
268 lines
5.5 KiB

Copyright (C) 1994-1995 Apogee Software, Ltd.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include "c:\merge\rottnet.h"
#include "global.h"
#include "port.h"
rottcom_t rottcom;
int vectorishooked=0;
boolean pause;
void interrupt (*oldrottvect) (void);
static char * rottnet_stack;
static unsigned short rottnet_stacksegment;
static unsigned short rottnet_stackpointer;
static unsigned short old_stacksegment;
static unsigned short old_stackpointer;
#define ROTTNET_STACKSIZE (2048)
void SetupROTTCOM ( void )
unsigned char far *vectorptr;
long vector;
char * topofstack;
/* Get an interrupt vector if not already set */
if (vector == -1)
for (vector = 0x60 ; vector <= 0x66 ; vector++)
vectorptr = *(unsigned char far * far *)(vector*4);
if ( !vectorptr || *vectorptr == 0xcf )
if (vector == 0x67)
printf ("Warning: no NULL or iret interrupt vectors were found in the 0x60 to 0x66\n"
"range. You can specify a vector with the -vector parameter\n"
"Press a key to continue...\n");
getch ();
printf ("Using default vector 0x66\n");
vector = 0x66;
rottcom.intnum = (short)vector;
// allocate the rottnet stack
rottnet_stack = malloc(ROTTNET_STACKSIZE);
if (!rottnet_stack)
Error("Could not allocate stack");
// Calculate top of stack
topofstack = rottnet_stack + ROTTNET_STACKSIZE - ROTTNET_SAFETYMARGIN;
// Determine stack segment and pointer
rottnet_stacksegment = FP_SEG( (char huge *)topofstack );
rottnet_stackpointer = FP_OFF( (char huge *)topofstack );
= ShutdownROTTCOM
void ShutdownROTTCOM ( void )
if (vectorishooked)
setvect (rottcom.intnum,oldrottvect);
free ( rottnet_stack );
= GetVector
long GetVector (void)
unsigned char far * vector;
long intnum;
if (CheckParm ("-vector"))
intnum = sscanf ("0x%x",_argv[CheckParm("-vector")+1]);
vector = *(unsigned char far * far *)(intnum*4);
if (vector != NULL && *vector != 0xcf)
Error("The specified vector (0x%02x) was already hooked.\n", intnum);
return intnum;
return -1;
#define GetStack(a,b) \
{ \
*a = _SS; \
*b = _SP; \
#define SetStack(a,b) \
{ \
_SS=a; \
_SP=b; \
void interrupt ROTTNET_ISR (void)
// Get current stack
GetStack( &old_stacksegment, &old_stackpointer );
// Set the local stack
SetStack( rottnet_stacksegment, rottnet_stackpointer );
// call the interrupt service routine
// Restore the old stack
SetStack( old_stacksegment, old_stackpointer );
= LaunchROTT
void LaunchROTT (void)
char *newargs[99];
char adrstring[10];
long flatadr;
int argnum = 1;
int i;
SetupROTTCOM ();
// prepare for ROTT
oldrottvect = getvect (rottcom.intnum);
setvect (rottcom.intnum,ROTTNET_ISR);
vectorishooked = 1;
// set ticstep
if (rottcom.gametype == 0) // modem game
rottcom.ticstep = 2; // skip every other tic
else // must be a network game
rottcom.ticstep = 1; // use every tic
// build the argument list for ROTT, adding "-net" and the address of rottcom.
for (i=1;i<_argc;i++)
newargs [argnum++] = _argv[i];
newargs [argnum++] = "now";
if (Is8250())
newargs [argnum++] = "IS8250";
newargs [argnum++] = "-net";
/* Add address of rottcom structure */
flatadr = (long)_DS*16 + (unsigned)&rottcom;
sprintf (adrstring,"%lu",flatadr);
newargs [argnum++] = adrstring;
newargs [argnum] = NULL;
newargs [0] = ROTTLAUNCHER;
if (pause==true)
printf ("About to launch %s -- Passing these arguments:\n",ROTTLAUNCHER);
for (i = 0; i < argnum; i++)
printf (" arg %d = %s\n", i, newargs [i]);
printf (" player = %d\n", rottcom.consoleplayer);
printf ("\nPress ESC to abort, or any other key to continue...");
if (getch () == ESC)
printf ("\n\n");
spawnv (P_WAIT, ROTTLAUNCHER, newargs);
printf ("\nReturned from ROTT\n\n");