
422 lines
10 KiB

#include "g_local.h"
game_locals_t game;
level_locals_t level;
game_import_t gi;
game_export_t globals;
spawn_temp_t st;
int sm_meat_index;
int snd_fry;
int meansOfDeath;
// zucc for location
int locOfDeath;
int stopAP;
edict_t *g_edicts;
cvar_t *hostname;
cvar_t *teamplay;
cvar_t *radiolog;
cvar_t *motd_time;
cvar_t *actionmaps;
cvar_t *roundtimelimit;
cvar_t *roundlimit;
cvar_t *skipmotd;
cvar_t *nohud;
cvar_t *noscore;
cvar_t *actionversion;
cvar_t *deathmatch;
cvar_t *coop;
cvar_t *dmflags;
cvar_t *skill;
cvar_t *fraglimit;
cvar_t *timelimit;
cvar_t *password;
cvar_t *maxclients;
cvar_t *maxentities;
cvar_t *g_select_empty;
cvar_t *dedicated;
cvar_t *filterban;
cvar_t *sv_maxvelocity;
cvar_t *sv_gravity;
cvar_t *sv_rollspeed;
cvar_t *sv_rollangle;
cvar_t *gun_x;
cvar_t *gun_y;
cvar_t *gun_z;
cvar_t *run_pitch;
cvar_t *run_roll;
cvar_t *bob_up;
cvar_t *bob_pitch;
cvar_t *bob_roll;
cvar_t *sv_cheats;
cvar_t *flood_msgs;
cvar_t *flood_persecond;
cvar_t *flood_waitdelay;
//zucc server variables
cvar_t *unique_weapons;
cvar_t *unique_items;
cvar_t *ir;
cvar_t *knifelimit;
cvar_t *tgren;
cvar_t *allweapon;
cvar_t *allitem;
//zucc from action
cvar_t *sv_shelloff;
cvar_t *bholelimit;
cvar_t *splatlimit;
void SpawnEntities (char *mapname, char *entities, char *spawnpoint);
void ClientThink (edict_t *ent, usercmd_t *cmd);
qboolean ClientConnect (edict_t *ent, char *userinfo);
void ClientUserinfoChanged (edict_t *ent, char *userinfo);
void ClientDisconnect (edict_t *ent);
void ClientBegin (edict_t *ent);
void ClientCommand (edict_t *ent);
void RunEntity (edict_t *ent);
void WriteGame (char *filename, qboolean autosave);
void ReadGame (char *filename);
void WriteLevel (char *filename);
void ReadLevel (char *filename);
void InitGame (void);
void G_RunFrame (void);
void ShutdownGame (void)
gi.dprintf ("==== ShutdownGame ====\n");
gi.FreeTags (TAG_LEVEL);
gi.FreeTags (TAG_GAME);
Returns a pointer to the structure with all entry points
and global variables
game_export_t *GetGameAPI (game_import_t *import)
gi = *import;
globals.apiversion = GAME_API_VERSION;
globals.Init = InitGame;
globals.Shutdown = ShutdownGame;
globals.SpawnEntities = SpawnEntities;
globals.WriteGame = WriteGame;
globals.ReadGame = ReadGame;
globals.WriteLevel = WriteLevel;
globals.ReadLevel = ReadLevel;
globals.ClientThink = ClientThink;
globals.ClientConnect = ClientConnect;
globals.ClientUserinfoChanged = ClientUserinfoChanged;
globals.ClientDisconnect = ClientDisconnect;
globals.ClientBegin = ClientBegin;
globals.ClientCommand = ClientCommand;
globals.RunFrame = G_RunFrame;
globals.ServerCommand = ServerCommand;
globals.edict_size = sizeof(edict_t);
return &globals;
// this is only here so the functions in q_shared.c and q_shwin.c can link
void Sys_Error (char *error, ...)
va_list argptr;
char text[1024];
va_start (argptr, error);
vsprintf (text, error, argptr);
va_end (argptr);
gi.error (ERR_FATAL, "%s", text);
void Com_Printf (char *msg, ...)
va_list argptr;
char text[1024];
va_start (argptr, msg);
vsprintf (text, msg, argptr);
va_end (argptr);
gi.dprintf ("%s", text);
void ClientEndServerFrames (void)
int i;
edict_t *ent;
// calc the player views now that all pushing
// and damage has been added
for (i=0 ; i<maxclients->value ; i++)
ent = g_edicts + 1 + i;
if (!ent->inuse || !ent->client)
ClientEndServerFrame (ent);
The timelimit or fraglimit has been exceeded
void EndDMLevel (void)
edict_t *ent;
char *nextmapname = NULL;
// stay on same level flag
if ((int)dmflags->value & DF_SAME_LEVEL)
ent = G_Spawn ();
ent->classname = "target_changelevel";
nextmapname = ent->map = level.mapname;
else if (!actionmaps->value || num_maps < 1)
if (level.nextmap[0])
{ // go to a specific map
ent = G_Spawn ();
ent->classname = "target_changelevel";
nextmapname = ent->map = level.nextmap;
{ // search for a changelevel
ent = G_Find (NULL, FOFS(classname), "target_changelevel");
if (!ent)
{ // the map designer didn't include a changelevel,
// so create a fake ent that goes back to the same level
ent = G_Spawn ();
ent->classname = "target_changelevel";
nextmapname = ent->map = level.mapname;
if (cur_map >= num_maps)
cur_map = 0;
ent = G_Spawn();
ent->classname = "target_changelevel";
Com_sprintf(level.nextmap, sizeof(level.nextmap), "%s", map_rotation[cur_map]);
nextmapname = ent->map = level.nextmap;
if (level.nextmap != NULL)
gi.bprintf(PRINT_HIGH, "Next map in rotation is %s.\n",
BeginIntermission (ent);
void CheckDMRules (void)
int i;
gclient_t *cl;
if (level.intermissiontime)
if (!deathmatch->value)
if (teamplay->value)
else /* not teamplay */
if (timelimit->value)
if (level.time >= timelimit->value*60)
gi.bprintf (PRINT_HIGH, "Timelimit hit.\n");
EndDMLevel ();
if (fraglimit->value)
for (i=0 ; i<maxclients->value ; i++)
cl = game.clients + i;
if (!g_edicts[i+1].inuse)
if (cl->resp.score >= fraglimit->value)
gi.bprintf (PRINT_HIGH, "Fraglimit hit.\n");
EndDMLevel ();
void ExitLevel (void)
int i;
edict_t *ent;
char command [256];
Com_sprintf (command, sizeof(command), "gamemap \"%s\"\n", level.changemap);
gi.AddCommandString (command);
level.changemap = NULL;
level.exitintermission = 0;
level.intermissiontime = 0;
ClientEndServerFrames ();
// clear some things before going to next level
for (i=0 ; i<maxclients->value ; i++)
ent = g_edicts + 1 + i;
if (!ent->inuse)
if (ent->health > ent->client->pers.max_health)
ent->health = ent->client->pers.max_health;
if (teamplay->value)
team1_score = 0;
team2_score = 0;
Advances the world by 0.1 seconds
void G_RunFrame (void)
int i;
edict_t *ent;
level.time = level.framenum*FRAMETIME;
// choose a client for monsters to target this frame
AI_SetSightClient ();
// exit intermissions
if (level.exitintermission)
ExitLevel ();
// treat each object in turn
// even the world gets a chance to think
ent = &g_edicts[0];
for (i=0 ; i<globals.num_edicts ; i++, ent++)
if (!ent->inuse)
level.current_entity = ent;
VectorCopy (ent->s.origin, ent->s.old_origin);
// if the ground entity moved, make sure we are still on it
if ((ent->groundentity) && (ent->groundentity->linkcount != ent->groundentity_linkcount))
ent->groundentity = NULL;
if ( !(ent->flags & (FL_SWIM|FL_FLY)) && (ent->svflags & SVF_MONSTER) )
M_CheckGround (ent);
if (i > 0 && i <= maxclients->value)
ClientBeginServerFrame (ent);
G_RunEntity (ent);
// see if it is time to end a deathmatch
CheckDMRules ();
// build the playerstate_t structures for all players
ClientEndServerFrames ();