bool", "triggerFirst", (int)(&((idTrigger_Multi *)0)->triggerFirst), sizeof( ((idTrigger_Multi *)0)->triggerFirst ) }, { "bool", "triggerWithSelf", (int)(&((idTrigger_Multi *)0)->triggerWithSelf), sizeof( ((idTrigger_Multi *)0)->triggerWithSelf ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idTrigger_EntityName_typeInfo[] = { { "float", "wait", (int)(&((idTrigger_EntityName *)0)->wait), sizeof( ((idTrigger_EntityName *)0)->wait ) }, { "float", "random", (int)(&((idTrigger_EntityName *)0)->random), sizeof( ((idTrigger_EntityName *)0)->random ) }, { "float", "delay", (int)(&((idTrigger_EntityName *)0)->delay), sizeof( ((idTrigger_EntityName *)0)->delay ) }, { "float", "random_delay", (int)(&((idTrigger_EntityName *)0)->random_delay), sizeof( ((idTrigger_EntityName *)0)->random_delay ) }, { "int", "nextTriggerTime", (int)(&((idTrigger_EntityName *)0)->nextTriggerTime), sizeof( ((idTrigger_EntityName *)0)->nextTriggerTime ) }, { "bool", "triggerFirst", (int)(&((idTrigger_EntityName *)0)->triggerFirst), sizeof( ((idTrigger_EntityName *)0)->triggerFirst ) }, { "idStr", "entityName", (int)(&((idTrigger_EntityName 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"renderEntity_t", "renderEntity", (int)(&((idFXLocalAction *)0)->renderEntity), sizeof( ((idFXLocalAction *)0)->renderEntity ) }, { "int", "modelDefHandle", (int)(&((idFXLocalAction *)0)->modelDefHandle), sizeof( ((idFXLocalAction *)0)->modelDefHandle ) }, { "float", "delay", (int)(&((idFXLocalAction *)0)->delay), sizeof( ((idFXLocalAction *)0)->delay ) }, { "int", "particleSystem", (int)(&((idFXLocalAction *)0)->particleSystem), sizeof( ((idFXLocalAction *)0)->particleSystem ) }, { "int", "start", (int)(&((idFXLocalAction *)0)->start), sizeof( ((idFXLocalAction *)0)->start ) }, { "bool", "soundStarted", (int)(&((idFXLocalAction *)0)->soundStarted), sizeof( ((idFXLocalAction *)0)->soundStarted ) }, { "bool", "shakeStarted", (int)(&((idFXLocalAction *)0)->shakeStarted), sizeof( ((idFXLocalAction *)0)->shakeStarted ) }, { "bool", "decalDropped", (int)(&((idFXLocalAction *)0)->decalDropped), sizeof( ((idFXLocalAction *)0)->decalDropped ) }, { "bool", "launched", (int)(&((idFXLocalAction 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*)0)->sweepAngle), sizeof( ((idSecurityCamera *)0)->sweepAngle ) }, { "int", "modelAxis", (int)(&((idSecurityCamera *)0)->modelAxis), sizeof( ((idSecurityCamera *)0)->modelAxis ) }, { "bool", "flipAxis", (int)(&((idSecurityCamera *)0)->flipAxis), sizeof( ((idSecurityCamera *)0)->flipAxis ) }, { "float", "scanDist", (int)(&((idSecurityCamera *)0)->scanDist), sizeof( ((idSecurityCamera *)0)->scanDist ) }, { "float", "scanFov", (int)(&((idSecurityCamera *)0)->scanFov), sizeof( ((idSecurityCamera *)0)->scanFov ) }, { "float", "sweepStart", (int)(&((idSecurityCamera *)0)->sweepStart), sizeof( ((idSecurityCamera *)0)->sweepStart ) }, { "float", "sweepEnd", (int)(&((idSecurityCamera *)0)->sweepEnd), sizeof( ((idSecurityCamera *)0)->sweepEnd ) }, { "bool", "negativeSweep", (int)(&((idSecurityCamera *)0)->negativeSweep), sizeof( ((idSecurityCamera *)0)->negativeSweep ) }, { "bool", "sweeping", (int)(&((idSecurityCamera *)0)->sweeping), sizeof( ((idSecurityCamera *)0)->sweeping ) }, { "int", "alertMode", (int)(&((idSecurityCamera *)0)->alertMode), sizeof( ((idSecurityCamera *)0)->alertMode ) }, { "float", "stopSweeping", (int)(&((idSecurityCamera *)0)->stopSweeping), sizeof( ((idSecurityCamera *)0)->stopSweeping ) }, { "float", "scanFovCos", (int)(&((idSecurityCamera *)0)->scanFovCos), sizeof( ((idSecurityCamera *)0)->scanFovCos ) }, { "idVec3", "viewOffset", (int)(&((idSecurityCamera *)0)->viewOffset), sizeof( ((idSecurityCamera *)0)->viewOffset ) }, { "int", "pvsArea", (int)(&((idSecurityCamera *)0)->pvsArea), sizeof( ((idSecurityCamera *)0)->pvsArea ) }, { "idPhysics_RigidBody", "physicsObj", (int)(&((idSecurityCamera *)0)->physicsObj), sizeof( ((idSecurityCamera *)0)->physicsObj ) }, { "idTraceModel", "trm", (int)(&((idSecurityCamera *)0)->trm), sizeof( ((idSecurityCamera *)0)->trm ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t shard_t_typeInfo[] = { { "idClipModel *", "clipModel", (int)(&((shard_t *)0)->clipModel), sizeof( ((shard_t *)0)->clipModel ) }, { "idFixedWinding", "winding", (int)(&((shard_t *)0)->winding), sizeof( ((shard_t *)0)->winding ) }, { "idList < idFixedWinding * >", "decals", (int)(&((shard_t *)0)->decals), sizeof( ((shard_t *)0)->decals ) }, { "idList < bool >", "edgeHasNeighbour", (int)(&((shard_t *)0)->edgeHasNeighbour), sizeof( ((shard_t *)0)->edgeHasNeighbour ) }, { "idList < struct shard_s * >", "neighbours", (int)(&((shard_t *)0)->neighbours), sizeof( ((shard_t *)0)->neighbours ) }, { "idPhysics_RigidBody", "physicsObj", (int)(&((shard_t *)0)->physicsObj), sizeof( ((shard_t *)0)->physicsObj ) }, { "int", "droppedTime", (int)(&((shard_t *)0)->droppedTime), sizeof( ((shard_t *)0)->droppedTime ) }, { "bool", "atEdge", (int)(&((shard_t *)0)->atEdge), sizeof( ((shard_t *)0)->atEdge ) }, { "int", "islandNum", (int)(&((shard_t *)0)->islandNum), sizeof( ((shard_t *)0)->islandNum ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idBrittleFracture_typeInfo[] = { { "const idMaterial *", "material", (int)(&((idBrittleFracture 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"bool", "disableFracture", (int)(&((idBrittleFracture *)0)->disableFracture), sizeof( ((idBrittleFracture *)0)->disableFracture ) }, { "mutable int", "lastRenderEntityUpdate", (int)(&((idBrittleFracture *)0)->lastRenderEntityUpdate), sizeof( ((idBrittleFracture *)0)->lastRenderEntityUpdate ) }, { "mutable bool", "changed", (int)(&((idBrittleFracture *)0)->changed), sizeof( ((idBrittleFracture *)0)->changed ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t obstaclePath_t_typeInfo[] = { { "idVec3", "seekPos", (int)(&((obstaclePath_t *)0)->seekPos), sizeof( ((obstaclePath_t *)0)->seekPos ) }, { "idEntity *", "firstObstacle", (int)(&((obstaclePath_t *)0)->firstObstacle), sizeof( ((obstaclePath_t *)0)->firstObstacle ) }, { "idVec3", "startPosOutsideObstacles", (int)(&((obstaclePath_t *)0)->startPosOutsideObstacles), sizeof( ((obstaclePath_t *)0)->startPosOutsideObstacles ) }, { "idEntity *", "startPosObstacle", (int)(&((obstaclePath_t *)0)->startPosObstacle), sizeof( ((obstaclePath_t 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(int)(&((predictedPath_t *)0)->blockingEntity), sizeof( ((predictedPath_t *)0)->blockingEntity ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t particleEmitter_t_typeInfo[] = { { "const idDeclParticle *", "particle", (int)(&((particleEmitter_t *)0)->particle), sizeof( ((particleEmitter_t *)0)->particle ) }, { "int", "time", (int)(&((particleEmitter_t *)0)->time), sizeof( ((particleEmitter_t *)0)->time ) }, { "jointHandle_t", "joint", (int)(&((particleEmitter_t *)0)->joint), sizeof( ((particleEmitter_t *)0)->joint ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idMoveState_typeInfo[] = { { "moveType_t", "moveType", (int)(&((idMoveState *)0)->moveType), sizeof( ((idMoveState *)0)->moveType ) }, { "moveCommand_t", "moveCommand", (int)(&((idMoveState *)0)->moveCommand), sizeof( ((idMoveState *)0)->moveCommand ) }, { "moveStatus_t", "moveStatus", (int)(&((idMoveState *)0)->moveStatus), sizeof( ((idMoveState *)0)->moveStatus ) }, { "idVec3", "moveDest", (int)(&((idMoveState *)0)->moveDest), sizeof( ((idMoveState *)0)->moveDest ) }, { "idVec3", "moveDir", (int)(&((idMoveState *)0)->moveDir), sizeof( ((idMoveState *)0)->moveDir ) }, { "idEntityPtr < idEntity >", "goalEntity", (int)(&((idMoveState *)0)->goalEntity), sizeof( ((idMoveState *)0)->goalEntity ) }, { "idVec3", "goalEntityOrigin", (int)(&((idMoveState *)0)->goalEntityOrigin), sizeof( ((idMoveState *)0)->goalEntityOrigin ) }, { "int", "toAreaNum", (int)(&((idMoveState *)0)->toAreaNum), sizeof( ((idMoveState *)0)->toAreaNum ) }, { "int", "startTime", (int)(&((idMoveState *)0)->startTime), sizeof( ((idMoveState *)0)->startTime ) }, { "int", "duration", (int)(&((idMoveState *)0)->duration), sizeof( ((idMoveState *)0)->duration ) }, { "float", "speed", (int)(&((idMoveState *)0)->speed), sizeof( ((idMoveState *)0)->speed ) }, { "float", "range", (int)(&((idMoveState *)0)->range), sizeof( ((idMoveState *)0)->range ) }, { "float", "wanderYaw", (int)(&((idMoveState *)0)->wanderYaw), sizeof( ((idMoveState *)0)->wanderYaw ) 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"ignore_obstacles", (int)(&((idAI *)0)->ignore_obstacles), sizeof( ((idAI *)0)->ignore_obstacles ) }, { "float", "blockedRadius", (int)(&((idAI *)0)->blockedRadius), sizeof( ((idAI *)0)->blockedRadius ) }, { "int", "blockedMoveTime", (int)(&((idAI *)0)->blockedMoveTime), sizeof( ((idAI *)0)->blockedMoveTime ) }, { "int", "blockedAttackTime", (int)(&((idAI *)0)->blockedAttackTime), sizeof( ((idAI *)0)->blockedAttackTime ) }, { "float", "ideal_yaw", (int)(&((idAI *)0)->ideal_yaw), sizeof( ((idAI *)0)->ideal_yaw ) }, { "float", "current_yaw", (int)(&((idAI *)0)->current_yaw), sizeof( ((idAI *)0)->current_yaw ) }, { "float", "turnRate", (int)(&((idAI *)0)->turnRate), sizeof( ((idAI *)0)->turnRate ) }, { "float", "turnVel", (int)(&((idAI *)0)->turnVel), sizeof( ((idAI *)0)->turnVel ) }, { "float", "anim_turn_yaw", (int)(&((idAI *)0)->anim_turn_yaw), sizeof( ((idAI *)0)->anim_turn_yaw ) }, { "float", "anim_turn_amount", (int)(&((idAI *)0)->anim_turn_amount), sizeof( ((idAI 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"float", "cone_dist", (int)(&((idCombatNode *)0)->cone_dist), sizeof( ((idCombatNode *)0)->cone_dist ) }, { "float", "min_height", (int)(&((idCombatNode *)0)->min_height), sizeof( ((idCombatNode *)0)->min_height ) }, { "float", "max_height", (int)(&((idCombatNode *)0)->max_height), sizeof( ((idCombatNode *)0)->max_height ) }, { "idVec3", "cone_left", (int)(&((idCombatNode *)0)->cone_left), sizeof( ((idCombatNode *)0)->cone_left ) }, { "idVec3", "cone_right", (int)(&((idCombatNode *)0)->cone_right), sizeof( ((idCombatNode *)0)->cone_right ) }, { "idVec3", "offset", (int)(&((idCombatNode *)0)->offset), sizeof( ((idCombatNode *)0)->offset ) }, { "bool", "disabled", (int)(&((idCombatNode *)0)->disabled), sizeof( ((idCombatNode *)0)->disabled ) }, { NULL, 0 } }; static classVariableInfo_t idTestModel_typeInfo[] = { { "idEntityPtr < idEntity >", "head", (int)(&((idTestModel *)0)->head), sizeof( ((idTestModel *)0)->head ) }, { "idAnimator *", "headAnimator", (int)(&((idTestModel 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idBTree_class_objType_class_keyType_int_maxChildrenPerNode__typeInfo }, // { "idDynamicBlock< class type >", "", sizeof(idDynamicBlock< class type >), idDynamicBlock_class_type__typeInfo }, // { "idDynamicBlockAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize >", "", sizeof(idDynamicBlockAlloc< class type , int baseBlockSize , int minBlockSize >), idDynamicBlockAlloc_class_type_int_baseBlockSize_int_minBlockSize__typeInfo }, // { "idList< class type >", "", sizeof(idList< class type >), idList_class_type__typeInfo }, { "idSIMD", "", sizeof(idSIMD), idSIMD_typeInfo }, { "idSIMDProcessor", "", sizeof(idSIMDProcessor), idSIMDProcessor_typeInfo }, { "idMath::_flint", "", sizeof(idMath::_flint), idMath__flint_typeInfo }, { "idMath", "", sizeof(idMath), idMath_typeInfo }, { "idRandom", "", sizeof(idRandom), idRandom_typeInfo }, { "idRandom2", "", sizeof(idRandom2), idRandom2_typeInfo }, { "idComplex", "", sizeof(idComplex), idComplex_typeInfo }, { "idVec2", "", sizeof(idVec2), 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"idCurve_CubicBezier< class type >", "idCurve< type >", sizeof(idCurve_CubicBezier< class type >), idCurve_CubicBezier_class_type__typeInfo }, // { "idCurve_Spline< class type >", "idCurve< type >", sizeof(idCurve_Spline< class type >), idCurve_Spline_class_type__typeInfo }, // { "idCurve_NaturalCubicSpline< class type >", "idCurve_Spline< type >", sizeof(idCurve_NaturalCubicSpline< class type >), idCurve_NaturalCubicSpline_class_type__typeInfo }, // { "idCurve_CatmullRomSpline< class type >", "idCurve_Spline< type >", sizeof(idCurve_CatmullRomSpline< class type >), idCurve_CatmullRomSpline_class_type__typeInfo }, // { "idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline< class type >", "idCurve_Spline< type >", sizeof(idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline< class type >), idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline_class_type__typeInfo }, // { "idCurve_BSpline< class type >", "idCurve_Spline< type >", sizeof(idCurve_BSpline< class type >), idCurve_BSpline_class_type__typeInfo }, // { "idCurve_UniformCubicBSpline< class type >", 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