2020-06-12 21:06:25 +00:00
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright ( C ) 1999 - 2011 id Software LLC , a ZeniMax Media company .
This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ( ? Doom 3 Source Code ? ) .
Doom 3 Source Code is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 Source Code . If not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition , the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms . You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code . If not , please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below .
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms , you may contact in writing id Software LLC , c / o ZeniMax Media Inc . , Suite 120 , Rockville , Maryland 20850 USA .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
# include "../idlib/precompiled.h"
# pragma hdrstop
# include "Unzip.h"
# ifdef WIN32
# include <io.h> // for _read
# else
# if !__MACH__ && __MWERKS__
# include <types.h>
# include <stat.h>
# else
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/stat.h>
# endif
# include <unistd.h>
# endif
# include "../curl/include/curl/curl.h"
# endif
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
All of Doom ' s data access is through a hierarchical file system , but the contents of
the file system can be transparently merged from several sources .
A " relativePath " is a reference to game file data , which must include a terminating zero .
" .. " , " \\ " , and " : " are explicitly illegal in qpaths to prevent any references
outside the Doom directory system .
The " base path " is the path to the directory holding all the game directories and
usually the executable . It defaults to the current directory , but can be overridden
with " +set fs_basepath c: \ doom " on the command line . The base path cannot be modified
at all after startup .
The " save path " is the path to the directory where game files will be saved . It defaults
to the base path , but can be overridden with a " +set fs_savepath c: \ doom " on the
command line . Any files that are created during the game ( demos , screenshots , etc . ) will
be created reletive to the save path .
The " cd path " is the path to an alternate hierarchy that will be searched if a file
is not located in the base path . A user can do a partial install that copies some
data to a base path created on their hard drive and leave the rest on the cd . It defaults
to the current directory , but it can be overridden with " +set fs_cdpath g: \ doom " on the
command line .
The " dev path " is the path to an alternate hierarchy where the editors and tools used
during development ( Radiant , AF editor , dmap , runAAS ) will write files to . It defaults to
the cd path , but can be overridden with a " +set fs_devpath c: \ doom " on the command line .
If a user runs the game directly from a CD , the base path would be on the CD . This
should still function correctly , but all file writes will fail ( harmlessly ) .
The " base game " is the directory under the paths where data comes from by default , and
can be either " base " or " demo " .
The " current game " may be the same as the base game , or it may be the name of another
directory under the paths that should be searched for files before looking in the base
game . The game directory is set with " +set fs_game myaddon " on the command line . This is
the basis for addons .
No other directories outside of the base game and current game will ever be referenced by
filesystem functions .
To save disk space and speed up file loading , directory trees can be collapsed into zip
files . The files use a " .pk4 " extension to prevent users from unzipping them accidentally ,
but otherwise they are simply normal zip files . A game directory can have multiple zip
files of the form " pak0.pk4 " , " pak1.pk4 " , etc . Zip files are searched in decending order
from the highest number to the lowest , and will always take precedence over the filesystem .
This allows a pk4 distributed as a patch to override all existing data .
Because we will have updated executables freely available online , there is no point to
trying to restrict demo / oem versions of the game with code changes . Demo / oem versions
should be exactly the same executables as release versions , but with different data that
automatically restricts where game media can come from to prevent add - ons from working .
After the paths are initialized , Doom will look for the product . txt file . If not found
and verified , the game will run in restricted mode . In restricted mode , only files
contained in demo / pak0 . pk4 will be available for loading , and only if the zip header is
verified to not have been modified . A single exception is made for DoomConfig . cfg . Files
can still be written out in restricted mode , so screenshots and demos are allowed .
Restricted mode can be tested by setting " +set fs_restrict 1 " on the command line , even
if there is a valid product . txt under the basepath or cdpath .
If the " fs_copyfiles " cvar is set to 1 , then every time a file is sourced from the cd
path , it will be copied over to the save path . This is a development aid to help build
test releases and to copy working sets of files .
If the " fs_copyfiles " cvar is set to 2 , any file found in fs_cdpath that is newer than
it ' s fs_savepath version will be copied to fs_savepath ( in addition to the fs_copyfiles 1
behaviour ) .
If the " fs_copyfiles " cvar is set to 3 , files from both basepath and cdpath will be copied
over to the save path . This is useful when copying working sets of files mainly from base
path with an additional cd path ( which can be a slower network drive for instance ) .
If the " fs_copyfiles " cvar is set to 4 , files that exist in the cd path but NOT the base path
will be copied to the save path
NOTE : fs_copyfiles and case sensitivity . On fs_caseSensitiveOS 0 filesystems ( win32 ) , the
copied files may change casing when copied over .
The relative path " sound/newstuff/test.wav " would be searched for in the following places :
for save path , dev path , base path , cd path :
for current game , base game :
search directory
search zip files
downloaded files , to be written to save path + current game ' s directory
The filesystem can be safely shutdown and reinitialized with different
basedir / cddir / game combinations , but all other subsystems that rely on it
( sound , video ) must also be forced to restart .
" fs_caseSensitiveOS " :
This cvar is set on operating systems that use case sensitive filesystems ( Linux and OSX )
It is a common situation to have the media reference filenames , whereas the file on disc
only matches in a case - insensitive way . When " fs_caseSensitiveOS " is set , the filesystem
will always do a case insensitive search .
IMPORTANT : This only applies to files , and not to directories . There is no case - insensitive
matching of directories . All directory names should be lowercase , when " com_developer " is 1 ,
the filesystem will warn when it catches bad directory situations ( regardless of the
" fs_caseSensitiveOS " setting )
When bad casing in directories happen and " fs_caseSensitiveOS " is set , BuildOSPath will
attempt to correct the situation by forcing the path to lowercase . This assumes the media
is stored all lowercase .
" additional mod path search " :
fs_game_base can be used to set an additional search path
in search order , fs_game , fs_game_base , BASEGAME
for instance to base a mod of D3 + D3XP assets , fs_game mymod , fs_game_base d3xp
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idCVar com_developer ( " com_developer " , " 0 " , CVAR_INTEGER | CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_NOCHEAT , " developer mode " ) ;
// define to fix special-cases for GetPackStatus so that files that shipped in
// the wrong place for Doom 3 don't break pure servers.
typedef bool ( * pureExclusionFunc_t ) ( const struct pureExclusion_s & excl , int l , const idStr & name ) ;
typedef struct pureExclusion_s {
int nameLen ;
int extLen ;
const char * name ;
const char * ext ;
pureExclusionFunc_t func ;
} pureExclusion_t ;
bool excludeExtension ( const pureExclusion_t & excl , int l , const idStr & name ) {
if ( l > excl . extLen & & ! idStr : : Icmp ( name . c_str ( ) + l - excl . extLen , excl . ext ) ) {
return true ;
return false ;
bool excludePathPrefixAndExtension ( const pureExclusion_t & excl , int l , const idStr & name ) {
if ( l > excl . nameLen & & ! idStr : : Icmp ( name . c_str ( ) + l - excl . extLen , excl . ext ) & & ! name . IcmpPrefixPath ( excl . name ) ) {
return true ;
return false ;
bool excludeFullName ( const pureExclusion_t & excl , int l , const idStr & name ) {
if ( l = = excl . nameLen & & ! name . Icmp ( excl . name ) ) {
return true ;
return false ;
static pureExclusion_t pureExclusions [ ] = {
{ 0 , 0 , NULL , " / " , excludeExtension } ,
{ 0 , 0 , NULL , " \\ " , excludeExtension } ,
{ 0 , 0 , NULL , " .pda " , excludeExtension } ,
{ 0 , 0 , NULL , " .gui " , excludeExtension } ,
{ 0 , 0 , NULL , " .pd " , excludeExtension } ,
{ 0 , 0 , NULL , " .lang " , excludeExtension } ,
{ 0 , 0 , " sound/VO " , " .ogg " , excludePathPrefixAndExtension } ,
{ 0 , 0 , " sound/VO " , " .wav " , excludePathPrefixAndExtension } ,
// add any special-case files or paths for pure servers here
{ 0 , 0 , " sound/ed/marscity/vo_intro_cutscene.ogg " , NULL , excludeFullName } ,
{ 0 , 0 , " sound/weapons/soulcube/energize_01.ogg " , NULL , excludeFullName } ,
{ 0 , 0 , " sound/xian/creepy/vocal_fx " , " .ogg " , excludePathPrefixAndExtension } ,
{ 0 , 0 , " sound/xian/creepy/vocal_fx " , " .wav " , excludePathPrefixAndExtension } ,
{ 0 , 0 , " sound/feedback " , " .ogg " , excludePathPrefixAndExtension } ,
{ 0 , 0 , " sound/feedback " , " .wav " , excludePathPrefixAndExtension } ,
{ 0 , 0 , " guis/assets/mainmenu/chnote.tga " , NULL , excludeFullName } ,
{ 0 , 0 , " sound/levels/alphalabs2/uac_better_place.ogg " , NULL , excludeFullName } ,
{ 0 , 0 , " textures/bigchars.tga " , NULL , excludeFullName } ,
{ 0 , 0 , " dds/textures/bigchars.dds " , NULL , excludeFullName } ,
{ 0 , 0 , " fonts " , " .tga " , excludePathPrefixAndExtension } ,
{ 0 , 0 , " dds/fonts " , " .dds " , excludePathPrefixAndExtension } ,
{ 0 , 0 , " default.cfg " , NULL , excludeFullName } ,
// russian zpak001.pk4
{ 0 , 0 , " fonts " , " .dat " , excludePathPrefixAndExtension } ,
{ 0 , 0 , " guis/temp.guied " , NULL , excludeFullName } ,
# endif
{ 0 , 0 , NULL , NULL , NULL }
} ;
// ensures that lengths for pure exclusions are correct
class idInitExclusions {
public :
idInitExclusions ( ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; pureExclusions [ i ] . func ! = NULL ; i + + ) {
if ( pureExclusions [ i ] . name ) {
pureExclusions [ i ] . nameLen = idStr : : Length ( pureExclusions [ i ] . name ) ;
if ( pureExclusions [ i ] . ext ) {
pureExclusions [ i ] . extLen = idStr : : Length ( pureExclusions [ i ] . ext ) ;
} ;
static idInitExclusions initExclusions ;
# define MAX_ZIPPED_FILE_NAME 2048
# define FILE_HASH_SIZE 1024
typedef struct fileInPack_s {
idStr name ; // name of the file
unsigned long pos ; // file info position in zip
struct fileInPack_s * next ; // next file in the hash
} fileInPack_t ;
typedef enum {
} binaryStatus_t ;
typedef enum {
PURE_UNKNOWN = 0 , // need to run the pak through GetPackStatus
PURE_NEUTRAL , // neutral regarding pureness. gets in the pure list if referenced
PURE_ALWAYS , // always referenced - for pak* named files, unless NEVER
PURE_NEVER // VO paks. may be referenced, won't be in the pure lists
} pureStatus_t ;
typedef struct {
idList < int > depends ;
idList < idDict * > mapDecls ;
} addonInfo_t ;
typedef struct {
idStr pakFilename ; // c:\doom\base\pak0.pk4
unzFile handle ;
int checksum ;
int numfiles ;
int length ;
bool referenced ;
binaryStatus_t binary ;
bool addon ; // this is an addon pack - addon_search tells if it's 'active'
bool addon_search ; // is in the search list
addonInfo_t * addon_info ;
pureStatus_t pureStatus ;
bool isNew ; // for downloaded paks
fileInPack_t * hashTable [ FILE_HASH_SIZE ] ;
fileInPack_t * buildBuffer ;
} pack_t ;
typedef struct {
idStr path ; // c:\doom
idStr gamedir ; // base
} directory_t ;
typedef struct searchpath_s {
pack_t * pack ; // only one of pack / dir will be non NULL
directory_t * dir ;
struct searchpath_s * next ;
} searchpath_t ;
// search flags when opening a file
# define FSFLAG_SEARCH_DIRS ( 1 << 0 )
# define FSFLAG_SEARCH_PAKS ( 1 << 1 )
# define FSFLAG_PURE_NOREF ( 1 << 2 )
# define FSFLAG_BINARY_ONLY ( 1 << 3 )
# define FSFLAG_SEARCH_ADDONS ( 1 << 4 )
// 3 search path (fs_savepath fs_basepath fs_cdpath)
// + .jpg and .tga
# define MAX_CACHED_DIRS 6
// how many OSes to handle game paks for ( we don't have to know them precisely )
# define MAX_GAME_OS 6
# define BINARY_CONFIG "binary.conf"
# define ADDON_CONFIG "addon.conf"
class idDEntry : public idStrList {
public :
idDEntry ( ) { }
virtual ~ idDEntry ( ) { }
bool Matches ( const char * directory , const char * extension ) const ;
void Init ( const char * directory , const char * extension , const idStrList & list ) ;
void Clear ( void ) ;
private :
idStr directory ;
idStr extension ;
} ;
class idFileSystemLocal : public idFileSystem {
public :
idFileSystemLocal ( void ) ;
virtual void Init ( void ) ;
virtual void StartBackgroundDownloadThread ( void ) ;
virtual void Restart ( void ) ;
virtual void Shutdown ( bool reloading ) ;
virtual bool IsInitialized ( void ) const ;
virtual bool PerformingCopyFiles ( void ) const ;
virtual idModList * ListMods ( void ) ;
virtual void FreeModList ( idModList * modList ) ;
virtual idFileList * ListFiles ( const char * relativePath , const char * extension , bool sort = false , bool fullRelativePath = false , const char * gamedir = NULL ) ;
virtual idFileList * ListFilesTree ( const char * relativePath , const char * extension , bool sort = false , const char * gamedir = NULL ) ;
virtual void FreeFileList ( idFileList * fileList ) ;
virtual const char * OSPathToRelativePath ( const char * OSPath ) ;
virtual const char * RelativePathToOSPath ( const char * relativePath , const char * basePath ) ;
virtual const char * BuildOSPath ( const char * base , const char * game , const char * relativePath ) ;
virtual void CreateOSPath ( const char * OSPath ) ;
virtual bool FileIsInPAK ( const char * relativePath ) ;
virtual void UpdatePureServerChecksums ( void ) ;
virtual bool UpdateGamePakChecksums ( void ) ;
virtual fsPureReply_t SetPureServerChecksums ( const int pureChecksums [ MAX_PURE_PAKS ] , int gamePakChecksum , int missingChecksums [ MAX_PURE_PAKS ] , int * missingGamePakChecksum ) ;
virtual void GetPureServerChecksums ( int checksums [ MAX_PURE_PAKS ] , int OS , int * gamePakChecksum ) ;
virtual void SetRestartChecksums ( const int pureChecksums [ MAX_PURE_PAKS ] , int gamePakChecksum ) ;
virtual void ClearPureChecksums ( void ) ;
virtual int GetOSMask ( void ) ;
virtual int ReadFile ( const char * relativePath , void * * buffer , ID_TIME_T * timestamp ) ;
virtual void FreeFile ( void * buffer ) ;
virtual int WriteFile ( const char * relativePath , const void * buffer , int size , const char * basePath = " fs_savepath " ) ;
virtual void RemoveFile ( const char * relativePath ) ;
virtual idFile * OpenFileReadFlags ( const char * relativePath , int searchFlags , pack_t * * foundInPak = NULL , bool allowCopyFiles = true , const char * gamedir = NULL ) ;
virtual idFile * OpenFileRead ( const char * relativePath , bool allowCopyFiles = true , const char * gamedir = NULL ) ;
virtual idFile * OpenFileWrite ( const char * relativePath , const char * basePath = " fs_savepath " ) ;
virtual idFile * OpenFileAppend ( const char * relativePath , bool sync = false , const char * basePath = " fs_basepath " ) ;
virtual idFile * OpenFileByMode ( const char * relativePath , fsMode_t mode ) ;
virtual idFile * OpenExplicitFileRead ( const char * OSPath ) ;
virtual idFile * OpenExplicitFileWrite ( const char * OSPath ) ;
virtual void CloseFile ( idFile * f ) ;
virtual void BackgroundDownload ( backgroundDownload_t * bgl ) ;
virtual void ResetReadCount ( void ) { readCount = 0 ; }
virtual void AddToReadCount ( int c ) { readCount + = c ; }
virtual int GetReadCount ( void ) { return readCount ; }
virtual void FindDLL ( const char * basename , char dllPath [ MAX_OSPATH ] , bool updateChecksum ) ;
virtual void ClearDirCache ( void ) ;
virtual bool HasD3XP ( void ) ;
virtual bool RunningD3XP ( void ) ;
virtual void CopyFile ( const char * fromOSPath , const char * toOSPath ) ;
virtual int ValidateDownloadPakForChecksum ( int checksum , char path [ MAX_STRING_CHARS ] , bool isBinary ) ;
virtual idFile * MakeTemporaryFile ( void ) ;
virtual int AddZipFile ( const char * path ) ;
virtual findFile_t FindFile ( const char * path , bool scheduleAddons ) ;
virtual int GetNumMaps ( ) ;
virtual const idDict * GetMapDecl ( int i ) ;
virtual void FindMapScreenshot ( const char * path , char * buf , int len ) ;
virtual bool FilenameCompare ( const char * s1 , const char * s2 ) const ;
static void Dir_f ( const idCmdArgs & args ) ;
static void DirTree_f ( const idCmdArgs & args ) ;
static void Path_f ( const idCmdArgs & args ) ;
static void TouchFile_f ( const idCmdArgs & args ) ;
static void TouchFileList_f ( const idCmdArgs & args ) ;
virtual idStr GetModDescription ( idStr descPath ) ;
private :
friend dword BackgroundDownloadThread ( void * parms ) ;
searchpath_t * searchPaths ;
int readCount ; // total bytes read
int loadCount ; // total files read
int loadStack ; // total files in memory
idStr gameFolder ; // this will be a single name without separators
searchpath_t * addonPaks ; // not loaded up, but we saw them
idDict mapDict ; // for GetMapDecl
static idCVar fs_debug ;
static idCVar fs_restrict ;
static idCVar fs_copyfiles ;
static idCVar fs_basepath ;
static idCVar fs_savepath ;
static idCVar fs_cdpath ;
static idCVar fs_devpath ;
static idCVar fs_game ;
static idCVar fs_game_base ;
static idCVar fs_caseSensitiveOS ;
static idCVar fs_searchAddons ;
backgroundDownload_t * backgroundDownloads ;
backgroundDownload_t defaultBackgroundDownload ;
xthreadInfo backgroundThread ;
idList < pack_t * > serverPaks ;
bool loadedFileFromDir ; // set to true once a file was loaded from a directory - can't switch to pure anymore
idList < int > restartChecksums ; // used during a restart to set things in right order
idList < int > addonChecksums ; // list of checksums that should go to the search list directly ( for restarts )
int restartGamePakChecksum ;
int gameDLLChecksum ; // the checksum of the last loaded game DLL
int gamePakChecksum ; // the checksum of the pak holding the loaded game DLL
int gamePakForOS [ MAX_GAME_OS ] ;
idDEntry dir_cache [ MAX_CACHED_DIRS ] ; // fifo
int dir_cache_index ;
int dir_cache_count ;
int d3xp ; // 0: didn't check, -1: not installed, 1: installed
private :
void ReplaceSeparators ( idStr & path , char sep = PATHSEPERATOR_CHAR ) ;
long HashFileName ( const char * fname ) const ;
int ListOSFiles ( const char * directory , const char * extension , idStrList & list ) ;
FILE * OpenOSFile ( const char * name , const char * mode , idStr * caseSensitiveName = NULL ) ;
FILE * OpenOSFileCorrectName ( idStr & path , const char * mode ) ;
int DirectFileLength ( FILE * o ) ;
void CopyFile ( idFile * src , const char * toOSPath ) ;
int AddUnique ( const char * name , idStrList & list , idHashIndex & hashIndex ) const ;
void GetExtensionList ( const char * extension , idStrList & extensionList ) const ;
int GetFileList ( const char * relativePath , const idStrList & extensions , idStrList & list , idHashIndex & hashIndex , bool fullRelativePath , const char * gamedir = NULL ) ;
int GetFileListTree ( const char * relativePath , const idStrList & extensions , idStrList & list , idHashIndex & hashIndex , const char * gamedir = NULL ) ;
pack_t * LoadZipFile ( const char * zipfile ) ;
void AddGameDirectory ( const char * path , const char * dir ) ;
void SetupGameDirectories ( const char * gameName ) ;
void Startup ( void ) ;
void SetRestrictions ( void ) ;
// some files can be obtained from directories without compromising si_pure
bool FileAllowedFromDir ( const char * path ) ;
// searches all the paks, no pure check
pack_t * GetPackForChecksum ( int checksum , bool searchAddons = false ) ;
// searches all the paks, no pure check
pack_t * FindPakForFileChecksum ( const char * relativePath , int fileChecksum , bool bReference ) ;
idFile_InZip * ReadFileFromZip ( pack_t * pak , fileInPack_t * pakFile , const char * relativePath ) ;
int GetFileChecksum ( idFile * file ) ;
pureStatus_t GetPackStatus ( pack_t * pak ) ;
addonInfo_t * ParseAddonDef ( const char * buf , const int len ) ;
void FollowAddonDependencies ( pack_t * pak ) ;
static size_t CurlWriteFunction ( void * ptr , size_t size , size_t nmemb , void * stream ) ;
// curl_progress_callback in curl.h
static int CurlProgressFunction ( void * clientp , double dltotal , double dlnow , double ultotal , double ulnow ) ;
} ;
idCVar idFileSystemLocal : : fs_restrict ( " fs_restrict " , " " , CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_INIT | CVAR_BOOL , " " ) ;
idCVar idFileSystemLocal : : fs_debug ( " fs_debug " , " 0 " , CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_INTEGER , " " , 0 , 2 , idCmdSystem : : ArgCompletion_Integer < 0 , 2 > ) ;
idCVar idFileSystemLocal : : fs_copyfiles ( " fs_copyfiles " , " 0 " , CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_INIT | CVAR_INTEGER , " " , 0 , 4 , idCmdSystem : : ArgCompletion_Integer < 0 , 3 > ) ;
idCVar idFileSystemLocal : : fs_basepath ( " fs_basepath " , " " , CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_INIT , " " ) ;
idCVar idFileSystemLocal : : fs_savepath ( " fs_savepath " , " " , CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_INIT , " " ) ;
idCVar idFileSystemLocal : : fs_cdpath ( " fs_cdpath " , " " , CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_INIT , " " ) ;
idCVar idFileSystemLocal : : fs_devpath ( " fs_devpath " , " " , CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_INIT , " " ) ;
idCVar idFileSystemLocal : : fs_game ( " fs_game " , " " , CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_INIT | CVAR_SERVERINFO , " mod path " ) ;
idCVar idFileSystemLocal : : fs_game_base ( " fs_game_base " , " " , CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_INIT | CVAR_SERVERINFO , " alternate mod path, searched after the main fs_game path, before the basedir " ) ;
# ifdef WIN32
idCVar idFileSystemLocal : : fs_caseSensitiveOS ( " fs_caseSensitiveOS " , " 0 " , CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_BOOL , " " ) ;
# else
idCVar idFileSystemLocal : : fs_caseSensitiveOS ( " fs_caseSensitiveOS " , " 1 " , CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_BOOL , " " ) ;
# endif
idCVar idFileSystemLocal : : fs_searchAddons ( " fs_searchAddons " , " 0 " , CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_BOOL , " search all addon pk4s ( disables addon functionality ) " ) ;
idFileSystemLocal fileSystemLocal ;
idFileSystem * fileSystem = & fileSystemLocal ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : idFileSystemLocal
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : idFileSystemLocal ( void ) {
searchPaths = NULL ;
readCount = 0 ;
loadCount = 0 ;
loadStack = 0 ;
dir_cache_index = 0 ;
dir_cache_count = 0 ;
d3xp = 0 ;
loadedFileFromDir = false ;
restartGamePakChecksum = 0 ;
memset ( & backgroundThread , 0 , sizeof ( backgroundThread ) ) ;
addonPaks = NULL ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : HashFileName
return a hash value for the filename
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
long idFileSystemLocal : : HashFileName ( const char * fname ) const {
int i ;
long hash ;
char letter ;
hash = 0 ;
i = 0 ;
while ( fname [ i ] ! = ' \0 ' ) {
letter = idStr : : ToLower ( fname [ i ] ) ;
if ( letter = = ' . ' ) {
break ; // don't include extension
if ( letter = = ' \\ ' ) {
letter = ' / ' ; // damn path names
hash + = ( long ) ( letter ) * ( i + 119 ) ;
i + + ;
hash & = ( FILE_HASH_SIZE - 1 ) ;
return hash ;
= = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : FilenameCompare
Ignore case and separator char distinctions
= = = = = = = = = = =
bool idFileSystemLocal : : FilenameCompare ( const char * s1 , const char * s2 ) const {
int c1 , c2 ;
do {
c1 = * s1 + + ;
c2 = * s2 + + ;
if ( c1 > = ' a ' & & c1 < = ' z ' ) {
c1 - = ( ' a ' - ' A ' ) ;
if ( c2 > = ' a ' & & c2 < = ' z ' ) {
c2 - = ( ' a ' - ' A ' ) ;
if ( c1 = = ' \\ ' | | c1 = = ' : ' ) {
c1 = ' / ' ;
if ( c2 = = ' \\ ' | | c2 = = ' : ' ) {
c2 = ' / ' ;
if ( c1 ! = c2 ) {
return true ; // strings not equal
} while ( c1 ) ;
return false ; // strings are equal
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : OpenOSFile
optional caseSensitiveName is set to case sensitive file name as found on disc ( fs_caseSensitiveOS only )
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
FILE * idFileSystemLocal : : OpenOSFile ( const char * fileName , const char * mode , idStr * caseSensitiveName ) {
int i ;
FILE * fp ;
idStr fpath , entry ;
idStrList list ;
# ifndef __MWERKS__
# ifndef WIN32
// some systems will let you fopen a directory
struct stat buf ;
if ( stat ( fileName , & buf ) ! = - 1 & & ! S_ISREG ( buf . st_mode ) ) {
return NULL ;
# endif
# endif
fp = fopen ( fileName , mode ) ;
if ( ! fp & & fs_caseSensitiveOS . GetBool ( ) ) {
fpath = fileName ;
fpath . StripFilename ( ) ;
fpath . StripTrailing ( PATHSEPERATOR_CHAR ) ;
if ( ListOSFiles ( fpath , NULL , list ) = = - 1 ) {
return NULL ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < list . Num ( ) ; i + + ) {
entry = fpath + PATHSEPERATOR_CHAR + list [ i ] ;
if ( ! entry . Icmp ( fileName ) ) {
fp = fopen ( entry , mode ) ;
if ( fp ) {
if ( caseSensitiveName ) {
* caseSensitiveName = entry ;
caseSensitiveName - > StripPath ( ) ;
if ( fs_debug . GetInteger ( ) ) {
common - > Printf ( " idFileSystemLocal::OpenFileRead: changed %s to %s \n " , fileName , entry . c_str ( ) ) ;
break ;
} else {
// not supposed to happen if ListOSFiles is doing it's job correctly
common - > Warning ( " idFileSystemLocal::OpenFileRead: fs_caseSensitiveOS 1 could not open %s " , entry . c_str ( ) ) ;
} else if ( caseSensitiveName ) {
* caseSensitiveName = fileName ;
caseSensitiveName - > StripPath ( ) ;
return fp ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : OpenOSFileCorrectName
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
FILE * idFileSystemLocal : : OpenOSFileCorrectName ( idStr & path , const char * mode ) {
idStr caseName ;
FILE * f = OpenOSFile ( path . c_str ( ) , mode , & caseName ) ;
if ( f ) {
path . StripFilename ( ) ;
path + = caseName ;
return f ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : DirectFileLength
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
int idFileSystemLocal : : DirectFileLength ( FILE * o ) {
int pos ;
int end ;
pos = ftell ( o ) ;
fseek ( o , 0 , SEEK_END ) ;
end = ftell ( o ) ;
fseek ( o , pos , SEEK_SET ) ;
return end ;
= = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : CreateOSPath
Creates any directories needed to store the given filename
= = = = = = = = = = = =
void idFileSystemLocal : : CreateOSPath ( const char * OSPath ) {
char * ofs ;
// make absolutely sure that it can't back up the path
// FIXME: what about c: ?
if ( strstr ( OSPath , " .. " ) | | strstr ( OSPath , " :: " ) ) {
# ifdef _DEBUG
common - > DPrintf ( " refusing to create relative path \" %s \" \n " , OSPath ) ;
# endif
return ;
idStr path ( OSPath ) ;
for ( ofs = & path [ 1 ] ; * ofs ; ofs + + ) {
if ( * ofs = = PATHSEPERATOR_CHAR ) {
// create the directory
* ofs = 0 ;
Sys_Mkdir ( path ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : CopyFile
Copy a fully specified file from one place to another
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void idFileSystemLocal : : CopyFile ( const char * fromOSPath , const char * toOSPath ) {
FILE * f ;
int len ;
byte * buf ;
common - > Printf ( " copy %s to %s \n " , fromOSPath , toOSPath ) ;
f = OpenOSFile ( fromOSPath , " rb " ) ;
if ( ! f ) {
return ;
fseek ( f , 0 , SEEK_END ) ;
len = ftell ( f ) ;
fseek ( f , 0 , SEEK_SET ) ;
buf = ( byte * ) Mem_Alloc ( len ) ;
if ( fread ( buf , 1 , len , f ) ! = ( unsigned int ) len ) {
common - > FatalError ( " short read in idFileSystemLocal::CopyFile() \n " ) ;
fclose ( f ) ;
CreateOSPath ( toOSPath ) ;
f = OpenOSFile ( toOSPath , " wb " ) ;
if ( ! f ) {
common - > Printf ( " could not create destination file \n " ) ;
Mem_Free ( buf ) ;
return ;
if ( fwrite ( buf , 1 , len , f ) ! = ( unsigned int ) len ) {
common - > FatalError ( " short write in idFileSystemLocal::CopyFile() \n " ) ;
fclose ( f ) ;
Mem_Free ( buf ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : CopyFile
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void idFileSystemLocal : : CopyFile ( idFile * src , const char * toOSPath ) {
FILE * f ;
int len ;
byte * buf ;
common - > Printf ( " copy %s to %s \n " , src - > GetName ( ) , toOSPath ) ;
src - > Seek ( 0 , FS_SEEK_END ) ;
len = src - > Tell ( ) ;
src - > Seek ( 0 , FS_SEEK_SET ) ;
buf = ( byte * ) Mem_Alloc ( len ) ;
if ( src - > Read ( buf , len ) ! = len ) {
common - > FatalError ( " Short read in idFileSystemLocal::CopyFile() \n " ) ;
CreateOSPath ( toOSPath ) ;
f = OpenOSFile ( toOSPath , " wb " ) ;
if ( ! f ) {
common - > Printf ( " could not create destination file \n " ) ;
Mem_Free ( buf ) ;
return ;
if ( fwrite ( buf , 1 , len , f ) ! = ( unsigned int ) len ) {
common - > FatalError ( " Short write in idFileSystemLocal::CopyFile() \n " ) ;
fclose ( f ) ;
Mem_Free ( buf ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : ReplaceSeparators
Fix things up differently for win / unix / mac
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void idFileSystemLocal : : ReplaceSeparators ( idStr & path , char sep ) {
char * s ;
for ( s = & path [ 0 ] ; * s ; s + + ) {
if ( * s = = ' / ' | | * s = = ' \\ ' ) {
* s = sep ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : BuildOSPath
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
const char * idFileSystemLocal : : BuildOSPath ( const char * base , const char * game , const char * relativePath ) {
static char OSPath [ MAX_STRING_CHARS ] ;
idStr newPath ;
if ( fs_caseSensitiveOS . GetBool ( ) | | com_developer . GetBool ( ) ) {
// extract the path, make sure it's all lowercase
idStr testPath , fileName ;
// only test if the relative path is actually relative
if ( strlen ( relativePath ) > 0 & & strstr ( relativePath , GAME_NAME ) = = NULL ) // if the game name is in the path
sprintf ( testPath , " %s/%s " , game , relativePath ) ;
testPath . StripFilename ( ) ;
if ( testPath . HasUpper ( ) ) {
common - > DPrintf ( " Non-portable: path contains uppercase characters: %s \n " , testPath . c_str ( ) ) ;
// attempt a fixup on the fly
if ( fs_caseSensitiveOS . GetBool ( ) ) {
testPath . ToLower ( ) ;
fileName = relativePath ;
fileName . StripPath ( ) ;
sprintf ( newPath , " %s/%s/%s " , base , testPath . c_str ( ) , fileName . c_str ( ) ) ;
ReplaceSeparators ( newPath ) ;
common - > DPrintf ( " Fixed up to %s \n " , newPath . c_str ( ) ) ;
idStr : : Copynz ( OSPath , newPath , sizeof ( OSPath ) ) ;
return OSPath ;
idStr strBase = base ;
strBase . StripTrailing ( ' / ' ) ;
strBase . StripTrailing ( ' \\ ' ) ;
sprintf ( newPath , " %s/%s/%s " , strBase . c_str ( ) , game , relativePath ) ;
ReplaceSeparators ( newPath ) ;
idStr : : Copynz ( OSPath , newPath , sizeof ( OSPath ) ) ;
return OSPath ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : OSPathToRelativePath
takes a full OS path , as might be found in data from a media creation
program , and converts it to a relativePath by stripping off directories
Returns false if the osPath tree doesn ' t match any of the existing
search paths .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
const char * idFileSystemLocal : : OSPathToRelativePath ( const char * OSPath ) {
static char relativePath [ MAX_STRING_CHARS ] ;
char * s , * base ;
// skip a drive letter?
// search for anything with "base" in it
// Ase files from max may have the form of:
// "//Purgatory/purgatory/doom/base/models/mapobjects/bitch/hologirl.tga"
// which won't match any of our drive letter based search paths
bool ignoreWarning = false ;
base = strstr ( OSPath , BASE_GAMEDIR ) ;
idStr tempStr = OSPath ;
tempStr . ToLower ( ) ;
if ( ( strstr ( tempStr , " // " ) | | strstr ( tempStr , " w: " ) ) & & strstr ( tempStr , " /doom/base/ " ) ) {
// will cause a warning but will load the file. ase models have
// hard coded doom/base/ in the material names
base = strstr ( OSPath , " base " ) ;
ignoreWarning = true ;
# else
// look for the first complete directory name
base = ( char * ) strstr ( OSPath , BASE_GAMEDIR ) ;
while ( base ) {
char c1 = ' \0 ' , c2 ;
if ( base > OSPath ) {
c1 = * ( base - 1 ) ;
c2 = * ( base + strlen ( BASE_GAMEDIR ) ) ;
if ( ( c1 = = ' / ' | | c1 = = ' \\ ' ) & & ( c2 = = ' / ' | | c2 = = ' \\ ' ) ) {
break ;
base = strstr ( base + 1 , BASE_GAMEDIR ) ;
# endif
// fs_game and fs_game_base support - look for first complete name with a mod path
// ( fs_game searched before fs_game_base )
const char * fsgame = NULL ;
int igame = 0 ;
for ( igame = 0 ; igame < 2 ; igame + + ) {
if ( igame = = 0 ) {
fsgame = fs_game . GetString ( ) ;
} else if ( igame = = 1 ) {
fsgame = fs_game_base . GetString ( ) ;
if ( base = = NULL & & fsgame & & strlen ( fsgame ) ) {
base = ( char * ) strstr ( OSPath , fsgame ) ;
while ( base ) {
char c1 = ' \0 ' , c2 ;
if ( base > OSPath ) {
c1 = * ( base - 1 ) ;
c2 = * ( base + strlen ( fsgame ) ) ;
if ( ( c1 = = ' / ' | | c1 = = ' \\ ' ) & & ( c2 = = ' / ' | | c2 = = ' \\ ' ) ) {
break ;
base = strstr ( base + 1 , fsgame ) ;
if ( base ) {
s = strstr ( base , " / " ) ;
if ( ! s ) {
s = strstr ( base , " \\ " ) ;
if ( s ) {
strcpy ( relativePath , s + 1 ) ;
if ( fs_debug . GetInteger ( ) > 1 ) {
common - > Printf ( " idFileSystem::OSPathToRelativePath: %s becomes %s \n " , OSPath , relativePath ) ;
return relativePath ;
if ( ! ignoreWarning ) {
common - > Warning ( " idFileSystem::OSPathToRelativePath failed on %s " , OSPath ) ;
strcpy ( relativePath , " " ) ;
return relativePath ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : RelativePathToOSPath
Returns a fully qualified path that can be used with stdio libraries
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
const char * idFileSystemLocal : : RelativePathToOSPath ( const char * relativePath , const char * basePath ) {
const char * path = cvarSystem - > GetCVarString ( basePath ) ;
if ( ! path [ 0 ] ) {
path = fs_savepath . GetString ( ) ;
return BuildOSPath ( path , gameFolder , relativePath ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : RemoveFile
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void idFileSystemLocal : : RemoveFile ( const char * relativePath ) {
idStr OSPath ;
if ( fs_devpath . GetString ( ) [ 0 ] ) {
OSPath = BuildOSPath ( fs_devpath . GetString ( ) , gameFolder , relativePath ) ;
remove ( OSPath ) ;
OSPath = BuildOSPath ( fs_savepath . GetString ( ) , gameFolder , relativePath ) ;
remove ( OSPath ) ;
ClearDirCache ( ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : FileIsInPAK
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
bool idFileSystemLocal : : FileIsInPAK ( const char * relativePath ) {
searchpath_t * search ;
pack_t * pak ;
fileInPack_t * pakFile ;
long hash ;
if ( ! searchPaths ) {
common - > FatalError ( " Filesystem call made without initialization \n " ) ;
if ( ! relativePath ) {
common - > FatalError ( " idFileSystemLocal::FileIsInPAK: NULL 'relativePath' parameter passed \n " ) ;
// qpaths are not supposed to have a leading slash
if ( relativePath [ 0 ] = = ' / ' | | relativePath [ 0 ] = = ' \\ ' ) {
relativePath + + ;
// make absolutely sure that it can't back up the path.
// The searchpaths do guarantee that something will always
// be prepended, so we don't need to worry about "c:" or "//limbo"
if ( strstr ( relativePath , " .. " ) | | strstr ( relativePath , " :: " ) ) {
return false ;
// search through the path, one element at a time
hash = HashFileName ( relativePath ) ;
for ( search = searchPaths ; search ; search = search - > next ) {
// is the element a pak file?
if ( search - > pack & & search - > pack - > hashTable [ hash ] ) {
// disregard if it doesn't match one of the allowed pure pak files - or is a localization file
if ( serverPaks . Num ( ) ) {
GetPackStatus ( search - > pack ) ;
if ( search - > pack - > pureStatus ! = PURE_NEVER & & ! serverPaks . Find ( search - > pack ) ) {
continue ; // not on the pure server pak list
// look through all the pak file elements
pak = search - > pack ;
pakFile = pak - > hashTable [ hash ] ;
do {
// case and separator insensitive comparisons
if ( ! FilenameCompare ( pakFile - > name , relativePath ) ) {
return true ;
pakFile = pakFile - > next ;
} while ( pakFile ! = NULL ) ;
return false ;
= = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : ReadFile
Filename are relative to the search path
a null buffer will just return the file length and time without loading
timestamp can be NULL if not required
= = = = = = = = = = = =
int idFileSystemLocal : : ReadFile ( const char * relativePath , void * * buffer , ID_TIME_T * timestamp ) {
idFile * f ;
byte * buf ;
int len ;
bool isConfig ;
if ( ! searchPaths ) {
common - > FatalError ( " Filesystem call made without initialization \n " ) ;
if ( ! relativePath | | ! relativePath [ 0 ] ) {
common - > FatalError ( " idFileSystemLocal::ReadFile with empty name \n " ) ;
if ( timestamp ) {
if ( buffer ) {
* buffer = NULL ;
buf = NULL ; // quiet compiler warning
// if this is a .cfg file and we are playing back a journal, read
// it from the journal file
if ( strstr ( relativePath , " .cfg " ) = = relativePath + strlen ( relativePath ) - 4 ) {
isConfig = true ;
if ( eventLoop & & eventLoop - > JournalLevel ( ) = = 2 ) {
int r ;
loadCount + + ;
loadStack + + ;
common - > DPrintf ( " Loading %s from journal file. \n " , relativePath ) ;
len = 0 ;
r = eventLoop - > com_journalDataFile - > Read ( & len , sizeof ( len ) ) ;
if ( r ! = sizeof ( len ) ) {
* buffer = NULL ;
return - 1 ;
buf = ( byte * ) Mem_ClearedAlloc ( len + 1 ) ;
* buffer = buf ;
r = eventLoop - > com_journalDataFile - > Read ( buf , len ) ;
if ( r ! = len ) {
common - > FatalError ( " Read from journalDataFile failed " ) ;
// guarantee that it will have a trailing 0 for string operations
buf [ len ] = 0 ;
return len ;
} else {
isConfig = false ;
// look for it in the filesystem or pack files
f = OpenFileRead ( relativePath , ( buffer ! = NULL ) ) ;
if ( f = = NULL ) {
if ( buffer ) {
* buffer = NULL ;
return - 1 ;
len = f - > Length ( ) ;
if ( timestamp ) {
* timestamp = f - > Timestamp ( ) ;
if ( ! buffer ) {
CloseFile ( f ) ;
return len ;
loadCount + + ;
loadStack + + ;
buf = ( byte * ) Mem_ClearedAlloc ( len + 1 ) ;
* buffer = buf ;
f - > Read ( buf , len ) ;
// guarantee that it will have a trailing 0 for string operations
buf [ len ] = 0 ;
CloseFile ( f ) ;
// if we are journalling and it is a config file, write it to the journal file
if ( isConfig & & eventLoop & & eventLoop - > JournalLevel ( ) = = 1 ) {
common - > DPrintf ( " Writing %s to journal file. \n " , relativePath ) ;
eventLoop - > com_journalDataFile - > Write ( & len , sizeof ( len ) ) ;
eventLoop - > com_journalDataFile - > Write ( buf , len ) ;
eventLoop - > com_journalDataFile - > Flush ( ) ;
return len ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : FreeFile
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
void idFileSystemLocal : : FreeFile ( void * buffer ) {
if ( ! searchPaths ) {
common - > FatalError ( " Filesystem call made without initialization \n " ) ;
if ( ! buffer ) {
common - > FatalError ( " idFileSystemLocal::FreeFile( NULL ) " ) ;
loadStack - - ;
Mem_Free ( buffer ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : WriteFile
Filenames are relative to the search path
= = = = = = = = = = = =
int idFileSystemLocal : : WriteFile ( const char * relativePath , const void * buffer , int size , const char * basePath ) {
idFile * f ;
if ( ! searchPaths ) {
common - > FatalError ( " Filesystem call made without initialization \n " ) ;
if ( ! relativePath | | ! buffer ) {
common - > FatalError ( " idFileSystemLocal::WriteFile: NULL parameter " ) ;
f = idFileSystemLocal : : OpenFileWrite ( relativePath , basePath ) ;
if ( ! f ) {
common - > Printf ( " Failed to open %s \n " , relativePath ) ;
return - 1 ;
size = f - > Write ( buffer , size ) ;
CloseFile ( f ) ;
return size ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : ParseAddonDef
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
addonInfo_t * idFileSystemLocal : : ParseAddonDef ( const char * buf , const int len ) {
idLexer src ;
idToken token , token2 ;
addonInfo_t * info ;
src . LoadMemory ( buf , len , " <addon.conf> " ) ;
src . SetFlags ( DECL_LEXER_FLAGS ) ;
if ( ! src . SkipUntilString ( " addonDef " ) ) {
src . Warning ( " ParseAddonDef: no addonDef " ) ;
return NULL ;
if ( ! src . ReadToken ( & token ) ) {
src . Warning ( " Expected { " ) ;
return NULL ;
info = new addonInfo_t ;
// read addonDef
while ( 1 ) {
if ( ! src . ReadToken ( & token ) ) {
delete info ;
return NULL ;
if ( ! token . Icmp ( " } " ) ) {
break ;
if ( token . type ! = TT_STRING ) {
src . Warning ( " Expected quoted string, but found '%s' " , token . c_str ( ) ) ;
delete info ;
return NULL ;
int checksum ;
if ( sscanf ( token . c_str ( ) , " 0x%x " , & checksum ) ! = 1 & & sscanf ( token . c_str ( ) , " %x " , & checksum ) ! = 1 ) {
src . Warning ( " Could not parse checksum '%s' " , token . c_str ( ) ) ;
delete info ;
return NULL ;
info - > depends . Append ( checksum ) ;
// read any number of mapDef entries
while ( 1 ) {
if ( ! src . SkipUntilString ( " mapDef " ) ) {
return info ;
if ( ! src . ReadToken ( & token ) ) {
src . Warning ( " Expected map path " ) ;
info - > mapDecls . DeleteContents ( true ) ;
delete info ;
return NULL ;
idDict * dict = new idDict ;
dict - > Set ( " path " , token . c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( ! src . ReadToken ( & token ) ) {
src . Warning ( " Expected { " ) ;
info - > mapDecls . DeleteContents ( true ) ;
delete dict ;
delete info ;
return NULL ;
while ( 1 ) {
if ( ! src . ReadToken ( & token ) ) {
break ;
if ( ! token . Icmp ( " } " ) ) {
break ;
if ( token . type ! = TT_STRING ) {
src . Warning ( " Expected quoted string, but found '%s' " , token . c_str ( ) ) ;
info - > mapDecls . DeleteContents ( true ) ;
delete dict ;
delete info ;
return NULL ;
if ( ! src . ReadToken ( & token2 ) ) {
src . Warning ( " Unexpected end of file " ) ;
info - > mapDecls . DeleteContents ( true ) ;
delete dict ;
delete info ;
return NULL ;
if ( dict - > FindKey ( token ) ) {
src . Warning ( " '%s' already defined " , token . c_str ( ) ) ;
dict - > Set ( token , token2 ) ;
info - > mapDecls . Append ( dict ) ;
assert ( false ) ;
return NULL ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : LoadZipFile
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
pack_t * idFileSystemLocal : : LoadZipFile ( const char * zipfile ) {
fileInPack_t * buildBuffer ;
pack_t * pack ;
unzFile uf ;
int err ;
unz_global_info gi ;
char filename_inzip [ MAX_ZIPPED_FILE_NAME ] ;
unz_file_info file_info ;
int i ;
long hash ;
int fs_numHeaderLongs ;
int * fs_headerLongs ;
FILE * f ;
int len ;
int confHash ;
fileInPack_t * pakFile ;
f = OpenOSFile ( zipfile , " rb " ) ;
if ( ! f ) {
return NULL ;
fseek ( f , 0 , SEEK_END ) ;
len = ftell ( f ) ;
fclose ( f ) ;
fs_numHeaderLongs = 0 ;
uf = unzOpen ( zipfile ) ;
err = unzGetGlobalInfo ( uf , & gi ) ;
if ( err ! = UNZ_OK ) {
return NULL ;
buildBuffer = new fileInPack_t [ gi . number_entry ] ;
pack = new pack_t ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < FILE_HASH_SIZE ; i + + ) {
pack - > hashTable [ i ] = NULL ;
pack - > pakFilename = zipfile ;
pack - > handle = uf ;
pack - > numfiles = gi . number_entry ;
pack - > buildBuffer = buildBuffer ;
pack - > referenced = false ;
pack - > binary = BINARY_UNKNOWN ;
pack - > addon = false ;
pack - > addon_search = false ;
pack - > addon_info = NULL ;
pack - > pureStatus = PURE_UNKNOWN ;
pack - > isNew = false ;
pack - > length = len ;
unzGoToFirstFile ( uf ) ;
fs_headerLongs = ( int * ) Mem_ClearedAlloc ( gi . number_entry * sizeof ( int ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < ( int ) gi . number_entry ; i + + ) {
err = unzGetCurrentFileInfo ( uf , & file_info , filename_inzip , sizeof ( filename_inzip ) , NULL , 0 , NULL , 0 ) ;
if ( err ! = UNZ_OK ) {
break ;
if ( file_info . uncompressed_size > 0 ) {
fs_headerLongs [ fs_numHeaderLongs + + ] = LittleLong ( file_info . crc ) ;
hash = HashFileName ( filename_inzip ) ;
buildBuffer [ i ] . name = filename_inzip ;
buildBuffer [ i ] . name . ToLower ( ) ;
buildBuffer [ i ] . name . BackSlashesToSlashes ( ) ;
// store the file position in the zip
unzGetCurrentFileInfoPosition ( uf , & buildBuffer [ i ] . pos ) ;
// add the file to the hash
buildBuffer [ i ] . next = pack - > hashTable [ hash ] ;
pack - > hashTable [ hash ] = & buildBuffer [ i ] ;
// go to the next file in the zip
unzGoToNextFile ( uf ) ;
// check if this is an addon pak
pack - > addon = false ;
confHash = HashFileName ( ADDON_CONFIG ) ;
for ( pakFile = pack - > hashTable [ confHash ] ; pakFile ; pakFile = pakFile - > next ) {
if ( ! FilenameCompare ( pakFile - > name , ADDON_CONFIG ) ) {
pack - > addon = true ;
idFile_InZip * file = ReadFileFromZip ( pack , pakFile , ADDON_CONFIG ) ;
// may be just an empty file if you don't bother about the mapDef
if ( file & & file - > Length ( ) ) {
char * buf ;
buf = new char [ file - > Length ( ) + 1 ] ;
file - > Read ( ( void * ) buf , file - > Length ( ) ) ;
buf [ file - > Length ( ) ] = ' \0 ' ;
pack - > addon_info = ParseAddonDef ( buf , file - > Length ( ) ) ;
delete [ ] buf ;
if ( file ) {
CloseFile ( file ) ;
break ;
pack - > checksum = MD4_BlockChecksum ( fs_headerLongs , 4 * fs_numHeaderLongs ) ;
pack - > checksum = LittleLong ( pack - > checksum ) ;
Mem_Free ( fs_headerLongs ) ;
return pack ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : AddZipFile
adds a downloaded pak file to the list so we can work out what we have and what we still need
the isNew flag is set to true , indicating that we cannot add this pak to the search lists without a restart
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
int idFileSystemLocal : : AddZipFile ( const char * path ) {
idStr fullpath = fs_savepath . GetString ( ) ;
pack_t * pak ;
searchpath_t * search , * last ;
fullpath . AppendPath ( path ) ;
pak = LoadZipFile ( fullpath ) ;
if ( ! pak ) {
common - > Warning ( " AddZipFile %s failed \n " , path ) ;
return 0 ;
// insert the pak at the end of the search list - temporary until we restart
pak - > isNew = true ;
search = new searchpath_t ;
search - > dir = NULL ;
search - > pack = pak ;
search - > next = NULL ;
last = searchPaths ;
while ( last - > next ) {
last = last - > next ;
last - > next = search ;
common - > Printf ( " Appended pk4 %s with checksum 0x%x \n " , pak - > pakFilename . c_str ( ) , pak - > checksum ) ;
return pak - > checksum ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : AddUnique
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
int idFileSystemLocal : : AddUnique ( const char * name , idStrList & list , idHashIndex & hashIndex ) const {
int i , hashKey ;
hashKey = hashIndex . GenerateKey ( name ) ;
for ( i = hashIndex . First ( hashKey ) ; i > = 0 ; i = hashIndex . Next ( i ) ) {
if ( list [ i ] . Icmp ( name ) = = 0 ) {
return i ;
i = list . Append ( name ) ;
hashIndex . Add ( hashKey , i ) ;
return i ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : GetExtensionList
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void idFileSystemLocal : : GetExtensionList ( const char * extension , idStrList & extensionList ) const {
int s , e , l ;
l = idStr : : Length ( extension ) ;
s = 0 ;
while ( 1 ) {
e = idStr : : FindChar ( extension , ' | ' , s , l ) ;
if ( e ! = - 1 ) {
extensionList . Append ( idStr ( extension , s , e ) ) ;
s = e + 1 ;
} else {
extensionList . Append ( idStr ( extension , s , l ) ) ;
break ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : GetFileList
Does not clear the list first so this can be used to progressively build a file list .
When ' sort ' is true only the new files added to the list are sorted .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
int idFileSystemLocal : : GetFileList ( const char * relativePath , const idStrList & extensions , idStrList & list , idHashIndex & hashIndex , bool fullRelativePath , const char * gamedir ) {
searchpath_t * search ;
fileInPack_t * buildBuffer ;
int i , j ;
int pathLength ;
int length ;
const char * name ;
pack_t * pak ;
idStr work ;
if ( ! searchPaths ) {
common - > FatalError ( " Filesystem call made without initialization \n " ) ;
if ( ! extensions . Num ( ) ) {
return 0 ;
if ( ! relativePath ) {
return 0 ;
pathLength = strlen ( relativePath ) ;
if ( pathLength ) {
pathLength + + ; // for the trailing '/'
// search through the path, one element at a time, adding to list
for ( search = searchPaths ; search ! = NULL ; search = search - > next ) {
if ( search - > dir ) {
if ( gamedir & & strlen ( gamedir ) ) {
if ( search - > dir - > gamedir ! = gamedir ) {
continue ;
idStrList sysFiles ;
idStr netpath ;
netpath = BuildOSPath ( search - > dir - > path , search - > dir - > gamedir , relativePath ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < extensions . Num ( ) ; i + + ) {
// scan for files in the filesystem
ListOSFiles ( netpath , extensions [ i ] , sysFiles ) ;
// if we are searching for directories, remove . and ..
if ( extensions [ i ] [ 0 ] = = ' / ' & & extensions [ i ] [ 1 ] = = 0 ) {
sysFiles . Remove ( " . " ) ;
sysFiles . Remove ( " .. " ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < sysFiles . Num ( ) ; j + + ) {
// unique the match
if ( fullRelativePath ) {
work = relativePath ;
work + = " / " ;
work + = sysFiles [ j ] ;
AddUnique ( work , list , hashIndex ) ;
else {
AddUnique ( sysFiles [ j ] , list , hashIndex ) ;
} else if ( search - > pack ) {
// look through all the pak file elements
// exclude any extra packs if we have server paks to search
if ( serverPaks . Num ( ) ) {
GetPackStatus ( search - > pack ) ;
if ( search - > pack - > pureStatus ! = PURE_NEVER & & ! serverPaks . Find ( search - > pack ) ) {
continue ; // not on the pure server pak list
pak = search - > pack ;
buildBuffer = pak - > buildBuffer ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < pak - > numfiles ; i + + ) {
length = buildBuffer [ i ] . name . Length ( ) ;
// if the name is not long anough to at least contain the path
if ( length < = pathLength ) {
continue ;
name = buildBuffer [ i ] . name ;
// check for a path match without the trailing '/'
if ( pathLength & & idStr : : Icmpn ( name , relativePath , pathLength - 1 ) ! = 0 ) {
continue ;
// ensure we have a path, and not just a filename containing the path
if ( name [ pathLength ] = = ' \0 ' | | name [ pathLength - 1 ] ! = ' / ' ) {
continue ;
// make sure the file is not in a subdirectory
for ( j = pathLength ; name [ j + 1 ] ! = ' \0 ' ; j + + ) {
if ( name [ j ] = = ' / ' ) {
break ;
if ( name [ j + 1 ] ) {
continue ;
// check for extension match
for ( j = 0 ; j < extensions . Num ( ) ; j + + ) {
if ( length > = extensions [ j ] . Length ( ) & & extensions [ j ] . Icmp ( name + length - extensions [ j ] . Length ( ) ) = = 0 ) {
break ;
if ( j > = extensions . Num ( ) ) {
continue ;
// unique the match
if ( fullRelativePath ) {
work = relativePath ;
work + = " / " ;
work + = name + pathLength ;
work . StripTrailing ( ' / ' ) ;
AddUnique ( work , list , hashIndex ) ;
} else {
work = name + pathLength ;
work . StripTrailing ( ' / ' ) ;
AddUnique ( work , list , hashIndex ) ;
return list . Num ( ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : ListFiles
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileList * idFileSystemLocal : : ListFiles ( const char * relativePath , const char * extension , bool sort , bool fullRelativePath , const char * gamedir ) {
idHashIndex hashIndex ( 4096 , 4096 ) ;
idStrList extensionList ;
idFileList * fileList = new idFileList ;
fileList - > basePath = relativePath ;
GetExtensionList ( extension , extensionList ) ;
GetFileList ( relativePath , extensionList , fileList - > list , hashIndex , fullRelativePath , gamedir ) ;
if ( sort ) {
idStrListSortPaths ( fileList - > list ) ;
return fileList ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : GetFileListTree
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
int idFileSystemLocal : : GetFileListTree ( const char * relativePath , const idStrList & extensions , idStrList & list , idHashIndex & hashIndex , const char * gamedir ) {
int i ;
idStrList slash , folders ( 128 ) ;
idHashIndex folderHashIndex ( 1024 , 128 ) ;
// recurse through the subdirectories
slash . Append ( " / " ) ;
GetFileList ( relativePath , slash , folders , folderHashIndex , true , gamedir ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < folders . Num ( ) ; i + + ) {
if ( folders [ i ] [ 0 ] = = ' . ' ) {
continue ;
if ( folders [ i ] . Icmp ( relativePath ) = = 0 ) {
continue ;
GetFileListTree ( folders [ i ] , extensions , list , hashIndex , gamedir ) ;
// list files in the current directory
GetFileList ( relativePath , extensions , list , hashIndex , true , gamedir ) ;
return list . Num ( ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : ListFilesTree
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileList * idFileSystemLocal : : ListFilesTree ( const char * relativePath , const char * extension , bool sort , const char * gamedir ) {
idHashIndex hashIndex ( 4096 , 4096 ) ;
idStrList extensionList ;
idFileList * fileList = new idFileList ( ) ;
fileList - > basePath = relativePath ;
fileList - > list . SetGranularity ( 4096 ) ;
GetExtensionList ( extension , extensionList ) ;
GetFileListTree ( relativePath , extensionList , fileList - > list , hashIndex , gamedir ) ;
if ( sort ) {
idStrListSortPaths ( fileList - > list ) ;
return fileList ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : FreeFileList
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void idFileSystemLocal : : FreeFileList ( idFileList * fileList ) {
delete fileList ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : ListMods
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idModList * idFileSystemLocal : : ListMods ( void ) {
int i ;
const int MAX_DESCRIPTION = 256 ;
char desc [ MAX_DESCRIPTION ] ;
idStrList dirs ;
idStrList pk4s ;
idModList * list = new idModList ;
const char * search [ 4 ] ;
int isearch ;
search [ 0 ] = fs_savepath . GetString ( ) ;
search [ 1 ] = fs_devpath . GetString ( ) ;
search [ 2 ] = fs_basepath . GetString ( ) ;
search [ 3 ] = fs_cdpath . GetString ( ) ;
for ( isearch = 0 ; isearch < 4 ; isearch + + ) {
dirs . Clear ( ) ;
pk4s . Clear ( ) ;
// scan for directories
ListOSFiles ( search [ isearch ] , " / " , dirs ) ;
dirs . Remove ( " . " ) ;
dirs . Remove ( " .. " ) ;
dirs . Remove ( " base " ) ;
dirs . Remove ( " pb " ) ;
// see if there are any pk4 files in each directory
for ( i = 0 ; i < dirs . Num ( ) ; i + + )
idStr gamepath = BuildOSPath ( search [ isearch ] , dirs [ i ] , " " ) ;
ListOSFiles ( gamepath , " .pk4 " , pk4s ) ;
if ( pk4s . Num ( ) )
if ( ! list - > mods . Find ( dirs [ i ] ) )
// D3 1.3 #31, only list d3xp if the pak is present
if ( dirs [ i ] . Icmp ( " d3xp " ) | | HasD3XP ( ) )
list - > mods . Append ( dirs [ i ] ) ;
list - > mods . Sort ( ) ;
// read the descriptions for each mod - search all paths
for ( i = 0 ; i < list - > mods . Num ( ) ; i + + ) {
for ( isearch = 0 ; isearch < 4 ; isearch + + ) {
idStr descfile = BuildOSPath ( search [ isearch ] , list - > mods [ i ] , " description.txt " ) ;
FILE * f = OpenOSFile ( descfile , " r " ) ;
if ( f ) {
if ( fgets ( desc , MAX_DESCRIPTION , f ) ) {
list - > descriptions . Append ( desc ) ;
fclose ( f ) ;
break ;
} else {
common - > DWarning ( " Error reading %s " , descfile . c_str ( ) ) ;
fclose ( f ) ;
continue ;
if ( isearch = = 4 ) {
list - > descriptions . Append ( list - > mods [ i ] ) ;
list - > mods . Insert ( " " ) ;
list - > descriptions . Insert ( " Quadrilateral Cowboy " ) ;
assert ( list - > mods . Num ( ) = = list - > descriptions . Num ( ) ) ;
return list ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : FreeModList
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void idFileSystemLocal : : FreeModList ( idModList * modList ) {
delete modList ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idDEntry : : Matches
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
bool idDEntry : : Matches ( const char * directory , const char * extension ) const {
if ( ! idDEntry : : directory . Icmp ( directory ) & & ! idDEntry : : extension . Icmp ( extension ) ) {
return true ;
return false ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idDEntry : : Init
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void idDEntry : : Init ( const char * directory , const char * extension , const idStrList & list ) {
idDEntry : : directory = directory ;
idDEntry : : extension = extension ;
idStrList : : operator = ( list ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idDEntry : : Clear
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void idDEntry : : Clear ( void ) {
directory . Clear ( ) ;
extension . Clear ( ) ;
idStrList : : Clear ( ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : ListOSFiles
call to the OS for a listing of files in an OS directory
optionally , perform some caching of the entries
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
int idFileSystemLocal : : ListOSFiles ( const char * directory , const char * extension , idStrList & list ) {
int i , j , ret ;
if ( ! extension ) {
extension = " " ;
if ( ! fs_caseSensitiveOS . GetBool ( ) ) {
return Sys_ListFiles ( directory , extension , list ) ;
// try in cache
i = dir_cache_index - 1 ;
while ( i > = dir_cache_index - dir_cache_count ) {
if ( dir_cache [ j ] . Matches ( directory , extension ) ) {
if ( fs_debug . GetInteger ( ) ) {
//common->Printf( "idFileSystemLocal::ListOSFiles: cache hit: %s\n", directory );
list = dir_cache [ j ] ;
return list . Num ( ) ;
i - - ;
if ( fs_debug . GetInteger ( ) ) {
//common->Printf( "idFileSystemLocal::ListOSFiles: cache miss: %s\n", directory );
ret = Sys_ListFiles ( directory , extension , list ) ;
if ( ret = = - 1 ) {
return - 1 ;
// push a new entry
dir_cache [ dir_cache_index ] . Init ( directory , extension , list ) ;
dir_cache_index = ( + + dir_cache_index ) % MAX_CACHED_DIRS ;
if ( dir_cache_count < MAX_CACHED_DIRS ) {
dir_cache_count + + ;
return ret ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : Dir_f
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void idFileSystemLocal : : Dir_f ( const idCmdArgs & args ) {
idStr relativePath ;
idStr extension ;
idFileList * fileList ;
int i ;
if ( args . Argc ( ) < 2 | | args . Argc ( ) > 3 ) {
common - > Printf ( " usage: dir <directory> [extension] \n " ) ;
return ;
if ( args . Argc ( ) = = 2 ) {
relativePath = args . Argv ( 1 ) ;
extension = " " ;
else {
relativePath = args . Argv ( 1 ) ;
extension = args . Argv ( 2 ) ;
if ( extension [ 0 ] ! = ' . ' ) {
common - > Warning ( " extension should have a leading dot " ) ;
relativePath . BackSlashesToSlashes ( ) ;
relativePath . StripTrailing ( ' / ' ) ;
common - > Printf ( " Listing of %s/*%s \n " , relativePath . c_str ( ) , extension . c_str ( ) ) ;
common - > Printf ( " --------------- \n " ) ;
fileList = fileSystemLocal . ListFiles ( relativePath , extension ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < fileList - > GetNumFiles ( ) ; i + + ) {
common - > Printf ( " %s \n " , fileList - > GetFile ( i ) ) ;
common - > Printf ( " %d files \n " , fileList - > list . Num ( ) ) ;
fileSystemLocal . FreeFileList ( fileList ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : DirTree_f
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void idFileSystemLocal : : DirTree_f ( const idCmdArgs & args ) {
idStr relativePath ;
idStr extension ;
idFileList * fileList ;
int i ;
if ( args . Argc ( ) < 2 | | args . Argc ( ) > 3 ) {
common - > Printf ( " usage: dirtree <directory> [extension] \n " ) ;
return ;
if ( args . Argc ( ) = = 2 ) {
relativePath = args . Argv ( 1 ) ;
extension = " " ;
else {
relativePath = args . Argv ( 1 ) ;
extension = args . Argv ( 2 ) ;
if ( extension [ 0 ] ! = ' . ' ) {
common - > Warning ( " extension should have a leading dot " ) ;
relativePath . BackSlashesToSlashes ( ) ;
relativePath . StripTrailing ( ' / ' ) ;
common - > Printf ( " Listing of %s/*%s /s \n " , relativePath . c_str ( ) , extension . c_str ( ) ) ;
common - > Printf ( " --------------- \n " ) ;
fileList = fileSystemLocal . ListFilesTree ( relativePath , extension ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < fileList - > GetNumFiles ( ) ; i + + ) {
common - > Printf ( " %s \n " , fileList - > GetFile ( i ) ) ;
common - > Printf ( " %d files \n " , fileList - > list . Num ( ) ) ;
fileSystemLocal . FreeFileList ( fileList ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : Path_f
= = = = = = = = = = = =
void idFileSystemLocal : : Path_f ( const idCmdArgs & args ) {
searchpath_t * sp ;
int i ;
idStr status ;
common - > Printf ( " Current search path: \n " ) ;
for ( sp = fileSystemLocal . searchPaths ; sp ; sp = sp - > next ) {
if ( sp - > pack ) {
if ( com_developer . GetBool ( ) ) {
sprintf ( status , " %s (%i files - 0x%x %s " , sp - > pack - > pakFilename . c_str ( ) , sp - > pack - > numfiles , sp - > pack - > checksum , sp - > pack - > referenced ? " referenced " : " not referenced " ) ;
if ( sp - > pack - > addon ) {
status + = " - addon) \n " ;
} else {
status + = " ) \n " ;
common - > Printf ( status . c_str ( ) ) ;
common - > Printf ( " %s (%i files) \n " , sp - > pack - > pakFilename . c_str ( ) , sp - > pack - > numfiles ) ;
if ( fileSystemLocal . serverPaks . Num ( ) ) {
if ( fileSystemLocal . serverPaks . Find ( sp - > pack ) ) {
common - > Printf ( " on the pure list \n " ) ;
} else {
common - > Printf ( " not on the pure list \n " ) ;
} else {
common - > Printf ( " %s/%s \n " , sp - > dir - > path . c_str ( ) , sp - > dir - > gamedir . c_str ( ) ) ;
common - > Printf ( " game DLL: 0x%x in pak: 0x%x \n " , fileSystemLocal . gameDLLChecksum , fileSystemLocal . gamePakChecksum ) ;
common - > Printf ( " Note: ID_FAKE_PURE is enabled \n " ) ;
# endif
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_GAME_OS ; i + + ) {
if ( fileSystemLocal . gamePakForOS [ i ] ) {
common - > Printf ( " OS %d - pak 0x%x \n " , i , fileSystemLocal . gamePakForOS [ i ] ) ;
// show addon packs that are *not* in the search lists
common - > Printf ( " Addon pk4s: \n " ) ;
for ( sp = fileSystemLocal . addonPaks ; sp ; sp = sp - > next ) {
if ( com_developer . GetBool ( ) )
common - > Printf ( " %s (%i files - 0x%x) \n " , sp - > pack - > pakFilename . c_str ( ) , sp - > pack - > numfiles , sp - > pack - > checksum ) ;
common - > Printf ( " %s (%i files) \n " , sp - > pack - > pakFilename . c_str ( ) , sp - > pack - > numfiles ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : GetOSMask
= = = = = = = = = = = =
int idFileSystemLocal : : GetOSMask ( void ) {
int i , ret = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_GAME_OS ; i + + ) {
if ( fileSystemLocal . gamePakForOS [ i ] ) {
ret | = ( 1 < < i ) ;
if ( ! ret ) {
return - 1 ;
return ret ;
= = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : TouchFile_f
The only purpose of this function is to allow game script files to copy
arbitrary files furing an " fs_copyfiles 1 " run .
= = = = = = = = = = = =
void idFileSystemLocal : : TouchFile_f ( const idCmdArgs & args ) {
idFile * f ;
if ( args . Argc ( ) ! = 2 ) {
common - > Printf ( " Usage: touchFile <file> \n " ) ;
return ;
f = fileSystemLocal . OpenFileRead ( args . Argv ( 1 ) ) ;
if ( f ) {
fileSystemLocal . CloseFile ( f ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : TouchFileList_f
Takes a text file and touches every file in it , use one file per line .
= = = = = = = = = = = =
void idFileSystemLocal : : TouchFileList_f ( const idCmdArgs & args ) {
if ( args . Argc ( ) ! = 2 ) {
common - > Printf ( " Usage: touchFileList <filename> \n " ) ;
return ;
const char * buffer = NULL ;
if ( fileSystem - > ReadFile ( args . Argv ( 1 ) , ( void * * ) & buffer , NULL ) & & buffer ) {
src . LoadMemory ( buffer , strlen ( buffer ) , args . Argv ( 1 ) ) ;
if ( src . IsLoaded ( ) ) {
idToken token ;
while ( src . ReadToken ( & token ) ) {
common - > Printf ( " %s \n " , token . c_str ( ) ) ;
session - > UpdateScreen ( ) ;
idFile * f = fileSystemLocal . OpenFileRead ( token ) ;
if ( f ) {
fileSystemLocal . CloseFile ( f ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : AddGameDirectory
Sets gameFolder , adds the directory to the head of the search paths , then loads any pk4 files .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void idFileSystemLocal : : AddGameDirectory ( const char * path , const char * dir ) {
int i ;
searchpath_t * search ;
pack_t * pak ;
idStr pakfile ;
idStrList pakfiles ;
// check if the search path already exists
for ( search = searchPaths ; search ; search = search - > next ) {
// if this element is a pak file
if ( ! search - > dir ) {
continue ;
if ( search - > dir - > path . Cmp ( path ) = = 0 & & search - > dir - > gamedir . Cmp ( dir ) = = 0 ) {
return ;
gameFolder = dir ;
// add the directory to the search path
search = new searchpath_t ;
search - > dir = new directory_t ;
search - > pack = NULL ;
search - > dir - > path = path ;
search - > dir - > gamedir = dir ;
search - > next = searchPaths ;
searchPaths = search ;
// find all pak files in this directory
pakfile = BuildOSPath ( path , dir , " " ) ;
pakfile [ pakfile . Length ( ) - 1 ] = 0 ; // strip the trailing slash
ListOSFiles ( pakfile , " .pk4 " , pakfiles ) ;
// sort them so that later alphabetic matches override
// earlier ones. This makes pak1.pk4 override pak0.pk4
pakfiles . Sort ( ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < pakfiles . Num ( ) ; i + + ) {
pakfile = BuildOSPath ( path , dir , pakfiles [ i ] ) ;
pak = LoadZipFile ( pakfile ) ;
if ( ! pak ) {
continue ;
// insert the pak after the directory it comes from
search = new searchpath_t ;
search - > dir = NULL ;
search - > pack = pak ;
search - > next = searchPaths - > next ;
searchPaths - > next = search ;
common - > Printf ( " Loaded pk4 %s with checksum 0x%x \n " , pakfile . c_str ( ) , pak - > checksum ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : SetupGameDirectories
Takes care of the correct search order .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void idFileSystemLocal : : SetupGameDirectories ( const char * gameName ) {
// accept abs path
if ( gameName & & strlen ( gameName ) > 2
& & ( gameName [ 0 ] = = ' / ' | | gameName [ 0 ] = = ' \\ ' | | gameName [ 1 ] = = ' : ' ) ) {
AddGameDirectory ( gameName , " . " ) ;
else {
// setup cdpath
if ( fs_cdpath . GetString ( ) [ 0 ] ) {
AddGameDirectory ( fs_cdpath . GetString ( ) , gameName ) ;
// setup basepath
if ( fs_basepath . GetString ( ) [ 0 ] ) {
AddGameDirectory ( fs_basepath . GetString ( ) , gameName ) ;
// setup devpath
if ( fs_devpath . GetString ( ) [ 0 ] ) {
AddGameDirectory ( fs_devpath . GetString ( ) , gameName ) ;
// setup savepath
if ( fs_savepath . GetString ( ) [ 0 ] ) {
AddGameDirectory ( fs_savepath . GetString ( ) , gameName ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : FollowDependencies
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void idFileSystemLocal : : FollowAddonDependencies ( pack_t * pak ) {
assert ( pak ) ;
if ( ! pak - > addon_info | | ! pak - > addon_info - > depends . Num ( ) ) {
return ;
int i , num = pak - > addon_info - > depends . Num ( ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < num ; i + + ) {
pack_t * deppak = GetPackForChecksum ( pak - > addon_info - > depends [ i ] , true ) ;
if ( deppak ) {
// make sure it hasn't been marked for search already
if ( ! deppak - > addon_search ) {
// must clean addonChecksums as we go
int addon_index = addonChecksums . FindIndex ( deppak - > checksum ) ;
if ( addon_index > = 0 ) {
addonChecksums . RemoveIndex ( addon_index ) ;
deppak - > addon_search = true ;
common - > Printf ( " Addon pk4 %s 0x%x depends on pak %s 0x%x, will be searched \n " ,
pak - > pakFilename . c_str ( ) , pak - > checksum ,
deppak - > pakFilename . c_str ( ) , deppak - > checksum ) ;
FollowAddonDependencies ( deppak ) ;
} else {
common - > Printf ( " Addon pk4 %s 0x%x depends on unknown pak 0x%x \n " ,
pak - > pakFilename . c_str ( ) , pak - > checksum , pak - > addon_info - > depends [ i ] ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : Startup
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void idFileSystemLocal : : Startup ( void ) {
searchpath_t * * search ;
int i ;
pack_t * pak ;
int addon_index ;
common - > Printf ( " ------ Initializing File System ------ \n " ) ;
if ( restartChecksums . Num ( ) ) {
common - > Printf ( " restarting in pure mode with %d pak files \n " , restartChecksums . Num ( ) ) ;
if ( addonChecksums . Num ( ) ) {
common - > Printf ( " restarting filesystem with %d addon pak file(s) to include \n " , addonChecksums . Num ( ) ) ;
SetupGameDirectories ( BASE_GAMEDIR ) ;
// fs_game_base override
if ( fs_game_base . GetString ( ) [ 0 ] & &
idStr : : Icmp ( fs_game_base . GetString ( ) , BASE_GAMEDIR ) ) {
SetupGameDirectories ( fs_game_base . GetString ( ) ) ;
// fs_game override
if ( fs_game . GetString ( ) [ 0 ] & &
idStr : : Icmp ( fs_game . GetString ( ) , BASE_GAMEDIR ) & &
idStr : : Icmp ( fs_game . GetString ( ) , fs_game_base . GetString ( ) ) ) {
SetupGameDirectories ( fs_game . GetString ( ) ) ;
// currently all addons are in the search list - deal with filtering out and dependencies now
// scan through and deal with dependencies
search = & searchPaths ;
while ( * search ) {
if ( ! ( * search ) - > pack | | ! ( * search ) - > pack - > addon ) {
search = & ( ( * search ) - > next ) ;
continue ;
pak = ( * search ) - > pack ;
if ( fs_searchAddons . GetBool ( ) ) {
// when we have fs_searchAddons on we should never have addonChecksums
assert ( ! addonChecksums . Num ( ) ) ;
pak - > addon_search = true ;
search = & ( ( * search ) - > next ) ;
continue ;
addon_index = addonChecksums . FindIndex ( pak - > checksum ) ;
if ( addon_index > = 0 ) {
assert ( ! pak - > addon_search ) ; // any pak getting flagged as addon_search should also have been removed from addonChecksums already
pak - > addon_search = true ;
addonChecksums . RemoveIndex ( addon_index ) ;
FollowAddonDependencies ( pak ) ;
search = & ( ( * search ) - > next ) ;
// now scan to filter out addons not marked addon_search
search = & searchPaths ;
while ( * search ) {
if ( ! ( * search ) - > pack | | ! ( * search ) - > pack - > addon ) {
search = & ( ( * search ) - > next ) ;
continue ;
assert ( ! ( * search ) - > dir ) ;
pak = ( * search ) - > pack ;
if ( pak - > addon_search ) {
common - > Printf ( " Addon pk4 %s with checksum 0x%x is on the search list \n " ,
pak - > pakFilename . c_str ( ) , pak - > checksum ) ;
search = & ( ( * search ) - > next ) ;
} else {
// remove from search list, put in addons list
searchpath_t * paksearch = * search ;
* search = ( * search ) - > next ;
paksearch - > next = addonPaks ;
addonPaks = paksearch ;
common - > Printf ( " Addon pk4 %s with checksum 0x%x is on addon list \n " ,
pak - > pakFilename . c_str ( ) , pak - > checksum ) ;
// all addon paks found and accounted for
assert ( ! addonChecksums . Num ( ) ) ;
addonChecksums . Clear ( ) ; // just in case
if ( restartChecksums . Num ( ) ) {
search = & searchPaths ;
while ( * search ) {
if ( ! ( * search ) - > pack ) {
search = & ( ( * search ) - > next ) ;
continue ;
if ( ( i = restartChecksums . FindIndex ( ( * search ) - > pack - > checksum ) ) ! = - 1 ) {
if ( i = = 0 ) {
// this pak is the next one in the pure search order
serverPaks . Append ( ( * search ) - > pack ) ;
restartChecksums . RemoveIndex ( 0 ) ;
if ( ! restartChecksums . Num ( ) ) {
break ; // early out, we're done
search = & ( ( * search ) - > next ) ;
continue ;
} else {
// this pak will be on the pure list, but order is not right yet
searchpath_t * aux ;
aux = ( * search ) - > next ;
if ( ! aux ) {
// last of the list can't be swapped back
if ( fs_debug . GetBool ( ) ) {
common - > Printf ( " found pure checksum %x at index %d, but the end of search path is reached \n " , ( * search ) - > pack - > checksum , i ) ;
idStr checks ;
checks . Clear ( ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < serverPaks . Num ( ) ; i + + ) {
checks + = va ( " %p " , serverPaks [ i ] ) ;
common - > Printf ( " %d pure paks - %s \n " , serverPaks . Num ( ) , checks . c_str ( ) ) ;
checks . Clear ( ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < restartChecksums . Num ( ) ; i + + ) {
checks + = va ( " %x " , restartChecksums [ i ] ) ;
common - > Printf ( " %d paks left - %s \n " , restartChecksums . Num ( ) , checks . c_str ( ) ) ;
common - > FatalError ( " Failed to restart with pure mode restrictions for server connect " ) ;
// put this search path at the end of the list
searchpath_t * search_end ;
search_end = ( * search ) - > next ;
while ( search_end - > next ) {
search_end = search_end - > next ;
search_end - > next = * search ;
* search = ( * search ) - > next ;
search_end - > next - > next = NULL ;
continue ;
// this pak is not on the pure list
search = & ( ( * search ) - > next ) ;
// the list must be empty
if ( restartChecksums . Num ( ) ) {
if ( fs_debug . GetBool ( ) ) {
idStr checks ;
checks . Clear ( ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < serverPaks . Num ( ) ; i + + ) {
checks + = va ( " %p " , serverPaks [ i ] ) ;
common - > Printf ( " %d pure paks - %s \n " , serverPaks . Num ( ) , checks . c_str ( ) ) ;
checks . Clear ( ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < restartChecksums . Num ( ) ; i + + ) {
checks + = va ( " %x " , restartChecksums [ i ] ) ;
common - > Printf ( " %d paks left - %s \n " , restartChecksums . Num ( ) , checks . c_str ( ) ) ;
common - > FatalError ( " Failed to restart with pure mode restrictions for server connect " ) ;
// also the game pak checksum
// we could check if the game pak is actually present, but we would not be restarting if there wasn't one @ first pure check
gamePakChecksum = restartGamePakChecksum ;
// add our commands
cmdSystem - > AddCommand ( " dir " , Dir_f , CMD_FL_SYSTEM , " lists a folder " , idCmdSystem : : ArgCompletion_FileName ) ;
cmdSystem - > AddCommand ( " dirtree " , DirTree_f , CMD_FL_SYSTEM , " lists a folder with subfolders " ) ;
cmdSystem - > AddCommand ( " path " , Path_f , CMD_FL_SYSTEM , " lists search paths " ) ;
cmdSystem - > AddCommand ( " touchFile " , TouchFile_f , CMD_FL_SYSTEM , " touches a file " ) ;
cmdSystem - > AddCommand ( " touchFileList " , TouchFileList_f , CMD_FL_SYSTEM , " touches a list of files " ) ;
// print the current search paths
Path_f ( idCmdArgs ( ) ) ;
common - > Printf ( " file system initialized. \n " ) ;
common - > Printf ( " -------------------------------------- \n " ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : SetRestrictions
Looks for product keys and restricts media add on ability
if the full version is not found
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void idFileSystemLocal : : SetRestrictions ( void ) {
common - > Printf ( " \n Running in restricted demo mode. \n \n " ) ;
// make sure that the pak file has the header checksum we expect
searchpath_t * search ;
for ( search = searchPaths ; search ; search = search - > next ) {
if ( search - > pack ) {
// a tiny attempt to keep the checksum from being scannable from the exe
if ( ( search - > pack - > checksum ^ 0x84268436u ) ! = ( DEMO_PAK_CHECKSUM ^ 0x84268436u ) ) {
common - > FatalError ( " Corrupted %s: 0x%x " , search - > pack - > pakFilename . c_str ( ) , search - > pack - > checksum ) ;
cvarSystem - > SetCVarBool ( " fs_restrict " , true ) ;
# endif
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : UpdatePureServerChecksums
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void idFileSystemLocal : : UpdatePureServerChecksums ( void ) {
searchpath_t * search ;
int i ;
pureStatus_t status ;
serverPaks . Clear ( ) ;
for ( search = searchPaths ; search ; search = search - > next ) {
// is the element a referenced pak file?
if ( ! search - > pack ) {
continue ;
status = GetPackStatus ( search - > pack ) ;
if ( status = = PURE_NEVER ) {
continue ;
if ( status = = PURE_NEUTRAL & & ! search - > pack - > referenced ) {
continue ;
serverPaks . Append ( search - > pack ) ;
if ( serverPaks . Num ( ) > = MAX_PURE_PAKS ) {
common - > FatalError ( " MAX_PURE_PAKS ( %d ) exceeded \n " , MAX_PURE_PAKS ) ;
if ( fs_debug . GetBool ( ) ) {
idStr checks ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < serverPaks . Num ( ) ; i + + ) {
checks + = va ( " %x " , serverPaks [ i ] - > checksum ) ;
common - > Printf ( " set pure list - %d paks ( %s) \n " , serverPaks . Num ( ) , checks . c_str ( ) ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : UpdateGamePakChecksums
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
bool idFileSystemLocal : : UpdateGamePakChecksums ( void ) {
searchpath_t * search ;
fileInPack_t * pakFile ;
int confHash ;
idFile * confFile ;
char * buf ;
idLexer * lexConf ;
idToken token ;
int id ;
confHash = HashFileName ( BINARY_CONFIG ) ;
memset ( gamePakForOS , 0 , sizeof ( gamePakForOS ) ) ;
for ( search = searchPaths ; search ; search = search - > next ) {
if ( ! search - > pack ) {
continue ;
search - > pack - > binary = BINARY_NO ;
for ( pakFile = search - > pack - > hashTable [ confHash ] ; pakFile ; pakFile = pakFile - > next ) {
if ( ! FilenameCompare ( pakFile - > name , BINARY_CONFIG ) ) {
search - > pack - > binary = BINARY_YES ;
confFile = ReadFileFromZip ( search - > pack , pakFile , BINARY_CONFIG ) ;
buf = new char [ confFile - > Length ( ) + 1 ] ;
confFile - > Read ( ( void * ) buf , confFile - > Length ( ) ) ;
buf [ confFile - > Length ( ) ] = ' \0 ' ;
lexConf = new idLexer ( buf , confFile - > Length ( ) , confFile - > GetFullPath ( ) ) ;
while ( lexConf - > ReadToken ( & token ) ) {
if ( token . IsNumeric ( ) ) {
id = atoi ( token ) ;
if ( id < MAX_GAME_OS & & ! gamePakForOS [ id ] ) {
if ( fs_debug . GetBool ( ) ) {
common - > Printf ( " Adding game pak checksum for OS %d: %s 0x%x \n " , id , confFile - > GetFullPath ( ) , search - > pack - > checksum ) ;
gamePakForOS [ id ] = search - > pack - > checksum ;
CloseFile ( confFile ) ;
delete lexConf ;
delete [ ] buf ;
// some sanity checks on the game code references
// make sure that at least the local OS got a pure reference
if ( ! gamePakForOS [ BUILD_OS_ID ] ) {
common - > Warning ( " No game code pak reference found for the local OS " ) ;
return false ;
if ( ! cvarSystem - > GetCVarBool ( " net_serverAllowServerMod " ) & &
gamePakChecksum ! = gamePakForOS [ BUILD_OS_ID ] ) {
common - > Warning ( " The current game code doesn't match pak files (net_serverAllowServerMod is off) " ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : GetPackForChecksum
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
pack_t * idFileSystemLocal : : GetPackForChecksum ( int checksum , bool searchAddons ) {
searchpath_t * search ;
for ( search = searchPaths ; search ; search = search - > next ) {
if ( ! search - > pack ) {
continue ;
if ( search - > pack - > checksum = = checksum ) {
return search - > pack ;
if ( searchAddons ) {
for ( search = addonPaks ; search ; search = search - > next ) {
assert ( search - > pack & & search - > pack - > addon ) ;
if ( search - > pack - > checksum = = checksum ) {
return search - > pack ;
return NULL ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : ValidateDownloadPakForChecksum
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
int idFileSystemLocal : : ValidateDownloadPakForChecksum ( int checksum , char path [ MAX_STRING_CHARS ] , bool isBinary ) {
int i ;
idStrList testList ;
idStr name ;
idStr relativePath ;
bool pakBinary ;
pack_t * pak = GetPackForChecksum ( checksum ) ;
if ( ! pak ) {
return 0 ;
// validate this pak for a potential download
// ignore pak*.pk4 for download. those are reserved to distribution and cannot be downloaded
name = pak - > pakFilename ;
name . StripPath ( ) ;
if ( strstr ( name . c_str ( ) , " pak " ) = = name . c_str ( ) ) {
common - > DPrintf ( " %s is not a donwloadable pak \n " , pak - > pakFilename . c_str ( ) ) ;
return 0 ;
// check the binary
// a pure server sets the binary flag when starting the game
assert ( pak - > binary ! = BINARY_UNKNOWN ) ;
pakBinary = ( pak - > binary = = BINARY_YES ) ? true : false ;
if ( isBinary ! = pakBinary ) {
common - > DPrintf ( " %s binary flag mismatch \n " , pak - > pakFilename . c_str ( ) ) ;
return 0 ;
// extract a path that includes the fs_game: != OSPathToRelativePath
testList . Append ( fs_savepath . GetString ( ) ) ;
testList . Append ( fs_devpath . GetString ( ) ) ;
testList . Append ( fs_basepath . GetString ( ) ) ;
testList . Append ( fs_cdpath . GetString ( ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < testList . Num ( ) ; i + + ) {
if ( testList [ i ] . Length ( ) & & ! testList [ i ] . Icmpn ( pak - > pakFilename , testList [ i ] . Length ( ) ) ) {
relativePath = pak - > pakFilename . c_str ( ) + testList [ i ] . Length ( ) + 1 ;
break ;
if ( i = = testList . Num ( ) ) {
common - > Warning ( " idFileSystem::ValidateDownloadPak: failed to extract relative path for %s " , pak - > pakFilename . c_str ( ) ) ;
return 0 ;
idStr : : Copynz ( path , relativePath , MAX_STRING_CHARS ) ;
return pak - > length ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : ClearPureChecksums
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void idFileSystemLocal : : ClearPureChecksums ( void ) {
common - > DPrintf ( " Cleared pure server lock \n " ) ;
serverPaks . Clear ( ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : SetPureServerChecksums
set the pure paks according to what the server asks
if that ' s not possible , identify why and build an answer
can be :
loadedFileFromDir - some files were loaded from directories instead of paks ( a restart in pure pak - only is required )
missing / wrong checksums - some pak files would need to be installed / updated ( downloaded for instance )
some pak files currently referenced are not referenced by the server
wrong order - if the pak order doesn ' t match , means some stuff could have been loaded from somewhere else
server referenced files are prepended to the list if possible ( that doesn ' t break pureness )
the checksum of the pak containing the DLL is maintained seperately , the server can send different replies by OS
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
fsPureReply_t idFileSystemLocal : : SetPureServerChecksums ( const int pureChecksums [ MAX_PURE_PAKS ] , int _gamePakChecksum , int missingChecksums [ MAX_PURE_PAKS ] , int * missingGamePakChecksum ) {
pack_t * pack ;
int i , j , imissing ;
bool success = true ;
bool canPrepend = true ;
char dllName [ MAX_OSPATH ] ;
int dllHash ;
fileInPack_t * pakFile ;
sys - > DLL_GetFileName ( " game " , dllName , MAX_OSPATH ) ;
dllHash = HashFileName ( dllName ) ;
imissing = 0 ;
missingChecksums [ 0 ] = 0 ;
assert ( missingGamePakChecksum ) ;
* missingGamePakChecksum = 0 ;
if ( pureChecksums [ 0 ] = = 0 ) {
ClearPureChecksums ( ) ;
return PURE_OK ;
if ( ! serverPaks . Num ( ) ) {
// there was no pure lockdown yet - lock to what we already have
UpdatePureServerChecksums ( ) ;
i = 0 ; j = 0 ;
while ( pureChecksums [ i ] ) {
if ( j < serverPaks . Num ( ) & & serverPaks [ j ] - > checksum = = pureChecksums [ i ] ) {
canPrepend = false ; // once you start matching into the list there is no prepending anymore
i + + ; j + + ; // the pak is matched, is in the right order, continue..
} else {
pack = GetPackForChecksum ( pureChecksums [ i ] , true ) ;
if ( pack & & pack - > addon & & ! pack - > addon_search ) {
// this is an addon pack, and it's not on our current search list
// setting success to false meaning that a restart including this addon is required
if ( fs_debug . GetBool ( ) ) {
common - > Printf ( " pak %s checksumed 0x%x is on addon list. Restart required. \n " , pack - > pakFilename . c_str ( ) , pack - > checksum ) ;
success = false ;
if ( pack & & pack - > isNew ) {
// that's a downloaded pack, we will need to restart
if ( fs_debug . GetBool ( ) ) {
common - > Printf ( " pak %s checksumed 0x%x is a newly downloaded file. Restart required. \n " , pack - > pakFilename . c_str ( ) , pack - > checksum ) ;
success = false ;
if ( pack ) {
if ( canPrepend ) {
// we still have a chance
if ( fs_debug . GetBool ( ) ) {
common - > Printf ( " prepend pak %s checksumed 0x%x at index %d \n " , pack - > pakFilename . c_str ( ) , pack - > checksum , j ) ;
// NOTE: there is a light possibility this adds at the end of the list if UpdatePureServerChecksums didn't set anything
serverPaks . Insert ( pack , j ) ;
i + + ; j + + ; // continue..
} else {
success = false ;
if ( fs_debug . GetBool ( ) ) {
// verbose the situation
if ( serverPaks . Find ( pack ) ) {
common - > Printf ( " pak %s checksumed 0x%x is in the pure list at wrong index. Current index is %d, found at %d \n " , pack - > pakFilename . c_str ( ) , pack - > checksum , j , serverPaks . FindIndex ( pack ) ) ;
} else {
common - > Printf ( " pak %s checksumed 0x%x can't be added to pure list because of search order \n " , pack - > pakFilename . c_str ( ) , pack - > checksum ) ;
i + + ; // advance server checksums only
} else {
// didn't find a matching checksum
success = false ;
missingChecksums [ imissing + + ] = pureChecksums [ i ] ;
missingChecksums [ imissing ] = 0 ;
if ( fs_debug . GetBool ( ) ) {
common - > Printf ( " checksum not found - 0x%x \n " , pureChecksums [ i ] ) ;
i + + ; // advance the server checksums only
while ( j < serverPaks . Num ( ) ) {
success = false ; // just in case some extra pak files are referenced at the end of our local list
if ( fs_debug . GetBool ( ) ) {
common - > Printf ( " pak %s checksumed 0x%x is an extra reference at the end of local pure list \n " , serverPaks [ j ] - > pakFilename . c_str ( ) , serverPaks [ j ] - > checksum ) ;
j + + ;
// DLL checksuming
if ( ! _gamePakChecksum ) {
// server doesn't have knowledge of code we can use ( OS issue )
return PURE_NODLL ;
assert ( gameDLLChecksum ) ;
gamePakChecksum = _gamePakChecksum ;
# endif
if ( _gamePakChecksum ! = gamePakChecksum ) {
// current DLL is wrong, search for a pak with the approriate checksum
// ( search all paks, the pure list is not relevant here )
pack = GetPackForChecksum ( _gamePakChecksum ) ;
if ( ! pack ) {
if ( fs_debug . GetBool ( ) ) {
common - > Printf ( " missing the game code pak ( 0x%x ) \n " , _gamePakChecksum ) ;
// if there are other paks missing they have also been marked above
* missingGamePakChecksum = _gamePakChecksum ;
// if assets paks are missing, don't try any of the DLL restart / NODLL
if ( imissing ) {
// we have a matching pak
if ( fs_debug . GetBool ( ) ) {
common - > Printf ( " server's game code pak candidate is '%s' ( 0x%x ) \n " , pack - > pakFilename . c_str ( ) , pack - > checksum ) ;
// make sure there is a valid DLL for us
if ( pack - > hashTable [ dllHash ] ) {
for ( pakFile = pack - > hashTable [ dllHash ] ; pakFile ; pakFile = pakFile - > next ) {
if ( ! FilenameCompare ( pakFile - > name , dllName ) ) {
gamePakChecksum = _gamePakChecksum ; // this will be used to extract the DLL in pure mode FindDLL
common - > Warning ( " media is misconfigured. server claims pak '%s' ( 0x%x ) has media for us, but '%s' is not found \n " , pack - > pakFilename . c_str ( ) , pack - > checksum , dllName ) ;
return PURE_NODLL ;
// we reply to missing after DLL check so it can be part of the list
if ( imissing ) {
// one last check
if ( loadedFileFromDir ) {
success = false ;
if ( fs_debug . GetBool ( ) ) {
common - > Printf ( " SetPureServerChecksums: there are files loaded from dir \n " ) ;
return ( success ? PURE_OK : PURE_RESTART ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : GetPureServerChecksums
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void idFileSystemLocal : : GetPureServerChecksums ( int checksums [ MAX_PURE_PAKS ] , int OS , int * _gamePakChecksum ) {
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < serverPaks . Num ( ) ; i + + ) {
checksums [ i ] = serverPaks [ i ] - > checksum ;
checksums [ i ] = 0 ;
if ( _gamePakChecksum ) {
if ( OS > = 0 ) {
* _gamePakChecksum = gamePakForOS [ OS ] ;
} else {
* _gamePakChecksum = gamePakChecksum ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : SetRestartChecksums
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void idFileSystemLocal : : SetRestartChecksums ( const int pureChecksums [ MAX_PURE_PAKS ] , int gamePakChecksum ) {
int i ;
pack_t * pack ;
restartChecksums . Clear ( ) ;
i = 0 ;
while ( pureChecksums [ i ] ) {
pack = GetPackForChecksum ( pureChecksums [ i ] , true ) ;
if ( ! pack ) {
common - > FatalError ( " SetRestartChecksums failed: no pak for checksum 0x%x \n " , pureChecksums [ i ] ) ;
if ( pack - > addon & & addonChecksums . FindIndex ( pack - > checksum ) < 0 ) {
// can't mark it pure if we're not even gonna search it :-)
addonChecksums . Append ( pack - > checksum ) ;
restartChecksums . Append ( pureChecksums [ i ] ) ;
i + + ;
restartGamePakChecksum = gamePakChecksum ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : Init
Called only at inital startup , not when the filesystem
is resetting due to a game change
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void idFileSystemLocal : : Init ( void ) {
// allow command line parms to override our defaults
// we have to specially handle this, because normal command
// line variable sets don't happen until after the filesystem
// has already been initialized
common - > StartupVariable ( " fs_basepath " , false ) ;
common - > StartupVariable ( " fs_savepath " , false ) ;
common - > StartupVariable ( " fs_cdpath " , false ) ;
common - > StartupVariable ( " fs_devpath " , false ) ;
common - > StartupVariable ( " fs_game " , false ) ;
common - > StartupVariable ( " fs_game_base " , false ) ;
common - > StartupVariable ( " fs_copyfiles " , false ) ;
common - > StartupVariable ( " fs_restrict " , false ) ;
common - > StartupVariable ( " fs_searchAddons " , false ) ;
if ( fs_game . GetString ( ) [ 0 ] & & ! idStr : : Icmp ( fs_game . GetString ( ) , " d3xp " ) ) {
fs_game . SetString ( NULL ) ;
if ( fs_game_base . GetString ( ) [ 0 ] & & ! idStr : : Icmp ( fs_game_base . GetString ( ) , " d3xp " ) ) {
fs_game_base . SetString ( NULL ) ;
# endif
if ( fs_basepath . GetString ( ) [ 0 ] = = ' \0 ' ) {
fs_basepath . SetString ( Sys_DefaultBasePath ( ) ) ;
if ( fs_savepath . GetString ( ) [ 0 ] = = ' \0 ' ) {
fs_savepath . SetString ( Sys_DefaultSavePath ( ) ) ;
if ( fs_cdpath . GetString ( ) [ 0 ] = = ' \0 ' ) {
fs_cdpath . SetString ( Sys_DefaultCDPath ( ) ) ;
if ( fs_devpath . GetString ( ) [ 0 ] = = ' \0 ' ) {
fs_devpath . SetString ( fs_cdpath . GetString ( ) [ 0 ] ? fs_cdpath . GetString ( ) : fs_basepath . GetString ( ) ) ;
// try to start up normally
Startup ( ) ;
// see if we are going to allow add-ons
SetRestrictions ( ) ;
// spawn a thread to handle background file reads
StartBackgroundDownloadThread ( ) ;
// if we can't find default.cfg, assume that the paths are
// busted and error out now, rather than getting an unreadable
// graphics screen when the font fails to load
// Dedicated servers can run with no outside files at all
if ( ReadFile ( " default.cfg " , NULL , NULL ) < = 0 ) {
common - > FatalError ( " Couldn't load default.cfg " ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : Restart
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void idFileSystemLocal : : Restart ( void ) {
// free anything we currently have loaded
Shutdown ( true ) ;
Startup ( ) ;
// see if we are going to allow add-ons
SetRestrictions ( ) ;
// if we can't find default.cfg, assume that the paths are
// busted and error out now, rather than getting an unreadable
// graphics screen when the font fails to load
if ( ReadFile ( " default.cfg " , NULL , NULL ) < = 0 ) {
common - > FatalError ( " Couldn't load default.cfg " ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : Shutdown
Frees all resources and closes all files
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void idFileSystemLocal : : Shutdown ( bool reloading ) {
searchpath_t * sp , * next , * loop ;
gameFolder . Clear ( ) ;
serverPaks . Clear ( ) ;
if ( ! reloading ) {
restartChecksums . Clear ( ) ;
addonChecksums . Clear ( ) ;
loadedFileFromDir = false ;
gameDLLChecksum = 0 ;
gamePakChecksum = 0 ;
ClearDirCache ( ) ;
// free everything - loop through searchPaths and addonPaks
for ( loop = searchPaths ; loop ; loop = = searchPaths ? loop = addonPaks : loop = NULL ) {
for ( sp = loop ; sp ; sp = next ) {
next = sp - > next ;
if ( sp - > pack ) {
unzClose ( sp - > pack - > handle ) ;
delete [ ] sp - > pack - > buildBuffer ;
if ( sp - > pack - > addon_info ) {
sp - > pack - > addon_info - > mapDecls . DeleteContents ( true ) ;
delete sp - > pack - > addon_info ;
delete sp - > pack ;
if ( sp - > dir ) {
delete sp - > dir ;
delete sp ;
// any FS_ calls will now be an error until reinitialized
searchPaths = NULL ;
addonPaks = NULL ;
cmdSystem - > RemoveCommand ( " path " ) ;
cmdSystem - > RemoveCommand ( " dir " ) ;
cmdSystem - > RemoveCommand ( " dirtree " ) ;
cmdSystem - > RemoveCommand ( " touchFile " ) ;
mapDict . Clear ( ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : IsInitialized
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
bool idFileSystemLocal : : IsInitialized ( void ) const {
return ( searchPaths ! = NULL ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Opening files
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : FileAllowedFromDir
= = = = = = = = = = =
bool idFileSystemLocal : : FileAllowedFromDir ( const char * path ) {
unsigned int l ;
l = strlen ( path ) ;
if ( ! strcmp ( path + l - 4 , " .cfg " ) // for config files
| | ! strcmp ( path + l - 4 , " .dat " ) // for journal files
| | ! strcmp ( path + l - 4 , " .dll " ) // dynamic modules are handled a different way for pure
| | ! strcmp ( path + l - 3 , " .so " )
| | ( l > 6 & & ! strcmp ( path + l - 6 , " .dylib " ) )
| | ( l > 10 & & ! strcmp ( path + l - 10 , " .scriptcfg " ) ) // configuration script, such as map cycle
| | ! strcmp ( path + l - 4 , " .dds " )
# endif
) {
// note: cd and xp keys, as well as config.spec are opened through an explicit OS path and don't hit this
return true ;
// savegames
if ( strstr ( path , " savegames " ) = = path & &
( ! strcmp ( path + l - 4 , " .tga " ) | | ! strcmp ( path + l - 4 , " .txt " ) | | ! strcmp ( path + l - 5 , " .save " ) ) ) {
return true ;
// screen shots
if ( strstr ( path , " screenshots " ) = = path & & ! strcmp ( path + l - 4 , " .tga " ) ) {
return true ;
// objective tgas
if ( strstr ( path , " maps/game " ) = = path & &
! strcmp ( path + l - 4 , " .tga " ) ) {
return true ;
// splash screens extracted from addons
if ( strstr ( path , " guis/assets/splash/addon " ) = = path & &
! strcmp ( path + l - 4 , " .tga " ) ) {
return true ;
return false ;
= = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : GetPackStatus
= = = = = = = = = = =
pureStatus_t idFileSystemLocal : : GetPackStatus ( pack_t * pak ) {
int i , l , hashindex ;
fileInPack_t * file ;
bool abrt ;
idStr name ;
if ( pak - > pureStatus ! = PURE_UNKNOWN ) {
return pak - > pureStatus ;
// check content for PURE_NEVER
i = 0 ;
file = pak - > buildBuffer ;
for ( hashindex = 0 ; hashindex < FILE_HASH_SIZE ; hashindex + + ) {
abrt = false ;
file = pak - > hashTable [ hashindex ] ;
while ( file ) {
abrt = true ;
l = file - > name . Length ( ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; pureExclusions [ j ] . func ! = NULL ; j + + ) {
if ( pureExclusions [ j ] . func ( pureExclusions [ j ] , l , file - > name ) ) {
abrt = false ;
break ;
if ( abrt ) {
common - > DPrintf ( " pak '%s' candidate for pure: '%s' \n " , pak - > pakFilename . c_str ( ) , file - > name . c_str ( ) ) ;
break ;
file = file - > next ;
i + + ;
if ( abrt ) {
break ;
if ( i = = pak - > numfiles ) {
pak - > pureStatus = PURE_NEVER ;
return PURE_NEVER ;
// check pak name for PURE_ALWAYS
pak - > pakFilename . ExtractFileName ( name ) ;
if ( ! name . IcmpPrefixPath ( " pak " ) ) {
pak - > pureStatus = PURE_ALWAYS ;
return PURE_ALWAYS ;
pak - > pureStatus = PURE_NEUTRAL ;
= = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : ReadFileFromZip
= = = = = = = = = = =
idFile_InZip * idFileSystemLocal : : ReadFileFromZip ( pack_t * pak , fileInPack_t * pakFile , const char * relativePath ) {
unz_s * zfi ;
FILE * fp ;
idFile_InZip * file = new idFile_InZip ( ) ;
// open a new file on the pakfile
file - > z = unzReOpen ( pak - > pakFilename , pak - > handle ) ;
if ( file - > z = = NULL ) {
common - > FatalError ( " Couldn't reopen %s " , pak - > pakFilename . c_str ( ) ) ;
file - > name = relativePath ;
file - > fullPath = pak - > pakFilename + " / " + relativePath ;
zfi = ( unz_s * ) file - > z ;
// in case the file was new
fp = zfi - > file ;
// set the file position in the zip file (also sets the current file info)
unzSetCurrentFileInfoPosition ( pak - > handle , pakFile - > pos ) ;
// copy the file info into the unzip structure
memcpy ( zfi , pak - > handle , sizeof ( unz_s ) ) ;
// we copy this back into the structure
zfi - > file = fp ;
// open the file in the zip
unzOpenCurrentFile ( file - > z ) ;
file - > zipFilePos = pakFile - > pos ;
file - > fileSize = zfi - > cur_file_info . uncompressed_size ;
return file ;
= = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : OpenFileReadFlags
Finds the file in the search path , following search flag recommendations
Returns filesize and an open FILE pointer .
Used for streaming data out of either a
separate file or a ZIP file .
= = = = = = = = = = =
idFile * idFileSystemLocal : : OpenFileReadFlags ( const char * relativePath , int searchFlags , pack_t * * foundInPak , bool allowCopyFiles , const char * gamedir ) {
searchpath_t * search ;
idStr netpath ;
pack_t * pak ;
fileInPack_t * pakFile ;
directory_t * dir ;
long hash ;
FILE * fp ;
if ( ! searchPaths ) {
common - > FatalError ( " Filesystem call made without initialization \n " ) ;
if ( ! relativePath ) {
common - > FatalError ( " idFileSystemLocal::OpenFileRead: NULL 'relativePath' parameter passed \n " ) ;
if ( foundInPak ) {
* foundInPak = NULL ;
// qpaths are not supposed to have a leading slash
if ( relativePath [ 0 ] = = ' / ' | | relativePath [ 0 ] = = ' \\ ' ) {
relativePath + + ;
// make absolutely sure that it can't back up the path.
// The searchpaths do guarantee that something will always
// be prepended, so we don't need to worry about "c:" or "//limbo"
if ( strstr ( relativePath , " .. " ) | | strstr ( relativePath , " :: " ) ) {
return NULL ;
// edge case
if ( relativePath [ 0 ] = = ' \0 ' ) {
return NULL ;
// make sure the doomkey file is only readable by game at initialization
// any other time the key should only be accessed in memory using the provided functions
if ( common - > IsInitialized ( ) & & ( idStr : : Icmp ( relativePath , CDKEY_FILE ) = = 0 | | idStr : : Icmp ( relativePath , XPKEY_FILE ) = = 0 ) ) {
return NULL ;
// search through the path, one element at a time
hash = HashFileName ( relativePath ) ;
for ( search = searchPaths ; search ; search = search - > next ) {
if ( search - > dir & & ( searchFlags & FSFLAG_SEARCH_DIRS ) ) {
// check a file in the directory tree
// if we are running restricted, the only files we
// will allow to come from the directory are .cfg files
if ( fs_restrict . GetBool ( ) | | serverPaks . Num ( ) ) {
if ( ! FileAllowedFromDir ( relativePath ) ) {
continue ;
dir = search - > dir ;
if ( gamedir & & strlen ( gamedir ) ) {
if ( dir - > gamedir ! = gamedir ) {
continue ;
netpath = BuildOSPath ( dir - > path , dir - > gamedir , relativePath ) ;
fp = OpenOSFileCorrectName ( netpath , " rb " ) ;
if ( ! fp ) {
continue ;
idFile_Permanent * file = new idFile_Permanent ( ) ;
file - > o = fp ;
file - > name = relativePath ;
file - > fullPath = netpath ;
file - > mode = ( 1 < < FS_READ ) ;
file - > fileSize = DirectFileLength ( file - > o ) ;
if ( fs_debug . GetInteger ( ) ) {
common - > Printf ( " idFileSystem::OpenFileRead: %s (found in '%s/%s') \n " , relativePath , dir - > path . c_str ( ) , dir - > gamedir . c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( ! loadedFileFromDir & & ! FileAllowedFromDir ( relativePath ) ) {
if ( restartChecksums . Num ( ) ) {
common - > FatalError ( " '%s' loaded from directory: Failed to restart with pure mode restrictions for server connect " , relativePath ) ;
common - > DPrintf ( " filesystem: switching to pure mode will require a restart. '%s' loaded from directory. \n " , relativePath ) ;
loadedFileFromDir = true ;
// if fs_copyfiles is set
if ( allowCopyFiles & & fs_copyfiles . GetInteger ( ) ) {
idStr copypath ;
idStr name ;
copypath = BuildOSPath ( fs_savepath . GetString ( ) , dir - > gamedir , relativePath ) ;
netpath . ExtractFileName ( name ) ;
copypath . StripFilename ( ) ;
copypath + = PATHSEPERATOR_STR ;
copypath + = name ;
bool isFromCDPath = ! dir - > path . Cmp ( fs_cdpath . GetString ( ) ) ;
bool isFromSavePath = ! dir - > path . Cmp ( fs_savepath . GetString ( ) ) ;
bool isFromBasePath = ! dir - > path . Cmp ( fs_basepath . GetString ( ) ) ;
switch ( fs_copyfiles . GetInteger ( ) ) {
case 1 :
// copy from cd path only
if ( isFromCDPath ) {
CopyFile ( netpath , copypath ) ;
break ;
case 2 :
// from cd path + timestamps
if ( isFromCDPath ) {
CopyFile ( netpath , copypath ) ;
} else if ( isFromSavePath | | isFromBasePath ) {
idStr sourcepath ;
sourcepath = BuildOSPath ( fs_cdpath . GetString ( ) , dir - > gamedir , relativePath ) ;
FILE * f1 = OpenOSFile ( sourcepath , " r " ) ;
if ( f1 ) {
ID_TIME_T t1 = Sys_FileTimeStamp ( f1 ) ;
fclose ( f1 ) ;
FILE * f2 = OpenOSFile ( copypath , " r " ) ;
if ( f2 ) {
ID_TIME_T t2 = Sys_FileTimeStamp ( f2 ) ;
fclose ( f2 ) ;
if ( t1 > t2 ) {
CopyFile ( sourcepath , copypath ) ;
break ;
case 3 :
if ( isFromCDPath | | isFromBasePath ) {
CopyFile ( netpath , copypath ) ;
break ;
case 4 :
if ( isFromCDPath & & ! isFromBasePath ) {
CopyFile ( netpath , copypath ) ;
break ;
return file ;
} else if ( search - > pack & & ( searchFlags & FSFLAG_SEARCH_PAKS ) ) {
if ( ! search - > pack - > hashTable [ hash ] ) {
continue ;
// disregard if it doesn't match one of the allowed pure pak files
if ( serverPaks . Num ( ) ) {
GetPackStatus ( search - > pack ) ;
if ( search - > pack - > pureStatus ! = PURE_NEVER & & ! serverPaks . Find ( search - > pack ) ) {
continue ; // not on the pure server pak list
// look through all the pak file elements
pak = search - > pack ;
if ( searchFlags & FSFLAG_BINARY_ONLY ) {
// make sure this pak is tagged as a binary file
if ( pak - > binary = = BINARY_UNKNOWN ) {
int confHash ;
fileInPack_t * pakFile ;
confHash = HashFileName ( BINARY_CONFIG ) ;
pak - > binary = BINARY_NO ;
for ( pakFile = search - > pack - > hashTable [ confHash ] ; pakFile ; pakFile = pakFile - > next ) {
if ( ! FilenameCompare ( pakFile - > name , BINARY_CONFIG ) ) {
pak - > binary = BINARY_YES ;
break ;
if ( pak - > binary = = BINARY_NO ) {
continue ; // not a binary pak, skip
for ( pakFile = pak - > hashTable [ hash ] ; pakFile ; pakFile = pakFile - > next ) {
// case and separator insensitive comparisons
if ( ! FilenameCompare ( pakFile - > name , relativePath ) ) {
idFile_InZip * file = ReadFileFromZip ( pak , pakFile , relativePath ) ;
if ( foundInPak ) {
* foundInPak = pak ;
if ( ! pak - > referenced & & ! ( searchFlags & FSFLAG_PURE_NOREF ) ) {
// mark this pak referenced
if ( fs_debug . GetInteger ( ) ) {
common - > Printf ( " idFileSystem::OpenFileRead: %s -> adding %s to referenced paks \n " , relativePath , pak - > pakFilename . c_str ( ) ) ;
pak - > referenced = true ;
if ( fs_debug . GetInteger ( ) ) {
common - > Printf ( " idFileSystem::OpenFileRead: %s (found in '%s') \n " , relativePath , pak - > pakFilename . c_str ( ) ) ;
return file ;
if ( searchFlags & FSFLAG_SEARCH_ADDONS ) {
for ( search = addonPaks ; search ; search = search - > next ) {
assert ( search - > pack ) ;
fileInPack_t * pakFile ;
pak = search - > pack ;
for ( pakFile = pak - > hashTable [ hash ] ; pakFile ; pakFile = pakFile - > next ) {
if ( ! FilenameCompare ( pakFile - > name , relativePath ) ) {
idFile_InZip * file = ReadFileFromZip ( pak , pakFile , relativePath ) ;
if ( foundInPak ) {
* foundInPak = pak ;
// we don't toggle pure on paks found in addons - they can't be used without a reloadEngine anyway
if ( fs_debug . GetInteger ( ) ) {
common - > Printf ( " idFileSystem::OpenFileRead: %s (found in addon pk4 '%s') \n " , relativePath , search - > pack - > pakFilename . c_str ( ) ) ;
return file ;
if ( fs_debug . GetInteger ( ) ) {
common - > Printf ( " Can't find %s \n " , relativePath ) ;
return NULL ;
= = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : OpenFileRead
= = = = = = = = = = =
idFile * idFileSystemLocal : : OpenFileRead ( const char * relativePath , bool allowCopyFiles , const char * gamedir ) {
return OpenFileReadFlags ( relativePath , FSFLAG_SEARCH_DIRS | FSFLAG_SEARCH_PAKS , NULL , allowCopyFiles , gamedir ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : OpenFileWrite
= = = = = = = = = = =
idFile * idFileSystemLocal : : OpenFileWrite ( const char * relativePath , const char * basePath ) {
const char * path ;
idStr OSpath ;
idFile_Permanent * f ;
if ( ! searchPaths ) {
common - > FatalError ( " Filesystem call made without initialization \n " ) ;
path = cvarSystem - > GetCVarString ( basePath ) ;
if ( ! path [ 0 ] ) {
path = fs_savepath . GetString ( ) ;
OSpath = BuildOSPath ( path , gameFolder , relativePath ) ;
2020-10-22 17:12:18 +00:00
if ( fs_debug . GetInteger ( ) ) {
2020-06-12 21:06:25 +00:00
common - > Printf ( " idFileSystem::OpenFileWrite: %s \n " , OSpath . c_str ( ) ) ;
2020-10-22 17:12:18 +00:00
2020-06-12 21:06:25 +00:00
// if the dir we are writing to is in our current list, it will be outdated
// so just flush everything
ClearDirCache ( ) ;
2020-10-22 17:12:18 +00:00
common - > DPrintf ( " writing to: %s \n " , OSpath . c_str ( ) ) ;
2020-06-12 21:06:25 +00:00
CreateOSPath ( OSpath ) ;
f = new idFile_Permanent ( ) ;
f - > o = OpenOSFile ( OSpath , " wb " ) ;
if ( ! f - > o ) {
delete f ;
return NULL ;
f - > name = relativePath ;
f - > fullPath = OSpath ;
f - > mode = ( 1 < < FS_WRITE ) ;
f - > handleSync = false ;
f - > fileSize = 0 ;
return f ;
= = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : OpenExplicitFileRead
= = = = = = = = = = =
idFile * idFileSystemLocal : : OpenExplicitFileRead ( const char * OSPath ) {
idFile_Permanent * f ;
if ( ! searchPaths ) {
common - > FatalError ( " Filesystem call made without initialization \n " ) ;
if ( fs_debug . GetInteger ( ) ) {
common - > Printf ( " idFileSystem::OpenExplicitFileRead: %s \n " , OSPath ) ;
common - > DPrintf ( " idFileSystem::OpenExplicitFileRead - reading from: %s \n " , OSPath ) ;
f = new idFile_Permanent ( ) ;
f - > o = OpenOSFile ( OSPath , " rb " ) ;
if ( ! f - > o ) {
delete f ;
return NULL ;
f - > name = OSPath ;
f - > fullPath = OSPath ;
f - > mode = ( 1 < < FS_READ ) ;
f - > handleSync = false ;
f - > fileSize = DirectFileLength ( f - > o ) ;
return f ;
= = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : OpenExplicitFileWrite
= = = = = = = = = = =
idFile * idFileSystemLocal : : OpenExplicitFileWrite ( const char * OSPath ) {
idFile_Permanent * f ;
if ( ! searchPaths ) {
common - > FatalError ( " Filesystem call made without initialization \n " ) ;
if ( fs_debug . GetInteger ( ) ) {
common - > Printf ( " idFileSystem::OpenExplicitFileWrite: %s \n " , OSPath ) ;
common - > DPrintf ( " writing to: %s \n " , OSPath ) ;
CreateOSPath ( OSPath ) ;
f = new idFile_Permanent ( ) ;
f - > o = OpenOSFile ( OSPath , " wb " ) ;
if ( ! f - > o ) {
delete f ;
return NULL ;
f - > name = OSPath ;
f - > fullPath = OSPath ;
f - > mode = ( 1 < < FS_WRITE ) ;
f - > handleSync = false ;
f - > fileSize = 0 ;
return f ;
= = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : OpenFileAppend
= = = = = = = = = = =
idFile * idFileSystemLocal : : OpenFileAppend ( const char * relativePath , bool sync , const char * basePath ) {
const char * path ;
idStr OSpath ;
idFile_Permanent * f ;
if ( ! searchPaths ) {
common - > FatalError ( " Filesystem call made without initialization \n " ) ;
path = cvarSystem - > GetCVarString ( basePath ) ;
if ( ! path [ 0 ] ) {
path = fs_savepath . GetString ( ) ;
OSpath = BuildOSPath ( path , gameFolder , relativePath ) ;
CreateOSPath ( OSpath ) ;
if ( fs_debug . GetInteger ( ) ) {
common - > Printf ( " idFileSystem::OpenFileAppend: %s \n " , OSpath . c_str ( ) ) ;
f = new idFile_Permanent ( ) ;
f - > o = OpenOSFile ( OSpath , " ab " ) ;
if ( ! f - > o ) {
delete f ;
return NULL ;
f - > name = relativePath ;
f - > fullPath = OSpath ;
f - > mode = ( 1 < < FS_WRITE ) + ( 1 < < FS_APPEND ) ;
f - > handleSync = sync ;
f - > fileSize = DirectFileLength ( f - > o ) ;
return f ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : OpenFileByMode
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFile * idFileSystemLocal : : OpenFileByMode ( const char * relativePath , fsMode_t mode ) {
if ( mode = = FS_READ ) {
return OpenFileRead ( relativePath ) ;
if ( mode = = FS_WRITE ) {
return OpenFileWrite ( relativePath ) ;
if ( mode = = FS_APPEND ) {
return OpenFileAppend ( relativePath , true ) ;
common - > FatalError ( " idFileSystemLocal::OpenFileByMode: bad mode " ) ;
return NULL ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : CloseFile
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void idFileSystemLocal : : CloseFile ( idFile * f ) {
if ( ! searchPaths ) {
common - > FatalError ( " Filesystem call made without initialization \n " ) ;
delete f ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
back ground loading
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : CurlWriteFunction
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
size_t idFileSystemLocal : : CurlWriteFunction ( void * ptr , size_t size , size_t nmemb , void * stream ) {
backgroundDownload_t * bgl = ( backgroundDownload_t * ) stream ;
if ( ! bgl - > f ) {
return size * nmemb ;
# ifdef _WIN32
2020-10-22 17:12:18 +00:00
return _write ( _fileno ( static_cast < idFile_Permanent * > ( bgl - > f ) - > GetFilePtr ( ) ) , ptr , size * nmemb ) ;
2020-06-12 21:06:25 +00:00
# else
return fwrite ( ptr , size , nmemb , static_cast < idFile_Permanent * > ( bgl - > f ) - > GetFilePtr ( ) ) ;
# endif
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : CurlProgressFunction
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
int idFileSystemLocal : : CurlProgressFunction ( void * clientp , double dltotal , double dlnow , double ultotal , double ulnow ) {
backgroundDownload_t * bgl = ( backgroundDownload_t * ) clientp ;
if ( bgl - > url . status = = DL_ABORTING ) {
return 1 ;
bgl - > url . dltotal = dltotal ;
bgl - > url . dlnow = dlnow ;
return 0 ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Reads part of a file from a background thread .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
dword BackgroundDownloadThread ( void * parms ) {
FPExceptionEnabler enabled ( _EM_UNDERFLOW | _EM_OVERFLOW | _EM_ZERODIVIDE | _EM_INVALID ) ;
# endif
while ( 1 ) {
Sys_EnterCriticalSection ( ) ;
backgroundDownload_t * bgl = fileSystemLocal . backgroundDownloads ;
if ( ! bgl ) {
Sys_LeaveCriticalSection ( ) ;
Sys_WaitForEvent ( ) ;
continue ;
// remove this from the list
fileSystemLocal . backgroundDownloads = bgl - > next ;
Sys_LeaveCriticalSection ( ) ;
bgl - > next = NULL ;
if ( bgl - > opcode = = DLTYPE_FILE ) {
// use the low level read function, because fread may allocate memory
# if defined(WIN32)
2020-10-22 17:12:18 +00:00
_read ( _fileno ( static_cast < idFile_Permanent * > ( bgl - > f ) - > GetFilePtr ( ) ) , bgl - > file . buffer , bgl - > file . length ) ;
2020-06-12 21:06:25 +00:00
# else
fread ( bgl - > file . buffer , bgl - > file . length , 1 , static_cast < idFile_Permanent * > ( bgl - > f ) - > GetFilePtr ( ) ) ;
# endif
bgl - > completed = true ;
} else {
// use a local buffer for curl error since the size define is local
char error_buf [ CURL_ERROR_SIZE ] ;
bgl - > url . dlerror [ 0 ] = ' \0 ' ;
CURL * session = curl_easy_init ( ) ;
CURLcode ret ;
if ( ! session ) {
bgl - > url . dlstatus = CURLE_FAILED_INIT ;
bgl - > url . status = DL_FAILED ;
bgl - > completed = true ;
continue ;
ret = curl_easy_setopt ( session , CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER , error_buf ) ;
if ( ret ) {
bgl - > url . dlstatus = ret ;
bgl - > url . status = DL_FAILED ;
bgl - > completed = true ;
continue ;
ret = curl_easy_setopt ( session , CURLOPT_URL , bgl - > url . url . c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( ret ) {
bgl - > url . dlstatus = ret ;
bgl - > url . status = DL_FAILED ;
bgl - > completed = true ;
continue ;
ret = curl_easy_setopt ( session , CURLOPT_FAILONERROR , 1 ) ;
if ( ret ) {
bgl - > url . dlstatus = ret ;
bgl - > url . status = DL_FAILED ;
bgl - > completed = true ;
continue ;
ret = curl_easy_setopt ( session , CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION , idFileSystemLocal : : CurlWriteFunction ) ;
if ( ret ) {
bgl - > url . dlstatus = ret ;
bgl - > url . status = DL_FAILED ;
bgl - > completed = true ;
continue ;
ret = curl_easy_setopt ( session , CURLOPT_WRITEDATA , bgl ) ;
if ( ret ) {
bgl - > url . dlstatus = ret ;
bgl - > url . status = DL_FAILED ;
bgl - > completed = true ;
continue ;
ret = curl_easy_setopt ( session , CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS , 0 ) ;
if ( ret ) {
bgl - > url . dlstatus = ret ;
bgl - > url . status = DL_FAILED ;
bgl - > completed = true ;
continue ;
ret = curl_easy_setopt ( session , CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION , idFileSystemLocal : : CurlProgressFunction ) ;
if ( ret ) {
bgl - > url . dlstatus = ret ;
bgl - > url . status = DL_FAILED ;
bgl - > completed = true ;
continue ;
ret = curl_easy_setopt ( session , CURLOPT_PROGRESSDATA , bgl ) ;
if ( ret ) {
bgl - > url . dlstatus = ret ;
bgl - > url . status = DL_FAILED ;
bgl - > completed = true ;
continue ;
bgl - > url . dlnow = 0 ;
bgl - > url . dltotal = 0 ;
bgl - > url . status = DL_INPROGRESS ;
ret = curl_easy_perform ( session ) ;
if ( ret ) {
Sys_Printf ( " curl_easy_perform failed: %s \n " , error_buf ) ;
idStr : : Copynz ( bgl - > url . dlerror , error_buf , MAX_STRING_CHARS ) ;
bgl - > url . dlstatus = ret ;
bgl - > url . status = DL_FAILED ;
bgl - > completed = true ;
continue ;
bgl - > url . status = DL_DONE ;
bgl - > completed = true ;
# else
bgl - > url . status = DL_FAILED ;
bgl - > completed = true ;
# endif
return 0 ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : StartBackgroundReadThread
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void idFileSystemLocal : : StartBackgroundDownloadThread ( ) {
if ( ! backgroundThread . threadHandle ) {
Sys_CreateThread ( ( xthread_t ) BackgroundDownloadThread , NULL , THREAD_NORMAL , backgroundThread , " backgroundDownload " , g_threads , & g_thread_count ) ;
if ( ! backgroundThread . threadHandle ) {
common - > Warning ( " idFileSystemLocal::StartBackgroundDownloadThread: failed " ) ;
} else {
common - > Printf ( " background thread already running \n " ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : BackgroundDownload
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void idFileSystemLocal : : BackgroundDownload ( backgroundDownload_t * bgl ) {
if ( bgl - > opcode = = DLTYPE_FILE ) {
if ( dynamic_cast < idFile_Permanent * > ( bgl - > f ) ) {
// add the bgl to the background download list
Sys_EnterCriticalSection ( ) ;
bgl - > next = backgroundDownloads ;
backgroundDownloads = bgl ;
Sys_TriggerEvent ( ) ;
Sys_LeaveCriticalSection ( ) ;
} else {
// read zipped file directly
bgl - > f - > Seek ( bgl - > file . position , FS_SEEK_SET ) ;
bgl - > f - > Read ( bgl - > file . buffer , bgl - > file . length ) ;
bgl - > completed = true ;
} else {
Sys_EnterCriticalSection ( ) ;
bgl - > next = backgroundDownloads ;
backgroundDownloads = bgl ;
Sys_TriggerEvent ( ) ;
Sys_LeaveCriticalSection ( ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : PerformingCopyFiles
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
bool idFileSystemLocal : : PerformingCopyFiles ( void ) const {
return fs_copyfiles . GetInteger ( ) > 0 ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : FindPakForFileChecksum
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
pack_t * idFileSystemLocal : : FindPakForFileChecksum ( const char * relativePath , int findChecksum , bool bReference ) {
searchpath_t * search ;
pack_t * pak ;
fileInPack_t * pakFile ;
int hash ;
assert ( ! serverPaks . Num ( ) ) ;
hash = HashFileName ( relativePath ) ;
for ( search = searchPaths ; search ; search = search - > next ) {
if ( search - > pack & & search - > pack - > hashTable [ hash ] ) {
pak = search - > pack ;
for ( pakFile = pak - > hashTable [ hash ] ; pakFile ; pakFile = pakFile - > next ) {
if ( ! FilenameCompare ( pakFile - > name , relativePath ) ) {
idFile_InZip * file = ReadFileFromZip ( pak , pakFile , relativePath ) ;
if ( findChecksum = = GetFileChecksum ( file ) ) {
if ( fs_debug . GetBool ( ) ) {
common - > Printf ( " found '%s' with checksum 0x%x in pak '%s' \n " , relativePath , findChecksum , pak - > pakFilename . c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( bReference ) {
pak - > referenced = true ;
// FIXME: use dependencies for pak references
CloseFile ( file ) ;
return pak ;
} else if ( fs_debug . GetBool ( ) ) {
common - > Printf ( " '%s' in pak '%s' has != checksum %x \n " , relativePath , pak - > pakFilename . c_str ( ) , GetFileChecksum ( file ) ) ;
CloseFile ( file ) ;
if ( fs_debug . GetBool ( ) ) {
common - > Printf ( " no pak file found for '%s' checksumed %x \n " , relativePath , findChecksum ) ;
return NULL ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : GetFileChecksum
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
int idFileSystemLocal : : GetFileChecksum ( idFile * file ) {
int len , ret ;
byte * buf ;
file - > Seek ( 0 , FS_SEEK_END ) ;
len = file - > Tell ( ) ;
file - > Seek ( 0 , FS_SEEK_SET ) ;
buf = ( byte * ) Mem_Alloc ( len ) ;
if ( file - > Read ( buf , len ) ! = len ) {
common - > FatalError ( " Short read in idFileSystemLocal::GetFileChecksum() \n " ) ;
ret = MD4_BlockChecksum ( buf , len ) ;
Mem_Free ( buf ) ;
return ret ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : FindDLL
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void idFileSystemLocal : : FindDLL ( const char * name , char _dllPath [ MAX_OSPATH ] , bool updateChecksum ) {
idFile * dllFile = NULL ;
char dllName [ MAX_OSPATH ] ;
idStr dllPath ;
int dllHash ;
pack_t * inPak ;
pack_t * pak ;
fileInPack_t * pakFile ;
sys - > DLL_GetFileName ( name , dllName , MAX_OSPATH ) ;
dllHash = HashFileName ( dllName ) ;
if ( 1 ) {
# else
if ( ! serverPaks . Num ( ) ) {
# endif
// from executable directory first - this is handy for developement
dllPath = Sys_EXEPath ( ) ;
dllPath . StripFilename ( ) ;
dllPath . AppendPath ( dllName ) ;
dllFile = OpenExplicitFileRead ( dllPath ) ;
if ( ! dllFile ) {
if ( ! serverPaks . Num ( ) ) {
// not running in pure mode, try to extract from a pak file first
dllFile = OpenFileReadFlags ( dllName , FSFLAG_SEARCH_PAKS | FSFLAG_PURE_NOREF | FSFLAG_BINARY_ONLY , & inPak ) ;
if ( dllFile ) {
common - > Printf ( " found DLL in pak file: %s \n " , dllFile - > GetFullPath ( ) ) ;
dllPath = RelativePathToOSPath ( dllName , " fs_savepath " ) ;
CopyFile ( dllFile , dllPath ) ;
CloseFile ( dllFile ) ;
dllFile = OpenFileReadFlags ( dllName , FSFLAG_SEARCH_DIRS ) ;
if ( ! dllFile ) {
common - > Error ( " DLL extraction to fs_savepath failed \n " ) ;
} else if ( updateChecksum ) {
gameDLLChecksum = GetFileChecksum ( dllFile ) ;
gamePakChecksum = inPak - > checksum ;
updateChecksum = false ; // don't try again below
} else {
// didn't find a source in a pak file, try in the directory
dllFile = OpenFileReadFlags ( dllName , FSFLAG_SEARCH_DIRS ) ;
if ( dllFile ) {
if ( updateChecksum ) {
gameDLLChecksum = GetFileChecksum ( dllFile ) ;
// see if we can mark a pak file
pak = FindPakForFileChecksum ( dllName , gameDLLChecksum , false ) ;
pak ? gamePakChecksum = pak - > checksum : gamePakChecksum = 0 ;
updateChecksum = false ;
} else {
// we are in pure mode. this path to be reached only for game DLL situations
// with a code pak checksum given by server
assert ( gamePakChecksum ) ;
assert ( updateChecksum ) ;
pak = GetPackForChecksum ( gamePakChecksum ) ;
if ( ! pak ) {
// not supposed to happen, bug in pure code?
common - > Warning ( " FindDLL in pure mode: game pak not found ( 0x%x ) \n " , gamePakChecksum ) ;
} else {
// extract and copy
for ( pakFile = pak - > hashTable [ dllHash ] ; pakFile ; pakFile = pakFile - > next ) {
if ( ! FilenameCompare ( pakFile - > name , dllName ) ) {
dllFile = ReadFileFromZip ( pak , pakFile , dllName ) ;
common - > Printf ( " found DLL in game pak file: %s \n " , pak - > pakFilename . c_str ( ) ) ;
dllPath = RelativePathToOSPath ( dllName , " fs_savepath " ) ;
CopyFile ( dllFile , dllPath ) ;
CloseFile ( dllFile ) ;
dllFile = OpenFileReadFlags ( dllName , FSFLAG_SEARCH_DIRS ) ;
if ( ! dllFile ) {
common - > Error ( " DLL extraction to fs_savepath failed \n " ) ;
} else {
gameDLLChecksum = GetFileChecksum ( dllFile ) ;
updateChecksum = false ; // don't try again below
if ( updateChecksum ) {
if ( dllFile ) {
gameDLLChecksum = GetFileChecksum ( dllFile ) ;
} else {
gameDLLChecksum = 0 ;
gamePakChecksum = 0 ;
if ( dllFile ) {
dllPath = dllFile - > GetFullPath ( ) ;
CloseFile ( dllFile ) ;
dllFile = NULL ;
} else {
dllPath = " " ;
idStr : : snPrintf ( _dllPath , MAX_OSPATH , dllPath . c_str ( ) ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : ClearDirCache
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void idFileSystemLocal : : ClearDirCache ( void ) {
int i ;
dir_cache_index = 0 ;
dir_cache_count = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CACHED_DIRS ; i + + ) {
dir_cache [ i ] . Clear ( ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : HasD3XP
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
bool idFileSystemLocal : : HasD3XP ( void ) {
int i ;
idStrList dirs , pk4s ;
idStr gamepath ;
if ( d3xp = = - 1 ) {
return false ;
} else if ( d3xp = = 1 ) {
return true ;
#if 0
// check for a d3xp directory with a pk4 file
// copied over from ListMods - only looks in basepath
ListOSFiles ( fs_basepath . GetString ( ) , " / " , dirs ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < dirs . Num ( ) ; i + + ) {
if ( dirs [ i ] . Icmp ( " d3xp " ) = = 0 ) {
gamepath = BuildOSPath ( fs_basepath . GetString ( ) , dirs [ i ] , " " ) ;
ListOSFiles ( gamepath , " .pk4 " , pk4s ) ;
if ( pk4s . Num ( ) ) {
d3xp = 1 ;
return true ;
# elif ID_ALLOW_D3XP
// check for d3xp's d3xp/pak000.pk4 in any search path
// checking wether the pak is loaded by checksum wouldn't be enough:
// we may have a different fs_game right now but still need to reply that it's installed
const char * search [ 4 ] ;
idFile * pakfile ;
search [ 0 ] = fs_savepath . GetString ( ) ;
search [ 1 ] = fs_devpath . GetString ( ) ;
search [ 2 ] = fs_basepath . GetString ( ) ;
search [ 3 ] = fs_cdpath . GetString ( ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + ) {
pakfile = OpenExplicitFileRead ( BuildOSPath ( search [ i ] , " d3xp " , " pak000.pk4 " ) ) ;
if ( pakfile ) {
CloseFile ( pakfile ) ;
d3xp = 1 ;
return true ;
# endif
// if we didn't find a pk4 file then the user might have unpacked so look for default.cfg file
// that's the old way mostly used during developement. don't think it hurts to leave it there
ListOSFiles ( fs_basepath . GetString ( ) , " / " , dirs ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < dirs . Num ( ) ; i + + ) {
if ( dirs [ i ] . Icmp ( " d3xp " ) = = 0 ) {
gamepath = BuildOSPath ( fs_savepath . GetString ( ) , dirs [ i ] , " default.cfg " ) ;
idFile * cfg = OpenExplicitFileRead ( gamepath ) ;
if ( cfg ) {
CloseFile ( cfg ) ;
d3xp = 1 ;
return true ;
# endif
d3xp = - 1 ;
return false ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : RunningD3XP
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
bool idFileSystemLocal : : RunningD3XP ( void ) {
// TODO: mark the checksum of the gold XP and check for it being referenced ( for double mod support )
// a simple fs_game check should be enough for now..
if ( ! idStr : : Icmp ( fs_game . GetString ( ) , " d3xp " ) | |
! idStr : : Icmp ( fs_game_base . GetString ( ) , " d3xp " ) ) {
return true ;
return false ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : MakeTemporaryFile
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFile * idFileSystemLocal : : MakeTemporaryFile ( void ) {
FILE * f = tmpfile ( ) ;
if ( ! f ) {
common - > Warning ( " idFileSystem::MakeTemporaryFile failed: %s " , strerror ( errno ) ) ;
return NULL ;
idFile_Permanent * file = new idFile_Permanent ( ) ;
file - > o = f ;
file - > name = " <tempfile> " ;
file - > fullPath = " <tempfile> " ;
file - > mode = ( 1 < < FS_READ ) + ( 1 < < FS_WRITE ) ;
file - > fileSize = 0 ;
return file ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : FindFile
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
findFile_t idFileSystemLocal : : FindFile ( const char * path , bool scheduleAddons ) {
pack_t * pak ;
idFile * f = OpenFileReadFlags ( path , FSFLAG_SEARCH_DIRS | FSFLAG_SEARCH_PAKS | FSFLAG_SEARCH_ADDONS , & pak ) ;
if ( ! f ) {
return FIND_NO ;
if ( ! pak ) {
// found in FS, not even in paks
return FIND_YES ;
// marking addons for inclusion on reload - may need to do that even when already in the search path
if ( scheduleAddons & & pak - > addon & & addonChecksums . FindIndex ( pak - > checksum ) < 0 ) {
addonChecksums . Append ( pak - > checksum ) ;
// an addon that's not on search list yet? that will require a restart
if ( pak - > addon & & ! pak - > addon_search ) {
delete f ;
return FIND_ADDON ;
delete f ;
return FIND_YES ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : GetNumMaps
account for actual decls and for addon maps
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
int idFileSystemLocal : : GetNumMaps ( ) {
int i ;
searchpath_t * search = NULL ;
int ret = declManager - > GetNumDecls ( DECL_MAPDEF ) ;
// add to this all addon decls - coming from all addon packs ( searched or not )
for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i + + ) {
if ( i = = 0 ) {
search = searchPaths ;
} else if ( i = = 1 ) {
search = addonPaks ;
for ( ; search ; search = search - > next ) {
if ( ! search - > pack | | ! search - > pack - > addon | | ! search - > pack - > addon_info ) {
continue ;
ret + = search - > pack - > addon_info - > mapDecls . Num ( ) ;
return ret ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : GetMapDecl
retrieve the decl dictionary , add a ' path ' value
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
const idDict * idFileSystemLocal : : GetMapDecl ( int idecl ) {
int i ;
const idDecl * mapDecl ;
const idDeclEntityDef * mapDef ;
int numdecls = declManager - > GetNumDecls ( DECL_MAPDEF ) ;
searchpath_t * search = NULL ;
if ( idecl < numdecls ) {
mapDecl = declManager - > DeclByIndex ( DECL_MAPDEF , idecl ) ;
mapDef = static_cast < const idDeclEntityDef * > ( mapDecl ) ;
if ( ! mapDef ) {
common - > Error ( " idFileSystemLocal::GetMapDecl %d: not found \n " , idecl ) ;
mapDict = mapDef - > dict ;
mapDict . Set ( " path " , mapDef - > GetName ( ) ) ;
return & mapDict ;
idecl - = numdecls ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i + + ) {
if ( i = = 0 ) {
search = searchPaths ;
} else if ( i = = 1 ) {
search = addonPaks ;
for ( ; search ; search = search - > next ) {
if ( ! search - > pack | | ! search - > pack - > addon | | ! search - > pack - > addon_info ) {
continue ;
// each addon may have a bunch of map decls
if ( idecl < search - > pack - > addon_info - > mapDecls . Num ( ) ) {
mapDict = * search - > pack - > addon_info - > mapDecls [ idecl ] ;
return & mapDict ;
idecl - = search - > pack - > addon_info - > mapDecls . Num ( ) ;
assert ( idecl > = 0 ) ;
return NULL ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
idFileSystemLocal : : FindMapScreenshot
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void idFileSystemLocal : : FindMapScreenshot ( const char * path , char * buf , int len ) {
idFile * file ;
idStr mapname = path ;
mapname . StripPath ( ) ;
mapname . StripFileExtension ( ) ;
idStr : : snPrintf ( buf , len , " guis/assets/splash/%s.tga " , mapname . c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( ReadFile ( buf , NULL , NULL ) = = - 1 ) {
// try to extract from an addon
file = OpenFileReadFlags ( buf , FSFLAG_SEARCH_ADDONS ) ;
if ( file ) {
// save it out to an addon splash directory
int dlen = file - > Length ( ) ;
char * data = new char [ dlen ] ;
file - > Read ( data , dlen ) ;
CloseFile ( file ) ;
idStr : : snPrintf ( buf , len , " guis/assets/splash/addon/%s.tga " , mapname . c_str ( ) ) ;
WriteFile ( buf , data , dlen ) ;
delete [ ] data ;
} else {
idStr : : Copynz ( buf , " guis/assets/splash/pdtempa " , len ) ;
idStr idFileSystemLocal : : GetModDescription ( idStr descPath )
const int MAX_DESCRIPTION = 256 ;
char desc [ MAX_DESCRIPTION ] ;
FILE * f = OpenOSFile ( descPath , " r " ) ;
if ( f )
if ( fgets ( desc , MAX_DESCRIPTION , f ) )
//common->Printf("FOUND MOD %s\n", desc);
fclose ( f ) ;
common - > DWarning ( " STEAM: error reading %s " , descPath . c_str ( ) ) ;
fclose ( f ) ;
return desc ;